City Council Agenda Packet 03-24-1975~,
. ~ _• _
Tentative Agenda
Rcaular• 'Meeting -- March 24, 1975 -- 7:30 P. M.
~Sa~-or: Con Johnson
Councilmen: Dick Martie, Denton Erickson, Stanley
Hall, Gene Walters.
'~1eeLinAT to be taped.
Citizens comments.
1. Consider request. of Fire Department for 2 way radios.
_'. Presentation by Dr. Kasper regarding Functional Industries.
~. Consideration of recommendation of Roads & Streets Comm.
to have parallel parking on Walnut St. from Broadway -
one block south to 3rd St.
~. Presentation by Gary Pringle on handling the city's
bond procedures.
5. Consideration of approval of on-sale and off-sale 3.2
beer licenses.
C. Consideration of aerial maps.
. Consideration of position in Public Works Program under
~. Consideration of wording of ballot for April 8th election.
9. approval of March S and 10th minutes.
10. .lpproval of February bills.
11. Lnfini~hed business.
1=. New business.
1 ~.. ~la_i.ling to: Gary Pringle Ronald Michaelis, Fire Chief;
John Badalich, Consulting City Engineer;
Don Smith, Monticello Times; Mike Holm, KRWC;
Marn Flicker, Monticello-Hasty S1_ow Pitch
Softball League; Arve Grimsmo, Roads & Sts. Comm.
Agenda Item 1 - 2 Way Radios for Fire Department
Basically you are aware of the situation from the last
meeting. As you recall, Red Michaelis was requested to
have a ?Motorola representative along to answer various
council questions. A key question was the possible im-
plementation of a 2 way radio system that could be used
for both maintenance vehicles and fire trucks.
-1~enda Item ~ - Functional InduGtries - Dr. Kasper
Dr. Kasper has requested the counci]_ to reconsider its
position in regard to contributions to Functional In-
dustries. As ~-ou recall, the council felt it inappropriate
to contribute to one charity and not others. Additionally,
of course, t-here i.s the question whether a city council
has. authority to contribute to such an organization
from a legal standpoint and more importantly from the
standpo=i.nt of the individual citizen. It was council
consensus, that such a decision should be left to the
people on an individual basis.
lgenda Item 3 - Consideration of Parallel Parking on Walnut St.
At their riarch 18th meeting the Roads & Sts. Commission
recommended that parallel parking be adopted on Walnut St.
from Broadway - one block south to 3rd St. (see map below).
The r~easoni_ng behind the above recommendation is that the
current angle parking presents a real safety hazard due
to the narrow passageway it leaves.
all S~c~~1
Agenda Item 4 - Presentation by G. Pringle on handli.n, bond
Last meeting we had a presentation from 2 Fiscal Con-
sultants on working with the City of Monticello on its
bonding programs. Gary Pringle would also like to makE;
a presentation,. as he feels the city would be saving money
by having his firm handle the bond proceedi.nds.
Agenda Item $ - Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor ( 3. `~ _Beer~ } l censer
On Sa].e Off SalE
Monti-Hasty Slow Pitch Holker' s - Fair' ~ '~Iar°ket~
The request for an on sale license by the Slow Pitch
League i~ for the sale of 3.2 beer during suft ball dames at
the ball park near NSP, from May 1 to September 0, 1~~; S•
Last year the League got a beer license from the Io~.n~hip
and I checked with the Township and they said they had
no problem. According to league, the reasoxx for the
license is to control the beer at a game; as it will. be
brought in if not available and more problems will result.
They did. say it also benefitted them financially and. pro-
ceeds went to their softball program.
Agenda Item 6 - Aerial Photographic Maps
At their March 18th meeting, the Planning Conunissi_on met.
with Midwest Planning & Research, Inc. on the overall.
comprehensive plan to be formulated for the city. Howard
Dahlgren strongly urged the city to purchase t~~o aerial
photographic maps of the City of Monticello. One map
would be an aerial photograph of the central downtown
area (1 square mile) and the other would be an aerial.
map of the entire city. Howard stated that this would.
help his firm immensely in the overall planning and A1r.
Chuck Wetzler, staff member from Orr-Schelen-Mayeron
Assoc. who was present, stated this would also help hi._
firm in their overall planning.
The cost would be about $550.00 for the two maps and these
would be our maps. It was the Planning Commission's
recommendation that the City purchase such aerial photo-
graphic maps.
Agenda Item i - Public Works Position under CETA
Resumes already have been sent out on qualified individuals.
.agenda Item k - Wording of April 8th Ballot
The two questions on the ballot April 8th have to be put
in a form that can be answered yes or no and the questions
would appear as follows:
,Split Liquor:
''tihall the City of Monticello be authorized to continue
the sale of liquor at the Municipal Store and be
authorized to issue private "on-sale" licenses to
hotels and restaurants as defined in Minnesota Statutes,
Section 340.07."
General Obligation Bond:
"Shall the City of Monticello be authorized to issue
General Obligation Bonds in accordance with Minnesota
Statutes, Section 475.58 for an amount up to $130,000
for the purpose of a maintenance building and main-
tenance equipment."
The wording on the split liquor is the format suggested
by the League of Municipalities. On the general obligation
bond question I have indicated maintenance equipment also.
You may want to eliminate this, but as you recall from
last, meeting this wording would allow the city to purchase
some maintenance equipment if the building costs less
than anticipated or a less expensive structure were built.
And of course, even if the issue were approved in the
above. form, the council may still decide not to issue
bonds in any amount in excess of actual building and
sate. acquisition costs.
March ~, 1975 -- 3:00 P. M.
City Hall
'~leetin~ called to order by Acting Mayor Denton Erick@on.
Pr~e~ent: Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall, Gene Walters,
Dick Martie.
Absent: Mayor Con Johnson.
Acting rlayor Erickson announced meeting would be taped.
1. Review of Burnsville ordinances Title 1 for
adoption by City of Monticello.
Keviewed through Title 1, Chapter 6, Section 18. All
changes were recorded as approved.
2. Discussion of proposed meeting with Township on
State Aid distribution.
On a motion by Martie, seconded by Hall, and carried.
unanimously,approved of the meeting with Acting City
Adrnin_strator and City Attorney representing City
of ~lonticEllo.
,:. '~foti_on made to adjourn at 5:30 P. M. by Hall,
~;econded by riartie, and carried unanimously.
.'- ~ ~` ; ~~ 2~ ~ 9 ~''.rC.~
Garv ~4'' .der
9ctng City Administrator
Regular Meeting of Monticello City Council
March 10, 1975 - 730 P.M. City Hall
Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Denton Erickson.
Present: Denton Erickson, Dick Martie, Gene Walters,
Stanley Hall.
absent: Mayor Con Johnson.
actin~~~ Mayor Erickson announced meeting would be taped.
1. Consideration of Two Way Radio for Fire Department.
Presentation by Ronald Michaelis, fire chief, on needs, cost,
and other details of Two Way Radio ,System. Decision tabled
until next meeting at which time Motorola representative
would give presentation and answer questions.
2. Faire school in May.
Motion by Hall seconded by Martie to send 2-3 firemen to
faro. school, unanimously carried.
3. Approval of Minutes.
Motion by Walters, seconded by Hall to approve February
10, 17, and `'4th minutes. Unanimously carried.
:~. Cons:ideration of Maintenance Building.
Presentation b,r John Badalich, consulting city engineer.
notion by Hall, seconded by riartie to put maintenance
building on referendum April 8, 1975, for a building up
to $1 ;0,000.
5. Presentation by fiscal consultant, Robert Ehlers, Jr.
of Ehlers & Associates.
b. Presentation by fiscal consultant Kingsley Forness of
Springsted, Inc.
Mr. Forness stated that a bond rating for the City would
decrease interest rate.4 to 2/. The cost of bond rating would
be appri>x_imately $1,000.
Regular Council Meeting - March 10, 19'75 - continued.
Page 2 .
. ,~pli t Liquor pamphlet.
rioton by Walter,, seconded by Martie to approve Split
liquor pamphlet, unanimously carried. (See supplement
-10-~ ~1.)
4. Administrative assistant.
Motion by i~alters, seconded by Martie to hire administrative
assistant under CETA program, unanimously carried.
It was council consensus to review qualified applicants'
resumes for a maintenance man.
9. Consideration of a loader.
After reviewing the needs, costs etc. of a loader it was
decided to table the matter for further consideration.
10. Resolution on joint agreement with Township of 1975
Local Government Aid.
Acting city administator explained the situation to the
council and it was decided not to adopt resolution on
delaying payment on a portion of 19'75 Local Government Aid.
Motion to adjourn at 11;50 P.M. made by Martie, Seconded
by Ball, carried unanimously.
~_-- ,
.~. .' ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.-G~f~,
Acting Adlni.n.i ~trator