City Council Agenda Packet 03-08-1999 Special . . AGENDA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, March 8, 1999 - 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Planning Commission: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Robbie Smith, Roy popilek 1. Call to order. 2. Discussion of proposed MOAA Land Use Plan. 3. Adjournment. Special Joint Meeting - City Council & Planning Commission - 3/8/99 2. Discussion of proposed MOAA Land Use Plan. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Status. This is a continuation of Council and Planning Commission discussion of the City Comprehensive plan and the MOAA proposed plan. Subsequent to the previous Council/Planning Commission meeting both the IDC and the Planning Commission have had an opportunity to review and comment on the plan. After this meeting, the MOAA will meet to discuss Council and Township Board input and either adopt a plan or perhaps call for a final public hearing on a proposed plan. IDC Input. The IDC reviewed the proposed plan and forwarded a recommendation which is attached for your review. In development of its recommendation, the IDC looked at the inventory of industrial land, suitability of land for the proposed use and availability of utilities. After discussion it was determined that there is sufficient industrial land area that is better suited for industrial uses along the freeway. Attached for your review is a graphic showing the MOAA proposed plan and the proposed modifications to the plan as proposed by the IDC. This proposal represents a compromise between the City's comprehensive plan and the MOAA plan. . PC Input. The Planning Commission has not forwarded a specific response to the plan in its entirety, however it has responded in opposition to the proposal to convert the Gold Nugget site to residential. See the PC meeting minutes for detail. Also, the Planning Commission has forwarded a recommendation to approve the Pine Meadows preliminary plat. Please note that the Pine Meadows plat includes restrictive covenants that help assure adequate quality and regulates the pace of growth. Following are points to keep in mind as you formulate your position. Conversion of the Gold Nugget site to industrial would be a radical shift from a plan that was recently updated by the City Council. The current comprehensive plan ofthe city was formulated in 1995 and adopted in 1996. It was reviewed and supported by the MOAA and township officials at that time. The Planning Commission conducted numerous meetings and public hearings and the Plan was adopted unanimously by the City Council. Both private and public investments in infrastructure and sanitary sewer system design was based on this plan. Development of the Klein Farms area, and School Campus was predicated on the land use pattern identified in the current comprehensive plan. City resident input. An opportunity for city resident input on the MOAA plan may be provided in conjunction with a future public hearing at the MOAA level. Council may wish to consider providing city residents an opportunity to make comments to the City Council on the MOAA plan. . ...... Other factors to consider relating to Gold Nugget development include. Impact of industrial traffic on residential areas, holding costs for utilities oversized in anticipation of utilization, impact on residential development growth rate. -1- .-. ~. --- . Special Joint Meeting - City Council & Planning Commission - 3/8/99 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Review the land use pattern proposed via the MOAA, IDC and Current Comprehensive plan. Develop a consensus plan for submittal to the MOAA via city representatives. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is hoped that the discussion will lead to development of a plan that has good support from the majority of the City Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed MOAA plan with proposed modifications by IDC. Letter from Resident. .' . "".,-,,\ -2- -. ~ 6)1~ If J'l'l('/ COnCLf f'I : ;'~ {,--C)Q tJ/ ~ ~~ ~/V' ~~d :tftid ~~~-vt. . .1JJ ()(A./L ,4V>>IWex:xi) ,,~~ ~. a (f'Y1Of:~d >>~~v~('l d..,.Jft.1opA~r. tJA~ LU/J 1~::f ~ ~. F~'\A-Q ~ A:i.Q/,~ oJ.. 9~;, ~ kd ./x.R/M.i!}' .~"-'I..Rd .~ :(J2.J) ffl/V\rf r;,L{I.F~1"t\f.;[0 ~. i./'v1.J7~ ~Lf?J0J ~dcl ~ ~JI.h-U{a/vv:uve... 0v,~.tI . J:JiJ ..Jreb ~ b~/VJJJ /Ul~A~. ~o ..<Lka.t-<J 4>>" ~, ~ f>~~ 0/.. ~~w:J~ ~./v ~ ~ fr!:,:".-( .~ .~ /hu>>J<.~i(J ~ .~J)-^- ~ ~7'~ VlJl~~A1.-vft.L> ' -rZ..k- ~'" ;;;> /J" \ ~~--{)';';":5',,~ 8-~,( '$ o-f ~l).? G!Jtl'f~~t (~ t. ;)' ()- ../ --"..- -- ---- -=--:;-'~ _': '~"~_'~=-:-~~~_ ~~"~_~~_:""'~~-:";' ,:.a :( f) ) 1_ ) r" 1. L j~ ~ JJ. I) ) ~l ./' ::( ,1'"-' :.J -1 tl ~ \ CU r-\ Q) ~ I- . I <( C . 0 +:i z k 1 C\1 ~ >< 0 <( J Q) .. ...J .i I . 1 c " a.- t:L J c " D l <( 2 W j 1 ! ... 1: I ~ ~ ... U) E .1: " =:J ,. Q) 0 () 'U 0 0 -;;;. I- ... .c Z 0 co 0 := <( ...J - Q) u :;::: c 0 :?; --- - ...,. ......---.~-.