Planning Commission Minutes 01-03-1978 (Special Meeting)MONTICELLO PLANNING COMN~ISSION SPECIAL MEETING January 3, 197 -- 7:30 P. M. Members present: Howard Gillham, Jim Ridgeway, Henry Doerr, Fred Topel. Members absent: J. W. Miller, Dave Bauer. Also present: Dick Dwinell, Gary Wieber. Planning Commission reviewed Dick Dwinell's memo of December 20, 1971 relative to proposed. zoning ordinance amendments. (See supplement 1-3-78 #1.) By consensus, the amendments would be presented at a future public hearing as contained in the memo except for the following revisions: 1. Building height limitation changed to 3 instead of 2 stories for a R-3 zone. 2. Delei,e requirement of one enclosed parking space for single family dwelling. 3. Revise requirement that multiple family dwellings shall have one (1) enclosed space per unit to one (1) enclosed space per two (2) units. Additionally, the consensus of the Planning Commission was to also include at the same hearing amendments to jankyard or auto salvage yards which would: 1. Provide that any junkyard be in an industrial zone. 2. Any junkyard not in an industrial zone shall be discontinued in three years. 3. Any permitted junkyard shall be effectively screened.. City administrator was requested to contact city attorney on legality of amendments relative to junkyards. N~eting ~.daourned. ~ e Gary h`ieber, City Admini~;trator