City Council Agenda Packet 07-26-2004 . . 6. . 7. 8. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 26, 2004 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes of the July 12, 2004 regular Council meeting. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 1161(, /AJ&iLf"h r I fol PIA., (J.J~fltf ',!nL fref (\~ rf'y~ f"~ 0,- . eit{~~Jcomm~nts/petItlOns, re~u~&jlld eomplamts. 3. 4. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and terminations for the MCC and Public Works. B. Consideration of appointment of the election judges to serve for the 2004 election. C. Consideration of approving a temporary 3/2 beer license f()r the 8t. IIenry's Fall Festival on September 18-19,2004. D. Approve appointment to Monticello Library Board to complete the term of Eric Anderson. E. Consideration of a resolution revising the parking restrictions on Elm Street from County Road 75 to Th Street. F. Consideration of approving a request for a temporary charitable gambling license for St. Henry's Catholic Church. V Consideration of a settlement agreement - Mielke Assessment appeal. c;.. '? e n ~ S 'l\ .ilt.- Consideration of accepting a Wetland Exemption application as part of the Hunters Crossing Development (City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2003-008). -t <oj" ~ Consideration of approving final plat of Jefferson Commons. h ~ f'J- ~ Consideration of authorizing preparation of feasibility study for 2005 Core Street Reconstruction Program. G. H. o 1. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Public H~aring on install~tion of traffic signal lor T1I25/School Boulevard, City Project No. . .._.1 G- ~ 2004-19C and cOl1SlderatlOn of orderIng Improvement. ~~- " Public llearing on improvements for Block 35 and consideration of ordering improvement. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council July 26, 2004 Page 2 9. Public Hearing on delinquent utility accounts for 1st quarter 2004 and certifying assessment roll for delinquent utility accounts to the county. 10. Consideration of accepting comprehensive water report. 11. Consideration of authorizing design for water tower site. 12. Consideration of accepting plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, Project No. 2004-18C. 13. Consideration of appointing a Councilmember to serve on the wellhead protection committee. 14. Approve payment of bills for July. 15. Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 12,2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Roger Carlson arrived at 8 p.m. 1. Call to Order and Plcdl!e of Alle!!iancc. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of June 28. 2004 rel!ular Council meetinl!. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TI-IE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 28, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROBBIE SMITH ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addin!! items to the al!enda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Riverfest/Ballficlds; 2) Diseased Trees; 3) Signals; and 4) Spirit Hills. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comment portion of the agenda. Gary Anderson and Wes Olson from the Lions Club came before the Council to thank the Council and city staff for all the work that was done in connection with the Rivcrfest celebration. They complimented the Parks and Public Works employees for the condition that the parks and facilities were in and for how quickly things were cleaned up after the events. There is approximately twelve civic groups involved in planning and putting on the Riverfest celebration. Riverfest is a success because of the volunteers who give their time and talents to this community celebration. 5. Consent al!enda. A. Consideration of ratify new hires and departures for the MCC, Liquor Store, Water, Streets, Public Works and Parks. Recommendation: Approve the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of awarding contract for 2004 Sealcoating, Project No. 2004-24C. Recommendation: Award the 2004 Sealcoating Project No. 2004-24C to Pearson Brothers, Inc. from Loretto in the amount of $54,620.14. L .. . C. Council Minutes - 7/12/04 Consideration of preliminary plat approval for Jefferson Commons, a commercial development in a B-4 District. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary plat based on a finding that the application meets the City's requirement for a subdivision in a B-4 zoning district and is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. D. Consideration of calling for public hearing on TH 25/School Boulevard signal, City Project No. 2004-19C. Recommendation: Call for a public hearing on July 26,2004 on the proposed improvement. E. Consideration of a conditional use permit for concept and development stage Planned Unit Development. Applicant: Muller Theatres and the City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve the PUD based on a finding that the use of PUD results in superior land use and effIciency of site design and usage. The PUD accommodates an ofT-site freestanding sign, shared parking with the City's commuter parking lot and setback l1exibility accommodating a common service drive along the north side of the building. This recommendation should be based on conditions that include enhanced architectural detailing and compliance with the zoning ordinance standards including those noted in the agenda item. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional Lise permit allowing for a convenience food establishment in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Culver's of Monticello. Recommendation: Move to recommend approval of the conditional use permit based on a finding that the project is consistent with the goals of the City's Comprehensive Plan. G. Consideration of a request for a comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning to B-4. Applicant: Otter Creek U...C Recommendation: Move to approve an amendment to the comprehensive plan resulting in an increase in the level of commercial use and to rezone the site to B~4 (Regional Business). H. Consideration of amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regarding minimum fence setbacks and maximum fence heights on parcels with multiple street frontages. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission. Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment for Chapter 3, Section 2, Item [F] of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations lcH the installation of fences. 1. Consideration of reviewing quotes for parking improvements to the Dan Olson property and authorizing award of contract, Project No. 2004-15C. Recommendation: Authorize staff to award the work on the parking and boulevard improvements on Project No. 2004-15C contingent upon the City receiving a signed petition and waiver from Dan Olson. . J. Consideration of fInal plat and development agreement Wal-Mart. (Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition). Recommendation: Approve the final plat. of the Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition contingent on fInal review by the City Engineer and completion/execution of the development agreement incorporating terms L . . . Council Minutes - 7/12/04 identified in the financial spreadsheet and other terms as required by the City Attorney including provision of financial securities. K. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA L. Consideration of request for a comprehensive plan amendment and zoning map amendment to accommodate a change in land use from Light Industrial (I I-A) to Regional Business (B-4). Applicant: Ocello, LLC Recommendation: Approvc the Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning based on the findings that commercial land use is the most appropriate and compatible use for this sitc and that the City's long range development best supports the concentration of commercial uses in this area. M. Consideration of approving purchase agreement Culver's Restaurants. Recommendation: Approve the purchase agreement between the City and Culver's Restaurant for the sale of 1.5 acres. (Agenda Item #9) Brian Stumpf asked that agenda item #9 bc added to the consent agenda and that items 5B and 5L be removcd from the consent agenda for discussion. Glen Posusta asked that item 5G be removed from the consent agenda. BRIAN S'fUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITII THE ADDITION OF ITEM #9 AND THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5B, #5G AND #5L. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MO'flON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. Item #5B: Brian Stumpf asked if the City had an agreement with the City of Elk River for doing seal coat work. Public Works Director, John Simola stated that the agreement with the City of Elk Rivcr and the City of Buffalo was for rubberized crack sealing and the cquipmcnt necded to do crack sealing not seal coating. Brian Stumpf notcd that $35,000 was in the 2004 budget for seal coating and he questioncd where the balance of the funds would be coming from. John Simola indicatcd that funds budgeted lrom previous years would make up thc difference. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD THE CONTRACT FOR THE 2004 SEAL COAT WORK IN THE AMOUNT OF $54,620.14 TO PEARSON BROTHERS FROM LORETTO, MN. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Item #5G: Glcn Posusta asked Dick Fric, Planning Commission Chair ifhe would like to comment on thc Planning Commission rccommendation which was different from what the staff was rccommending. JefT O'Neill stated that staff was deferring to the recommendation of the Planning Commission. He notcd st~drs initial recommendation was different from the Planning Commission's in that stafT supported establishing a PUD district which would allow a limited number of uses which could be a mix of commercial and industrial uses. The PUD 2- . Council Minutes - 7/12/04 district would allow them to apply certain standards. The applicant requcsted a high dcnsity of commercial uses and the Planning Commission felt B-4 uses werc appropriate in this area. If later the developer comes in with some industrial uses they could bc done under a PUD Glen Posusta statcd that the IDC recommendation supported the commercial ventures in this area. Glen Posusta questioned what would be gained by a industrial PUD since the Planning Commission and IDC were comfortable with a B-4 zoning. He questioned why staff was pushing a commercial industrial PUD. Planning Commission Chair, Dick Fric, stated the main issue that the Planning Commission had was with procedures. He stated the Planning Commission, ED A, IDC and HRA were supportive of commcrcial zoning. The Planning Commission was somewhat dismayed that a group from the City met with the applicant and came up with a verbal agreement as to how this should be zoned. Dick Frie felt what the applicant was ofTered was a win-win situation. He also added that what staff had submitted to the Planning Commission with the seven conditions was not known to the applicant. He felt staff members got involved and changed the attitude of what was recommended. The Planning Commission made a decision based on a finding of fact and based on what the Planning Commission supported. . Brian Stumpf stated his eoncern was by rezoning the area to B-4 the City was taking land away from the little amount that was available that was zoned for industrial use. He stated he was somewhat confused by the IDC's support of the rezoning to B-4 when it took away from the industrial land. He personally felt the area should remain industrial. . There was discussion on whether the 47 acres lying north of Chelsea Road and adjacent to the freeway would be best be suited for commercial uses or industrial. Glcn Posusta questioned if the devcloper wanted the B-4 zoning why was staff pushing for an industrial PUD. It was pointed out that thc staff was deferring to the Planning Commission reeommcndation that the property be rezoned to B-4. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, stated he was involved with the ncgotiations on this property. The property owner all along had wanted to keep that area of land along the freeway fur his devclopment uses. In the Comprehensive Plan this area was shown as industrial land. Stall fell back to what was donc previously whieh was to allow somc commercial uses in the underlying industrial classification. The property owner wanted pure commercial use whieh is more valuahle than industrial. Rick Wolfsteller noted that property owner wanted thc commercial use noted in the purchase agreement but staff pointed out that the commercial zoning was not something staff could guarantee. Rick Wolfsteller stated that staff did not change the rules. . Dick frie questioncd why this information wasn't presented at the public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission and why the property owner wasn't made aware of what was being proposed. He added that the staff was concurring with the rezoning recommendation that the Plmming Commission recommended and was not trying to circumvcnt the recommendation of the Planning Commission. 2- . Council Minutes - 7/12/04 Brian Stumpf reiterated his concern that the City has been under pressure to establish industrial land . Now they are taking away the existing industrial land to provide for commercial uses. Robbie Smith felt the area along the freeway would be better suited for commercial uses. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO RECOMMEND AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RESULTING IN AN INCREASE IN THE LEVEL OF COMMERCIAL USE AND TO RECOMMEND REZONING THE SITE FROM I-1A (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) TO B-4 (REGIONAL BUSINESS) GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION BASED ON THE FACT THAT THIS WAS THE RECOMMENDA nON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. In further discussion, Brian Stumpf asked ifthc vote required a 415's majority. Robbie Smith stated that although the Council had final say, the Planning Commission did hold the public hearing and he felt comfortable with their recommendation. Glen Posusta asked where the City was on the purchase agreement. Rick Wolfstellcr replied that there are still some conditions that have to be met yet. Brian Stumpf stated that even though the Planning Commission was in favor of rezoning he was not comfortable taking away industrial land. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN POSUSTA, SMITH AND THIELEN VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND STUMPF VOTED IN OPPOSITION. WITH NO 4/5'S MAJORITY THE MOTION FAILED. . (FOLLOWING THE COUNCIL MEETING, UPON REVIEW BY THE CITY ATTORNEY IT WAS DETERMINED THAT THE REZONING REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS IT DID NOT REQUIRE A 4/5THS VOTE BUT THE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, HOWEVER, WAS NOTAPPROVED AS IT DID REQUIRE A 4/5THS VOTE) Brian Stumpf suggested looking at some type of PUD as that would allow a mix of uses and make both sides happy. Bruce Thielen asked if this would be on a case by case basis. Jeff O'Neill indicated that there would be a listing of uses that would be allowable under the PUD such as those suggested in the information in the agcnda itcm. The City could send a PUD ordinance back to the Planning Commission. . Dick forie stated that at the public hearing the applicant stated his time frame was such that he did not want the Planning Commission to delay acting on his request. Glen Posusta stated that time is money and the longer the City waits the more it may cost the City. Robbie Smith stated that Brian Stumpf feels strongly about the loss of industrial zoned land and he did not want to coax him into changing his position. City Engineer, Bret Weiss added that there are some engineering issues that have not yet been resolved as well as some issues with Chelsea Road to be worked out so there is ample time to come back to this. Glen Posusta asked if they could table this. Bruce Thielen indicated they could but the matter could be brought back only by Brian Stumpf or Roger Carlson. Bruce Thielen suggested Brian Stumpf makc a motion to send this to the Planning Commission. Dick Frie stated if the item comes back to the Planning Commission they want it to focus on one option. L . Council Minutes - 7/12/04 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SEND ITEM 5G THE APPLICATION FROM OTTER CREEK LLC FOR COMPREI IENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON THE COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PUD OP'fION ONLY GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION WITH THE COMMENT THA T IS WAS IRONIC THE CITY COUNCIL WAS DISCUSSING THIS BECAUSE OF A MISTAKE BY THE CITY STAFF WHICH WAS NOW GOING TO DELAY THIS ANOTHER MONTH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item #5L: Brian Stumpf noted that the agenda item did not correctly locate Outlot C of the Monticello Business Center and stated that again this was a case where industrial zoned land was being proposed for commercial use and he was not in favor taking away land for industrial development especially since there was no indication that industrial land would be replaced. Shawn Weinand, finTI Ocello requested since there wasn't a full council present that this item be tabled. He stated that the property surrounding this parcel was zoned commercial and added that they did offer this to the IDC as a trade but the IDC at that time said the parcel didn't make good industrial land. Shawn Weinand stated that with the City acquiring 110 acres of industrial land it makes it hard for them to sell a small tract of industrial land. I Ie also felt that with the annexation area resolved the City would have opportunity to designate other areas fiJr industrial use. He felt the City should take advantage of commercial opportunities as they come up. . Brian Stumpf stated that while the market right now dictates that commercial use is more in demand he still had reservations about changing the industrial land use designation. Glen Posusta felt a commercial designation was appropriate for ths site. Robbie Smith suggested that perhaps some members of the IDC be present at the next meeting to address some of the concerns that have been expressed. At this time Roger Carlson arrived. Since there was now a full council present, Shawn Weinand rescinded his request to table the item. Mayor Thielen updated Councilmember Carlson on the discussion that had taken place. Glen Posusta asked how it was determined originally that the property should be zoned industrial. Shawn Weinand indicated it was a random designation by the City and not zoning requested by the property owner. He stated that commercial ventures arc looking with interest at this area. Bruce Thielen felt this area could be the retail hub for the City and that this rezoning makes sense. Shawn Weinand stated that the improvement to School Boulevard and Cedar Street are being done because of the commercial interest. He didn't feel the same opportunities would exist if the property was industrial. He also added that the zoning req uest was general and there was not a particular use in mind at this time for Outlot C. Brian Stumpf noted that with the commercial and residential development around the parcel it would be better suited to something other than industrial. . ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE TlIE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING FROM I-I TO B-4 BASED ON TilE FINDINGS THAT COMMERCIAL LAND USE IS TilE MOST APPROPRIATE AND COMPATIHLE USE FOR TI liS SITE L . . . Council Minutes - 7/12/04 AND THAT THE CITY'S LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT BEST SUPPORTS THE CONCENTRA TION OF COMMERCIAL USES IN THIS AREA. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Consideration of transportation system desien and operation for 2005. .TeiI O'Neill summarized the comments and data collected at the public meetings held on the proposed change in the transportation system. The local residents were concerned about the quality of service and the cost of service if the City went with the Ri ver Rider system. The City noted that the regulations that were applied to the City made operation of a one bus system cumbersome. Combining with the River Rider system could provide more efficiency . . In serVIce. Jeff O"Neill reviewed the pros and cons for each transportation system as far as cost of operation, cost to users, convenience and the future use. I Ie noted that Sue Siemers of MnDOT recommended the hiring of a full time staiI person to handle the regulations and provide the documentation on the operation of the Heartland Express. It was estimated that the cost of a full time staff person would run between $30,00 to $40,000. Jeff O'Neill outlined the options available to the City. With continued operation of Heartland Express there would be local control but required staffing could make it more costly to operate. Staff noted that if] leartland Express is given up, funding for it would not be reinstated. River Rider because of it size and staffing provides a more efficient operation and going with River Rider would relieve the City of the responsibility of the administering the regulations. Although the River Rider system docs provide transportation throughout the County, most of the residents at the meeting commented that their primary use of the bus was to get to places within the City. The City pointed out that the services of the Hoglund Company and of Betty, Chadwick, the bus dri ver were excellent. Brian Stumpf felt the local service has been good so why change the system but he did question how it was determined that the City needed a full time employec to administer the system. Bruce Thielen asked who currently is designated to fulfill these requircments and Jeff O'Neill stated that the duties are presently divided among three staff members. Bruce Thielen stated there are a lot of pros and cons to consider and he didn't know if a decision to change had to be made by 2005. Robbie Smith asked if the administration of the program could be outsourced to Hoglunds. Jeff O'Neill stated that he thought the City would still have to document everything that Hoglund is doing nor did he know if the state would allow something other than a full time position. Bruce Thielen said going with River Rider would give the administrative responsibility to another entity and he didn't have a problem with that. Roger Carlson said he didn't have a problem with River Rider. His only concern is not being able to get Heartland Express back if River Rider doesn't work out. Brian Stumpf wanted clarification on what was needed for the staff position. L . Council Minutes - 7/12/04 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO RE-CONFIRM OPERATION OF THE HEARTLAND EXPRESS AND TO DIRECT STAFF TO CHECK INTO WHAT IS REQUIRED FOR TIlE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM POSITION. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUST A VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Glen Posusta stated his opposition was based on concern that this would be another layer of government bureaucracy and inefficiency. 8. Consideration of acceptance of sidewalk work done on Cedar Street, City Proiect No. 2002-06C. City Engineer, Bret Weiss provided background information on this item. The sidewalk constructed as part of the Cedar Street project utilized slipforming of the concrete. The City's construction inspector notcd a number of items of conccrn about the work. This was inspected by the City Engineer and he is recommending that the sidewalk be removed and replaced. The contractor was requesting that the City accept a deduct in the amount due and not require removal of the sidewalk. The contractor does not feel there is anything dramatically wrong with the sidewalk other than the appearance. The City Engineer fcels there is a problem and noted that MnDOT specifications allow them to reject the work. The contractor and subcontractor have requestcd the opportunity to put this before the Council. . Jim Betts, attorney for I "andmark Construction and Mark Landwehr from Landmark Construction spoke to the Council concerning the work in question. It was noted there is approximately 1800 feet of sidewalk in question totaling approximately $30,000 worth of work. Mr. Landwehr stated he had worked on other projects in the City and this was never an issue before. fIe stated the joints he used are within industry standards. Glen Posusta, whose property abuts the sidewalk stated the appearance of the work is bad and he didn't likc the slump on the edge of the joints. He stated that if he is paying for it he wants the work done according to the specifications. Glen Posusta also felt the slumping might collect water and he questioned whether there wouldn't be additional settling. Public Works Director, John Simola stated in inspccted the work after it was poured and agreed with Construction Inspector, Paul Diamond's assessment. He stated that MnDOT standards are the same for slip form or fixcd form concrete work. John Simola did not feel it should bc left in place as he felt it could ravel and possibly there could be icing. He was recommending that work be rejected and the contractor remove the sidewalk. Mark Landwehr stated the sidewalk is out of compliance with the specifcations only where he tooled the joints. Hc would like to have the City ask another engineer to inspect the work. Jim Betts suggcsted a mediated solution. . Bret Weiss stated the City has to decidc what is right for the City of Monticello and city specifications say they can rcject the work. If the City acccpts thc work it becomes the City's problem and he didn't think hc could recommend accepting something that could become a problem. Construction Inspector, Paul Diamond brought it up to the crcw when he noticed it was sloughing. Mark Landwehr admitted that the shoddy work is not what hc is uscd to but L . . . Council Minutes - 7/12/04 he didn't feel he should have to replace it. Bret Weiss did not like the idea of taking a deduct for work that could become a problem. Robbie Smith noted that in a letter of November 2003 the problem was brought to the attention of the contractor but the work continued and that gives him concern. Mark Landwehr stated that the edge was in compliance with the specifications but the joints were not. John Simola read portions of the state specifications applying to slipform placement. Glen Posusta felt if the Council approves this down the road if something happens the City is liable for it. The Council felt this was an instance where they should adhere to the plans and specifications. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO REJECT THE SIDEWALK WORK DONE AS PART OF TIlE CEDAR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2002-06C AND DEMAND REPLACEMENT AS DIRECTED BY CITY STAFF. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of approvinl! purchase al!reement Culver's Restaurants. Approved with consent agenda. Added Items: Riverfest/Parks - Bruce Thielen asked about the grooming of Freeway Fields and whether the fields were being dragged the way they should be. Bruce Thielen asked John Simola to check int this. Dutch Elm Disease - Brian Stumpf asked what the City's policy was on discased trces. John Simola stated there is a policy in place wherein property owners are notified ifthcy have an infccted trce. He noted that in most cases the property owncr will have the City remove thc tree. The City also provides replacement trees at reduced pricc. At this time John Simola stated he didn't know if the Park Superintcndent has completed his inspections for diseased trees. Bruce Thielen noted that the incidence of Dutch Elm disease this ycar was as high as it has bcen in the past. Signal lights - Glen Posusta asked about the timing of the signal light at County Road 39 and County Road 75 and the signal at the hospital entrance. John Simola stated he would contact Bill Cordell at Wright County about this and have him check the timing. Spirit Hills - Robbie Smith asked when the landscaping 1'()f the Spirit I !ills was going to be done. 8ret Weiss indicated they were suppose to be out next week to start work and stated a letter has been sent out on this. Glen Posusta questioned why there wasn't a culvert across the road at this location since there appears to be drainage problems. Mowing - Glen Posusta asked John Simola about the mowing that is done. He felt that areas were being cut when there had not been much growth such as Freeway Field and Pioneer Park. John Simola stated the areas are mowed on a schedule but he would check into this. 2- Council Minutes - 7/12/04 . 11. Approve payment of bills for July. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT OF THE BILLS FOR JULY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Adjourn. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:10 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ..-- Recording Secretary . . L- Council Agenda - 7/26/04 . SA. Consideration of aDDrovin~ new hires and departures for MCC and Public Works. (RW) A. REFERENCE ANI> BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Public Works. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERN A TIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Bosante, Shannon voluntary MCC 5/31/2004 part-time Dingman, Elizabeth voluntary MCC 6/1/2004 part-time Emmel, Danielle voluntary MCC 6/13/2004 part-time Engstrom, Nicole voluntary MCC 7/9/2004 part-time . Gilman, Nicholas voluntary MCC 6/1/2004 part-time Koch, Kathleen involuntary MCC 6/14/2004 part-time McLeod, Bryna voluntary MCC 6/1/2004 part-time Schluender, Emily vOluntary MCC 4/28/2004 part-time Williams, Joseph voluntary MCC 5/1/2004 partwtime . . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Hoglund, Julie Title Secretarial Asst Department Public Works Hire Date Class 7/6/2004 part-time employee councillist.xls: 7/14/2004 5A . . . 58. Council Agenda - 7/26104 Consideration of aooointinl! election judl!es for the 2004 election. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The 2004 primary election is on Tuesday, September 14th and the general election is on Tuesday, November 2nd. Attached is a list of individuals who havc indicated an interest in serving as an election judge. Their serving as election judges is contingent upon completion of election judge training which is scheduled at various dates in the month of August. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Appoint the election judges as required by law with the contingency that they complete the election judge training. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. Approve the election judges as listed. SUPPORTING DATA: List of individuals recommended for appointment as election judges . . ELECTION JUDGES . Alexander, Adair 6090 Wildwood Way Anderson, Fred 122 Marvin Elwood Rd Ashfeld, Gregory 1515 Oak Ridge Circle Brandon, Joan 164 Jerry Liefert Drive Brauch, Donna 701 West River Street Broekemeier, Ron 1440 Oak Ridge Circle Bromberg, Janet 172 Jerry Liefert Drive Carlson, David 6124 Mill Run Road Clausen, Lucille 320 West Broadway Custer, Edith 1410 Hilltop Drive Dahl, Rosemary 1229 Sandy Lane Daniels, Mary 70] East 4th Street DeMarais, Kristi 724 West River Street Doucette, Jan 13] 4 Prairie Creek Ln Gauthier, Kaye 126 Hillcrest Road Holt, Jeanette 236 Front Street Gillham, Lynnea 9] 5 West Broadway Irvine, Jan 325 East 4th Street Kraemer, Lori 648 West Broadway Kraemer, Wanda 1009 Golf Course Rd McIntire, Arlene 1120 West River Street Moody, Judy 118 Kampa Circle Nclson, Robert 68 River Terrace Nesland, MerriJo 330 3rd Street East Quick, Richard 113 4th Street East Smith, Randy 109 Craig Lane Soltau, Rita 624 East River Street Sonj u- Thielman, 1344 Prairie Creek Patricia Lane Stokes, Opal 215 Locust Street Suchy, Sandy 890 Briar Court Wefel, Diane 4561 Cobblestone Court WoW: Lorraine 1201 Golf Course Rd 5\3 . . . Council Agenda - 7/26/04 sc. Consideration of Approvine: a temporary liquor license for 3/2 beer for the St. Henry's Fall Festival. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a request for a temporary liquor license for 3/2 beer from S1. 11enry's Catholic Church for their fall festival scheduled for September 18-19" 2004. The temporary license fee is the same as last year ($IO/day). B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve issuance of the temporary liquor license for 3/2 beer to S1. Henry's Catholic Church for their fall festival on September 18-19, 2004.. 2. Do not approve the license. C. STA~"F RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends approval of the license as outlined. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the application. . . . 5T MN ALe GAMB ENF 6512975259 06/07 '01 12:13 NO.204 01/01 ~4:1V.l~A~" )f {""" . ;' ~ . :'3- \.;: '.." 1/:''':-1 \\~. c"." ~~" '..-i!;.;' rj ~~i!~~~ Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 444 Cedar St-Suite 133 St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 (651)296-6439 TDD (651)282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR l.ICENSE TYPE OR PRiNT INFORMATION NAME OF OR,GAN1ZATION urch of st. Benr STREET ADDRESS 1001 E. 7th Street NAME OF PERSON MAKING A.PPUCATJON DATE ORGANIZED 9/16/1917 CITY Monticell BUSINESS PHONE ( TYPE OF ORGANIZATION OCLUB DCHARlTABLE ~RELlGIOUS OQTHER NONPROm ADDRESS TAX EXEMPT NUMBER 41-0764106 STATE ZIP CODE MN 55362 HOME PHONE ( ) DATES UQUOR WILL BE SOLD September 18 & 19, 2004 ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ORGANlZA.TION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Location where Iie:en~c will be u:;ed. If.m outdoor ilrea, describe parkin') lot of' 10Q1 F. ~lth ~troot, MORticQllo, WN Will the opplicant conlral:l for intoxic<tting liquor scrvi~? If 5Q, give the name and address of the liquor licensee provilling Ole service. Hu Will !be :Jpplkant carry liquor liability jJ1~urance? If so, the carrier's n<tme and amount of coverage, (NOTE: Insurance: i~ nol mandatory.) C'atno] ic Mut'p 1 I'1"''lranCe APPROVAL APPUCATrON MllST Sf; APJ"RO'VW BY 0lY OR COUNlY BEFQJU:: SUJJMlTI1NG TO ALCOHOL & C^M>>UNG ENFORCEMENT C/TYICOIJ:'HY DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID $IGNATURIO eTTY CLERK OR COUl'lTY OfFlCw.. APPROVf.:D AlcohOl &. G::unblillg Enfon:~mcOl Din:clor N(I~: 1)(1 n(ll oq>2ra~ UI_ no(l pal1$, .t.nd both J'llCb t<> th~ add!:'e'll< (Ibo"t II:Dd the oril:ig:aJ lIiJ!1'td by tb1s divi$ion wUI be rtUlmC'd at. the J~"'e. Submit 10 tile df,T or Couut:o at least 30 dllYs bd"ore lb~ .......-n(. PS.O'07, (6/98) 5C . . . Council Agenda - 7/26/04 SD. Consideration of approvine: the appointment to the Librarv Board. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Library Board is submitting the name of Dawn Fitzgerald to complete the term of Eric Anderson who has moved. The term runs through December 31,2004. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the appointment of Dawn Fitzgerald to complete the term of Eric Anderson which expires December 31, 2004. 2. Do not approve the appointment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Library Board that Dawn Fitzgerald be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Library Board as noted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . SE. Council Agenda - 7/26/04 No Parkine Resolution Modification on Elm Street from County Road 39 to 7th Street (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2002-14C) (City/WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the original plan approval for the Core Street Improvements, a "No Parking" restriction was placed on the east side of Elm Street between County Road 39 and ih Street. This restriction required a Council resolution as a condition of State Aid funding approval. The "No Parking" restriction was placed with City of Monticello Resolution No. 2003-29. Further evaluation by City staff and WSB & Associates has identified that removing the "No Parking" restriction on the east side of Elm Street to the west side of Elm Street will provide safer vehicle movement through the intersection of Elm Street and 6th Street due to allowed parking areas on Elm Street north of the railroad tracks. This resolution would supercede City of Monticello Resolution No. 2003-29. T.he change in the "No Parking" designation is required due to the use of State Aid funding on this portion of the project. The location of the "No Parking" restriction affects the final striping plan for this section of Elm Street. The resolution is needed to complete the striping on the project. B. ACTIONS: 1. Pass the resolution lifting the parking ban on the east side of Elm Street bctween County Road 39 and ih Street and placing the parking ban on the west side of the strect. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the resolution be passed so the final striping on the project can be completcd. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Attached resolution (':IJ)()('( ,fAll-; .I\/JAIV":. /.(;;a )\U)( 'AI.S..f',J'elJ/fll.4.( iN !lA.1 (J-]r;O-l.duc . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-51 RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON ELM STREET FROM COUNTY ROAD 39 TO 7TH STREET WHEREAS, THIS RESOLUTION, was made this 26th day of July, 2004 by the City of Monticello in Wright County, Minnesota. The Municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City," WHEREAS, the "City" has undertaken the improvement of Elm Street from County Road 39 to 7th Street in the City of Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the "City" is expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvement of this street; and WHEREAS, the improvements on Elm Street did not allow for parking on both sides of the street, a parking ban was placed on the east side of thc street for approval of the proposed construction as a municipal street project; and it has since been determined that the parking ban should be placed on the west side of the street to provide better vehicle movement through the project area, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: That the "City shall remove the parking ban on the east side of Elm Street and ban the parking of motor vehicles on the west side of Elm Street from County Road 39 to ih Street at all times. Adopted by the City of Monticello City Council the 26th day of July, 2004. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Sf. C:\J)()("f '.1/1'. {',./), rll".\' .,!.(;/WI/.OCI/.,..... .f",'f"'llf,'i1~,\U'.\' W7f!1I.J (I/ir . . . Council Agenda Item - 7/26/04 SF. Consideration of approving request for temporary charitable ~amblin1! license St. Henry's Catholic Church (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: St. l-lenry's Catholic Church has applied t{H a permit for a temporary charitable gambling license for their fall festival on September 18-19,2004.. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gamhling license to S1. Henry's Catholic Church for their fall festival on September 18-19,2004.. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gambling license application request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Stalr is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Resolution approving gambling license. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-50 RESOLUTION AlJTHORIZING THI~ ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, St. I-Ienry's Catholic Church has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling activities at their f~:tll festival at their facility located at 1001 East 71h Street in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the S1. Henry's Catholic Church for a temporary charitable gambling license at their facility at 1001 East 71\ Monticello is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of July, 2004. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: -. .......----------'-------'. Riek Wolfsteller, City Administrator SF 07/14/2004 14:07 FAX 6514525550 e7/14/2B04 16:25 763-2~5-3132 J7'H::;:IHI.j .!.U;1~ F..u: ,tl"l/14;':::I,IX a?: 14 ?:;:J-~:t!!-.:Ell::':2 CAMPBELL KNlITSON PA MLM&F lo\L,.\I3F . .. ~ AGREL~!'IT made this /11711 day of ~_........... 2004, ~ t&e crrv OF MONllCEU.O. II ~1& m\lQjcipal /ill:S%pClratioD C"C;t;y"), uci MiELKE &R.OniER.S, LLC, AL V1N }..1lE1.KE, aDd GAB VErI' ("OwD:tsj. . REC1T A. r .~ WlJXJlr.AS. the ~ ow.1hc: follo.nq dcllCft""d property b:aUd .. the at)' af Man.ticcUo" Wri(lht CoUl1l.)', SJaJe c: MlI:u1uGm: I..ofb 1, 2, 3 II 4 cd 5. Block 1. M~tictikl Tr.s.vcJ c~ (-SI.AbjCCl Propaty") W:B:i'.REA.5, in ICY;cwi.nc the: Plat for me Subject Pmp.:tty Ibc City peid various e.xpt.."\R:ii omd tall an btbalf ofthl: Ownl:f5 in the~t u! Sll.9SJ.oO ("'tbc: Bw.'') IiI5 did fCdtb ~ Cil)' U:1W~.e Number 9On041, deed 1124102 wWcIa amCNl1t.icth. rt=iJ.'O",~bj!jlY.atlhe Ouuners u appJicanrs for appcDvaI Qr~ PUt; aod WHEREA.S, the CNmcts bave DbjCCGd to tbc anlOunI rd the: Bills; .and WItt1l.EAS, I:b= ~[S have objected ro the amount a,f tb= UiCaDlCIU ilillia.!st tbco Subject Pxapc:rry far the 1996 TmDk. Strom S.wer Proj~r~ ami WIIEllEAS,. the OwnUli ha'lf~ objected to the NIUU1I ot1be UJaimcM ~Iajnst the Subjco1 PIOpdY !os the Project 200 t.0ge; and. 'ftVR~, 'Clw pAl'ti~:5 w:bh to M1ttl~ the ~UR 'l.1ateming the 01l15ta1lGu,i' Bil1!.- far WRI :md. fca" b l!l96 T:w1k StQtt:1 Sewer AsICJmIeJ1C, sad Projc 200 t -Q9c Jusewrmentl: NOW, THElUtJi'OH, the pard.. a,pae lIS .fOllows: . IgI UUJ PAGE ~,~ ftlJ02 pt,(E e:: r-'- '.- -- H..JoteF 141 004 PAGE 133 ~OI}::I p~ fl;j 07/14/2004 14:08 FAX 6514525550 67/14/2BB4 16:25 763-295-3132 lJ"l,l:1aLl~ !(i:1J F,u .D7/14;28~4 ~7:l' 763~295-!l3: CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA MLJ.1&F .. 1. 111,94).00 IaYOiQ. The OWJag,l .b&U pay 1hc IKllOW! ofS.5~Ooa.OD io. fWl as satiJ&ctiGa. eftbe S11,9"3 ,00 invoice Jiam the City u !Dllows: SUW'IIY 1*"c:(:1~ hamedi_ pa.YlJLcn.t of11&e $1,000.00 AIJto Lub!t~: II:aa1ediallt ~t oftha 51,000.00 Tlatee (3) lWievdap::d. JIlI1'=la: !he Cil)- will UKU .rad1 S lJ)OO.OO to be paid at the l1me of develop~ Z. Projed ZlHJl-uk. 1"lIE City wUl flclllCe ~ daellIQlCSII. fl'am. S93.)S9,~O '" II taI:I1 of 518,000.00 aDd will fil~ IleViad IililiIm8DC wich wdlh' COQDty. J. 1'" T....ak S...... Sewer AMeN.... 1M City will rcd.~ the lWCllmeAI by ~ amo~(:o($'.773.DO oIIfta \IfiI1.ti!e arcvi.aed auessm.ent witb Wriah' COUJUY. .a.. Tho bviali'ld As.sa.sma.ti lOr the 194;6 Twm: 5mnn Sewer pr~jc=t - Project 200 1 ~O!k sbalL De a.m.:d 1CkJptad. oa thR dam thig ApcaDClt ill .QMd by tbCl City, The 01lN!i''', by apiDs fbi, ~ o.cb>>W1cdae tb.f aU pro=dunl &hd . !lubGlmtlvc: obj.onli 10 tba AuelsmetJ,t .-e haeby waived. uau:onditicnaJly. .such walver Lncl:ud&:>> any Iigbts Qf Qwnm, L15 S\ICC'-""~ 01' asAp co heuiJ:\a rcq~ts lSZ1d lIlY ,hum tha! the aueasme:atl ucnd the Nactit to 'ChI: Sl&l:tj~ l\opel'EY. 1'b.c OWDaS Nz1hc:r waive ..,. qpeal riEina o~ avai"J. p1WlW1t1D M.S.A. ~ 4JSt.0Il- S. A.ll clmua hy aI'd ~ 1he parties hmein Tep:dh~1 ~ Billi oriainalb" aUeS* egainlJt tho Subj=th\"J"W~t) lu D1Jitrid. Colltt 1'"1.Ie No. CX~03-l n4 may be and hen=b)" we relc:8sed with prejud.iGG. ClTYOFMO:NTICELLO By: Btue. ThieL.. ~Ol . . . . UfI 14/lU04 14: 08 FAX 6514525550 07/14/2884 10:25 763-295-3132 IJ7'"!.1.'200.,l 11,/;13 F.u " ~~:'i 1-41 :Ziti:!'.. Gi":": 1.' 1;;:;'-:295-;-1 =2 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA M...M&F "L'l42F AND 1l.ick WotfstcDCl.. City Adl:niAUlll'tar OWNERS: By: ,c;~ ~ Pn:sidear, Mi/lUut aroth~~Li.c ., .8)'; ~~ 7h~~~. A.lvin Mielke B}': Gae V,;ir IgJ 005 PAGE 64 ~(lU.a PA.:E 64 . . . 5". Consideration of Acceptin!! a Wetland Exemption Application as part of the Hunters Crossin!! Development (City of Monticello Plannin!! Proiect No. 2003-008) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 2003, thc City of Monticello assumed responsibility of Local Governing Unit (LGU) to administer wetland activity under the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). The wctland described in this action is a relatively small area (4,000 square fcet) located near the intersection ofNE 85th Street and fallon Avcnue NE. This area has taken on wetland characteristics due to discontinued agricultural activities and the failure to maintain a culvert designed to drain this area. This wetland is not a candidate for effective wetland restoration due to thc future impacts associatcd with improving Fallon A venue and the construction of parkland as part of the proposcd Hunters Crossing development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the wetland exemption. 2. Do not accept the wetland exemption. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that the exemption be acccpted as identified in Alternative Action 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the exemption notice, site location, and culvert elevation has been provided in this Council packet. ('"1/ lO( 'r fA 11'.'"./1/ JA WN.-I (;NOI/D( "..//..\'--1 I, li'mlll,../( ;.^/ In I ()- ]()(J.l.dO(' ~ WSB .SOdates, Inc. . Memorial Highway < Su ite 300 "'.aPO!iS Minnesota 55422 763.541.4800 763.541.1700 FAX 5 \~ F.L IF" Memorandum .n To: .... .... Jeff O'Neill, Assistant City Administrator, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, P.E., City Engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc. IE From: - Phillip A. Elkin, P.E., WSB & Associates, Inc. .-. Date: July 26, 2004 Re: Hunters Crossing Wetland Exemption Application City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2003-008 WSB Project No. 1160-99 .", .-.~ Attached, please find a draft Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Notice of Decision and a WCA Findings and Conclusions for the proposed Hunters Crossing development site. The items are for City Council review at the July 26,2004, City Council meeting. The following is a summary of the wetland issues. ... ." .... . The original wetland evaluation of this site found one area near the intersection of Fallon Avenue N.E. and 85th Street N.E. which was declared as a wetland by the Wright County SWCD. Further investigation found that the wetland had occurred due to the failure of a drainage culvert under Fallon A venue N.E. .... .... ... . The Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) allows exemption for wetlands created as the result a blocked culvert, which would have drained effectively under normal conditions. . This application for exemption is based on the owner uncovering a culvert located two feet below the wetland, which has blocked drainage and caused the creation of this wetland. ... F The no-loss, or exemption, application has been reviewed and found to be in conformance with the WCA. It is recommended that the City Council approve the replacement plan based on the attached Findings and Conclusions. .. . .... If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 763-287-8313. .. Attachments F lh .- F, II.:.: F .' .... Minneapolis. st. Cloud. Equal Opportunity Employer F:\WPWINV 160-9'I<MEMO 10 072604.ooc . . . NOTICE OF WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT DECISION LGU : City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55372-1714 Name of applicant: Hokanson Development Inc. Project name: Hunters Crossing Type of application: [ZJ Exemption D Replacement plan D No loss DBanking plan Location of project: Section 23 NEl/4, T121N, R25W, Wright County Date of decision: July 14, 2004 Type of decision: [ZJ Approve D Approve with conditions (conditions listed in the Findings and Conclusions) D Deny List of Addressees: Mr. Brad W ozney Ms. Colleen Allen Board of Water and Soil Resources Wright County Soil and Water One West Water Street - Suite 200 Conservation District S1. Paul, MN 55107 306C Brighton Avenue Buffalo, MN 55313 -. Mr. Wayne Barstad DNR Wetland Coordinator DNR - Ecological Services Division Ecological Services Section 1200 Warner Road 500 Lafayette Road, Box 25 S1. Paul, MN 55106 S1. Paul, MN 55155 Mr. Tim Fell Mr. Frank Svoboda US Corps of Engineers 2477 Shadywood Road Attn: CO-R 190 Fifth Street E Excelsior, MN 55331 S1. Paul, MN 55101 Ms. Patty Fowler Mr. Jay Roos DNR Waters Hokanson Development, Inc. 940 Industrial Drive S. #103 9174 Isanti Street N.E. Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Blaine, MN 55449 F: \ WPWINll160-99\ WCA Notice of Decision. doc . . . You are hereby notified that the decision of the Local Government Unit on the above- referenced application was made on the date stated above. A copy of the Local Government Unit's Findings and Conclusions is attached. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be commenced by mailing a petition for appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources within thirty (30) days of the date of the mailing of this Notice: Date of mailing of this notice: City of Monticello July 15. 2004 By: Phillip Elkin. P.E.. WSB & Associates for the City of Monticello Title: Water Resource Engineer F: \ WPWIM J J 60-99\ WCA Notice of Decision.doc . . Project Location ~', . . \ .y..s.: . \.\ < : \~Il '): I~ I \\ .11.. I (~ /: .<.9, 956./ J ! I II?/" , 3:r' I '1' I . I . . j. I I ::: : ~ i ! . ---........ J\ . ~T tiineotttd lVet I nd . ....... . N.E. ~S'T~1'<0c~~ ----;:y--- ,'!,; ---- (1) .----" w---:: ) o 60 ~ . . . Council Agenda - 7/26/04 51. Consideration of final plat approval for .Jefferson Commons. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to approve the final plat for the City's development known as Jefferson Commons. The final plat remains basically as submitted under the preliminary plat format, consisting of the lots creatcd for the Muller Theater complex and future Culver's restaurant site along with the City's new commuter parking lot. The balance of the property will remain in outlots waiting further development. After approval, the Linal plat will be forwarded to the County Surveyor for their review. Once recorded, the City will be able to complete its closing transaction on the Muller Theater property. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the final plat of the Jet1erson Commons subdivision. c. STAFF RECOMMENDA TJON: Staff recommends approval of the final plat for this developmcnt. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of tinal plat. ~Z "'~ b'.;? 3 -0 3 <:: -, 0- '" - !e,O' 0" ::l ~ " ~' () o <:: ::l ~ ~ :;' ::l <b '" ht . . gQ2::;! ()(/) ~ -::1'- <blll::C -om a~~~(/)O(/)~zg~~~~Z~O&~~~ ~b'2 o~ 2:ru::J 3lii~ 01 ~ ~o '" 0 0 <:: g 0 ~ < <b~ III _.0 -, <:: <b -. '" ~ ~il'" ~ '" '" ~ ~rrt &1 . <D~<b 5: <b <beB ~eB gill ~eB::1'<b ~ Cil~~;"'~lll'::~g- III '8 0 ~ 0 &1 <b~ z--~mii-~Ill<b<b~~~Wi~fdi [iil::E a 3 (b ::;!o OJ <:: m ::l ::1' <:: -o~ offi~<b"'~ ffiffi~8~~~~~~~~~~ _. c:!: )> ~ _. co 0" 2 l{l '" or~'" g e ~m~20~-~a~~~gam~N~g~~ ::lor (I) ~. c. ~. 2 ~~ _::lr ()-lllco ,,~ lll~~ _ft~ ~_oO<::ID__ ~3 ~~~~~ "'~ ffi5~ q' 01 '" _. ::EZ :;! ::1'<b "'''' - <b~0~1ll ~~::1'~<::-COlll<b<b8~~~ . S S. iil ~<b~ lI}~::1' III ;::l. ~ii-;::l.-'~i<b <bElll"'Z" 8.".=Sl ()~m ;oZ CD' III ~ o <b n" Diil_~~g<DiilZOz.~~o$& ~~5 O<bZ ~ 2 _m iD ~"O w...... ~ ::l '" 8 ill <::"'Ill G)(/) c- ~. ~~_~~o~~~~~ro0m ~ ~lf..( ..... 3 :!i~ "::l Q,(b'" ::l~~ a::l: llliD~o~~~iD ~~~co~ffi~~~::l"'" ~ l{l ~ _. <b ii-- ---+\ - - ~CDO).,l:.. ~n().....,lo. o-~ <b ~ g~~ ::l ~ ~~~o~~~~~m",~~31colfffi<bo~ <b ;a III ::l() ~31 .....~::c () ~ '" or -. :t~0 ~lll a~Q,<b~b2~~~~~~~~& ~~3~ :E",rn ~ Q 5~ Ii;' ~ g ::1'G) (/)~~~~08~Dm~On~~~Ill<b~~~ eB' Q, m O' " g Q, " ~ '" ~ a g~<b~ &::l~~=~a~&~5E~Ill~~ ?~jl .....t\)~ Iii ~. ~ ~~:E(/)5~c:!:~;::l.05"'<b<b~~1ll"'5-" ~~"" ~"'~ <b < ~mO~".::lO!ll1ll Ill" !'!'~ -_ ::l~ (/)<bm o ::l 0((5' ~s~ n <b ~~ <::<b~ffi~ -eB::ln~ <b""eBCOo ~(/)(/) 0- ~. 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'00 ./ /" / '-- h~ ~ " --- ~ ~ :" I " r-- ~ ---. L_ I I '-- . . . 5.l. Council Agenda - 7/26/04 Consideration of Authorizinl! the Feasibilitv Study for the 2005 Street Reconstruction Prol!ram (City Proiect No. 2005-01C) (City/WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The 2005 Street Reconstruction Program is proposed for an area with rural streets and limited storm sewer. As previously discussed with the Council, City statI, along with WSB & Associates, is requesting authorization from the City Council to begin the feasibility study for the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program. Starting the project earlier will allow for more time to address the anticipated issues. The project area includes streets west of Chestnut Street and north of Broadway (CSAJ-l 75). I'he project is proposed to include street widening and lowering, construction of concrete curb and gutter, and a formalized stormwater collection system. The preliminary design to be completed includes a significant level of investigation into drainage system outlets and ponding requirements, as well as existing easement and right-of-way status. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the feasibility study as requested. 2. Do not authorize the feasibility study at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the feasibility study be authorized to allow staff and WSB & Associates, Inc. to start the project analysis. D. SUPPORTING nATA: Attached memorandum (':\f.)()( '( ,'Afr... /'II.HWN ,./.( ;1<( )',1.()( "A/.S-.f\ I ("lIIpIA ( ;..v flA! (rJflO-!.do(' ~ WSB .,Wciates, Inc. . 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 .ap~liS 763.541.4800 763.541.1700 FAX S3 ...w ~ F Memorandum ." ..... To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello ~ IE: From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E., Senior Project Manager - .~ Date: July 26, 2004 Re: Consideration of Authorizing Feasibility Study 2005 Street Reconstruction Program City of Monticello Project No. 2005-01C WSB Project No. 1494-04 .w~ IF ." City staff and WSB & Associates are requesting authorization from the City Council for initiating the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program in accordance with the Overall Street Reconstruction Program adopted by the City Council in February, 2004. It is our intent to initiate the feasibility study at this point in time to provide adequate time for design and an early construction start in spring 2005. ." ... The 2005 Street Reconstruction Program is shown as Area 3 of the Overall Street Reconstruction Program on the attached map. The project area lies essentially west of Chestnut Street and north of Broadway (CSAH 75). ... ....-- ." Many of the streets in this area consist of a rural section, with drainage ditches at the edge of the roadway without curb and gutter and storm sewer. In addition, many of the streets do meet the current City standard for residential streets. The anticipated work program for this area will include the reclamation of bituminous streets, street widening, new curb and gutter, and a formalized stormwater collection system. In addition, we will be evaluating the condition of the existing sanitary sewer and watermain system in this area of the City. .n F The initial phase of the project wiIl include data coIlection including topographic surveys, sanitary sewer televising and easement and right-of-way research. This information will be necessary as we evaluate the need for storm water ponding, storm water system outlets, and street widening. ~ .- ..- ~ Weare proposing to complete the project according the following schedule: F Authorize Feasibility Study.... ......... .................... ........................................ . July 26, 2004 . Complete Field WorkJData Collection.............................................. September 10, 2004 F.. ~ Council Accepts Feasibility Report/Holds Public Hearing/Orders Plans and Specifications ................. November 11 - December 13, 2004 F .' Council Approves Plans and Specifications......................................... February 14, 2005 ... F:\WPWIM1494-0-NJ72604 2005 auth mtma-hmcc.doc Minneapolis. St. Cloud. Equal Opportunity Employer . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello July 26,2004 Page 2 Recei ve Bids............................................................................................. March 23, 2005 Award Contract....................... ................................................................. March 28, 2005 Begin Construction.................................................................................. April/May, 2005 Complete Construction............................................................................N ovember, 2005 We are anticipating a significant effort to complete the preliminary design based on the information known and available at this time. By authorizing the feasibility study now, it will allow for a longer duration to complete the work in addition to advertising the project earlier in the spring of 2005. This should allow for an extremely competitive bidding environment next spring. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please feel free to contact us at 763-541-4800. . Attachment kk/sb . F;\WPW/M/494.(frN)72604 2005 aath memo.hmcc.doc i\ ;1) 9J.. C.:1 \\:1\)~ . ',:;(;11 J> ~ 0 '" ',/ ~ ~ ~ ~ "':: ~ ,.. ~ :L. t S ~ t" ... ... 'L ~ !::! 0 ~ ... '7 ;!: ... 0 ;... gj '" ::: ~ " 7 /. ::: < 'jf 0 :c ~ >-i 0 i'" ~ ~ 7 '" /Ii 0 .::i !l ~ ::: i": <" '" "" f " "" '" ~ '/ Q :: :>:: 0 ... '" ... 0 d: i'" 0 ... = ;... ::l. L <" ~ " !!1. ~ .., .,. M ~ :I: 'L 'J) :::: ,., ;l>- :E- ..., 7 .., ~ :c ::l" '7 ,... ::::: ~ ~ ... ;;..- ~ ... ~ '" CJ; :c :;; i'" r.,l:. ;... v:: ~ 0 0 ,/ t" L ,., 0 >- 0 "" ~ :0::: ;,:;.. "" ;,. ,., '/ ;... ~ 0 ;... CJ; ? '" .... '" >- " C'l r.; ::>; r 'J:; ,., L "J; ...; J rJ'l ~ ~ M ~ ~ (""j o Z rJ'l ~ ::c ~ (""j ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . r\ ) ", ~ ~ @ '~ / \ ) V/ '" o . o '" -; o F. ~I~~'~~j4."<' ',-- .N.[.~--,--,---,-----=---,-----,--,-~__ u' ~- [;'"!p 0 ~ ~ 0 . ~ --- - ~------''------ z --......, ~____ -~~~~ ~ ~~ b'i) ~\~ '{ 1, ~ ~ ---.f.~MERON CJ @ u o " '" K'7~'-----.l. .. n----< 0, co ,c:: 1 -t~ ~ IN Ie I . . . Council Agenda - 7/26/04 7. Trunk Hiehwav 25 at School Boulevard Traffic Siena): Public Hearine (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-19C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A traffic signal is proposed at the intersection of Trunk Highway 25 with School Boulevard. The timeframe associated with installation of this signal is pertinent due to surrounding proposed development. To facilitate possible installation of the signal system this year, the City Council authorized a feasibility study and the expenditure of city funds to pre-order the necessary equipment, subject to Mn/DOT plan and funding approvals at the June 14,2004 council meeting. WSB is in the process of working with Mn/DOT to order the mast arms and signal heads. The Feasibility Report includes two (2) preliminary cost distributions assessed to benefiting property owners using estimated trip generation of the proposed and anticipated development. Scenario One assumes 50% Mn/DOT participation on the construction costs and Scenario Two assumes no Mn/DOT participation. The report estimates the contribution from benefited property owners. WSB, in coordination with the city, will work with property owners to adjust these proposed assessments before the final assessment hearing. WSB would like the City Council to accept the feasibility study and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept feasibility study, order project and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications. 2. Deny project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the City Council proceeds with accepting the feasibility study and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications. (' ID()('UMF.. I IDA WN- '.GKOI'.()(,ALS -IITFMPIAGN ITM 072W'I. DOC .. . . City Council Agenda - 07/26/2004 8. Public Aearine: - for proposed improvements to Block 35 pursuant of Minnesota Statutes 429.011 to 429.11. (O.K.) A. Reference and backe:round: The public hearing is for a 429 project and was called for the purpose of providing the property owners of Block 35 with an option to be assessed for certain improvements. The assessment would be for the instaIlation and construction of the pipcs between the buildings and the catch basin only. At thc June 28, 2004, Council meeting, the Council members approved a motion accepting the reasibility Study for Block 35 as prepared by WSB, Inc., authorized WSB, Inc. to design and prepare plans and specifications for Block 35 alley and plaza improvements consisting of a bituminous pavement alley and parking area and plain four inch concrete plaza with an alternate bid for exposed aggregate concrete plaza, authorized advertising for bids, and called for a public hcaring date of July 26, 2004. At the June 22, 2004 meeting, the EDA commissioners recommended the City Council approve the above motion. The EDA recommcnded moving forward with the design, plans and specs, and advertising for bids in order to determine the final or real cost of the improvements. The EDA recognized the project may not move forward if the bids came~back well-over budget or if a Development Agreement is not executed between the EOA and Block 35 property owners. Given, the goal offall 2004 for completion of the improvements, the EDA felt 30 days for preparation and advertising was suflicient therefore suggesting a public hearing date of July 26. At the June 22 meeting, the EDA commissioners did not authorize the preparation of the Development Contract as they felt it was premature not knowing the final cost of the improvements. The Development Agreement will address the following items: I. Commencement and completion date of public and private improvements. 2. Description of facade improvements to be constructed by individual property owners including cost estimates per parcel. 3. Description of roof drainage improvements, cost estimate to individual property owner, and the option to be assessed as a 429 project. 4. Description of the plaza, parking, trash enclosures, storm sewer drainage, catch basin, and alley improvements and cost estimates to be paid by the BOA, 5. Temporary easement for construction of improvements on private property. City Council Agenda - 07/26/2004 6. Define improvements to be maintained by the property owners via a Maintenance . Agreement and perhaps the establishment of a Service District which allows the City the ability to levy fen maintenance fees. 7. EDA attorney suggestioned a permanent easement for the northerly one-half of the alley as the City plows the alley. 8. Securities and cure for default. 'rhcEDA has a special meeting scheduled for July 27,2007, to discuss terms and conditions and authorize preparation of a draft: copy of the Development Agreement. The EDA will need to determine its policy relative to providing public money for private parking, a question asked by some property owners. THE CITY COUNCIL SHOULD SIMPLY OPEN TIlE PUBLIC HEARING AND CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF A UCTUST 9, 2004, AT 7:00 P.M It is hoped the design, plans and specs are completed by WSB and bids advertised by this date. After the bids are received and opened by the City, the EDA and property owners will review the low bid for acceptance prior to the Council awarding of the bid. In the meantime, the EDA will work with the EDA attorney from Kennedy & Graven to prepare a draft copy of the Development Agreement for the property owners to review. B. Alternative Action: . I. Motion to continue the public hearing to August 9, 2004, for proposed improvements to Block 35. 2. Motion to cancel public hearing and cease preparation of bids and specs and authorization to advertise. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and EDA Executive Director recommend Alternative No.1. Continuing the public hearing is consistent with the EDA and property owners recommendation to move fe)rward and determine the final cost of the project before a final decision on whether to award the project. Late Thursday afternoon, the Ci~y received the attached notices/rom some property owners o/Block 35. Based the EDA Attorney's advice. the suggestion is to continue the puhlic hearing As noted earlier, the EVA has a .special meeting calledfor July 27, 4:00 p.m. 2 . . . . City Council Agenda - 07/26/2004 D. SupportiDf.! Data: Copy of public hearing notice, notice from property owners, and Attorney e-mail. 3 , :Plus ~. LocaINet $. ~ ..EA'"PHfSS Surl up It:> Sxfasted 3 ",tf/iHl 11 (763)689-5110 ~ ._, -- , '. . ..~::::., ~ ..,,- ,':',':;':""::.,:;::',':..:, : " '.,' ::, .. .,' ':~,' '~ .,':.,. ":",;:::> .':,:<,','::.,<", Send Yo~r!l!~~ ."~".",,,; .8.......... .5.... ..t. B.... .................:'5..,-.:.........-:...........,.....................:..... ,. ....'J.. "8'" '. ' ,,' '.': ",' ,.,. . , ' '~ ','.' .' .... .... '.' ...... . .... ...........................;.;............'.:;......;......;.1...............:.....:........:. . ',"', : ", ',' '.,"./ ':,::, '::':',:':,.,:>.:..,'", :,-:'"".'i::::",<: ,"Z63-295-.amSO '2 -c ;IJ bJ '.m. I. ~ted - ~ .......I '----' "I ~ .I No one covers Minnesota better. w ~. 22 It's comforting to know that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has been providing quality health care plans for nearly 70 years. With the variety of plans for individuals, groups and plans that work with Medicare, we've got you covered. Give me a call for more information. :-13) Foster, Carlson & White Agency, Inc. 200 W. Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 763~295-2614 1Jr.;tk",,~}. ft~lr.;diNtl~fMJ:tl;>.,tVd~j ~~( Ih~ JiMMI;,f."~JI:l ., BlueCross BllIItShield ---.....~- ", Hospital District. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an election of Hospital Board members to the Board of Mon.ticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District shall be conducted in conjunction With the General Election on Tuesday, November 2, 2004. The following seats on the board are up for election: One member from the City of Big Lake; One member from the Township of Big Lake; 2-year term One member from the Township of Silver Creek; One member from the City of Monticello; One member for Member-at-Large. (Hospital District consists of the City of Big Lake, Township of Big Lake, City of Montl~ello, Township of Monticello, Township of Silver Creek, Township of Becker and City of Otsego). . Persons elected this year shall be elected for a term of four years, commencing In January of 2005. Persons elected on November 2, 2004, shall be issued a Certificate of Election, and will be required to file an Oath and Acceptance of Office In order to qualify for office. Once qualified, the person shall take office the first Monday in January, 2005. Any person can file who will be at least 21 years of age on January 1, 2005. Cand!dates must reside within the city or township which they seek to represent. Candidates for the Member-at-Large must reside within any city or township within the Hospital District. Candidates can only file for one position. An "Affidavit For Candidacy" must be filed. This "Affidavit For Candidacy" can be obtained from the Clerk of the CityfTownship in which he/she resides. Candidate must file with the Cler~ .of the city/township where he/she resides within the filing period. FIlings open: Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - During normal business office hours. Filings close: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - During normal business .office hours. Interested applicants should check with CityfTownship office for their office hours. There is no filing fee. -Mark Philbrook, Secretary/Clerk, Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District (July 15, 2004) NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on the 20th day of July, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. at the Silver Creek Town Hall, 3827 134th Street Northwest Monticello, Minnesota, to consider a proposed road improvement consisting of grading, graveling and paving of 148th Street Northwest (fruck Stop Frontage Road Improvement). The estimated total cost of the improvement is $82,923. The area proposed to be assessed for the improvements is the property abutting the roads and other benefitted property. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment will be available at the hearing. Any person wishing to be heard concerning the proposed improvements shall have the opportunity to present comments to the Town Board at this meeting. -Sandra Forsman, Town Clerk (July 8, 15, 2004) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BLOCK 35 ALLEY AND PLAZA IMPROVEMENTS Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on July 26, 2004 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall to consider proposed improvements to Block 35 relating to drainage, pavement material, surface effects, planters and trash enclo- sures all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes S 429.011 to 429.11. The area proposed to be assessed for all or a portion of such improvement is the. properties comprising Block 35 in the Original Plat of the City of Monticello. The estimated cost of the proposed improvement is $230,000. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessments will be made available at the hearing. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the improvement will be heard at this meeting. -Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator (July 15, 22, 2004) '1.....;1'1;::;;0.1 VUo.l n.~~1 t;~ The Monticello Tc out the OPTION I Plans, specificati Engineers and Land may be seen at the c Each bid shall be check in an amoun~ which shall be forfeit. fails to enter into a CI Each sealed bid Monticello Township mailed to Meyer-Rot- c/o Dwight R. Gunna MN 55313. The bio aforementioned withi The Town Board r- ularities in the biddir, best interests of the' Plans, specificatic Engineer upon depo;c not be refunded. -MEYER-ROHLH\ Dwight Gunnarsc (July 15, 22, 29, 200.( N' TH 25/5 TO WHOM IT MAY C Notice is hereby c the Council Cham bE improvement of the il of a traffic signal ane 429.011 to 429.111. the following: Unplatted land Iyin~ 155-500~ 142308, 15 142304, 155-500-14, Unplatted land Iyinr;: 155-500-154101 Monticello Busines~ 098-000030, 155-09E Monticello Marketpi Autumn Ridge Addi1 Monticello Business 098-000060) The estimated co~ be heard with referen Written and oral com I -Rick Wolfsteller, (July 15, 22, 2004) The Silver Creek ' Silver Creek Townshir to discuss the propm attend. -Sandra Forsman, (July 8,15,2004) Say Hello to the New ME of Our Orthopedic Te July 21, 2004 Monticello, City of 505 Walnut St. Monitcello, MN 55362 Attn: Economic Development Re: Block 35 Improvements I/We the undersigned property owners do hereby decline your request for the use of public funding on our private properties. I/We also decline to take part in the Block 35 Improvement project, which may include a "Special Service District". Although we may continue to improve our private property with our own funds, this should in no way be construed as part ofthe EDA's project. You may however, continue the project with the . rest ofthe owners but we are unable to grant you access to our properties(in any way) for the Block 35 Improvement project. Property Address Owners 1/2 T J Jt-I w ~ BIG61OtbvJ4Y /3? w.. Blzoi'ih..q.yCUAC.A.JT I t-O T / '-I '( ?U , B flo '* 'p (.v (.11 Thank you for your time in this matter . July 21, 2004 Monticello, City of 505 Walnut 8t. Monitcello, MN 55362 Attn: Economic Development Re: Block 35 Improvements I/We the undersigned property owners do hereby decline your request for the use of public funding on our private properties. I/We also decline to take part in the Block 35 Improvement project, which may include a "Special Service District". Although we may continue to improve our private property with our own funds, this should in no way be construed as part ofthe EDA's project. You may however, continue the project with the - rest of the owners but we are unable to grant you access to our properties(in any way) for - the Block 35 Improvement project. Property Address Owners l.!;, c:? tf i1/..=='/.?/YL7te'/"T Y /7t7 X' 1-:t:2- Mp/V l7CL::-LL.~ M# .:> 77c;;;;f fA,,,, I; IJi' lip IJ/A.>'tJ/1 it? I.P!!p :# 1'1t?/Yr/C~ZL2' LoPe;:'c /6 ,,61./, ~~ Thank you for your time in this matter ~ .., oUie Koropchak _ from: Mercer _Taylor, Beth [bmercer _taYlor@Kennedy-Graven.com] sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 4'. n PM To: Ollie KoropchaK subject: RE: BlocK 35 update Ollie, ,.- 1< Uaven't seen the fax yet, and I need to run soon, but I would definitely continue the heanng to see what the o overall picture will be lor the property owners group. I will be out at a meeting tomorrow morning. II I see the lax soon, I'll respond again. Beth Mercer-Taylor Attorney Kennedy & Graven, Chartered phone: 612-337-9283 Fax: 612-337-9310 bmercer- tay lor@kennedy-graven.com _____Original MesSage----- from: Ollie Koropchak [mailto: Ollie.Koropchak@cLmonticello. mn. us] Sent~ Thursday, July 22, 2004 4:11 PM to: Mercer-Taylor, Beth subject: Block 35 update Beth _ This am I called lor a special meeting 01 the EOA for July 27 at 4:00 p.m. to discuSS the terms and conditions of a oevelopment Contract including the items diSCUssed yesterday and particularly the issue to EOA policy lor public dollars to fund private parking. In talking with Commission Oarnn, he didn't need to see the issue addressed at all within the contract After being in a meeting most of afternoon, I returned to two declines lor use of public lunding I'm faxing them to you. I assume the EOA needs to diSCUSS and officially withdraw the matching funding program What do you think and should I continue the public hearing for the proposed 429 proJect? Council agenda for July 26 needs to go out tomorrow at 10'.00 a.m. ThanKS Ollie . . 7/22/2004 - ~ .. . Council Agenda - 7/26/04 9. Public Hearinl!-Consideration of a resolution adooting proposed assessment rell for delinuuent utility bills and certification of assessment roll te C.unty Audit~r. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts arc paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts arc at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on July 12,2004. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll · Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. -.;/ \_., --s-;,.. (- -'?-- '" 0__~ (/ . .,0 \~ ;~ is ~.. @1t >-' <> ..~ "'..... 0 ~- ,. t~ ~ g @'.: i't @ s~ \? '" " " n ... .. ~- ; ~o .. ~" >-,0 ~ n ,. .., '" '" " -. c. 0>-' . % -l'" l\ ",en g " -. ..0 ...,0 ,. ,. " ~ ~- " '" ". .0: ..... ~ '" " .. ~;; n ~ i\ ~ .. 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RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS FIRST QUARTER 2004 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (l) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2005 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31,2005. . 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days hom the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certiiied duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of July, 2004. ATTEST: Bruce Thielen, Mayor . -..". Rick WolfstelJcr, City Administrator C\ Council Agenda - 07/26/2004 .-. - 10. Consideration of review and acceptance ofthe Citv of Monticello Water System Plan. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: WSB & Associates, fnc. was hired to complete a new Water System Plan for the City and approximately 11,000 acres of anticipated expansion well into the future. This analysis included a study of our existing system of wells, towers, tanks, reservoirs and piping, and a projection of our system's demands and needs over the next 20 years as we move to serve the remaining portions of the community and approximately 11,000 acres surrounding the existing community. The plan involved a detailed study of all the information available about our existing system and the proposed growth and land uses of the City for the next 20+ years. Part of the study involved siting a new tower that we have needed for some time. While other portions looked at serving the expanded community in the future. Another part of the plan looked at the capital improvements and costs necessary to complete our plan over the next 20 years. Nancy Ziegler will be available Monday evening to go through the study and answer questions that you may have. - Special attention should be paid to the most immediate need on the capital improvement plan, the elevated water tower and site work, at an estimated cost 01'$2,150,000. The study identities the location, elevation and the necessary interconnecting piping for this tower to become operational. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative, after review of the water study, is to accept the plan which will put into place the framework for our water system for the future. 2. The second alternative would be to not approve the plan in its current form but to ask for amendments or adjustments to it as requested by the City Council. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff consisting of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Water Superintendent recommend that the City Council, after reviewing the plan, accept the plan as the framework for the future of the City's water system as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the City of Monticello Water System Plan under separate cover. . REVISED Council Meeting - 07/26/2004 . Consideration of movine forward with the water tower Droiect. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Now that the water study is complete and shows the immediate need for a minimum of one million gallons of elevated water storage, an estimated cost of$2.15 million, a tentative site has been selected (a 2.3 acre site on the north end of the Remmele Property) and approximately one million dollars are available in the Water Access/Trunk/Enterprise Funds, City Staff would like to have the Council consider moving forward with the project. We believe the hydropillar is the most efficient design for the City. Hydropillar consists of a fluted steel or round concrete base to support an elliptical tank. Often storage is provided in the base support which can be 40' to 50' in diameter. The hydropillar and tank itself will stand approximately 160' tall to the overflow. A copy of the typical site plan is enclosed for your review showing a possible building site out front for a future public building of some type. In addition, I have included a couple of brochures showing the hydropillar type tank. . The hydropillar type tanks are very numerous across the state of Minnesota as they are a popular design. It is expected that the process could take up to 18 months to complete once a contractor is chosen. The City could use anyone of three approaches to procuring a new water tower. The first or conventional approach is to use a consultant engineer to do the initial design site layout, soils investigation and have them bid the project out either to one general contractor or to a tank construction company for one portion and to a conventional contractor for site work and piping. The consultant would then oversee the project and usually use a subcontractor to provide the coatings and welding inspection. Using this approach the City could use WSB & Associates, Inc. and ask them for a proposal for the basic design of the tank and to complete the plans and specifications for the site work and piping to include the bidding, inspection and construction management. Another approach would be to develop a request for proposals and solicit proposals from WSB and two or three other engineering firms. A third approach would be to develop a spec for a design build type of project where the Staff and WSB would prepare a document which would be a design build request for proposals and would have all of the basic specifications required for a design build type of project similar to how the City built the gravity belt thickener at the treatment plant. With this approach an engineering firm and the contractor team up on a joint venture to do both the design and the building of the tower and site work. That type of process can be more economical and require less time than a conventional method. As far as we know of, however, there are only two tank construction companies that would be building our hydropillar and there may not be many design build teams that would put a proposal together for that type of project B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to request that WSB prepare a proposal for the basic design and specifications for a new one million gallon hydropillar including the site work at the 2.3 acre site at the north end of the Remmele Property (now Jefferson Commons). Their proposal would also include the bidding process, construction management and inspection for a complete project, and the Council would review and consider their proposal in two weeks at the next upcoming meeting which would be August 9,2004. . Council Meeting - 07/26/2004 2. The second alternative would be to have City Staff develop a request for proposals for the design, bidding and construction management including inspection for a one million gallon hydropillar and site work and send the request for proposals to WSB and two or three other qualified engineering firms. Once the proposals are received, to interview the top two proposals and based upon a selection criteria, select an engineer to do the design work. This process could take a minimum of four to six weeks. . 3. The third alternative would be to authorize City Staff and WSB to prepare a request for proposals for a "design build project" and solicit design build proposals for the construction ofthe one million gallon hydropillar and site work. This would take six to eight weeks. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff, consisting of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Water Superintendent, believe that WSB did a very professional thorough job in completing our water study at a reasonable price. Although the study took a little longer than was anticipated, it took us a little longer than we anticipated to provide WSB with the necessary land use and population projections and water use data than we had anticipated. We feel that WSB has the necessary staff and expertise to complete the next phase of this project in a professional and timely fashion. We, therefore, request that the City Council authorize WSB to prepare a proposal for the work as outlined in alternative #1 to be reviewed at the August glh Council Meeting. If Staff and the City Council feel at that time the proposal is not what the City is looking for, they could entertain one of the alternatives listed above. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the site plan for the water tower site and copy of brochures showing the different hydropillar designs. . Council Agenda - 07/26/2004 . 11. Consideration of movine forward with the water tower oroiect. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Now that the water study is complete and shows thc immediate need for a minimum of one million gallons of elevated water storage, an estimated cost of $2.15 million, a tentative site has been selected (a 2.3 acre site on the north end of the Remmele Property) and approximately one million dollars are available in the Water Access/Trunk/Enterprise Funds, City Staff would like to have the Council consider moving forward with the project. We believe the hydropillar is the most efficient design for the City. Hydropillar consists of a Huted steel or round concrete base to support an elliptical tank. Often storage is provided in the base support whieh can be 40' to 50' in diameter. The hydropillar and tank itselfwill stand approximately 160' tall to the overflow. A copy of the typical site plan is enclosed for your review showing a possible building site out front for a future publie building of some type. In addition, I have included a couple of brochures showing the hydropillar type tank. . The hydropillar type tanks are very numerous across the state of Minnesota as they are a popular design. It is expected that the process could take up to 18 months to complete once a contractor is chosen. The City could use anyone of three approaches to procuring a new water tower. The first or conventional approach is to use a consultant engineer to do the initial design site layout, soils investigation and have them bid the project out either to one general contractor or to a tank construction company for one portion and to a conventional contractor for site work and piping. The consultant would then oversee the project and usually use a subcontractor to provide the coatings and welding inspection. Using this approach the City could use WSB & Associates, Inc. and ask them for a proposal for the basic design ofthe tank and to complete the plans and specifications for the site work and piping to include the bidding, inspection and construction management. Another approach would be to develop a request for proposals and solicit proposals from WSB and two or three other engineering firms. A third approach would be to develop a spec for a design build type of project where the Stall and WSB would prepare a document which would be a design build request for proposals and would have all ofthe hasic specifications required for a design build type of project similar to how the City built the gravity belt thickener at the treatment plant. With this approach an engineering firm and the contractor team up on ajoint venture to do both the design and the building of the tower and site work. That type of process can be more economical and require less time than a conventional method. As far as we know of~ however, there are only two tank construction companies that would bc building our hydropillar and there may not be many design build teams that would put a proposal together for that type of project B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. The first alternative would be to request that WSB preparc a proposal for the basic design and specifications for a new one million gallon hydropi liar including the site work at the 2.3 acre site at the north end of the Remmele Property (now Jefferson Commons). Their proposal would also include the bidding process, construction management and inspection . . . Council Agenda - 07/26/2004 for a complete project, and the Council would review and consider their proposal in two weeks at the next upcoming meeting which would be August 9, 2004.The second alternative would be to have City Sta1I develop a request for proposals for the design, bidding and construction management including inspection for a one million gallon hydropillar and site work and send the request for proposals to WSB and two or three other qualified engineering firms. Once the proposals are received, to interview the top two proposals and based upon a selection criteria, select an engineer to do the design work. This process could take a minimum of four to six weeks. 2. The third alternative would be to authorize City Staff and WSB to prepare a request for proposals fe)r a "design build project" and solicit design build proposals for the construction of the one million gallon hydropillar and site work. This would take six to eight weeks. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Stan~ consisting of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Water Superintendent, believe that WSB did a very professional thorough job in completing our water study at a reasonable price. Although the study took a little longer than was anticipated, it took us a little longer than we anticipated to provide WSB with the necessary land use and population projections and water use data than we had anticipated. We feel that WSB has the necessary staff and expertise to complete the next phase of this project in a professional and timely fashion. We, therefore, request that the City Council authorize WSB to prepare a proposal for the work as outlined in alternative #1 to be reviewed at the August 9th Council Meeting. If Staff and the City Council feel at that time the proposal is not what the City is looking for, they could entertain one of the alternatives listed above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the site plan for the water tower site and copy of brochures showing the different hydropillar designs. ~ VARD COURT _LLO C W'5 CO MERCIAL LVD ANDOVER MN 5530 L_ , -- r--l AOOj IO'N\ ) r GR V8tAmY '- ,- \ 1 ........ " --- -- -- - '- ........ \ ...-'> ~ -- - ~- \~-\ >__ _"\.?'5 SAN MH /" ~966. 7~...... = 943.7 "I' ./ ./ .--~- -.... /'" /'" /' ,/ ./ / ./" "----~- r". --- - --- --... ~- "- ./"- '1 ,/ -']" I I 1 I I \\ ) I \ /' \pRAIRIE PON~ LLC /' \PO BOX 464 il'J'" / ~ONTICELLO, MN 55.16]._ / ~ \ '" J ......_ / / / '\ \ <- '\ - -9/JJ-. "' / --- - EX SAN MH TOP=964.66 INV-941.65 \/ ......-: -- -- ........ ........ ... oeo..- 964 - - ./" ------ / /'/' ,/./ / /' /' r""" ~ ./"-- e-- 96~_- / - -- / / ,/ /'/ I / /'/ ,// 965 / / ./ 1:' I .I /,olo" J .Jfi)> 0,'" / 6 .sIq. ~{f?/P I ~ rr.j I -; ~964"i / / ! / / ,I ( " \ .......... .....~ .....;:-.... ~ ..... ..... - -- --- / / I / / / ~:_:)I .-- /< (I ~ .......- ,... . 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':l ~ ~. ~~5- ':t. 3 9 ;.:~~ ::: ::: ~. ~ IJ, c.. <:, ~ ~ ff ~,'~ ;:: ~< .5 r,;. ~. ~ .........., ~..;::_.- '.,F r,:. ..... ~- ~ ~ - :-; - ~,~ .- rt I't:., ..... 8 ? c...:'"l ~. .:; .-; ~ ? ~ ;n '.,~ ~ c.. <:. -' ~ :::: ~ ;:: - ;. 3 7 ,:;. i""; C&.. <:, ;..- ? ';;! -.;:: ~ ~ 3 """i ...... '7~' ~- t:r rr.;' :J , ;;:" ..,. [. (""; ~- '" ;::: 're. :T~ '" c.. ~ ~ c.. 2, <:, n, ::: cr '" ~ . . . Counci I Agenda - 7/26/04 12. Consideration of Approvin2: Plans and Specifications and Authorizin2: the Advertisement for Bids for the Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet (City- of Monticello Project No. 2004-18C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: 'fhe City Council is asked to approve plans and specifications and authorize the Advertisement for Bids supporting the construction of a trunk storm sewer outlet pipe, which will connect the Klein farms watershed with City storm sewer service along Trunk I lighway 25. This project provides a storm water outlet to areas south of School Boulevard between the Featherstone development west of Edmonson Avenue and extending to Fenning Avenue to the east. The project is being coordinated with the proposed Hunters Crossing and Wal-Mart developments. The cost of the improvements is being funded from the City trunk storm sewer funds. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Advertisement for Bids Lor the Klein Farms watershed storm sewer outlet. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Advertisement for Bids for the Klein Farms watershed storm sewer outlet. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Council select Alternative Action No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications are available for review if desired. (':I,/)()( " :~\IF. /11 UII';\'. I. (ilU,M.t)< '..Il.S ,j',/i.'JJJ/)'".:4(;N /1/1-1 Ir](i()-I,dl)l . . . Council Agenda - 07/26/2004 13. Consideration of appointment of a member of the City Council to the Wellhead Protection Committee. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the completion of Part I of the Wellhead Protection Program, the City will move into Part II in which we will be identifying the risks and developing a management plan to manage those risks to our water supply. We would like the City Council to appoint a member to the committee. We will also be asking the Industrial Development Committee to provide one member. We will be meeting approximately three times over the next six weeks with our consultant, Liesch & Associates, the Minnesota Department of l-Iealth, the Minnesota Rural Water Association, a member of the Wright Soil & Water Conservation District, and City Staff to complete Part II of our plan and have it back before the Council in late August. Part II of the plan has to be completed and sent to the Minnesota Department of Health no later than October 31 of this year. Most of our meetings will be scheduled during daytime or early evening hours. Consequently, we request that the appointment or volunteer be someone who has the time to attend the necessary meetings. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to ask for a volunteer or appoint someone from the Monticello City Council to the Wellhead Protection Committee. 2. The second alternative would be not to appoint someone from the City Council to the Wellhead Protection Committee. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Water Superintendent that the City Council appoint a Council Member to the Wellhead Protection Committee as outlined in alternative #1. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copies of proposed agendas for meetings. Meetings will be combined. . WHP Plan Part 2 Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? Meeting 1 1. Review WHP Plan Part 1 · What infonnation does it contain? · How were the WHP A and DWSMA determined? · What does the vulnerability assessments of the wells and DWSMA tell us? · What implications does the Part 1 of the plan have to Part 2 of the Plan? (How do the results of the vulnerability assessments determine the activities of the PCSI, for example.) · Questions/comments 2. Review Scoping 2 Decision Notice from MDH. · Discuss the information required for Part 2 of the WHP Plan. · What are some of the sources for the required information? · Who is responsible for gathering this information? · Questions/Comments . 3. Set next WHP team meeting date. 4. Adjourn meeting. . \~ . WHP Plan Part 2 "Potential Contaminant Source Inventory" Meeting #2 I. Potential Contaminant Source Inventory · Discuss to what extent the inventory must be done (vulnerable vs. non- vulnerable). · Present data and contaminant source location infonnation provided by MDH Hydrogeologist or Consultant. · VerifY the accuracy of contaminant location. · Add contaminant locations not already a part of the database printout, but known about by WHP team members. · Add historical land uses of concern. · Ground truth existing points (may need to set a future date and time to do this). 2. Provide outline for Chapters I, "Data Elements; Assessment" and 2, "Impact of Changes on Public Water Supply Well" for next meeting date. . 3. Set next WHP team meeting date. 4. Adjourn meeting. - - '3 . WHP Plan Part 2 Data Element Assessment and Anticipated Changes (Chapters 1 and 2) Meeting 3 1. Review information gathered from last meeting relative to the PCSI. A. What types of potential contaminants were located within the DWSMA? B. What were the results of the ground-truthing effort (if accomplished) and what changes need to be made to the inventory due to more accurate information. . 2. Discuss Chapter 1, "Data Elements; Assessment" A. Required Data Elements--- . Physical Environment Data Elements; . Land Use Data Elements; . Water Quantity Data Elements; and . Water Quality Data Elements. B. Assessment of Data Elements--- . Use of the Well (How do data elements affect the use ofthe well?); . WHP A Delineation Criteria (How do data elements impact the WHP A delineatio n?); . Quality and Quantity of water Supplying the PWS Well; and . The Land and Groundwater Uses in the DWSMA. 3. Discuss Chapter 2, "Impact of Changes on Public Water Supply Well" A. Changes Identified In: . Physical Environment . Land Use . Surface Water . Groundwater B. Impact of Changes . Expected Changes in Water Use . Influence of Existing Water and Land Government Programs and Regulation . Administrative, Technical and Financial Considerations 4. Provide copies of outline for Chapter 3, "Issues, Problems and Opportunities" for next meeting's discussion. 5. Set next WHP team meeting date. . 6. Adjourn meeting. \~ . WHP Plan Part 2 Chapter 3-Issues, Problems, and Opportunities Meeting 4 1. Review and elicit comments for the written Chapters I and 2. 2. Discussion of Chapter 3, "Issues, Problems, and Opportunities" to detennine the nature and magnitude of contaminant source management within the drinking water supply management area (DWSMA). A. Land Use Issues, Problems, and Opportunities Related To: . The Aquifer · The Wen Water and the DWSMA B. Identification of: · Problems and Opportunities Disclosed at Public Meetings and in Written Comment · Data Elements · Status and Adequacy of Official Controls, Plans, and Other Local, State, and Federal Programs on Water Use and Land Use . 3. Provide Chapter 4, "Wellhead Protection Goals" outline for review for next meeting's discussion, 4. Provide "Prioritization Worksheet" for WHP team to review for the next meeting's discussion. 5. Set next WHP team meeting date. 6. Adjourn meeting. .... .,., \3 . WHP Plan Part 2 Chapter 4-Wellhead Protection Goals Meeting 5 1. Review and take comments on the written chapter #3, "WHP Issues, Problems, and Opportunities based on discussion from last meeting. 2. Prioritization of Contaminant Source Categories A. IdentifY all categories of contaminant sources determined by the P.C.S.I. to exist within the DWSMA. B. List the categories of contaminant sources in order of concern to the Team based on: . · Contamination of a PWS well; · Numbers of source within the DWSMA; · Location of source with respect to the well and compliance with the MN Well Code isolation distances; · The Capability of the geologic material to absorb a contaminant; · The existence and effectiveness of existing official controls; · The time required to obtain cooperation from other sources; and · The administrative, legal, technical, and financial resources needed. 3. Discussion of Chapter 4, "Wellhead Protection Goals" A. What is the WHP team hoping to accomplish with the WHP Plan? B. What, in general, are the management strategies that the WHP team is going to take (i.e., public education, regulation, ongoing data collection, etc.) to accomplish each goal? C. In what order of prioritization does the WHP team place the goals? 4. Provide outline of Chapter 5, "Objectives and Plans of Action" with a sample page from a completed WHP Plan. A. How are the objectives and plans of actions laid out? B. What do the subcategories of the wellhead protection measures such as source of action, cooperators, time frame, estimated cost, and goal achieved mean? 5. Provide Management Chapters for relevant potential contaminant sources for the WHP team to review for the next meeting. . 6. Set date for the next WHP Team meeting. '3 . 7. Adjourn meeting WHP Plan Part 2 Chapter 5-Dbjectives and Plans of Action Meeting 6 [The amount of discussion needed to develop strategies to cover all potential contaminants and issues will depend on the ~ystem 's unique situation. For example, you may need one meeting in a confined aquifer setting, or you may need several meetings in a vulnerable setting.] 1. Review and elicit comments on the draft copy of Chapter #4, "Wellhead Protection Goals" based on discussion from the last meeting. . 2. Discussion of Chapter 5, "Objectives and Plans of Action" A. Introduction of the highest priority potential contaminant source identified at the previous WHP team meeting. B. Speaker presentation on the potential contaminant source of concern for this particular meeting (optional). C. Development of objectives and plans of action for the potential contaminant source. · What should be the objectives for managing this potential contaminant? · Under each objective, what are the action plans or WHP measures the Team intends to complete to accomplish this objective? · Who will be responsible for carrying out each WHP measure? · Who (ifany) will help with carrying out the WHP measure (cooperators)? · At what time during the IO-year life of the plan will the WHP measure be implemented? · What is the estimated cost of each WHP measure? · What particular WHP goal does each WHP measure work to achieve? 3. Provide direction for next meeting, whether it is providing the informational sheet relating to Chapter 6, "Program Evaluation," or asking the WHP team to consider the next category of potential contaminant for discussion. 4. Set date for the next WHP Team meeting. 5. Adjourn meeting. . 13 . WHP Plan Part 2 Chapter 6- "Program Evaluation" Chapter 7-ttAlternative Water Supply, Contingency Strategy" Meeting 7 1. Review and elicit comments on the draft copy of Chapter #5, "Objectives and Plans of Action" based on discussion from the last meeting. 2. Discussion of Chapter 6, "Program Evaluation." A. General Questions to Consider · Who will be responsible for the program evaluation? . When and how often will the Plan be evaluated? · Who should be informed of the evaluation findings? B. Strategies and Approaches for Evaluation - for each specific type or group of potential contaminant sources: . Which evaluation approach will be used? · How the chosen evaluation approach will be carried out? . 3. Provide direction for next meeting whether it is to discuss Chapter 7, "Alternative Water Supply; Contingency Strategy" or to review completed WHP Plan. 4. Review and elicit comments on written draft copy of Chapter 6, "Evaluation Program" based on discussion from the last meeting. 5. Discussion of Chapter 7, "Alternative Water Supply, Contingency Strategy" by review of template completed with the PWS's system information or DNR Emergency Conservation Plan. . Is the entered information current/correct? . Should there be any changes to the contingency strategy? 6. What are the next steps to finish Plan? a. Review offinal draft of Plan b. Send out final draft and Part 1 to LUGs for review and comment c. Consider comments made by LUGs d. Public Hearing and Council adoption of Plan e. Submit Plan to MDH for review and approval f Notification of LUG's within DWSMA of Plan approval g. Plan implementation 7. Set next WHP team meeting date. . 8. Adjourn meeting. J3 . WHP Plan Part 2 ~~Where Do We Go From Here?" Meeting 8 1. What will be the structure of the WHP Committee? 2. What are the recommendations of the WHP team to the City Council or Water Utility Board with regard to the WHP Plan? 3. What will be the regular meeting schedule during the lO-year life of the WHP Plan? (How often will meetings occur? What topics will be discussed at the meetings?) · Plan Evaluation results · Plan Implementation results, suggestions, modifications 4. Set next meeting date. 5. Adjourn meeting. . - ~ 13 . 0.... "'.... '" '" u"I\Or-ooO'\ot""t N~~l.J1 '" ,.. '" '" 0 .... '" ..:! r.l 00 0 0 0000 0 r-lf""'l rlr-lr-l..... .... .... .... .... 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