City Council Minutes 07-03-1997 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, July 3, 1997 - 8 a.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen, Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Clint Herbst Others Present: Representatives from various civic organizations 1. Review RiverfestIn ans. The Mayor reviewed the impact of the storm on the community. He noted that the clean-up is progressing and wondered if there is a possibility that Riverfest could be held as planned. He noted that the Lions Club is leaning toward cancellation. He wanted to have this discussion to allow input on the decision from other organizations affected by potential cancellation. Public Works Director John Simola observed that we could direct more of the effort to park clean-up and temporary power could be installed at the park in time for the event. Bruce Thielen noted that County crews are working on Third Street and that it is likely that the parade route will be clear. Mayor Fair suggested that the City consider assuming a portion of the financial liability if the event is held and the Lions Club loses money due to holding the event so soon after the storm. Roger Belsaas of the Lions Club stated that the potential for financial loss is a concern, but the bigger concern is the ability of the club to get the volunteers necessary to run the event. Many of the people that volunteer are busy at home cleaning up after the storm. Kitty Baltos of the Chamber noted that the Chamber of Commerce has already incurred costs that will be lost if the event is cancelled or postponed. It was noted that it may be days before electricity is restored, and there are many property owners that are in the process of recovering. Ken Maus noted that so many people have immediate needs right now. Perhaps we should be focusing on getting basic needs addressed first. After discussion, it was the consensus of the group to postpone Riverfest to August 9 and 10 due to the storm. The additional time is necessary to allow the community and volunteers to recover prior to holding the event. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 7/3/97 2. Storm recovery efforts. Public Works Director John Simola noted that thousands, not hundreds, of trees have been destroyed and need to be removed. Under ordinary circumstances, property owners are responsible for removing trees in the boulevard areas. He asked Council how it wants to handle the cost associated with boulevard tree removal. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO MANAGE AND FUND REMOVAL OF BOULEVARD TREES AND STUMPS. Motion carried unanimously. Due to the size and maneuvering limitations of equipment, it was determined that the effectiveness of National. Guard troops is maximized if their work is focused on boulevard clean-up. O'Neill reported that the city hall staff is continuing to issue press releases on the latest storm information, and staff is coordinating the dispatch of volunteers to citizens that have asked for help. 'The Salvation Army and Red Cross are busy addressing immediate needs for food, clothing, and shelter to the victims and are providing meals to clean-up crews and. volunteers. Chief Building Official Fred Patch reported that the preliminary information shows that 61 buildings have been. posted as uninhabitable and 150 have been identified as having struca_.urul damage. The numbers are very preliminary at this time and are likely to rise. Patch noted that we may need to bring in help from outside services to keep up with the reconstruction process. Building permit procedures were discussed. It was the consensus of Council to waive fees for cosmetic repair of structures and defer payment of other building permit fees relating to the storm. Security in Cardinal Hills was discussed. It was determined that road accesses into Cardinal Hills would be controlled in an effort to discourage gawkers or potential looting. Darrin Lahr of NSP urged everyone to take their time in clearing debris. All downed power lines should be considered as being live even days after the storm. This is because downed lines can be accidently re -energized in the process of restoring power. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. (], 2C� i`Z _,& Jeff' O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 2