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HRA Agenda 04-05-2000 . 1. 2, . 3, 4, 5, 6, . ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, AprilS, 2000 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall - 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room MEMBERS: Chair Bob Murray, Vice Chair Damn Lahr, Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, and Dan Frie, COUNCIL LIAISON: Brian Stumpf OFFICERS: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, and Recorder Lori Kraemer. GUESTS: Steve and/or Paul Schoen, Aroplax Corporation, Scott Rolfe, Skipper's Pools & Spas Steve Dejong, President, Profile Powder Coating Brad Stevens, Security State Bank, Albertville, Call to Order. Consideration to approve the HRA minutes of March 1,2000, and special meeting of March 14,2000, Consideration of adding agenda items, Consent Agenda, Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion, Public Hearing - Consideration to approve the Lease Agreement between the HRA and SPS Services, Inc, 7, Continuation - Consideration of an update relative to the Tax Increment Guarantee within the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and Jerald and Mary Schoen and consideration to take action relative to the deficiency, 8, Consideration to approve the Preliminary Development Agreement between the HRA and Profile Powder Coating, Inc, authorizing the financial and legal consultants to begin preparation for establishment of TIF District No, 1-27, 9, Consideration to approve the election of HRA officers for 2000 and approve the appointment of commissioners to committees, 10, Consideration to review HRA Bylaws for amendment, . . . HRA Agenda - AprilS, 2000 Page 2 11. Consideration to hear and accept the 1999 Year-End Financial Reports for the Tax Increment District Fund and the HRA General Fund. 12. Consideration to authorize extending an invitation to Local Lenders to attend the HRA May meeting for discussion relative to Downtown Redevelopment. 13. Consideration to accept the hourly rate increase request from the HRA financial consultants. 14. Consideration to authorize payment of the monthly HRA bills. 15. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. 16. Consideration of Committee Reports. a) City Council - Brian Stumpf b) MCP - Steve Andrews c) Marketing - Darrin LahrlBrad Barger d) Community Center - Bob Murray 17. Other Business. 18. Adjournment. Next HRA meeting, May 3,2000. . . . HRA Minutes - 03/01100 MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 1,2000 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall - 505 Walnut Street - Academy Room Members Present: Chair Bob Murray, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, Dan Frie and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Officers Present: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recorder Lori Kraemer I. Call to Order. Chair Murray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to aDprove the February 2.2000 HRA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES, AS WRITTEN, OF THE HRA MEETING ON FEBRUARY 2, 2000. Motion carried. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. Ollie Koropchak added Steve Schoen, Aroplax, Tax Deficiency District 1-12 as item SA and Scott Rolfe, Skippers Pools as item 58. Koropchak removed Item 7 from the Agenda. 4. Consent Agenda. None 5. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None 5A. Steve Schoen. Aroplax. TIF district 1-12 tax deficiency. Ollie Koropchak advised the HRA that Steve Schoen would be speaking on behalf of Jerry Schoen for Aroplax regarding the letter received from the HRA requesting payment for a tax deficiency. Koropchak provided a copy of the letter she sent to Jerry Schoen as well as follow-up correspondence from the Schoen's attorney. The HRA discussed a discrepency in the numbers provided by the Schoen's attorney and the numbers the City had regarding the tax deficiency. -1- HRA Minutes - 03/0 1100 . Steve Schoen addressed the members regarding the letter received from the HRA requesting the tax deficiency payment in 30 days. He stated their concern with the timing of the request for this payment at a time when Aroplax had just begun an expansion project and felt the request to be due and payable in 30 days was not sufficient enough time. Mr. Schoen felt the HRA should not have waited this long to advise Aroplax of the deficiency amount and felt it was unfair. Darrin Lahr explained what was happening with the Legislature and their changes, and that this was unexpected by the HRA as well. Lahr also eXplained the HRA's attempt at rectifying the deficiency issue before it was at the end of the period where there was a potential for a much larger amount to be due. Lahr also assured Mr. Schoen that the HRA would be negotiable in working out a payment schedule that would satisfy both parties. Koropchak recommended tabling this item until the April meeting and in the meantime HRA and City Administrator would further check into this district, as well as speak with the Schoen's attorney regarding the discrepancy in the tax figures. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND DAN FRIE TO TABLE THIS ITEM AND TO DECLARE THE LETTER STATING PAYMENT DUE AND PAYABLE IN 30 DAYS NULL AND VOID. Motion carried. . 5B. Scott Rolfe/Skippers Pools Ollie Koropchak advised the members of the status of the HRA lot in question. Mr. Rolfe addressed the members stating his intent to display 3 pools this year which need to be filled with water to keep them in place. Mr. Rolfe assured the HRA that the previous concern regarding "debris" on this lot had been taken care of and that the only item on the HRA lot at this time was the pool that he had on display during the summer months last year. Koropchak advised the HRA that their reasoning in the past to let Mr. Rolfe use the HRA lot on a seasonal basis was to avoid having to lease this property to Mr. Rolfe and collect rent as well as putting this property back on the tax roll. City Administrator Wolfsteller advised that the HRA would have the option of putting the property on the tax rolls, or pay 30% of the rent received in lieu of taxes. There was concern by the members of the pools being filled with water and the potential for someone getting into the pools after business hours and harming themselves. Mr. Rolfe advised that he had no previous problems with vandalism or breaking and entering, nor he does not anticipate any problems this year. Rolfe advised the pools will be . -2- . . . HRA Minutes - 03/01/00 covered with the appropriate covers and that it would be very difficult for someone to even get back to where the pools would be displayed. He stated that it would also be very difficult for anyone to be able to remove the covers without the appropriate tools as the cover is screwed into the pool. The members discussed the possibility of a lease agreement which would include steps to identify possible risks. The lease would be for no more than a six month period and then renewable at that time. Steve Andrews and Darrin Lahr were not comfortable with this arrangement as long as the pools were going to be filled. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO OFFER A LEASE TO SKIPPER POOLS AND SPAS FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES ONL Y, THE COST TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE COST OF THE ATTORNEY FEES TO DRAFT THE LEASE, CONTINGENT ON CUP APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL, AS WELL AS A CLAUSE ST A TING THE HRA'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE THE LEASE WITHIN 60 DAYS AND THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE POOLS WOULD BE SECUREL Y COVERED NIGHTL Y. Motion carried three to two with Darrin Lahr and Steve Andrews voting in opposition. After further discussion, Chair Murray requested Scott Rolfe to attend the August HRA meeting to update them on the status of the display and discuss any concerns at that time. Koropchak noted this item would be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their March 7, 2000 meeting when Mr. Rolfe requests his CUP. 6. Continued - Consideration to adopt a resolution approving a modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1 and a modified Tax (ncrement Plan for Tax Increment Financing Districts therein. Ollie Koropchak stated she had received this resolution from Kennedy & Graven and that it was advised that the HRA approve this modification. After a brief discussion, the members concluded that this was merely a house-keeping item and that they would follow the advise of Kennedy & Graven to approve this resolution. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION APPROVING A MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND A MODIFIED TAX INCREMENT PLAN FOR THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS THEREIN. Motion carried. .., -.:J- BRA Minutes. 03/01/00 7. Consideration to approve the Estoppel Certificate and subordination Agreement associated with the Contract for Private Development between Twin City Die Castings. the HRA and the City. This item was removed from the Agenda at this time. 8. Consideration to authorize payment of the monthly HRA bills. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF THE MONTHLY HRA BILLS. Motion carried. 9. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Koropchak updated the HRA on the following items: . TIF District No. 1-9, Tappers Inc., with Steve Bubul's suggestion of no need for an assignment with interest from Bill and Barb Tapper, however, suggested that Bill and Barb address the HRA in writing requesting said invoice and also acknowledging this does not release the Tapper's of their legal obligation within the contract between the HRA and Bill and Barb. TIF District No. 1-12, Jerald & Mary Shoen's Tax Increment deficiency, which was discussed earlier on the agenda; Skipper's Pool & Spas and their request to the HRA for a CUP. This item was discussed earlier in the agenda; Landscaping Partnership Program - Greg Engle, Parks Superintendent, attended the class on February 26; Koropchak and Brad Barger also updated the members on the Lender's Breakfast on 2/18/00 and some of the comments from the lenders. Brad added that the Lenders were interested in attending a future HRA meeting; Koropchak advised the HRA of a recent meeting with Collier Towle Real Estate regarding City-owned Industrial land; The Prospect Team visited an Industrial Business in Rogers on 2/29/00 - Profile Powder Coatings who are proposing new technology for Monticello that would be powder coating wood products, looking to locate somewhere between Maple Grove and S1. Cloud. This would be an expansion possibly locating along Chelsea Rd., no outdoor storage, block building versus metal, 30,000 sq. ft., and approximately 30 jobs with salaries between $10 & $25 per hour, up-front financing was important rather than pay as you go. Koropchak stated that perhaps the HRA would like to give some options. The members were reluctant to use . . . . . . -4- . . . . . . HRA Minutes - 03/01/00 . up-front financing until they knew more about the company and the types of jobs and salaries. Arrangements are being made for the Sunny Fresh recognition luncheon to be held at the Monticello Community Center on 3/9/00; Twin City Die Castings grant and loan agreement for the State Grant which should be addressed at the next Council meeting; New IDC officers and EDA officers. 20,000 sq. ft. building for a manufacturing company (Adaboy), currently leasing from Jay Morrell, but looking for their own facility. Koropchak will be meeting with them. Koropchak noted that the next HRA meeting would be their annual meeting with the election of offic~rs. Darrin Lahr stated he would not be able to attend. . . . . 10. Consideration of Committee Reports: a) City Council - Brian Stumpf. - At the last Council meeting Kitty Baltos was authorized to staff the Community Center as she felt necessary. Also noted the possibility of the hours being changed, but nothing definite at this point. b) MCP - Steve Andrews - Was not able to attend the annual meeting. c) Marketing - Darrin Lahr/Brad Barger - Lahr was absent. Barger stated they were working on the Sunny Fresh luncheon for 3/9. d) Community Center - Bob Murray - No additional update. 11. Other Business. None 12. Adjournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:00 P.M. Motion carried. Robert Murray, Chair Lori Kraemer, Recording Secretary -5- . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, March 14,2000 - 4:30 p.m. City Hall- 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Bob Murray, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, and Dan Frie. MEMBERS ABSENT: Brad Barger and Steve Andrews. COUNCIL LIAISON ABSENT: Brian Stumpf STAFF PRESENT: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. 1. Call to Order. Chair Murray called the special lIRA meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the Estoppel Certificate associated with the Contract for Private Develooment between Twin Citv Die Castings Companv. the lIRA. and the City. Koropchak noted the execution copy of the Estoppel Certificate had arrived and includes the recommendation of Attorney Greensweig to add Twin City Die Castings as a party to the Certificate. Attorney Greensweig reviewed the execution copy and recommended no additional changes. The City Council approved the Certificate on March 13, 2000. Additionally, the City Council approved changing the construction completion date for Phase I from June 1,2000 to September 1, 2000. Bob Murray made a motion to approve the Estoppel Certificate, acknowledging the change in the construction commencement date from December 1, 1999, to January 1, 2000, and approving and acknowledging the change of the construction completion date for Phase I from June 1,2000, to September 1,2000, within the Contract for Private Development between Twin City Die Castings Company, the lIRA, and the City of Monticello. Darrin Lahr seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration to approve the Subordination Agreement associated with the Contract for Private Development between Twin City Die Castings Companv. the lIRA. and the City. Koropchak noted the execution copy of the Subordination Agreement had arrived and includes the recommendations of Attorney Greensweig to add a provision to the 1 lIRA Minutes - 3/14/00 . Agreement: The Authority has the ability to cure upon default of the Contract and to add Twin City Die Castings Company as a party to the Agreement. Attorney Greensweig reviewed the execution copy and recommended no additional changes. The City Council approved the Subordination Agreement on March 13, 2000. Dan Frie made a motion to approve the Subordination Agreement associated with the Contract for Private Development between Twin City Die Castings Company, the lIRA, and the City. Damn Lahr seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration to review and discuss potential TIP assistance for Profile Powder Coating. Inc. The Commissioners reviewed the proposed job and wage goals and the estimated TIP cash flow based on a 30,000 sq ft block or tip-up panel building. It was noted this facility would house a new process for wood finishing whereas the Rogers facility's process is metal finishing. That business would remain in Rogers. The closest wood finishing facility is located in Michigan. This process being fairly new leaves the potential for growth or the difficulty of acceptance to a new process. Koropchak noted their lender is Security State Bank of Albertville and the company has submitted proposals to various . building contractors. They would like to be operational late fall. The owner lives in Big Lake and prefers a Monticello location because of Interstate 94. Koropchak noted from the lender's prospective the pay-as-you-go financing method was acceptable; however, no financial statements have been submitted to the State, CMIF, or the City. Monticello has not been selected as the site location for the new facility. Stating this is not an approval of TIP assistance, the Commissioners suggested a range of $100,000 to $125,000 of pay-as-you-go TIP assistance as a guide. This would allow for an early decertification. 5. Other Business. Koropchak advised the Commissioners the City Council and Planning Commission approved the conditional use permit for Skipper's Pool & Spas subject to certain conditions. Attorney Bubul has been authorized to prepare the Lease Agreement between Skipper's and the lIRA as per the lIRA approval and Council approval. . 2 . . . HRA Minutes - 3/14/00 6. Adjournment. The HRA meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. o~ \~A~~ HRA Executive Director 3 . . . HRA Agenda - 4/5/00 6. Public Hearine: . Consideration to approve the Lease Ae:reement between the HRA and SPS Services. Inc. A. Reference and Background: Public Hearing The HRA is required to hold a public hearing upon leasing of property with the exception of residential leases. Upon the approval of the conditional use permit by the Planning Commission and the City Council, Attorney Bubul was contacted to prepare the Lease Agreement per the HRA motion of March 1,2000, and the City Council approval of March 13,2000. At that time, I was informed of the HRA's legal obligation to hold a public hearing. The public hearing notice appeared in the Monticello Times on March 23, satisfYing the legal requirements. Skipper's was notified of the need for the public hearing. The HRA is asked to open the public hearing for comments and upon receiving comments, close the public hearing. Lease Agreement Attached is a copy of the Lease Agreement prepared by Attorney Bubul via the direction ofthe lIRA and the City Council. A copy has been faxed to Skipper's and given to Jeff O'Neill for review and comment. As noted in the cover letter from Bubul, I will anticipate receiving the fees associated with preparation of the document prior to the HRA meeting and the cost ofthe public hearing notice in the Times was $35.61. After discussion and holding the public hearing, please consider the following alternatives. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the Lease Agreement between the HRA and SPS Services, Inc. as prepared at a lease fee of 2. A motion to approve the Lease Agreement between the HRA and SPS Services, Inc. with the following changes and at a lease fee of 3. A motion to continue the item. 4. A motion to deny approval of the Lease Agreement between the HRA and SPS Services, Inc. . HRA Agenda - 4/5/00 c. Recommendation: Recommendation is Alternative No.1 as the Lease Agreement is consistent with the HRA and Council motions. At this time no comments have been received from Skipper's. D. Supporting Data: Lease Agreement, HRA motion of March 1, Council motion of March 13, and public hearing notice. . . 2 . . . 03-29-00 16:30 From-KENNEDY' GRAVEN +6123379310 T-BBl P,03/16 F-765 LEASE AGREEMENT This Agreemenl is made Ibis _ day ot" 2000. by i:U1d. between THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR CITY OF MONTICEllO. MINNESOTA ("the Lessor"). a public body cOl'porclte and. politic under the laws of Minnesota, and SPS SERVICES. INe. (the "Lessee"), a. Minnesota corporation. 1. SUMMARY OF AGREEMENT A. The following provisions are an integral pan ot" this Agreement. They are referred 10 in oroer sections of Ihi1i Agreement and are provided for the convenience of me parties. Each reference to a. provision in 1his Agreemenl shall be consuued to im:orporale i&ll tenns provided in Ihis section. Where appropriate. lenDS used in this Agreement include the plural. and any reference to Lessee also r~fers to Le~e's agents. ~ustomers, guests,.wcJ invitees. 1. LESSEE: SPS Services, Inc. 2. LESSOR: Housing and Redevelopmem AUIhoriIY in cmd for the City of Monticello, Minnesota 3. COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PREMISES ("Premises"): Propeny )ocateu in WIight County. MinnesOla, and described as: The easrerly 40 f~et of me nanhcrly 48 teeI of the parcel described as; Lots 7 and 8, Block 52 except the southeasterly 16.5 feet of me southwesterly ~o feet of Lot 8. 4. DURATION OF LEASE: September 1. 2000 5. STARTING DATE OF LEASE: April S. 2000 6. NOTICE PERIOD: 60 d~ys 7. LEASE COST: $ this Agreement.] [equal 10 costs ~jocialed with preparation of g. DESIGNATED USE OF PREMISES: For the placement and display of swimming pools. some of which may be filled with water, in connection wlIh Lessee's business known ~ Skippers Pool and Spas located at 101 w. BroaQway adjacem 10 the Premises.. 03w29wOO 16:30 FrcmwKENNEDY & GRAVEN +6123379310 TwSS1 P.04/16 Fw765 . II. USE OF PREMISES A. Lessee agrees to pay Lessor $ . which is the Lessor's OUt of pocket COSt ca.ssociated with the preparation iIIld approval of this Agreement, for the use and enjoymenl of the Premises during the tenn 01" this Agreement. B. Lessee may use the Premises only for the purpose designated above. Lessee further ctgrees IO apply, by no lawr than one hour after close of business, proper coverings On all pools mill are filled with w4ter, sufficient to prevent CUlyone or from entering the pool. Such coverings may be removed from the pools no earlier man one hour before sran of business. c. Lessee may locate and display the pools on the Jeased Premises during the r.enn of this Agreement or until either patty electS to temunate this Agreement as set forth herein. D. Lessee promises at all times (1) to comply with all laws, rules. and regulations pe.rta.iniug to the use of the Premi.~li::s iacluclillg without limitiUion all termS iUlJ caruJititJn~ of the condiTion41 use pennit for the adjacent propeny at 101 W. Broadway, approved by the City Council on March 13. 2000; (2) nor 10 use the Premises in an illegal or dangerous manner or that would cause a cancellation. restriction, Or increase in premlum for omy insuraru:e carried by Lessor on the Premises; and (3) not to interfere in the me&imencw:e, management, or operation of the Premises. . E. Lessee funher promises At all times (1) to direct away from me public righI-of-way i:Lny and aJlligbting either placed on Or focused towards me Premises; (2) to Clearly snipe and mark All parking stalls on the Premises; (3) [0 place a continuous barrier surrounding each swimming pool and spa thaI is located on the Premises suffi"ient to prevent anyone or anYthing from enTering such pools or sp~; i:lllQ (4) not to constrU"l or ere'-l iUly remponuy or permanem sign, billboard. or other advertising SIIUcture on the Premises. F. During the r.cnn of this Agreement. either Lessor or Lessee shall have: the light to tcrminaw dUs Agreement in their respective sole discretion by serving On the other pan.y i:Lt least 60 Wlys wnUA:n notice. Lessor IS not required to refimd to Lessee all or cmy partion 01' the Lease COStS in the event either pany terminales this AgreemenL Lessor also has the right to term inate this AgreemenT immediaTely if in its discretion Ihe use of Ihe Premises constitutes a hazard to thc public health, safely, and general welfare ofrhe communit)'. C. Euher upon ex.pir4tion or termination of this Agreement. but by no later than August 31. 2000, Lessee shall cause the drainage and removal of all pools and spas from the Premises. Such drainage cmd removal may not dcanage the Premises in any way. All liquid coments of such pools and spas shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable federal or StaTC laws, regulations. or guidelines and. if none, then in accordance with applicable manufacturer's suggested guidelines. H. If Lessee fcills to remove the pools and spas i:lD.d otherwise fully vacate the Premises upon TenniDation or expiration of this Agreement. in either event by no later than August 31, 2000, Lessee sh.ill be liable to Lessor far any damages or COSts resulting therefrom, including reasonable . attorney ft:es and COUIl COSts. Lessee also shall be charged and hereby agrees to pay $25 for each PIC-17n6&>I.Z MNl!)O-1l5 2 . . . 03-29-00 16:30 From-KENNEDY' GRAVEN +6123379310 T-881 P.OS/16 F-765 additional 24-hour period. or any pan of 24 hours. mal Lessee occupies the Premises after the expiration or proper tennination of this Agreement. w. CONDITION OF PREMISES A. Lessee promises (l) not to clamage or misuse the Premises: (2) not to make l1l1Y surf""e ur subsunace changes [Q me Premises without the prior written COnSent of Lessor; (3) 10 immediatcly notify Lessor of any conditions on or about the Premises !hat are dangerous to hwnan health or satety. or that may aalDage Or pose the threat of damage to the Premises; (4) to leave the Premises, upon expiration or proper tennination of this Agreement. in substantially the same condition i:lS when it entered the Premises: and (5) to keep the Premises 10 a neat ami orderly condition, with special reference to .fire bazarcts, and to pennit nO rubbish of any kind to accumulate On or about me Premises. B. If the Lessor approves and consents to Lessee auaching improvements to the Premises, not including me pools or related 'iCcesSOries, all such improvements arc the propertY of Lessor regiU"dless 01 who installed and who paid ror lhe improvements. All nonpermanem unprovements installed and paid for by Lessee shiill be the propeny ot the Lessee provioed Lessee leaves me Premises in the same or substantially the same condition it was in prior TO such ins~lla.tion. c. Lessce shiill not penult any liens 10 encumber the Premises tbr any purpose mcluaing but not liroired to labor or material tWnished w. or for the account of. Lessee. or claimed to have been so fumlshea in connection with any work pelt aImed or clalmed to have bc:en performed on or ",bout the Premises. N. RIGHTS OF LESSOR A. If Lessee violates any malertal term of this Agreement, Lessee may be evicred immediaTcly, provided that Lessor gives Lessee written notice and a reasonable opponunity ro cure such breach. If Lessee is evicted but doe.s not v-4Cate the Premises voluntarily. then Lessor may rue an eVlCuon ~tion against Lessee and Lessee agr~es to pay for ct.ll costs i:\SSOI:iated with s~h ~uon, including reasonable attorney fees and coun COSts. Lessor's election nOI to sue or evict Lessee does nOt prevent Lessor :from suing or evicting Lessee for any other violation of any Tcrm of this Agreement. B. AUlhoIized agenTS and representatives of Lessor may enter the Premises at any reasonable time, or at any time in the even~ of an emergency, to inspect. improve. maintain. or repair the Premises. provided that their entry shall avoic1 unreasonably inrerfering or endangering the OCCUP11Jlts of the Premises. There shall be no ~lowance to L..essee, Or liability On the pan of Lessor, by reason of inconvenience. annoyance, Or injury to business. resulting from Lessur's pen'onnanl:e of this provision or any other provision of this Agreement. C. Lessee sh5Lll la.wfully. peaceably. and quietly have, hold, OCI:Upy, i:U1d enjoy the Premises during the tenn of thi~ Agreement, wlthout hindr.wce or objection by aIlY persons lawfully rJC-17nMvl. MNJ90-85 3 . . . 03-29-00 16: 31 From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN +6123379310 T-881 P.06/16 F-765 claiming LUlder Lessor; provided. however. Lessee observes, keeps, and performs all teons and provisions of this Agreement. v. LIABILITY OF LESSEE ANP LESSOR A. LeSSOT. and its agents, employees, and representatives are not responsible for any damage or injwy caused by and to Lessee, or to its propeny, agents. cuswmers. guests, Or invirees. LeS$or, and its agents, employees, ana r~presentati ves also are nOl responsible for the actions of, Or any damages, injury, or hann caused by, third parties who are not under Lessor's ,"ontrol. B. Notice. A nolice, demand, Or other communication by either pany tQ the ather pany under thi.!i Agreement shall be sufficiently gi~en or delivered if dispatched by registered or cenitied mail. postage prepaid. return receipl requCSlea. or aelivered personally as follows: 1. for Lessor, mail notice to: Housing and Redevelopment AUthorilY in and tor the City at Monticello, MinnesOta Atm: Executive Dueclor 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362-8831 2. for Lessee. mail notice to: SPS Services, lnc. Ann: Scan and Amy Rolfe 101 West Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Or at such other address that either pany from time 10 ume may designate in wnting and may forward to the oaher pany as provided in this section. C. Eminent Domain. In the event thal all or pan of Ihe Premises are acquired or Ween under the power of eminent domain for public use, Lessor may, at its sole option, 1ermmate this Agreemem as of the ditte on which me ",qui ring aLJthority becomes entitled to possession of the Premises. In the event of such wrmination, Lessee shall have no further right to any possession of the Premises, nor to any compensation Or award of damages for any past or funrre leasehold interest. D. Lessee shall not cause Or permit to be caused any act or practice, by negligence. omiSsion, or otherwise. that would aftect the environment in any way, and shall not do anything Or pennit anything to be done that would be in viohltion of any federal or Slate law. regulation, Or guideline. This includes but 15 nut limiled to the improper Or illegal use or disposal of any flammable, combustible. hazardoUS, Or explosive tluicl, material. pollutant, chemical. Or substanCe. A violation of this clause will be considered a ma.u:rial breach of this Agreemen1. PJC-177708v2 MN190-85 4 . . . 03~29~00 16:31 From~KENNEDY , GRAVEN +6123379310 T~881 P.07/16 F~7S5 VL INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION A. Insurance. Lessee shall pnx..11fe omd carry the following insurance at all times that Lessee occupies the Premises: 1. Le~e, at its sole ,"Ost and expense, shiill m~intain in full force and effect during the term of the Lease and any renewal thereof: a. Gener41 Liability msurolnce in the following minimum wnOunts: 1. $1,000,000 bodily il\jury, including death, per person; $1,000,000 bodIly injury, mduding death, per occurrence: $500,000 propeny damage, per occWTence; or u. $1,000.000 per occurrence, combined Single limits; $1,000,000 aggregate. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and ror the City of Monticellu, Minnesota, shall be lliiDled as an Addinonal Insured. The general liability pOlicy shall contain a supulcttiun that Lessee's insurer will provide to Lessor written notice i:tlleast 30 dctys prior to cancellation of such msur4l1ce. All language limiting rhis requirement On the Certificate shall be stnCken. The in~urance shall be carried by solvent and responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the stite of Minnesota. b. Propeny Insurcmce on Lessee's personal propen:y in an amount. necessary to replace such propeny if necessary. c. Workers' Compensation as reqwred by law. 2. Evidence at all required insurance shall be in the torm at a Certificate of Insurance (ACCORD Type) ctncl shall be sent to the Lessor unmediarely upon acceptanCe of this Agreement B. Indemnification. Lessee shill inclemnify and proteCt. c1efena, aml hold Lessor and the City uf Munticello and thelf agents, employees, and representathes hannless against all eApensC::i. liabilities, and clctims of any kind, including but. nOt limited to reasonable ctuomey Lees, by i:Ulcl behalf of cmy person or entity arising Olll of either (1) a faiJ.ure by Le~se~ to perfonn 4lly of the ternl! Or conditioIlS of Ibis A&reement; (2) any injury or damage happening On Or about the Premises; or (3) failure to cumply wiIh any leder41. .stoae, or lucal Ltw. This pruvision shctll sUlVive the expiration or termination of this Agrec:mcm is 10 dcWns for incidents tbat occurred either dUring the lenn at" the Agreement or occupancy by Lessee, whichever is longer. i'JC- J m6'6v",: MNl90-115 5 . . . 03-Z9-00 16: 31 From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN +61Z3379310 T-SSl P.OS/16 F-765 C. Reimbursement. Lessee shilll reimburse Lessor, and its agents, employees, officers, ami repre~nlatives for (1) any loss, propeny damage. or COSts of repair or service caused by the negligence on or unproper use of the Premises by Lessee; (2) all costs inc;ulTed by Lessor arising from Lessee's abandonment of the Premises or other violations of this Agreement by Lessee; and (3) all COSts incurred by Lessor resulting from any action or suit for eviction, unpaid rent, Or any other debc or charge, including but n01liml1cd to reasonable anomey fees and coun COSts. VIL GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Force M~eure. If me peIformance at any pan of this Agreement by either party is prevented, hindered, l.lela.yed, or otherwise made impracticable by reilSOn of .my flood, riOt, fire. judidal or governmCJlt action. act of God. or any other causes beyond the contrOl of either pany, that pany shall be excused from such to the extent that it is prevenred. hindered. Or delayed by such causes. B. Waiver. The petfonnance or observance of any promise or condition set fonh in Ih1s AgreemeoJ may be waiveo only in Wl1Ung. No delay m the exercise of any power, nght. Ot remedy operates as a. waiver thereof. nor shall any single Or Pi:lIual exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. Lessor may usc lIS legal rights and remedies in any combination and, by using one Or more of these rights Or remedies. Lessor does not waive any aJher righrs or remedies it may h~ve available. C. Severabilirv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held invalid. unlawful, or otherwise unc::nforceable in any respect, it is to that exrenJ to be de~med omitteu. The remitinder of the Agreement shilll be valid and enforceable to the maximum extent possible. D. ASsii!nmem. Lessee may not, but Lessor mClY, iCSsign or subleASe ilS tights. duties, or obligi:tllons under this Agreement to <my person or entity, in whole or in part. The cOVenants and agreements in Jhis Agreemenl shall bind and benetil me heirs. executors. administrators. successors. and assigns of the panies to this Agreement. E. Emire A~eemem. This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of all mUJuw understi:&Ildings belWeen Jhe pi:Uties With respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior or comemporancous proposals, communicauons, and understandings, whether oral Or wrinen. Any amendment Or modification of this Agreement must be in writing itlld Signed by both panies. F. Governing Law; Consent to Jurisdiction. This Agreemem shall be governed by and consuued in accordance with the laws of me Slate of Minnesota. without regard to its con11ict of Jaws pro\iisions. G. Read and Understand. Each pany acknowledges that i1 has read and undersumds ws Agreement emd i:lgrees to be bOWld by ilS terms. I'JC.I 7776i.\f';;. MN I 90-85 6 . . . 03-Z9-00 16:3Z DATE: PJC-17776S..2 MNj9(H5 From-KENNEDY I GRAVEN +6123379310 T-881 P.09/16 F-765 SPS, INC. By President HOUSlNO AND REOEVELOPMENr AUlHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA By Its Chair By Its Executive DU"CClor 7 . . . SKIPPER'S POOLS & SPAS HRA Motion of March I, 2000 relative to use of the HRA lot The HRA approved a motion authorizing the HRA Attorney to draft a Lease Agreement between Skipper's Pools & Spas (Scott and Amy Rolfe) and the HRA for the northerly portion of the parcel described as L TS 7 & 8 BLK 52 EX SEL Y 16.50 FT of SWL Y 90 FT ofL T 8, subject to approval of the conditional use permit by the Planning Commission and City Council. Terms of the agreement to include but not limited to: Lease rate equal to costs associated with preparation of the agreement, lease for display purposes only, 60-day right to terminate lease, indemnification ofl-IRA, six-month lease with termination date as of September I, 2000, all pools filled with, water shall be covered each night, and/or other terms as defined by the Attorney. The motion passed on a three to two vote. Two members voting against the motion were concerned with the HRA's liability due to the three pools for display being filled with water. Scott Rolfe was'requested to attend the August meeting of the HRA for an assessment of the 6- month use. \j f) J"ilJlJe,..~~ ",...",,~'l,e;v' "~ J..bal'$ , d' " S ,/' , ,.,3.1"C." f'" f) '2 0Crrr ""'" ""y Ii",-"" t/ 101 ",-;'?S)(j-(j -'-'{)j M OadWa~ p . .'~ SP.4\S . P Ont/cello, MN'~' 80)( 1234 " OOLS . C 5362 HEM/CALS . 0 ECKS ~" . . . Council Minutes . 3/13/00 There was some discussion on fees based on the complexity of the project and it was felt there needed to be some clarification on the engineering fees and how they were determined. Bruce Thielen noted that the grant application process is very competitive and it would be unlikely, if the City would drop Ollt that they would be funded again at some future date. The consensus of the Council was that the project was important. However, they were looking to see if the City funded the City's share of the project from reserves what impact it would have. Bruce Thielen also suggested that the Mayor and/or Councilmembers go to the school district and discuss funding participation by the district. Clint Herbst questioned whether it was feasible to have a second engineering firm look at this project. John Simola, Public Works Director, responded that the time frame on this project being limited would not work well for involving a second engineering firm. Clint Herbst asked what the estimated engineering costs would be for the plans and specifications. Bret Weiss replied the cost would be approximately $62,000. BRUCE 1'1 HELEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TIlE BRIDGE AND PATHWA Y PROJECT AS OUTLINED IN THEIR SCOPE OF SERVICES UNDER THE FEE ARRANGEMENT AS REQUESTED CONTINGENT UPON THE STAFF DETERMINING OPTIONS FOR FINANCING OF TIlE CITY'S SHARE OF THE PROJECT COSTS AND BRINGING THESE FINANCING OPTIONS BACK TO TI-IE COUNCIL FOR DISCUSSION AT A FUTURE MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Consideration of a reuuest for a conditiomtl use permit to allow open sales as an accessory use in the B-4. Reeional Business District. Annlicant: Skipper Pools and Snas. Jeff O'Neill summarized the Planning Commission's consideration of this item and reviewed the conditions proposed as part of the conditional use permit. The Planning Commission also addressed the complaints about the property owner's storage of materials outside. It was noted that the site is not ideal for its current use so it is extremely di fTicult to arrive at a permanent solution on the issue of outside display and storage. There was discussion on whether it was better to allow the display and storage on the site or on the property owned by the HRA and leased to the tenant. BRUCE TI-IIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE TilE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING OUTDOOR DISPLA Y AND SALES FOR SKIPPER POOLS AND SPAS LOCATED AT 101 WEST BROADWAY (Lots 9 & 10, Block 52, Original Plat) SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. Entering intn a satisfactory lease arrangement with the liRA that includes a hold harlllless and indelllnific.llion clause prote\:ting the City against lawsuits assodated with display of pools IIl1ed with water. All lighting must be directed away from the public right-ol~way. ..... Parking stalls must be dearly striped and marked. ,.; No permanent or temporary signs shall be erected on the outdoor display. .".. Any swimming pool or spa displayed outdoors must be provided with a continuous surrounding barrier to preVl:nt entry. V Outdoor swimllling pool or spa displays Illay contain water for strudural reasons, butlllust be securely covered during night time or non-busincss hours. v' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4 '. . Council Minutes - 3/13/00 7. 8. All items shall be removed by August 31,2000. No outside storage is allowed under this permit. V" The conditional use permit shall be seasonal from April through August 31, 2000. .... BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning map to rezone a parcel from I-IA. Light Industrial to R-3. Multiple Familv Residential. Aplllicant: .Joseph & Mamie LaFromboise. The Planning Commission in their consideration of the rezoning request recommended denial of the rezoning from I-I ^ to R~3 based on the finding that the City's Comprehensive Plan calls f()!' preservation of industrial land. They also felt that while freeway exposure was an enhancement for industrial use it would have a negative impact on multiple family. BRUCE TlIfELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE DENIAL OF TI-IE REZONING REQUEST OF GUS LAFROMBOISE TO REZONE OUTLOT A, CONSTRUCTION 5 ADDITION FROM I-IA TO R-3 BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CALLS FOR PRESERV ^ nON OF INDUSTRIAL LAND AND THE FREEWA Y EXPOSURE WOULD NEGATIVELY IMPACT A MULTIPLE FAMILY PROJECT. CLINT BERRST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 10. Consideration of pavment of bills for March. 2000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PA YML':NT OF BILLS FOR MARCH. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Bruce Thielen stated that during the construction process for the community center there was a small group that met periodically to work out construction issues. He suggested that there be a permanent mechanism established for the operation of the community center similar to the Park Commission. It was felt that if the small group is going to continue to function for awhile yet, they could set in motion the formalizing of a commission for the community center. Clint Herbst questioned the appropriateness of community center contacting the school regarding supervision of students who were at the community center on a day when school was closed. The Council briefly commented on a proposal for the use of the former senior citizen huilding. The consensus of the Council was that they did not feel the proposed use would fit the area. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8 P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . Recording Secretary 5 'n _ ~_t!':,"'~ .""". ll"""..L'aJ . - ~,rIftI'-j. dTsconlrnuance of programs, curtaHment of prograrus, discontinuance of positions or curtailment of positions. ,d ,-,.. vertisement e.r Seniors" w report out today reveals thousands of lillie-known ~5. Records show that each year, many of these Buse people don't know they're available... and the re are details about getting free prescription drugs, lodet your home, how to get paid to.lravel, and us freebiesean be yours regardless of your income' writing for:MORE information. Send your name and FS1325.1J8 - 12th SI. N.W., Box 24500, Canton, . .d lj(jstage;"1 would be appreciated, hut not . @ 1991 TCO FSOl29S j ,I., ;y 4NTAGE JOR CARE ; and upholstery 11 specialists. A new class of cleaning: ~X-20 Rotary Jet Extractor I Re~~tial · Commercial .onticello, MN ;33 · 800-355-8849 ..._,,;:;;;~,,,,,,,,.~ -- .,-....,...._-~. ~, ~ ~- variance lor Lot b, l:ilo<.;k I dllU I_U'" L U"U ". . the Parkside at Meadow Oaks Addition. Location: Lot 6, Block 1 and Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 Parks ide at Meadow Oaks Addillon Applicant: Harold Shermer, Parkside at Meadow Oaks Subdivision Written and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects and all persons desiring to be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. Note: Decisions of the Planning Commission will be final unless appealed by an individual by 9 a.m. on Wednesday, April 12, 2000. Appeals must be in writing, signed and must state reasons for appeal. If appeal is filed, the City Council shall hear appeal on Monday, April 24, 2000 at 7 p.m. at the Monllcello City Hall. -Fred Patch, Zoning Administrator (March 23, 30, 2000) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, will hold a pub- *: lic hearing on Wednesday, April 5, 2000, 7 p.m. In the CIty Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota, regardIng the proposed lease of the northerly portion of the parcel described as LTS 7 and 8 BLK 52 EX SELY 16.50 FT of SWLY 90 FT of L 8, City of Monticello, to SPS services, Inc. All interested persons may appear and be heard orally and in writing. -Ollie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director (March 23, 2000) ,..'ULJL.,l..r , IL/\lII" , ! -- MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTtFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filin~ is required for consumer protection in order to enable consumers to be able to idenllfy the true owner of a business. 1. State the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted (one business name per application): Joseph Allen Jewelry 2. State the address of the principal place of business. A complete street address or rural route and rural route box number is required; the address cannot be a P.O. Box: 506 Wright St., Monticello, MN, 55362 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary. If the busi. ness owner is a corporation provide the legal corporate name and registered office address of the corporation. Joseph A. Koecheler, 506 Wright St., Monticello, MN, 55362 ' 4. I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I under- stand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath: Date: 02-23-2000 -Joseph A. Koecheler, Owner (Mar 23, 30, 2000) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, April 5, 2000 the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board will hold a hearing at the Monticello Township Hall, Monticello, Minnesota at 7:30 p.m. to consider the following item: OTTER CREEK, LLC. LOCATION: Part of Lot B of the N 112 of SE 1/4 and part of the E 1/2 of SW 1/4, Section 10, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Tax #213-100- 104200 and .104203 Property owners: Tozer/Winkelman, etal Petitions for a temporary mining and land alteration in preparation for future roads and development as regulated in Section 727 and 728 of the Wright County Zoning Ordinance. Such persons that desire to be heard with reference to the proposed application will be heard at this time. If you do not attend the hearing or submit written comment, it will be assumed that you have no objections to the proposal. If there are any ques- tions, please contact the Planning and Zoning Ollice in Buffalo. Interpreter services for the hearing impaired will be provided on request for public meetings and other coun- ty.sponsored classes and events. -Wright County Planning and Zoning Office, Wright County Government Center, 1Q.2nd St. N.W.. RM 140, Buffalo, Minnesota. (March 23, 2000) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that public hearings will be held by the City of Monticello Planning Commission on April 4, 2000 at 7 p,m. in the Monticello City Hall to consider the following matters: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a sign variance request for perpendicular professional sign Location: 313 West Broadway Applicant: Metcalf, Larson and Muth, P.A. Written and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects, and all persons desiring to be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. Note: Decisions of the Planning Commission will be final unless appealed by an individual by 9 a.m. on Wednesday, April 12, 2000. Appeals must be in writing, signed and must state reasons for appeal. If appeal is filed, the City Council shall hear appeal on Monday, April 24, 2000 at 7 p.m at the Monticello City Hall. -Fred Patch, Zoning Administrator (March 23, 30, 2000) . ----, . . HRA Agenda - 4/5/00 7. Continuation - Consideration of an update relative to the Tax Increment Guarantee within the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the BRA and Jerald and Marv Schoen and consideration to take action relative to the deficiency. A. Reference and Background: As you will recall at the March HRA meeting, Steve Schoen appeared before the HRA representing Jerald and Mary Schoen, relative to the action taken by the Commissioners in February (see letter dated February 9, 2000.) Koropchak responded to Jerald Schoen's telephone call with the letter dated February 22,2000, supported by a summary of the district. However, the letter dated February 21 from Sjoberg & Tebelius was received on February 23 and the February 25 letter later. Also attached is the response letter of February 28 to Sjoberg & Tebelius and the attachments. The tax increment deficiency increased significantly in years 1998 and 1999 because of the following combination: Decrease in classification rates, tax rate frozen at time of certification, and minimum increase to market value. However, if not, for the reduction of classification rate, the property taxes would have increased significantly in 1998 and 1999. Because this was an add-on item to the agenda and with no additional feedback from Sjoberg & Tebelius since the HRA letter of February 28, the HRA commissioners made a motion to table any action until the April meeting and deferred the March 9,2000, due and payable date for the $12,426.80 tax increment deficiency. Koropchak noted she was uncertain to the accuracy of the decertification date, December 31, 2001, as reported on the TIF Municipality Report. I received one telephone call from Attorney T ebelius shortly after the HRA meeting. With further explanation ofTIF, noting the HRA had mailed letters annually to the developer relative to the annual deficiency since January 1996, and that the HRA would consider a payment schedule similar to another district; the Attorney appeared to be satisfied. I did call Paul Schoen on March 29 to inform him of the HRA meeting of April 5 and that this item will appear on the agenda. He is proceeding to contact their attorney since he has not heard from him. I did check with Steve Bubul and the correct decertification date is June 10, 2001, ten years from the date the TIF Plan was approved. This means the last year the HRA will receive tax increment is for payable 2000. Again, the cumulative amount of the tax increment deficiency through calendar year 1999 is $12,426.80. It is estimated the tax increment deficiency in year 2000 will be about $5,000. For consistency with the negotiated offer to Bill Tapper, the BRA may suggest payment of $6,213.40 (one-half the $12,426.80) due and payable in 30 days from the HRA meeting or May 5, 2000, with the remaining balance of $6,213 .40 due and payable May 5, 2001, and the tax increment J ,.' ., ~ February 9,2000 MONTICELLO Jerald 1. and Mary E. Schoen Aropla.x Corporation 200 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 RE: TAX INCREMENT GUARANTEE NOTICE Dear Jerry and Mary: Recently you received a letter dated January 13,2000, stating the cumulative amount of the deficiency in tax increment through calendar year 1999 was $12,426.80. The letter also noted that in September 1995, the commissioners authorized that redevelopers be notified annually of the cumulative amount of the deficiency and the cumulative amount of deficiency was not due and payable until the maturity date. The reason the 1995 commissioners elected not to collect the deficiency on an annual basis was they assumed market values would increase causing the tax increment to increase resulting in the deficiency correcting itself over time or by the maturity date. . Unknown to the commissioners, in 1997, the State Legislators reduced the commercial/industrial classification rates for the purpose of business retention and expansion thereby reducing the property taxes. This combined with the tax rate being frozen at the time the Tax Increment District was created and the market value not increasing substantially caused the tax increment deficiency to become greater for payable years 1998 and 1999 rather than correcting itself. For this reason and with the deficiency for payable 2000 estimated at an additional $5,000 plus, the current commissioners requested a second letter be drafted stating the cumulative amount of the deficiency through calendar year 1999 of $12,426.80 is due and payable upon thirty (30) days receipt of this notice as per the Contract for Private Redevelopment. This second notice allows you to spread the deficiency payment over two years, 2000 and 2001. Because tax increment financing is difficult for redevelopers to understand, please do not hesitate to call me at 763- 271-3208 for a further explanation. The next meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is March 1, 2000, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, should you wish to attend Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTI:IORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, :MINNESOTA c::J~~ \<'~~~~Jt~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director . c: Rick Wolf steller, Administrator File Monticell~ City HUll'.250 E. Broud.way. ,PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245. (612) 295-2711. Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Pubhc Works, 909 Golt Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (612) 295.3170 . Fax: (612) 271-3272 q A " " i. ,. .'1 ) J m February 22,2000 (- MONTICELLO Jerald 1. and Mary E. Schoen Aroplax Corporation 200 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 RE: EXPLANATION OF TAX INCREMENT GUARANTEE NOTICE OF FEBRUARY 9,2000. Dear Jeny and Mary: The enclosed attachment notes the changes in the EMV (estimated market value), Tax Classification Rates, Local Tax Rate, Taxes, and Tax Increment over the life duration ofTIF District No. 1-12. . First, the District was certified by the County in 1991 at a local tax rate of 87.780%. This rate is frozen for purposes of tax increment financing by Minnesota Statutes. Secondly, the estimated market value of the land and building increased $64,648 over the duration of the district or less than $10,000 per year. Thirdly, the State Legislators reduced the commercial/industrial classification rates beginning payable 1998 for the purpose of reducing the property taxes of Minnesota businesses. Because the amount of the tax increment is figured from the estimated market value, the tax classification rate, and the frozen tax rate; your tax increment deficiency increased most significantly in the years 1998 and 1999, mainly, due to the reduction of the classification rate. If the State had not reduced the classification rate, your property taxes would have been greater and your tax increment deficiency less or perhaps, deleted the deficiency. The Tax Increment Guarantee is a section of the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the liRA and Jerald 1. and Mary E. Schoen. Should you have further questions, please call me at 763-271-3208, fax 763-2954404, or e-mail okoroochra> I did fax this to Aroplax Corporation. Again, the Conunissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meet the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m at the City HaIl, 505 Walnut Street. The next meeting is March 1,2000. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOP:MENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA e,~Q..~ \~d\ L-,~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director . c: Rick Wolf steller, Administrator Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator File Y Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362.9245. (612) 295.2711. Fax: (612) 2954404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (612) 295.3170. Fax: (612) 271-3272 qb . TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-12 Jerald J. and Mary E. Schoen This Tax Increment District was certified June 28,1991, at a frozen tax rate of 87.780% for purposes of tax increment financing. Estimated market value of $562,052 - 1993. Annual Tax Increment Guarantee of $21,500 - 1994. 23,000 sq ft facility. Year EMV TC Rate TAX RATE Taxes Tax Inerem. 1992 3% <$100,000 87.780% 4.60/0>.$100,000 1993 $562,052 107.327% 1994 112.873% $26,066 $19,523 1995 113.028% $27,547 $20,908 . 1996 110.581% $27,195 $20,957 1997 3% <$150,000 112.618% $27,640 $20,764 4.6%>$150,000 1998 $596,800 2.7%<$150,000 118.645% $26,360 $17,837 4%>$150,000 1999 $626,700 2.45%<$150,000 131. 670% $27,192 $16,583 3.5%>$150,000 2000 2.4%<$150,000 131.438% 3.40/0>$150,000 . CfC/ . SJOBERG & TEBELIUS, EA. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW 2145 WOODLANE DRIVE, SUITE 101 WOODBURY, MINNESOTA 55125 .,.,...---.... -----_:;:;;,,< ROY A SJOBERG' MARK A. TEBELlUSt JOHN A MURRAY KELLYM. ROWE DANIEL P. STOLFA 'ALSO ADMITIED IN WISCONSIN fALSO ADMmED IN NORlli DAKOTA February 21, 2000 E-MAIL Ms. Ollie Koropchak Executive Director Housing and Redevelopment Authority Monticello City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Re: Jerald J. and Mary E. Schoen {Schoen Properties Limited Partnership] Tax Increment Guarantee Notice . Dear Ms. Koropchak: Jerry Schoen has provided our office with a copy of your correspondence of February 9, 2000, in which you stated that the cumulative amount of the deficiency in tax increment through calendar year 1999 was $12,426.80, and requesting payment of said amount within 30 days of the receipt of this notice. Please provide our office with a detailed explanation of the computation of this deficiency, as well as the exact provisions in the Contract for Private Development with regards to the payment of this deficiency. Thank you in advance for your prompt ~ttention in this matter. Sincerely yours, SJOBERG & TEBELIUS, P.A. 11IMi~ ~ Mark A. Tebelius MATtcg cc: Schoen Properties Limited Partnership . F;\CLlENTS\I097\OOOZllrl - Koropchak.wpd qb . . . Feb-25-00 04:18pm From-SJOBERG & TEBELIUS + SJOBERG &TEBELIUS. PA. ATIORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW 2145 WOODLANE DRIVE, SUITE 101 WOODBURY, MINNESOTA 55125 T-626 P.02 F-295 ROY A SJOBERG+ MARK A. TEBELIUSt JOHN A. MURRAY KELLYM. ROWE DANIEL P. srOLFA '.AlSO ADMITTED IN WISCONSIN tALSO ADMITTED 1N NORTIi DAKOTA February 25, 2000 Ms. Ollie Koropchak Executive Director Housing and Redevelopment Authority Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Re: Jerold J. and Mary E. Schoen [Schoen Properties Limited Partnership] Tax Increment Guarantee Notice Dear Ms. Koropchak:: TELEPHONE (651) 738.3433 FACSIMILE (651) 738.Q020 E-MAIL lawoffiC;:e@sjobergtebelius.c;om We are in receipt of the information which you faxed to our office on February 23;. 2000. However, in reviewing this information. I am still unsure of how the deficiency was computed. I have obtained the Tax Statements for the property in Monticello, which disclosed tbe fol~owing: REAL ESTATE TAXES TIF -TAX INCREMENT 1994 $27,765.44 $26.065.76 1995 $29,266.48 $27.547.05 1996 $28,854.58 $27,195.19. 1997 $29,384.22 $27,639.84 1998 $26,360.00 $24,903.59 -' 1999 $27,192.00 $25,695.40 '1'2, ------- Based on these numbers, it appears that the taxes paid far exceeds the tax increment guaranty as set forth P: \CUENTS\1097\OOO2Itr2 . Koropcllak. wpd Feb-25-00 04:18pm From-SJOBERG & TEBELIUS + T-626 P.03/03 F-295 . in Section 6.1 of tbe Contract for Private Development. Please provide a detailed explanation of how your calculations were arrived at versus the amount stated on the Real Estate Tax Statement. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Please also advise as to the exact Maturity Date of the Contract for Private Development. Sincerely yours, SJOBERG & TEBELIUS, P.A. 1l!ad/!~ Mark A. Tebelius MA Tide cc: Schoen Properties Limited Partnership Aroplax Corporation . . F:\CUBNTS\lOO7\OOO2IIr'2 . Koropcbak.wpd J ,. , .J , ] w February 28,2000 ~ MONTICELLO Mark A Tebelius Attorney at Law Sjoberg & Tebelius, P,A 2145 Woodlane Drive, Suite 101 Woodbury, MN 55125 Re: Jerald J, and Mary E, Schoen - Tax Increment Guarantee Notice Dear Mr. Tebelius: . Thank you for your letter of February 25, 2000, relative to the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the Jerald J and Mary E. Schoen and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. Attached is a copy of the Wright County Ta.'t Settlements for the City of Monticello for each year beginning 1994 through 1999 as received by the City Administrator from the County Auditor, The red ink notes the Ta.'t Increment Financing District for Aropla.'t and the amount of tax increment received by the City. The amount of the property tax and the amount of tax increment is calculated by the County Auditor and the tax increment payment forwarded to the City Administrator, The amount of the annual tax increment deficiency is the difference between Tax Increment Guarantee ($21,500) and the annual tax increment payment received from the County, The cumulative amount of the deficiency ($12,426,80) is the sum of the annual tax increment deficiency for each year beginning 1994 through 1999. Lastly, per the Contract the "Maturity Date" means the date that the Tax Increment District is no longer in place and generating Tax Increment which is remitted to the Authority, The District is required to decertify December 31,2001. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 763-271-3208. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA O~ \~~~ ~-il~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director Enclosures c: Jerald 1. and Mary E. Schoen Rick Wolf steller, City Administrator Steve Bubul, HRA Attorney File . Monticello City Hall, 250 E, Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245. (612) 295-2711 . Fax; (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd" Monticello, MN 55362. (612) 295-3170. Fax: (612) 271-3272 .ge 4 4liY of Monticello I ruary 1, 1995 Warrant. Date Amount What for TIF 116 38461 6/30/94 37,682.10 94 Jun Settlement TIF 116 41686 11/23/94 37,682.08 94 Nov Settlement Total 75,364.18 TIF 116 TIF 123 38462 6/30/94 34,587.09 94 Jun Settlement TIF 123 41687 11/23/94 34,558.89 94 Nov Settlement Total 69,145.98 TIF 123 TIF 128 38463 6/30/94 19,931.68 94 Jun Settlement TIF 128 41688 11/23/94 19,931.67 94 Nov Settlement Total 39,863.35 TIF 128 TIF 149 38464 6/30/94 2,266.06 94 Jun Settlement TIF 149 41689 11/23/94 2,266.06 94 Nov Settlement Total 4,532.12 TIF 149 TIF 159 38465 6/30/94 12,098.24 94 Jun Settlement 1'59 41690 11/23/94 12,098.24 94 Nev Settlement Total 24,196.48 TIF 159 TIF 160 38466 6/30/94 1,365.67 94 Jun Settlement TIF 160 41691 11/23/94 1,365.67 94 Nov Settlement Total 2,731.34 TIF '60 TIF 162 38467 6/30/94 16,982.64 94 Jun Settlement TIF '62 41692 11/23/94 16,982.64 94 Nov Settlement Total 33,965.28 TIF 162 TIF 163 38468 6/30/94 49,788.25 94 Jun Settlement TIF 163 41693 11/23/94 48,788.23 94 Nov Settlement Total 98,576.48 TIF '63 TIF 163 42942 1/19/95 36.83 94 Nev Settlement Final TIF #65 \4. f\o ~~ 38469 9,761.62 94 Jun Settlement TIF '65 41694 9,761.62 94 Nov Settlement . Total 19,523.24 TIF '65 A..l '70 38470 6/30/94 6,479.36 94 Jun Settlement TIF '70 41695 11/23/94 6,479.36 94 Nov Settlement Total 12,958.72 TIF 170 , To lick Vo1!st.ller Cln-t of the City of 1000Uctllo Ta IJx:n.nt jcfylDctl lIHro bJ... 65 Aroplu Ta lDcrntnt FiDlIIC1Dg AdnDcn 41694 Total lDCl"_,,,t D1atrict uti 70 SII Tu 1DcrneDt FiDlIICiDg AdYlDCtl 41695 Total IDCreIeDt Diltrict b>' TJ ~-hrwt Ca-",Tl Tu IDcnIent FiDlIICiDg ~ 41694 Totallllcrwnt DUtr1ct \f r,,; 76 )"T-4A/rJ,trvJ I:itrn . - _. .. . ,. '.. - , -. .., J _ . Total Tu 1JIQ..wi. AdYul::n TotallDc:rnnt Diatrict Dlrl, . GrOlbfllB fright County Auditor hffalo, l1mIesota 55313 Ju. FiDl! JIM FiDl! JUIIt Fiaal JUIIf June Del Cur Tues Ezcta BalIDct ~Uts EDa ~"ytce ). 13,m.53 3,319.42 10,4:54.11 13,m.53 3,319.42 10,454.11 8,428.33 m. Z/ 8,049.06 8,428.33 m. Z1 8,049.06 6,606.73 297.30 6,309.43 6,606.73 297.30 6, 309. 43 11, 600. 3S 11, 600. 3S < 21,000 ~ > 11,600.3S 11,600.3S -=.~ .:. ~ -. ..; ..... . ~ -# j ~ .,.... 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Q i } ! 9 , ~ if 0- ~ t .f- _ .,/ f, ( 1;" 7' ; o .r" {. ( J 1,1) ..,. 5 :;;: - f I ~r rf rf . e l;/ .. j i l/ tf'- if [ o '> . ~~ f:~ :..J (i ~. ~ co, $ ! ~ wi ~t' . . . liRA Agenda - 4/5/00 8. Consideration to approve the Preliminary Development A2reement between the BRA and Profile Powder Coatine. Inc. authorizin2 the financial and le2al consultants to be2in preparation for establishment of TIF District No. 1-27. A. Reference and Backllround: At the HRA meeting of March 14, the commissioners suggested a range of $100,000 to $125,000 ofTIF pay-as-you-go assistance to Profile Powder Coating based on the wage and job goals, proposed project, and TlF Cashflow. Commissioners Barger, Frie, and Murray either toured the existing facility or met with the company president and lender. Attached is a letter from Dejong to the City of Monticello with the Big Lake proposal and Monticello's response and offer. The Monticello TIF offer does not include soil correction or site improvement costs. The EDA will consider approval ofa $150,000 GMEF loan. Dejong did commitment to Monticello on March 29. Charlie Pfeffer has a draft copy of the purchase agreement for the 3.15 acres on the comer of Chelsea and Fallon Avenue and will begin the platting process as required. The lender will present a copy of the uses and sources statement and a description of the project: 30,000 sq ft block building. At present the lender has not completed the analysis of the business plan; however, Dejong is aware upon execution of the Preliminary Development Agreement and payment of the $5,000, the risk becomes his. However, the lender and his accountant have been a part of the recruitment process as well as the delegates from the Initiative Fund and State. The Central Minnesota Initiative Fund and the State are both interested in providing funds. Lenny Kirscht will prepare the State application on behalf of the City of Monticello. I've attached the revised TlF Cashflow from Ehlers which is an increase of $26,000 NPV from the cashflow submitted to the HRA on March 14. The TIP Plan and establishment ofTlF District No. ]-27 will come before the HRA for approval in May. This will be an Economic District for creation of jobs and increase in tax base for a manufacturing facility. The proposed tax increment assistance is land write- down $110,250 and Public Utilities (WAC/SAC) $20,575. The Trunk Fees of$25,450 are proposed to be forgiven by the City as the 10% Local Match. However, if the City is successful at receiving another State Grant, the HRA can consider reimbursing the City for the local match from tax increment. This is an item for negotiation between the City and the HRA and was agreed upon for the Twin City Die Castings project. The $130,825 NPV TIF assistance is the pay-as-you-go finance method at an 8% interest rate. You will note on the TlF Cashflow, the net tax increment over the life of the district totals $194,318 NPY. 1 . HRA Agenda - 4/5/00 B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the Preliminary Development Agreement between the HRA and Profile Powder Coating, Inc. authorizing the financial and legal consultants to begin preparation for establishment of TIF District No. 1-27. 2. A motion to deny approval of the Preliminary Development Agreement between the HRA and Profile Powder Coating, Inc. 3. A motion to table any action. c. Recommendation: Recommendation is Alternative No. 1 subject to written commitments from lender and other financial sources and written evidence satisfactory for the "but for" test upon execution of the Contract for Private Development. D. Supporting Data: . Revised TIF Cashtlow, Dejong letter, City of Monticello response letter, wage and job goals, facility layout, and site location. . 2 . MAR 14 '00 05:25PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES 03/14/00 MOnliCGlIo HAA: 30k ..J. Tu J".....mlil'll EI~m;O\e . CITY OF MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA T.I.'. CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS P.2/3 8.000% 1,31438 Pay 00 Eslimate 0.0000% Inlel'eat Ra~ Taw: EXtension Rate; lnnation fQlQ: PIN pare of ??ii711"; .__.-'l? ac,~s) , TotaL_. BASE VALUE INFORMATION Pay 95 Pay 00 CllIss Value Value Rate ','7.452 31:998 2.4%ii4% 31.~L, , Origi",,1 TIIIlI ClIpllCily In/lGl;.,n i:_ 1115,67% Tax Cap~'!y- 768 Elllmalos OIlIy o , . "768 E$t1ma1ed Pay 00 TalC Cap~ PROJECT V ALtJE INFORMA TtON Type of Tax IllCfemenl Oiatrid: Economic o.velopment Type ot Oevelopmern: Manufac;turing Number of Building Square Feet: '0,000 Estimated M~ Value of NlWI project Clas$ Rate 011 first $150,000 of M.rI<et Value Clll6$ Rate MarkAll ValUll > S1 50,000 Estimated Tax Capacity: E&timatad T.".s: A.SSe5sor's MlIrltel value/s.t Taxes/d. 2.40% 3.40% . ASsumes district is approved in June. 2000. Please verify marltet value tor 84/95 and 89100 tor five yellr inflation value. Assumes ;all construction complete in 2000 EIlI8r8 "I'd AaIOCiaMlfo. In=. 961,9ia Pay 02 ~1 ,208 Pay 02 41,019 $32.07 S1.37 pagel 1 301<.031400,123 . . . MRR 14 '00 05:25PM EHLERS & RSSOCIRTES 0311"100 _QUO HAA; 30k '.1. Tu: ltlc:tlllmont EIlimllt8 I : PERIOD BEGINNING .V..!!:..........MIh. ..._. Y.r:.. 0.0 0S-01 200Q 0.50 02-01 2001 1.00 08-01 2001 1,50 02-01 2002 2.00 08.01 2002 2.50 02-01 2003 3.00 08001 2003 3.50 02-01 2004 ".00 OS-a 1 2004 4.50 02.01 2005 '.00 08001 2006 5.50 02.01 2000 i,OO 08-01 2006 6.50 02.01 2007 7.00 oa.01 2007 7.50 02..0 1 2008 8,00 08-01 2008 8.50 02-01 2009 9.00 08-01 2000 9.50 0:01-01 2010 .10.00 ...t;18~1 2Q!P... Iih,.,., arid _iaI8.. 1m: ---Base Tp Cilpacity.. 7i8 896 " -. 'prOject Capwred Tax Tax CaP!lc;!!Y...... GfP.!9Y. 7G8 0 B96 0 1,0.5 1.220 1.423 1,660 1,937 2.260 2,636 3.076 3,589 31,208 31,208 31.208 31.208 31,208 31.208 31.208 31.208 31,2011 .... '''TQ~I&':-'''' Pre$enl..Y~_lues 30,163 29,988 29,785 29,548 2f1,271 28.948 P.3/3 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA TAX INCREMENT CASH flOW Senii-Annual '- 'Admin .... ...~ 'HAA' -.. . Gro" Tax at al 1nc:!~I'!)!!nt. ..1().~5% ..__~.o~ o 0 o 0 o 0 111,823 (2.032) 1U23 (2.032) 19,708 (2,020) 18.708 (2,020) 19,574 (2,008) 18.574 (2.006) 19.419 (1.990) 19,418 (1,990) 18.237 (1,;72) 19.237 (1.972) 19.024 (1,950) 19,024 (1,950) 18,m (1,925) 1B,7n (1.925) 18,488 (1,895) 18,488 (1.895) 111,151 (1,860) 18,151 . -11.860L..... . _344,40.1...._.. (3S,~1) . ..~~.~..S1 0 __. _ ..122. 1 ~.2) 28.571 28,132 27.019 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o .. ._~- o o SIlmi-Annu811 Local : Years Net TiIJIC i Match at I' Of '(~~.RIO?_._E.:N.D_INy?. I! .,., ......I(lC"'ment UO.OO% .l"~ ,. IYOU' ,. 0: 0 I' 0.0 0.50 02-01 2001 o i 0 0.0 1.00 08-01 2001 0,' 01 0,0 1.50 02-01 2002 I 1',791 1,982 0.5 2,00 08-01 2002 17.791: 1.982.. 1.0 2.50 02-01 2003 H,1l88! 1.9711 1,5 3.00 08-01 2003 17,6881 1.871 i 2.0 3.50 02..01 2004 17,568 i 1,9571 2.5 4.00 08-01 2004 17.588! 1.9~7! 3.0 4.50 02001 2005 17,428 Ii 1.942/ 3.5 5.00 08-01 2005 17,4281 1,942. ".0 5.50 02.01 2006 17,2851 1.9241 4,5 IS.OO 08-01 2006 17,285! 1.!il24 I 5.0 6.50 02001 2007 17,OU i 1,e02: 5.S 7.00 08-01 2007 17.074. 1.9021 8,0 7.50 02001 20011 16,852 i 1,878,' 6.5 8.00 08-01 2008 16,852' 1.878 7.0 8.50 02-01 2009 16,593/ 1.849'1 7.5 9,00 08-01 2009 18,593 1.849 8.0 9.50 02.01 2010 li.2911 1,815: 8.5 10.00 08-01 2Ql0 I ._~~,.~~1 .__-1,8151.. 9.~....!QJO 0!-Q.!__~1'__-I 309,100; 34,.40 I .1~~,3-1~T=__" J..... .... ..I Pll\iIlII :2 3Ok.ll314lX1,123 fBY' . Profile Powder Coating Inc.j 612 428 8237j Mar.28.00 11:23AMj Page 1/2 PROFILE POWDER COATING INC. 21050 COMMERCE BLVD PO BOX 69 ROGERS. MN 55374-0069 (763)428-4990 FAX (763) 42W237 March 28. 2000 Ollie Koropchak Economic Development 50S Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362.8831 Dear Ollie Koropchak. In the pursuit of choosing a location for our business. we have narrowed down our options to Big Lake and Monticello. with Monticello being the location of choice. I have enclosed a list of incentive commitments that Big Lake has offered us. In speaking with you, I am reasonably sure thal you had offered to us the same list of . incentives. This letter is to serve as a confirmation to these incentives. Providing that the enclosed list of incentives is agreed upon and confirmed by you; we are pleased to announce at this time that we will commit to you, our obligation and decision of choosing Monticello as our new business location. Sincerely, ~[)17 President Enel. . Providing Quality and Service with Integrity Sent By: Profile Powder Coating Inc.; . 612 428 8237; TIP Pay as you go 8% Interest 3 - Acres SAC/WAC Soil Correction Landscape Hard Surface Forgive Trunk . Interest Rate $105,000 $ 20,000 $ 15,000 S 20,000 $ 36.000 $196,000 S 20,000 .szJ~*QOO City Money 2% below Prime :Federal Money 4% Interest . Mar-28-00 11:23AM; Page 2/2 J " , .',. -, . ) ~ March 28, 2000 MONTICELLO Steve Dejong, President Profile Powder Coating, Inc. 21050 Commerce Blvd. PO Box 69 Rogers, MN 55374-0069 Dear Steve: Thank you for the fax and the list of incentives offered by the City of Big Lake. The City of Monticello would be delighted to welcome Profile Powder Coating, Inc. and Steve Dejong to our community. After running TIF Cashflow numbers for the proposed 30,000 sq ft building with a new market value of $940,000, the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority suggested a range of $ 100,000 to $125,000 (NPV) ofTIF pay-as-you-go assistance subject to compliance of the business subsidy criteria. . A summary of the City of Monticello offer: 3.15 acres land @ $35,000 per acre Estimated SAC/W AC Total TIF (NPV) $110,250 $ 20,575 $130,825 Forgive: Estimated Trunk Fees $ 25,450 City Money 2% below prime $ \ S c .0 c c Central Minnesota Initiative Money below prime State/Federal Money 4% interest rate Application to the State prepared for and at the expense of the City. Relative to the soil correction costs of$15,000. To my knowledge, any past development that has occurred in the Oakwood Industrial Park or on the property marketed by Charlie Pfeffer, soil corrections is not an issue and therefore not a cost. . Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831. (763) 295~2711 . Fax: (763) 295~4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . Mr. Dejong March 28, 2000 Page 2 Steve, in addition to the financial incentives offered by the City of Monticello, the City of Monticello offers a community filled with many quality of life assets for your future employees: affordable housing, community center, hospital and health care services, school facilities with the latest technology, and recreational opportunities. The Monticello site is located along 1-94 and Trunk: Highway 25 for easy and quick access to your proposed market areas. The electrical provider for the Monticello industrial site is Northern States Power Company which offers energy and rebate programs to qualifYing businesses such as Profile Powder Coating. Inc. Lastly, the City of Monticello has both experience and a success rate at obtaining dollars from the State and the Initiative Board on behalf of a business. Once you locate in Monticello, the City of Monticello has a Business Retention and Expansion Program to ensure your business remains part of the community. I believe the City of Monticello offers a total package for Profile Powder Coating, Inc. for today and for the future. I look forward to working with you, Steve. Please call me at 271-3208 with any questions regarding the offer by the City of Monticello. With warm regards, . CITY OF MONTICELLO . Ollie Koropchak Director of Economic Development c: Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Jeff 0 'Neill, Deputy Administrator File . GOALS OF BUSINESS RECEIVING ASSISTANCE Please indicate number of employees at each level and indicate the corresponding benefit level. Number of jobs created is over the first two years. Job Creation Hourlv WaRe Hourly Value Level of V oluntarv Benefits (S) Full-time Part-time N~ (Excl. benefits) Less than $7.00 $7.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 $10.00 to $11.99 . I (4 ~~~.ot I \--\.-....~ $12.00 to $13.99 \,-::0 8 ?...,....~e.-.\ a.c. \ ~\n,~ $14.00 to $15.99 \ . ~ <-' G -S....f. (o.c-l-Su:..l~. $16.00 and higher \.~O . ~.ii.~, Q, .a a Z SfC S' CD .., =lD~ I' i"i ~ ~8' iff ~ sz: c: CD ~ ~ o " 0 . ~ . 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ~ ~tl V'.r \SO ~ r-------~-~~-----j , I I I I I : 010001 : I 000 I I I , r~--I ~---' , I I I I I , I I , I , ' , I : "'+'-' I [il$, : '-,~ i It I : I I I : I I L___J l__~...l i -----, I;U! ~-~_..! i-I-~~[: : ,h: I_~__~..J ~ U1 U ~ I rn~ i lQJl P l I o o o o o 000000 g ....--~, I I I I I , I , I I I I I I I I I I .....-r-" I [fl-It, : '-t~ I It i I I I : ___J I I I I , I I I I I I I I , I I L_____~~__:-----~~ I I I I I I : IIlI I I I ;-- --l : I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I..._~~J D I I I I I I L____~~___1 fu ;Ice' U \-\A ~ \ 0 KJ [f1i 0 D '-, It D fill D D tiit D D fill ~ a ~D D D D D D fill [il~ 0 '-i~ j' i Ii t Ii ~ ! IT!l1~ 1f!1~ UiU . f f Drive In _ D f!lfl ftifl f!lfl f!lfl ~ . M 23 '00 11 :33 P.02 x'612-425-2823 ar ..u, lU,J/ I, (./ I.. PFEFFER CO, INC. .. .E!!. ~ · ....... ...... ......... .1- -". .~ .vvv ':~"-. J ~. " e- l. s ~~~ ' 1'1 .... -It ....... ". . ~O".... A ......... .. 0 ,.~ " '< -.. ..- . .., . ~ . .,,-~-...... ~. ,... . ./ I ( i "" @ , " . L O'T , . 1 ~.IP A."'fLU "- - - - --. .,.... - I I - f~l&..~ I I f\JT~ ....-........ . " . I- Its' .t. 1 I I 'fk*~ ~ I.<J~ ~;.. ..~... . . . ..tfa:), ce e.. 40 2 .' .Ai . ltt f"" .() . S. LO T 2 '/,.0 N~ c ~ . . Sent By: Profile Powder Coating Inc,; 612 428 8237; Mar-13-00 11:02AM; Page 2/2 . ,1,1 , . . ' Dopportunity I " PROPOSED . ", MONTICELLO COMMERCE CENTE~ .ADDITION . .. . , . ," - . ., . 47.00' -ru, fllf eO .fl-o, LOT 1 3.15 AeRES , 0>. II) ~~.' N. , .. :. ; , , I , . " ....... ,I' :Ii ..... ... . 11 .flli ..- 1ft, .g, . . ,co ..- .N . LOT 2 2.00 ACRES .. o O. f1i/ ... 'N w j' W' ~ '~ ...J. -I- if '. --. " '. "0 o ',. cO ... ~ .LOT3 · 2.00 i\CRES, . , . -' CD ... N '.' " 'Y . 7:l00 Hf!mlDck r-v. Su/W 101 Maplr G....... MN !L'S::JISY FM 1JU,VV! ~rot'lMl/o/'l. ' ecdl.-61':1.4".dB.29S0 . FA."! 61~.42!!.:JH'.J:i ..._"'" P_IO_OV~C4OIIIpl;;' ..'ram _ ~d' II> 0."""'" _..pftller ~ _... ...,..",.........".....".my ...._...........-;."..rrom _ or_...... _ ~I"'~ Ift__. . ). : \.' : t' '" ," ./ ,. . 40. · ~, . 4Q(tOo' . ti-.i . . . . lIRA Agenda - 4/5/00 9. Consideration to approve the election of BRA officers for 2000 and approve the appointment of commissioners to committees. A. Reference and background: OFFICERS In accordance with the HRA Bylaws, the chair and vice-chair shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners from among the Commissioners of the Authority and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Secretary- Treasurer shall be appointed at the annual meeting ofthe Board of Commissioners by the Commissioners. At the annual meeting in 1998, the commissioners discussed available time to volunteer and agreed to rotate the lIRA officers among the commissioners suggesting the Vice- Chair move up to Chair. So being, the Vice Chair for 1999 was Darrin Lahr and Darrin has agreed to move up to Chair for 2000. Following is a list of names of the previous HRA Chairs and year served: Murray Andrews Barger 1999 1998 1997 Therefore, if the office of Chair is to rotate it is the suggestion that Dan Frie be considered for Vice Chair in 2000. Rick Wolfsteller serves as the Secretary-Treasurer and delegates the recording of minutes to Lori Kreamer. Koropchak is employed as the Executive Director. COMMITTEES The lIRA, annually or as need be, appoints a commissioner(s) to various committees. The only committee with By-Laws is the MCP, the others are established for a specific research or purpose. The MCP Bylaws read the various city commissions annually appoint their representative to the MCP Board of Directors. Length of term is three years. Steve Andrews was appointed a three-year term in February 1998 following AI Larson's resignation; therefore, Andrews three-year term is up February 2001. Current committees and appointees: Steve Andrews - MCP Community Center Small Group - Bob Murray 1 . HRA Agenda - 4/5/00 Marketing - Darrin LahrIBrad Barger B. Alternative Action: OFFICERS 1. A motion to approve the election ofDarrin Lahr as Chair and Dan Frie as Vice Chair of the HRA for year 2000, and approve the appointment of Rick Wolfsteller as Secretary-Treasurer for 2000. 2. A motion to approve the election of officers for the HRA as so nominated as determined other than alternative no. 1. COMMITTEES 1. A motion to approve the appointment of the following commissioners: MCP Community Center Small Group Marketing . c. Recommendation: Recommendation for HRA officers is alternative no. 1 for consistency of previous discussions. No recommendation given for appointments. D. Suvporting Data: None. " 2 . . . 10. HRA Agenda - 4/5/00 Consideration to review BRA Bvlaws for amendment. A. Reference and Background: Because this is the annual meeting of the HRA enclosed is a copy of the HRA Bylaw for your review. There is no recommendation from staff of a need to amend the Bylaws; therefore, if the commissioners agree, no action is required. B. Supporting Data: Copy of the HRA Bylaws. 1 . . . Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 1. Section 2. AMENDED BYLA WS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ARTICLE I THE AUTHORITY Name of Authoritv. The name of the Authority shall be the "Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota." Seal of Authority. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization. Office of the Authoritv: Place of Meeting. The office of the Authority shall be at such place in the city of Monticello, Minnesota, as the Authority may from time to time determine by resolution. Regular and special meetings of the Board of Commissioners shall be open to the public and shall be held in Monticello City Hall at 250 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota; provided, however, that upon three days written notice to the Commissioners of the place of such meeting, any regular or special meeting may be held at such place within the city of Monticello as the notice shall designate. Powers of the Authoritv. The Authority, by and in its corporate name, shall have and exercise all powers, functions, rights, and privileges pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.001. et seq. ARTICLE II COMMISSIONERS Authoritv. The business and affairs of the Authority shall be managed by or under the authority of the Board of Commissioners, except as otherwise permitted by statute. Number. Oualification. and Term of Office. There shall be five Commissioners appointed by the Mayor of Monticello and approved by the City CounciL Commissioners shall be natural persons, at least 18 years of age, and must reside in the city of Monticello. Commissioners shall serve a term of five years with one Commissioner's term expiring each year. KARENIQFFICEIOLLlEIBYLAWS.HRA 9/8/99 Page 1 . . . Section 3. Section 4. Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board of Commissioners occurring by reason of death, resignation, removal, or disqualification shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Mayor in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article II, Section 2. Removal. For inefficiency or neglect of duty, or misconduct in office, a Commissioner may be removed from office by the City Council in accordance with Minnesota Statute 469.010. ARTICLE III OFFICERS Officers. The Officers of the Authority shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and a Secretary- Treasurer. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected from among the Commissioners. A Commissioner shall not hold more than one of the above- named offices at the same time. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the Commissioners. Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Commissioners if present. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, the Chair shall sign all contracts, deeds, and other instruments made by the Authority. At each meeting, the Chair shall submit such recommendations and information as considered proper concerning the business, affairs, and policies of the Authority. Except as otherwise provided by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, all such orders and checks shall be counter- signed by the Chair. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair; and in case of resignation or death of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall perform such duties as are imposed on the Chair until such time as the Board of Commissioners shall select a new Chair. If in the event a quorum is present and the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent or unable to attend a meeting of the Board of Commissioners. The three remaining members shall elect from among the remaining Commissioners a Chair for the said meeting. Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties of the office of Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer may delegate the responsibility for recording the Minutes of the Board of Commissioner meetings to the Executive Director or to the Authority Office Secretary as is determined appropriate by the Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall sign all orders and checks for the payment of money and shall payout and disburse such moneys under the direction of the Authority. KAREN\OFFICE\OLLlE\BYLAWS.HRA: 9/6/99 Page 2 . . . Section 5. Additional Duties. The Officers of the Authority shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be required by the Authority or the bylaws or rules and regulations of the Authority. Section 6. Election or Appointment. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners from among the Commissioners of the Authority and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners by the Commissioners. Section 7. Vacancies. Should the office of the Chair, Vice-Chair, or Secretary-Treasurer become vacant, the Board of Commissioners shall elect a successor from its members at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. ARTICLE IV EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Authority shall employ an Executive Director who shall have general supervision over the administration of its business and affairs, subject to the direction of the Board of Commissioners. As assistant to the Secretary-Treasurer, the Executive Director shall ensure that proper records of the Authority are maintained. The Executive Director (or designee) shall act as Secretary of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners and shall keep a record of the proceedings in ajoumal of proceedings to be kept for such purposes (the minutes of the proceedings are to be signed by the recorder plus the Authority Commissioner acting as Chair at the meeting). The Executive Director shall perform all duties incident to the Executive Director position as may be assigned by the position description as approved by the Board of Commissioners. The Executive Director shall keep in safe custody the seal of the Authority and shall have the power to affix such seal to all contracts and instruments authorized to be executed by the Authority. The Executive Director shall have the care and custody of all funds of the Authority and shall deposit the same in the name of the Authority in such bank or banks as the Board of Commissioners may select. The Executive Director shall be charged with the management of the housing projects of Authority. The Executive Director shall keep regular books of accounts showing receipts and expenditures and shall render to the Board of Commissioners, at each regular meeting (or more often when requested), an account of his/her transactions and also of the financial condition of the Authority. The Executive Director shall give such bond of the faithful performance of duties as the Board of Commissioners may determine. KARENIOFFICEIOLLlEIBYLAWS,HRA: 9/8/99 Page 3 The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Any person appointed to fill the office of Executive Director, or any vacancy therein, shall have such term as the Board of Commissioners fixes, but no Commissioner of the Board of Commissioners shall be eligible to this office. When the office of Executive Director becomes vacant, the Board of Commissioners shall appoint a successor, as aforesaid. . The compensation of the Executive Director shall be approved by the Board of Commissioners. ARTICLE V ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL The Board of Commissioners may from time to time employ such personnel as it deems necessary to exercise its power, duties, and functions as prescribed by the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Law of Minnesota applicable thereto. The selection and compensation of such personnel (including the Executive Director) shall be determined by the Board of Commissioners subject to the laws of the State of Minnesota. Section 1. . Section 2. Section 3. . ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be held on the first Wednesday of April at 7 p.m. at the regular meeting place of the Board of Commissioners; provided, however, that the date/time of the annual meeting may be postponed to a subsequent date/time upon the vote of a majority of Commissioners in office at any time taken at any regular or special meeting. Regular Meetin!2:s. Monthly meetings shall be held without notice at the regular meeting place of the Board of Commissioners on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. unless the same shall be a legal holiday, in which event said meeting shall be held on the next succeeding secular day. In the event the date/time/meetings place of a particular meeting must be changed, the Chair may make such change deemed necessary by notifying all Commissioners by delivering (by staff) a notice to their home address at any time prior to the meeting or mailing a notice to the business or home address at least three (3) working days prior to the date of such regular meeting. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Commissioners may be called by the Chair or two members of the Board of Commissioners for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. The call (including location of meeting) for a special meeting may be delivered at any time prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each member of the Board of Commissioners or may be mailed to the business or home address of each member of the Board of Commissioners at least three (3) working days prior to the date of such special meeting. At such special meeting, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call; but if all of the members of the Authority are present at a KARENIQFFICEIQLLlEIBYLAWS,HRA 9/8/99 Page 4 . . . special meeting, any and all business may be transacted at such special meeting. Notice of any special meeting shall be given in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.705, subd. Ie, or any successor statute regarding notice of meetings of public bodies. AR TI CLE VII QUORUM The powers of the Authority shall be vested in the Commissioners thereof in office from time to time. Three Commissioners constitute a quorum (except as noted below) for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Board of Commissioners upon a vote of a majority of the Commissioners present (except as noted below). Exception: In regard to action on the annual Authority operating budget, or revisions thereto, there must be at least four Commissioners present, and the majority of those present must vote in favor of such for the matter to be approved. ARTICLE VIII ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1. Order of Business. At the regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners, the following shall be the Order of Business: 1. Roll call 2. Reading and approval of minutes of the previous meeting 3. Items not contained in the agenda 4. New business 5. Bills and communications 6. Project update by Executive Director 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment All resolutions shall be in writing and shall be copied in the journal of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners. ARTICLE IX MANNER OF VOTING The voting on all questions coming before the Board of Commissioners shall be by roll call, and yeas and nays shall shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting. The Chair and all members of the Board of Commissioners at every meeting of said Board of Commissioners shall be entitled to a vote. In the event that any Commissioners shall have a personal interest of any KARENIOFFICE\OLUE\BYLAWS.HRA: 9/8/99 Page 5 . . . kind in a matter then before the Board of Commissioners, the Commissioners shall disclose his/her interest and be disqualified from voting upon the matter, and the Secretary shall so record in the minutes that no vote was cast by said Commissioner. ARTICLE X EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS All contracts, notes, and other written agreements or instruments to which the Authority is a party or signatory or by which the Authority may be bound shall be executed by the Chair and Executive Director. If the Executive Director is absent or otherwise unable to execute a document, the Secretary-Treasurer may execute the document. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS The bylaws of the Board of Commissioners shall be amended by Resolution only with the approval of at least a majority of the Commissioners in office at any time. These bylaws were adopted as the bylaws of the Authority by the Board of Commissioners on July 8, 1997. These bylaws were adopted as the bylaws of the Authority by the Board of Commissioners on September 2, 1998. KAREN\OFFICE\OLUE\BYLAWS.HRA 9/8/99 Page 6 . . . 11. HRA Agenda - 4/5/00 Consideration to hear and accept the 1999 Year-End Financial Reports for the Tax Increment Finance District Fund and the BRA General Fund. A. Reference and backszround: Rick Wolfsteller, HRA Treasurer, will submit the reports at the time of agenda preparation or at the HRA meeting. After review of the reports, it is recommended the HRA consider a motion to accept the 1999 Year-End Financial Reports for the TIF District Fund and the HRA General Fund. 1 j: . () m ~ (5 ~ .." (I) C ;;c co co <:> <.I N ~ o o o ";0'-1 <5- al B- e ~ e!. m a."""t In 0 CIl .."., :J 3 Q ....~. S co 2. 0' ~~ 3..... -I al -3 2L:::9o i5 e :J a "1:l In-l e 8':;; -a n &l Q. CIl m ~ 0. :J ':<: '11::"'0 o al - '<: -< S' CIllO al > il(Q -CIl CIl :J ~- 8';r n CIl Q.1n m 0. CD l>. .....I\.J ..... <.no ....., <.n~o VI .....l>.00 o w<.n<.no 0) ....., OJ 0, CD l>. o . f\.J f\.J o 0. co o o o ..... 0) 0. 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'l ---- ~ ~ '" Rl in li! !1 ~ 11 ~ ~ tl '" ... .... ... :g 0 ~ lsl ~ ~ L1 a '" '" N ~ = ... N ~ ~ .... jg '" '" ::.j ~ ... en '" ~ '" - !1 ;.. ~ lIRA Agenda - 4/5/00 12. Consideration to authorize an invitation to Local Lenders to attend the HRA May meetine: for discussion relative to Downtown Redevelopment. A. Reference and Backl2round: The Market Committee hosted a Lenders Breakfast a couple of months ago for the purpose of marketing the public financial assistance programs to the new lenders within the community. At that meeting, the community concerns of the old downtown Amoco station surfaced and downtown redevelopment in general and it was suggested to invite the lenders to meet with the lIRA. Additionally, at the March IDC meeting, although, not their purpose, the Amoco station came up again. It is my suggestion that the lIRA also consider inviting the Council members to a meeting with the Lenders and perhaps another date other than the regular meeting date of the lIRA is more appropriate. I further suggest one of the HRA commissioners volunteer to call the owner of the Amoco property to discuss acquisition price as I've heard rumors the price has decreased from the $250,000. I'm going to check on potential redevelopment dollars through the Department of Trade and Economic Development. If so agree, please consider a date for the lenders, lIRA, and Council to meet. 1 .~,_._. -'-"""~.'-'.-'.'__.._n . . . MAR 30 '00 02:25PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.2/2 . EHLERS MEMORANDUM & ASSOCIATES INC TO: Ollie Koropchak. City of Monticello FROM: Mark Ruff - Ehlers & Associates DATE: March 30. 2000 RE: Hourly Fees When the liRA retained our firm in 1995 to assist in tax increment financing work, our hourly rate was $1 05 per hour. 1 nearly 1996. our standard rate was increased to $120 per hour, but we agreed to keep our rate at $105 for Monticello because we had been recently retained. In early 2000. we increased our rates to $125 per hour. We are requesting that the Monticello HRA fees be increased to $] 25 per hour. While this is a large increase, we have not increased our fees to the liRA in five years. If we had increased Our rates slightly each year, the increase would have been approximately 3-5% pel' year. We value our relationship with the HRA and 1 would be happy to meet with you and members of the HRA to discuss this further. Thank you for your consideration. from the desk of Mark R.uff Vice President Ehlers Go Associates, Inc. 3060 Centre Pointe Drif.Je Rosef.Jille, MN 55113 Phone: (651) 697-8$05 Fax: (651) 697-8$}5 E-Mail: . . . 14. HRA Agenda - 4/5/00 Consideration to authorize payment of the monthly BRA bills. Recommendation is to authorize payment of the monthly HRA bills. The invoice from Majirs Advertising & Design was costs associated with the design and printing of the 900 brochures "At a Crossroads?" by the MCP. The HRA approved contributing $2,367.00 toward the estimated costs of $9,317 for design, printing, and mailing of the brochures. The $2,367.00 from the 10% Administration account of the Downtown TIF District No. 1-22. 1 ~1J~~~~ lile5 h :n'!l~~!hH MM~Tf CQ~M ~A~rN~~$ ra'Ataf! A'1 ~~mMh" HIIII &~r~~~ ltv.,1:'.1 U:~m1hi.; MN ,,'ilt RIL L TO: ".. . >, . j ". Monticello Communfty Partners 107 West tlroadway PO BOX 984 Montic;;eUo. MN 55J6~ o \ rl U I." .' ., ' . t.r J'~f....~: ..~<,\ ........;~ ... ~ '\ .'ii;J~.. :i.,-ll,:~ .~.~ (I.~.. ....~".~:.\-(. \ ,."",_ ~ ~"..; ',t: .;-~ ;'-~II"C . :.;}1.1k,'\"."';'" )~-.f'''"Jt;~.,; rlj,i4' tti,fli . j '" "-...=,........;;..'- ~-: '<...}l:.l t~. :r' .... j., ~ ;:"':$'\ ~ ~...r', "*~~./..'r~i),o. ~ ~\~~" . \tt~_~~,~ ~ ~~-("'"'~~.... _\ ,,~. ~t/.~v~ ~"'''''' ~'tiIJi1V. 'Rrvftiil!li f"w.Jt.. \~ pr.nt., "'fin 'If" .han... iftllf tllM hi' b.." rri,d. ~fppfnl ffn11hltd ptoduGt sates tax (prtntinS/chanae, only) ho~,od 1'.1.- ~"JiOO :100..00 )'5,00 179.SJ ~~ "Jaw IDD!I!D-, '1Jn:Z7. J I)'toch and "turn IIoftom portion to ,n.ilf. ptlp., cr.dlt tj YtJur iietorJnt, '.AJIRSI Adv.rtflinl i. D.II*n ~ith.f. HertWl, '!j' D.rrow Ave Nt ,ootjc:.Uo. MN 5IU~ 12'19l'i'1)~,) auUn. D_lel ,.bruary 2", 1000 RE: MCP Marketfn. Pkl. ~ Make Ch.,k Payable To: AJIRS! ADVERTISING & DESIGN '1158 DARROW AVE NE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Monticello Community Partners 107 West Broadway, PO Box 984 MQnth;:ello, MN 55362 Tt/W,$; Hrr 10 DAYS A ""2* M"''''fy "il,"" 'htlfJt Will lI, fo GflY Ifl/,n" JO Qr Mrlff Oflv, Polt f'Nf. /' . . . \' . CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Check No,: o Recurring o Needs CC Approval Vendor No.: o Manual o Disb, Ck. Batch Pay by: / / Payee: \{Y\<\~ l '\\~ a ~\'~ q ~ ~ ~ f\:) ClJ..A 0 v.J '\\ v..Jl- N b- S~~ent/ \f'<\ ~ '\ l' ~ \ ~ '(() SS:,4r, No: ~ -I") ~ G 0 DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE ~ Project Acct. No. Amount Descriotion Code ~ ')~~\ . \ - ').. 'J- aI . ~ .,.. fA. ~\a~l 00 ..a \070 ~A .~ .A <. A r=- ..."1L:_ TOTAL: $ ?,~~<}.(50 '0 ..9.-9 -"" .... n _ " - ~ () \ \. " ~ c. ~ "'b To voucher.wk4: 04/04/97 j;()SI Cr~3 CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL FUND 250 EAST BROADWAY MONTICELLO, MN 55362 l5-1664 ~o NO. 46889 MARQUETTE BANK - MONTICELLO p 0, BOX 729 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 . ~ ~~ 03/09/2000 46889 TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS AMOUNT $2,367.00 .. "~ . ". . PAY 10 THE ORDER OF MAJIRS! ADVERTISING '& DESIGN 8858 DARROW AVENUE NE MONTICELLO MN 55362 -_.,...."..--...,~,... ',/7. ..,~........"........."..........,...... ,..:>:?,.'~ . _.~.:~.::-::::: .: [~"" /Rp~~ ." ,....::: ..' iv' "'f~":' ,:..... .'. f\ "wrJ .........,."....., :.I:-<,~:~-:.:,;::.:. .::,.:.:.:.:'::::.:/:::'.;> :'':>:':::':: II- 0 5 B b ? q II- I: 0 q .0 . b b '-1 ? I: ? bOO O. ? II- 'ENDOR 001285 MAJIRS! ADVERTISING & DESIGN -- ~''l~~ P.O. I INVOICE I DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT 03/09/2000 CHECK 46889 :13.46522.3199 022700 TIF 1-22 2,367.00 ~ \00/(;.- G-~~ . TOTAL 2,367.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO . . . ...... '"-"""'-->. Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 March 8, 2000 Statement No. 32231 City of Monticello ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through February 29, 2000 MN 190-00031 Tapper Redevelopment \'!.. ~ \ - ~ \r~ \ '??- ~~ Cls c.L.~ '<On\~ MN190-00061 Downtown Redevelopment TIF District MN190-00078 Community Center-Post Closing Issues Expenses 52.00 104.00 442.00 18.33 Total Current Billing: 616.33 rco O't- '><,p ~ I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. fiJ&~ Signature of ent C> ~~ . Monticello HRA 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 March 11, 2000 ~. I ----.--.'.. .... /'" ~~_.. /'" MC10Q.28 /llF District No. 26.. ) 'T L0 ; '" C l\:i . Invoice # 8993 '---~ .' "-=' ~ e- C \P\ <;. 1: I IV''7) ~__ . Current $262.50 Status of Account 30 Days $0.00 60 Days $0.00 90 Days $0.00 .................-...,----.... -- 120+ Days $0.00 Total $262:00 . PLEASE KEEP WHITE COpy FOR YOUR FILE AND REMIT PINK COpy WITH PA YMENT TO: . EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113-1105 651.697.8500 BRA Agenda - 4/5/00 .- 15. Executive Director's Report: a) 3 Walnut Street - The two tenants at 3 Walnut Street stopped by to verify that the HRA had no problems with them getting a third roommate. The third roommate is Craig Reitan, son of Wright County Private Investigator Gary Reitan. They like the house and have added a garbage disposal. The house is a three bedroom house. The Lease Agreement states no sub-leasing. I told them fine, if the commissioners have other thoughts, please advise. b) TIF District 1-9 Tax Increment Deficiency - Attached for your information is a copy of the check in the amount of $9,299.58 from Tapper's Inc. for one-third the tax increment deficiency as agreed upon between the HRA and Bill Tapper. The deficiency amount was divided equally into three annual payments beginning and due the 15th of March, 2000, 2001, and 2002, respectively, without interest. c) TIF District 1-15 - Copy of check to City of Monticello in amount of $2,426.59 received from Custom Canopy prior to release of the 1999 annual pay-as-you-go disbursement of $7,426.59 as per the Contract. d) Twin City Die Castings - Copy of cover letter attached to documents necessary for the Industrial Revenue Bond closing with the Minnesota Ag Board on March 30. The Contract for Private Redevelopment will also be recorded. The steel and panels should arrive April 3/4. The Grant Agreement and Loan Agreement for the $500,000 CDBG are prepared and executed by the Council. EDA Loan Agreement also prepared, waiting to hear date of closing. e) 2000 Minnesota Business Assistance Forms are due April 1. These are the forms for reporting the status of the wage and job goals within the business subsidy provision of our contracts. t) Brad Johnson - Be did call again about TIF assistance for the Locust/7 Street project proposed by Barry Fluth. Plans have been submitted to the Building Department. I'm unaware of who the tenants might be. g) Ken Barthel - Working on behalf of Veit Companies, Jeff and I've met a couple times with them relative to concept ideas for the previous Farrell Gas site and perhaps including renovation and expansion of the Liquor Store. h) Seminar - Attached is a flier on a seminar "A Sense of Place and Community". Any HRA members interested? i) Marketing - 30 brochures mailed March 29 and Industrial Breakfast scheduled for April 27, 7:30 a.m. j) Prospects: Adaboy Mfg, Inc. - Now renting from Morrell. Looking to construct 20,000 sq ft. Metal fabricator for store fixtures, Polaris, etc. Employs 9 people wages between $9 and $14 excluding benefits. Owners Ken Paumen and Tom Flodquist. * H&R Industries, Beecher, IL - Looking for immediate (4 months) lease space of 10,000 sq ft. The company is a plastic manufacturer of temperature control products and the proposed facility would market the electron industries such as Hoffinan Engineering in Anoka. 12-17 jobs wages between $8.50 and $14 -- ..-... -.-.- 1 . BRA Agenda - 4/5/00 excluding benefits. Referred to and contacted Allied Companies. * Alliant Techsystems, Inc. - Attached letter, note letter based on an article in City Business Journal. * Local developer - Looking to purchase land and construct a facility for lease to proposed tenant. * Allied Companies - Perhaps construction of Phase I ofa total 180,000 bay-type rental facility for light industrial and commercial use. East 7 Street. . . 2 . tHE ER OF . .----~--.. .....- .....,,,..., I IIVIJU\".r." ~-l:E) TIF DEFICI TAPPERS 03/14/00 00049724 .. 9299.58 GENEREUX FINE WOOD PRODUCTS 2.95 212 CHELSEA RD. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 612-295-4222 9299.58 0.00 STEARNS BANK N.A. ST. CLOUD, MN 75-1045-919 00049724 ** NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY NINE DOLLARS AND 58 CENTS ** CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT 8T , 101 MONTICELLO MN 55362 1I101.~? 21.111 I:O~.~ .0... 5 51: 11120b DATE 03/14/00 ------. .*..9,299.58 ,.---- \ S 'v.:> . 4 <;j i t:!. I~ 9299.58 49724 AMOUNT -- , c 0025363 CUSTOM CANOPY, INC. 219 DUNDAS ROAD PH. 612-295-0060 MONTICEllO, MN 55362 THE BANK OF ELK RIVER ELK RIVER, MN 55330 75-383"919 ti Jll 15 .l!J ~ ~ Two ThoUfland Four Htmdred Twenty-Six and 59/100..........."'...................."'........."''''.............'''..................................."'...........................'b"'oLLARS ~ 2/29/00 pATHE O~OF City Of Monticello $ ......2,426.59 1110 2 5 ~ b ~ III I: 0 Ii ~ Ii 0 ~ B ~ ~ I: ~ 00 B liB Sill ~ j 'f ~ m City Of Monticello P.O.Box 1147 Monticello.~ 55362 MEMO 1999 TIF AGREEMENT -- CUSTOM CANOPY, INC. City Of Monticello 6320 . Building Rent 0025363 2/29/00 1999 TlF AGREEMENT 2,426.59 . Cash in Bank 1999 TlF AOREEMENT 2,426.59 . \S ~ March 28, 2000 MONTICELLO Mr. Jay E. Eller Twin City Die Castings Company 1070 33m Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 Dear Jay: Enclosed are the copies of the Estoppel Certificate and the Subordination Agreement executed by the City Council and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. I've attached the excerpt page of the Contract for Private Development to the Estoppel Certificate noting the agreed changes to the commencement and completion construction date for Phase I of the Twin City Die Castings project. These documents are necessary for the closing of the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board closing on the Industrial Revenue Bonds. . Secondly, enclosed is a copy of page 14 of the Contract for Private Development to insert into your copy of the Contract. For your information, the Council approved the Grant Agreement between the City and State, adopted revolving loan fund policies, and approved the Loan Agreement between the City and Twin City Die Castings Company at the Council meeting on March 27,2000. Those executed copies will be forwarded to Carol-Pressley Olson for follow-through of the Minnesota Investment Fund closing. Should you have any questions, please call me at 763-271-3208. With warm regards, CITY OF MONTICELLO a~ \~rJ\a Q~~ Ollie Koropchak Director of Economic Development . c: Dan Greensweig, Kennedy & Graven Carol Pressley-Olson, Department of Trade and Economic Development File /' \S d Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831. (763) 295-2711. Fax: (763) 295A404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . 8:00.8:30 8:30-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-11:15 11:15-11:45 A Sense of Place and Community AG!:NDA ,) ... Registration/Coffee WelcomelIntroductions Keynote: Bill Holm: A Sense of Place Break/Coffee Voices for the Land Project: Regional Winners Reading "Postcards from Home." Theater Video by the Minnesota Design Team in cooperation with Minnesota Extension Services Theater Lounge Theater Theater Theater Lounge Theater 12:00-1:00 Lunch Glacier Room 1 :00-3 :00 3:00-3:30 Resources for Creating a Sense of Place Glacier Room and Community (Partial List of Participants) . Center for Community Studies S1. Cloud State University . Community Development Society . Blandin Foundation . Minnesota Design Team . Initiative Foundation Concluding Remarks and Networking Glacier Room .' \S ~) . "From what water do you come? Where is your bone country?" Aboriginal greeting Greetings! . ~ As we hurtle into the 21st century, one of the most'basic issues facing us as individuals and as communities centers on questions of rootedness and belonging: a sense of place. As Wendell Berry states, "Unless we know where we are, we cannot know who we ~e." The Center for Community Studies invites you to join us for a statewide conference, A Sense of Place and Community, during which we will explore the connections between place and community development. The morning will focus on the importance and celebration of place. Bill Holm, a nationally respected writer and poet, will be the keynote speaker. Regional winners of the Voices for the Land Project will share their reflections on this area. The afternoon will provide an opportunity for visioning and sharing resources for creating stronger communities. Members of the Center for Community Studies and the Community Development Society will facilitate a roundtable on community development resources and efforts in Minnesota. The goal is to find common ground in our diverse efforts to work toward sustainable communities and to build a network of community development resources and support. . Who should attend? All of us: concerned citizens, students and teachers, grassroots organizations, community advocates, community developers, local officials, civic leaders. When. Where. and How Much? A Sense of Place and Community Wednesday, April 12, 2000 Atwood Memorial Center St. Cloud State University $10.00 General Registration $15.00 for Registration plus buffet lunch More information? For further information and/or registration information please contact: The Center for Community Studies Phone: 320/255-3947 Fax: 320/654-5198 email: . We look forward to seeing you at the conference! (See other side for conference agenda) . . . "From what water do you come? Where is your bODe country?" Aboriginal greeting Greetings! , ~ As we hurtle into the 21 st century, one of the most' basic issues facing us as individuals and as communities centers on questions of rootedness and belonging: a sense of place. . . As Wendell Berry states, "Unless we know where we are, we cannot know who we .are." The Center for Community Studies invites you to join us for a statewide conference, A Sense of Place and Community, during which we will explore the connections between place and community development. The morning will focus on the importance and celebration of place. Bill Holm, a nationally respected writer and poet, will be the keynote speaker. Regional winners ofthe Voices for the Land Project will share their reflections on this area. The afternoon will provide an opportunity for visioning and sharing resources for creating stronger communities. Members of the Center for Community Studies and the Community Development Society will facilitate a roundtable on community development resources and efforts in Minnesota. The goal is to find common ground in our diverse efforts to work toward sustainable communities and to build a network of community development resources and support. Who should attend? All of us: concerned citizens, students and teachers, grassroots organizations, community advocates, community developers, local officials, civic leaders. When. Where. and How Much? A Sense of Place and Community Wednesday, April 12, 2000 Atwood Memorial Center St. Cloud State University $10.00 General Registration $15.00 for Registration plus buffet lunch More information? For further information and/or registration information please contact: The Center for Community Studies Phone: 320/255-3947 Fax: 320/654-5198 email: We look forward to seeing you at the conference! (See other side for conference agenda) J ,. '1 ) , '~"._- - ", . - -, - -" ~, March 24, 2000 MONTICELLO Mr. Gary M. Hase, President H&R Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 1191 30553 South Dixie Highway Beecher, IL 60401 RE: Site Location Search Dear Gary: It was a pleasure to meet you and your associate, John Coursey, on Thursday, March 23, 2000, and I hope your return trip to Illinois was safe and timely. Although our time together on Thursday was relatively short and did not allow time to tour the City of Monticello, 1 believe the City of Monticello can offer H&R Industries, Inc. a site location which will enhance the image of your company and provide your future employees with many quality of life options. . I've enclosed a business card from MLC Building & Remodeling and I've left a voice-mail with Mark Houge of Allied Companies relative to your visit and needs. I would be happy to work with either developer or a developer of your choice to assist with the development and coordination of a project in the City of Monticello. Perhaps a turn-key concept would work best for your expansion plans because of the distant between your headquarters and Minnesota. As explained at our meeting, the City of Monticello had been successful and is experienced in the area of providing supplementary financing to conventional financing. Please let me know the date of your next Minnesota visit and I'll be happy to arrange a meeting with developers and other local industrial business leaders, tour the Monticello sites, and look at specific funding options. Certainly, your aggressive time frame must be addressed immediately, Please do not hesitate to call me at 763-271-3208 at-any time. I will be in contact with you within the next week. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO a~ ~CAU',S)~ Ollie Koropchak Director of Economic Development c: Mayor Roger Belsaas Rick Wolfsteller, Administrator Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator File . Montkello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax; (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 · (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 \S d March 27,2000 -- MONTICELLO Mr. Richard Jowett, Vice President Alliant T echsystems, Inc. 600 NE 2 Street Hopkins, MN 55343 Re: 150,000 sq ft office, laboratory, and technical area with flexibility to expand or lease space for corporate staff Dear Mr. Jowett: I read in the City Business Journal of Alliant's plans to develop approximately 150,000 sq ft of office, laboratory, and technical space for their Integrated Defense Company and plans for a second location to house Alliant's corporate staff . WAIT! Don't throw this letter away. The City of Monticello is only 36.8 miles from downtown Minneapolis ..... No more traffic congestion for employees ..... Affordable and available land for development. The City of Monticello welcomes the opportunity to market our community to Alliant Techsystems, Inc. The City of Monticello is open for business. I've enclosed copies of our marketing brochure and additional information. In 1999, the Monticello School District opened the doors to a new 278,000 square foot high school. This month, the City will host a grand opening for the new 78,000 square foot cOInmunity center and the Hospital District will open its doors to a 30,000 square foot expansion including an expanded emergency room and birthing suites. These are just a few of the new quality oflife developments within our community of approximately 8,200+ population located along 1-94 between the Twin Cities and St. Cloud. [. Additionally, the Monticello City Council authorized city administration to proceed with negotiations for acquisition of 140 acres of land for industrial use. The property is located along 1-94 and construction of the infrastructure improvements to access the property is scheduled to commence the end of May. This area would be an ideal site for your plans. The City also markets privately-owned industrial zoned land within the city limits. '- I ~ ~ ~ e . Lastly, the City of Monticello has a team of community/civic leaders willing to provide a tour of our community. The team also visits existing plant facilities or businesses prior to determining the level of financial assistance offered to a qualifYing business. The City offers Tax Increment I; <' . ~. ;i Ii \CS ~ :i Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works. 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . ,. / ! ... ; l C cing and the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (a below prime rate loan program). The ;ly of Monticello has been successful in obtaining State funding, industrial revenue bonds, and . regional low-interest loans. I [1 >/:::;; I , ~ . t I Don't miss this opportunity, just give me a call at 763-271-3208 and come see for yourself. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO ..... a~ ~C~~,-S)~ r [ Ollie Koropchak Director of Economic Development c: Mayor Roger Belsaas Rick Wolfsteller, Administrator Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator File i; ~ f" I . !- r , ~i m It! ~ti k.l j f~ ~1 ~r. I fe ~. ~e; ~ ," tV- ~ ~ ~? E Iz~ 1\< flh ~ '" 1\ X () m c: :;c (5 ~ :;:; C/l C :;c '" '" <;; ~ '" N g o ~ WI' . .,;B-i 1iS- III a c: ~ !!!.. roo.a; '" 0 3 O':JIll -- <0 2: SCO:J 0' co 10 :l -I III :;:l - 3 !l!.2!o is c: :J :J "U Cii c: .:a o '" (1) en o :J ':" ~""O Q,~ -< S' (1)10 III )> CillO (D~ ;::!l...... ad;' o (1) 2.'" (D !l -I a" o 2. (D 0. CD .I>> ...... -.J (.TI o 0) -.J "CD 0) CD .I>> o N N o -(.TI co o o o ...... -0) (.TI CD .I>> N ()1 Ol -.J o o :J-o-o CD ~. DJ ..., :J '< (1) Q, 3 en "U III -9l.~ ut Co c: CD 5" N o o 9 ...... N (.TIO 01 "CD "0 .......1>>00 (;)(.TIOIO ...... NOOO o ...... ...... (.TIOI .I>>-en'O ......cooo 0"'-1(;)0 N ...... C1l NOO 0~~8 N o NCOO C1l......0 ONCOO ...... 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