City Council Minutes 09-08-1997 RegularMINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September S, 1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. rinm, val of 'ntt s of ~e mg~lar meeting held ALA et 25 1 M~7 A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AUGUST 25, 1997, AS WRITTEN. Voting in Favor: Roger Carlson, Brian Stumpf, Clint Herbst, Bill Fair. Abstaining: Bruce Thielen. Motion carried. 3. r^^~id ra 'nn of ad +n i pma t the ag n~da. A. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADD ITEM #12 REGARDING CHANGE ORDER #6 FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. Motion carried unanimously. B. Mr. Mike Gair of Lyman Development requested that the Council discuss a letter written by the Monticello Township Board regarding annexation petitions. Mayor Fair noted that the item would be added to the end of the agenda. 4. ('iti ns o m n s/gg +tions,Sggnests n~ d comnl in s. None. 5. consent ag,,~n~. A. . Recommendation: Approve the zoning ordinance amendment establishing school uses as an interim use in the I-1 zone. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 295. r~ Page 1 Council Minutes - 9/$/97 B. Recommendation: Approve issuance of an interim use permit to the Monticello School District to operate an alternative school program at 1248 Oakwood Drive East with the following conditions: 1. Interim Use Permit will terminate on August 31, 1998. Extension of the use of the subject property for public school purposes beyond the termination date may only be granted through reapplication to the City. 2. The District agrees to stripe the existing parking lot in a way which maximizes the paved area for efficient parking supply and circulation. 3. The District agrees to expand parking area at the direction of the City. The City will direct expanded parking based on the City's observation of parking demand which causes the use of on-street parking at any time. 4. The use of the subject property will be for alternative classroom use during normal school and evening hours but no later than 1Q p.m. The property will not be used for any other use. 5. The District may occupy the building during remodeling only at the direction and under conditions identified by the Building Official. 6. The District shall make every effort to avoid permanent changes to the building which, in the opinion of the Building Official, would not be characteristic of an industrial use. Approval is based an the finding that the proposed use will not interfere with the City's long-range objectives of encouraging industrial development in the area due to the temporary nature of the permit and the minimal alterations to the property. C. . Recommendation: Approve the development agreement and final plat for the Klein Farms 4th Addition contingent on final review of the plat by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. Page 2 Council Minutes - 9/$/97 D. 97-04C. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution accepting bids, awarding contract to Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., and ordering project for the HIein Farms 4th Addition, Project 97-04C, contingent on approval of the associated final plat and development agreement. SEE RESOLUTION 97-45. E. . Recommendation: Approve purchase of a laptop computer for the building department as requested at a cost not to exceed $2,890. F. . Recommendation: Approve change order #6 in the amount of $12,682.50 for the wastewater treatment plant construction project, Project 93-14C. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. ('onsideration of it ms removed from the cnn en~.3gP '~ f '~' . None. 7. Consid r^tion of ^ rndm nt th comer h aiv nl n for h itv of * nnticello,grn~ra1~IffQC?~g..Yh Doa ~~n 'v r Dis a Anp1~ *~onti 1~ to floyainv~nd___Rgd~v_elopm n A ~thority. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSNE PLAN UNTIL THE SEPTEMBER 22 MEETING TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL TIME TO REVIEW THE AMENDMENT. Motion carried unanimously. 8. ('~nsideraf on of r aol f on..pro ' g for th iss d sale of p,Qneral obligation unvrov m n bonds 4eries 1997A for Prpj et 7-04(' (Kl in ^+arms 4th Ad i ;onl nd PrgjPrt 97.07. (High ^hool arm .vicerl. Jerry Shannon of Springsted, Inc., estimated the general obligation improvement bonds to finance the HIein Farms 4th Addition and High School Trunk Storm Sewer projects at $2,30D,000. Project costs would be payable primarily from special assessments and area trunk charges, which would be certified in 1998 for first collection in 1999. Page 3 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 Far the HIein Farms 4th Addition project, it was assumed that assessments would be prepaid as the development progresses. Based on past history of the developer and other similar projects of the City, it was estimated that for each of the first two years, 30% of outstanding assessments would be prepaid, 40% of outstanding assessments prepaid in the third year, and 50% each year thereafter. The High School trunk storm sewer portion of the project would be payable over ten years with minimal payments. Mr. Shannon noted that the bonds would be offered for sale on Monday, October 27, 1997, and considered by the Council at their meeting scheduled for October 27. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF $2,300,000 IN GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE THE 97-07C AND 97-04C IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS RECOMMENDED BY SPRINGSTED, INC. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 97-46. 9, ~'onsideration of a1a .ha ' .ing a comprehensive pa k plan. Consideration of authorizing a comprehensive park plan was tabled until the September 22 Council meeting pending submittal of a work plan by City Planner Steve Grittman. 10. Consideration f 1998 pro os b fidget an res lotion s tting the preliminary taxtax levv. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the budget summaries and capital outlay expenditures were prepared under the alternative of using the maximum levy allowed by the Department of Revenue, assuming that additional discussion would occur in future workshop sessions prior to the final budget being adopted in December. He noted that state legislators have established levy limits for cities, which results in an overall levy limitation for Monticello for 1998 of $2,784,206 after deduction of state aids (HACA). To this amount, the City is allowed to add any tax levies needed to cover debt service payments, which amounts to $1,232,807. Of the $627,785 increase in the debt service levy, more than $541,000 is necessary far the first levy on the wastewater treatment plant project. If the maximum amount is levied as allowed by the State, the total overate levy would be $4,017,013. Because the tax levy cannot be increased once the maximum preliminary levy has been set, Wolfsteller suggested that the Council adopt a resolution using the maximum tax levy allowed, which can then be lowered during future budget workshops prior to final adoption. He did note, however, that the only drawback to using the maximum levy is that the County would use that amount for notices to the residents of anticipated taxes for 1998. Page 4 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 Councilmember Clint Herbst noted his opposition to adopting the maximum levy and suggested that the Council set a specific increase far the levy and work to meet that goal rather than adopting the maximum amount. Council discussed the pros and cons of approving the maximum levy, and it was noted that if a lower levy limit is adapted prior to discussing specifics of the budget, the City may not be able to complete same of the projects planned for 1998. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SETTING THE 1998 PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND RESULTING TAX LEVY AT $4,017,013. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. SEE RESOLUTION 97-47. It was the consensus of Council to set a budget workshop date of Tuesday, October 14, 1997, at 5 p.m. It was also the consensus of Council to set the Truth in Taxation public hearing for Wednesday, December 3, 1997, at 5 p.m., and the public hearing continuation date for Wednesday, December 10, 1997, at 5 p.m., if needed. 11. C~nsidera ion of at~thorizi_ng advertifiement ~'~r ids for nath~=.~a nor= removal eatyj,pment. Public Works Director John Simola reported that the Parks Commission and Monticello Community Partners have requested that Council consider maintaining the pathways throughout the winter. This item was listed as a high priority for Council consideration in the priority-setting process. It was also discussed in 1996 along with review of bids for snow removal equipment and discussions of contracting pathway maintenance. The Council's decision at that time was not to clear the pathways during the winter months. Simola noted that he may be able to obtain bids for pathway maintenance if bid by the hour; however, a total contract amount could not be estimated unless the contract was bid by the season. He also noted that $25,000 is budgeted yearly for pathway maintenance, a portion of which could be used to pay the debt on snow removal equipment. Council discussion focused on the cost of purchasing equipment versus contracting the winter pathway maintenance. It was suggested that the City contract for winter maintenance the first year to see how much the pathways are used prior to purchasing equipment. Page 5 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON TO INVESTIGATE KEEPING THE PATHWAYS OPEN DURING THE WINTER BY MEANS OF OBTAINING BIDS FOR CONTRACTING PATHWAY MAINTENANCE. CLINT HERBST AMENDED THE MOTION TO ALSO OBTAIN SIDS ON THE SKID LOADER WITH BLOWER, BRUCE THIELEN ALSO AMENDED THE MOTION TO OBTAIN BIDS ON THE TRACKLESS TYPE OF SNDWPLOW/BLOWER. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. Voting in favor: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair. Opposed: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 12. conatruc~i on _p.~j~.. This item was added to the consent agenda as item 5F. 13. ~ons~deration of adop ion o governance mod 1~ nod ,project prioritiz tion li~t";T' . In his report to Council, Chief Building Official Fred Patch stated that after reviewing comments from commission members regarding the community vision statement and governing policies, several changes were incorporated into the draft for Council review such as deleting "spiritual" values under item #2, and the roles of City Council and the City .t~dministrator were clarified under Management/Governance Linkage Policies. Councilmember Bruce Thielen stated that it will be difficult to know whether the policy is working without performance measures included which can be reviewed annually. Assistant Administrator Jeff O°Neill suggested that each department be measured aver time for effectiveness by listing goals and using measurements against the goals. Tn addition, he stated that the priority list could be checked against the budget to see if projects have been completed. Fred Patch suggested that each department or commission choose five items from the list as goals for the year. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADOPT THE COMMUNITY VISION AND GOVERNANCE POLICY WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT COUNCIL WILL REVIEW THEM ON AN ANNUAL BASIS, AND STAFF IS DIRECTED TO CREATE PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO USE IN THE PROCESS. BILL FAIR AMENDED THE MOTION TO STATE THAT THE POLICY AND ASSOCIATED GOALS BE REVIEWED IN OCTOBER EACH YEAR IN CONJUNCTION WITH BUDGET DEVELOPMENT. THE AMENDED MOTION WAS SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 14. ' ' r^ `a o ~b i h;ng_nalicv on emI 1Lo..ygP Pducatior~a>/trainine aPrninarc, Chief Building Official Fred Patch. reported that the governing policies of the City establish that the City Council and City Administrator will provide opportunities for training and professional development directed to purposes of the City, which is intended for City Council, commission members, and staff. While seminars and conferences held within the state have been attended by staff, nationaUout-of--state conferences and seminars have not been attended. Patch requested permission to attend either the Building Officials Conference of America (BOCA) conference or the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) conference at a cost slightly in excess of $1,500. In addition, he requested that Council establish guidelines in cooperation with the City Administrator providing for future out-of--state travel for training and professional development for staff. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller noted that the personnel policy does provide for and encourage staff training, and each year's budget includes money for staff conferences/training. Na Council action was necessary, as the governance policy adopted in the previous agenda item authorizes the City Administrator to provide opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 15. C:anside ration o balls for. the firs h 1 o eptember' 1A97. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STLTMPF TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF SEPTEMBER AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor called a short recess to allow time to review a letter received from the Monticello Township Board regarding annexation petitions. 16. OthQr matters. A. and;dp at;on of ~_roD{~s~l b_y Monticello Townshsp o rd Qg ;n an exat' on rQ~q ~ ~ Mayor Fair noted that he had now reviewed the proposal from the Monticello Township Board regarding modifications to the existing orderly annexation agreement. The Mayor then allowed the developers who requested discussion of the item to address the Council. Page 7 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 John Johnson, consultant civil engineer assisting in development of the Shermer property, requested that Council consider expediting annexation of the parcels not in dispute so that they can continue development plans by making application to the City. Steve Ryan of Lyman Development also requested that the annexation process be expedited and requested feedback from the Council on their intentions. Janice DeMars, representing Art and Darlene Anderson, requested that the City consider annexation of the 40-acre parcel on the southeast side of Monticello even though it was not addressed by the Township in their letter. Although the parcel is not in the urban service area, it is located in the orderly annexation area. Councilmember Brian Stumpf stated that he did not feel the subcommittees of the Council and Township were given enough time to negotiate an agreement for consideration. Councilmember Bruce Thielen suggested that, since City staff only just received the Township's letter the Friday before the meeting and the Mayor only received the letter a few minutes ago, the Council acknowledge receipt of the letter and put the item an the next Council agenda to allow staff time to review and comment. Council also discussed the last action taken by the Council regarding the annexation petitions, which was to accept all of the petitions and forward them to the Minnesota Municipal Board either jointly with the Township or on a contested basis without the Township. Therefore, staff was directed to forward the petitions to the Municipal Board far consideration and place the Township's letter on the next Council agenda for discussion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Kar n .Doty Office Manager Page 8