City Council Agenda Packet 02-22-1999 a, AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 22,1999 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. A. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held February 8,1999. B. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held February 8, 1999. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of a resolution conditionally consenting to the transfer of a cable television franchise from Jones lntercable to Comcast Corporation and then to Bresnan Communications. . / c< ,- ----) ( ".6., Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. _ . {.~.t! - (?~/ Consideration of requesting MOAA approval of annexation of water tower/park property. TO C n f;\.1 f 8. Consideration of Change Order No. 1 for the Monticello Community and Training Center; and consideration of establishing a procedure allowing the City Administrator and Owner's representative to authorize change orders not exceeding $10,000. 9. Community center update. 10. Consideration of bills for the last half of February 1999. 11. Adjournment. . . MIN UTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, February 8,1999 - 5:30 p.m. Council Present: Rogcr Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Council Absent: None Planning Commission Present: Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Robbie Smith, Roy Popilek Planning Commission Absent: Dick Frie 2. Discussion of proposed MOAA Land Use Plan. City Planner Steve Grittman reported that at the joint meeting of the MOAA Board, City Council, and Township Board, it was determined that each jurisdiction would examine and discuss the proposed MOAA plan and bring a recommendation back to the MOAA Board. . Discussion focused on the 220 acres east of Highway 25 and south of Kjellbergs East Mobile Home Park, which is currently in the process of being developed by Gold Nugget Development as a residential PUD. The City's comprehensive plan, along with previous land use plans, directed this land for low density residential development; however, the MOAA Board suggested redesignating this site for industrial development. The group discussed whether there was an immediate need for additional industrial property and the need for buffer requirements between industrial and residential uses. It was noted that the MOAA Board and IDC felt that the 220 acres east of Highway 25 would be more readily available for development than the property near the golf course. However, it was also pointed out that the northwest area designated for future industrial development would not develop as planned if the entire 220 acres along Highway 25 was zoned industrial. It was suggested that perhaps the property could be divided and developed as both industrial and residential. City Engineer Bret Weiss notcd that it was not likely that full access would be granted from this site to Highway 25. A right- in/right-out access may possibly be allowed; however, he explained that the land is f1at and would make storm water management difficult and more expensive. City Planner Steve Grittman added that he was concerned with the amount of truck traffic that would be routed through the Klein Farms and Cardinal Hills developments, as well as the school area if the property is zoned industrial. . Discussion also included inventory ofbuildablc lots for residential development, which was estimated at a two-year supply. Conccrns were raised that residential areas are developing too fast and the industrial development tax base is not keeping up, whieh will ultimately result in an increased tax levy to pay for services. Page I ;a. A- Special Joint Council Minutes - 2/8/99 .- Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak rcported that the cost ofthe land is the first item considered by industries whcn selecting a community in which to build, followed by location, with easy and quick access to the interstate and preferably away from residential development. She also noted that available industrial land currently anlounts to approximately 125 acres. The City Planner noted that, based on the current level of absorption, the City has about a 20-year supply of industrial property. Mayor Belsaas asked whether the developer of the 220-acre parcel had explored the possibility of splitting the property and satisfying both needs for industrial and residential development, and whether there were any other parcels he felt could be designated as industrial. . Mr. Shawn Weinand, Ocello LLC, responded that the sewer line stubbed in for the development was sized for residential, which would have to be upgraded for industrial development. In addition, the flat land would make the installation of loading docks very difficult. He also noted that a large industry with 200-300 employees is concerned with the demographics when selecting a community in which to build. It was his view that industrial development along the freeway corridor usually oecurs first, which has been the experience in cities such as Plymouth and Maple Grove. If the residential proposal for the 220-acre site moves forward, the funds from the project would be used to extend Chelsea Road, giving more access to industrial property. He noted that Ocello has been working in Monticello for seven years on retail, residential, and roadway development. He suggested that the City consider designating the City-owned parcel directly across from the Monticello Commerce Center as industrial, as well as the 17-acre parcel behind it owned by Ocello. Planning Commissioner Richard Carlson stated that from a marketing standpoint, the freeway has a negative impact on future resale of single family and medium density residential development. It was his view that areas along the freeway should be designated as industrial. The possibility of dividing the parcel near the golf course for industrial development on the freeway side and residential development on the golf course side was also discussed. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT CITY/TOWNSHIP RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE DEADLINE FOR LAND USE PLAN APPROVAL TO JULY 8, 1999, AND TO SCHEDULE A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR MARCH 8,1999, AT 5:30 P.M., TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON THE PROPOSED MOAA LAND USE PLAN. Motion carried unanimously. '. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 2 ;}.-/r ,~ -' c '" MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 8,1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf~ Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. Approval of minutes of the special ioint commission meeting held January 20. 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT COMMISSION MEETING HELD JANUARY 20,1999, AS WRITTEN. Voting in favor: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. Abstaining: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. B. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held at 5:30 p.m.. January 25. 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD AT 5:30 P.M., JANUARY 25, 1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. c. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held at 6 p.m.. January 25. 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPEClAL MEETING HELD AT 6 P.M., JANUARY 25, 1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. D. Approval of minutes ofthe regular meeting held at 7 p.m.. January 25. 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 25, 1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. E. Approval of minutes of the special MOAA Board/City/Township ioint meeting held January 27.1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT MOAA BOARD/CITY COUNCIL/TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETING HELD JANUARY 27, 1999, AS WRITTEN. Voting in favor: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. Abstaining: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. Page 1 d.B Council Minutes - 2/8/99 . c. Consideration of renewing membcrship in Economic Development Partnership of Wright County. Recommendation: Approve continued membership in the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County at a cost of $1 ,004.50 as invoiced, with the Chamber of Commerce responsible for the balance of the membership dues of $500. D. Consideration of annual highway maintenance agreement with Wright County. Recommendation: Approve the 1999 maintenance agreement with Wright County as presented with a reimbursement for this year of $8,712.66. E. Consideration of Change Order No. 19 for City Proiect #93-l4C. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 19 in the amount 01'$18,067. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit within the 1-1 zoning district to allow co-location of a wireless antenna placement on an existing tower. Applicant: MCTC - Minneapolis Cellular Telephone Company. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for MCTC based on a finding that the co-location meets the intent of the City's wireless antenna regulations, subject to the following condition: . 1. Low evergreen shrubs must be added to the east and north side of the enclosure to enhance the landscaping and screening of the ground facilities. G. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of Resurrection Church/Methodist Church improvements. Project 98-01C. Recommendation: Accept the Resurrection Church/Methodist Church improvements, Project 98-01 C, as constructed, process the final payment, and initiate the warranty period subject to receipt of the following items: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax; and 2. Evidence in the form of an Affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE ITEMS 5B, 5C, 50, 5E, 5F, AND 5G OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. Page 3 ~8 . . . Council Minutes - 2/8/99 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Item 5 A of the consent agenda wi II be discussed with item # 12. 7. Consideration of a request for a subdivision within the 1-2 zoning district to allow a lot line relocation. Applicant: Greg Ebert. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill noted that the applicant will be revising the drawing and returning to the Planning Commission in March; therefore, this item should be tabled. No action was taken by the Council at this time. 8. Consideration of alternatives for disposition of Rivcrvicw Square plat remnant parcel. Public Works Director John Simola reported that at a recent Council meeting, the Riverview Square preliminary plat was approved with the condition that a remnant parcel north of County Road 39 East and owned by the Hoglunds also be platted. After discussions with the Public Works Director and Deputy City Administrator, the Hoglunds agreed to give the remnant parcel to the City and provide $1,000 toward the platting cost estimated at $5,000. Ms. Hilary Hoglund stated that Gladys Hoglund felt she had made a generous offer, and she clarified that this offer would be the maximum liability for Mrs. Hoglund. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO ACQUIRE THE REMNANT PARCEL ATNO COST PLUS $1,000 PROVIDED BY THE HOGLUNDS TOWARD THE PLATTING COST. STAFF IS DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH THE PLATTING AND STREET V ACA TION PROCESS ONCE THE LAND IS OBTAINED. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of establishing relocation benefits for the Riverside Oil bulk petroleum facility. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that City staff has been working with Riverside Oil and JM Oil, the bulk tank operators leasing property from Burlington Nothern, on relocating the bulk tanks from the property being purchased by the City for construction of the community center. The proposed relocation benefit for Riverside Oil was estimated at $69,000, which consists of approximately $28,000 for relocation of the tanks, $35,959 for loss of fixtures/property due to the move, and an additional $6,000 as an incentive to avoid litigation. Mr. Jeff Michaelis, owner of Riverside Oil, has been working toward development of a bulk tank site at the Seefeldt property; however, he has indicated that Page 4 ~B Counci I Minutes - 2/8/99 . his business cannot support the actual cost to move from a \cased site to a purchased site and would need a minimum of $40,000 in economic development assistance to establish his business at the altcrnative location. The proposed relocation benefit for JM Oil was estimated at $63,200, consisting of $28,000 for relocation of the tanks, $29,263 for loss of fixtures/property due to the move, and an additional $6,000 as an incentive to avoid litigation. Mr. Bill Aydt, owner of JM Oil, has been looking at sites in the industrial park where land costs would amount to approximately $80,000, which Mr. Aydt has indicatcd is too high for his business to sustain. . The City Administrator noted that Mr. Dan Wilson, the City's relocation consultant, has indicated that the relocation benefit calculated for the bulk oil facilities is the total allowed by federal and state statutes for relocation benefits. The City may have some ability to provide funding assistance based on a finding of public purpose such as job preservation and/or providing a necessary service to local businesses and the City on a regular and emergency basis; however, Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that the attorney for the EDA did not recommend using assistance through the EDA due to wage and job requirements that would not be met by these businesses. It was recommended that the City and/or HRA work with the bulk tank operators for the purpose of redevelopment. The City Council discussed the possibility of the bulk tank facilities relocating to the same site; however, it was noted by Mr. Aydt that his business is more retail and serviccs trucks locally. It was his view that he would lose local revenue ifhis business was located two miles out oftown at the Seefeldt site. It was also his view that the City should be responsible for costs over and above the land purchase expense. AFTER FURTHER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO DIRECT STAFF TO CONTINUE WORKING WITH THE OWNERS OF RIVERSIDE OIL AND 1M OIL REGARDING RELOCATION BENEFITS AND RETURN TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH A RECOMMENDATION AT A FUTURE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of approval of citizen survey format and questions. Councilmember Bruce Thielen reported that the survey format and questions were prepared by Decision Resources at the direction of the Council subcommittee. During the next few weeks, ovcr 400 citizens will be selected randomly to respond to the questions. . Councilmember Clint Herbst suggested that the questions of age and whether the resident was a registered voter or homcowner be moved to the beginning of the survey. He also suggested that questions 9,10,11, and 12 regarding removal of individual facilities Page 5 ~ . 11. . 12. . Council Minutes ~ 2/8/99 from the community center project be combined into one question, which would result in removal of either all or none of the facilities. In addition, he felt residents should he given more options such as substituting the aquatic facility with the library. Council discussed the proposed survey and suggested changes, and it was noted that the purpose of the survey was to collect information and should be kept simple to avoid confusion. Once the survey has heen completed, Council would then discuss the results and make a final determination of which facilities would remain in the project. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO MODIFY THE SURVEY BY MOVING THE QUESTION OF AGE TO THE BEGINNING, AND AUTHORIZE DECISION RESOURCES TO CONDUCT THE SURVEY AS MODIFIED. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of funding participation and construction agreement with Wright County for improvements to CSAH 75 East. Public Works Director John Simola reported that the proposed agreement with Wright County involves the improvement of CSAH 75 from Washington Street to the freeway exit ramp, with a project cost estimated at $3,000,000; however, considerations are being given to stopping the project at the East County Road 39/CSAH 75/County Road 118 intersection rather than extending it to the freeway exit. The major sources of funding for the project are Wright County, City of Monticello, Monticello School District, and/or Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District. It was noted that with the City taking the lead on the project, the City would have more freedom in the design; however, the City would have to pay upfront 100% of the pre-design work. Wright County's funding participation limits them to pay a maximum of 10% of the County's share of the project for engineering, surveying, inspections, and testing surveys. For this project, they have agreed to pay one-half (an additional $4,000) of the preliminary mapping work. The estimated upfront or engineering costs, excluding preliminary mapping and design work, is expected to be about 14%. The proposed agreement between the City and Wright County reaches the maximum allowable payments to the City under county-wide guidelines and policies. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE AGREEMENT WITH WRIGHT COUNTY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CSAH 75 AS DRAFTED. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of funding agreement with Wright County for improvements to CR 118. Public Works Director John Simola reported that Wright County is in the process of developing plans to improve County Road 118 from CSAH 75 in Monticello to St. Michael. City staff has been working with Wright County on the project, as the City will be constructing pathways along a major portion of County Road 118 within the city Page 6 ~ . . . Council Minutes - 2/8/99 limits of Monticello. The cost sharing agreement with the County provides that the City would be responsible for 50% of any retaining walls necessary to protect City property or the pathway, and there would be no cost to the City for shoulders if the City does not allow parking along County Road 118. The cost of acquiring additional right-of-way within the city limits for roadway and pathway use and additional right-of-way outsidc the city limits for pathway only would be the City's cost, which could reach as much as $40,000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH WRIGHT COUNTY FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO COUNTY ROAD 118 WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF MONTICELLO AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 5A. Consideration of approving City/Townshipioint resolution supporting annexation ofthe Community United Methodist Church site. Public Works Director John Simola reported that due to the proposed widening of County Road 118, there will not be sufficient right-of-way for the pathway as previously anticipated. He requested that annexation of the Methodist Church site and future sites be contingent on providing the City with a pathway easement. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO DELAY ANNEXATION OF THE METHODIST CHURCH SITE PENDING RECEIPT OF A P A THW A Y EASEMENT ALONG COUNTY ROAD I 18. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consideration ofmakinl: application for a transportation loan to construct the Fallon Avenue Bridge with a pedestrian crossing. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that in 1997, the City secured federal funding for a pedestrian pathway bridge and pathway improvement project to cross 1-94 at County Road 118. The pathway will connect the bridge to the CSAH 75 pathway and will extend along County Road 118 to the Meadow Oak development. The federal funding is for 80% of the construction cost, with the remainder paid by the City along with all indirect costs. One concern noted by the public works department regarding a separate pedestrian bridge was the City's liability for snow removal. Other options discussed included moving the funding to the proposed Fallon Avenue bridge or combining funds with the County to reconstruct thc roadway bridge to include a 1 O-ft pathway on the west side. However, additional discussions with MN/DOT would bc necessary to establish the remaining life span of the 25-year-old bridge prior to adding the pathway to the existing bridge. Page 7 ~6 Council Minutes - 2/8/99 . Reconstruction of the current bridge was estimated at $400,000, leaving the City with a $50,000 funding deficit. The City Engineer noted that additional funding may be available through a new transportation program using low interest loans and no-interest construction money. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to approve widening the roadway bridge to include a pedestrian pathway rather than construction of a stand-alone pedestrian bridge, subject to receipt of additional information from MN/DOT regarding the life span ofthe current bridge. 14. Consideration of adopting priorities for redevelopment of the North Anchor and authorization to hire a planner consultant to assist in the process for redevelopment of the North Anchor. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that at the conclusion of the joint workshop held January 20, 1999, it was suggested that each commission develop a list of five priorities for redevelopment of the North Anchor/Riverfront area. In addition, Council was asked to consider authorization to hire a planning consultant to draft preliminary design sketch options, assist in the organization of and attend meetings, and assist in preparation of a request for proposals if authorized. . Mayor Belsaas suggested that the North Anchor Subcommittee meet at least once prior to hiring a consultant. It was the consensus of the Council to forward their priority lists to the subcommittee members for review. No other action was taken by Council. 15. Consideration of public sale of old sewer iet and retaining the vac-all rather than trading both units in on new combination unit. Public Works Director John Simola reported that previous approval for the purchase of a new sewer vac combination unit was based upon the low bid which included trading in a 1981 sewer jet cleaning machine and 1979 vac-all. However, a higher bid was received for the private sale of the sewer jet, resulting in an additional $3,253.50 for the City over the trade-in amount. In addition, the Street Superintendent requested that the City keep the sewer vac for use by the street department. The Public Works Director suggested that the $7,987.50 shortfall resulting from elimination of the trade-in could be replaced with $7,000 budgeted for the purchase an additional plow which is no longer needed. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO SELL THE OLD SEWER JET TO FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPANY FOR THEIR BID OF $15,501, KEEP THE OLD V AC-AIL FOR THE STREET DEPARTMENT, AND UTILIZE THE $7,000 PROPOSED FOR THE ADDITIONAL PLOW TO OFFSET THE SHORTFALL CREATED BY ELIMINATING THE TRADE-IN. Motion carried unanimously. Page 8 ~& . . . Council Minutes - 2/8/99 16. Consideration of increasing fees at Riverside Cemetery. Public Works Director John Simola reported that after taking over Riverside Cemetery from the Masons in late 1996, the City has experienced losses of approximately $950 in 1996, $268 in 1997, and $1,195 in 1998. It was suggested that the fees be increased in order to begin making deposits into the perpetual care fund for future maintenance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO INCREASE THE CEMETERY FEES AS FOLLOWS EFFECTIVE APRIL 1,1999, AFTER NOTICE TO NEARBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. CURRENT FEE EFFECTIVE GRAVE DESCRIPTION ...,./ FEE APiR'L 1, 1999 Full Grave Site, Flush Stone Area $350.00 $500.00 Full Grave Site, Raised Stone Area $400.00 $550.00 Infant Grave Site $175.00 $200.00 Cremation Grave Site $200.00 $225.00 Administrative Fee (all burials) $0.00 $50.00 (to be collected at time of burial) Perpetual Care Fee, Graves Sold Pre-1960 $0.00 $100.00 (to be collected at time of burial) Motion carried unanimously. 17. Consideration of bills for the first half of February 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF FEBRUARY 1999 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTTON WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADJOURN. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 9 fAt> . . . SA. Council Agenda - 2/22/99 Consideration of a resolution conditionally consenting to the transfer of a cable television franchise from Jones Intercable to Comcast Corporation and then to Bresnan Communications. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello is one of ten cities that formed the Sherburne-Wright County Cable Commission that entered into a franchise agreement for cable tv service in each community. Currently, Jones Intercable has the franchise for our area and has recently come to an agreement to sell the business to Comcast Cable Communications. In order for the sale to go through, the new owner also has to agrec to take over the franchise agreement that we have with Jones Intercable. Jones Intercable is a nation-wide business, and they arc selling their entire cable operation to Comcast Cable. Since Comcast does not currently have any other cable systems in Minnesota, they negotiated a deal to sell the Minnesota operations to Bresnan Telecommunication Company. Bresnan currently services other communities in Minnesota with cable service and was originally trom thc Mankato area. In order for both ofthese transactions to be completed, each city is asked to pass a resolution consenting to the transfer of our franchise agreement to Comcast Cable and then to Bresnan Telecommunication. The cable commission administrator has spent numerous hours investigating the proposed transfer and has recommended to each city that the resolutions be adopted. As part of the agreement to allow the transfer to occur, the cable commission is requiring the new cable company to complete a plan for providing narrowcasting of all government channels in each city. Narrowcasting will allow the City to broadcast live telecasts over the cable system in each community by itself without having the broadcast affect other government channels in other communities. This has been a requirement of the franchise but is a very expensive proposition to complete, and the cable commission negotiated this as a requirement to approving a sale in the future. After Bresnan Communications completes the purchase of Jones' cable systems in Minnesota, they will actually be the second largest cable provider in Minnesota. In other words, Bresnan is a very reliable and sound company financially, and there is no reason for the City to oppose the sale to this corporation. B. AL TERNA TTVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution consenting to the transfer of the cable franchise to Comcast Corporation and also the resolution consenting to the ultimate transfer from Comcast to Bresnan Telecommunication Company. 2. Do not adopt the resolutions. Council Agenda - 2/22/99 . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the legal counsel for the Sherburne-Wright County Cable Commission, of which Monticello is a member, that the resolutions be adopted as proposed. It is the commission's feeling that this transfer will allow us to accomplish a long-term goal of providing narrowcasting service within our own community, and we expect Bresnan Communications to enhance and expand the cable offerings available to our communities. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of two resolutions. . . 2 Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003j 02/16/99 3:29PMjJ~#450jPage 2110 . . Resoludon No. RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY CONSENTING TO THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF AND CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS IN A CABLE TELEVISION FRANCWSEE TO COMCAST CORPORATION AND ITS WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARV, COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WHEREAS, the cable television franchise (the "Franchise") of the Ci~y of . Minnesota (the "Authority") is currently owned and operated by Cable TV Fund 14-A. Ltd., doing business as Jones Intercable, Inc. CJones"); and WHEREAS, Jones Inrercable, Inc. ("Intetcable") is the general partner of Jones; and WHEREAS. Jones International, Ltd. and certain of its affiliates (the "Jones Entities") currently own, directly or indirectly. mOrC than 50% of the Conunon Stock of Intercablc (the "Control Shares") and, consequently, arc entitled. in the assrcaate, to elect 75% of the Board of Directors of Intcrcablc; and WHEREAS, Corneast and Intcrcablc have represented and agree<J that the Jones/Comcasr Agreement will not alter any existing title, uset ownership, or management agreement of Jones and Jones will continue to hold the Franchise; and WHEREAS, the Authority has received a request for consent [0 the Change of Control: and WHEREAS, no notice of breach or default under the Franchise has been issued by Authority within the past 12 months and none is outstanding; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that subject to certain conditions which must be met. Comcast possesses the requisite legal, technical and financial qualifications. 5/f-'1 Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003; 02/16/99 3:29PM;J~#450;Page 3/10 . . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Change of Control is hereby consented to by the Authority and pennitted conditioned upon: 1. Securing all necessary federal. state. and local government waivers, authorizations. or approvals relating to ComcaSt'S acquisition and operation of the system to the extent provided by law; and 2. Acceptance by Authority of a plan to provide narrowcasting of all government chaMels; and 3. The successful closing of the Transaction described In the Jones/Corneast Agreement; and 4. The willingness ofComcallt to acknowledge and accept the current cable franchise of Jones; and 5. Payment of the $15,000.00 reserved equipment scant; and 6. Non-waiver by City of any unknown yet existing franchise non-compliance issues; and 7. Non-waiver by City of any riiht to dispute here-to-date unaudited franchise fee payments; and 8. Non-waiver hy City of any right to require franchise fee payments lawfully imposed on services delivered by Jones via the cable system; and 9. Reimbursement of all reasonable fees incurred in the Authorit}l's review of the proposed transaction. BE IT RESOI.,vED FURTHER, that nothing herein shall be conslrucd or intcrpreLed to constitute any approval of, consent to or support for any proceeding currently pen(jing before the FCC, or any other federal, Slate, or local government waivers, authorizations or approvals. other than that transaction described above. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that Comcast may. from time [0 time, assign, grant or O1herwise convey one or more liens or security interests in its assets, including its rights. obligations and benefits in and to the Franchise (the "Collateral ") to any lender providing financing [0 Jones ("Secured Party"), from time to time. Secured Pany shall have no duty to preserve the confidentiality of the information provided in the franchise with respect to any disclosure (a) to Secured Party's regulatOrs. aucULOfs or attorne)'s. (h) made pursuant to the order 2 S)f.- 2- Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003; 02/16/99 3:29PMjJ~#450jPage 4/10 . . . of any governmental authority. (c) consented to by the Authority or (d) any of such int"onnation which Was. prior to the date of such disclosure, disclosed by the Authority to any third pany and such party is not subject [0 any confidentiality or similar disclosure restriction with respect to such information subject, however. [oeaeh of the terms and conditions of the Franchise. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that this Resolution amends by replacement and supercedes any prior Resolulionconcerning these matters. ADOPTED this _ day of February. J 999. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 1I :\ublc\SHEaa UM.t-IICOlllC'ail Rc:'oltuioll#4.wpl1 3 5)J.....J Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003; 02/16/99 3:29PM;J~#450;Page 5/10 . . . CORPORATE GUARANTY OF COMCAST CORPORATION This Corporate Guaranty (" Guaranty") is executed as of Comcast Corporation ("Guarantor"), for the benefit of the City of Minnesota ("Authority"). ,1999.by WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant (Q the cable television franchise (the "Franchise") between the Authority and Cable TV Fund 14-A. Ltd., doing business as Jones Inrercable.lnc. ("Jones"). and certain agrcerru:nts, understandings and Franchise amendments relatefJ thereto. Jones has c;crtain obligations related to the provision of cablctelevision and related services for the Authority's citizens; and WHEREAS. Guarantor has proposed a transfer whereby the cable television systems owned by Jones will be transferred to Guarantor or a subsidiary thereof and the transfer will result in Guarantor or a subsidiary thereof owning and controlling Jones; and WHEREAS. the Authority's consent to the change of control of Jones which will result from the transfer is required; and WHEREAS. the Authority is not willing to consent to the change of control of Jones which wil1l'csult from the transfer unless the Guarantor unconditionally guarantees the payment, obligations and performance of Jones pursuant to the tenns of the Franchise andcenain agreements, understandings and Franchise amendments related thercto. NOW, THEREFORE. as a condition of Authority's consent to the change of control of Jones, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Guarantor irrevocably and unconditiunally auarantees to the Authority or its successor and assisns prompt and satistaclory payment and performance by Jones of the Franchise and those certain agreements, understandings and Franchise amendments related thereto, and all applicable federal. state and tocallaws, ordinances and regulations. 2. This Guaranty shan be effective upon the opening of business on the date when the transfcr of Jones and. Guarantor or a subsidiary thereof is closed, and shall run throughout the tenn of the Franchise and any renewal or extenSion thereof, except that this Guaranty shall terminate at such earlier lime that Guarantor lawfully transfers ownership or control of Jones or the franchise-holding entity in accordance with the Franchise and applicable federal, state and local law , including receipl of cunsent from Authority for such uanifer. 1 ~II"L/- Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003; 02/16/99 3:30PM;J~#450;Page 6/10 . . . 3. In the event that Guaranror should breach or fail to timely perform any of the obligations required by this Guaranty, Guarantor shall pay Authority all COSlS and expenses (including court costS and anorneys' fees) incurred by Authority in the successful enforcement hereof. 4. Guarantor represents and warrants that the execution. delivery and performance by Guarantor of this Guaranty and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder do not. and will not. comravene or conflict with any law. statulC or regulation whatsoever to which Guarantor is subject or constiLUt.e a default (or an event which with notice or lapse of tiDle or both would constitute a default) under. or result in the breach of. any indemure. mortgage. deed of trust, charge, lien. or any COntnLct. agreement or other instrument to which Guarantor is a party or which may be applicable to Guarantor. This Guaranty is a legal and binding obligation of Guarantor and is enforceable in accordance with its terms. except as limited by bankruptcy. insolvency or other laws of general application relating to the enforcemem of creditors' rights. 5. The Guarantor air"' that no failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising, on the pan of the Authority, any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver mereof. nor shall any single Or parlial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. The rights of the Authority hereunder shall be in addition to all other rights provided by law. No modification or waiver of any provision of this Guaranty. nor consent to departure therefrom, shall be effective unless in writing and no such Cunsent or waiver shall extend beyond the particular case and purpose involved. No notice or demand given in any case shall constitute a waiver of the right to take other action in the same. similar or other instances without such notice Or demand. 6. This Guaranty shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota and the applicable laws of lbe United States of America. 7. This Guaranty may be amended only by an instrument in writing execur.e~ by the parl}' or an authorized representative of the party against whom such amendment is sought to be enforced. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Guarantor has caused this Guaranty to be duly executed by its authorized officers as of the day and year first above written. COMCAST CORPORATION By Title Ll:~IoIll'fIi""Lr"N\Cvllll.'lIII Q\/I\lI^NTY''''1I'1 ~I S-A--~ r 2 Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003; 02/16/99 3:30PMjJ~#450;Page 7/10 . . . Resolution No. RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY CONSENTING TO THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF AND CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS IN A CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISEE TO BRESNAN TELECOMMVNICATION COMPANY, LLC WHEREAS, the cable television franchise (the "Franchise") of me eil)' of , Minnesota (the "Authority ") is currently owned and operated by Cable TV Fund 14-A, Ltd., doing business as Jones Intercable, Inc. ("Jones"); and WHEREAS, Bresnan Conununicalions Company Limited Partnership ("BCCLP") and Jones entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement By and Between BCCLP and Jones dated as of November 6, 1998. As a result of the agreement, BCCLP will acquire substantially all of thc assets of Jones. including its cable television systems in Minnesoca. The cable system will then transferred to Bresnan Telecommunications Company LtC ("Bresnan"), a wholly owned subsidiary of BCCLP (the "Jones/Brcsnan Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Jones and Bresnan have represented and agrcec1 that the Jones/Bresnan Agreement will not alter any existing title, asset ownership, or management agreement of Jones and Jones will continue to hold the Franchise; and - WHEREAS, the Authority has received a request for consent to the transfer of Jones to Bresnan (the "Jones/Bresnan Transfer"); and WHEREAS, no notice of breach or default under the Franchise has. been issued by Authority within the past 12 months and none is outstanding; and WHEREAS, the Authority has c:1ctcnninec:1 that subject to certain conditions Which must be met, Bresnan possesses the requisite legal. technical and financial qualifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. that the Jones/Bresnan Transfer is hereby consented to by the Authority and permitted conditioned upon: 1. Execution and delivery of a Corporate Guaranty of BCCLP acceptable to the Authority in the fonn attached heretoj and 2. Securing all necessary federal, state. anc1local Bovcrnment waivers. authorizations, or approvals relating to Bresnan's acquisition and operation of !.he system to [he extent provided by Jaw; and , r The successful closing of the Transaction described in the Jones/Bresnan I Agreement; and ! The wlllillaness of Broman lO ar:knowledp !hi currolll cult frlllllhiic; and S-~ -" I ~ 3. 4. Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003; 02/16/99 3:30PM;J~#450;Page 8110 . 5. Non-waiver by City of any unknown yet existing franchise non-compliance issues; and 6. Non.waiver by City of any right to dispute bere-to-date unaudited franchise fee payments; and 7. Non-waiver by City of any right to require franchise fee payments lawfully imposed on services delivered by the Grantee via the cable system. and 8. Reimbursement of all reasonable fees incurred in the Authority's review of the proposed transaction j and 9. Payment of the $15,000.00 reserved equipment grant; and 10. City's acceptance of a plan to provide narrowcasting of all government channels. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER,. that nothing herein shall be construed or interpreted to constitute any approval of, consent to or suppon for any proceeding currently pending before me FCC. or any other federal. state. or local government waivers, authorizations or approvals, other than that transaction described above. . BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that Bresnan may, from time to time, assign, grant or otherwise convey one or more liens or security interests in its asseL~, including its rights, obligations and benefits in and [0 the Franchise (the "Collar.eral'l) to any lender providing financing to Bresnan ("Secured Pany"). from time to Lime. Secured Party shall have no duty to prc$crve the confidentiality of tho infonnation provided in the Fram:hisc with rC$pcc[ to any disclosure (a) to Secured Party's reiulators, auditors or attorneys, (h) maae pUl'suant to the order of any govenunental authority, (c) consented to by the Authority or Cd) any of such infonnation which was, prior to the date of such disclosure, disclosed by the Authority to any third party and such party is not subject to any confidentiality or similar disclosure restriction with respect to such information subject, however, to each of the tenns and conditions of the Franchise. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that this Resolution amends by replacement and iupercedcs any prior ResoluLion conccmina thesemattcrs. ADOPTED this __ day of February, 1999. Mayor A TIEST: . City Clerk U:W1l:lI.,'lStiUlIlJIN\PtClllloiR Rll$IllLltion.'Mpd 2 ~I+-? Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003; 02/16/99 3:31PM;J~#450;Page 9/10 . CORPORATE GUARANTY Ole" BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY I..IMITED PARTNERSHIP This Corporate Guaranty ("Guaranty") is executed as of ,19 , by Bresnan Communications Company Limited Partnership ("BCCLP") forme benefit ofthc Cit)' of , Minnesota (" Authority"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to the cable television franchise ("Franchise") between [he Authority and Bresnan Telecommunications Company LLC ("Bresnan"), a wholly owned subsidiary of BCCI.P and cenain agreements, uru:lerstandings and Franchi~ amendments related thereto. Bresnan has certain obligation5 related to the provision of cable television and related services for the Authority's citizens; and WHEREAS, the Authority's consent to any transfer of the Franchise is required; and WHBREAS, the Authority is not willing to consent to a Franchise transfer to Bresnan unless BCCLP unconditionally su&r&nEees the payment, obligations and performance of Bresnan pursuant to the terms of the Franchise and certain agreements. understandings and Franchise . amendments related thereto. NOW, THEREFORE. as a condition of Authority's consent to a transfer of the Franchise to Bresnan, the panies do hereby agree u follows: 1. BCCLP irrevocably and unconditionaJ1y guarantees to the Authority or its successor and assigns prompt and satisfactory payment and performance by Bresnan of the Franchise and those cerrain agreements. understandings and Franchise amendments related thereto, and aU applicable federal, state and local laws. ordinances and regulations. 2. This Guaranty shall be effective upon the opening of business on the date when the Lransfer of the Franchise to Bresnan occurs. and shall run throughout the rerm of the Franchise and any renewal or extension thereof. except that this GuU&n1y shall tcnninate at such earlier time that BCCLP lawfully transfers ownerShip or control of Bresnan in accordance with the Franchise and applicable federal, State and local law . including receipt of consent from Authority for such transfer. 3. In the event that BCCLP should breach or fail to timely perform any of the obligations required by this Guaranty? BCCLP shall pay Authority all COStS and expenses (including court costs and attorneys I fees) incurred by Autbority in the successful enforcement hereof. . 1 ~(J,~I Sent by: BERNICK LIFSON P.A. 612 546 1003j 02/16/99 3:31PMjJ~#450jPage 10/10 . f . . 4. BCCLP repreSents and Warnlnts that the execution, delivery and performance by it of this Guaranty and the consummation of the transacrions contemplated hereunder do not. and will not, contravene or conflict with any law, statute or reguJation whatsoever to which BCCLP is subject or constitute a default (or an ev~nt which with. notice or lapse of time or both would constitute a default) under, or result in the breach of, any indenture, mOrtgage, deed of trust. charge, lien. or any contract, agreement or other instIUment to which BCCI.P is a party or which may be applicable to BCCLP. This Guaranty is a legal and binding obJisation of BCCLP and is enforceable in accordance with its terms, except u limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other laws of general application relating to the enforcement of creditors' fiShts. 5. BCCLP agrees that no failure to exercise, and no delay in exercising, on the pan of the Authority, any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. The rights of the Authority hereunder shall be in addition to all other rights provided by law. No modification or waiver of any provision of [his Guaranty, nor consen[ to depanure therefrom, shall be effective unless in writing and no such consent or waiver shall extend beyond the particular Case and purpose involved. No notice or demand given in any case shall constitute a waiver of the right to take other action in the same, similar or other instances without such notice Or demand. 6. This Guaranty shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minncsotaand the applicable laws of the United States of America. 7. This Guaranty may be amended only by an instrument in writing executed by the party Or an authorized representative of the party against whom such amendment is sought to be entorced_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BCCLP has caused this Guaranty to be duly executed by its authorized officers as of the day and year firs[ above written. BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By Title lJ:Ic-..bI.\SHIiRlllJll.N\IlIUlliNAN GUARANTY,'"1"I 2 Qt-" . . . Council Agenda - 2/22/99 7. Consideration of requestinl: MOAA approval of annexation of water tower/park property. (1.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know, the property on which the water tower/standpipe is located, along with the newly-acquired park land, is located in the township. The tower site is adjacent to city limits. The park site is not adjacent to the city but is adjacent to the water tower site. The total land area encompassed by the two parcels amounts to approximately 10 acres. The City/Township agreement provides for special language that enables annexation of the water tower site. The additional land purchased in recent months from the Schulz family might need to qualify under difTerent criteria for annexation. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to request MOAA approval of annexation of water tower and park site. This item is placed on the Council agenda as a housekeeping item. It is assumed that eventually this land will be within the city limits. The MOAA agreement provides for allowing annexation of the water tower site, and the City Council agenda was relatively light. 2. Motion to request MOAA approval of annexation of water tower and park site upon completion ofMOAA land use plan. As you know, consideration of annexation requests by the MOAA are on hold until completion ofthe land use plan. Although the land use associated with this annexation is self evident, it might be wise to hold ofT on the request until the plan is complete to avoid a chance of complicating the planning activity. 3. Motion to delay request for annexation until development of specific plans for the park. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1 or #2. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Excerpt from City/Township agreement. 3 // ~ . . '" ~... u._ _... . ~ _~.. ... . ," "'l'" I . ( I '\ 0'\ ceo i 0 I" III1L ,t<ll 11:57 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 004 of the land use plan. must be consistent with the Southwest Area Concept Plan, where applicable. Contiguous shall mean that the properties have a conunon, overlapping boundary of at least 66 feet. Said boundaIy shall be considered common if said overlapping would otherwise touch along the length of said common area but for the prcsence of an intervening roadway or railroad. Areas which the City serves with sanitary sewer service pursuant to a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ("MPCA") order to serve said properties need not meet the definition of contiguous set out in this paragraph. 6. At least 50% of each parcel of property annex:ed by the City must be served with sanitary sewer service and municipal water service within three years of annexation to the City . Wetlands which remain unf1l1ed shall be excluded from said 50% service requirement. If any annexed property is not so served within 3 years of the date of 3IU\exation, no future annexations of any property from the Township to the City may occur until said sanitary sewer service and mWlicipal water service are extended to 50% of said annexed property. The restrictions of this paragraph shall not apply to any property meeting any of the following conditions: Jf A. Extension of sanitary sewer sCMce or municipal water service to a particular parcel of property is rendered impossible due to a regulatory impossibility outside of the City's control. (e.g. MPCA will not allow the annexed property to be scwered within 3 yr, time period). B. The cost of installing sanitaty sewer or municipal water service exceeds 150% of the City Engineer's good faith estimate of the cost of installing sanitary sewer service and municipal water service to said property (being the same estimate as that used for determining the amount of letter of credit or other surety required of developer), C. Cemetcrics and parcels used primarily for water towers or wastewater treatment plants . D. Kjellberg"s mobilc home park (property PlDs #213100-154402 and 213100- 154401), provided it is first served with sanitary sewer service over 500/0 of the property, in which case no municipal water service requirement shall apply. 7. All property annexed from the OM shall be annexed only in accordance with the procedures detailed in the paragraph, unless the Township waives the requirements of this paragraph via a separate joint resolution for the orderly annexation of a particular parcel of property. The procedures below are listed in the chronological order in which they must occur: A. One hundred percent of the landowners of the parccl to be annexed shall first submit an annexation petition to the City (said petition shall detail the intended use 3 7.,1 . . . Council Agenda - 2/22/99 8. Consideration of Change Order No.1 for the Monticello Community and Training Center: and consideration of establishing a procedure allowing the City Administrator and Owner's representative to authorize change orders not exceeding $10.000. (F.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change Order No.1 The attached Change Order No. 1 for the Monticello Community and Training Center is the result of "value engineering" or negotiations between the City, Architect, Donlar Contractors, and their subcontractors. The deductive changes provide a total contract deduction of$103,872, bringing the new contract sum to $8,100,928. The items numbered 1 through 7 do not lessen the quality or size ofthe project but are for the most part savings derived from alternate methods and materials used in the construction ofthe project. The budgeted goal for cost savings from value engineering is $200,000. The process of value engineering of the project will be ongoing throughout the project. This Change Order represents substantial progress in achieving that goal. Change Order Procedure In addition to consideration of this first change order, staff is requesting that the City Council reaffirm the previously discussed procedure for efficient processing of change orders on the project. It is proposed that the City Council authorize the City Administrator and Owner's representative (Chief Building Official) together to administratively approve any change orders that result in a savings/deductive change, and to approve individual change orders that result in additional cost to the project not to exceed $10,000. All change orders administratively approved by staff would be reported to the City Council as part ofthe regular monthly update report on the project but would not be items for Council action. All change orders that will increase that contract sum by more than $10,000 will be brought to the City Council for consideration and action. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1 - Change Order No.1 '~ Motion to approve Change Order No.1, authorizing execution of the Change "'~ \ , Order by City staff and the Architect. (VJ( 0 ~ '7 ~. 1)\ ~"ln- w3'1.s 2. Motion to deny Change Order No.1. 4 Council Agenda - 2/22/99 . Decision 2 - Change Order Procedure o Motion to authorize the City Administrator and Owner's representative together to administratively approve any change orders for the Community and Training Center project that result in a savings/deductive change, and to approve individual change orders that rcsult in additional cost to the project not to exceed $10,000. 2. Motion to deny staff authority to administratively approve or deny change orders to the Community and Training Center project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends approval of alternative #1 for both decisions to be considered. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No.1; Copy of the Proposal Request describing Items 1- 7 as considered by Change Order No.1. . . 5 .,.. 02/17/99 15:13 1r612 253 3795 DONLAR ST CLOUD FEB-17-SS WED 02~59 PH ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 61264500'(S CHANGE ORDER ell1 DOCUMF.NT G7()J 141 002/002 r, Ut: oWNJ::R ARClitl't::CT CON1'AACTOR flE.LD OTIIER Cl o o C1 l:J Monticello Community and PROJECT: Tra; ni ng Center (name:, addrc$$) 6th st. & Walnut St. Monticello, MN 55362 TO COL'lTIU\CTOR: (n:lll1c. ;Jddres:i) Don' ar Contractors 41 Riverside Drive. NE St. Cloud~ MN 56304 CHANGE oRDER NLIMBf.R: One (1) DATE: February 181 1999 ARCIIITECT'S PROJF.C1' NO: 97093.00 CONTRACT DATI!: November 4. 1998 CONTRACT fOR: General Construction The: Cm'tL'~l<.:t j:s, ch:ll1gc:,1 :lS f,'\l"WS: The following deductive changts January 51 1999. Item #l deduct Item #2 deduct Item #3 deduct Item #4 deduct tt~nl #5 deduct Item #6 deduct Item if7 No Cost ln response to Proposal Request No.1, dated $16.576.00 $63.43a.OO $ 1.113.00 $ 2.000.00 $ 1.400.00 $19,345.00 Change Tota' Dedu~t - $103.872,00 - Not valid until signed by the Owner. Architect and Contraetor. The orl"ln;!1 (Cuntr:KI Suml (r.X~~~~*a) Q,I'-!j . . , , , . . . , . , . . . , . . . . . , . . .5 8,204.800,00 ~C'l ch;'lng<: by prevlllusly :\Utl'I,Hlzcc.1 Cb:ms..: Ordl:'r.l . . . . . . .', , . . , . . . . . . . , , , . , , . . . . . . S ------...- --- The(C~)I\Iri1c:'tSUm)(~j~~ltrU)prll.lrC0!hisCI1:l.I'1t>':OrdetvrJ.~......,...s 8 204 BOO 00 co J · · The.: lConlr~ICI SlIm) {~~,y.'WcX:Kitll*i(~M,)(D{K-X)"O/lIl bl:~l(*U~ (dC:CCl.."'.l.~~d) }(~~}hby llll~ Clung.: Orcl~I'i'Hllc:ltntlUnIQf ".....:, " .... . ., .. . . , , , . ,.5 (103,872.00) Thl: I'V:w (C:nnlr-Jet SLlllllld~~~~~~~~W~ncluc.1lng lhi.~ C;h:l('I~';: Orc.h:r t\'i1\ bl.: ,. s 8,100.928.00 The C..,mr.:lc! TinK will be: (iX.~~~lX&x:Y&<<lIJ (unch:u'ls~d) by TI,c d:ltc "f :iUbst:IlHi:lI CllO\pl<:ll~lll "'~ or lh... Q:ltc of lhb Ch:uixc:' Ord,;r thcr.;r.)CC Is unchanged (0 14.Jar~. NOT!:: "hi.' <U1i1Ill:lry dill:> li,,1 r,,'n"';l I.'har'lll>'-' il'l lhll C;"nlr~':L l<o.lnl. c:....,tt.I.:r TI1"~' liT C.l.lar.lI1t.:cll ~1:1~1ll1LUII I'n~'\: ",11.,\1 h.I'.... I1..r.:11 .Il,t!wl.i:o.....1 h~ C'lIl'-l r~I~'II"'\ c:IUI\Jo'l/ I)II'l:C[;"1.' Ankeny Kell Architects, P.A. Don1~r contractors Aii:CiiITt!i::I' .-. -- Cll;>lTII,ACmll 821 Ra ym.QIl::l. ..8..v_enu e...._SJ.ti..:I:JLAOQ 41 Ri ver 5; de......Dd..v,e" NF ....J.lr".. .....IIlI'\:... ' St. Paul". MN ~l~ St. ClouJ!..J1~~04 IIY ~-~..-::..._. Q?- ~ BY 7~..J: Ii;:' -- lUTE _:1-L (tb/qq .... !).\u :2/J6/~1 ,-~, . . City of Monticello (;ii:.7~".--'-- ?SQ Fast Broadwav ALILln:.., - Monticello. MN 55362 IW l,,.,n -tIC CAUtION: You should sign an original AlA document which has thIs cautlDn printed in red. An original assures tnat changes will nol be obscured as.may.occur when docurnent~ are reproduced. _n 1--6_ AlA ocx:UiiiNT G7Ql . l:lI.":-:\\P, mm~.1l. . I'J/~. F.I,I"IL)p.( . ....1...... · a: I')r\~ · THI: ^~lt:nH~'-"; IN~Tl"l TF. ,'1' ...l(CIIIT~[:'I'~, 1-.\<0 ;,;1,\10 "(llLK ...\'~. ~.~ . \l,A."HI:o.:~Tu~. I) t: .!,n'i, 11.III111"h"'._ .._1........-'... _...,...__.1..._..1_1_''''l1li. ,. *= ..AjIIU,'....""I~ ':1"",,1. 'lIiubi~ 181.aal D~t\Dn. ~..,G~1--19B7 ~ FEB-19-99 FRI 11:53 AM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS prO-~OSal Req uest ~:-t-i.. Fax Nore .. AlA Document G709 - Electronic Format FAX NO, 6126450079 P. 01 7671 c.~ DilllI From Co. Phollo # .- ~- THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEOAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WIll{ AN ATIORNEY IS ENCOURAGED Wl'ni RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUnnoNTlCATION or THIS ELEcrRONICALl..Y DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING NA DOCUMENT 0401. PROJECT: . (Name Ulld arIdress) MOfllicelto Commlmir;' and Training Cente, 6th Street and Walnut Street MOi\\icdlo. MN 55367 PROPOSAL REQUEST NO. : On~ PATEOI'ISSUANCE: January 5, 1999 ARCHITECTS PROJEcr NUMBER: 97093.00 ARCHITECT: (Name (Jlld addren) AnlcrlY Kell ArcltJrccrs, P.A. 821 Raymond Ave., SLe. 400 St. P:lUI, MN 55114 IC:1oo submit an itemized proposal fOr changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modification,!; to the Contract Documents described herein. Submit proposal within 10 days. or notify the Architect in writing of the date on whieh you .:mticipate submitting your proposal. OWNER: (N(/Jn~ elllll addfeu) Ciry of MOTllicdlo 250 1::!a.st DrouJway Monticello. MN 55362 TO CONTRACTOR: (Name alld (Jddf(SS) Donlar Contractors 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud, MN 56304 CONTRACT FOR: General Comtruclion CONTRACT DATED: November,9 , 1998 THTS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER. CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRIlCTIVE OR A DIRECTION 1'0 PROCEEb WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODTFTCATIONS. Description: (Jllurl t.I wl'in,m dt:scril'lilllt nfrl1<! Work.) Ilem No.1 At all floor and roof slabs called for on the drawings to be normal weight concrete, revise to light weight concro:te of sam~ strength. In all are:u where thi... substitution is made lh:1,[ can !of$prayed tireproofmg on lhe bottom side of the Stecl deck, eliminate the sprayed fIreproofing. Hem No.2 Delcte hydraulic lift as specified in Scctiou 14240 and as shown On the drawings in Room CI09. Opening in floor slab and guard rail at opening are to remain as detailed. Item No.3 Provide credit for specified face bric); as offered by the brick supplier. Item No.4 Delete testing of masollry and mortar as specified in Section 04200. All testing to be by Owner. Item No.5 Revise boiler as specified in Section 15556 from il sectional cast iron boiler to a Peerless boiler. All other aspects of installation to remain as specified. Item No.6 Rovise warrant)' fOr single-ply EPDM membrilnc rooling as specified in Section 07531 from twenty years to fifteen years. tem No.7 Revise bituminous p<lving crO~$ section from thickness specitied to City of Monliccllo stnndards for drives and :lrkin lots. AlA. DOCUl\;fENT G709 . PROPOSAL REQUEST - 1993 EDITION - ATA - COPYRIGHT 1993 . THE AMERICA.N INSnIUTB OF ARCHITEcrS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUI!, N,W., WASHINGTON. D.C.. 20006-5292. WAllNING; Ulllicenr.!.t phlltocOl'ylng viol.'1LrW U.S. copyright I:lw d 1$ subject III I"Sl1.\ prosecution. Tht. dOl:\lml:nt was elllC::lronic:Llly prlluuced with pet,hi~sion of the AlA Dnd CDn bo: n:prcduc:ed without viol:ltion uocil exPir:l~' nOL,,\! bIlJo~. Electro 0 User Document: ONEA.DOC -- ",/1999. AlA License Number 108976, which expires 0 999 -- age #1 . . . Council Agenda - 2/22/99 9. Community center update. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bulk Tanks Some progress has been made on development of a conceptual plan for relocation of the bulk tanks; however, dctails relating to the plan are not complete. The concept that is being considered for submittal to the Council calls for the City providing the standard relocation benefits provided by law, plus a loan of X amount to be repaid in its entircty January 1,2004. Under this concept, thc amount of the loan will be determined based on a projection of cost that the operators would have faced to upgrade their tanks by the end of2003. All land cost would be funded solely by the operators. As you may recall, the operators have noted that the City has created a hardship by forcing an early upgrade that they have been planning for in the year 2003. Relocation expenses alone are not sufficient to allow a financially feasible relocation. To offset this early expense, the City could provide a low or n. interest loan to be paid back at the time that the operators would have otherwised faced this cost. The problem with this plan is that it is difficult to separate cost items that the City is funding through the relocation benefits from items that would be eligible for the loan. We are currently working with the operators on this matter. It is expected that the loan amount will range from $40,000 to $65,000. This loan would be in addition to the estimate of $66,000 projected cost of relocation. According to the City Attorney, a low or no interest loan for a relatively short duration appears supportable, although it is still important to develop a finding of public purpose. This item is not formally on the agenda because the itemization is not complete. Council is asked to review the concept above and provide further direction to staff if so desired. Aquatics Center Hold City staff has recently been surprised by a notice from Donlar Contractors of the cost to place the aquatics portion of the facility on hold. The cost of the hold to the point of survey completion is estimated at a maximum of$154,000. This was a surprise because the architect felt that holding thc aquatics at this early stage of the project would not increase cost significantly or result in a delay. It is likely that the actual cost of the hold will not be known until the project is finalized, at which time the cost of the hold may be arbitrated. City staff is currcntly working with the City Attorney and architect in analyzing this claim to determine validity. More information or requests for Council action will be provided at the meeting. 6 . . . Update on Acquatics program modifications cost Impacts of Cancelation, or hold proj Savi ect Added Contingency ngs Cost Remaining Maximum Est. R ,000 ...------, ft~'~-'" .._~ $125.00Q. _$327,Q~ 1-.-..-.. 30 days 0 $154.000 $298,000. Amount u .-. wn ..------,"r Loss of Winter evenue 1. Cancel aquatics in 30 days After holding. 2. Take a uatics off hold lmmediately. 3. Take a uatics off hold - 30 da s 4. Take aquatics off hold - then Cancel in 30 da s $413 f winter revenue nknown .......--------~_.~_."r._ Unkno 1. This is the savings if aquatics removed after survey. Decision made on March 8, 1999. Savings decreases from this point if decision is delayed. 2. This is the added cost if aquatics is restared immediately. This is the maximum cost. This added cost assumes a 30 day delay in opening if the delay is shorter, the amount the added cost will go down. 3. This is the added cost if the aquatics is restarted after the survey (March 8). This is the maximum cost. This added cost assumes a 60 day delay in opening if the delay is shorter, the amount the added cost will go down. Maximum delay is 60 days. Loss of revenue associated with 30 days of winter operation. Bottom line. The maximum cost of the hold based on the previous resolution, is $154,000 This amount can be reduced by $25,000 if the project is allowed to proceed immediately. This would also allow an earlier start in winter during peak useage times. If the project is allowed to proceed with the thought that it would be canceled later, it is likely that the City would not achieve a significant savings at a future cancelation date because the pool equipment would be in the manufacturing process by then. 'I-I 3RC !=INANCIAL SYSTEM 02/09/1999 11:29:16 . Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAG~ GL540R Reoort Selection: ~UN GROUP. '. 00209 COMMENT... 2/09 CKS OATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT 0-02091999-774 24849 ~un Instructions: .oba Banner CODies Form Printer Hold Soace LPI Lines CP! v 01 Y S 6 066 Ie . . 3RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/09/1999 11: 29: 17 Schedule of 8il1s GL540R-V06.00 PAGE .VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME ;UNO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE AL8INSON, INC COMM CENTER 86.45 MIse OPERATING SUPPl.! ES 461.49201:2199 169358 174 00002 ALLEN OR ALICIA PELOQUIN IIAIL BOX REIMB 26.61 MIse REPAIR & MTe SUPPLI 101.43125.2299 174 00091 ANDERSON/GARY VCR TAPES 6.91 MIse OTHER EXPENSE '01.42401.4399 '174 00026 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM "AX MISC 25.80 MIse TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 49255 174 00028 SENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE CM! F GRANT REIMB 1.100.21 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 223.46501.6601 174 00027 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING 135.30 BEER 509.49750.2520 40351 174 00030 45.00 BEER 609.497S0.252C 40680 7'14 00029 '180.30 lJVENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 138.55 BEER 509.49750.2520 52999 7'14 00031 4111tCI INDUSTRIES. LTD ""YlJ SEWER 90.28 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49490.2199 21003 774 00004 DETERMAN BROWNIE. INC ",r.:y* COMflI CENTER 1.680.00 MIse PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 1-0014400 'f7 4 00003 EARL F ANOERSON & ASSOCI ""y* STREETS 1.237.35 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 14'1'10 774 00005 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVICES, 62.08 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 1204830 774 00032 G & K SERVICES *~Y* ENV CHARGE 24.65' MIse OTHER EXPENSE 101.0120.4399 '/75502 714 00018 *FY* SHOP TOWELS 13.70 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 101,4312'1.2199 716502 774 00019 '",i:Y* SEWER 15.98 UNIFORM RENTAL 502.49490.4170 '/76502 77 4 00020 *FY* WATER 15.31 UNIFORM RENTA~ 601.49440.41'/0 7'/6502 7'/4 00021 *~Y* PW ADM 6.81 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43110.4170 176502 774 00022 *FY* PW INSP 23.87 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43115.4170 776502 714 00023 *r.:y* STREETS 28.11 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.41'10 '176502 '/74 00024 *FY* PARKS 56.'/5 UNIFORM RENTA~ 101.45201.41'1C 776502 774 00025 185.18 *VENDOR TOTAL G & R AGGREGATES. INC . "'FY:O: STREETS 782.78 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 126 774 00001 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CUY OF MONTlCELLC J2/09/1999 11:29:11 Schedu'le of 8i rls SL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 _ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME ;;UND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE GARTNER'S OFFICE PRODUCT DE? REG 19.69 MIse OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41990.2099 33796. 33794 174 00034 Ch 449.48 MIse OFFICE SuoPLIES 101.4130': .2099 33805, 33809 7'14 00033 469,11 "'VENDOR TOTAL GLEASON PRINTING. INC. "'FY* RECYCLING NEWLETTER 1,227.95 PROF SRV - NEWSLETTER 101.43230,3195 42766 174 00006 GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY 8.25 FREIGHT 509.49150,3330 12442 114 00041 143.75 MIse TAXABLE 609.49750.254C 12442 774 00042 515.25 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 12442 114 00043 1.50 FREIGHT 609.49'150.3330 12443 774 00037 135.00 WINE 509.49'150.2530 12443 174 00038 2.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 12444 '/'/4 00035 248.02 WINE 509.49750.2530 12444 714 00036 9.75 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 12445 714 00039 417.16 WINE 509.49750.2530 12445 774 00040 1.480.93 *VENDOR TOTA~ GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. . MUGS 5.494.11 BEER 509.49150.2520 163205 714 00045 126.00 MIse TAXA8LE 609.49750.2540 496082 774 00044 5.620.17 *VENDOR TOTAL HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY "'~Y* WWTP 88.81 MISC OPERATING SUPPLl ES 602.49480.2199 714 00081 "'FY'" WWTP 27.38 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 602.49480.221', 7'14 00082 HY'" WWTP 211.43 SMALL TOOLS & EOUIPMENT 602.494BO.2410 774 00083 *FY* PARKS 431.99 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 77 4 00084 :Y;J;Y'" PW INSP 75.53 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43115.2211 '/74 000B5 *FY* STREETS 113.26 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 7'14 00086 1f:J;Y* STREETS 143.98 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 714 00087 *FY'" SHOP 27.76 MIse OPERATING SUPPLES 101.43121.2199 774 00088 1.180.14 "'VENDOR TOTAL HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT ",J;Y* WATER 15.00 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 601.49440.2160 DM 21638 '17 4 0000'1 INNOVATIVE ELECTRONIC SO SHOP 248;49 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.4:m7.2210 3839 7'14 00008 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L 3.998.B4 LIOUOR 509,49'150.2510 938819 774 00050 44.3'1 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 938819 '/'/4 00051 11. 97 FREIGHT 509.49'150.3330 939926 7'14 00046 1.248.01 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 939926 7'/4 00047 . 84.51 FREIGHT 509.49750.3330 939921 774 00048 2,440.78 WINE 609.49'150.2530 939927 774 00049 7,828.48 *VENDOR TOTAL BRG HNANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO J2/09/'999 '1:29:17 Scheduie of 8i r1s GL540R-V06.00 PAGE :1 _ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME -UNO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE COMM CENTER 6'1.67 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 461.49201.2199 774 00052 DEP REG 132.80 REPAIR & MTG - MACH & EO 101.41990.4044 714 00053 PW REMODELING 10.63 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 '1'14 00054 SHADE TREE 13.98 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 224.45102.2199 '174 00055 SEWER 7. 43 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49490.2199 714 00056 WATER 20.52 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 7'/4 0005'1 WATER 21. 79 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 601.49440.2230 77 4 00058 TEMP WATER SERVICE 118.18 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41910.2199 'f'I4 00059 CH 1. 37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41301.2199 '/74 00060 PARKS 82.69 SMALL TOOLS & EOUIPMENT 101.45201.2410 714 0006' 'lARKS 346.76 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 '/74 00062 SHOP 94.54 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.4312'/ .2199 '1'/4 00063 STREETS 22.34 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 77 4 00064 RENTAL HOUSE REPAIR 18.03 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 '1'/4 00065 2'1.42 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.43160.2299 774 00066 AN SHELTER 33.38 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42'/01.2199 '1'/4 0006'1 1.019.53 "VENDOR TOTAL MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, (;H 394.20 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 C-01785386 774 00070 CH 109.00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 C-01'f86313 'f7 4 00069 . 503.20 "VtNOOR TOTAL MEDTOX LABORATORIES *FY* DRUG TESTS 230.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43120,3199 129879141 n4 00009 MICHELS TRUCKING. INC ..10 STORE 47.00 FREIGHT 509.49750.3330 6'13753 774 000'11 MN DEPT OF TRADE & ECON SCERG GRANT REIMB 2.483.45 GRANT REIMB - AROPLAX 222.46501.6602 774 00073 MN MAYORS ASSOCIATION MAYOR-DUES 20.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.41110.4330 1999 774 00072 MN PUB EMPLOY LABOR REL - QW 150.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.41301.4330 1999 774 00010 MN STATE HORTICULTURAL S WANDA-CONFERENCE 50.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41910.3320 '174 00068 MONTICELLO TIMES "H* LEGAL 1.529.69 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41601.3510 '/74 00074 *FY'" BLOG PERMIT 309.58 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.42401.352C '/'/4 000'/5 *J:Y* DEP REG 99.60 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41990.3520 '/74 000'16 *FP TREE P!U 8'/.15 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43230.3520 '1H 00077 . "f;Y* INTERNET 350.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41910.3520 774 000'18 *FY* PARK 68.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.45201.3520 '/'14 00079 2.444.02 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO _V09/1999 11;29;1'1 Schedule of 8; 'lIs GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 5 fENOOR NAME DESCRI PTlON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME ~UND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE DUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C 846.70 WINE 509.49750.2530 683381 774 00114 941.19 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 683381 774 00115 1 .787.89 *VENDOR TOTAL RICHARD KNUTSON. INC. 7TH STREET 15.681.54 PROF SRV - ENGINEE~ING F 462.49201.3030 113 774 00141 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION *i=Y* SEWER RELoe 900.00 MISe PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 3312 774 00015 *FV* COMM CENTER 790.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 3375 774 00118 1,690.00 *VENDOR TOTAL SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY *FY* STREETS 32.97 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 774 00119 *FY* PARKS 586.38 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 7'14 00120 *i=Y* WATER 828.65 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 601.49440.2230 774 00121 *FY* WWTP 'f4 . 18 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49480.2199 174 00122 1,522.18 *VENDOR TOTAL ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP . 101.05 MIse TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 435618 714 00116 53.25 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 437060 174 00117 160.30 *VENDOR TOTAL THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP 730.11 BEER 509.49750.2520 153547 774 00123 10.10 MISC TAXABLE 609.49'150.2540 153548 774 00124 '140.21 *VENDOR TOTAL TSR WIRELESS - MINNESOTA JOHN \'I & RICH e 46.35 TELEPHONE 501.49440.3210 JANUARY 774 00125 MATT 91.74 TELEPHONE 602.49490.3210 JANUARY 774 00126 oATTY 48.00 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 JANUARY '174 00127 JOHN S 27.81 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 JANUARY 774 00'128 HARY A 27.81 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 JANUARY 774 00129 TOM 8 27.81 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 JANUARY '174 00130 ROGER M 27. 81 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 JANUARY 774 00131 JOHN L 18.54 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 JANUARY 774 00132 :i 15.87 *VENDOR TOTAL USA WASTE SERVICES. INC *i=y* REFUSE 2,713.90 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEe 101.43230.3100 11211 774 00017 REFUSE 2,799.30 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 1'14 24 774 00139 ~EFUSE 2.519.59 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 17637 774 00140 8.132.89 *VENDOR TOTA'... ~IKING COCA COLA 107.95 MISC TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 2197590 714 00133 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 32/09/1999 11:29:11 _ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITOR-TR SCERG GRANT REIMB COMM CENTER-RE TAXES Ht'lY 25-RE TAXES . . AMOUNT 0.35 5'13.40 513.75 2,760.51 1,01'/.34 1 .047 . 41 4,825.32 Schedule of 8; ns ACCOUNT NAME FREIGHT MISC TAXABLE *VENOOR TOTAL GRANT REIMBURSEMENT LAND LAND *VENDOR TOTA~ FUND & ACCOUNT 609.49750. :mo 609.49750.2540 222.46501.6601 461.49201.5101 450.49201.5101 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 6 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE 534900 534900 r14 00134 774 00135 714 00136 174 0013'1 '114 00138 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/09/1999 11:29:17 .VENDOR NAME DESCRI PTlON REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT '/0.417.19 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000141 Schedule of B":!s .UND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 7 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~2/09/1999 11 :29:20 FUND RECAP: Scneduie of BillS ;:UND DESCRI PTION DISBURSEMENTS ^ 0 1 GENERAL FUND 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 223 CMIF (CENT MN IN IT FUND) 224 SHADE TREE FUND 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 462 98-',2C 7TH STREET EXTENSION 601 WATER FUND 502 SEWER FUND 509 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 20.166.7'1 5.243.96 ~ .100.21 13.98 ~8.03 10.63 . .04'1.47 3.560.92 "6.681.54 1.083.62 ~ .128.0B 20.261.98 "OTAL ALL FUNDS '10.417.19 4IANK RECAP: BANK NAME ;)ISBURSEMENTS 3ENL GENERAL CHECKING LIOR LIQUOR CHECKING 50,155.21 20.251,98 "OTAl ALL BANKS '10.417.19 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, DATE . .. . .. . .. . .. APPROVED BY . CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-VOti.00 RECAPPAGE GlS40R