City Council Minutes 08-22-1994MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MUNTICELLD CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 22, 1994 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dan Blonigen, Warren Smith, Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle Members Absent: None City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller administered the oath of office for new Councilmember, Dan Blonigen. 2. Apuroval of minutes of the re~ular_ meetin held August 8, ].99.4. Clint Herbst requested that the motion an item #4 read as follows: "After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to appoint Dan Blonigen to fill the vacant Council seat until the end of 1994." After dicussivn, a mation was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held August 8, 1994, with the change as nated. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Warren Smith. Abstaining: Dan Blonigen. 3. Citizens comments/uetitions, requests and comulaints. A. Glen Posusta asked why he was not on the agenda for tonight's meeting, as he had requested to be on this agenda to discuss curb cuts on his property. Mayor Fyle explained that follow-up information from Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill and a letter written by City Engineer Bret Weiss should have addressed his concerns, but the Council could discuss this further at the end of the meeting. Posusta asked what opinion Council had after reviewing the information and was informed that approval of the conditional use permit for Amax Storage was contingent on the grading and drainage plan being prepared by the developer and reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. The City Engineer also noted that the curb cuts installed by Posusta were not allowed, and Posusta agreed to fill in curb cuts. In addition, at the end of the Council meeting, Posusta asked Council who issues the occupancy permit if he fills in the curb cuts. Page 1 Council Minutes - $/22/94 The City Engineer also noted that the Amax Storage facility does have atwo-year variance on pavement installation if Council is comfortable leaving the area graded with a gravel surface. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that if Posusta fills in the curb cuts as requested by the City Engineer, occupancy will be permitted; however, the drainage problem at the site must be taken care of within the two-year time limit. B. John Brezinka, representing Simonson Lumber, explained that they submitted bids to the City of Monticello for the recent concession stand addition and the deputy registrar office remodeling projects; however, their bid was not accepted on either project. He noted that their bid on the concession stand project was only $1Q~ higher than Maple Lake Lumber and wanted to know what they can do to get the City's business in the future. The Mayor noted that the City must have valid reasons to spend additional taxpayer dollars. Administrator Wolfsteller added that when working with taxpayer dollars, the City is under some limitations but does try and stay local if possible. Walfsteller also noted that other companies won't submit quotes in the future if the City doesn't accept the lowest bid. Mayor Fy1e thanked Brezinka for expressing his concerns and noted that the City will keep Simonson Lumber in mind for future projects. 4. Consideration of a re uest to allow lacement of a veterans memorial monument within a cit ark. Joanne Yeager, a local area Girl Scout, requested that Council consider allowing a veterans memorial monument to be placed within a city park. She stated that she is working toward obtaining a special badge for Girl Scouts and has received commitments from the American Legion Club and the VFW for funding the monument. The Council discussed possible locations, including Ellison Park, Hillside Cemetery, Monticello Library, and the Information Center site. Lloyd Lund, representing the American Legion Club, reported that they don't have one particular area in mind but would prefer a park over the cemetery location. Councilman Blanigen suggested that the Legion and VFW present a more definite proposal defining their commitment to the monument, including maintenance, before the City commits to the project. Page 2 Council Minutes - 8/22/94 After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to support the veterans memorial to be located within one of the city parks and to refer the request to the Parks Commission for a recommendation on the exact location. Clint Herbst added that an agreement between the City and the Legion and VFW regarding the purchase and maintenance of the memorial be established. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consideration of antin an increase in the individual ension for volunteer firefi hter relief association members. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, reported that the Monticello Fire Department is requesting an increase in individual pensions from the present $1,225 per year of service to $].,300 per year. He noted that it appears funding is available to support this request through projected state aid and earnings; however, Wolfsteller reminded Council that the City does not have control over investment earnings, and if state aid should be cut by the Department of Revenue, the City would be responsible for whatever increase is granted. Clint Herbst asked what amount state aid will provide next year. Wolfsteller reported that the City will receive that information in September or October; therefore, the 1994 calculations must be used for 1995 because the fire department is required to submit their request in August. Dan Blonigen stated that, although he is very happy with the service provided by the fire department, he did not support increasing the retirement benefit unless the department had enough reserve to support the increase. Administrator Wolfsteller noted that most communities do support the fire department retirement benefits with contributions. It's not likely that the State will cut the aid drastically, and the financial information shows it to be a viable request. Mike Johnson, representing the Monticello Fire Department, noted that the City has only been required to contribute $691 to the fund in the last 20 years, and the department would like to request approval of the increase to $1,300 per year. Mark Wallen, Assistant Fire Chief, noted that the volunteer firefighters are paid a $7 fee for fire calls but are on call 24 hours a day and that a monetary payment after 20 years of service is a reasonable request. Wallin asked Council to consider this when voting on the increase. Page 3 Council Minutes - $/22/94 After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Shirley Anderson to grant the requested increase in the individual pension to $1,300 per year. Voting in favor: Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst. Opposed: Dan Blonigen. Abstaining: Brad Fyle. 6. Review of bids for the Meadow Oak storm sewer outlet, Project 93-12C, and consideration of award. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, reported that the bids for the Meadow Oak storm sewer outlet project were in three sections--street construction, the base bid for the small diameter pipe, and the alternate bid for the large diameter pipe to handle storm water from ditch 33. The alternate bid for the large diameter pipe came in at the original estimated cast, and the base bid came in approximately $$0,000 higher than estimated. Weiss noted that it's difficult to say what caused the base bid to be $$0,000 higher, but it's possible that contractors assumed that the alternate would be selected by the City; therefore, they bid higher on that particular section. Weiss went on to note that he had informed the State of Minnesota that the bids were high, and John Simola, Public Works Director, has discussed with Wyman Nelson the passibility of a County contribution. Weiss was informed by the State at that time that they were going to let the County take the lead on the project and would not stipulate how much they might contribute. County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke reported that the County wants to help alleviate the problem in ditch 33 if financially feasible; however, ditch 33 is a private ditch and is not owned by the Gounty. They act only as a judicial body to govern the ditch. Gary Leistico, representing the ditch 33 board, stated that he has tried to talk to the County and State but doesn't have anything official to report to the City Council; however, it appears hopeful that something can be worked out, and it may be beneficial to everyone to delay the project. City Engineer Bret Weiss recommended that Council reject the bids and bid one alternative in early 1995. The County and State could be notified that the City would need a commitment by January 15, 1995. If no commitments are given by that time, the City could go ahead with the project. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to reject the bids for the Meadow Oak storm sewer outlet, Project 93-12C, and try to obtain funding commitments from the State and County by January 15, 1995. If no commitments are given by that date, the City will go ahead with the project. Motion carried unanimously. Page 4 Council Minutes - 8/22/94 7. Consideration of a request to accent wastewater trucked in from St. Michael --~-~- Heights Sixth Addition development in St. Michael. Mayor Fyle reviewed the request by Ralph Munsterteiger to haul up to 3,000 gallons of sewage per day from the St. Michael Heights Addition development to the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant until St. Michael has completed the expansion of their treatment plant, which is estimated to be sometime late in 1995. Shirley Anderson asked if Kelsie McGuire, Manager of the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant, had any problem with this request. McGuire responded that he does not think it will be any problem to handle the additional load. Brad Fyle noted that if the Monticello Treatment Plant reaches its capacity, the City would need to stop accepting sludge. Jahn Simola responded that the last agreement made should be the first one to be discontinued if our plant reaches capacity during the terms of the agreements. Simola went on to say that that these agreements do depend upon the financial stability of developer. Clint Herbst suggested that the City may want to require cone-month deposit in conjunction with this agreement. Shirley Anderson stated that she did not want the Monticello citizens to pay for the additional load at the plant in any way. Plant Manager Kelsie McGuire assured Anderson that the dollar amount being paid by the developers to haul the sludge to Monticello should cover any additional expenses at the plant. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Warren Smith to enter into an agreement with Crow-94 Properties for treatment of up to 3,000 gallons per day from the St. Michael Heights Sixth Addition until the City of St. Michael completes its wastewater treatment plant expansion or until such time as the waste proves to be a problem at the City of Monticello's wastewater treatment plant. Tn addition, aone- month deposit will be required prior to the start of hauling sludge. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Review of ro orals for under ound fuel tank removal and dis oral from the Gille site, and consideration of award of_cantract. Public Works Director Simola informed the Council that the bids received for tank removal were less than originally expected, and the low bid was from Schluender Construction in the amount of $10,425. Page 5 Council Minutes - 8/22/94 After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson to award the removal of the fuel tanks to Schluender Construction Company at an estimated cost of $10,425. Clint Herbst questioned whether the bid includes transfer and disposal of the tanks. Jahn Simola reviewed the proposal form and noted that it states "removal and disposal" of the tanks, so disposal should be included in the price; however, Simola will double check this with Schluender Construction. After discussion, Councilmember Anderson's motion was amended by Clint Herbst to award the removal of the fuel tanks to Schluender Construction Company at an estimated cost of $10,425, provided the bid includes disposal of the tanks. The amended motion was seconded by Dan Blonigen and carried unanimously. Gary Anderson, Building official, reported that there are three parties interested in purchasing the Gille property when it becomes available for sale. City Administrator Wolfsteller noted that the County agreed to give the property to the City, but the City chose to delay taking title until the tanks were removed due to the potential liability. Now that we know the site is not contaminated, the City can choose to title the property in our name or let the County handle it as a tax forfeiture sale as long as the City receives reimbursement from the County for the work done at the site. 9. Consideration of authorizin stud to determine location of future industrial area freewa interchan e. As part of a county-wide transportation study being completed by Wright Caunty, the City was asked if they were interested in expanding the scope of the study to include a recommendation on future freeway interchanges within the city at a cost of $3,000. Since it appeared likely that future interchanges west of the present Highway 25 interchange would probably be in an area outside the current city limits, the study may be premature at this time. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Dan Blonigen to deny authorization to spend $3,000 on the freeway interchange study to be completed by SRF in conjunction with the Wright County Transportation Planning Study. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of authorizing staff to seek quotes on the cost to demolish, old --- warmin~ house at West Bride Park. Councilmember Blonigen stated that he felt West Bridge Park needs a larger parking area, which could be accomplished by extending parking northward, and that the ald warming house building should be made into Page 6 Council Minutes - 8/22/94 an open shelter by removing doors and windows. He noted that there is plenty of room east of the old warming house to add the basketball court. John Simola, Public Works Director, agreed that it makes sense to enlarge the parking lot, and that the old warming house could be painted to match the new warming house. Shirley Anderson concurred that the building should be made into an open shelter as long as there is a current use for it. Cathy Shuman, speaking on behalf of the Women of Today and the Lions Club, stated they would like the shelter preserved as an open building, as it was used twice this year to raise money to benefit the community. Shuman noted that the Lions Club has expressed an interest in helping to refurbish the building, and the Women of Today would also help to raise funds. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Dan Blonigen to deny authorization to demolish the old warming house in West Bridge Park and that the furnace, windows, and doors be removed to make it an open shelter. Motion carried unanimously. Shirley Anderson noted that she would like the City to pursue other community groups who might want to help with this project. Public Works Director Simola reported that the Parks Commission also recommended adding two basketball courts in the community, one in Cardinal Hills and one in the 4th Street Park; however, there is no room for a court in the 4th Street Park unless the inside of the existing hockey rink is used, as the area is large enough for a double court so that one full-court game or two half-court games could be played. In addition, lights are available that could be used in the spring and fall. Simola asked for Council's input an this subject. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to have the Public Works Director discuss this issue with the Monticello Hockey Association and the Parks Commission for their input. 11. Consideration of re-sealin the exterior sidin of the Monticello Fire Station. Gary Anderson, Building official, reported that bids will be arriving this week on re-sealing the exterior siding of the fire station. Clint Herbst suggested that this item be tabled since no bids have been received. Herbst also suggested that the City look at other types of siding since the current siding requires so much maintenance. Page 7 Council Minutes - 8/22/94 Dan Blonigen stated that he is not happy with this product and agreed with Herbst that the City should look at other types of siding. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Warren Smith to table this item and look at other alternatives before making a decision. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of bills far the month of August. After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the bills for the month of August as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Other matters. A. Shirley Anderson reported that a resident recently asked why there are no green arrows at Highway 75 and 25 and noted that a third lane is needed. Anderson asked City staff if MN/DOT is the party the City would contact regarding this request. John Simola, Public Works Director, reported that Highway 75 is a county highway, and the City would most likely be required to participate in adding a third lane. He noted that this type of project has been discussed in the past, but it would be very difficult to alter the street on the west side. No action was taken. B. Shirley Anderson reported that a resident requested that Council prohibit trucks on Highway 75 due to the large number that use Highway 75 to connect with I-94. Anderson explained to the resident that the City is unable to make that stipulation but that she would inform Council of the request. John Simola stated that the City could possibly request slower speeds on Highway 75 during the school year and ask for stricter enforcement of the speed limit. C. Warren Smith noted that there are some trees that need trimming near Edina Realty and Holiday Station on Walnut Street. D. Dan Blonigen stated he would like to see the Council agenda published in the Monticello Times and that additional items could be added by Council at the meeting if necessary. He noted he would like to get the agenda packet prior to Friday night in order to have more time to review it. Page 8 Council Minutes - $/22/94 Clint Herbst agreed that agenda items shouldn't be added late in the week and that a deadline should be enforced for allowing items on the agenda. Warren Smith added that receiving the agenda on Thursday rather than Friday would help give Council more time to review the packet. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to set the Tuesday morning before the Council meeting as the deadline for allowing items on the agenda and to publish the agenda in the Monticello Times. Any additional items for Council review could be prepared by staff if time allows, and Council will vote at the meeting to add items to the agenda. E. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, congratulated Council on receiving State approval of the $250,000 Community Development Black Grant for H-Window. 1 F. Brad Fyle reported that he received a call from Vic Hellman regarding possible purchase of the Eastwood Knoll property, although Hellman did not make a formal offer to purchase the property. After discussion, no action was taken on this issue. G. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to set a special Council meeting for Tuesday, September 6, 1994, at 5 p.m., for the purpose of reviewing the preliminary budget for 1995. There being no further discussion, 1 Kare Doty Office Manager the meeting was adjourned. Page 9