Wage Review Board~~ 9~~ "' ~ Y CONFIDENTIAL WAGE REVIEW .BOARD FINDINGS ~G ~~ k~ V ~~ - ~, ~ t ~ A meeting of the Wage Review Board was held in the City Ha11 at $:00 P. NI. on Thursday, September 26, 1974. The following individuals were in attendance: Mr. Willard Anderson, Mr. Wilfred Fish, Mr. Robert Rierson, Mr. Ralph Eichten and Mr. Kevin L. LaFrance. The Wage Review Board was presented with schedules show- ing the present salaries of City and Liquor Store em- ployees. A discussion was held in regard to the rate of pay for Liquor Store off-sale clerks. It was the unanimous decision of Wage Review Board members that the off-sale clerks should be paid the on-sale bartender wage scale. This would equalize salaries in the Liquor Store and eliminate what is considered to be wage in- equality for off-sale employees. The Wage Review Board felt this increase should be effective October 1, 1974; retroactive if necessary. The Liquor Store manager noted that employees at the Liquor Store are now being paid for their lunch break. After a review of this situation, it was the unanimous decision of Wage Review Board members that Liquor Store employees should punch in aid out when they go for lunch. Liquor Store employees will normally be paid for a straight eight (8) hour work day. The Liquor Store manager stated that the employee work week will normally be limited to a 45 hour work week. A review was made of the salary schedule of City em- ployees. It was the unanimous decision of the Wage Re- view Board that there is an inequity in the salary paid to Water & Sewer employee, Mr. Albert Meyer. In this regard, a decision was made to set the salary of Mr. Meyer equal to the salary of Mr. Roger Mack, effective October 1, 1974; retroactive if necessary. A review was made of the cost of living factor as it per- tains to residents of this area of the country. It was noted that the League of Municipalities states (through the Department of Economic Development) that the cost of living inflation factor for the twelve month period ending July 31, 1974, was equal to 11. 9f. After a review of this and other wage factors, it was the unanimous decision of the Wage Review Board that the salaries of all employees (Liquor Store and City) should be increased by a rate of 1$~ of the gross salary rate effective January 1, 1975• ~ ~K ~ ~~~ U 1 1 ~ ` rj `~` `,' a~ ~ ~ This increase would be after the equalization of salaries of certain employees as previously mentioned. It was mentioned that there had been some discussion in regard to placing the Street Supervisor and jt'ater & Sewer Supervisor on a monthly salary basis; no over-time would be paid for work up to approximately 50 hours a week. Wage Review Board members stated they did not wish to rule on this policy. (For this policy to be implemented legally, it is the understanding of the Adm. that the Supervisors would need authority to hire and fire other employees. One possible consideration is to leave the salaries of the Supervisors at the rate set by the Wage Review Board and allow these individuals to make some extra money through their week-end work obligation. The 15~ salary increase would bring the monthly salary of these two men to $945.47 monthly. Approximately three months ago these two men stated they would be satisfied with a salary of approximately $950.00 to X1,000.00 a month. Several statements have been made since that time and it is not clear what their present expectations are). The salaries of the Adm. and Liquor Store Manager were not discussed by the Wage Review Board. The Adm. and Liquor Store Manager feel it would be inappropriate to ask for a specific salary and that this decision can best be handled by a City Council decision. It was the consensus of the Wage Review Board that the City Council should seriously consider the implementation of a policy whereby there would be a review of the cost of living factor every six months. The salaries of all employees would be adjusted accordingly. It is the opinion of the Adm. and Liquor Store Manager that the Wage Review Board made a diligent effort to remove salary discrepancies and arrive at an equitable rate of increase for all employees. The meeting was conducted in a very business-like, cooperative manner. We believe the Wage Review Board should be thanked for the effort they have made. We hope you concur with this opinion. / ~~~, ~ , / Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm. FOR: Wage Review Board En c l : 1. League of Mun. information on wage negotiations for 1975• 2. Salary summary sheet, city employees. 3. Salary summary sheet, liquor store employees. KLLF~lsg • Wage Review Board Members appointed by the City Council, August 12, 1974s Present salary of city employees Street and Park Department Richard A. Brooks Roger C. Mack Sewer and Vyater Department a'~alter C. Mack Albert ~y. Meyer, Jr. Liquor Store Employees Full-time bartenders Part-time bartenders Stock clerks Off-sale register clerks Senior Citizen DirCctor ~:irs. Karen F. Hanson Secretarial Help ~.~rs. Lynnea G. Gillham Mrs. Maly Jo Quack P,giss Patricia p. Fichten General Information: Mr. Willard C. Anderson Mr. Wilfred Fish Mr. Robert Rierson 1~'~0. x$22.15 716.76 $822.15 696.00 X3.60 per hr. 3.01 per hr. 3.01 per hr. 3.22 per hr. ~297.b8 X3.50 per hr, 2.75 per hr. 2.00 per hr. Yr. X9,865.80 8,961.12 X9,865.80 8, 3 52.00 X3,576.16 (Approx. 30-35 hours a week.) (Approx. 10 hours per week.) (Approx. 10 hours per week.) Nego±,iations with the Street ~~. Park Department Supervisor (Mr. Brooks) and with the '1Gater ~?• Sewer Department Supervisor (tv±r, 4~. P:4ack) indicate salary expectations of between X950.00 to ?1,000.00. a month. The ~~?ayor has indicated he feels this request is "reasonable: Possibly, he should be consulted regarding this matter. The salaries of the Department Assistants (Mr. R. D,+Iacl~ & Mr. A. ~'tleyer) have not been discussed. The Liouor Store fl.Ranager will submit recommended salary guidelines for his employees. He will plan on being in attendance at the '~~'age Review Board meeting. The salaries of the City Administrator,ana the Liquor Store ~~anager have been decided directly by the Gity Council. The Council would probably appreciate having some recommendations. Enclosure It To Letter to Wage Review Board members dated September 13, 197Lt. VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone (612) 295-2711 NOTICE WAGE REVIEW BOARD After consultation with wage review members, a Wage Review meeting is scheduled for 5:00 P. M. on Thursday, September 26, 1974, at the City Hall. Please let us know if this time creates any inconvenience. We look forward to meeting with you. .~7 ~p~ ~Q d : C~-i ~ r~,~,~ . t~ Kevin L. LaFrance, Administrator Copies to: Wage Review members Gary L. Pringle Mayor Con Johnson Date of mailing: September 19, 1974•