City Council Agenda Packet 04-28-1975~. MONTICELLO CITY CQUNCIL Tentative Agenda Regular meeting ---- April 28, 1975 ---- 3 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters, Denton Erickson. Meeting to be taped. Afternoon session 3 P. M. 1. Review of ordinances. Recess far supper approximately 5:30 P. M. Evening session 7:30 P. M. Citizens comments. 1. Presentation by Bib .Brown, Monticello Historical Society member, on bandstand project. 2. Discussion and final decision on 2 way radios. 3. Decision on dogcatcher. 4. Decision on CPA firm far 1974 audit. 5. License application - malt liquor - Monticello Rod and Gun Club.. 6. Resolution on increased population for levy limitation. 7. Approval of Aoril 14, 1975 minutes. 8. Approval of monthly bills. 9. Unfinished business. 10. New business. MAILING T0: Bob Brawn John Badalich Don smith Mike Holm ,. ~ ~ enda Supplement AFTERNOON SESSION: Agenda item 1: Ordinances -- please refer to letter from Mayor on what ordinances will be covered. EVENING SESSION: Agenda item 1: Presentation by Bob Brown on updating of bandstand pro3sct and the other pro3ects that the Monticello Historical Society is working on. (15 minutes). Agenda item 2: 2 way radio system. This is the third time this item appears on the agenda. Tuesday, April 22, 1975, the Motorola representative, Dick Martie, Denton Erickson, members of the Sheriff's d~part- ment and Fire department met to discuss the 2 way radio system. Originally we descided to go with a stets wide fire frequency but since the state wide frequency is not widely used currently, it would be better to go with the county wide frequency. This would entail some ad~?_itional wattage at a cost of $100 per mobil unit. Mr. Frederick, Motorola rep- resentative, will be at the meeting to briefl summarize the costs and changes necessary. Abase station is still a necessity due to our possible implementation with the public works vehicles. Additionally, a base station would also enable the Fire department to have 2 units out on afire and still have radio contact with the Firs department at the fire station. Agenda item 3: Dogcatcher information enclosed. (5 mutes). Agenda item 4: CPA information enclosed. (10 minutes). Agenda item 5: Malt Liquor X3.2 beer) application by Monticello Rod and Gun flub. I have talked to Robb Klein and he tells me the Rod & Gun Club has received this license in the past through the county. Since they are now in the city they nerd City Council approval of license application. They do have liability insurance coverage. (5 minutes). Agenda item 6: Resolution on increased population to be certified to State Planning Agency. I believe the resolution is self explanatory. The tax levy limitation is based. on population and by certifying to the State Planning Agency our latest population figures we will be able to increase our levy limitation by over $12,000. (5 minutes). Apri 1 2~ , 21:75 Counc i lr,~er.: A~aonticello i? ~ c:enten~ a? Cor;rr;iss~~on Chairman i3ob gown and several of our corrrrittee me^~;>ers will be present at t~'ie co?,~ncil meeting h;andav tc~? r~resent dra.:i.n<.s of the :~andstand we propose the city construct ~,~ the East ~'rid_;e Park. Frior to that meeting, I thought I'd update yo,: c~n ot~.er projects of our commission: ~} r'ire trL'C!C rest:orat~~.:~n. '=or the past two months, commission rrembers rave Neer; ~d~arkln Sat~..:r;9ay mornings on the fir.etruck restoration nro~ect. ';1e expect tnc palntinr to occur in about two weeks. That will cor~pletE~ o?.ar word:. ;JP sti_1' face the pro'~lem of stora~ae t.:nti 1 someday '•-cnt~ce~lo ?gas a i-:istorical museum--or the council considers a one-roo:~ museur". a:^nex t:a a nets muniei pal hall. Jim E~erbst has chaired t~.e pro j ec ~ ~:ru p3.ar.s to attend P~onday's meeting far your questions. 2) Forrirr a vocal ;~~~zi;;tcrzcal society. At EXFO '75, the ti.centenniai Corrmiss.on c~r.c~uctec: a surve~~ of those interested 1n r~<ont~.cella history. ~.ut. o= X75 quest=~onna~res filled out, 214 said the~~'d be interested ;;, an in_- a ^'onticello Historical Society. If only 50 of those were ser`o~;s, we think 1t's a good start. That project we plan to ?~lckorr t;nis fall rather than attempt to try and start during the summer ~on'.~~~s. .le also surveyed people on what they'd like to see a socie~:~~~ co. >f e~.giZt areas, the overwhelming favorite was to collect and preserve 'r, istorical artif~~cts in a museum room. 202 of those surveyr~u r_:y:ticr:FCi t~''s function of a society. next closest was recrea- t1r,~~ hiistorical scenes, such as blacksmith shop, pioneer farm, etc, w,ich ,:ad 1`? ~avcra:'~e responses. 3) t=ar.rstar,~ recreat'or,. ,~;onda`. ni:?ht you'll be presented plans drawn ~~ `ull~~rtor, of t;,e bandstand. tae believe it's likely read•~r far i1dc'in _: t"t- co~r~.cl wishes to see ~•~hat the project would cost. ':^u ma~,~ re~•~:~~.~,ti_:~~ t-at the park board has reviewed our plans for the s tF• ar.: h ~d -,~~ o'r, sections. P~7HS band director have Thielman has Gss~:r- ~: .:s t;-;a' ~. s Willi n~- '-o organize and direct a corn,muni ty adu3.t (~:~,c: s.~uder:t) ~~;d w'-~:~.ch ro~.zld hold regular concerts at the .. ..ands' c: r;~, ( r,. ct. _ ~ o„ _ 'a~ ,_..~h s nc~ _ ~ ~ ) • '~ _ ,, ^~, •~ a r t ours fibs s,ammF r ~_) Our `c~L.r'`.", n-.„t.,c~. ~s an };lstor~_cal rnarkinc~S project which to datP_ tivn'`~e or, c~r.s.r'r~r~~ thro~auh preliminary discussions. I t31';e:~ to tr~e ~t.~t~: o` „innesota T~?icentennia'. Office i.n St. Paul `.'PsterCc3\/ .v ,su ,c; '.-~'~at our projects '.1111 be viewed ~`:' tf'le 9-3orizar s t, c er- -~ > ~ , z~ ; `;r;da t;c; . Our request to them was far `.,W ~~', 10J ' ~~~ , ~ _~ n~ ~ tsar., ~1C~u local historical society, X500 fire ~~~` ~~ truck r~ ; ` ~ ., ,, ~-, ; s o::~_.cal rnor:Uments). b~lhether we'll yet ~'~ an =;~ ~ :r, ,r ;c told, tia' l be determined at a t•Ray 2~i ~`~ ~L' r;c~~t.r ~- a ~ F < <; ~r . pans Cor~^-1 ttee. 1'he stage ' s ~:andl.inc `~ `.~ k~c.,:.(', i. ~ t ~„'~ ., _ ~.. d S ~.. i.'_ `Ur'ic., ~i' {, and 0t.1r application i5 COmpiete ~ 7 and _.~ _"'°..C" ..?" ~, ~:.,_ ~:~rc3 ~~ ~.7r1. 1-. _. ~~. .. f:_<', . ,.: _ 1 ,_ie ~n POnf~' ..Celia r~.~.day, T''?G>V 2E at noon ;.o cf ~ ,._ .... ~ _ -~ros ~~n.~. ,:-~ c ~ t~~ _ is ~3 icentenn ~.al flag. Tentative ~~lans r,c,w c-~~ 1 ? : ;;. ,sc'~ <:.± '- .~ .~;ivr~r Iran at noon (Perpi ch meeting Witt, c t~;~ orf ,c~.: _s- ... ;. ~~ _. ..r~<a cot: ;lc a.lr~,er., if you rdn ~~ttend), f1.a-rai~inc: at ? p.:~~ ., ~...t a ~~~~.~,~~~_c-:~: acdres tc eac~l;t;~- and ninth-~araders at :r: 5g. _. _ ~,~._ _ _ ., _ ~`: - _ . ~.:h r u~. ~.~ _e or, the :~~cer~- ;, ~ ~~ ~ ~"~ ~ ~~. ,, ~;~ ,~ ,, . . ,~. ~a~ . DOGCATCHER Ass you are aware, the city of Monticello is currently looking for a dogcatcher. Along with the city of Big Lake we have interviewed several applicants for the position. Our basis for payment on our past dogcatcher contract was as follows: 1. Feeding and cleaning kennel - $,5.00 per hour shared $0-,50 between Monticello and Big Lake. 2. Cost per hour $4. $0 for patrol service for calls between ~ A. M. and 11 P. M. 3. Cost per hour $6.00, for patrol service for. calls between 11 P. M. and '7 A. M. 4. 12¢ a mile for use of own vehicle while patrolling. 5. 12¢ a mile for tripe to feed animals to be shared equally by Big Lake and Monticello. In lieu of hiring a dogcatcher the city of Monticello could have its own public works depart- ment handle the situation. There is an individual who is desirous of earning Some extra money and we could have him patrol for dogs after 4:30 P. M. 2 or 3 nights a week for an hour. Naturally, any time spent during the work day would not call for any additional compensation. My own recommendation and that of the street supervisor would be to hire a private individual to do the job. I believe a lot of time would be spent by our office Staff taking phone calls and tracing down the public works employees. Addition- ally, this would cause a man to be taken from his job. ~/, ~ l/(/ C.ce%G~~ ary W' ber, Actin City Adm. GW~lg Agenda Suvplement AFTERNOON SESSIGI~: ire^da i.te'^ l: Ordyr.ances -- please refer to letter frc;m "`ayor on ~~.*hat ordinances will be covered. Agenda item Z: °resentat.ian by Sob Br~~~an on updating of bandstand rrrn feet and the other vrn jer. t.S that the 1^?onticello .,~stori^al uociP t;~T is ;corking on. (15 minutes ). Ap_.er,da i*.e~. 2: ~ Tray radio sysf.:em. This is the thin:? time this item avvears on the agenda, Tuesday, April 2~:, 14^;, the '~otorcla re-~resentative, Dick hiartie, )enton Erickson, members of the Sheriff's de:~art- Tent am Fire devartmert met to discuss the 2 way radio s~rstem. Originally we decided to ~o with a st^te wide fire frequency but since the state wide frequency is not widely used currently, it would be be±ter to go ~h~ith the county wide frequencyy. This wo>>ld entail some ad~itional wattage at a cast of 00 ~oer mobil unit. Mr. Frederick, Motorola rep- resentative, will be at the meeting to briefl suTmari2e the costs and changes necessary. Abase station is still a necessity due to our possible imrlementation with the public works vehicles. Additionally, a base station would also enable the Fire de,~artment to have 2 units out on afire and still have radio contact with the Fire department at the fire station. Agenda item 3: Dogcatcher information enclosed. (5 minutes). Agenda item ~: CrA information enclosed. (10 minutes). Agenda item 5: ?alt. Liquor (3.2 beer) application by Monticello Rod end Gun Flub. I have talked to Robb Klein and he tolls me the Rod & Ctin Club has received this license in the oast. t'~rough the county. since they are now in the city they need City Council aAprova]. of license ar-p-~ication. They do have liabilit,Y insurance coverage. (5 minutes). Agenda .+e-~ h: P.esc7iution or, increased population to be certified to Mate ?lannin~ Agency. I believe the resolution. 3_s self ex-~lanatory. The tax levy limitation is based. on pon~zlation and by certifying to the State Planning Agency our latest vopulation figures we will be a~~le to increase ~i.~r leW li~^itation by aver $1,000. (5 minta.t.es). z~, %r~~~ -,, ~ ~_~ T~~f f~~ ~~~~~~~t ...~~ .97s -" , , ~; ~n~u f, ~ ~~~~ ~~' AGENDA ITEM - 4 Auditing firm for 1974 Audit At our last meeting I gave each council member a proposal letter from James and Gruber, Certified Public Accountants in Monticello, regarding the audit for the year ended December 31, 1974. As you may be aware, I worked for Gruys, Johnson, Mosford and Associates prior to my coming to Monticello, Gruys, Johnson, Mosford and Associates is a CPA firm located in Buffalo and has performed the audit for the past several years for Monticello. Approximately six months ago, they opened an office in Monticello which is open 2 days a week. As you can see then, the council has a decision to make as to which firm should be engaged to do the audit for 1974. Briefly, I will try to summarize the merits of the two firma, admittedly I know a great deal more about Gruys, Johnson, Mosford and Associates than James and Gruber. Gruys, Johnson and Mosford has a professional staff of seven people, four of which are CPAs. In the area of governmental audit- ing, I believe, for a firm of their size, they are the most qualified and experienced in the state. They do approximately 85°~ of the audits that are performed for cities and schools in Wright County. They are a firm which can stand on its track record as the request for repeat engagements can bear testimony to. In light of the fact that a great percentage of their audit clients are governmental units (including about 10 cities), they are able to devote the necessary time to the study of governmental accounting and also the latest statute changes and their implications. Cecil Fawcett, a CPA, who lives in Monticello, will be working on the audit for Gruys, Johnson, Mosford & Associates. Fees are at $25.00 an hour. James and Gruber have a fall time office in Monticello. They have a professional staff of two people, both of which are CPA• . Their office in Monticello is manned by Richard Gruber, but the city of Monticello would be handled by Jerald James, who works out of a Maple Lake office. As his letter points out, Mr. James has had ex- posure to governmental auditing, though his partner has little experience in this area. Fees are at $20.00 an hour. Regarding the preference for a local firm, I believe it's about a horse apiece. While James and Gruber have their office in Monticello, which they rent and occupy full time, Cecil Fawcett lives in Monticello. However, I don't believe this should be the main issue in this or any other decision when it comes to seeking professional services. Should the firms present qualifications of equal merit, then I believe a local firm should be considered. While James and Gruber are a goung CPA firm and may give this audit their utmost attention, T am quite frankly leary of a firm which portrays their low hourly rate as their most attractive feature. I believe we shnuid use the same criteria in hiring an auditor as we used in hiring a planner, an engineer, a bond consultant. That criteria, simply stated, is to hire a professional, competent and experienced firm. On that basis, I would recommend the firm of Gruys, Johnson, Mosford and Associates. Sale of Liquor Store Bids C lose May 1 3, 197 5 Monticello, Minnesota REQUEST FOR. BIDS - Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota in the City Hall, until 2 P.M. on Tuesday, May 13, 197.5, at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the sale of the following: On Sale Liquor Store. Includes all furniture and fixtures. TERDTS OF SALE - Bids will be accepted both on a cash basis or contract for deed. Cash Basis: Full purchase price payable by July 1 3, 1 97 5 Contract for Deed: Down payment of 20/ of purchase price required July 13, 1975 and 16/ annually d.ue July 13, of 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980, with interest on remaining principal paid on above dates at 82 annual rate. A more detailed description is available upon request to the. City Administrator, City of Monticello, Minnesota. Such request much be accompanied by a $5 (five) dollar fee to cover handling etc. The fee is non-returnable. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bidderTs bond, certified check or cashierrs check in an amount equal to at least five ($) per cent of the amount of the bid which shall be forfeited t.o the City in the event that successful bidder fails to enter into a contract within a specified time. Each proposed bidder shall file an application for an on sale 1_icense and must be in compliance with City's on sale liquor ordinance. A copy of the ordinance and an application are available upon request to the City Administrator, City of Monticello. Successfi.tl bidder will have the option to occupy building July 1 ~, 1 ~~ 5 and lease out off-sale portion to the City at ~ pt~r month for four months or occupy building November 13, 1975 and lease entire building to City for six months at $ per month. City Council reserves the right s and to waive any irregularities ~ ~~rther reserves the right to award interest of the City. to reject any or all in the bidding, and the sale in the best