HRA Agenda 03-01-2000 -- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. --. AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 1,2000 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall- 505 Walnut Street - Academy Room MEMBERS: Chair Bob Murray, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, and Dan Frie. COUNCIL LIAISON: Brian Stumpf OFFICERS: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, and Recorder Lori Kreamer. Call to Order. Consideration to approve the February 2, 2000 HRA minutes. Consideration of adding agenda items. Consent Agenda. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Continued - Consideration to adopt a resolution approving a modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and a modified Tax Increment Plan for Tax Increment Financing Districts therein. 7. Consideration to approve the Estoppel Certificate and Subordination Agreement associated with the Contract for Private Development between Twin City Die Castings, the HRA, and the City. 8. Consideration to authorize payment of the montWy HRA bills. 9. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. 10. Consideration of Committee Reports. a) City Council- Brian Stumpf b) MCP - Steve Andrews c) Marketing - Damn LahrIBrad Barger d) Community Center - Bob Murray 11. Other Business. 12. Adjournment. Annual meeting of the HRA, April 5, 2000. . . . HRA Minutes - 02/02/00 MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 2, 2000 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall - 505 Walnut Street - Academy Room Members Present: Chair Bob Murray, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, Brad Barger, Steve Andrews and Dan Frie Absent: Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Officers Present: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recorder Lori Kraemer Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator Guests: Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Bill and Barbara Tapper, Tapper's, Inc. Barb Esse, Amanda Gaetz and Susie Wojchouski, MCP 1. Call to Order. Chair Murray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the January 5. 2000 HRA minutes. SA/BB A MOTION WS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES, AS WRITTEN, OF THE HRA MEETING ON JANUARY 5, 2000. Motion carried. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. None 4. Consent Agenda. None 5. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None 6. Consideration to adopt a resolution awardine the sale of $7.555.000 Public Proiect Revenue Bonds. Series 2000A. Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates, advised that they received bids today and only one bid was received. He also advised that the City Council did authorize the execution and -1- HRA Minutes - 02/02/00 . delivery of a ground lease and a lease-purchase agreement, and approved and authorized issuance ofpublic project revenue bonds and execution of related documents. The members questioned what the interest rate would have been 14 months ago when the project was stopped and Ruff noted it was 3/4 of a percent lower. He also noted this increases the levy approximately $60,000 to $70,000, when compared to rates last fall. Ruff also noted that the City can re-finance at any time. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $7,555,000 PUBLIC PROJECT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2000A. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Continued - Consideration to adovt a resolution modifvin2 the bud2ets of HRA- TIF Districts and modifvin2 the Redevelopment Plan of Central Monticello Redevelo{>ment Proiect No.1. Ollie Koropchak advised the members that she had met with Mark Ruff and Steve Bubul previously; however, it was requested to table any action until the March meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY BRAD . BARGER TO TABLE ANY ACTION AT THIS TIME. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Continued - Consideration to authorize transfer survlus tax increment from TIF District Nos 1-8. 1-11. and 1-16 to TIF District No. 1-7. Ollie Koropchak provided the report asking the HRA to authorize transfer of surplus tax increment from three TIF districts, No. 1-8, 1-11, and 1-16, to TIF District No. 1-7, which has a deficit and these districts can be pooled. Koropchak advised the dates these districts were decertified and the surplus balances. The sum of the surplus is approximately $43,000 for transfer to District No. 1-7 (NA WCO). After transfer and 1999 expenditures in District 1-7, there remains a deficit of approximately $65,000 and a remaining unpaid pay-as-you-go balance of $70,000. The remaining deficiency in District No. 1-7 will be considered at the HRA annual meeting in April after review of TIF year-end reports. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF SURPLUS TAX INCREMENT FROM TIF DISTRICT NOS. 1-8, 1-11 AND 1-16 TO TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-7. Motion carried unanimously. -2- . . . . 9. 10. HRA Minutes - 02/02/00 Continued - Consideration to adopt resolutions for decertification ofTIF District No. 1-9. No. 1-10. No.1-II. and No. 1-16. Ollie Koropchak provided the report requesting the HRA to adopt resolutions for decertification of four TIF Districts. Koropchak advised that TIF District No. 1-16 (Polycast ) is an early request for decertification as the Interfund Loan of $80,000 was retired with the 1999 tax increment. This district is required by Law for decertification December 31, 2004. Decertifying this district early will prevent the City from paying the HAC A Penalty which is equal to approximately 30% of the tax increment and also allows for the tax increment to be distributed to all taxing jurisdictions. The adopted resolutions will be forward to the County Auditor's Office noting no collection of tax increment for these districts for payable 2000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO ADOPT RESOLUTIONS FOR DECERTIFICATION OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-9, NO. 1-10, NO. 1-11 AND NO. 1-16. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration to authorize emolovinl! an attorney to declare default of the Contract for Private Redevelopment between T.J. Martin. Inc. and the HRA. Ollie Koropchak advised the HRA members that she received a copy of the receipt proving payment of the second half of 1999 taxes, and received a check for the first half tax increment deficiency owed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS OF NO ACTION AS TAXES WERE PAID IN FULL. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration to review Tax Increment Guarantee Deficiency relative to the Amended and Restated Amendment to Contract for Private Redevelooment between the HRA and William R. and Barbara R. Tapper. Ollie Koropchak provided the staff report, introducing Bill & Barbara Tapper. Mr. Tapper addressed the members stating he felt cheated, he did not realize that he would be paying a $30,000 deficiency. He did, however, realize that without the assistance ofTIF they would not have been able to locate in Monticello. His frustration is that they have done everything in their power, paid all taxes, and due to no fault of theirs they ended up with this large deficiency. He was aware of a small deficiency, but not this large. He was ..., -,)- HRA Minutes - 02/02/00 . not aware that the HRA was assessing him this amount. His tax accountant feels they have a reason to adjust this as they have a corporation leasing from them, the company pays the taxes, and they have made no provisions to pay this out of pocket. The argument is that it is in fact a company obligation, but still a risk. Reality is that they did agree to pay this. Mr. Tapper asked if there was anything the HRA can do to make paying this deficiency back a little easier. An option he had would be to have the HRA/City bill the corporation rather than them (Bill & Barb Tapper) or stretch the payments out so its not one large lump sum. The members discussed several ideas of how to lessen the burden of this deficiency and Koropchak stated she would look into the potential of assignment as well as a payment schedule for Tappers. Koropchak also reminded the members that the Private Redevelopment Contract stated a "company" could pay as the deficiency came up, but back in 1996 this was changed. Most of the members also noted they did not feel the need to attach interest on as well and they could possibly discount the face value of the note to make up for the interest not charged (interest might need to be collected per the State). Mr. Tapper was asked what kind of term he would be comfortable with and he suggested 3 years. It was suggested to talk to Steve Bubul and work out an assignment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE . TO ADVISE STEVE BUBUL TO PREPARE AN ASSIGNMENT FOR TAPPERS, INC., TO BE PAID IN THREE EQUAL PAYMENTS OVER THREE YEARS. BOB MURRAY AMENDED THE MOTION STATING THE FIRST PAYMENT TO BE DUE AND PAYABLE MARCH 15, 2000. Amended motion carried unanimously. After further discussion it was determined that the HRA abide by their original contract in asking for yearly deficiency payments. 12. Consideration of a reauest from MCP for fundin!! to assistance with development and printin~ costs associated with a retail marketin!! piece. Barb Esse, Amanda Gaetz and Susie Wojchouski, MPC, were present. Barb Esse made a presentation to the HRA requesting funds to assist with development and printing costs associated with a retail marketing piece developed by the MCP. Esse noted that since their inception they've felt they had to get a marketing package and go out seeking businesses. After three years they are ready to start soliciting businesses. Esse noted that this was all put together by volunteers, they would like to complete 500 sets and an addition 500 brochures, 400 of which would be available to the HRA. They -4- . . . . HRA Minutes - 02/02/00 will also include all available spaces, at this time there are 8 properties for rent and 13 spaces. MCP will also include a calender of events, maintain this monthly, will be put in folders and includes postage. Will have their intern travel to similar neighboring cities to see what we MCP might be missing. They would like to sell this to the local bankers and may even place an ad in the paper as well. Their goal is to start locally, area and then national and will monitor their progress. Amanda Gaetz stated they completed a consumer survey and found the number one reason people don't shop downtown is due to the lack of selection. Some potential businesses to target would be upscale type restaurants, sporting goods stores, arts/crafts supply stores as well as home furnishings. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO APPROVE A REQUEST FROM MCP FOR FUNDING OF $2,367 FROM THE 10% ADMINISTRATION OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-22, TO ASSIST WITH DEVELOPMENT AND PRINTING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH A RETAIL MARKETING PIECE. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consideration to authorize payment of the monthlv HRA bills. No bills were received. 14. Consideration of Executive Director's reoort. a) 3 Walnut Street - Received the last months rent and damage deposit. A list was provided of things damaged, not working, etc. to advise the HRA that this was here upon move-in. Koropchak will contact Public Works for repair of the foundation. 220 Front Street garage - Marian Carlson submitted the annual rent of $60 for year 2000. The contract was extended for one year. HRA lot on West Broadway - The Planning Commission will review the CUP at their March meeting with the knowledge of the HRA previous letters relative to the request for removal of debris. It was decided that Bob Murray would stop by on Wednesday and speak with the owners. TIF District No. 1-12/Aroplax Corporation - Copy of the letter written to Jerald and Mary Schoen relative to the Tax Increment Guarantee Deficiency. Members requested a second letter be addressed the Schoens stating the payment will be due and payable, and to budget accordingly. TIF District No. 1-17/Fay-Mar - Copy of the letter written to Ron Musich relative to unpaid taxes for the second half of 1999. He was unaware the taxes had not been paid due to internal management problem. Unpaid taxes, interest, and penalty were paid in full on January 19,2000, per the Office of the County b) c) d) e) -5- HRA Minutes - 02/02/00 f) Treasurer. TIF District No. I-IS/Birkeland Jr. - Copy ofletter notifying the developer that their reimbursement check has been prepared and will be released upon the City receiving a check in the amount of $2,426.59 per the Contract. TIF District No. 1-23/Krenz - Copy of third notice mailed to Krenz for reimbursement of HRA expenses and copy of the remitted check for payment in full. $500,000 Grant - Letter notifying the City of Monticello of the approval of the $500,000 grant to the City for a loan to Twin City Die Casting, Inc. Pay-as-you-go payments - Copies of the checks to be mailed January 31, 2000, per individual Contracts. Reimbursements due February 1,2000. Acquisition of industrial land - On January 24, the Council approved a concept plan for exchange of the City's 64-acre Remmele parcel and the Chadwick/Goeman's 140-acre parcel for industrial use. *Mississippi Shores has submitted meeting the 40/60criteria, low income rental housing and this is the first time they will have vacancies. *Local contribution reporting is done. *MetcalfLarson Dist 1-2, Koropchak noted that in the future there will be a shortfall in this district. There is no deficiency clause in this contract. *Lenders Breakfast to be held at City Hall on February 18,2000 at 7:30 a.m. *Sunny Fresh recognition is on hold. *Bus Tour is June 14 which coincides with Chamber Golf Outing *Koropchak attended the Wright County Partnership Workforce task force that mormng. *The members also asked that the City Web Site be updated. g) h) i) j) 15. Consideration of Committee Reports: a) City Council - Brian Stumpf. - Brian was not present. b) MCP - Steve Andrews - Annual Meeting is 2/22/00 at the Community Center c) Marketing - Darrin Lahr/Brad Barger - Nothing new to report. d) Community Center - Bob Murray - Jeff O'Neill gave the update, noting the progress and the intent to open on schedule, Monday, February 7, 2000. 16. Other Business. As noted under the Executive Director's Report. 17. Adiournment. . . A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:35 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. -6- . . . ... .. HRA Agenda - 3/1/00 6. Continued ~ Consideration to adopt a resolution approvine: a modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and a modified Tax Increment Plan for the Tax Increment Financine: Districts therein. A. Reference and Backe:round: With the recent inquiries by the Office of the State Auditors relative to the reporting of tax increment, Mark Ruff requested more time to prepare for this agenda item and asked the HRA to table this item until the February meeting. The HRA tabled any action and authorized Ehlers to proceed with further research at a cost of not- to-exceed $2,000. On January 27, Mark, Steve, and Koropchak met to discuss how to proceed to modify the budget line items and to again modify the overall older districts re-affirming the good faith intent of the HRA to allow pooling among the districts. This documentation is being done as an means to satisfy the Office of the State Auditor in case ofan audit. The item was again tabled or continued at the February HRA meeting. Kennedy & Graven prepared the enclosed resolution for adoption. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt the resolution approving a modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and a modified Tax Increment Plan for the Tax Increment Financing Districts therein. 2. A motion to deny adoption of the resolution. 3. A motion to table any action. c. Recommendation: The recommendation is alternative no. 1. This being another good faith effort by the HRA to ensure proper documentation for authorization to spend, transfer, and pool tax increment dollars. D. Supportine Data: Copy of resolution and Exhibit A. 1 . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MON11CELLO RESOLUTION NO "_ RESOLUTION APPROVlNG A MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PR.OJECT NO.1 AND A MODIFJED TAX INCREMENT PLAN FOR THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS THEREIN . WHEREAS. the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Mnnticello C Authority") currently adtninisters its Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No_ 1 ("Project") and Redevelopment Plan ("'Project Plan") therefor and Tax Increment Financing Dil'trict." Nos. 1-1 through 1-25 Ccolleaivdy. the "TIP District."") within the Project and Tax. Increment Financing Plans ("m P1ans.') therefor. all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Section!; 469.001 to 469.()47 ("HRA Act") and Minne.,ota Statutes, Sec:th')ns 469.174 through 469.179 ("TU= Act"): and WHEREAS. under Section .169.175. $ubd. 4 of the TIF Act. the Authority is authorized to modify the TIF Plan withl)Ut t.he notice and approval rrocedurel' required for arproval of the initial plan if the modification doe.c;. not involv€;: reduction or enlargement of the geographIC area of the dIstrict. increase in the amount nf bonded indebtcdne.~ to he incurred. including a detennination to capitalize interest on debt if that determination was not a part of the ong1nal plan. increase or decrease the amount of int€;rest on the deht to he capitalized. increa.c;.e in the poTtion of the captured tax capacity to be retained by the Authority. increase in total estimated tax increment expenditures or designation of additional rroperty tn he acquired by the Authority: and WHEREAS- the Authority has detennined a need to restate the budgets of the TIF Plans for the purpose of clarifyiI1g the TIF Plans and the hudgets therefor: and WHEREAS. the Aut.hority has reviewed certain documents. attached hereto as Exhihit A. describing and clarifying the hudgets previou.'l;ly esub1is.hcd for the 11F Oill.trictl> (such documents ate collectively referred tn herein as the "Plan Modification"): and WHEREAS. the Plan Modification is Intended to and do clarify the TIF Plans but docs not increase the t'tudget'i therefore. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED hy the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello as follows: 1. The Plan Modification is aPI'foved. 2. The Project Plan and t.he T1F Plan are in no other way modHled and the budgets contained therein are not increa!;ed by this modification- . 3. AU actions taken by Authority staff alld consultants with resrcct to this modification DTG-176717vl M!'IIQO-61 Gh,b"rr- A "O-~ EO/ZO"d ,EO-! OlEBlEEZl9+ N3^V~9 , ^a3NN3~-WOJ~ EZ:Ol 00-5Z-Z0 . are hcrehy approved and ratified. J. Authority staff is authorized and directed to include a copy of the Plan Modification In the Authority's offiCIal records of the TTF Plans for the TtF District." and to forward a copy of the document to the County Auditor and the Minnesota Department of Revenue for their records of the 11F District. Approved by the Board of Comml5."ioncrs of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello this _ day of . 200ft Chair ATI"EST: Execuuve l);rector . . OJG-171.'\"717...' MNt90-151 VVO-~ EO/EO'd vEO-l OlEBlEEZI9+ N3^V~~ , Aa3NN3~-WOJ~ EZ:OI OO-$Z-ZO . ,., 1ii E s::: . '" i:5 ~ ..9 .! Q :?1 .... Q .e- U 'C 1Il <ll C 'g Q <ll :; E ~ E~ 0:0 U Q ~:& 'C 1Il <ll C 'C 0 C ,_ <ll.... E ~ E~ 0:0 U 0 ~:& '" '<;j >. <<i ::; <:( tL. 1= o o o N C010000CO ......'<I"OOlOCO --('9') 0 Q1.....NI !''1l .0 rD' 10' ,...: ......- ~. ......'<I"MOO Ol O'<l"~ M" ~. o Ol M CO , (9')& t ..,.... o '<I" '<I" ;:::. cD ~~~~~~~~~~~ "iii := V < J3~ g M C05",:cry.i IOi~ Ol co~ 10 M ~E"-~ '<I" <( 10 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~ .S ~rDOOOCO .2~~~g.~~~ ' "'Q>-<Ilm~~~b~ <Il '<I" O'<l"~ ~ .... ~- "," 8& u <( ~~~~~~~~~~~ o M , M. 10 M '1:\ .... <ll Cl "'Q ~ aJ c ns ii: u.. i= al M !EI~ "'Q . Q co ::i;:::l~ Q) CD '<i .2: c cu_ :; Ell.. Ei= OJ u ~~~~ 00 00 '0 o' 1O~ 000 0010 '00..,.... 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Consideration to approve the Estoppel Certificate and Subordination A2reement associated with the Contract for Private Development between Twin City Die Castines. the HRA. and the City. A. Reference and backeround: Attached you will find a request from Jay Ellers, Twin City Die Castings, relative to the approximate $4.8 million Industrial Revenue Bond administered by the Ag Board. The IRE and the GMEF are a part of the machinery/equipment financing for this project and the Ag Board attorneys are requesting the approval of the Estoppel Certificate and Subordination Agreement which relates to the Private Development Contract. See response from the BRA Executive Director. At this time, a copy of the prepared Certificate or Agreement have not been submitted to the BRA for approval or review by BRA legal counsel. Perhaps, this item will not require any action on March 1. The prepared Certificate will state the Contract is in full force and effect, no modifications have been made, and no defaults exist thereunder and the like. Additionally, the Certificate will include approval of the mortgage financing for the project. The Subordination Agreement should not be unlike others approved by the HRA. The prepared documents will be reviewed by BRA legal counsel prior to your approval. The City will also need to approve and execute the documents. Lastly, I've attached the request for compliance of governmental regulations and the enclosed respond by the Deputy Administrator. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the Estoppel Certificate and Subordination Agreement associated withe the Contract for Private Development between Twin City Die Castings, the BRA, and the City. 2. A motion to deny approval ofthe Estoppel Certificate and Subordination Agreement. 3. A motion to table any action. 4. No action required at this meeting. C. Recommendation: Assuming the go-ahead from BRA legal counsel, the recommendation would be alternative no. 1. 1 . HRA Agenda - 3/1/00 D. Supportine Data: Copy of the certificate and agreement for adoption. Copy of the request and responses. . . 2 .... --:8. -II' OO(FRI) 10:59 -). ... TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS TEL:651 644 5280 P. 001 1070 SE 33rd AWlWC Mimeapolis. MN. 55414 Pho,.; (651) 645-3611 FCI)t: (651) 644-5280 I \J1IIrI (lty [Jle: CoStlrl'-':"" C"'OI npony I' Fax To; O( ) ,,~ t"o rDpe-h fl It!.. Fax: (D/:J-;:J16"- C/t/o1 Phcn: From: \", \~ Ej lEt?- Pages: ~ ~eo ..:; -11-00 ... Re: cC: D Ur-gent ~ar Review CJ Please Comment 0 PIeme Reply o PIl!lZSe Recycle . O///~ I :I m;.uf LjOt.<.,- he~ ~Iv.i. l+e/lYl 40 ff :;It /1 C>>LJ cite ~o A gA~eJ / ~5 . "'"fh;-;;, IS b€7',v 1 'li1/' ~.{.e~ b'1 4~ AIJoI''''~$ -"r ~E A, 8DA~ !h~ ~ . ''\, ~ A FEB. -II' OO(FRI) 11:00 TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS TEL:651 644 5280 P. 004 ~QUIST & VENNUM P.L.L.P. Mr. Jay Eller Mr. Doug Harmon February 9, 2000 Page 4 ,! fl"'lt 11. Utilitv Letters. We received the required correspondence from Northern States Power Company and tho availability of the seWer and water utilities. We should receive similar availability letters from any appropriate gas, telephone or cable compames. 12. Insuranc~. The insurance coverage is generally acceptable except that the certificate of Iiabihty insurance dated 1-28-00 should be prepared an an Accord 27 fonn. Additionally, the additional insured should reference the Board and its successors and assigns. lie.': ,~ Q ~/~i6 ' . ~... o'K 't~ ~ ~?.. ;;;:;\ . Doell' 1 1 9'J239\ 1 13. Pavment and Perfonnance Bonds. We have not yet received any payment and performl:l.nce bonds from the General Contractor. Development A.2I'cernenr. We have reviewed the Contract for Private Development (the Development Agreement) between Twin Cities Die Casting Company, The Housing and Development Authority for the City of MOlltic eJ1 0 (the HRA) and the City of Monticello (the City) dated October 25. 1999. With respect to the Development Agreement: a. b. c. We will require an estoppel certificate to be executed by the City and the HRA verifying, among other things, that the Development A&'Teement is ill full force and effect, that no modifications have been made to the Development Agreement, that no defaults exist thereunder and the liJ\:e. We will provide }Iou with the fonn of the Estoppel Certificate. Section 7.1 of the Development Agreement requires the HRA to approve the mOltgage financing for the project. If such a letter has been Obtained, please provide it to us. Otherwise, we will incorporate the Section 7.1 approvals within the Estoppel Certificate. We require the HRA and the City to execute a Subordination Agreement in favor ofme Board and its sUCCessors and assigns. We will prepare a form of this instrument and provide it to you. .. - .. ~ .; ... .; . .. .. 'rlJ ... ~ c. "* .. >t ~ :i: . ~ . t '10 TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS TEL:651 644 5280 FEB. -II' OO(FRI) 10:59 . . .~ . ~ ~ " ~ '0 r "".:t f'" l\~ '0, , . , Contractor (defIned below) and the Project Architect (defined below). Final plans and specifications signed by the Applicant and the General Contractor and approved by all gov~rnment authorities having jurisdiction Over such plans and specifications (the Plans and SpecifICations) sball be submitted by the Borrower to the Board for approval in writing by the Board no later than 20 days prior to closina. Borrower shall also submit to the Board for Board's approval, a final site plan which shall be signed by the Borrower and the General Contractor and approved by any , govermnenral authority having jurisdiction over same (the Site Plan). The Plans and Specifications for construction shall conform in all material respects with the Preliminary Plans and Specifications . ,/ 7. Architects and Construction Contracts. True and correct copies of the general construction Contract with the General Contractor (the General Contractor), the architectural agreement with the Project architect (the Project Architect) and all subcontracts as may be designated by the Board, but in any event all subcontracts havina a value in excess of $20,000. Borrower shall also deliver to Board, on forms prepared or approved by the Board, an assignment executed by Borrower and the General Contractor, me Project Architect and all subcontractors pursuant to which such contracts and the Plans and Specifications shalJ be assigned to the Board and such parries shall agree that Board may, at its option. complete the Project pursuant to such constrUction contracts and the Plans and Specifications upon the occurrenCe of or in the event of default under the Loan. 8. Sworn Cons~ruction Statement. A swam construction statement executed by the Borrower and the General Contractor, in a form and substance satisfactory to the Board, showing all cOStS and expenses of any kind incurred or to be incurred in consuuction with the Project (the Total Construction Costs) and a certificate of the Borrower otherwise reflecting the costs and expenses of the acquisition and construction of the Project (inClUding, without limitation, construction costs, eqUipment costs, pre-operation expenses, capitalized interest costs and contingency allowances) and the costs and expenses to be incurred in connection with the Letter of Credit transaction generally (the Total Project Costs), 9. Appraisal. An appraisal prepared by an MAl designated appraiser acceptable to the Board setting tbnh the estimated fair market value of the Real Property (which includes the Project) upon completion of the Project in accordance with Plans and Specifications, roaether with such documentation as may be necessary to pennit the Board to rely thereon. Such appraisal shall conform with the requirementS of Section 1110 of the Financial Instirutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA). j 10. Compliance with Governmental Reaulations. Satisfactory written evidence that the Project and the consrruction and contemplated use thereof arc permitted by and comply with all applicable restrictions, requiremenls and prior conveyances, zonJng ordinances, subdivision plaUing requirements and other laws and regulations, and have been duly approved by the municipal Of other governmental authorities having juriSdiction and that the required building, zoning, environmental and other permits, approvals and licenses have been duly obtained as Do" C;~ '" 1s'0~ 3 dr-\\"-OO P. 002 . .. .. ~ ;: ... ; . C .. ,. ,lj ~ .. * .. . . i( . I . " " 'Iv FEB. -II' OO(FRI) 11:00 TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS TEL:651 644 5280 04 . . required by law. Receipt of a copy of building permit, a copy of a acceptable zOning letter issued by the city in which the Project is located, a certificate of the architect acceptable to the Board, a zoning endorsement to the title policy and an acceptable written opinion of the attorney for the Borrower may, after Board's review and approval, satisfy this condition. , . U (a) , (b) #:. (c) ,'\' " .. , /' t . 'jlOcj 11. Utiliti;,5. Evidence, including utility leuers addressed to the Board and in a form and content satisfactory to the Board, that all utilities necessary or desirable for the use and operation of the Real PropertY and the Project are available to the Borrower. , 12. Insurance. Evidence that the followina policies of insurance have been retained ith respect to Project and that the premiums for the current policy year have been paid in full: Builder's Risk Insurance, in an amOUnt equal to the Total Construction COSt and naming the Board as a loss payee and mortgagee; Worker's Compensation Insurance with statutory coverage co verma all persons enaaged in the construction or installation of the Project: p, 003 -., - - ... .- . .. 1:- ~ . .. .. Comnrehcnsive General Public Liabilirv Insurance providing for limits of coverage of not less than $5,000,000 dollars and naming the Board as an additional insured; .,. (d) Errors and Omissions Insuranc~ covering the Project Architecr and naming the Board as an additional insured; (e) All Risk PrQpenv Insurance with respecr to the Project (upon completion of the Project) insuring against loss by [lIe, lightening, vandalism, malicious mischief and other risks as are customarily covered by a standard extended coverage endorsement, on a full replacement cost basis and/or an agreed amount endorsement, in an amounr Dot less than the Loan Amount or the full insurable value of the Real Property. whichever is areater, and naming the Board as mortgagee and loss payee; (f) Flood Insuram:e if any of the Real Property is located in a "flood plain" as defIned by the Federallnsurance Administration in the maxinl1Jm obtainable amoum up [0 tIle Loan Amount. naming the Board as lass payee, unless an appropriate official of the city in which the Real Propeny is located SEates to the Board in writina thar all of the Real Property is not located in a "flood plain" as defmed by the Federal Insurance Administration; (a) Rent Loss or Business Intermption Insurance with respect [Q the Project (upon completion of the Project) covering the exposures and perils referred to in (e) above, in an amount sufficient to enable the Borrower to make the required 4 .. ~ .. .. .. "f ~ ~ . 4 . ~ \I '\D J (' . J I . February 15, 2000 ~ MONTICELLO Me Jay E. Eller Twin City Die Castings Company 1070 33rd Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 Dear Jay: Received your fax and request of February 11, 2000. In regards to Item 14. Development Agreement. a. The only change to the executed Contract was the commencement date for construction which was changed from December 1, 1999, to January 1, 2000. This was initialed by all parties. b. Please incorporate Section 7.1 approvals within the Estoppel Certificate. c. The prepared Subordination Agreement will need to be approved by the HRA and the City Council. The regular meeting date of the HRA is the first Wednesday of each month and the Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Lastly, please submit a copy of the prepared Estoppel Certificate and Subordination Agreement for review by the legal counsel of the HRA prior to execution. . In regards to Item 10. Compliance with Governmental Regulations. Your fax was passed-on to Jeff O'Neill, Planning Department, and Fred Patch, Building Department, on February 11, 2000. Currently, the Department is in the process of responding to your request. Relative to another matter, Jay, I left you a voice-mail to set up an appointment with the individual or individuals at Twin City Die Castings who will be responsible for job creation reporting and construction financing for the Monticello project. This for compliance of the Grant Agreement and Loan Agreement of the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. Should you have any questions, please call me at 763-271-3208. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO QJ~ \<ffi0~~ Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director c: Steve Bubul, HRA Attorney Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator Fred Patch, Chief Building Official File . Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909' Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170 . Fax: (612) 271-3272 1~ ,~ . ] ~ . -- MONTICELLO February 24, 2000 Mr. Jay Eller Twin City Die Castings Company 1070 ~ 33rd Ave. SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 Dear Mr. Eller: This is to inform you that the Twin City Die Castings facility in Monticello supports a pennitted use and complies with applicable local subdivision and zoning ordinances. The required permits, approvals and licenses have been duly obtained as required by law. Attached is a copy of the associated building permit. . If you should have any questions regarding this zoning letter, please give me a call at 295-2711. Yours truly, flJ!rC'J ~ Jeff O'Neill Deputy Administrator/Community Development Director JO/lk Attachment cc: Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director Fred Patch, Building Official . Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 · (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 1]( CITY OF MONTICEllO / BUilDING PERMIT 250 E Broadway/PO Box 1147/Monllcello, MN 55362 (612) 295...3060 Site Address: 520 Chelsea Road . Legal: Lot 1 Block 1 Property Owner Name: Twin Citv DIe Castinu Co. Address: 1070 33rd Avenue SF: PERMIT # 99-5019 PlD# Zone: Il-A Plat Monticello C.omTTlflrCe Center Fourth Addi tiOIl City: Minneapolis Phone # 6'51-n'i4-.3661 State: MN Zip: 551+14 Contractor Name: olson Genf!ral Cbntractors State License # Address: 5010 HUsbaro Avenue N Phone # 612-535-1481 New Hopi> Zip: ""l..?l-l City: EngJArchitect Name: Truman Howell & Associated Address: 17815 Hutchins Drive Plumber Name: Van Sickle Allen & Associates Address: 2955 Xanium Lane N Suite 10 Mechanical Name: Address: Architects City: Minne tonka City: Plymouth State: MN Phone # 612-1~01-7R?,q State: ~1N Zip: 55345 Phone # 612-577-.9130 State: MN Zip: '\'\4u 1 Phone # State: Zip: City: Description of work: Est. Value: $ UDPY'AAAY'liUI 1,500.000.00 YE: New Addition o Alteration o Repair o Move o Other Tree Ordinance Applies: 0 Yes t:xI No Other Handouts Required: 0 Yes [XJ No Additional Information: Const. type: Gec. group: Division: Sq. Ft.: 37.000 +/- # Stories: 1 # aes. units: 0 Max. QCc. load: NA Fire zone: NA Fire sprinklers: IXl yes 0 no Off-street parking covered: Off-street parking uncovered: _ Type of Construction: o Single Family o Duplex o Multi-Family o Commercial XU Industrial o Res. Garage o Other ******************* Work performed without required inspections will result in removal of materials at owner/contractor's expense until inspections are completed. NO EXCEPTIONS. I have read and examined this permit and agree to comply with the building code in e,!ec ~Hbe t~6:.f "~,~.applicatjon. I agree to comply with the ordinances of the C Mon~e o.C /,/ -; ,- -7--~' ~ ~-~-~ /2-- 30- ~9 Date J 7. .- ~CJ .. 1 7 Date ~-._. '~ Signature FEES: Big. pennit Plan review State surtax Big. Total Plbg. pennit Fixtures State surtax . Plbg. Total Mech. pennit Fixtures State surtax Mech. Total Sewer access Water access Waler meter Meter sales taX Meter Total Sew & water pennit Trunk water Trunk san. sewer Stonn sewer Lift station 6.187.25 4.1'i1.71 7,0.00 11, ?Ilr. Qfi 12.500.00 3 . J3S . 00 625.00 40.fi1 RO.OO .ire Lock Box IllO.R? TOT AL FEES :; F. .1\111.6.1 I \lD i flG1 . . . HRA Agenda - 3/1/00 9. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. TIF District No. 1-9 Following last month's meeting, Attorney Bubul saw no need for an assignment with interest from the Bill and Barb to Tapper's Inc. for purpose of invoicing the Tapper's Inc relative to the tax increment deficiency and Private Redevelopment Contract. He did suggest Bill and Barb address the HRA in written form requesting said invoice and also acknowledging this does not release Bill and Barb Tapper of their legal obligation within the Contract between the HRA and Bill and Barb. Bill is in the process of composing the letter and recognizes one-third of the tax increment deficiency is due and payable March 15,2000. The invoice will be mailed upon receiving the letter from Bill and Barb. TIF District No. 1-12 Following last month's meeting, a letter was prepared to Jerald and Mary Schoen relative to the tax increment deficiency and the direction of the HRA. See attached letters of January 13, February 9 and 22 and letter from Schoen's attorney. The requested information from the attorney was forwarded. Sliipper's Pool & Spas - Letter to HRA and copy of conditional use application. Landscaping Partnership Program - This is a program designed to provide technical and financial assistance for landscaping state highway right-of-ways. A minimum of$I,OOO, maximum of $20,000 is available for landscaping materials in any given year. Funding applications are due the first of September each year and at least one designee must attend a 6- hour training session. This session is scheduled for Saturday, February 26, and Greg Engle, Parks Department, will attend. A City/Community must provide funds or in-kind service to install and maintain (replacement) the landscaping. The Parks Commission, DAT, and MCP have discussed the program and wish to proceed to the next step and recommended Greg attend the training. The Public Works Director and Greg both agreed. The application consists of a formal resolution of support from Council, volunteer pledge list, and landscape plan. MCP has agreed to work on the volunteer pledge list if the Council is supportive of the program. However, at this time, this is only an update and we'll learn more about the program and its merit after February 26. The two suggested target site options for funding are the right-a-way along east and west Bridge Park or the interchange ofI-94 and Highway 25. No decisions have been made as to the target site. Applications submitted September 2000 will be for planting season 2001. More later. Lender's Breakfast - The City Industrial Marketing Committee hosted a Lender's Breakfast on February 18 for local lenders, city staff, and commission representatives. The purpose was to market the city financial funding programs and to gather input from the lenders relative to our policies and guidelines to make sure the programs are "user friendly." The dialogue was great and suggestions are being forward to the HRA and EDA for consideration. Collier Towle Real Estate - Mayor Belsaas, Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill and myself met with 1 . BRA Agenda - 3/1/00 four representatives of this real estate company. The city's meeting purpose was to hear demands and trends in development of industrial properties. Towle's meeting purpose was to sell Monticello on the need to consult with Towle to market the city industrial land for a fee or as a joint venture. Highlights of the meeting: A city needs to position itself meaning the city must be ready to move (speed). Define uses ofTIF, types of business uses, zoning, protective covenants, development costs, and approval process time. Marketing piece should develop an image (vision) such as develop a park name and includes an appeal for the community. Prospect Team _ Scheduled to visit an industrial business on February 29. 32,000 sq ft building. Industrial Business _ Need to develop uses and sources for funding for a company previously visited by the Prospect Team. 60,000 sq ft building. Sunny Fresh Recognition Luncheon - Hosted by the Industrial Marketing Committee. March 9, 11:30 a.m. Don't forget to RSVP. Twin City Die Castings _ Hopefully at the next Council meeting you will be asked to approve the grant and loan agreement for the State Grant. 30,000 sq ft mfg building - 30 jobs, an expansion facility, need development fees: WAC/SAC, . permit, and trunk. Lot size maximum for building. IDC Officers for 2000 - Tom Ollig, Chair and Kevin Doty, Vice Chair. EDA Officers for 2000 - Bill Demeules, Chair; Barb Schwientek, Vice Chair; Ken Maus, Assistant Treasurer. . 2 February 9, 2000 MONTICELLO Jerald 1. and Mary E. Schoen Aroplax Corporation 200 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 RE: TAX INCREMENT GUARANTEE NOTICE Dear Jerry and Mary: Recently you received a letter dated January 13,2000, stating the cumulative amount of the deficiency in tax increment through calendar year 1999 was $12,426.80. The letter also noted that in September 1995, the commissioners authorized that redevelopers be notified annually of the cumulative amount of the deficiency and the cumulative amount of deficiency was not due and payable until the maturity date. The reason the 1995 commissioners elected not to collect the deficiency on an arumal basis was they assumed market values would increase causing the tax increment to increase resulting in the deficiency correcting itself over time or by the maturity date. . Unknown to the commissioners, in 1997, the State Legislators reduced the commercial/industrial classification rates for the purpose of business retention and expansion thereby reducing the property taxes. This combined with the tax rate being frozen at the time the Tax Increment District was created and the market value not increasing substantially caused the tax increment deficiency to become greater for payable years 1998 and 1999 rather than correcting itself. For this reason and with the deficiency for payable 2000 estimated at an additional $5,000 plus, the current commissioners requested a second letter be drafted stating the cumulative amount of the deficiency through calendar year 1999 of $12,426.80 is due and payable upon thirty (30) days receipt of this notice as per the Contract for Private Redevelopment. This second notice allows you to spread the deficiency payment over two years, 2000 and 2001. Because tax increment financing is difficult for redevelopers to understand, please do not hesitate to call me at 763~ 271-3208 for a further explanation. The next meeting of the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is March 1, 2000, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, should you wish to attend. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MlNNEsar A a~ \~~~~JL~ . Ollie Koropchak Executive Director c: Rick Wolf steller, Administrator File Monticell?_ City ,Hall, ?50 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 OffICe of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170 . Fax: (612) 271-3272 q A i ._ 6' . J ~ . ~ February 22, 2000 MONTICELLO Jerald J. and Mary E. Schoen Aroplax Corporation 200 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 RE: EXPLANATION OF TAX INCREMENT GUARANTEE NOTICE OF FEBRUARY 9,2000. Dear Jerry and Mary: The enclosed attachment notes the changes in the EMV (estimated market value), Tax Classification Rates, Local Tax Rate, Taxes, and Tax Increment over the life duration of TIF District No. 1-12. . First, the District was certified by the County in 1991 at a local tax rate of 87.780%. This rate is frozen for purposes of tax increment financing by Minnesota Statutes. Secondly, the estimated market value of the land and building increased $64,648 over the duration of the district or less than $10,000 per year. Thirdly, the State Legislators reduced the commerciaVindustrial classification rates beginning payable 1998 for the purpose of reducing the property taxes of Minnesota businesses. Because the amount of the tax increment is figured from the estimated market value, the tax classification rate, and the frozen tax rate; your tax increment deficiency increased most significantly in the years 1998 and 1999, mainly, due to the reduction of the classification rate. If the State had not reduced the classification rate, your property taxes would have been greater and your tax increment deficiency less or perhaps, deleted the deficiency. The Tax Increment Guarantee is a section of the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and Jerald 1. and Mary E. Schoen. Should you have further questions, please call me at 763-271-3208, fax 763-2954404, or e-mail okorooch@uslink.com. I did fax this to Aroplax Corporation. Again, the Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meet the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m at the City Hall, 505 Walnut Street. The next meeting is March 1,2000. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA (:)~~ \~d\ ~~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director . c: Rick Wolf steller, Administrator Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator File V Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (612) 295-3170. Fax: (612) 271-3272 gb . TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-12 Jerald J. and Mary E. Schoen This Tax Increment District was certified June 28,1991, at a frozen tax rate of 87.780% for purposes of tax increment financing. Estimated market value of $562,052 - 1993. Annual Tax Increment Guarantee of $21,500 - 1994. 23,000 sq ft facility. Year EMV TC Rate TAX RATE Taxes Tax Increm. 1992 3% <$100,000 87.780% 4.6%>.$100,000 1993 $562,052 107.327% 1994 112.873% $26,066 $19,523 1995 113.028% $27,547 $20,908 . 1996 110.581% $27,195 $20,957 1997 3% <$150,000 112.618% $27,640 $20,764 4.6%>$150,000 1998 $596,800 2.7%<$150,000 118.645% $26,360 $17,837 4%>$150,000 1999 $626,700 2.45%<$150,000 131.670% $27,192 $16,583 3.5%>$150,000 2000 2.4%<$150,000 131.438% 3.4%>$150,000 . gC/ . . . SJOBERG & TEBELIUS P.A , . ~ ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW IT ~~~D~~ 2145 WOODLANE DRIVE, SUITE 101 WOODBURY, MINNESOTA 55125 " ~ r\ F E B 2 3 2000 .!:: ROY A. SJOBERG' MARK A TEBELIUSt (651) 738-3433 OHN A. MURRAY J KELLYM. ROWE DANIEL P. STOLFA FACSIMILE (651) 738-0020 'ALSO ADMIlTED IN WISCONSIN tALSO ADMIlTED IN NORm DAKOTA E-MAIL lawoilice@sjobergtebelius.com February 21, 2000 Ms. Ollie Koropchak Executive Director Housing and Redevelopment Authority Monticello City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Re: Jerald J. and Mary E. Schoen [Schoen Properties Limited Partnership] Tax Increment Guarantee Notice Dear Ms. Koropchak: Jerry Schoen has provided our office with a copy of your correspondence of February 9, 2000, in which you stated that the cumulative amount of the deficiency in tax increment through calendar year 1999 was $12,426.80, and requesting payment of said amount within 30 days of the receipt of this notice. Please provide our office with a detailed explanation of the computation of this deficiency, as well as the exact provisions in the Contract for Private Development with regards to the payment of this deficiency. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention in this matter. Sincerely yours, SJOBERG & TEBELIUS, P.A. lIlMi j ~ Mark A. Tebelius MAT/cg cc: Schoen Properties Limited Partnership F:\CLlENTS\I097\OOO2Itrl . Koropchak.wpd qb Skipper's Pools & Spas 101 W. Broadway P.O. Box 1234 Monticello, MN 55362 . Skipper's Pools & Spas D ~~~DV~n FEB 11 2000 U t=:I February 7,2000 HRA Office 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362-831 Dear Ollie: I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You for taking the time to visit our store and bring to our attention the concerns of the lIRA Committee. At this time, I believe we have cleared the area to the satisfaction of the Commissioners. I apologize for not understanding the original use permit and hope we can continue to use the lot in the future for the same use as was originally intended. I have submitted a new conditional use permit application to the City for approval and can be available for any questions the lIRA or the City may have concerning this issue. Should you have any questions please call me at 295-5779 Again, Thank You and please notify me if I can be of any service to the lIRA and its staff. . S~i2I- Scott Rolfe Owner . SPS SERVICESINC. .. . '., '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=it:: . CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 295-2711 Planning Case # C'JD -m~ PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION Check Requested Action: A CONDITIONAL USE ~ $125 + all necessary consulting expenses* _ ZONING MAP/ TEXT AMENDMENT - $250 + necessary consulting expenses* SIMPLE SUBDIVISION - $125 SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - $350 _ SUBDIVISION PLAT - $300 + $1 OO/acre up to 10 acres; $25/acre after 10 acres + expenses. City will refund excess of per-acre deposit. _ VARIANCE REQUEST ~ $50 for setback/$125 for others + nee. consult. expenses* OTHER - Fee $ .;, NOTE: Necessary consulting fees include cost to have City Planner analyze variance, rezoning, & conditional use permit requests at the rate of $75/hr. The need for City Planner assistance is determined solely by City staff. Applicant Name: -:6'f0 ppd~ p~) ~ d 5f~ Address: )CJ/ t<./. 13tZ.t:!::4d... ~ j),C),l$cx. ,;r3'7 Phone(Home) ~J- 49'$- :;{873 Business: c:'1,2 ..a95-- 5/79 Property Address: ILlI AJ , ~d.. uJr........( ~gal Description of Property: . Lot: q tJ-)CJ Block: f>J,., Other: Current Zoning: ; Subdivision: Describe Request: <5e.t-VP t~ D'Sf~ -:S")~':-~CA :J~ -=5 ~J.~ os.. 'b>.:- t'""'5 . ~c:h'1-:J h:::>" ~~_e... CJ/1 ~F :::;'4 i6j {7 '1 e.:s G Y Ao~ /h .:--s t& J I I:J~ 4v1 COI1~ ceL'17e-//Uo~=:5 p;~);/.~,,-. /9~ Information provided by the applicant on this form is true and correct. Date Property Owner Signature !J-(!)7-oc> 44-tuM Date Applicant Signature (if applicable) . (CONTINUE ON BACK...) Phapp.han: 11/99 -), Date Received/Paid: :< - J 1-00 Receipt Number: (, Public Hearing Date: \~ 1'1/ CX) I , q~~ ~ ~Reliant ", Energy,.. Account Number: 027-000-470-003 Minncgasco Date Due In Our Office: Feb 25, 00 Seo other side rorl"tep,,\,rTl~nt d?tails Amounts Due: Gas $57.97 Mail your payment to 460 Other Charges Total Amount Due: $57.97 .- $.00 P. o. BOX 1297 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55472-0061 I ,I --- MONTICElLO HRA 505 HALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362-8843 1,1,1"1,1,1,11,,11,,,,1,111,111,,1,,1,,1,111,11,,1,1,11",111 If:l 12 ~10027000470003000005797000000000 Please return this part with your payment. V("\(IP Thir; P;'"lrt MONTICEllO HRA Servic.. Address: 3 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362-8833 Account Numher: 027-000-470-003 Billing Date: Feb 1, 00 Account Summary Other Charges Gas Charges Previous Balance Payments Received Adjustments $.00 .00 .00 $.00 .00 $.00 $76.00 76.00 1.67 Jan 31 - Thank You Basic Chg Adjustment Balance Current Billing + $1.67CR 59.64 $57.97 + ':'Iance Date Due In Our Office: Feb 25, 00 $57.97 Total Amt. Duel = $57.97 Other Charges Detail tGas Charges Detail Meter Reading on Feb 1 00 Reading on Jan 19 00 115 CCF Times Therm Factor Of 0.994 = Therms used in 13 Days_____114 r vr /' 00 0- ,\. Number I 9175127 5226 5111 Residential Rate ~~sic rh~!"'~,~ Delivery Charge Cost of Gas * ~2, 1"' $0.12857 per Therm $0.37555 Total Cost $0.50412 (114 Therms ~ $0.50412) Total Current Billing $57.47 _$59.64 This is your final bill for service at this location. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. He're online! Visit our website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at HHH.MINNEGASCO.COM. Request account information or learn more ways to save energy with our products and services o 07979 fTherm from the base cost of gas established in 1995, 'Includes a Purchased Gas Adjustment of $ Average Dally Temperature: Average Daily Gas Usage: _::.. Minnegasco 800 MCiAsA1Ye,djnnt or pay bills at MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554022013 HQTX2MP Next Meter Reading: If YOll have questions, want to register a complaint or compliment, receive a Reliant Energy Minnf!gflsco customer information booklet or rate schedule, please call our representafives at: Next Billing Date: 800-245-2377 Call Toll Free t See other side for more information .. ~. '\ qg . (:) o " " '" '" '" '" V> <: '" <5 z c; ..... V> '" 1'0 -->r;. .,......... 0 o o~ ---> ...J.b "-"-~ 1'01'0'" o oV> 00 00 I 0;; 0" o """C tv ~ 120 00 o 1 o .t> -c....,..--~~ Z lli '-l: :':1 ':l g ~~ ~ rt1 ~:r: ~ ~ gO) c o rnO Z. c: J:;>-~ ---I 3 ~rn ~ ~ o (") . 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