City Council Agenda Packet 07-08-1975 SpecialMONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tentative Agenda Special Meeting - July 8, 1975 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton Erickson, Dick Martie, Gene Walters, Stanley Hall. Me-etin to be taped. Citizen comment,. 1 , A~.-ard bads 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Waterrnain Im- provement Project. 2. Call for Sale of Bonds 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Water- main Improvement Project and Maintenance Building and Equipment; Bonds. 3. Presentation by consulting City Engineer, John Badalich. A. Feasibility report on sewer and wat;ermain ex- tensions - proposed maintenance building site. B. Review of final plans and specifications for main- tenance building and call for bids. C. Presentation of final plans and specifications for sidewalk project. D. Re~•iew of inspection program - 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project. 4. Local Government Aid Agreement with Township of Monticello. 5. Approval of minutes -- June 23 and June 26. 6. Unfinished business. Old business. MAILING T0: John Badalich Don Smith Mike Holm King Forness - Springsted, Inc. AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda item 1. Award bids 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project. See recommendations and tabulations from John Badalich. Agenda item 2. Call for Sale of Bonds King Forness of Springsted, Inc. will be here to make presentation to Council and call for sale of bonds on the 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project, and Maintenance Building and Equipment. Agenda item 3. Presentation by John Badalich John will bring us up to date on indicated items on agenda. agenda item 4. Local Government Aid Agreement See separate report on this item. v~.. ._ .~ ~~l7StAl~i'r};,i {:17t7it?t;,':'I'S ~,.~r)C70JL+1"a,`~j`C1C'.S July 2, 1975 ORR •SCNELEN • MAYERON ~ ASSOCIATES, INC. Honorable-Mayor and City Council'' City of Monticello 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Improvement No. 75TS.-1, 75LS-I 75TW-l, and 75LW-1 Gentlemen: On Friday, June 27, 1975, the City 4f Monticello received bids far the above referenced project end eleven contractors responded. The bids received varied from a 2.ow bid of $504,136.10 (corrected totals to a high bid of $648,58p.QO. Our estimate for this project, was $554,010.00. After receipt of the bids, the bida were tabulated by our office-.and corrections noted in the addition, subtraction, and in the transposition of the figures. Two errors of transposition were found in the low bidder's figures, Hood, Inc. The corrected total of their bid is $504,136.].Q. Furthermore, a check was made by_myself and others of our staff with the several municipalities in which Hood, Inc. had previously undertaken similar projects and the results were favorable. Therefore, it is recommended that Public Improvement 75TS-1, 75LS-l, .75TW-l, and 75LW-i be awarded tc- HQOd, Inc. of Richmond, Minnesota, being the lowest responsible bidder,,for the total sum of $504,136.10. Yours very truly, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON ASSOCIATES, INC. John P. Badalich, P.E. City Engineer JPB/bap ~~.~~'f ~~c'`,t ~ ~;'ii'':',til;^ ~~r";".i ;:, • Jt,+it~' ~3~ + i'~':t:""117E'$}CJCJ~/S, i'~°!13l1~'$r'~~ ~~4,~: ~~,j~ by"~}°.ia~~jC: TABULAT IOP1 OF B IDS FOR SANITARY SEWER, WATER MAIN, APPURTENANT WORK IMPPOVEN~,NT NO. 75TS-1, 75LS-l, 75TW-1, 75LW-1 CITY OF MONTICELLO, T~IINNESOTA Bids Opened: June 27, 1975 2:00 P.M. ORR-SCHL•'LEN-b1AYE RON & F.SSOCIATES, INC. Engineer's Estimate: $544,010.00 BID COIJTRACTOR SECURITY TOTAL BID Hood Inc. - Richmond 5% Bid *$504,136.10 Nortl:dale Construction Co., Inc. - Mpls 5o Bid $548,014,00 IIarbarossa and Sons -Osseo 5o Bid $559,761.50 Orfei & Sons, Inc. - St. Paul 5% Bid $562,316,26 Austin P. Keller Construction Co. - St. Paul 5% Bid $568,430.00 Arcon Construction Co., Inc. - Mora 5% Bid $583,265.50 Nodland & Assac., Inc, - Alexandria 5% Bid $583,500.00 Minn-I:ota Excavating, Inc. - Mpls. 5% Bid $595,949.00 A.F.C. Construction Corp, - Monticello 5o Bid *$633,480.25 Orvedahl Ccnstruction, Inc. - Mpls 5% Bid *$641,860.00 Erwin Pdontaomery - Osseo 5% Bid $648,580.00 *Denotes corrected figure r''^ erg ~, ORR •SCHELEN • MAYERON ~ ASSOCIATES, INC. June 25, 1975 Honorable P".ayor and City Council City Hall 215 So. Cedar Street l~ionticello, Minnesota Gentlemen: Enclosed is estimate for sewer and water main e<~tensi.on for the proposed Maintenance building. Sanitary sewer will P.V.C., possibly 10" across the road from from a hundred north Road 39, and will be Railroad tracks. consist of approximately 1000 lineal feet of 8" depending on one existing structure elevation building site. Sewer will be extended of 4th Street on Elm Street to County angered under the Burlington Northern Some existing homes west of the building site along County Road 39 appear to be too low far any additional sewer exten- sion. A future trunk main is proposed crossing z-94 on County Road 39 ar.d can servo these homes. A proposed Collector Street on Howard Dahlgren's planning map will eventually intersect County Road 39 between the building site and I-94. The future trunk line on County Road 39 will then folloca this Collector Street leaving the proposed sewer line for the maintenance building untouched. Water is available at the intersection of Elm and 4th Streets. Both lines are recorded as 6" diameter, so there is no problem running one 8" diameter main up to the building site frith future looping of_ a tentative 12" main in the previously mentioned Collector Street. Property to be served by the proposed sanitary sewer and grater main will be the ASP Building, maintenance building, the six proposed lots of the Griefnow Addition, and the nevr home .being constructed in Lot G, Block 24 just south of 4th Street on Elm Street. 20.x'1 ~`_~~~~t F~en;~~e~~;;l !iv~;~~n~ Suite 23f3 lL9inneapolis, l~9inresota 55413 a 12~ 331- 3~~r~ ,~ -2- These extensions are feasible and best suited for near future development. Attached is a breakdown of the estimated cost of this sewer and watermain extension. Therefore, it is recommended that this sewer and watermain extension he handled as a separate contract rather than a joint contract for the construction of the maintenance building. Further that the City Council initiate the necessary public hearing for this improvement so that the benefiting property, other than the City's maintenance building property, may be accordingly assessed. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON • R~SOCIATES , INC . .~ John P. Badalich, P.E. City Engineer JPB/bap ., ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Quantit Item Unit Cost Total ,. Water Plain 950 l.f. 8" D.I.P. $10/ft $9500 2 Hydrants $500/each $1000 2 6" Gate Valves $2U0/each $ 400 3 8" Gate Valves $250/each $ 75U .1000 lbs Fittings $0.75/lb $ 750 9 1" Corporation Stops $15/each $ 135 9 1" Curb Stops $35/each $ 315 300 l.f. 1" Copper $4.50/each $1350 40 l.f. Auger & casing pipe Lump Sum $2000_ TOTAL A $16,200 B. Sanitary Sewer C, appurtenants 240' 8" P.V.C. 8--10' cut $11/ft $2640 360' 8" P.V.C. 1012' $12/ft $4320 400' 8" P.V.C. 12-14' $14/ft $5600 4 Manholes 0-8 $5Q0/each $2000 12 l.f. M. H. Excess $40/l.f. $ 480 300 l.f. 4" Service pipe $6/l.f. $1800 9 8 x 4 Wyes $30/each $ 270 40 l.f. Auger & casing pipe Lump Sum $2000 TOTAL B $19,11.0 400 tons 2331 wearing course $12/ton $4800 850 tons Class 5 gravel $3.50/ton $2975 200 tons Foundation material $3/ton $ 600 TOTAL C $8375 TOTAL A, B, AND C $43,685 INDIRECT CO5TS 25~ 10,920 TOTAL PRO,TFCT COS^'S $ 5 4, 6 0 5 ,~ /~ ~~~e ~'~~ ~~~'~ ~ N7 a ~d ~i'~ ~~ ~• ~3v F'~J LOCAL GOVT. AID AGREEMENT In the fall of 1974 the Department of Revenue in- creased the 1975 Local Government Aid to the City of Monticello from $85,604.72 to $121,371.18. The in- crease of $35,766.46 was the result of the annexation of 667 people from the Township of Monticello whose 19;'5 Local. Government Aid was reduced $35,766.46. T?~ere appears to be some question as to whether tP.e Department of Revenue had the authority to adjust the Local. Government Aid as the Minnesota Statutes do not provide for any adjustment as a result of annexations. As a result, the Township of Monticello appealed. the. adjustment in Local Government Aid. Subsequently the Department of Revenue has made a proposal- which is agreeable to the Township whereby the $35,766.46 is distributed as follows: Payment Date Amount 3-15-75 $ 8,941.62 City of Monticello 7-15-75 8,941.62 Township of Monticello 9-15-75 8,941.61 Township of Monticello 11-15-75 8L941.61 Township of Monticello Total $35,766.46 Total Brealzdown $ 8,941.62 City of Monticello 26,824.84 Township of Monticello Total $35,766.46 Township would then pay to City whatever amount ex- ceeded its allocation share under annexation formula with City, which is as follows: Annual budget $150,000.00 Less: Fed. Rev. Sharing L3, 500.00 ;' mills 30,300.00 state Aid 87,231.00 allocation to Township under formula $ 8,969.00 City's state aid paid to Township 26 824.84 Township reimburse back to City $17,855.84 ~ ~,~+ a' In 196 and subsequent years the entire $35,766.46 would be paid by the Department of Revenue to the Township and the Township would then pay to the City whatever amount exceeded its allocation share under the annexation formula with City which is as follows: Annual budget $150,000.00 Less: Fed. Rev. Sharing 23, 500.00 7 mills 30,000.00 State aid 87,231.00 Allocation to Township under formula $ 8,969.00 State aid paid to Town- ship 35, 766.46 'Township reimburse back to city $26,797.46 NOTE: Above formula is stated in 1975 dollars, in actuality the $150.000.00 budget can be increased up to 5.5~, but at the same time the reduction items will also he increased due to inflation. At Tuesday's meeting the City Council will review a resolution which authorizes the Department of Rev- enue to make the transfer to the Township of Monticello the last 3 quarterly installments of the 1975 Local Go~-ernment Aid increase of $35,766.46. I would recommend the resolution be passed since: A. Net effect is the same to the City whether City receives money from Dept. of Revenue and pays Township according to formula or Township receives money from Dept. of Revenue and pays back to City what it did not earn under formula. }3 .Appeal by Township on Local Government Aid would be dropped. C. Good faith agreement with Township. r ~, ~ ,,,~