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City Council Agenda Packet 06-09-1975
~~ r~ MCNTICELIA CITY GC'UNCIL Regular meeting -- June 9, 19?5 -- ?~3o P. u• -- City :a11. Mayor: Con Johnson. Councilmen: Dick Martie, Denton Hricks^n, Stanley Ha'1, Gene ~^'alters. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. 1. Review of new proposed sign ordinance. 2. Consideration of additional.'r'nllution Crntrol Revenue Ho^ds for NSP. 3. Presentation by Snringsted, Inc. outlining financing of ~ro- posed improvement projects. 4. Consideration of resolution increasing death, disab~_~it.y and retirement benefits for firemen, 5. Civic Center Commission. 6. Approval of minutes. ?. Unfinished business. 8. New business. MAILING T0; John ~3a:dalich Don Smith Mike Holm Gary Pringle Snringsted, Inc. -- ATTti; King_ rorress J. ~". Miller Harry Stokes ~nda Item 1. Proposed Sign Ordinance. Ir. its original draft the proposed new zoning ordinances would prohibit advertising signs inclining "billboards': As you recall, last time two property owners, l'~r. Ro.Y Lauring and Mr. Howard Gillham, are being apprcached to have signs erected on their nropert~es along the interstate. Originally Howard Dahlgren *sas to have met with the council at Monday night's meeting; due to a prior committment Howard is pat able to make it and i.s mee.ting with those who can attend on Friday. Agenda Item 2. o~lution Control bonds - NSP. P1SP is seeking an additional. 3~ to 3 3/~ million dollars in ?'ollution Control Revenue bonds to com- plete the financing requirements of t'r.eir pollution control pro ect. Previously the City of ?~=onticel.lo has issued ~7.6 million in Pollution. Control Revenue Ponds for this project. These revenue bonds in no wa.,y legally obligate the City or its taxvayers in any form or fashion. The reason NSP is requesting the City issue these bonds is that these qualify as Ind- ustrial Revenue Bonds and therefore the interest is exempt from federal and state income taxes, thus the interest rates are below market rates for other tapes of loans. Gary Pringle will make the presentation and what is sought at this time is a council re- solution gut"orizing Gary ?Tingle to investigate the matter further. enda Item ~. Presentation `?v Sprine~sted, Inc. Cur bond consiltant, King Forness with Springsted, Inc., will review the bonding grogram schedule for the ur,- coming Maintenance Building, Liquor Store and 1975-1 Sanitary CeGrer and ~a+.ermain Improvement Project. In ad~?it.ion, King will analyze our financing orogra^~~ ir, li.~ht of future projects such as a Civic Center, additional water and sewer programs and other possible ar o jerts . ~adit,iona?1._v, King will be discussing an assessment pol.icv -- a standard which the City will be able to em~lo~ gear after year. This would eliminate the ner.e=situ of determining how each particular project is a~~ir.g to be assessed and enable the City to avoid env incc?n=ist.encies in policy. -2- 1 Benda Item 4. Firemen's Relief Benefits. ~~ Enclosed You ~,~-ill find a resolution passed by the Eiremen's Relief Association whc~~ the ~`antire~.lo City Council is being requested to ratify. For comrarisan purposed the following indicates t'^e oresent and oro~~osed by-la~:s t .~. "'J'' " `' retirement. :'_0 year= service - X2,000 '-Benefits over ~ 0 yrs. - X100 per vr. Death $100 for earn year of ='enefits service ~~isabilit.~ X100 for each Year of :senefi t,s service i'FOPC-Su`D 2G .years service - ~~,0~'0 over ?0 yrs. - ?2CG o?r vr. $200 fr,;r each Year of service $~00 f'or each .year c f service Because of the amount of investments and expected state fire aid this would rot reouire the City to levy any additional amounts in 1976. Agenda Iter.: ~. Civic Cert~r Commission. See last r~~=}eti~l~'s suotalement for details. -~- i . ~. MEMO l (~~ : ~ ~ ~ ~~ . .,,~ i e ~, e ,- ?~t~n~q : ~Jr . >mi r i Dated: April- 25, 1975 RE: ~0° l ICFLLO FiREMF_,\S RE1.IF.F ASSOCIATIOT~vT - Amendment of 13y-Laws pr_~~idi_rg for increased retirement benefits. Attac~~ed is a. co;_rforrned copy of a Resolution of the .Board of Trustees of the Monticello Firemens Relief Assocati.on which was appro~-t~d on April 21-, 1975, by the Board and later the same eve1~ii:x:, t~rranimou~l~- adopted b~ the membership at a regular meeting and after proper r.oti-ce was riven. In order to complti~ with the Volunteer Firemens Relief Association guidelines act of 1971, it i.s necessary that the City council of the City of Monticello ratify this Resolution and resultant amendment of the Bti--Laws of the Relief Association before the amendments become effective. I c,ill teen need a Letter- from you on Village stationery confirming the council's action. This letter must be mailed to the Department of Co~:.~.:-~•:erce, T~ZSUrance Divisiotl by our office. ,,, ~.~ ~ ~ : r.t~_ r ~,. xryp t * !',. ~„; Y. ~:i.L ..r. .. '"mil SCi S~~ ~ .. .. W i.F .. ..J.. .. . - .: r. "~ tees w ~: n ;- _ ~ - .+ - 5 _ _ .. -. . ,. .. .. i. ,. ~ ..~. - . , . , fi_ , t . - ::~~ t~l..~L°~' ~" s~..'.,_. °" ~ ~~"sda `<.k41 „ _ _ 47 :'} ei'~,'~ a;~~ 1 1 , r ~ ~ ,_ _. y . . .. r...,;, .' ,,h . a~~~ .,.:. t ~ ~C..i,..i.ti~3~x~:..~~.' .."<.3~,.~i s.`:".",. .. ?rI~C';." rs. : , ., ::: I• '. .. ~ 1 .:, ., M S t;'' `. (h ~. ,: i~~w~'s, v l} L.. ~ 1.3 {J ..a~*~:. ..~ 1 A uu V :. •~ + ~ . i A - k~ l ~. ,__ s. ~ . ..,. s. ..., s c _. ._.. i .l ~ .w .~.„~ V L ~.i . r ~. . . l ... . . ., ,. _ .. .» r mo;~~ a . . _ . ~. .. .. , ; ,_. - . , • >>r ~ r ~ y~,~~ ~~.:.~;r :..: ~= fur E~ cra:~tsr.~.= in ~,.t~ _ ~ .; ~,~. _ z~_ _l y , ,~ ~ „ , _ .~ . .., u ... ~~ . ti w r...~ ~ ~.. ~: ~ ~-r . ~~~~ ~ ~ ,~3r~>:~~ ~ ,_ M,rr~~l~ ~?'s~r~~txr~t~er ~.Yx~;, `.rsr~t i.c.~ ... . ..~ ,. r ~r, .:.~ ~ ~ ?.,r~x.. _ . ~~: vL-r : ~~ ~i ~ ~ tip.. ?,. ,ash ~u rangy a~M r'oD.1.c~vFr~. . . . . . . . ~. " :~ ~ ~ ~ » As ~ "..442 i;:Ii'ti jr' :r `3 c13"~3 ©f c+ C ~.::~. J . 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I ~ , - _. ,~,.~. i #, I"~ `1. ,; s;_ €: r" _, ~; % fir: g r - R; y. ~;. ., -~ ;~ f' c _ t ~. The Resolution to amend the retirement benefits, di$abil3ty benefits, end d®ath benefits o~ the I~rem~~z's Relief Association was `later, on the same date* unar.mou:s],y ~r~opted by ~. fu31 ~emb+~rship at a regular meeting"with proper notice having been given.. i~ ~~ 1~ 7 5 ~'M- !i ~i~iC ' __ r.. ____.,._.~ ' Artic~.e ~~ "c ~ ~a~lendHd. to r~rav~.d+~ ` t~8 fol~.cc~w's t e~,hen a f~rem~~s ~.~ hQ;~~aitaled fir thx` days, or leis: ~. ~,a~~a~ent off' 1-.x3.J~7 ~hs3.~. be m~e~e tc~ hiu~. anc~ with ~~~~~ air more ~.~~;~ o~ ~~ep:tli~~to~r: a ~.~xmr~ e~.un ~f 2CKJ.t~~3 sal ,e ped hrn ~ait~ ~ :~~,~~ of ~v`~»~ iii. at:~v ce3enda~r~ p~~.x'~ ; arx~ ~ ee ecr ~'3a" w. ~ $ ~d' a #- ~ ~t ~ ar' tin ~_~ ~ k 1 ~ . ~s iG ~!.'~f~,.~RS ~ i 3.., . j~w F e ~ ~-~ - ~ - '~.~ ~,;'r i q L. F' t } ~,{t* r~ ,-~ ,. ~~ .'r ~ ~ ~,. q S"r Z ~ ~_~ ti -r per,}~y~~,y~ ~~ ~~ June 6, 1x75 i~I~i~10~?ANDl1M TO : i~'ionti cel l o City Counci 1 FRO,•1: Hoavard Dahl gren Associates R~: Suggested Policy Relating to Advertising Signs 1. The zoning ordinance recommended for adoption by the City of ?onticello reviewed with the Planning Commission on May 13, 1975 states in Section III, Subd. 1) 2) a) 7), page 47 that advertising signs are prohibited. An advertising sign as defined in the ordinance on page 2 states: "Advertising signs. A billboard, poster panel, painted bulletin board, or other communicative device which is not exclusively related to the premises on which the sign is located." GJe suggest that where a community is intent on building over a period of time, an attractive image with an emphasis on building a highly desirable community in which to live and work that th the prescence of advertising signs or billboards works directly against that objective. In communities such as Monticello, those travelling to and from the community do so primarily via the interstate freeway system. The prescence of a series of billboards contiguous to ti~at freeway are particularly disadvantageous in projecting a desirable impression on its citizens and the travelling public. 2. ;de recongize, 6~owever, that there are some advantages to accomodating advertising signs which would advise the passing motorist on the freeway of file availability of business services and products provided in the City of Monticello. It would be particularly true of such serviices not visible from the freeway such as in the central business district. We suggest therefore, that the council may wish to consider limited provisions for advertising signs that fulfill that criteria. 3. If it is desired, we'd suggest this may be provided for by changing the ordinance to provide for the construction of advertising signs that advertise local businesses but not products or businesses located outside of fr1onticello such as the City of Minneapolis, This ;,right be acco~,rodated by changing the zoning ordinance in the following ~~ranner: Add to tine definitions section: Advertisin Signs, local. A billboard, poster panel, painted bulletin board, or other communicative device which is used to advertise the location and availability of businesses located within the municipal limits. of the City of Monticello. Monticello City Council June 6, 1975 Page Two Advertising signs, nolw local. A billboard, a poster panel, painted bulletin board, or other communicative device which is used to advertise businesses, products, goods, and/or services which are not exclusively related to the premises on which the signs is located and/or where the business or- service is not located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Monticello. Under the list of prohibited signs on page 47, change paragraph (7) to read: Advertising signs, non-local (Exceptions: bus benches or signs whicf~ advertise non- profit organizations). Change subsection (3)(F), page 48 to read: Advertising signs, local shall be permitted in industrial districts not less than 100 feet from a public right-of-way nor within 500 feet of the point of tangency on an access or egress ramp to a freeway interchange. Such signs shall be placed not less than 500 feet apart and shall be limited in size to 240 square feet. 4. We suggest that the changes outlined will permit a limited number of signs where properties are zoned for industrial purposes contiguous to the freeway, and will provide a means of identifying local businesses to the travelling public. It may be helpful to consider an advertising sign that would promote the central business district in general thru a well designed sign sponsored collectively by a group of businesses or the Chamber of Commerce. We suggest that allowing advertising signs irr business zones would tend to distribute them throughout the community, and not achieve the objective desired. Advertising signs are almosrt universally not allowed in residential zones, and we suggest they not be allowed in such zones in the City of Monticello. 5. We are confident that in the future more and more attention will be .paid to the ,vis.ual pollution caused by billboards in and around a community. We see the day coming :hen billboards will be disallowed throughout the state. The State of Vermont has already disallowed billboards in their state. Numerous communities aroun the country have also disallowed billboards, one of which is the City of Roseville in the T~iin City area. t~;SO1~JTIO:J GIVINEs` PRE~.~II'9IN~,RY APPI?OV~lia ~jr~ t'~ F~1:~aC°I'ICtd i.'C~JTROL' PIt0.7~.X.T UI~IDER THL r~T~:1ICIPAi~ IivIDliS'•ZIl1+~ DL'VF.LiOPME~1 ACT, RLFI;ZtZI21G `i~I-I'c P:GF~ ~;~u-iL 'IU ~ DEPr'~7IT'lE~~fP QF ECOI JCS 1IC ,~I?'.1£'Il~r''iLufi' FOR APPROVAL, AMID AUHORIZIi~G ~:'1:~:'r' il:~'~lv~.J OF IJ2~E.S~'2Y DOCLY~T1iS ~r"~~'!~~'~~:~~, '~Ze c~~lfare of tYie State of i~linnesot~x requires acr_~~:•e p~~anot~.on, attraction, encouragement, al~~ci cxev~lo~xnent of accromica;.ly sound irx.iustry and c.~mrerce through governmental ac'-s to preve:zt, so far as possible, emergence of. bligl.tec lands a:~3 areas o~ chronic unemployment, arxi the State has encouraged lacl ~sovernment units to prevent such economic deterioration; and t~,><iLI'.;~i-~,, `!Yhe United States AtcxniC L,nergy Ccr~ussion by ~.ettF,r ~.~t~z Januazy 14, 1972, authorized and directed Ilorthern ctotr~s F;xaer C~it~:.any to construct and install at its nuclear- ..~~~~red al~ectric. generating plant located in the City of idonticello, t~Jrig;it i~ounty, I~linnesota, c~x'tain facilities planned anti designed to limit. or ~rontrol radioactive gaseous emissions, said facilities being des iy~zated as an aff-qas .hold-up system; .and «iiE.RE~'1S, The foregoing pollution control facilities will proviue sc additional ~loyment in the communit•~` and will r~~c?ucc~ .1~.e cnvirorunental impact of the plant; anti 1~~?~:I~i,.L`~, The demands upon the C~ar:~' for ca~~ital u_Y::endi~aT.-~s ,~~_~c-~:ssar_1~ to satisfl• steadily increasing c~rsumption cf ~1t~ctxic .~t~~•.2:~r ~~-o slzbstantial, and the Compan,~ has re1~resertec tip ~:it~,,. :.~i~l ~.o +,~ae Sate th:~t municipal fir~anc:li~g of some pro ;~~cts ~•.-i'!. :~~~tter eri b1e thE~ Cc~npany to ir~et these derr~ancis for c:~iitior.~1 c,~~1.'- 1 expenditures; and i"~~_':<~, 'i'he Com}jai:}' h~~s ttzerefore propose? tt:at the' ~yr - ~ ~ d .;:-«; is~;:e its x~lTuticm control revenue :x~nds to .._~?,-:,~_~~~ _.. ac~i, ~yiti<~n ot: thy: Pollution a~ntrol facilities alx~Te r~-fcrr~~~a ~s :~ project ~<a:~.'suant to the provisions of 'jinresota Statr.tos,, ~~"na~~toz X74, as amended, anti the Legislatt:.re by its es.ac~=,-;t ~r ,.,~+.y-a Session ~~~ 1971, Chapter 32, Article ~~IL', ~~e`.~~n-ii,-<~c. ;.ic, ~~:u l~_c interest is served by such financing, for tr_~e T,~;i.s~at~~re ~.~~eseby amended I~iinnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, r:c aut~r>ri.~ e a az:iicipality to issue its pollution control rer~~or;a~~ ends to fina:ice the acquisition of projects consisting or ,~ra~=rties ast~ci i~~ g~a~erating and transmitting electricity ar~d in tt~~e alk~t<~:ient. arxi control of air or water pollution in an}' business or irx:l.istrsl~; and -~-~~~~I t~'I~~t:iaS, The City has,. issued and sold $7, 600, 000 of its pollution control revenue bo2uls to finance the accraisition o* ~~.he off-gas hold-up system facilities; and t~:ZGr'`~S, The Lase. Agreement between tt:e City and the Ccn~na;ly far t.1ze lease of the offgas holdup syst~ ~ facilities to the Company a~~:i the Indenture of Trust between the City anti tht: First .~at~anal dank of saint >'aul, '1'111Stee of the pollution cx~ntrol re•~-enue lxix~s issued uy the City, provide far the is- suaicr as u:laiti oval. borxis to f .nonce the a>sts of completing the project ~:nc'. costs relating to :the financing of such costs; and i~12F~S, The casts of cleting the construction of the off-gas hold-up system are in excess caf the principal azrount of $7,600,000 previously issued by the City to finance its accn~.isition of tY~ off-yas hold-up facilities; acid dVt-~ ~ , 'lie City tics received from Juran & t~body, Inc., investment bankers`fran St. Paul, Minnesota, a representa- tion that revenue bonds of the City., issued pursuant to, and in accordance wi tli, the provisions of Chapter 474, as amPncled, to financae the project above described, are marketable acid that they will, at tree appropriate time. submit an offer for the purchase of such bonds in .the acnourit necessary to pay the ad- ditional costs of the project in the principal sum of approximately 53,750,000; and t~f~RFr3 , Tfie interest t~rx3 principal.: of the bonds will be paid from revenues provided by the CcYtlaany .and the City will have no liability for the payment of such interest and principal. ~i'I it I;~.;~F~~ BE IT ~'SOLVJID by the City Council , City of. t~9anticella, i lnnesota, th~~t 1. Tt1e City undertakes tro ~.ssue 'additional bonds in a principal amount up to $3,750,400 to finance the costs of ca*~~leting the project and costs relating to the .financing of suc;i costs, subject to the. approval of the Commissioner of ;.ronamic Develoiznent and to the mui~ual agreement of this body, the Company, ~rrd +.~ie initial purchasers of .the bonds as to-the details of tt:e bond issue arld provisions for their payment. In all events, it is understood, however, that the bands of the ^i ty shall .lot constitute a cliax~e, lien, or prance, legal cr e;~uitable, upon anY Pmpe-~Y of .the City, :except the project, and each bond, when, as, aix3 if issued, shall recite in sub- stance t'r~at ~~~e bond, including interest thereon, is payable solel~~ from the rentals received;. Fran the project arr3 the prcx~,z-t~ p1G~d~zed to the pa}ant thereof oral shall not oon- stitut~ a dent o~~ the City. 2 l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ v r 2. In accordance with f4ixmesata.Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 7, the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed ~o s~,~u.t ti:e proposal for the project to the Cca~mi•ssioner of ~;ec:lcru.c De~~elo~ent, for his approval of the project. The -'!a~•or, Cite Clerk, City Attorney, and other officers, employees, anti aae;:ts c:` the City are hereby authorized to provide the ~;xt::issioi~•cr ;:~*...t: any prPl~i~' infarn-ation he may need for t;:is y,t,;l ~csr, ,mid the Cit~r tittorney is- autlx>rized to initiate ~_-~i s=ist in t~~a prepax'ation of .such tents as raay %~ee ur_ r~ ~_~i iat .o -'ie project, if it is ..,approved by the Ccrr~nissioner. t~;~pt~y3 by the Coiu~cil this.' day of Jt:sie, 1975. j ~ ~~,~gy (~rZZ'IFY that I yam the"City Clerk of the C.zty cf ~~brticello, Wright county, Minnesota, and tY•,at I ~r- custxlian cif its records; that the above is a true and correct. rop,.~ o~ ~~solution adopted by the Council of said City on Ju1:e 197~~. . L~GG~"~..,.. City Clerk ~-s=~s~, ~; 1 cQ En c!~ H fi F H tTa a. r~ H Q F_., H F-t t~~~ ~~'. CI.~ ts: p.. :~ C:U H Ha,~ H z 0 U t=. U H c L F- E- a O O O O O O O O C O O ~ .-~ N EH N1 O O O O O O O C C C G O O O O O G O G 4 ~ C • • . • U O N O O O O G C «t G .-~+ (n t0 ~ .-i u1 ~ r-+ .-. 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S f . 1~ C1 ~ . v - ~ 1 1 I v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I _ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'The ale ~ ~ F N N N ~O ~ Q~ O~ -+ N N •~+C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •!"~ ltl zn tf1 tt1 >l1 V1 X1'1 tI'} Lt'. L'1 ~ ~,.._. 3, P~..:.e :.°1 L. r-,,~.:: ~cn w i~.~ l:r vUt'u~ f ttiui, t f Viv, iviiiJ~iv~, ._..,,.,: .:,w ... ,.:,....._ .. _ ,...:.. .a~av...~. .~:_, CaUOTATION ROAD MACHINERY 6 SUPPLIES CO. TO - - c,-,.-- ' n+c?_'_l.n. DATE ;~`i_-js QUOTED F.O.R. ~`~,' ~ cis' ~ -:o QUOTATION FIRM UNTIL ~'•w-.., TERMS ~'-e't ''J c-~;;`> 1 ,.cbt _ .r. _~'~:1~. iil '~~.: t, 7j)-:S, 3t %rf13T'd ~_ ..f,:L~t .. ;.~I;n ,.~~iC."._ - ~ ~ y r ~>a~ P _.~ . - - ,~ ~.n=ry on or ht fo cr~ Jun.. ~"_ , 1 9 T5 UV Q. ~~ ~~ r~ ~. 1 ...'.~ '~~ _,. rr~'~ t]°r--:St~1il,'='T'Lj 1~~~ uRlt tdltii b Cy'~.ii"Ir~CT ~V~i CIj',J~C .~.flC~l ~~r- _ - ,_ ,_. '_ t•,inr. (,.~~t ~ ,~w.sp~r chipper) ~, _:i c'. ~:~~ ~ri:~,r,' v '_~ ;'~1ie~ t~. '.his unit) f'ric~~: _ ,~,~C.~~C 1 =livery-- Irr~r;LOiate Subject to terms ancj.5onditions of our customary order form. ~~'' ,~~ ~C3'L.a-ct~' ~ -t e~..c~~~.c_ QUOTED BY ;~~;~~ ~+~' i;-:. ~ K. :~t,? ir,° ACCEPTED• APPROVED BY_____ Refer to Office Checked Below: ~; IlBinneapolis, "Jnnesota 4901 WEST 78TH ST. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55437 PHONE 612!835-3535 _ FIRM NAME __ BY [; Duluth, Minnesota [] Virginia, Minnesota 350 SOUTH FIRST AVE. EAST BOX 104, HOOVER ROAD DULUTH, MINN. 55802 VIRGINIA, MINN. 55792 PHONE 218/727-8611 PHONE 218/741-9011 TITLE _____ DATE New Brighton, Minnesota 1779 OLD HIGHWAY 8 NEW BRIGHTON, MINN. 55112 PHONE 6121636-2525