City Council Minutes 07-08-1997 SpecialMINUTES
Tuesday, July 8, 1997 - 7 p.m.
City Council Committee Members Present: Brian Stumpf, Clint Herbst,
Roger Carlson
Township Board Committee Members Present: Ken Scadden, Ted Kopff,
Charles Holthaus
Staff Present: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator
A special joint committee meeting of the Monticello City Council and Monticello
Township Board was held for the purpose of discussing the urban service area
boundaries and orderly annexation area (OAA).
Township Supervisor Ken Scadden explained that the Township Board proposed
the following for urban service boundaries:
1. Agreed with changing the east urban service boundary to coincide with
the OAA boundary except that they suggested that the urban service
boundary line be straightened to include the areas near the freeway
that are not presently within city limits.
2. Agreed to extend the urban service boundary line to the south to
coincide with the existing OAA boundary.
3. Agreed to extend the urban service boundary line to the west to
coincide with the OAA boundary except they proposed to exclude the
Prairie Acres and The Dunes developments since they are developed
~. Proposed to square off the western boundary at Cameron Avenue to
the freeway, which would exclude Osowski's Orchard and Deveron
Township Supervisor Charles Holthaus noted that the Board was concerned about
city services being extended across township property in order to reach another
parcel For development. The Supervisors also questioned the City's method of
assessing for improvements. Councilmember Clint Herbst replied that the
Township had a valid concern and that he also did not want to see city services
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Special Council Minutes - 7/8/97
extended across township parcels in order to reach other parcels proposed for
development. Herbst also noted that township properties would not be assessed
unless city services were extended across a parcel and the parcel was annexed.
Ken Scadden also reported that the Township Board proposed the fallowing
agreement between the City and Township regarding annexation:
1. The City would make prorated tax payments to the Township for 10
years for parcels annexed into the city. For example, the first year a
parcel is annexed into the city, the Township would receive 100% of
the taxes. The second year they would receive 90%, then SO°lo, etc.
2. If a 10-year agreement was reached between the City and Township,
the Township would not abject to annexations within the OAA area.
3. The City must also agree not to annex parcels outside of the OAA
boundary lines.
4. The City and Township would review the agreement and boundary
lines in 5 years.
5. The City must limit annexation to only 40 acres at a time.
City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller noted that in the southeast area, the City will
soon need to address providing city services for the Resurrection Church and will
also need to think about whether to oversize those utilities for future extensions.
Councilmember Herbst noted that according to the proposal by the Township, the
City would not annex any parcels outside of the OAA boundaries far 10 years, but
the City could annex after that time if necessary.
It was suggested that the City Administrator and Township Chair could draw up an
agreement for the City Council's review at their next regular meeting scheduled for
July 14.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Kar Doty
Office Manager
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