City Council Agenda Packet 05-12-1975w Y MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tentative Agenda Regular meeting -- May 12, 1975 -- 730 P. M. -- City Hall Mayor: Con Johnson. Councilmen: Stan Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters, Denton Erickson. Meeting to be taped. 1. Report on Senior Citizen's Center by Karen Hanson. 2. Report by Wright County Sheriff's Dept. on incidents of vandalism and disorderly conduct. 3. Report by Liquor Commission. 4. Report by Roads and Streets Commission. 5. Discussion of Dutch Elm disease program, including equip- ment needs. 6. Report on 1975-1 Sewer and Water Improvement Project. 7. l~onsideration of resolution allowing city engineer to serve as engineer for curb and gutter project in front of Hospital and Dental Clinic. 8. Consideration of fire contracts with Monticello, Silver Creek and Otsego Townships. 9. Consideration of Joint Recreation Program appropriation and committee. 10. Ordinance review. 11. Approval of April 28, 19?5 minutes. 12. Unfinished business. 13. New business. MAILING T0: John Badalich Don Smith Mike H~lm Karen Hanson Wright County Sheriff Dr. C. Erlandson Arve Grimsmo Agenda Item 1. Senior Citizens report. Agenda Item 2. Wright County Sheriff's Department report. At the April 28, 1975 meeting the City Council directed acting city administrator to write Wright County Sheriff's Dept. to have a rep- resentative appear at the May 12, 1975 meeting. This was done and we'll be discussing such items as speeding, looting, vandalism and other problems. Agenda Item g. In assessing our equipment needs fox the Dt~tsth Elm disease program the city engineer, street super- visor and myself felt the first priority was a loader. In reviewing what other cities (most of which are larger than Monticello) have in the way of a loader, John Badalich states that a 2 yard loader is about as large as any city requires. Additional equipment such as a chipper, dump truck and boom truck or attachment will probably be necessary. At this time, before we get the other equipment, I am going to have our tree inspector bring us up to date on the extent of work necessary. This will entail taking inventory of all trees to be removed distinguishing between gees that are endangering other trees and ones that are dead but will not be spreading disease. An inventory of the former city was taken last year and this inventory will be coordinated with the upcoming inventory. At this time what is needed from the council is a decision to authorize the city engineer to pre- pare specifications for a loader (subject to council review) so we can let this out on bids. Agenda Item ~. Report on Watermain and Sanitary Sewer 1975-1 Imp. Project City engineer is preparing report on above project; hearing to be May 19, 1975 at 8 P. M. Agenda Item ~. Res~-lution to allow Orr, Schelen, Mayeron & Assoc. to serve as engineers on curb and gutter project. The Hospital and Dental Clinic have engaged a contractor to put in curb and gutter in front of the hospital and dental clinic. This project will be paid directly by the hospital and dental clinic but they must still meet city specifications. As a result, our city engineer will have to inspect the project and set up specifications and a resolution is needed to allow the firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc. to perform this engineering service which would also be ~tid by the hospital and dental clinic. -1- Agenda Item 8. Fire contracts - Monticello, Silver Creek and Otsego Townships. We have come to an agreement with the Township of Monticello to allocate the costs of the fire depart- ment on an assessed valuation basis. This means that the Township will pick up 93% of the costs for 1974 or about $6,400. and the City will pick up about 85% of the costs in 19?5 and subsequent years. The city of Monticello has not signed contracts with the Otsego and Silver Creek townships for 1975 fire service. ~n the past, the charge has been $200. standby charge with fire calls charged on following basis: $200 - first hour or fraction $ 75 - second hour or fraction $ 50 - per hour third and all ensuing hours and fractions. Otsego still hasn't paid for 1974 contract and one fire. Before 1975 contract is signed I believe we should clear up the 1974 amount owed the city. What is needed from the council is a motion ap- proving contracts for fire service for the above three Townships. Agenda Item 9. Joint Recreation Program. As in the past, the School District is requesting funds (we have budgeted $1325.00) for the Joint Recreation Program. This is a summer recreation program and the funds go to pay the director's and his assistant's salaries. The $1325.00 covers approximately half the cost of the program with the remainder being picked up by the school. What is needed is a motion by the council to approve the payment and also an appointment to the Joint Recreation Program Committee of two council appointed members; the school district appoints two members to the committee also. The council appointed members last year were Ken Maus and Ron Peters. Agenda Item 10. Ordinance Review. Time permitting, we will proceed on this less than enviable task. -2- May 7, 1975 Honorable Mayor City Council Monticello, MN Gentlemen: Sheriff`s Law Enforcement Report for the month of April, 1975. 480 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activity Baas tallied; 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 6 2 21 32 61 Assault - Cleared Theft at Ruff's - Cleared by arrest of 2 riinneapolis men. Assaults - gang type from Buffalo - Cl~ red Thefts - at 310 W. 6th Street, Motorcycle - Snowmobile - & Accessories Theft of Gas - Siphoned Theft of Bridgewater large Flag Theft of City Flag from City Hall Theft - Embezzelment - Cleared Property Damage to Vehicle at Goulds Property Damage behind Liquor Store - Cleared by Juveniles cleaned up area. Property Damage to Rod & Gun Club Suspicious Circumstances Prowler Call Domestic Disturbances Coronary Death Call Parking Complaint Emergency Aid Hit & Run accident Citizen Aids Contributing to Delinquincy of Accidents Investigated Repair Tags Issued Motorists Warned Citizen Aids Car & Subject Checks Minor - Cleared by Arrest 15 Traffic Arrests: 2 Erratic Driving, 1 Lane Use, 2 Speed, 4 Open Bottle, 2 D.W.I., 1 Equipment, 3 Drivers License Violations 1 Arrest on Fish Violation 1 Arrest of Possession Stolen Property 2 Arrest on Warrants You .truly, Darrell Wolff, Sheriff Billings: For the month of April, 1975 $2,920,00 T0: Monticello City Council FROM: Karen Hanson, Senior Citizen's Director Before I bring you my problems, I wish to make note of the fact that due to the outstanding support given the Senior Citizen's program by the Monticello City Council, we have the reputation of being one of the finest Centers in the state. I appreciate all you have done for us and know that you would wish to be made aware of our problems. This presentation is being made on behalf of the Senior Citizen's because of a critical situation arising from a lack of space and a deterioration of our building. I find in my work with the Seniors several suffering from depression. These people feel they are no longer needed nor wanted. Any activity we can offer at the Center to alleviate this problem should be done. If more space were available we could do more. If we can save one person from this sort of existence any money we spend on building or remodeling should be considered money well spent. Because of increased attendance all five days of the week, we lack space to offer varied arts and crafts activities. There are people who desire this sort of activity in preference to cards or ceramics. It has been our purpose to offer different things of interest in order to incite the enthusiasm of the majority of Senior Citizen's. With more people using the Center, we have a problem of safety. With over 100 attending birthday dinners we have felt it necessary to change the site of our dinners. .This change is necessary because of fire hazard with people so crowded into this small area. With these thoughisin mind, I ask you to give serious consideration to the following proposals: A. Secure new building 1. Suggested sites: a. Seestrom Hardware b. Kjellberg's Warehouse C.J .P e,v f Yoe `'=~ - (which is already City owned) B. Remodel present building 1. Enlarge 7 feet into half-alleyway along side of building C. Make immediate repairs 1. Sidewalk a. Broken cement b. Hard to shovel c. Dangerous to Senior's and general public 2. Roof a. Exterior roof b. Ceiling tiles c. Carpet ruined from leak Senior Citizen's Presentation Page 2. 3. Front of building a. General appearance b. Sign 1) Complaint about condition 2) Overhanging sign - should 3) Previous plane to remodel problems it be painted or replaced front would eliminate above CITY OF MONTICELLO ---- BUDGET PROJECTION 1975 Following is an update of our budget for 1975 as it reflects our General, Street and Park Funds. (+ surplus - deficit) Pickup Loader Administrator General Park & Street Equipment Snow removal 2 Way Radio - Fire Department Garbage disposal Contract Civil Defense NET SURPLUS Equipment Needs + 6,000 Bond proceeds & Dutch Elm Fund + 24,000 Bond proceeds & Dutch Elm Fund + 17,500 Salary employee benefits + 4,000 Bond proceeds - 11,000 Increase over budget ~~; ,.~ - 4,200 Added item ,~~' `~"~ - 2,750 Increased in contract - 1,000 Director expenses +32,550• Funds Available ~,,,r~'~~ W Packer ~`' $ 1,000 Street & Park Equipment „~ ~~Y,000 l! ~,`, _. Loader - - 20,000 ~t,i `;'~~- ~~:~-~~ Pickup f ,, "~~ytP.-~ 6,000 ~'~~"~ Dump Truck 9,000 Shredder 6,000 ~4~,000 Wages Rental r • ~ ~ ~~~ ~ s Building & Land New Building Balance in Funds Dutch Elm $40,000 approx. 10,000 3,000 9,~ 6,000 Bond Issue $130,000 1,000 4, 000 10,000 3,000 6,000 3,000 17,000 82.000 #3,~ $13,000 1" °~v If we proceed with the following: sidewalk improvement and new roads (by Bud Kline and Maple St. for apartments) the cost will be approximately Sidewalk $25,000 Roads 12,000 (~ blocks) X37,000 This $37,000 could be partially financed by the $32,550 surplus above. Gary Wie r May 12, 1975 C0: Monticello City Council FROM: Karen Hanson, Senior Citizen's Director Before I bring you my problems, I wish to make note of the fact that due to the outstanding support given the Senior Citizen's program by the Monticello City Council, we have the reputation of being one of the finest Centers in the state. I appreciate all you have done for us a.*~d know that you would wish to be made aware of our problems. This presentation is being made on behalf of the Senior Citizen's because of a c:•itical situation arising from a lack of space and a deterioration of our building. i finc'_ in my work with the Seniors several suffering from depression. T::ese people feel they are no longer needed nor wanted. Any activity w~e can offer at the Center to alleviate this problem should be done. Tf more space were available we could do more. If we can save one person from this sort cf existence any money we spend on building or remodeling should be considered money well spent. Because of increased attendance all five days of the week, we lack space to offer varied a.^ts and crafts activities. There are people b~.:o desire this sort of activity in preference to cards or ceramics. It has been our purpose to offer different things of interest in order to incite the enthusiasm of the majority of Senior Citizen's. ~Jith more people using the Center, we have a problem of safety. With over 10(} attending birthday dinners we have felt it necessary to change the site of our dinners. Tanis change is necessary because of fire ha~.ard with people so crowded into this small area. ~lith these though ~ in mind, I ask you to give serious consideration to the following proposals: ~. uecure new building ~. Suggested sites: a. Seestrom Hardware b. f~jellbera's Warehouse (which is already City owned) ~. remodel present building '. Enlarge 7 feet into half-alleyway along side of building +'. °!3i:e immediate repairs :~id~~.,alk a. ^r:ken cement b. Nara to shovel c. llaaaer~~~s to Senior's and general public . KOJI a. r~xterior roof b. Ceiling tiles :.. .arpet ruined frog. leak Senior Citizen's Presentation ?age ~. 3.'~~ront of buildzng a. General appearance b. Sign '>VComplaint about condition '~ Overk~anging sign - should 37 :'revious plans to remodel problems it be painted or replaced front would eliminate above