Parks Commission Agenda Packet 04-23-2009AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION Apri123, 2009 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality. " PLEASE NOTE: THIS MEETING AND ALL FUTURE MEETING OF THE PARKS COMMISSION WILL BE CONDUCTED IN THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING CONFERENCE ROOM 1. Call to Order. lA. Introduction of Steve Reishus, Parks Commission applicant. 2. Approve Minutes of March 26, 2009 Parks Commission Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens requests and comments. 5. Focus of Parks Commission -Jeff O'Neill 6. Language on park rental form relating to use of facilities by non-profit corporations. 7. Water Tower Park -Discussion of development 8. Maintenance. 9. Discussion with Steve Reishus on his interest in serving on the Parks Commission. 10. Adjourn. 1 Park Commission Minutes: March 26, 2009 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality." Members Present: Gene Emanuel, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Mark Larson Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent, Steve Grittman, Consulting Planner. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. lA. Update on changes to determining park dedication fees. Steve Grittman, Consulting Planner spoke with the Parks Commission regarding changes in the statute regulating park land dedication and how it affects the City's method of determining the amount of park land dedication. Steve Grittman stated the City must make sure the park dedication requirement is proportionate to the demand of the development. The City would do this bycalculating the number of housing units from that development as a percent of the overall housing units. Currently 9% of the land in Monticello is committed to parks, trails and open space. That works out to approximately 437 acres of the 4900 acres within the City limit boundaries. Since 9% of the land area is park land the City could use 9% as their standard for future park land dedication. If the City includes the land to be acquired as part of the Bertram Chain of Lakes project this increases the overall park land area to 11.4%. Previously the City calculated the value of the land plus cost of development when figuring cash dedication. Now it is only the value of the raw land. Tom Pawelk asked if park dedication from one development can be used in another development. Steve Grittman responded that as a city Monticello can decide what land the city wants, where the city wants it and whether the city takes cash in lieu of land. Since the park plan does not cover the OAA agreement area the City is just going forward with the 9% for land area for calculating park dedication. The City needs a plan that backs up whatever percentage the City intends to use as a land value. It was noted that the 11.4% includes the entire YMCA property. The 9% land area includes Montissippi Park even though it is a county park. Brian Stumpf asked if outlots were included in the calculation. To convert the land area to a cash fee the City would determine what the value is of 11.4% of the raw land that is being developed. Steve Grittman indicated the City is using $28,000 per acre as raw land value. However he emphasized the City needs to review the land values every year and adjust acreage value if necessary. The City would take 11.4% x $28,000 which would result the cash value of the park dedication. The 11.4% is figured on the entire parcel of land being Park Commission Minutes: March 26, 2009 developed. Steve Grittman said the City charges park dedication at the time of the building permit. If the City collects park dedication at the time of a building permit the per acre cost would need to be converted to a per unit cost. This comes to a rate of $3,182/acre for low density residential which is the equivalent of 2 '/4 units per acre or $1,414 per unit. Currently the City charges $3,500 per unit. The reason to stay with a per unit calculation is because property that develops at a density greater than 2.4 units per acre will pay a greater amount in park dedication fees. Steve Grittman indicated the Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on the proposed changes in the subdivision ordinance that govern park dedication fees. The proposed ordinance amendments require both Planning Commission and Council approval. Since. the park dedication funds will be considerably less than what is currently collected, it will signal a moving away from each neighborhood having their own park and going more towards regional parks. Steve Grittman emphasized the importance of the City going through the process of documenting the park land demand. Gene Emanuel clarified that the City can collect fees on land only to cover the cost of acquisition of the land. If any property developed at less than 2 '/4 units per acre the City would get less money with park dedication fees based on a per unit charge. Typically under the requirements of the subdivision ordinance approximately 2 '/a to 2 %2 units is the maximum number of units per acre for low density residential use. Steve Grittman said he would be willing to address any questions of the Parks Commission relating to the changes in the statutes. 2. Approve minutes of January 22, 2009 Parks Commission meeting. GENE EMANUAL MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 22, 2009 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Nothing was added to the agenda. 4. Citizens requests and comments. The Parks Commission received an a-mail from a resident complimenting the park staff for the excellent park system in the Monticello. Gene Emanuel asked about the letter to the editor that appeared in a recent edition of the Monticello Times. Tom Pawelk explained that a resident in Carlisle Village was upset that the children had to walk to school on the road instead of being able to use the pathway because the pathway isn't plowed. The resident was informed that each year the Council reviews the snowplowing operations and designates the plowing routes and what sidewalks are to be cleared. Tom Pawelk pointed out the pathway across the street from the Carlisle Village development is a pathway that is cleared during snow removal and could be used by children from the Carlisle Development. 5. Discussion of possibility of reducing number of Parks Commission meetings. Tom Pawelk explained the Council is trying to cut back costs and since there is less development taking place, it was suggested that the City reduce the number of board and commission 2 Park Commission Minutes: March 26, 2009 meetings that staff are required to attend. The Parks Commission discussed the issue and suggested that the Parks Commission try meeting quarterly with the understanding that if some new development or some issue requiring immediate action would come up, a special meeting of the Parks Commission would be called. It was also suggested that e-mail updates be provided to the Parks Commission members so they are current on what is happening with the Parks Department. With the acquisition of the Bertram Chain of Lakes property and the need to come up with a development plan for that Larry Nolan felt that would be the major focus for the time being. Since it would be a different committee working on the Bertram Chain of Lakes project he felt it is important that the Parks Commission member on that committee provide e-mail updates to staff and other Parks Commission members on the action of that committee. Brian Stumpf asked about the Parks Commission involvement in other events such as Riverfest and Walk N Roll and whether meeting quarterly would impact their involvement. The Parks Commission indicated that they were only minimally involved in these events more as participants than organizers. GENE EMANUAL MOVED TO CHANGE THE MEETING DATE OF THE PARKS COMMISSION FROM MONTHLY TO QUARTERLY WITH THE MEETING DATE TO REMAIN THE FOURTH THURSDAY AND TO SCHEDULE SPECIAL MEETINGS IF REQUIRED TO ADDRESS ISSUES NEEDING IMMEDIATE ATTENTION AND TO INFORM PARK COMMISSION MEMBERS BY E-MAIL ON A REGULAR BASIS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE PARK DEPARTMENT AND PARK RELATED NEWS. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. With the change in meeting schedule, the next regular meeting would be the fourth Thursday in April followed by meetings in July, October, January and April which will be the quarterly schedule. 6. 2009 Budget/Financial Reporting Forms. Tom Pawelk provided copies of the line item budget for the Parks Department for 2009 and explained the various funds that related to the Park Department. Tom Pawelk also provided a listing of the capital improvement projects covering the period 2009 through 2013. Some of the capital improvements for the Parks Department listed for 2009 included Sunset Ponds Park development consisting of a shelter and pathway construction from the parking lot to the park; the roof for the concession stand at the Xcel Ballfields; and shelter and irrigation for Hillcrest Park. Tom Pawelk indicated that he had received requests from the various associations for improvements at the 4th Street Park. There was some discussion on equipment needs and Tom Pawelk indicated that the City may look at leasing some equipment such as the bobcat rather than purchasing it outright. Tom Pawelk stated that their department was directed to work on several other major projects such as remodeling of the Public Works Building and expansion and remodeling of the DMV building but after these projects are completed their next area of focus would be East Bridge Park and the gazebo. 3 Park Commission Minutes: March 26, 2009 7. Financial Report for 2008 on ballfield operations. Tom Pawelk submitted a report that showed in more detail the revenues and expenditures for the ballfield concession operations in 2008. Gene Emanuel asked about the $7,000 expenditure which covered improvements to the facility required by the Minnesota Department of Health. It was noted that this expense was charged to the MCC. There was considerable discussion on why the Park Department was not receiving any revenue from this operation as there were expenditures incurred by the Parks Department in the maintenance and operation of the program. Tom Pawelk explained that the Finance Department stated that it served no purpose to break that out since all the funds go into the City's general fund. The Parks Commission felt a breakdown would more accurately reflect the financial picture and asked that Tom Kelly the Finance Director be at a future meeting to provide an explanation on this. 8. Discussion of 2009 park proiects. This was done in the discussion of the 2009 capital improvements report. Tom Pawelk submitted a listing of the work that the Parks Department would be doing this spring. He indicated his department is starting work on preparing the community gardens including construction of a shed. Because the area is muddy yet and as Tom Pawelk alluded to earlier his department was assigned other duties the park staff has not started work yet on the gazebo for East Bridge Park. They do however, have a landscape plan drawn up and have enlisted the services of a master gardener who will be working with the Parks Department on this project. Tom Pawelk noted that at a recent Council meeting the Council questioned how many hours the outdoor rinks should be manned so Tom Pawelk submitted a report to the Parks Commission on the attendance at the outdoor rinks Nancy McCaffrey asked about painting the signs at the parks especially the Otter Creek Park sign since the painting appears to be flaking off. Gene Emanuel suggested that Tom Pawelk contact the school to see if there are students interested in doing this to earn community credits. Gene Emanuel felt it was important to have a closer bond with the school and keep the school involved with the community. 9. Appointment of Monticello Park Board representative to serve on the Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council. Tom Pawelk explained the Advisory Council would consist of Council representatives, County Commissioners, Park Commission members, a school district representative, city and township residents and possibly a representative from the YMCA. The MCC Advisory Board may also have a role in this. Tom Pawelk was requesting that the Parks Commission appoint someone to be on this committee. He stated at this time meeting dates and times have not been set up and he believes this will be done by the Community Development Director. City staff is taking a neutral position on the activities of this board. Any recommendations coming from this committee would have to be approved by both the City Council and the Wright County Board of Commissioners. The function of the committee is to come up with a master plan for the park. All three members of the Parks Commission expressed an interest in serving on the committee. Nancy McCaffrey felt Larry Nolan would be the appropriate person to represent the Parks 4 Park Commission Minutes: March 26, 2009 Commission on this committee because of his long time involvement with the park system. However in discussing the probable meeting days which Tom Pawelk indicated would Thursdays and Fridays, Larry Nolan indicated that he had a commitment at the school on Fridays so he would have to decline serving. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPOINT GENE EMANUEL TO REPRESENT THE PARKS COMMISSION ON THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES ADVISORY COUNCIL WITH LARRY NOLAN TO SERVE AS AN ALTERNATE. LARRY NOLAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was requested that whoever is responsible for sending out meeting notices be asked to notify both Gene Emanuel and Larry Nolan. Nancy McCaffrey asked if the committee's activities will be on the website so people can stay informed on what is being planned. Tom Pawelk said he would check into this and get back to the Parks Commission. Larry Nolan felt minutes from the committee meetings should be sent to the Park Commission members. 10. Bertram Chain of Lakes Day on June 13, 2009. Tom Pawelk explained this is a community event being planned to show off the proposed park. They anticipate over 1,000 people attending. The tentative schedule include activities from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with activities such as guided hikes, wagon rides, canoeing, kayaking, face painting, distribution of seedlings, open swim and a cookout. This event will take place at the north end of Bertram Lake. The Parks Commission was being asked to help out in this event if possible. 11. Dog park background information. Earlier the Parks Commission had been provided information relating to the establishment of dog parks. This information covered design concerns, cost estimates and other issues that arose with the operation of this type of facility. Larry Nolan stated he had talked to Marc Mattice the Wright County Park Superintendent and at this time Wright County does not have any dog parks. Larry Nolan didn't know if there was a need for a dog park at this time and questioned whether the demand was enough to justify the cost involved in construction of a park and the cost of operating it. He noted a primary concern was the amount of land needed for a dog park and whether any of the park land within the City limits would meet this requirement. In addition to land the cost of fencing and installing a water source were major items to be considered. Larry Nolan felt perhaps a more appropriate site would be as part of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Park. The area of Montissippi Park used by the model airplane flyers was also suggested. Tom Pawelk felt the City didn't have the staff or budget for this. After discussion on all the issues that needed to be looked at, the consensus of the Parks Commission was that at this time the item should be tabled because of cost issues and questions relating to demand. However the Parks Commission would revisit the issue again on a regular basis so that if the economy changes or if there is a change in demand that would justify the expenditure, the City would be ready with a plan. Nancy McCaffrey suggested that having the people who use the dog park volunteer to help operate and maintain it. Gene Emanuel questioned whether the dog park shouldn't be centrally located so it is easier to access for residents. Park Commission Minutes: March 26, 2009 12. Discussion on Water Tower Park. Because of the length of the agenda this item was requested to be placed on the April agenda. 13. Maintenance. Tom Pawelk submitted a list of the work completed by the Parks Department staff. The primary focus in addition to snow removal was the remodeling work at the Public Works Building and DMV. 14. Change of meeting location for Park Commission meetings. Because of the opportunities to rent out the Academy Room it was being suggested that the Parks Commission meetings be held at the Public Works Building. This would start with the April meeting. 15. Discussion with Steve Reishus on his interest in serving on the Parks Commission. Mr. Reishus was not in attendance at this meeting so the Parks Commission asked that he be contacted to see if he is still interested. 16. Adiourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:30 P.M. GENE EMANUEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 6 *Monticello community non-profit organizations that are using the park for an event to benefit the community or a qualified charitable organization will not be charged a facility fee. This must be cleared by the Parks Department or you will be charged to reserve afacility/park. Please turn in your permit application at least 1 month in advance of the date(s) and it will be sent tot he Parks Department for approval. You will be notified as to whether or not you have been approved. PLEASE TAKE PRIDE IN MONTICELLO PARKS CLEAN-UP CHECK LIST ^ LITTER ^ EMPTY SMALL GARBAGE CANS IN DUMPSTER ^ CLEAN OFF PICNIC TABLES ^ CLEAN OFF COUNTER TOP ^ REMOVE ALL PARTY DECORATIONS ^ TURN OFF ELECTRICITY ^ DROP CHECK LIST IN DROP BOX PLEASE LEAVE THE PARK AND SHELTER IN AS GOOD OF CONDITION AS WHEN YOU ARRIVED, IF NOT BETTER. THANK YOU CITY OF MONTICELLO Current language on non-profit rentals. 3