City Council Minutes 07-25-1994MINUTES
Monday, July 2fi, 1994 - ? p.m.
Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen, Warren
Members Absent: None
2. Approval of minutes.
Warren Smith requested that the last paragraph of item #7 identify the
historical significance behind changing the street name from Service Drive to
Hart Boulevard.
Smith also requested that item #$ be amended to show a 3 to 1 vote as follows:
Warren Smith, Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson voting in favor, Brad Fyle
voting against, and Patty Olsen absent.
After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Shirley
Anderson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 11, 1994,
with changes as noted. Voting in favor: Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle, Clint
Herbst, Warren Smith. Abstaining: Patty Olsen.
3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints.
None forthcoming.
4. I. Public Hearin --Consideration of im rovement to 7th Street between Pine
Street and Cedar Street, City Proiect 94-03C.
II. Consideration of thane order with Cardinal Hills IV ro'ect for
im rovements to 7th Street and Cedar Street/Oakwood Drive reali ment Cit
Proiect 94-03C.
Mayor Fyle opened the public hearing.
John Simola, Public Works Director, reported that the change order came in
less than what was reported in the agenda item.
Brad Fyle asked if AmericInn would be assessed eventually even though it is
not located directly an 7th St. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, noted that
typically, only the property abutting the street pays an assessment. This case
is unique because AmericInn has an easement over Taco Bell property for
driveway access to the motel. O'Neill added that there is an agreement
between AmericInn and Taco Bell governing joint use of the access that may
address responsibilities far paying assessments.
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No comments were forthcoming from the public.
Mayor Fyle closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Warren Smith to
approve the change order for an increase of $42,804 and order the
improvements to both Cedar Street and 7th Street. Motion carried
5. Consideration of a variance request to allow a pylon sign to be erected above
the 32-ft maximum height allowed. Applicant, SuperAmerica Group.
Mayor Fyle stated that the Planning Commission approved the variance
request to allow SuperAmerica to erect a pylon sign at a height of 55 ft, and
the item has been appealed and brought to Council for review.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the variance request and noted
that a similar request was made by Subway Shop in 1991 and that the Subway
Shap request was denied based on the failure to demonstrate a hardship.
Council is now asked to determine if a hardship exists that would justify the
SuperAmerica sign height in excess of zoning ordinance maximums. If Council
cannot find a unique situation or hardship but wishes to allow the higher sign,
then it should consider amending the ordinance to allow higher signs.
Tim Keane, counsel representing SuperAmerica, reviewed the background of
the farmer Vance's Amoco site and the proposed redevelopment. SuperAmerica
thought they had a pylon until Amoco hauled it off the site, which is what
precipitated this request. He described the hardship as being created by
topographic conditions, etc., and that SuperAmerica provides service to I-94
travelers. He noted that reasonable use of the property cannot be achieved
without a pylon sign visible to freeway travelers. Keane then reviewed
pictures of a balloon study, and also a picture of an existing SuperAmerica sign
used in Vadnais Heights to show what the sign in Monticello would lank like.
Weingarden asked if 5uperAmerica has already purchased the property.
Keane responded that there is a purchase agreement but it hasn't closed yet,
as it is contingent on approval of this variance request. Weingarden explained
that SuperAmerica must show undue hardship, not econonuc, and asked Keane
to give specific reasons why SuperAmerica can't make reasonable use of the
property without approval of the variance. Keane reported that the site is for
a business use that depends on freeway trafl"ic.
Weingarden asked if they could explain why other Super.America stores
without a high pylon sign have succeeded in other areas. Keane responded
that other stores have a residential base in addition to the freeway exchange.
The Monticello store does not have a residential base to support the store.
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They are not on the "town" side of the freeway, which makes them uniquely
dependent upon freeway traffic. Weingarden asked if they have done a study
on Highway 25. Keane responded that they have not.
Weingarden then explained to Council members that undue hardship must be
shown and that if they choose to grant a variance, they should only grant the
minimum necessary to permit reasonable use of the land. He stated he's not
sure if the "town" side of the freeway is a valid hardship. Brad Fyle stated
that he agreed with the "town" side hardship due to freeway traffic--32 ft is not
Clint Herbst asked where the balloon was located For the study. Keane stated
it was located at the site of the former Amoco pylon sign. Herbst stated that
SuperAmerica would be located right on the freeway. Subway is out from the
freeway and they don't have a higher sign. The approach signs on the freeway
tell where gas, food, etc., are located, and travelers would see everything once
they exit to Highway 25; therefore, he doesn't agree with the need for a pylon
sign in excess of the maximum allowed by ordinance.
Shirley Anderson stated that the Council should either deny the request or
change the ordinance to allow higher signs.
Tim Keane stated that they won't challenge the Council's decision, they will
just rethink the site. Weingarden stated that Council needs to be concerned
about a deluge of requests from 15 other businesses for the same thing; what
makes this request different? Keane responded by stating that the property
is specifically designed to be a "freeway commercial service" site; without sign
visibility from the freeway, it is not viable .for this purpose.
Warren Smith asked what percent of business they anticipate from the freeway
and what percent from town. Keane answered that they expect the majority
of their business from the freeway.
Weingarden then stated that he could help with preparation of findings if
SuperAmerica doesn't need a decision tonight. Keane stated they don't need
one tonight.
A motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to deny
the variance request based an the finding that no unique situation or hardship
exists to justify the variance. Warren Smith stated that he is in favor of
granting the variance and will vote against the motion because he agrees with
the topographic hardship, and it is consistent with the surrounding
neighborhood. Patty Olsen agreed with Smith. Vating in favor of the motion;
Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson: Opposed: Warren Smith, Brad Fyle, Patty
Olsen. Motion did not pass.
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A motion was then made by Warren Smith and seconded by Patty Olsen to
approve the variance request to allow a pylon sign to be erected to a height of
55 ft based on the following findings as prepared by the City Attorney and
reviewed at the subsequent Council meeting:
1. The property in question is situated within the freeway bonus
area and, in addition, is located adjacent to Highway I-94 in the
Tri-Plaza subdivision.
2. The Tri-Plaza subdivision site is uniquely oriented toward high
traffic volume/freeway based commercial activity requiring visible
sign locations to be economically viable.
3. Such larger commercial operations which require heavy freeway
traffic should be located adjacent to the freeway so as to prevent
heavy traffic flow into the interior of the city.
4. The site elevation of the SuperAmerica parcel is lower than
surrounding properties.
5. The placement of a sign visible to the traveling public on
Highway I-94 should be high enough sa as to be visible at a point
prior to the exit ramp to allow for safe vehicular traffic egress
from Highway I-94.
6. SuperAmerica Group will suffer an undue hardship which denies
the reasonable use of the land unless a variance to the sign
regulations is permitted in this particular situation.
Voting in favor: Warren Smith, Patty Olsen, Brad Fyle. Opposed: Clint
Herbst, Shirley Anderson. Motion passed.
City Attorney Weingarden noted that he would like Council to authorize him
to prepare findings based on the discussion and points made tonight.
A motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Patty Olsen to
authorize City Attorney Paul Weingarden to prepare a statement of findings
regarding approval of the variance. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Consideration of vacating a portion of former Trunk Highway 25 to
SuperAmerica Group and vacate a portion of the old Cedar Street utility and
drainaee easement.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the request by SuperAmerica
to vacate a 15-ft strip of the d0-ft utility easement on the old Cedar Street and
the entire section of former Highway 25. O'Neill noted that Council should
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consider requiring SuperAmerica to enter into an agreement to accept future
liability for costs associated with repairing or replacing private site
improvements impacted by future city improvements.
Brad Fyle asked if there are any utilities located in this area. O'Neill reported
that there is a telephone line, and John Simola, Public Works Director, stated
there is a water main stubbed in that direction.
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Patty
Olsen to approve vacating a 15-ft section of the old Cedar Street utility
easement and to vacate the entire portion of the old Highway 25 right-of--way,
and also to require SuperAmerica to enter into an agreement accepting future
liability for future costs associated with repairing or replacing private site
improvements impacted by future city improvements constructed in the
remaining 45-ft easement area. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Consideration of ado tin an ordinance licensin and re latin the sale of
tobacco within the city of Monticello.
Mayor Fyle reviewed the request that the City adapt an ordinance regulating
the sale of tobacco within the city and asked if there was any discussion on
this subject.
Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, reported that a state law passed in 1990
outlined where cigarette vending machines could be located. Recently, Patrice
Bogart appeared before Council requesting that an ordinance be established
that would not only license cigarette vendors but also restrict where sales
could occur and, hopefully, outlaw vending machines entirely. Two options
have been put together, the first of which would require licensing the sale of
tobacco with the possibility of losing the license if convicted of selling to
minors. The second option would require licensing, reinforcement of state
statutes on vending machines, and not allowing stores to have items easily
accessible. To license tobacco sales just for the revenue doesn't do much good
without enforcement in our ordinance, as there is no penalty stated in the
Comments from the public included those from Glenn Nemec, who noted that
if cigarette packs are stolen, this gives a minor his/her first taste and first
nicotine. They would like a strong message sent to the youth. Patrice Bogart
stated that tobacco companies pull advertising fees if items are not displayed.
Jahn Young stated that a study was done with 16 year olds, and they found a
75% success rate for this age obtaining tobacco products. He also noted,
however, that the Hi-Way Liquors establishment did comply with the law and
did not sell tobacco products to minors. Emily Satterstrom also stated that it
is very easy for young people to buy cigarettes.
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Patty Olsen commented that she agreed with licensing but was concerned
about hurting businesses. City Attorney Weingarden explained to Council that
the seller is criminally liable for selling to minors, enforcement is up to the
police, and the ordinance would create an economic detriment to the
owner/seller far breaking the law. Warren Smith noted that maybe the Police
Commission should discuss this topic at their August meeting.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by
Patty Olsen to adopt an ordinance amendment licensing the sale of tobacco
products, to clarify where vending machines will be allowed, and also to
eliminate self-service sales. The annual fee for the license is set at $25.
Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Patty Olsen, Warren Smith.
Opposed: Brad Fyle, as he felt licensing only would be sufficient.
City Attorney Weingarden asked Council to set an effective date and noted
that staff should notify businesses.
A motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to set
January 1, 1995, as the date tobacco licensing will become effective. Motion
carried unanimously.
8. Review of liquor store six month financial statement.
Joe Hartman, Hi-Way Liquor Manager, was present to review the financial
statement with Council.
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to accept the six-month
Joe Hartman then explained that they are in need of expanding the cooler at
the liquor store. Currently, the truck driver puts the beer in the back room
because the cooler is full.
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that Hartman should get cost
estimates and bring this item back to Council.
9. Consideration of installation of electrical um lockouts for rotection of the
second sta a di ester at the Wastewater Treatment Plant WWTP .
Jahn Simola, Public Works Director, explained the reason for designing an
electrical lockout system for the second stage digester that wauld have to be
physically overridden to pump sludge from the digester once the cover has been
lowered. This would help eliminate air being accidentally drawn into the
second stage digester, which would cause a more corrosive atmosphere inside
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the tank and the possibility of a more volatile gas mixture. He noted that only
one proposal was received for installation of the lockouts, which was from
Olson & Sons Electric far $3,223.50.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Warren Smith to authorize Olson & Sons Electric to install the electrical pump
lockouts for $3,223.50. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Consideration of aunroval of annual MPCA Wastewater Treatment Plant
Mayor Fyle stated that this survey was voluntarily completed last year also.
Public Works Director Simola noted that the survey is mandatory this year.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Clint Herbst to approve the report as drafted. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Consideration of adopting a resolution of residential antidisplacement,
relocation assistance and dis lacement minimization lan for Monticello.
Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, explained to Council that
this item is a procedural requirement associated with applying for Community
Development Block Grant funds to be used in conjunction with the H-Window
Company expansion.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Warren Smith to adopt a resolution of residential antidisplacement, relocation
assistance, and displacement minimization plan. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Consideration of adopting a resolution of compliance with Federal _Housing and
Urban Develo ment HUD re uirements.
Economic Development Director Koropchak stated that this item is required
as part of the process of applying for Community Development Block Grant
funds to be used in conjunction with the H-Window Company expansion.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Warren Smith to adopt a resolution of compliances with Federal HUD'
requirements. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 94-25.
13. Consideration of approving an application for_a_gambling license at J.P.'s
Annex--Monticello Lions Club.
Shirley Anderson stated that there should be no problems here if there have
been no problems anywhere else with gambling licenses held by the Lions
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Club. Administrator Wolfsteller noted that the Lions have never had a
gambling license in the city prior to this. Brad Fyle stated the Lions Club is
committed to the city and sees no problem with the license.
After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Shirley
Anderson to adopt a resolution approving issuance of a gambling license to the
Monticello Lions Club. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Cit_y_Council update--old fire hall renovation for Motor Vehicle Department.
Shirley Anderson noted that she had received a phone call from someone
concerned that people coming to the Help Center can be observed by people
using the motor vehicle services.
John Simola, Public Works Director, explained that the Help Center area
within the building will nat be open to the public, only to motor vehicle
employees. Staff is proposing to rough-in a kitchenette and restroom in
conjunction with the remodeling because if the motor vehicle office ever moves
back to city hall, we would complete the restroom and be able to rent the
space. When the restroom is completed, the door used to access the Help
Center restroom would then be closed off.
Simola went on to say that they would like authorization to proceed with the
remodeling project. Staff has received some bids, which need to be reviewed;
however, staff is comfortable that the project will be between $25,800 to
$30,000, without furniture.
Brad Fyle asked if the counter space is separate ar included in that cost.
Simola replied that it is separate. It includes everything except the counters
and desks. The total cost of the project to date is $25,270. Gary Anderson,
Building Official, stated that staff is estimating completion in four weeks but
could be up to six weeks.
Simola stated he would like a clarification from Council on installing the
restroom. Ifmoney is available, should staffinstall the bathroom at this time?
Shirley Anderson stated she thought the restroom should be put in now. Clint
Herbst noted that since the existing Help Center is accessible to motor vehicle
staff and is only 15 ft away from the motor vehicle office, staff should only
rough-in the restroom at this time and finish it later when or if it is needed.
Gary Anderson noted that the costs could be brought back to Council once they
are all in.
Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the Social Services Board asked
to meet with him once the costs are together. They are not in favor of the
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general public using any part of the facility used primarily by the Help Center.
Walfsteller also noted that we need to receive approval from the State of
Minnesota to move the motor vehicle office.
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to move ahead with the
remodeling once we have received authorization from the State of Minnesota
and authorized that the restroom facility be roughed-in in anticipation of
completion at a later date.
15. Consideration of a ointin a re lacement For Utilit Billin
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that the Utility Billing
Clerk/Receptionist position left vacant by Wanda's appointment to another
position within the City was posted internally, and staff received two
applications for the position, one from Kelly Theis and one from Pat Kovich.
Interviews were held today, and staff recommends appointing Pat Kovich to
the position due to her accounting background, her past performance in
working with the public, and she would present a positive image for the City.
This would be a lateral move, and the probation period would be six months.
After discussion, a motion was made by Patty Olsen and seconded by Shirley
Anderson to appoint Pat Kovich to the Utility Billing Clerk/Receptionist
position, and to hire two part-time employees from the current part-time motor
vehicle applications to fill Pat's vacancy in the motor vehicle department.
Motion carried unanimously.
16. Consideration of advertising in Fall Parade of Homes booklet--Subur_ban_
Northwest Builders Association.
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley
Anderson to not advertise in the Fall Parade of Homes booklet. Motion carried
19. Consideration of bills for the month of July.
Warren Smith asked if check #36958, tree replacement, was for Dutch Elm and
if so, for how many trees. Roger Mack, Street/Park Superintendent was not
in attendance; however, Building Official Gary Anderson stated he thought it
was the same as last year, maybe a little more. Jahn Simola noted that a fair
amount was streetscape.
Smith also inquired about check #36994, Aroplax. Rick Wolfsteller noted that
it was apre-approved loan.
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Shirley Anderson asked if the double billing shown on last month's list of bills
was reimbursed. Wolfsteller noted it was not double-billed, just listed twice.
After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Shirley
Anderson to approve the bills as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
18. Cit Council U date--Meadow Oak storm sewer outlet.
Bret Weiss, City Engineer, reviewed the status of this project and explained
that no plans have been sent yet but will be available on Friday, with bids due
on August 12. At this time, we have received no direct comitments from
MN/DOT, Wright County, or Monticello Township regarding participation in
the project.
Brad Fyle noted he would like to see the project ga through as planned. Weiss
stated he would like to have the Administrator send letters to the governing
bodies and use the current estimates for their public hearings, as it is not
necessary for them to wait for the bids to be returned in order to hold their
hearings. Brad Fyle stated he would be willing to meet with the other
governing bodies. Shirley Anderson stated that if she is available on the
meeting date set, she will also attend.
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to have the City
Administrator send a letter to MN/DOT, Wright County, and Monticello
Township requesting that they complete the necessary public hearings so that
they are able to offer comments to the Council an or before August 22, 1994.
19. Other matters.
A. Consideration to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing for the
modification of the Redevelo ment Plan for Redevelo ment Project
No. 1, modification of the TIF Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-1 to 1-16,
and ado tion of the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-17 Fa -Mar .
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by
Warren Smith to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing for the
modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project
No. 1, modification of the TIF Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-1 to 1-16,
and adoption of the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-17 (Fay-Mar).
Public hearing date is set for August $, 1994. Motion carried
unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 94-27.
B. Mayor Fyle noted that he had received a copy of the Attorney General's
Opinion stating that there was not a conflict of interest on Patty Olsen's
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vote of the Emmerich rezoning issue. The City Administrator will
forward a copy of the Attorney General's Opinion to Monticello
C. At this point in the meeting, Patty Olsen presented a letter of
resignation to Council and staff effective immediately. She noted she
will be putting a letter of explanation in the city newsletter. Mayor Fyle
noted that Council would like to review the letter before it is printed in
the newsletter. Then he thanked her for her service on the Council.
At this time, Patty Olsen left the meeting.
Mayor Fyle stated that we are now short a Council member and asked
if there are any recommendations. Administrator Wolfsteller noted that
this position will be on the ballot this fall to be filled until the end of the
term. There will be four Council vacancies on the ballot this year.
Mayor Fyle recommended that staff advertise in the newspaper For
applications to fill the position. Shirley Anderson asked if it is possible
to operate with only four Council members for the rest of the year.
Wolfsteller replied that it is possible, but it could present problems an
issues requiring 4/5 vote.
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to advertise for
applications for the Council member position and bring this item back
for consideration at the first Council meeting in August.
D. Administrator Wolfsteller noted that there is a problem with cluster
mailboxes in the Oak Ridge development. There must have been one
damaged in the past, as the past ofl"ice does not want to provide the
metal boxes anymore. Residents have been told to install their own box;
however, cluster boxes are required by ordinance in new developments.
Walfsteller asked for authorization to remind the post office that cluster
boxes are required by ordinance.
Warren Smith asked if we compensated for the damaged mailbox. John
Simola responded that the cost of the mailbox was reimbursed, but labor
and landscaping are not replaced. Smith suggested staff try and resolve
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that the City
Administrator send a letter to the Monticello Postmaster stating that
the City will be continuing their policy of cluster mailboxes in new
residential subdivisions.
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E. John Simola reviewed the Meadows ditch project, noting the material
prices and engineering fees. The approximate total cast, including
insurance, is $11,200. The budget included $10,000 for the project.
Simola requested authorization to go ahead with the project. Brad Fyle
asked if there are assessments with this project. Simola responded that
if the project is around $10,000, there would be no assessments.
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to authorize staff to go
ahead with the project as authorized previously.
There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned.
re Doty
Office Manager
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