City Council Agenda Packet 02-08-1999 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 8, 1999 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Call to order. J ~-- R t.. Approval of minutes of the special joint commission meeting held January 20, B1 1999. 1or'l Wr Approval of minutes of the special meeting held at 5:30 p.m., January 25, 1999. c ~ -,J. 0 S Approval of minutes of the special meeting held at 6 p.m., January 25,1999.6 \" 17 Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held at 7 p.m., January 25,1999. () S .....t (20 1. 2. A. B. c. D. E. Approval of minutes of the special MOAA Board/City/Township joint meeting held January 27, 1999. . 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. Q\5tlA.~> uJ11)~' @ /( B. Consideration of approving City/Township joint resolution supporting annexation of the Community United Methodist Church site. Consideration of Li brary Board appointment. C. Consideration of renewing membcrship in Economic Development Partnership of Wright County. D. Consideration of annual highway maintenance agreement with Wright County. E. Consideration of Change Order No. 19 for City Project #93-14C, Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. . F. 01^cJ ~rCi~ Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit within the 1-1 zoning district to allow co-location of a wireless antenna placement on an existing tower. Applicant: MCTC - Minneapolis Cellular Telephone Company. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council February 8, 1999 Page 2 G. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of Resurrection Church/Methodist Church improvements, Project 98-01C. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of a request for a subdivision within the 1-2 zoning district to allow a lot line relocation. Applicant: Greg Ebert. 8. Consideration of alternatives for disposition of Rivervicw Square plat remnant parcel. 9. Consideration of establishing relocation benefits for the Riverside Oil bulk petroleum facility. 10. Consideration of approval of citizen survey format and questions. 11. Consideration of funding participation ffild construction agreement with Wright County for improvements to CSAH 75 East. 12. Consideration of funding agreement with Wright County for improvements to CR 118. 13. Consideration of making application for a transportation loan to construct the Fallon A venue Bridge with a pedestrian crossing. 14. Consideration of adopting priorities for redevelopment of the North Anchor and authorization to hire a planner consultant to assist in the process for redevelopment of the North Anchor. 15. Consideration of public sale of old sewer jet and retaining the vac-all rather than trading both units in on ncw combination unit. 16. Consideration of increasing fees at Riverside Cemetery. 17. Consideration of bills for the first half of February 1999. 18. j Adjournment. ~ if s T P q;t,,, J - CrM 1t1. Cr ~ ~ S J Me e ~~~. Lts, D \!~$S ~o ,) C~ 8d 0 p ~Q>>;~ 1)w~ . . . MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT WORKSHOP HRA, CITY COUNCIL, PARKS COMMISSION, PLANNING COMMISSION, EDA, AND DA T Wednesday, .January 20,1999 - 6 p.m. Present: COUNCIL: DAT: EDA: HRA: PARKS: PLANNING: Mayor Roger Belsaas, Bruce Thielen, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson Mike Cyr, Rita Ulrich, Susie Wojchouski, Gail Cole Chair Ron Hoglund, Bill Demeules, Ken Maus Chair Steve Andrews, Bob Murray, Brad Barger, Darrin Lahr Chair Larry Nolan, Jennifer Fearing, Earl Smith, Fran Fair Rod Dragsten, Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Roy Popilck Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant Gregg Engle, Parks Superintendent Dawn Grossinger, City Staff Guests: Barb Esse, MCP Marianne Khauv, Chamber of Commerce Michael Schroeder, Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. Jerry Kimball, Past Planning Director, City of Duluth Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Pat Sawatzke, Walnut Street Property Owner Paul & Evelyn Wurm, Park Place Apartments Michelle Ewing, Riverstreet Station aim Khauv, Best Western Scott Douglas, Golden Valley Furniture Diane Lange, Riverfront Owner Woodrow Lange, Riverfront Owner Brent Morningstar, Wright-Hennepin Electric & Security 1 . Call to Order. HRA Chair Steve Andrews called the joint meeting to order at 6 p.m. and introduced Michael Schroeder, Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. 2. Introductions. 3. Workshop Purpose. Mr. Schroeder presented a brief overview of the Revitalization Plan for the downtown and riverfront area, noting that the comprehensive plan is intended to be a guideline and provide strong direction for future development. He noted that the purpose of the Page 1 ~,r . . . 4a. 4b. Special Joint Commission Workshop - 1/20/99 workshop is to review the Downtown/Riverfront Revitalization Plan, receive input from commissions, evaluate the need for broader community input, and consider a plan for proceeding. Overview of the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan (Michael Schroeder). Mr. Schroeder reviewed the City's Riverfront Revitalization Plan which was adopted in 1997 as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan to provide direction for development of the riverfront. It was emphasized that the key to a successful downtown is a good mix of compatible uses, and the value of development along the riverfront was also noted. Mr. Schroeder stated that there are three components critical to the Plan: a. Revitalization of the mall b. Civic/governmental core area c. Downtown/Riverfront Bridge Park A Perspective of the Value of Riverfront Improvements. Mr. Jerry Kimball, Past Planning Director for the City of Duluth, reiterated the value of the riverfront, stating he has traveled to other cities researching waterfront development. He suggested that Monticello's strengths be identified and nurtured and that the unique aspects of the community be emphasized. Duluth began the process of revitalization in the early 1980's with a vision. As a result of this vision, Duluth has experienced a record number of conventions, more industry, and growth in local businesses; however, he noted that the most important benefit of all is the pride the city now has in itself Mr. Kimball suggested that a comprehensive plan is necessary, but additional planning is also needed to obtain more specific ideas; and implementing a plan takes time. It also takes many partnerships between various entities to accomplish the goals set in the plan. 4c. A Proposal for Monticello's North Anchor (Brad Johnson). Mr. Brad Johnson of Lotus Realty stated that, as a developer, he considered the Revitalization Plan as a way to turn a non-earning asset into an earning asset. Many times the asset in question is not privately owned and, therefore, community involvement is essential. He noted that restaurants and hotels are key to a successful retail business. 5. Commission Input. Development of Monticello's North Anchor and Riverfront Michael Schroeder opened the meeting for input regarding the goals and visions for this area, and the following comments were received: Page 2 ,;lfJ- Special Joint Commission Workshop - 1/20/99 . 1. The City's relationship with developers needs to be enhanced by letting them know what the City envisions for the riverfront area. 2. One of the goals is not to sell the park but to enhance it, perhaps even enlarge it. 3. Residents along the riverfront should be kept informed of the development process. 4. Communication between the commissions needs to be improved. 5. The City should maintain current activities at the park such as hockey and skating; festivals, music, etc., should be added to draw people. 6. Consider protection of the waterfront by buffering development. 7. Look at the long-term investment and make sure it is a quality development. 8. Perhaps the river's historical significance could be utilized such as a steamboat prop on land welcoming people to Monticello. . 9. The islands could be used for activities such as treasure hunts since the water is only 3-4 feet deep and could easily be crossed. 10. Paddleboating, tubing, or canoeing in the summer and feeding stations in the winter for the swans. 11. The pathway system should be incorporated and made an integral part of the area. Mr. Schroeder added that development on one side of the river affects development on the other side. The Revitalization Plan was formulated with the idea that Monticello was a great small town, not a suburb or a bedroom community. He felt that the ideas that were being presented were much the same as noted in the Revitalization Plan. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill noted that the City needs to make a commitment to the Plan and determine how willing it is to acquire private property to develop the Plan. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak added that the I-IRA has acquired three properties on Block 54, adjacent to the park, as they have become available. The Needfor Community Input . Mr. Schroeder asked for comments from the commissioners regarding whether public input should be ineluded in the development process. Comments received from the HRA, Planning Commission, Parks Commission, and City Council indicated that the commissions should develop a more concrete concept for the area prior to receiving Page 3 ;;tfJ- . . . Special Joint Commission Workshop - 1/20/99 additional input from the public. The Design Advisory Team and MCP Chair felt that input from the public was necessary to help determine what types of uses should be included in the design/concept. 6. Next Steps. Mr. Schroeder suggested that each commission, at their next meeting, list the top five things they would like to achieve with the North Anchor and Bridge Park area. Staffwill then compile a list and distribute to all members. The commissioners were generally in agreement that a more definite concept for the area should bc developed prior to requesting specific plans from developers. BRA Chair Steve Andrews stated that a summary of the meeting would be sent to those present and adjourned the meeting at 8 p.m. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 4 ;tfr . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 25, 1999 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of appointments to HRA. At the January 11, 1999, meeting, the City Council tabled thc annual appointment to the HRA pending further discussion. Councilmembcr Clint Herbst stated that he was previously unaware of the power of the HRA and felt the City Council should provide additional input on appointments. It was his view that when the Mayor seat changed after the November election and the new majority made public their intent to stop the community center project, the HRA did not act in the City's best interest by voting to proceed with construction of the community center without a referendum. Therefore, Councilmember Herbst recommended that Steve Andrews and Bob Murray be removed from the HRA. Councilmember Bruce Thielen responded that the HRA acted according to the Council in officc at that time. To penalize them now for actions taken under a previous Council could only be considered retaliation. He noted that the new Council took effcct on January 4, 1999, and not in November 1998. Councilmember Herbst pointed out that after the election, the direction of the new City Council was made public and should have been followed by the HRA. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak distributed a copy of the State Statutes, Section 469.010, and reported that HRA Commissioner Dan Frie could be replaced since his term had expired; however, removal of other members would require that written charges be submitted followed by a hearing. Councilmember Bruce Thielen then read Section 469.010 of the Statutes. Councilmember Brian Stumpf questioned why only two of the four I-IRA members who voted against the wishes of the new Council should bc penalized and suggested that they discuss the possibility of the Council acting as the HRA. Councilmember Herbst explained that thc reason for removal of Steve Andrews and Bob Murray was due to their attempt to move forward with the project prior to reviewing all the information. Mayor Roger Belsaas suggested that a joint meeting with the J:IRA be scheduled to discuss the issue. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill notcd that Council should also meet to review the goal-setting worksheet to assist the commissions in accomplishing goals set by the Council. No action was taken by the Council at this time. Page 1 cJ..B . . . Special Council Minutes - 1/25/99 3. Consideration of staggered terms for Planning Commission members. At the January 11, 1999, meeting, Council tabled appointments to the Planning Commission pending research and additional discussion regarding staggered terms rather than annual appointments. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill suggested that an ordinance amendment be prepared establishing 3-year staggered tenus and, aftcr Planning Commission members select term expirations, the ordinance be adopted by Council. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPOINT DICK FRIE, RICHARD CARLSON, ROD DRAGSTEN, ROY POPILEK, AND ROBBIE SMITH TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING 3-YEAR STAGGERED TERMS. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 2 ~B MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 25, 1999 - 6 p.m. . Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of design alternatives for improving safety and traffic flow at the intersection of Highway 25 and Broadway. Mr. Tom Dumont of MN/DOT reported that the number of accidents at the intersection of Highway 25 and County Road 75 has reached approximately 25 in three years, which is not higher than the statewide average; however, improvements could be made to reduce the number of accidents by about 50%. Of the three options reviewed, option #3 would create the least amount of vehicle delay by creating east and westbound left turn lanes and one additional westbound lane, with the current median remaining in place; however, this option would require the elimination of parking on County Road 75 near the theater. . Option #3A would make additional improvements to the intersection by lining up the left turn lanes, installing left turn green arrows in conjunction with a green ball and removal of the current median and installation of a narrow curb/lane delineator. This option would include two Il-ft westbound lanes, a 13-ft inside lane, and an 8-ft parking lane near the theater. Mr. Virgil llawkins, Assistant County Highway Engineer, noted that Wright County favored option #3 over #3A, as there were concerns regarding the safety ofthe Il-ft driving lanes and 8-ft parking lane. In addition, Wright County did not have funds budgeted for this project. Counci I discussed each option and concerns with regard to loss of parking, access management using the curb/lane delineator, truck traflic movement, snowplowing, and project cost. The Public Works Director reported that the total cost of option #3A was approximately $35,000, plus $7,000 for blacktop sensors. Wright County would cover the cost of the signal light changes. Mr. Brad Larson, owner ofthe Country Travel building, suggested that the City could replace lost parking by using the vacant lot next to his building and the vacant lot currently owned by the I-IRA. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION W AS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO CONTINUE WORKING WITH WRIGHT COUNTY TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT USING OPTION #3A. Motion carried unanimously. . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk ;(0 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 25,1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held January 11. 1999. A. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 11,1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. B. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held Tuesday. January 19. 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JANUARY 19, 1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Appointments to North Anchor discussion group. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPOINT BRUCE THIELEN AND CLINT HERBST AS CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO THE NORTH ANCHOR DISCUSSION GROUP. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Citizens comments/petitions. requests. and complaints. None. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving renewal of Men's Softball Association beer license. Recommendation: Grant the beer license contingent upon the receipt of the necessary insurance documents and appropriate fees. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. Page 1 ~}) . . . Council Minutes - 1/25/99 7. Public IIearing--Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the proposed assessment roll contained utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and includes the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It was recommended that the delinquent accounts be certified in 1999 at an interest rate of 8%. The City Administrator also noted that any accounts that had been paid since the list was prepared for the Council meeting would be deleted prior to certification. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, the public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT CHARGES AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 99-2. 8. Presentation by S.L.O.P.E. (Stop Landfilling Our Precious Environment) encouraging Council members and citizens to attend public hearing at Wright County Courthouse at 8 p.m.. Thursday. January 28. 1999. Mr. Stanley Held and Mr. Al DeRuyter, speaking on behalf of S.L.a.p.E., provided an update to the Council regarding the proposed expansion of the Superior FCR Landfill and recent action taken by the Board of Adjustment to deny Superior's application for a variance to the 200-ft setback as required by the waste handling district zoning ordinance. Attendance at the Wright County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Thursday, January 28, 1999, 8 p.m., was encouraged. 9. Consideration of approving City/Township ioint resolution supporting annexation of Kiellbergs West Mobile Home Park. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the MOAA Board, at its previous meeting, took action to support the annexation of Kjellbergs West Mobile Home Park. It was noted, however, that the current annexation request would not include the parcel adjoining the park, but it would be eligible for future annexation following the City/Township annexation process. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADOPT THE JOINT RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ANNEXATION OF KJELLBERGS WEST MOBILE HOME PARK CONTINGENT ON COMPLETION OF THE SANITARY SEWER PROJECT AND CONNECTION OF THE WEST PARK TO CITY SERVICES. Motion carried unanimously. Page 2 ,;U) . . . Council Minutes - 1/25/99 10. Background for the City Council's ioint meeting with the MOAA Board and Monticello Township Board. City Planner Steve Grittman explained that the MOAA Board's land use plan differs from the City's comprehensive plan in the following five areas, which will be the focus of discussions at the joint meeting scheduled for January 27, 7:30 p.m., at the Township Hall. Area 1 North of Silver Springs Golf Course and west of Orchard Road overpass, this area was designated by the MOAA Board as "future industrial" in order to highlight the need for a freeway interchange at Orchard Road. Area 2 This area lies east of Silver Springs Golf Course along the freeway and is identified as industrial in the City's comprehensive plan; however, the MOAA Board suggested low density residential use. Area 3 The property owned by John Chadwick and proposed for a gravel mining operation is located south of County Road 39 and east of the YMCA land. The City's comprehensive plan shows this area as industrial based on its accessibility and the presence of two major power line corridors through the property. The MOAA Board, however, suggested a change a low density residential use. Area 4 This area is a portion of YMCA land which is separated from the bulk of the YMCA property by 90th Street and is designated as low density residential by the City's comprehensive plan. The MOAA Board suggested public/quasi-public zoning to reflect its current ownership. Area 5 The 220-acre property east of Highway 25 and south of Kjellbergs East Mobile Home Park is currently in the development process by Gold Nugget Development. A residential PUD application was submitted for concept approval, an EA W has been reviewed, and a preliminary plat has been submitted to the Planning Commission; however, the public hearing was continued by the Planning Commission pending receipt of information from the upcoming joint meeting. The City's comprehensive plan, along with previous land use plans, directed this land for low density residential development. The MOAA Board suggests redesignating this site for industrial development. No action was required by Council at this time. Page 3 ~]) . . . Council Minutes - 1/25/99 11. Consideration of reducing retainage for contract with Adolfson & Peterson on Proiect No. 93-14C. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. Public Works Director John Simola reported that Adolfson & Peterson, the contractor for the wastewater treatment plant expansion, has requested a reduction of $248,000 in retainage. After reviewing the status of the project, HDR recommended that the City could reduce the retainage by $200,000 while still adequately protecting their interests with the remaining $150,000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE A $200,000 REDUCTION IN THE RET AINAGE AMOUNT, LEAVING A BALANCE OF $150,000 TO BE RETAINED BY THE CITY. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration o[bills for the last half of January 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE LAST HALF OF JANUARY 1999 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 4 OlD . . . MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT OAA WORKSHOP MONTICELLO ORDERLY ANNEXATION BOARD MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP BOARD Wednesday, January 27,1999 - 7:30 p.m. Monticello Township Hall MOAA Board Present: County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke, Mayor Roger Belsaas, Councilmember Clint Herbst, Township Chair Franklin Delli, Township Supervisor Ted Holker, County Planner Tom Salkowski Additional City Council Members Present: Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Council Members Absent: Brian Stumpf Additional Township Board Members Present: Ted Kopff, Ken Scadden, Charles Holthaus 1. Introductions. 2. Review and accept agenda. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER BELSAAS AND SECONDED BY FRANKLIN DENN TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Brief overview of MOAA planning process - Tom Salkowski. Wright County Planner Tom Salkowski reviewed the history of the MOAA Board and annexations, noting that a new agreement was reached in March 1998 between the City and Township whieh included the additional responsibility of land use planning for the MOAA Board. 4. Current land use plan map proposal. Wright County Planner Tom Salkowski reviewed the draft land use map and noted that a public hearing was held by the MOAA Board regarding the proposed land uses. Comments from residents attending the public hearing indicated concern about the area located between the two golf courses being designated as industrial. In addition, the Board felt the Southwest Area Plan which was attached to the joint City/Township resolution was no longer appropriate and should be deleted from the agreement. City Planner Steve Grittman reviewed the five areas of the proposed land use map which differed from the City's current comprehensive plan. Industrial truck traffic, interchange access, the current city utility system, and the cost to upgrade utilities for industrial development were some of the points of concern discussed. Page 1 ~ . . . Special Joint OAA Workshop Minutes - 1/27/99 5. Discussion - pros and cons of map proposal. There was considerable discussion regarding the 220-acres east of Highway 25 and south of Kjellbergs East Mobile Home Park proposed to change from residential to industrial. Steve Grittman explained that the original designation of residential was due to the site being surrounded by residential, the topography being more suited to residential than industrial, and attempting to shift industrial truck tralIic away from the commercial corridor. Residential vs. industrial traffic generation was discussed based on a recent comparison prepared by City Engineer Bret Weiss. MOAA Board members noted that since the area was surrounded by roads on three sides, they felt it was more suited to industrial development. Additional discussion ineluded the area east of Silver Springs Golf Course along the freeway, which was identified as industrial in the City's comprehensive plan due to the power line corridor along the freeway; however, the MOAA Board proposed that the area be designated as low density residential to allow higher-end home construction between the two golf courses. The group also discussed the area owned by John Chadwick located south of County Road 39, east of the YMCA property, and west ofthe future Chelsea Road alignment. The City's comprehensive plan designated the area for industrial based on its accessibility and the presence of two major power line corridors through the property; however, the MOAA Board proposed that the area be changed to low density residential. Public comments were then accepted by the Board. The owner of the property located between the two golf courses requested that the land use remain industrial as planned by the City due to its exposure to the freeway, which is necessary for industrial development. Mr. Horst Graser, representing Gold Nugget Development, explained that they began working with the City in developing the 220-acre site east of Highway 25 in January of 1998 and only first heard ofthe land use issue in October 1998. He noted that a PUD concept was approved, an EA W was accepted, and a preliminary plat has been submitted for residential development of the site, which is based on previous approvals. He also informed the group that industrial truck traffic would not have easy access to Highway 25, as their request for an access from the proposed residential development was denied by MN/DOT. Mr. Graser requested that a decision on the land use for this area be delayed until further research of other areas that could be designated as industrial. Mr. John Gries, representing Ocello LLC, requested that, in all fairness to Gold Nugget Development, the 220-acre site remain designated as residential. He explained that Ocello LLC extended utilities to the 220 acres as required by the agreement for the Monticello Business Center development, which they could recoup if the land use is changed. The land was then sold to Gold Nugget Development for residential development. In addition, he noted that there is currently industrial land available along the freeway which has been vacant for seven years. Page 2 ;t~ . . . Special Joint OAA Workshop Minutes - 1/27/99 Mr. Shawn Weinand also requested that the land use for the 220-acre site remain as residential. He explained that he has a large investment in the roadway system in the area and noted that at this point in the process, litigation would ensue if the land use is changed to industrial. Mr. Dave Klein stated that he also had an investment in the 220-acre site east of Highway 25 and reminded the Board that the construction industry brings many high-paying jobs to the area. In addition, at the current rate of construction, it was his view that the City will deplete its supply of residential areas faster than the supply of industrial property. Mr. Kurt Markling, owner of 7 acres located on the east end of Monticello between 1-94 and County Road 75, requested that the proposed public land use for his property be changed to commercial use, which is the use currently being marketed. Residents from various areas noted their concern that some of the proposed industrial uses would surround residential areas and requested that the Board consider the investment residents have made in their homes. Questions were also raised as to whether the City's comprehensive plan could differ from the land use plan adopted by the MOAA. County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke responded that property located in an area designated by the City for a use other than shown in the MOAA plan would not likely be allowed to be annexed. 6. Discuss alteration of ioint resolution. The proposal to delete the Southwest Area Plan from the joint City/Township agreement was discussed, along with extending the deadline of the agreement in order to complete negotiations on the land use designations. It was the consensus of the group to extend the deadline for adoption of the land use plan four additional months, with County Planner Torn Salkowski and City staff drafting the language changes. The Township Board members were in agreement with the land use plan as proposed by the MOAA Board; however, Council members requested an opportunity to further discuss the plan at an upcoming Council meeting. 7. Adiourn. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER BELSAAS AND SECONDED BY FRANKLIN DENN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 3 .;J..t . . . SA. Council Agenda - 2/8/99 Consideration of approvine City/Township joint resolution supportine annexation of the Community United Methodist Church site. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve annexation of the Methodist Church site due to the impending development of the property. This request follows action by the MOAA Board approving annexation of the site to the city. 'rhe follow-up resolution being considered today by the City Council was delayed to coincide with the timing of development of the site. Now that construction will occur relatively soon, it is appropriate to consider annexation at this time. As additional background, the rezoning and conditional use requests were approved by the City on May 11, 1998. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt resolution supporting annexation of the Community United Methodist Church site. If this option is selected, the resolution will be forwarded to the Township. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the resolution supporting annexation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. . . . IN TilE MATTER OF THE AMENDMENT TO TIlE JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ORDERLY ANNEXATION BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I)URSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 414.0325, SURD. 1 TO: Minnesota Municipal Board 165 Metro Square Building St. Paul, MN 55101 The Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello hereby jointly agree that the joint resolution bctwccn the Town ofMonticcllo and the City of Monticello designating an area for orderly annexation datcd March 6, 1998, be amended to include the following: Both the Town and the City agree that no alteration of the stated boundaries of this agreement is appropriate. Furthermore, both parties agree that no consideration by the Board is necessary. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Municipal Board may review and comment but shall, within 30 days, order the annexation of the following-described property in accordance with the terms of the joint resolution. Property known as Community United Methodist Church: The West 369.50 feet of the East 435.50 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, and the West 369.50 feet ofthe East 435.50 feet of the South Half of 1,ot 22 of AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the centerline of County Highway No. 118. Except the South 500.00 feet of the East 435.50 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. Approved by the City of Monticello this ~ day of ,19_ City Administrator Mayor Approved by the Town of Monticello this _ day of ,19_ T own Chair Town Clerk ~It- / . . . 58. Council Agenda - 2/8/99 Consideration of Library Board appointment. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the two recent appointments to the Library Board by thc Council at thc first meeting of the year, there still remained one vacancy on the Board for a term that would cxpire December 31, 1999. This vacancy had never been filled for the past two years, and recently Librarian Marge Bauer indicated that Mr. Torn Parker, who resides at 1125 West River Street, has indicated a willingness to serve on the Library Board. Marge indicated that Mr. Parker is an NSP employee and has architectural background experience that may be beneficial for the Library Board in dealing with remodeling and upgrading of the library facility in the future. If the Council is comfortable with the recommendation to appoint Mr. Parker to the remaining one-year term, a simple motion to approve is all that is necded. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Confirm thc appointment of Mr. Torn Parker to the vacant position on the Library Board with the term to expire December 31,1999. 2. Do not appoint at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It's the recommendation ofthe Administrator, along with Librarian Marge Bauer, that Mr. Parker be added to the Library Board effective immediately. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 2 . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 sc. Consideration of renewine membership in Economic Development Partnership of Wrieht County. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has again received a request for continuing our membership in the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County for 1999. The membership dues for the City would remain at $1,004.50, the same amount as in the past years, but it would also have an additional $500 that is still expected to be contributed by the Monticello Chamber/IDC, making the total City contribution $1,504.50. The City has been a member of the Economic Development Partnership since December 1993. The membership fee has been split between the IDC and the City with approximately $1,000 being paid by the City and the other $500 contributed by the IDC. With the IDC turning over its finances to the Chamber of Commerce, it is my understanding that the Chamber has been willing to absorb the other $500 contribution if the City renews its membership. With the City having its own Economic Development Director, many of the programs being proposed by the County Partnership arc already existing locally such as our revolving loan program, our own marketing efforts through the IDC and the City, and other consulting services that we provide in trying to attract businesses. Originally when the City considered membership in this newly-formed county organization, there were concerns that many of the activities proposed by the Partnership would be duplications of efforts and programs that the City currently has. The basic reason for joining the Partnership was that, although wc had our own economic development department, what's good for the county would ultimately be good for the city in encouraging tax base increases throughout the county. In addition, even though the Partnership may be geared toward assisting smaller communities in the county, the City would benefit in the future by being positioned to accommodate larger industries that may need a larger work force and/or a good transportation network for their business location. Finally, we also did not want to be the only major community in the county not to participate with the Wright County Partnership. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve continued membership in the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County at a cost of $1 ,004.50 as invoiced. Under this alternative, the City would continue membership with the understanding that the Chamber of Commerce would be responsible for the balance of the membership dues of $500. 3 Council Agenda - 2/8/99 . 2. Motion to deny continued membership in the Economic Development Partnership due to the duplication of efforts already being accomplished through our own economic development programs. C. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON: While the staff recognizes that the County Partnership undoubtedly duplicates programs and activities we currently provide ourselves, staff supports continued membership in the organization with the Chamber of Commerce contributing $500. Most Wright County communities are members of the Partnership, and it would appear appropriate for the City of Monticello to continue as a member also. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter, invoice, and membership dues structure. . . 4 * . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP OF WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A NON-PROFIT PRIVATE/PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP '-_.."'~","~,_.._- _._"'.._-"--"'._-~'._-'-'.~._.'."--_."--".._". January 20, 1999 Rick Wolf steller City Administrator City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway, Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Wolf steller, 1 would like to take this opportWlity to thank you and the City of Monticello for your membership with the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County in 1998. Because of your support the Partnership has been able to advance itself as an organization as well as impact Wright COWlty'S economy and business environment. . 1998 was again abusy and successful year for the Partnership. Major accomplishments included: · R~eiving,501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and state certification as a Community Development Corporation. · Coordinating funding for dIe start-up of Mink Lake Manufacturing in Buffalo. It" ;'FUnding the second expansion of Eden Electronics in Montrose. ~, . D~erm!~ing ,1.99"7,a~dl 99.8bu~iness expansi~n projectstQ have contributed.$1,8 to the county'~economy.' , · Hosting several business workshops in the spring and fall for area business owners. · LaWlching a web page to promote the County, the Partnership, and its members. · Assisting the City of South Haven with its wastewater treatment project. · Completing a business retention and expansion survey of the COWlty'S businesses. The Partnership's Board of Directors have developed action plans for 1999 that include: · Increasing marketing efforts for Wright COWlty and its commWlities. · Addressing the labor shortage by promoting and coordinating resources that enhance the productivity ofbusiriesses. · Seeking expanded financial resources that enhance the economic environment of the county. Recent elections have resulted in new council members for many of Wright County's communities. For the benefit of new members (as well as veteran), 1 would be happy to appear before the council to give a brief presentation on the Partnership and answer any questions you mayh'ave. J can b~ reached at (6~2) 477-3086. Thank you for your continued ~upport. . Sincbrely, . ';' " . ' ". ' . ~~~ Marc Nevinski Executive Director o , , , CC Roger Bclsaas, Kiuy BaUos - Chamber of Commerce Enclosures: Invoice, Dues Schedule . PO Box 525, 6800 ELECTRIC DRIVE, ROCKFORD, MN 55373 (612) 477-3086; FAX (612) 477-3054 SC-I . . , Economic Development Partnership of Wrie:ht Countv Invoice 1999 January 20, 1999 1999 Supporting Membership Dues for: City of Monticello City portion (Based on 1990 population of 4941) Chamber IIDC's portion on behalf of the City Total $1004.50 $500 $1504.50 Please return a copy of this invoice along with your payment to: Cathy Thisius EDP of Wright County Security State Bank PO Box 449 Maple Lake, MN 55358 The Economic Development Partnership of Wright County is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Membership dues are tax deductible. A receipt will be sent to you confirming your 1999 contribution to the Partnership. Thank you for your continued support of the Economic Development Partnership. Should you have any questions regarding the Partnership, please contact Marc Nevinski at (612) 477-3086. S-c-~ . . . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP of WRIGHT COUNTY 1999 Membership Dues Structure Wright County $ .50 per capita* Municipalities < 1000 1001-2500 2501-5000 > 5000 $ 100.00 plus .10 per capita $ 500.00 $ 500.00 plus .10 per capita $ 1000.00 plus .10 per capita Townships $ 100.00 plus .10 per capita Utility Companies $ 1000.00 plus .10 per capita TelecommlUlications Provider $ 1000.00 Banks & Lending Institutions Deposits up to $25 M Deposits of $25 M to $50 M Deposits of$50 M to $75M Deposits over $75 M $ 250.00 $ 500.00 $ 750.00 $1000.00 Associate $ 50.00 (Includes non-business, non profit, schools and civic organizations) Businesses I to 4 employees * * 5 to 10 employees 11 to 20 employees 21 plus employees $ 75.00 $ 100.00 $ 150.00 $ 200.00 Honorary Member (Appointed by the Board of Directors) No Dues Required *Per capita rates are based on 1990 census. **Number of employees includes active owners and management and pertains to regular employees (over 20 hours per week) Part Time employees of 20 hours per week or less to be counted as 1/2 employees S-C-3 . . . 5D. Council Agenda - 2/8/99 Consideration of annual hi2hway maintenance a~recment with Wri~ht County. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item involves our annual maintenance agreement with Wright County for portions of CSAH 75 (Broadway) and CSAH 39 (Elm Street and Golf Course Road). In an agreement with Wright County, the City of Monticello performs winter maintenance on CR 75 (Broadway) from Willow Street on the west portion of our community to the j unction of CR 39 and 118 on the eastern portion of the community . We also sweep this section of road one time in the spring for Wright County. In addition, we do about 25% of the snow and ice removal on that section ofCSAH 39 from Broadway to the public works building. Each year the County reimburses us based upon the maintenance costs for the County per mile for previous years. For example, our 1999 Maintenance Agreement reimburses us $8,712.66 based upon the 1997 annual cost per mile to the County for similar services. The City of Monticello has continued to do this maintenance, as we feel it offers a better level of service to our citizens. A copy of the agreement is enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the 1999 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County as enclosed with the reimbursement for this year of $8,712.66. 2. The second alternative is not to approve the maintenance agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the maintenance agreement as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Highway Engineer; 1999 Maintenance Agreement. 5 7856 Jet. T.R. 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone (612)682-7383 Facsimile (612) 682-7313 8 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, F.E. Highway Engineer 682-7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS, P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer 682-7387 RICHARD E. MARQUETTE Right of Way Agent 682-7386 v~,.y Ok "C~ J-~Z ~lJ ""I -4 "y WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 December 23, 1998 Rick W olfsteller, Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: 1999 Maintenance Agreement :::> L- n' ~f(;.f- Dear Mr. ~rsteller: It is once again time to renew our annual municipal agreement for the maintenance activities on the road(s) listed on the enclosed agreement. . You may remember that the costs used in computing the reimbursement for the maintenance agreements is the highest average annual cost per mile for either the rural or municipal roadway segments in the previous year. This is consistent with state-aid procedures. In most cases maintenance activities are more costly in municipal areas therefore these are the routine maintenance costs that are used in computing the cost per mile for reimbursement. To give you an idea of the cost for each maintenance activity we have shown the 1997 average cost per mile for each activity in the 1999 maintenance agreement. I have enclosed two copies of the 1999 agreement for your review and approval by the City Council. Please return both copies of the executed agreement. After approval by the County Board, one of the copies will be returned to you for your files. A check reimbursing your city for the maintenance activities covered under our 1998 agreement, will be sent to you under separate cover. If you have any questions concerning this or if you note any discrepancies please don't hesitate to contact our office. Happy Holidays! Sincerely, Zi!z~. ~ Wayne . Fingalson Count Highway E . Enc.: (2) 1999 Mun. Maintenance. Agts. Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer 51) - I MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - 1999 s THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the County of Wright hereinafter referred to as the "County". . WHEREAS, Chapter 162, Minnesota Statutes, permits the County to designate certain roads and streets within the City as County State Aid Highways, and WHEREAS, the City has concurred in the designation of the County State Aid Highway within its limits as identified in County Board's resolutions of August 28, October 8, November 5, December 3, December 27, 1957 and January 7, 1958, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of all parties that the duties and responsibilities of both the City and the County as to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED with regard to said County State Aid Highway maintenance: That the City will be responsible for routine maintenance on the following highways. MAINT. PLAN ROAD SEGMENT MILES COST/MI. * TOTAL COST* C. CSAH 75 Willow S1. to E. Jet. CSAH 39 3.74 1,689.49 $6,318.69 (Includes four lane portion.) D. CSAH 39 From City Public Works Bldg. to 0.32 422.37 135.15 W. Jet. of CSAH 75 B. CSAH 75 Four lane portion 3.10 645.38 2,000.67 B. CSAH 39 From CSAH 75 to Kampa Cir. 0.40 645.38 258.15 . ESTIMATED TOTAL = $8,712.66 That routine maintenance shall consist of the following: (Maint. Plan) C. (CSAH 75) - Snow and ice removal. D. (CSAH 39) - 25 % of the snow and ice removal. B. One-time spring sweeping only. *Based on 1997 average annual costs. That when the City deems it desirable to remove snow by hauling, it shall do so as its own expense. The City shall also be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard related maintenance outside the curb or street area. That the County will be responsible for all other maintenance. That the City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the -City only and not of the County; and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a ~nsequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged on any of the work or services ~vided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. (Sheet 1 of 2) 5D-2- That the County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatever nature or character, whether at law or equity, arising out of or by reason of the execution, omission or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County including, but not limited to, claims made arising out of maintenance obligations of County, engineering, eesign, taking or inverse condemnation proceedings. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City; and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under the Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. That in December of 1999 ,the City shall receive payment from the County for their work. This amount shall be based on the 1998 average annual cost per mile for routine maintenance on Municipal County State Aid Highways. The average annual cost per mile will reflect only those costs associated with the areas of routine maintenance for which the City is responsible. ADOPTED: ,19_ ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk . CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of said City on , 19_, City Clerk APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Name of City Chairman of the Board Date ATTEST: County Coordinator Date . (Sheet 2 of 2) 6D-3 . . . SE. Council Agenda - 2/8/99 Consideration of Change Order No. 19 for City Project #93-14C. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change Order No. 19 involves seven changes at the wastewater treatment plant, each ranging in cost from a low 01'$148 to a high 01'$7,746, for a combined total of$18,067. The two most significant items of these changes involved the supernatant remover for the sludge storage tank and valving and freeze protection for the draw off of clear liquid from the sludge to reduce the overall amount of sludge at a cost of $6,206. The other item, totaling $7,746, involved the addition of dampers and controls to be able to run the heat pasteurization class A sludge system if the odor control system is not functioning. Once we start the class A process, we risk losing the entire inventory should the class A heat pasteurization process be stopped for any great length of time. Consequently, this change was put in as a safeguard against losing our inventory of class A sludge. We are getting close to the last CPR's on the project. There are approximately five items that are being worked on on a time and material basis that will generate CPR's. We are also working on final discussions with the engineer and contractor on any extras they feel they may have coming, and liquidated damages and other charges the City feels it has coming. The two remaining issues to solve at the facility are the operation of the heat pasteurization class A sludge system and such testing and approval as the odor control covers on the sludge storage facility and SBR's. Final punch list items are being worked on, and we are moving toward completion of the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve Change Order No. 19 in the amount of $18,067. This brings the total change order amount on the project to $485,881.50, or 4.19% of the original contract amount. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the change order. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and HDR to approve Change Order No. 19 as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 19 and a description of each one of the CPR's that make up the change order. 6 IiR. Change Order No. . W~rTI'G~ BIOl'l HOR PRljlilcl No.: 0812J1.OO4.164 owner's prcjeetNo.~ '930140 'oct Ccn~r. AdQlbon and ~ at Is 41greecf to mOdify U\o OJn..=- ~I.od to above IS follows: tern NQ. ItBm 8nd d Charlaes COnnet. Pt1co CM!1'aCt Tll'I'l(;l ~ IMnlM8 DeaHSe fneree& 1 CPR No. 166 0 16.209 Q IaV& Oc avs 2 CM No. 172 0 5148 0 &'f'S Oc IaY9 :3 PF\ No. 118 0 17.746 0 avs Oc law 4 PR No. 187 0 ~ Oc :w 0 :avtl S 8020 s-.arW:Iltor 0 $0'4 o da\l 0 ~ 6 PR 11scmec"'al'lloaJ DOriIonI 0 s:aS9$ odev Odi:\vo 7 Mi..llaneoos iBR;4I1J 0 $451 o d." OdaVSlo SUI).. Total $0 $18.061 Odavs o daVe Nit o claW summary: It is ~ tD modify me Conner referred ,., above as follows: 41 (deer@_IIi1) of lI'1is Ol1ange Order Conlraet Tme prior to this Changa Ordlw nterlm compJettOn lntM: ~ 1, 1998, Man:h 1, 1'li198 and ApI'il1, 1WB T1aI etbn Oatil; ~ IS. 1998' Net Increase (dtenl:8S8) or !hi! Change Omer o R~ COrlhet Time wftn ell approved Change Ofdtrs Contrc:t Price prior 1D this ChQnqa Owder 1:$ 1 B.067 1it8yised Contract Price with e. ippl'CYed Chlln98 0fdenI Interim COInpfetiOl'l DateS: Gb~ 1, 1998. Mefch 1. 1998lSnd Apri 1. 1998 ins! - : 15 1 8 ,.. chllllgU lnelud.t In this Ch4Ilge 0RIet' are to be accomplished in ~da..ce with tilt!! tenns, stlpulaUans Md IW~ndf ~ns D.}1M,~ . ~Contract: as mOUgh Includlld therein. , ~/~~ I 2-!C//9,! Po r conuaclor by. _ ~ DaJ:(1 111i~{;::.l ~tV\./ .1 P-ILffi1 RGoommOnde<S fOr App1'OV8113y (HOA Engineering, Inc.) 0ai8 $ 11 ,749,OIf.SO J I J I AJ)prOVCtd fOr O'Mler by; Aaeat 0. Oisb1but1on: ~r L-..JOcntraetor ~CQ L-JFl9ld L-Jothet The City of Monticello agrees that by paying Adoifson & Peterson, Inc. for ange Order 119, Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. does not waive or forfeit any time airn(s) pursuant to article 12 of General Conditions Agreement between the rties. extension . G~/1 ~ hIIIm CPR No. DeSoription Amount 165 $il,.2.06 . 2 172 $141$ 3 178 Added dampQr and exhaust piping to Hut Pe::steurizatlon system dl,ll;:work $1.746 Pu ose: To exhaust to atmQs l1e~ when biofilter il) not nmnin . drafl control 4 1B7 Add.0d circuit 10 &an'lfJler SMP1006 S311e p oae: E:dra eiTcuit fO( the twO- 5 NA. $514 6 113 S2,6Gl8 7 iliA $457 TDtaI 00 No.19! S18 .00 Original e.,..tract Amount: S11,283,.:,lOO.Dll Change Ord$l' No.. 1 $0.00 2 ($4.607.00) G M,llIaa,QO . 4 $10,376.00 5 $10,GaG.OO I> $12.682.50 ., $:3$.$2.00 a S2S,64:3.00 9R SO.OO 10 137,047.00 11 $59,201.00 12 S2S,074.00 13 $0.00 14 $23,174.so 16 $66.041.QQ 18 $3.2,024..00 17 SQ6.642.50 18 $2Q.240.00 19 $18.067.00 $465,88'.50 4.1$% <i vri$lMl ~r1Iot_1 ~9Vil:Ad CcIntlUt Amount: S'1.749.D81.50 -'''' ..... ** TOTAL PAGE.0~ ** . ~ Adolfson , I & Peterson Construction ;E/~ . . . SF. Council Agenda ~ 2/8/99 Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit within the I-I zoning district to allow co-location of a wireless antenna placement on an existin:: tower. Applicant: MCTC - Minneapolis Cellular Telephone Company. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On February 2, the Planning Commission conducted the public hearing and recommended approval of a request to allow co-location of a wireless antenna on the existing tower at the Bondhus site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt recommendation by the Planning Commission as noted under alternative #1 of the attached report. 2. Motion to deny approval of the conditional use permit request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of report to Planning Commission. 7 . . . Planning Commission Agenda -02/02/99 5. Public Hearing - Considerationofa reQuest for a Conditional Use Permit within the 1-1 Zoning District to allow co-location of a wireless antenna placement on an existine tower. Apolicant: MCTe. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: MCTC (Minneapolis Cellular Telephone Company) is requesting approval ofa Conditional Use Permit to place an antenna array on the existing US West wireless communications tower currently located on the Bondhus property on East Broadway. The MCTC antennas would be mounted below the US West antennas, and the shelter would be constructed within the existing fenced enclosure. The shelter is a 12 foot by 18 foot structure, 9 feet high, and would be constructed of rock aggregate panels. The applicant has indicated that the area is screened in part by existing evergreen trees, but will be partially visible for west bound traffic on Broadway (County Highway 75). No additional construction relating to the US West monopole tower would occur with this project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for MCTC, based on a finding that the co-location meets the intent of the City's wireless antenna regulations, subject to a condition that low evergreen shrubs are added to the east and north side of the enclosure to enhance the landscaping and screening of the ground facilities. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the co-location, based on a finding that the additional antennas and ground equipment will further compromise the aesthetics of the East Broadway area. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP, subject to the submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the CUP with the screening condition listed in Alternative 1. The intent of the Wireless Antenna ordinance which was adopted recently was to encourage, if not require, co-locations of antennas where possible, in an effort to minimize the proliferation of wireless towers in the community. This application appears to meet the objectives of the ordinance, and the additional screening at the base would enhance the most visible portion of the installation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Detailed Facility Plan -1- ~p~1 .-PZ-M { R1 ~~ - ~rre t,..l QJ~H7N T . Z T SCHOOL >TATES R1 ~ . ~~/v Exhibit A - Site Location . UHlJUTB . ro ANTENNA SITE SUBLEASE AGREEMENT DESCRIPTION OF SUBLEASED PREMISES Description of Site I Site Sketch (CUr-rt . '7 ~r..v y 45 I..)::r- ~ ..... ") a.r" I'/r(\ -<5 xY'o' P. R. -,....r. .. t i A. '-K s " - ^ .~t1; ~()#1IV 6r '-:; Exhibit B M Site Plart , '1 /:. . ......:.$' ~ -;-.)': "- /y ,,)-~ <?-< '> ... ..,..c___ hC-'7)~~~'~~~'-_. t -<. l'd";'PANV bI.. \ \ ~7 ~// i- / .<. F"ENCE INSTAlLED ' / <.,Y E:<lSTING BUILDING . ~ '/ BY US WEST Y bOtJb 11/15 CO~P. ~ ;:; . 0/ .... {(,.0..__~. ',+ . _.~'. ""j, ..., ..' ,.' -. .A (1.,/ f~ v~ '. - . "_ - - _a,. fl. '.. ... .~ ....... - . '. . . -. -'. ..,.....-. +- IONOPOLE' AZIMUTH) Fi N at> .41.$.,4- I!,: lfD I L':J 'f..;ZS' WI P -\-. .".<-- c.+tL! tJJ>b(~ US WEST ANTENNAS (BETA 4) 165" AZIMUTH) TENNAS ~IMUTH) 1. ~ 32' I d Facility Plan . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 5G. Consideration of tinal payment and acceptance of Resurrection Church and Methodist Church improvements, Project 98-01C. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project was initiated to extend sanitary sewer service to the Resurrection Church and Methodist Church properties. The project was previously assessed to the benefiting properties. The contract as bid was for $40,804.24, with a total constructed value of $41,911.25. The contract has been fulfilled and all punch list items addressed adequately. We therefore recommend the City accept the project, initiate the warranty period, and process final payment to Kuechle Underground, Inc., of Kimball, MN, in the amount of $2,095.56. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to accept the project as constructed, process final payment, and initiate the warranty period. 2. The second alternative would be to not accept the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the project be accepted as constructed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Final pay voucher. 8 . '.., . , ,. f il~ '. FEB-05-1999 14:10 .& WSS ..--.... & Associates, Inc. WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 350 Westwood Lake OffIce 8441 'Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 612-541-4800' FAX 541-1700 February 2, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello,:MN 55362 Re: Final Construction Pay Voucher No.2 Resurrection Church / Methodist Church Sanitary Sewer Extension ~~~o/,:~Mo~\.~;mro, 98-01C j,!I!I!!III~!!L~< .",..." .... ....-t Dear Mayor and Council Members: 6125411700 P.03/05 B.A. Minc15tead[, P.E. Brct A. Weiss. RE. l'ctcr R. Willenbring. RE. Donald ~ Sterna, RE. Ronald B. Bray, RE. Enclosed are tlu'ee (3) copies of the final Construction Pay Voucher No.2 for the referenced , project in the amount of $2,095.56. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: 1) Satisfactory showing that the Contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding State Income Tax and; 2) 'Evidence in the form of an Affidavit that all claims against the Contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. Please make payment in this amount to Kuechle Underground, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, InG <DAJ-A- J~ Bret A. Weiss, P .E. City Engineer Enclosures c: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Kuechle Underground, Inc. run MinneApolis · St. C/ouJ I"fr4lt1WtuN EnginlWS PIA",,". EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~G~I F: iW7'trI/i.JOlI6.W --'4" FEB-05-1999 14:11 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. CONSTRUCTION PAY VOUCHER 6125411700 P.04/05 ,- .' ESTIMATE VOUCHER NUMBER: . WSB PROJECT NUMBER: .PROJECT: 2 (FINAL) 1096.01 DATE PERIOD ENDING: January 22. 1999 January 15. 1999 RESURRECTION CHURCH J METHODIST CHURCH SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA KUECHLE UNDERGROUND, INC. 20 MAIN STREET NORTH, PO BOX 509 KIMBALL. MN 55353 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATE: COMPLETION DATE: May 11, 199B WORK STARTED: WORK COMPLETED: . ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL ADDIT10NS TOTAL DEDUCT10NS TOTAL FUNDS ENCUMBERED TOTAL WORK CERTIFIED TO DATE LESS RETAINED PERCENTAGE LESSPREVIOUSPAYM~ TOTAL PAYMEN18 INCL. T1i1S VOUCHER BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER $40,804.24 $0.00 $0,00 $40.804.24 0.00% $41.911.25 $0.00 $39,815.69 $41.911.25 ($1,107.01) $2.095.56 APPROVALS WSB &ASSOCIA~S INC. In ao:otclance with field ObMMllion, II p.rfonned in accordance with indultIy and.rdl, and b.Nd on our praft"lona' opinion. the materials installed are satisfactory and the wr;)r1< properly performed In acxordanoe whh the plana and IpeclfiCllions. The total wo,. i iss ea eatitinmllted to be 100% completed 8$ ofJ,nuary15,1998. Weherebyreeommendpaymentofthilvoucher. 0 I ~ Signed: Signed: l.S>A.tt J.. COnstruction ObStrver PrOject ManagerJEnglnear KUECHLE UNDERGROUND, INC. This is to QJrtify that to the bat of my knowleclge, information, and belief, the quantltlell and values of work c::trtified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by thl, voucher. Ccntradcr; Date: Signed: TItle: CITY OF MONT1CELLO Checked by: Approved for payment: Aulhoriad Representative Dale: .le: tiG; V F;\WPWlN\l Q96.0IWo.:'fI\IL . ------ ,--~-,-,~-_.~._._~._,._._-'~'_.,--_.. - _.~- . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 7. Consideration of a request for a subdivision within the 1-2 Zoning District to allow a lot line relocation. Applicant: Greg Ebert. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At its last meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed lot split/resubdivision of the Martie Farm Store parcel at Dundas Road and Oakwood Drive. The subdivision as designed included a number of internal jogs in the proposed lot line to account for the current encroachment of the existing building onto the proposed lot. Since the proposed lot line did not provide the required 30-foot side yard setback from the existing building, staff had suggested an alternative layout which meets the setbacks, maintains slightly more than the minimum lot width, and minimized the jogs in the new lot line. However, the applicant indicated that the revised proposal by staff would not provide adequate buildable area for the new user. Several options were discussed by the Planning Commission, but no consensus resolution was arrived at. Consequently, the Planning Commission voted to deny the proposed subdivision and directed the applicant to reapply with another alternative. The Planning Commission discussion indicated that they would be willing to consider a new lot line which included some jogs, but would not be interested in considering a variance for setback since the condition was caused by the property owner--a situation which disqualifies the proposal for variance consideration. The applicant will be approaching the Planning Commission with a revised subdivision in March, at which time he will also be bringing forward a request for a conditional use permit for the use of the new lot. The applicant has indicated that the CUP site plan will include improvements which should help to minimize concern over the lot line layout. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve the subdivision, subject to meeting all setbacks and other zoning criteria applicable in the 1-2 District. 2. Motion to deny the subdivision based on a finding that the Planning Commission has directed the applicant to resubmit the proposal with a revised layout concurrent with the request for a conditional use permit. 3. Motion to table action on the subdivision subject to additional information. - 6 \ ~"' t. ~~I 9 Council Agenda - 2/8/99 . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staffrccommends denial, based on the Planning Commission's findings and that the applicant has indicated his intent to prepare a revised subdivision and site plan. Although the design was not finalized during the Planning Commission's discussion of the item, the applicant was given direction which he agreed was adequate to provide him with the ability to revise the proposal and prepare plans for the next meetings in March. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Survey Exhibit C - Alternate Lot SplitI"ayouts . . 10 FEB-03-1999 09:32 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/04 e>- .~~~~~~~Di~.~..7[ 'I ~ ~1IllF4 'iIlJi~":i....( '7 ~. :--....... 1)~oq.~~~~~~""<.~. "JtJ~ if2 '~~'oJ!'>:.:.' ..., -r .7-01 "'J.~ 'i '-i../rf rthM~~ ./j.. . 'l.:jl'~ ~... , 'IJ ~. '.tQJ ~ ~ ~ . '/Jft.. .~ ~ ~ '/ fliiff '/'!h",..,. ........ .. l~~ '?lll'~~ "<Y '::<1JIlih: ~ ~~ ~." . 1IfIII!Ii~ ~ , ~"- ~ 1l.l!j!IP i/;!;Y f1 ~ "~'l ~~'~~J. I -......0. 'fI, '1.J:1b.... "lJj,,,- I"m:P ~ ~ ';.f..lJ':Ji..,. :!..[/l f fJJiD / 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ . 'I 'U1"r7 -!!Iff / ~ .u;[ ~ ~ t;f!l/f lJ;;?J. 0. ':PT ~ ~ YJ ~ - ;".- 1!Il tg! _");I j. ,~ 7 f '1:t~ liJ. ~/'~ ~[~ ~~ CI'I ~J"/ ~ . ~. "lgl/~. ) ~ '/ R 'l:J. ~ · ~ 1'- :<; <l h ) _____ ~m .,.. f ~ ~ 'Y '0~ ~~ ~... ~~ ~ '- 1'/" (.} f ~ -. I ,,-J:./ , :."lJ. ~ 'rJEB:""" :co-. H;~A" .... 'J; ..J .. . """- "// --., 1li.,... ~ I ~ ~ . 'h Ii......- \:... -, I ~7') -., ~ __ -:- . . . ~"ti~...~ ~...:::; 't5'" I "oj -.01 ~~ -..... " ".. ' . . .. ..... ~ . I t ~ ~ ~ ,~--- 'IP.A~ 63' ...-..~~ ...~~ . ~~~ 1::::= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 .rlJ6..( ~ ............. ~ ~ '.: I 'R ~ "'i1~ '-4~ PS I ~ . /~, ...1., "I" /~ ~:. t~'If~ '. · . ':. A~~' ~ ,. 'V \ 7 ,,~~'A : __~~C~. · ~l,~' I, C 1. I ~~l~'" " I 1 - ..:a ~~ #- Q- , _ 1 I. 1'1 ~ ~ (/) ~ ....... e :::E - ...J u \~ lJJj P;~ I · I Z ' ~ - s.... ~~ JA ~ !STA';~ ~ ....,..t:,. ~,'..I./fil I .... . ::J I' '~. .. ~"';"i"." : --.!.... :2:?1'- I 1 - A D- P. .~!A!.A' .~. _ - ~ : ~ I "A~ ';', ..~ ,&. 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DUNDAS ___ _ __ _.....-- IIiII _ _ _ _ _ ___~ - -__ ...,. ,f"Iit fI...,... ..XI J .. f! :.. Ii ~ r,.c,..;on.,1 .... .___ __.... ,_.d KLEIN OUTLOT B I I I I , I, !B I I I I I I I I I . , I \. I I I BL.OCK I 1 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I _J , ROAD --------- - INDU5TRlt_ 2 ~ ~ '- ~ .~ 3 " '" . t<l \. , . :; " '.....t."hllt.~.....::"" t:"":- ;:'7;"'oA" :;;-;-:.R' -;:7':. , . ~ r-:.. I e, ..i~ EAST 392. r-~ __--- .!'~t::'~.;!.;'_ __ _____:.._ _ _ _ - ~iI_ _ __ _ __ ___ ___...___._ ~ I I 22J, 08 lU.OO' 1111- ~ . .. . I ..; I ~ . . . t!: . . ,:, ' I k r------~----, :~ I OAKJvOOO ~ ~ .. I .., : i " ~ L__J 1: i 's aj'V"'" E ( t: II " I' ,JfI,!O I III! ..,; ~~ #I J (~: i . I ~ \t: I PARCEL A I ~ I ~ ~ I' l.OIi ACi'ES I." I ... ! . .. I . I",;:.... :at I, c.! ! i ... ............. ,. ~ I' !l: "I fl;fr/>C .... I : ~ I I ;,,.=~:~~!..(I:. ' ,$ r : 'I I If ~~~&\'I.. , PARCEL 1 It... ~ // e.4S A:;;!J I t ~ r I I ,- i I I LD~ ! I j : I I : ~ I I II . 'I" It:: I : . . ~ I' ~ i 41 1 'J" I "l_ ______________--------.;.,!;,' or, 1;, I . lI. l~ ~ !~,..:f1I'. ClCf.-=:.:tW/Jt IIC':;'!" rl~~ ~ " ..- T -, - :\':"i/"", -:, ~..=' Ui.'! I s f;'21'JS' E ~1i.OO' ". ~ - ~ ":89'21'35,'. ~ \.____....,..,..-- '; . ,..r::. I I _- ["I r- I I 'I ~ ,I ( t l. I I ''1'1; I. I l ~.;l I I ~ ~l I . t ;., I ~ ....i 1 ~. , I ! ~ , . , I ~ ~l 'j ~ c;: I 1 ~: I . I; . I .. I; I . I I : --~--~----- . w~..~.....'W""".; L I'. . I ~""! :t--------~~~'f,fi:7- "'--lI--. ---- 'f' H.e~'2;;JJ..~..~,; lJjr~..I"1I. &,A"'J ' ~~~r ;, ~:c U-.'" .;:,.. I FARMS !. Exhibit B · Site Survey 7-2- FEB-03-1999 09:33 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I' I I I . , I , .. I II .. I I I ~I ~I ~I I fSl ~ ~I C11 , I I I I " I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I NAC 612 595 9837 P.04/04 --------------------, ., ,.,. :1 '"'' ..._ J ~.... "",.,.., - DUNDAS · ROAD -------~ 2.06 AC;;U . ----i'iJ:;-------- 1t.S'.t1 ., , I I I I I I I I I ..4L;(€fl.N ' IIJE 'P~boS>t' P.7'f ~ I I , , I, I I i8 I 1 I --~... INDUSTRlk 2 00 ~ , 'j I I I I t 'I I. I I I BLOCK I I I I 1 1 I '1 I 1 I :. . I I I J _J ~ EA~r 392. r-!-----::~:~~--------~--- I I' 223,08 ~I. ~ I ~ " , ::: , :.1 I i I OAKt~OOO :, 1--". ~...,~ =11. D~~ ~, ~ t' ~ I R...otJ ,~ ~ "'C:J. ~III-I. (::'1'( . ," ~ Ill~! I 'PARCEL A ~ ~ '! ,. e ~ ;. I ~ i I ~ J~' ... .; t: :i - III "'I I ! I I J i ! ~ I : . ~ ", 1 ' "1_ ______________--------..:" i t t.",,~ ~ f&."f.Ji~~. l!t'1:=:'f:.:r. _~n. t_~rt!:", "" __ --~ . '''~i I \ T S ti'ZJ"35' E Z$o.CO .Iol>!:";==o;,~ ';~'e!i'il'JS'" " ,_-__~-- .; , ,p, I I . --...-... . I "I r- I I. S . I ~ 'I ~ L 1 .{ I' 1 '" l 1 :. . I t ~ .1 \ ..; \ Jl\ "I : lQ ;1 , ~ .... ,;1 . ,.1 ~. , I n:! ~ ... I , \ ~l I ~ ;; I , :e, I ; I; . I .. I: I I:, L__-------. ....-v ...-&:... . -.,co ,r.- ' L . )l.. . . . I __ __ ..., ~"'=':"-__:_~-:.-~::'~'..'fi.~. H S9'21"J1' It Ja..! r... ,~. II' ,.' I. ...10 J * ~1""Ll'C'''''';W.::'' , FARMS !. LOi .-'J,t.r:::~n.~ 7"J .~~~ ~~ ~..c:: ~~ KLEIN OUTLOT e i::: '~ 3 !. " -, , i" ~. .' .! , . --- ~~;.~.....:.. ---- ~ ,_ iIto ;~iJf~' 0(':'-." .... ,. . - 1~3 ~~.. . ~I ,l.!~ Exhibit C - Alternative Lot Split Layouts TOTAL P. 04 . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 8. Consideration of alternatives for disposition of Riverview Square plat remnant parcel. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a recent City Council meeting, the Riverview Square preliminary plat was approved under the condition that a remnant parcel north of East County Road 39 was platted along with the Riverview Square plat. Subsequent to the meeting, John Simola and I met with Hilary Hoglund to further study the problem and offer the following plan for handling the remnant parcel. lloglunds have agreed to give the land to the City and will provide $1,000 toward platting costs. The City would then take care of platting the property a cost of $5,000. The City could then sell or keep the land. Prior to sale, the City will need to vacate underlying utility and roadway easements. It is not known at this time if there are any buyers for the land. In lieu of sale, it could be used as a place for an entrance sign to the community. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to authorize staff to acquire the remnant parcel at no cost plus $1,000. City staff is directed to proceed with the platting and street vacation process once the land is obtained. 2. Motion requiring that the Hoglunds plat the property. Under this alternative, Hoglunds would be required to plat the property and would be responsible for selling it to adjoining property owners if they so desire. This option is complicated by the fact that the underlying land has no value for resale until the City vacates the road and utility easements. The Hoglunds could request vacation of road and utility easements, which would pave the way for sale by Hoglunds. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To expedite the matter, staff recommends alternative #1. This option will assure completion of the platting process and enable the Riverview Square Plat to proceed immediately to final platting stage. Although the land has an odd shape and has limited value to adjoining property owners, it appears that the value of the land is equal to the City's net cost ($4,000). D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map data. 11 , '. o ~ ~ ~ '( ~ )f ~ . ~ ~ ~ ;t- ~ Ci ~ ~. '"lJ . "II -- ~ I, . +1 oa ("0..... <1 ,., n >< o ~ Q.. "t ..J ~ ~ w ~ ' I '- r- , I \ \ \ .~-, -CU"'?Jnl_ 3NI \ 4" .,. .. "~~l ._. ';.;~) \ . i~oto '" ,,";, ~ ~ >.~ \\,~ ~ ", ~. ' , , ; ", ", , " " ".. CD ~~ +0(1) 4. er . N ':T 4. ..J 0.. :::-.- - !'f7l\"" ".t, -'~~"" 0('0", 'T i . -.:'. \:'('60;:(,.. I>- -s...... : / o . '. "P>'., v~ ...... ~,~~, '< ' ~"........... ~ ".... , -, 0--"" ~ "(;l .. . !' 2' "S- {' (;l < ..... """ 'laS-</ 4." o<'f' ~ / .<{ '" ~\ + C\J "'~ ~ <r ~ ---... 0., / 'V..{ l>- I 1l>;z., .:J1>--1 ..yo ~6' ..(0- o..{ .9/& " \ . ~ 1\ ..:- '. ---1-0' .. I ":I' I- o ..J I- ::> o W I , -I{) , o r<) 0Cl -r<) . If) to to o _ UJ N (1) : ~ I j' , , , " ...... " , . S' < /' ...... <0:/( > ~ <t / . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 9. Consideration of establishing relocation benefits for the Riverside Oil bulk petroleum facility. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to review the status of the bulk plant operations and provide direction on further action. A relocation benefit program has been available to the bulk tank operators for a number of months; however, actual relocation ofthe tanks has not occurred due to a number of reasons. The purpose of this report is to update Council on the status of the project and to obtain direction for future action. Since very early in thc process of the development ofthe community center, City staff has been working with the bulk tank operators on development of plans for relocating the tanks. Early in the process, promises were made by the City to the operators that the tanks would be allowed to stay in place until the best time for a move (March/April 1999). The operators have been aware of the relocation benefits for many months and have been attempting to complete relocation plans. At this point in time, plans are still under formulation and cannot be finalized until each operator knows if the City will provide additional economic development funding for development of new bulk tank plant facilities. City Obligation to Provide Relocation Benefits Prior to the community center project, both Riverside Oil and 1M Oil were operating under a 30-day lease. The terms of the lease included an annual payment of$I,200. The lease also required that the site be cleaned up by the operators upon termination of the lease. The relocation benefits provided are, therefore, based on this arrangement. According to Dan Wilson, relocation specialist, the City is obligated to provide relocation benefits; however, the City is not obligated to relocate a business displaced by a govenunental action. In the case of the two bulk plants, it appears obvious that the cost to buy land and develop an up-to-date facility is greater than the funding capacity of the businesses alone. Following are the maximum benefits that consultants and the City Attorney can justify. Riverside Oil - Jeff Michaelis The proposed relocation benefit for Riverside Oil is estimated at $69,000, which is comprised of approximately $28,000 for relocation ofthe tanks (will be based on actuals) and $35,959 for loss of fixtures/property due to the move. An additional $6,000 is provided in addition as an incentive to avoid litigation. If Riverside Oil goes out of business, the benefits will be in the neighborhood of $50,000-$60,000, and the City may be required to demolish the facility. These costs are covered by the clean-up grant. 12 Council Agenda - 2/8/99 .--. . Michaelis has been working toward development of a bulk tank site at the Seefeldt property, which is a site that is properly zoned for the intended use. According to Michaelis, his business cannot support thc actual cost to move from a leased site to a purchased site. Michaelis needs a minimum of approximately $40,000 in economic development assistance to establish his business at the chosen alternative location. JM Oil - Bill Aydt The proposed relocation benefit for JM Oil is $63,200, which is comprised of $28,000 for relocation of the tanks and $29,263 for loss of fixtures/property due to the move. An additional $6,000 is provided in addition as an incentive to avoid litigation. If JM Oil goes out of business, the benefits will be in the neighborhood of $50,000-$60,000, and the City may be required to demolish the facility. These costs are covered by the clean- up grant. Aydt has been looking at sites in the industrial park where land costs will amount to approximately $80,000. Aydt also notes that the cost to relocate is too high for his business to sustain. He is also considering abandoning building a bulk plant and simply buy a bigger truck with his relocation proceeds. He would then ship product in from other bulk tank sites outside Monticello. ~ Both operators need to know if the City will be willing to provide funds above and beyond relocation benefits so that plans can be made accordingly. . Economic Development Funding The City may have some ability to provide funding to assist in establishment of bulk tank facilities based on a finding of public purpose. The City cannot legally provide funds in addition to relocation benefits without determining that there is a public need satisfied by providing funds to a business. In the case of the bulk tank facilities, the public purpose could include the following: 1. Job preservation. 2. Bulk tank facilities provide a necessary service to local businesses and the City itself on a regular and emergency basis. Although fuels can be pure has cd by providers near Monticello, the convenience of local bulk plant to local industries and the City is important. Also, the presence of the bulk tanks and locally stored fuel provided emergency generators with a convenient supply of fuel during the recent wind storm recovery. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIeNS: " 1. Motion to direct City Staff and operators to work with the Economic Development Authority to develop a financing plan that would include a public 13 .-.-- --_......" ----- ..- ,..---"".--- ._-~,._'-- . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 10. Consideration of approval of citizen survey format and questions. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to review the attached survey format and questions prepared by Decision Resources, Inc., at the direction of Mayor Belsaas and Councilmember Thielen. In the next few weeks, over 400 citizens will be selected randomly to respond to the questions. The results should be available by March 8, 1999. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve or modify and approve the survey format and questions. 2. Motion to deny approval of the survey format and questions. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator and the Council subcommittee recommend approval of the survey format and questions as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of survey. 15 . . . (" , . , 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 748 P02 FEE 05 '99 11:33 DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. 3128 Dean Court Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER STUDY REVISED VERSION Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a survey research firm located in Minneapolis. We've been recained by the City of Monticello to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because your city representatives and staff are interested in your opin- ions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE) 1. How long have you lived in the City of Monticello? TWO YEARS OR LESS.... ...1 2.1 TO 5.0 yEARS..... ...2 5.1 TO 10.0 YEARS. ......3 10.1 TO 20.0 YEARS.... ..4 OVi:R TWENTY YEARS.......5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.... ..6 EXCELLENT....... ...... ..1 0000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ONLY FAIR. . . . .. . . . . . . . . - 3 POOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.... ..5 2. How would you rate the quality of life in Monticello -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 3. what do you like most about living in Monticello? 4. In general, what do you think is the most serious issue facing the community today? The City of Monticello has begun construction of a new community center. 5. Prior to this survey, were you aware of this Community Center project? YES. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . 1 NO" . to . . .. . .. . . . . . 'I , . . .. " . . . 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.... ..3 IF "YES," ASK: 6. What have you heard about this project? 1 /0 --' I 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES 748 P03 FEE 05 '99 11:34 . 7. From what you have heard and seen, do you favor or oppose the Community Center project? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? STRONGLY FAVOR....... ...1 FAVOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OPPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 STRONGLY OPPOSE...... ...4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......5 IF "OPPOSE" OR "STRONGLY' OPPOSE," ASK: 6. Why do you feel that way? . As you may know, the city is currently building a Community Center. The building will contain a large community room, meet- ing roomS, a senior center, a teen center, a gymnasium with a walking/running track, an aerobics and exercise area, City Hall offices and National Guard offices. Four other facilities were planned for inclusion: an aquatic facility, a skate park for skate boarders and roller bladers, a climbing wall, and a child- renls indoor play area. These four facilities would have charged user fees to defray their operating expenses. Daily passes for the center would cost about $2.00 for a child, $2.50 for an adult and $10.00 for a family. The property tax increase for the entire project, including the four facilities just discussed, was $____ per month or $____ per year on a $100,000 home; on a $150,000 home the increase was $ per month or $ per year. - - The City is considering removing the aquatic facility, the skate park, the climbing wall, and the children's play area to reduce the property tax increase. Since the Community Center project has already been levied on property taxpayers, each facility removed would reduce property taxes payable in 1999. But, since these facilities draw paying visitors to the center and generate revenue for the city, any loss of operating income may be passed through to taxpayers I so a property tax decrease in the short run may be negated by increases to cover center operating costs. As I re-list each facility, I will indicate the amount of that tax decrease for a $100,000 home. For each one, please tell me if you would strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose its removal. STF SMF SMO STO DKR 9 . An aquatic facility, with a water slide, jacuzzis, a zero-depth pool containing children'S water play equipment and locker rooms. The removal of this facility would decrease your property taxes by $_ per year. 1 2 3 4 5 . 2 !O ,2- 6129296166 DECISION RESOURSES . 10. A skate park for rollerbladers and skateboarders. Its removal would decrease your property taxes by $____ per year. 1 " 11. A climbing wall. Its removal would decrease your property taxes by $___ per year. 1 12. A children'S indoor play area. Its removal would decrease your property taxes by $___ per year. 748 P04 FEE 05 '99 11:34 STF SMF SMO STO DKR 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 3 5 2 4 Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... ~~O~~~ What is your age, please? Stop me 18-24.......... ... ......1 ~ . ~ when I read the interval which 25-34............ .......2 ~\~~~~in. it. 35-44.... ........... ....3 I Could you tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household.... . 14. First, persons over 657 IF SENIORS WERE PRESENT, ASK: 15. Do you or members of your household use the current Senior Center? How likely would you be to use the Senior Center located in the new community Center facility -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely or not at all likely? 17. Other adults, including yourself? 16. 45 - 54. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 55-64. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 65 AND OVER.... '" ......6 REFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.. ....3 VERY LIKELy........... ..1 SOMEWHAT LIKELY... .., ...2 NOT TOO LIKELy....... ...3 NOT AT ALL LIKELy.... ...4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.. ....5 18. School-aged children and pre-schoolers? 19. Do you rent or own your present residence? 20. Gender (BY OBSERVATION) . 21. Area of City ~ ~ ,IS\) \. ~~ 0 J'- \~C~ ~ 3 OWN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % RENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % DON'T KNOW/REFUSED... ...% MAliE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % /0-3 . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 11. Consideration of fundint: participation and construction at:reement with Writ:ht County for improvements to CSAH 75 East. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This agreement with Wright County involves the improvement of CSAH 75 to a point east from the east end of the median in front of the high school, easterly past Hawk's Bar, near the freeway exit ramp. The project involves the construction of a new median, highway, two signal systems (one of which is for the Hospital and School District), large diameter storm sewer installation, pathway reconfiguration and a possible pathway underpass under CSAH 75. This project differs from the CR 1] 8 project in that the City of Monticello is taking the lead on this project rather than the County. The City Engineer has performed traHic counts and conducted staff in pre-design task force meetings, expending near $7,500 on upfront costs for the project. In addition, we have split the cost of aerial photography and topography for the project with the County, with both the County and City each paying $4,000. The project itself is currently estimated by our engineer to be in the neighborhood of $3,000,000. The major sources of funding for the project are Wright County, the City of Monticello, the Monticello School District and/or the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District. The actual costs to the different bodies cannot be given at this time, as the project has not been designed. We do have estimated ballpark figures based upon percentages of costs laid out in the agreement, and those will be discussed further in the text of this agenda supplement. There may also be assessments to adjoining property owners along the highway for such items as curb, etc. With the City taking the lead on the project, we have advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is that we have more freedom in the design and can look at the interest of the City a little bit more than the County would if acting on their own. In addition, we can have more participants in the task force to try to bring harmony into the final design. We can also look at effects to our residents that the construction may have and make sure that our residents are not significantly inconvenienced by thc project. The disadvantage is primarily cost. The City has to upfront and pay for 100% of all the pre-design work, meeting with the different groups, putting traftic data together, and holding public inf()rmational meetings prior to actually getting down to the design work. Secondly, Wright County's funding participation limits them to pay a maximum of 10% of the County's share of the project for engineering, surveying, inspections, and testing services. They have, however, in this case agreed to pay an additional $4,000, or one- half, of the preliminary mapping work for the project. The estimated upfront or engineering costs, excluding our preliminary mapping and design work, is expected to be about ]4%. Consequently, we are losing about 4% of the County's share of the project by taking the lead. If the County's share of the construction project were half, or $] .5 million, it would bc about $67,500 additional cost just to take the lead. We are hoping to reduce this amount by doing the inspection with our own forces, but it does cost money to 16 Council Agenda - 2/8/99 . take the lead on such projects. The County has worked with us to develop an agreement which reaches the maximum allowable payments to the City under County-wide guidelines and policies, so to get more funding from the County is probably not easily achievable. A tally of the various construction cost items and how they would be spread is included in the enclosed agreement for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the agreement with Wright County for the improvement of CSAH 75 as drafted. 2. The second alternative would be to approve the agreement with Wright County contingent upon an amendment made by the City Council. 3. The third alternative would be not to approve an agreement with Wright County. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the City Council approve the agreement as drafted and outlined in alternative #1. We feel the project should move forward and this is our best option at this time. We have discussed and will continue to discuss the possibility of limiting the project in scope to not go further than the existing median in front of Total Mart, and are expecting to use our own inspectors to lower costs. Even if the agreement is approved today, we would continue to work on those issues. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposed agreement with Wright County. . 17 FEB-04-99 THU 11:31 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 . AGREEMENT NO. 98-04 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF mOHW AYS FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT and TIIE CITY OF MONTICELLO . For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR: SAP 86-615-12 CSAH 75 - GRADING, BASE, SURFACING. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL. AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS P:\DA 1 A \WPWlN\AO:\U!BMNT\J'I'A98-Q4,MON ~llnwy 4. lY':J9 . 11-1 s FEB-04-99 THU 11:31 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 p, 03 . COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TIllS AGREEMENT. made and entered into by and between the Cowuy of Wright. Minnesota. acting by llnd thfough its County Board of CommissiODer$ hcretDattet refene4 to as Ihe "County- and the City of Monticello. Mbmesota. acting by and through its City Coo:ncil, heteiDafter referred to as the -CitY-. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, plans and specifications have been prepam.t for the huprovement of County State Aid Highway 75 (from the High School to 1-94), hereiDafter referred to as CSAH 75. ud said consb:uc:tion plans are designated as SAP 86-675.12. The project includes, but is not limited to, street reeoDStrucdon, curb/sidewalk: construction. drainage improvements. utility Improvements, traffic control signal improvements, raised mcd.iaD .. street scape" iInprovements. and other miscellaneous hnprovements within tile corporate limits of MonticeUo. and WHEREAS. a Cooperative Agreement between the County and the City ootlines the responsibilities and financial commitments: for the proposed project. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: Article 1 . The City shall construct or cause to be constructed. a project meeting state aid standards of street improvetnentl including. roadway, utility, drai.na;e, and other miscellaneous improvements upon or along CSAH 75 within tile City limits in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as prepared by the City's consultant eqineet, and as approved and on me at the office of the County Engineer, and: Article 2 It is agreed that upon completion of and accepWlc:e of the work as to quantity and quality by the County, the County Engineer shall determine the 8Ctual amount that the County will reimbUrse the City in accordance with the followin& fundiDg participation schedule: 1. CSAH 7S IltlProvements (ftom W34hiQiton Street to I-~: This CSAH 75 segment would be reconstructed. to an urban section (curb & JUucr and raised n'1t:dian) with utility and dniDqe improvements, with input from the County and the CSAH 75 Tuk FOICe Committee. 'This participation is consistent with Wrigbt Coumy's existin& tl1nding policies. 1be City would be requited to obbdn any additional permanent RIW. as required to do the work. It is not anticipated that additional permanent right-of-way woukl be needed. Tempowy right-of-way may be needed for construction purposes &. would be the responsibility of the City to obtain. . 2 //-2-- FEB-04-99 THU 11:32 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 p, 04 . Traffic Control Sigoal Syste1ll CODStJUCtion (including permanent IU'CCt lighq as part of project) Bnainecring Services Puading Panicipuion County Ci1x 100ft OtJ l00';i O~ l00~ 0" 70% mM 0% 10011 0% l001i SO% ~% O~ 100" 0% l00~ ("'A) (*A) O%(*B) 100% (*B) 100% 0% 7S%(~) 25%(*C) SO%(*D) 50%(*0) (~ (~) (III) see Note$ . Grading Items . Common Excavation. TUe. Borrow, Agg. Ba$e . Turf Establishment Surfacma Travel Lanes (WarlNon-Wear) (including turn lanes) SUrfacinl PaVed Shoulders (Wear) New ConcretelBituminous Walk New Curb & Gutter (Entrance Pour-Backs) Retaining Wallil Right-of-Way (Permanent or Temporary) Permanent Street Lighting Storm Sewer Utility Work (San. Sewer, Water, and Casting Adjustments) Signing/Striping LaDdscapedlRaised Concrete Medians 2. NOTES: A. The County will participam on storm sewer related irems based on the (%) of couuibutiDg llow 8$ determined by tile State Aid Hydraullcs Engineer. - B', Insulation of existing water main, caused by the lowering of the highway grade. i5 an cli&ib1e state-aid expense. which would be paid for by the County. All other utility costs would be in accordance with the above cost split. C. The Cost for the concrete curb &; gutter for the Iandscaped'DlCdians will be paid.1~% by the County. Costs for ISlMct'9ptng, treel, etc. that will be located within the landsCaped median wW be the City's cost. MaintcDanCC of the cc::Dtcr laDdscaped median. upon completion of the project. will be the responsibility of the City. D. The Coonty will DOt be responsible for certain maiDtenance provisions upon completion of a traffic control signal system. PaInting, reIamping. cleaning of the signal system. street light mainumance. and power costs to operate the signal and street light systCI11S will be the l'e$pOIlSibiIlty of 1he City. . 3 /(--3 FEB-04-99 THU 11:32 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 p, 05 . E. The City will provide ensineeriDg services for design, comuucdon, and ad"\fniVt'atioD of the project. The County will nOl participate in any enalDeeriDg costs incurred by chc City that are necessary for the City to assess their ponion of the project costs (Feasibility Studies. heMina&. lqal expenses. eIC.). The COUIlty sb.a11 reimburse the City for eD&ineerinc ~rvices for the County's portion of the projecL The CountY will reimburse the City for engineering services for the County's portiOD of tbe project based upon the foUowing table. The final reimbursement wUl be computed using the apptopriare ~ below times the County's portion only of the contract construction eost. The County will reimburse the City up to $4.000 for preliminary mapping work on this project. From Over Over O\'et Over $ 0 30.000 100.000 250,000 500.000 thru $50,000 up to 18% thru 100,000 up fa 16% thtu 250,000 up to 139'6 thru ~,OOO up to 11 % thru Jndeftnlte up to 10% of County's Portion of County's Portion of County's POniOD of County's Portion of County's Portion F'. MobUization costs are to be split based on the ratio of Coumy costs versus the entire project costs. G. Traffic comrol costi are to be split based on die ratio of County costs versus the entire project costs. . H. All riaht.of-way acquisition costs (petmaneDt & temporary) are the responsibility of tbe City. I. The County wUl pay for the initial striping of crosswalks and pavement markings as outlined on the plan. Maintenance of the crosswallcs upon ~mplctioD of the project will be the responsibility of tbe City. (*) Unless parking is restricted in which case 100% County Costs. The City Engineer shall prepare a preliminary estimate of COnstrllCtion cost for the prOject. 'I11e preliminary cost estimate shall identify both the City's sba:re and COUD.ty's share of cost for the proj4:lct based. upon tbls 1\md.ing agreement. Tbls prelli:niJW'Y construction cost esdmatc shall be attached to this funding alreement. It is intended that the work outlined above in Article Two is to be done by a contraCtOr on a uuit p.-ice basis through a contract duly let by the City. At such time as the City awards a contract, the City wUI prepare a new estimate of the County's share of the construction cost based on the unit prices bid by the City's contractor. A copy of such revised cost estimate will be forw8Idcd to the County Higbway Engineer. Article 3 The City shall be responsible for all field inspection of materials (Including required testing at intervals outlined In the latest MnDOT Materials Control Schedule), quantities, and contractor performance (IncludinC sub1Di.tnl1 of Weekly Diaries, Change in Construction SUltu.'i: foJ;'IDS, and all other reQ.uired fonus, to be submitted to the District 3 Slate Aid Engineer, with copies to the County) for the road improvement project- 1bete will be no inspection cost to the County, beyond the cniineerina reimbursement as outlined in Article Two. Section 2(E), unless 1he County requests inspection services ~ond dIe standard requirements and testing procedures for normal State Aid tunded projects. The City will monitor tbc wage rates 10 inswe that the conttactDr and subcQntractors bay. complied with tba ~CI$ as specifiod, and dlat the contract W eompUed with the EEO rcqutrcments. . 4 /1-1 FEB-04-99 THU 11:33 AN WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 p, 06 . Article 4 Upon award of the contract by the City, the COUIlty will forward to the Cily. within 30 day.. SO~ of their sbare of the costs, based upon the contract unit price$. Upon written notice by the City that the project is more tban 50% complete, the County will forward an additional 4096 oftbeit share of the project costs. Upon completion and final ~ of the work. the County will forward a tlna1 payment to the City within 30 days. Whenever it appears the cost of the County participation construction covered under this Aareemr:nt Is about to exceed the current amowtt of encu:wbmsd County funds, the City shall notify the County Engineer's authorized representative in writing prior to performance of the additional County cost participatioD CODstruction. Notification sball include an estimate in the amount of additional funds aecessary to complete me County cost patticipatkm eonsttuetion including construction ~ costs aDd the reasoa{s) why the current amount encumbered will be exceeded. The County shall, upon its appmval of the additional County cost participation construction, agree that this action will have the effect of 5lfTIII!Ilfiing dais Agreement 10 as to include the County's share of the costs of the addirlonal consttUction. Should the City cause the performance of additional comract CODStruction which would otherwise qualify for County cost participation covered under this Agreement. but for which the County has not previously CDCumbercd t\mds, rbat additional contract construction is done at the City's own risk_ The City Engineer shan provide to the County Engineer a blue line as bunt plan of the roadway improvements. This as-built plan shall be 5Ilbmltted to the County within six months of the final completion of the project. The City shall keep records and accoonts that enable it to provide the ~ with the following . prior to final payment by the County: 1. Copies of the City contraCtor's invoice(s) covering all contract coIUlttuCtion. 2. Copie$ of the endorsed an4 canceled City warrant(s) or checks(s) paying for fiua1 wutract cOD$truction. or compu.tc:r documentation of the warrant(s) issued certified. by an appropriate 'City official that final cOIl$lJ;uction contract payment. has been made. 3. Copies of all construction contract c.bange orders and/Ot' supplemental aareemcnts. 4. A cenification fonn signed by the City's Bngineer in charge oftbe eontract cansttUCtion attesting to the following: ' !. Satistactory performance and completion of aU contract CODSt1'UC:tioo in accordance with CowlLy and State Aid approved City plans, specifications and/or special provisions_ b. AcceptaDce and approval of all matmials furnished for the S1atc C05t participation CoD8UUCtion covered under this Agreement relative to compliance of l:bose materials 1:Q the Slate's curIeDt MnIDOT "SW1dard SpecificatiOdS for Construction". c. Full payment by the City to its contractor for a.11 contract construction. A copy of the "as built' plan sent to the County Engineer. 5. . 5 !I-~ FEB-04-99 THU 11:33 AM WRIGHT 00. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 p, 07 . .......w. S The City shall be teipOllSible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevardlsidewa11clbikepatb related maiDtel18lK:e outSide the curb or SIrect area. Article 6 The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of 1m aaeua and employees of any form *aainst any and all claims. Mmands. actions or causes of action of wba1ever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the wort provided. for herein to be performed. by the City. The County shall indemnify. save ami hold barmlC$S the City and all of its agentl'l and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands. actiOllS or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of d1c execution of performance of the work provided tor herein to be performed by the County. ~7 It is further agreed that any and all full~time employees of the County and all other employees of the County en:aaed in the perfo~ by any wort or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered. employees of the County only anc:l not of the City and that any and aU cJahns that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part Qf said County employees while so engqcd on any of the work or services provided to be rendered heroin shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. . it is further agreed that any and all full-t:ime employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the perfonnaDce by any work or ~ces required or provided for berein to be performed by the City sball be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Worbnlm's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of $aid employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or or.nission on the pan of said City employees which so engaged (Ill any of the work: or services provided to be rendered horein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. Article 8 Before this agreement sba1l become binding and effective it shall be approved. by the City Council of Monticc:llo and it shall also be approved by the County Board. and such other officers as law may provide. . 6 / / ...,(p FEB-04-99 THU 11:34 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 P. DB M IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF me parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized offtcers and caused cheir respective lOlls to be hereunto affixed. . Reconunended for Approval: CITY OF MONTlCELlfl Reconzrneoded for Approval: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Coon!}' EDalneer city Engineer. MOIIticello Chair. COUnty Board Mayor. CitY of Monticello COUl1ty CoordU1a1Dr City Attorney. City of Monticello County Attorney City Administrator. City of Monticello Date Date . . 7 11--7 12. . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 Consideration of funding agreement with Wri~ht County for improvements to CR 118. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Wright County is in the process of developing plans to improve CR 118 from CSAH 75 all the way to St. Michael this summer. City staff has been working with Wright County on the project, as we will be constructing pathways along a major portion of CR 118 in the city limits of Monticello. Our cost sharing agreement with the County provides only a few items for which the City would be responsible. Should modular block retaining walls be necessary to protect City property or the pathway, the City would pay for 50% of that cost. If the City does not allow parking to occur along CR 118, we would have no cost for shoulders. The bituminous pathway, of course, is our cost and any curb and gutter required by us or for driveway or entrance pour backs within the city limits. And of course, utility work, sanitary sewer, water, etc., would be our cost. The other cost that we would see would be the cost of acquiring additional right-of-way from property within the city limits for roadway and pathway use and additional right-of- way outside the city limits needed for pathway only. The cost for additional right-of-way could reach $40,000. A copy of the proposed agreement is enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the funding participation and construction agreement with Wright County for improvements to CR 118 within the city limits of Monticello as enclosed. 2. The second alternative would be to approve the funding participation and construction agreement with Wright County contingent upon an amendment directed by the City Council. 3. The third alternative would be not to approve the construction agreement. Not approving the construction agreement would make it very difficult for us to work with the County to get our pathways in on their right-of-way in locations and would not be in the best interest of the City of Monticello. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the funding agreement as outlined in alternative #1. We believe the funding participation is fair, and the additional costs for engineering as outlined in the agreement are reasonable. We are concerned about the pathway right-of-way costs, though, and bclieve this should be further studied to reduce our pathway and/or right-of- way costs. D. SUPPORTING OAT A: Copy of proposed agreement. 18 . . . FEB-04-99 THU 11:34 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 ... AGREEMENT NO. 98~06 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT and THE CITY OF MONTICELLO For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR: COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 18 (Formerly County Road 118) SP 86-618-04 GRADING, BASE, AND BITUMINOUS IMPROVEMENTS F:\DATA\WPVVIMAGREEMNl"MONTl1!.AGA Fe,-,rlJ8'Y 4, 1999 /t -j 8 FEB-04-99 THU 11:34 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 p, 10 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello, Minnesota, acting by and through Its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, plans and specifications have been prepared for the improvement of a Count)' Highway, hereinafter referred to as CSAH 18 (from CSAH 75 to the Ea3t City limits), and said construction plans are designated as SP 86-618-04. The project includes, but is not limited to, highway reconstruction, bituminous pathway, drainage improvements, utility improvements, and other miscellaneous improvements within the corporate limit of Monticello, and VVHEREAS. a Cooperative Agreement between the County and the City outlines the respon5ibilrties and financial commitments for the proposed project. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: Article One . The County will construct or cause to be constructed a project meeting state aid design standards of street improvements including roadway, utility, drainage, and other miscellaneous improvements upon or along CSAH 18 within the City limits in accordance with the approved plans and specifications on file in the Office of the County Engineer, Wright County Minnesota. Article Two It is agreed that upon completion of and acceptance of the work as to quantity and quality by the County, the County Engineer will determine the actual amount due from the City in accordance with the following funding participation schedule: 1. CSAH 18. (From CSAH 75 to the East City Limits): The segment of CSAH 18 (formerly CR 118) from CSAH 75 to School Boulevard will be overlayed with bituminous pavement, the Intersection with School Boulevard will be Improved by the addition of turn lanes. The area from School Boulevard to the Eastem City limits will be reconstructed (widened to Include 8 foot wide paved shoulders) and improved by the addition of turn lanes and bypass lanes, including ditch grading. This participation is consistent with Wright County's existing funding policies. . 2 IZ -Z- FEB-04-99 THU 11:35 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 P. 11 The County will obtain permanent and temporsl)' Right-of-Way. as required . to do the work. Funding PartiCipation County ~ Grading Items 100% 0% . Common excavation, borrow, agg.base . Turf establishment Modular Block retaining wall 50% 50% Surfacing Travel Lanes (WearlNon..Wear) 100% 0% Surfacing Shoulders (Wear) 70% 30%(-A) New Bituminous Pathway/Cone. Walk 0% 100% Curb & Gutter (&Entrance Pour-Backs) 0% 100% Storm Sewer (-8) (*S) Signing/Striping 100% 0% Utility Wort< (San. sewer, Water, and Utility Adjust.) 0% 100% . Right-at-Way Costs (within City Limits) 0% 10001O(*C) (*) See Notes 2. NOTES: A. Unless parking is restricted in which case 100% County Costs. B. The County will participate on storm sewer related items based on the (%) of contributing lIow as determined by the State Aid Hydraulics Engineer. C. All right-of-way costs and acquisition casts within the city limits are the responsibility of the City. However, the County will acquire the right-of~way necessary for the highway improvements and be reimbursed by the City. In areas outside the city limits where additional RNJ is necessary for the off-road bike path , the City shall reimburse the County also for this cost. D. The County will provide engineering services for design, construction, and administration ot the project. The County will not participate in any engineering costs incurred by the City that are necessary for the City to assess their portion of the project cost (feasibility studies, hearings, legal expenses, etc-) or for any City improvements associated with the project. The City will reimburse the County tor engineering services for the City's portion Of the pro}ect based upon . 3 12,3 FEB-04-99 THU 11:35 AM WRIGHT 00. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 p, 12 . the following table. The final reimbursement will be computed using the appropriate % below times the City's portion only of the contract construction cost. From $ 0 thru $ 50,000 up to 18% of City's Portion Over 50,000 thru 100,000 up to 16% of City's Portion Over 100,000 thru 250,000 up to 13% of City's Portion Over 250,000 thru 500,000 up to 11% of City's portion Over 500,000 thru Indefinite up to 10% of City's portion E. MobiliZation costs are to be split based on the ratio of County costs and City of Monticello costs versus the entire project costs. F. Traffic control costs are to be split based on the ratio of County costs and City of Monticello costs versus the entire project costs. G The County will provide the signing and pavement markings (including any crosswalks) needed for the Improvements. MaintGnance (repainting) of any crosswalks, upon completion of the project, will be the responsibility of the City of Monticello, or the SChool District. H. Maintenance of any sidewalk I bikepaths, upon completion of the project, will be the responsibility of the City. . It is intended that the work outlined above in Article Two is to be done by a contractor on a unit price basis through a contract duly let by the County. At such time as the County awards a contract, the County will prepare a new estimate of the City's share of the construction cost based on the unit prices bid by the County's contractor. A copy of such revised cost estimates will be forwarded to the City. Article Thre. The County will be responsible for all field Inspection of materials, quantities, and contractor performance for the road improvement pr*ct. There will be no inspection cost to the City, beyond the percentages as outlined in Article Two, Section 4(b), unless the City requests inspection services beyond the standard requirements and testing procedures for normal State-funded projects. The County will monitor the wage rates to Insure that the contractor and subcontractors have complied with the wages as specified, and that the contract has complied with the EEO requirements. Article Four Upon award of the contract, the city's portion of the contract shall be computed based upon the contract unit bid prices. The City shall forward to the County, within 30 days of the contract award, 50% of their portion of the cost. Upon notice by the County that the contract is 50% complete, the City shall forward an additional 40% of their portion of the cost, and the remaining 10% upon completion of the work. . 4 I Z "Lf FEB-04-99 THU 11:36 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 p, 13 . Upon final completion of the work the COunty Engineer will submit a certificate of performance which indicates that he inspected the work and it complies with the plans and specifications. The County Engineer will notify the City of the final amount of the City share based on the actual quantities used and the funding participation amounts shown in Article Two. The City Engineer will review this amount and approve it prior to processing any final payment to the County. The City will be responsible for reimbursing final payment to the County within 30 days of approving the final payment amount. The County Engineer will provide to the City a blue line as built plan of the roadway improvements within the City limits- This as-built plan will be submitted to the City within six months of the final completion of the project. Article Five The City will be responsible for all snow and ice removal on pathways and other boulevard/sidewalk related maintenance outside the curb or shoulder area. Article Six . The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any end all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. The County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County. Article Sayan The County indemnifies, saves, and holds harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be perfonned by the County and further agrees to defend at its own sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder and within the corporate limits of the City of Monticello. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behatf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County- . 5 /2 -s- . . . FEB-04-99 THU 11:37 AM WRIGHT CO. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 6126827313 P. 14 Article Elaht Before this agreement will become binding and effective it will be approved by the City Council of Monticello and it will also be approved by the County Board and such other officers 8S law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affIXed. COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: Recommended for Approval: County Engineer City Engineer, Monticello Chairman, County Board Mayor, City of Monticello County Coordinator City Attomey. City of Monticello County Attorney City Administrator, Monticello Date Date 6 / z ~(p Council Agcnda - 2/8/99 -- ., 13. Consideration of makin~ application for a transportation loan to construct the Fallon Avenue Brid~e with a pedestrian crossing. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 1997, the City of Monticello secured federal funding for a pedestrian pathway bridge and pathway improvement project to cross 1-94 at County Road 118. The pathway segment portion of the project will connect the bridge to the CSAH 75 pathway and will extend along County Road 118 to the Meadow Oak development. The federal funding is for 80% of the construction cost, with the remainder paid by the City along with all indirect costs. Since the funding was received, staff has worked with thc County to examine the possibility of combining our funding with County funds to reconstruct the roadway bridge to include the pathway component. It now appears that funding through the County or other sources is not available. ~ An option discused by the staff included the City upfronting the cost of reconstructing the county bridge with the thought that the County could reimburse the City for the principal costs. This may make sense considering the pending County Road 118/I -94 ramp discussion. It is not likely that an agreement could be reached with the County Commissioners, however. A second option would bc to move the funding over to the proposed Fallon Avenue bridge. This bridge will be needed in the near future, and we could offset a portion of the cost through our existing grant. .. If the Council is interested in either of these options, staff would suggest applying for the new transportation loan program, which is similar to the funding received for the new treatment plant. The interest rate is no higher than 3%, and there is no construction interest. The application is due to MN/DOT District 3 no later than February 26. We should know the results sometime in July. The Council could just choose to move ahead with the stand-alone pedestrian bridge. The project must be let prior to July 1, 2000. B. 1. 2. 3. --""" .. 4. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: Authorize moving forward with the stand-alone pedestrian bridge. Authorize preparing the application for the lean for the Fallon A venue bridge. Authorize preparing the application for the lean for the County Road 118 bridge. Authorize preparing the application for the lean for the County Road 118 bridge and loop ramps. 19 ___"'..._ ,..~...~_ n. _ ..--.".--'.'-..- .-.----.,. ".-- ._~,'-". . 14. . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 Consideration of adopting priorities for redevelopment of the North Anchor and authorization to hire a planner consultant to assist in the process for redevelopment of the North Anchor. (O.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Adoption of Priorities At the conclusion of the joint Council and Commissions Workshop held January 20, 1999, Michael Schroeder of Hoisington-Koegler suggested the City Council and each City Commission in attendance develop and list five priorities to achieve in the redevelopment of the North Anchor/Riverfront for submission to a North Anchor Subcommittee. Secondly, the Council and Commissions were directed to appoint two members to the North Anehor Subcommittee. Thirdly, the process criteria for redevelopment of the North Anchor to be determined after discussion and determination of priorities by the Subcommittee. At the Council meeting of January 25, Council members Bruce Thielen and Clint Herbst were appointed to represent the City Council on the subcommittee. The meeting date of the subcommittee will be determined upon submission of all the priority lists. Please use the attached worksheet--each Council member is asked to list their five priorities to achieve in the redevelopment of the North Anchor/Riverfront prior to the February 8 Council meeting. Each Council member's priorities to be discussed at the meeting for consideration to adopt the City Council's five priorities for redevelopment of the North Anchor. Authorization to Hire a Consultant Council is requested to consider authorization to hire a planner consultant to draft preliminary design sketch options, to assist in the organization of and attend not-to- exceed four meetings, and to assist in preparation of a request for proposals if so authorized. The proposed consultant services relate to redevelopment of the North Anchor. Design sketches serve as a starting point to generate discussion, to create visual images, and are valuable tools for use in decision-making processes. Secondly, the decisions for redevelopment of the North Anchor present a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and investment for both the current and future generations of the City of Monticello; therefore, it is important to have the expertise of a planner consultant. The HRA contracted Schroeder for the meeting of January 20 at a fee not-to-exceed $500 for 3-5 hours plus expenses. The HRA limited the plus expenses to not-to-exceed $150. Based on Schroeder's experience with the Downtown Revitalization Plan, Schroeder was asked to submit a proposal for continued service. 21 Council Agenda - 2/8/99 . The submitted proposal is attached. The not-to-exceed fee including expenses for four meetings totals $2,860, and the not-to-exceed fee including expenses for sketch plans totals $3,750, for a grand total 01'$6,610. The fee to assist with a developer's request for proposals and one meeting is an additional not-to-exceed amount of $3,385. Staff has requested a second proposal from Steve Grittman, Northwest Associated Consultants. The second proposal will be submitted to the Council at Monday's meeting. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: Adoption of Priorities 1. A motion to adopt the five priorities to achieve in redevelopment of the North Anchor as developed during discussion. 2. A motion to deny adoption of five priorities to achieve in redevelopment of the North Anchor. 3. A motion to table any action. Authorization to Hire a Consultant . 1. A motion authorizing to hire Planner Consultant Michael Schroeder, Hoisington- Koegler, to assist in the process for redevelopment of the North Anchor at a not- to-exceed fee of $6,61 0 for four meetings and sketch plan development and a not- to-exceed fee of $3,385 for assistance with an RFP and one meeting. 2. A motion authorizing to hire Planner Consultant Stevc Grittman, Northwest Associated Consultants, to assist in the process for redevelopment of the North Anchor at a not-to-exceed fee of $ for four meetings and sketch plan development and a not-to-exceed fee of $ for assistance with an RFP and one meeting. 3. A motion directing staff to re-negotiate the fees with Planner Consultants Michael Schroeder and/or Steve Grittman and table any action until the Fcbruary 22 Council meeting. 4. A motion to deny authorization to hire a planner consultant for redevelopment of the North Anchor. . 22 Council Agenda - 2/8/99 . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No staff recommendation is given for development of the Council priorities. The City Administrator recognizes the decisions made for redevelopment of the North Anchor will have an impact on current and future generations, will need careful consideration of opportunities and investments, and must be a concept developed for and by the public sector through the assistance and guidance of a planner consultant. Without a proposal1rom Grittman, the City Administrator recommends alternative #2 or #3. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Form for use to list five priorities. Proposal from Michael Schroeder. Proposal from Steve Grittman submitted at Council meeting. . . 23 . . . FIVE PRIORITIES TO ACHIEVE FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH ANCHOR City Council Please use this form as a worksheet to select five priorities you would like to achieve with the redevelopment of the North Anchor. At the February 8 meeting, each Council members choices will be discussed and then one list offive priorities will be compiled to submit to the North Anchor Subcommittee. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. /t./ -I . . . Creatiy~ Solutiolls lor Lalld t'luDiD, ..d Dedlll Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 11I13 (gO 4 Februuy 1999 Ms. Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 R.E: Proposalfor Planning Assistance Downtown Monticello 's North Anchor Dear Ms. Koropchak: Thank you for'the opportunity to provide this proposal for assisting thc city in defining directions for downtown"s, North Anchor. As I understand the city"s needs. I would be providina assistance to a subcommittee charged with establishing a vision for the North Anchot' and exploring genen.l alternatives for its development. Work may also include, depending on the directions chosen by the subcommittee, assisting staff in preparing a Developer Request for Proposal.. I fiu:ther understand that it is the city's desire that the work associated with these tasks be accomplished in no more than four meetings with the subcommittee. Based on the understanding of the city's needs described above, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. proposes the follOWing scope of work: · Meet with the subcommittee (Workshop One) to review input from the various boards and commissions; review areas of qreement and non.agreement; establish preliminary goals for development of the North Anchor; outline several broad approaches or possibilities that would meet those goals. · Develop sketch plans of several approaches to development of the North Anchor (as outlined by the subcommittee in Workshop One) to illusta.te potential arrangement of desired uses;' areas of conflict or areas that may require further study: possible project site boundaries; potential , development capacity and intensity; impacts' of development on SUIT01Ulding uses; relationship to the river; general development character; or other areas necessaxy to understand the likely implications Qf development actions. It is anticipated that three to five alternatives may be explored at this "sketch plan" level. · Meet with the subcommittee (Workshop Two) to review sketch plans and select a preferred alternative; refme or modify goals for development to ensure consistency with preferred alternative; discuss desire and process for soliciting proposals for development of the North Anchor. As this meeting allows for input into the initial di.rc<:tions for the North Anchor, it would be appropriate to invite the community, affected property and business owners. nearby residents and all city boards and commissions to the workshop. · Revise preferred direction based on comments from the sub~mmittee. the community. property and busincss owners, and city boards and commissions. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, MinneapoJi&. MN 55401.1659 Pb (612) 338-0800 f'x (612) 338--6838 /4-2- ?p:R~ ~~, S~ A,~ ~,1~3n~ Nnl~NTSTnH 8~898~~-C:T9 ?~d f98 . . . . ----.-, -.-....,.-- -- Ms. OWe Korvpchak 4 February 1999 'sse 2 . · Create outline for Developer Request for Proposal. '. Meet with the subcommittee (Workshop Three) to review outline for Developer Request for Proposal; defme timing and process for receiving and reviewing responses to Developer Request for Proposal; discuss points of evaluation of Developer Proposals. · Work with staff to, finalize Developer Request for Proposal. incorporating input received in Workshop Three. ' · Work with staff to establish process and format for interviews; meet with ccshortlistcd" proposers to review directions for North Anchor defined by the subcommittee. · Meet with the subcommittee to revicw and evaluate Developer Proposals (Workshop Four). This "workshop" might actually be "developer interviews." Fees for the work described above would be as follows: · For meetings (workshops as described above) with subcommittee: Afee not to exceed $715.00 per meeting, including expenses. · For developing sketch plans of alternatives for development of the North Anchor: A fee not to erceed $3.750.00 including expenses. · For drafting an outline for a Developer Request for Proposal; working with staff to complete the document- Afee not to exceed $1.720.00 Including apenses. ' · For working with staff to establish process and format for developer interviews; meeting with "shortlisted" proposers; and interviewing ccshortlisted" proposers (at Worslcbop Four): .A. fee not to exceed $950.00 including expenses, plus thefee related to one meeting ($715.00). I do not know if the city has a timeIine for proceeding with this, project. H not, we might include that as the first item to be considered in Workshop One. The timing and frequency of subcommittee meetings should also be detemrincd at the outset of the project lIO that other bows and commissions can anticipate when their actions or reactions might be required. , , Please call me if you have any questions. I look forward to the opportunity to help the Monticello community in considering this important venture. ~ Sincerely. I ~ichaelSchroeder /4 -' :3 Zp:80 66. r.R Rl~ f'PH >qR ~ Illnln' I Iln I 'II lTc' I I-II I FEB~08-1999 07:06 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/03 N NORTH WEST AS SO elATE 0' ..'c,O N 5 U L TAN TS' 'COMMUNITY PLANNI'N'O .~' OESIGN .- MA~KET RESEARCH . . .F~bruary 8. 1999 Ms. Ollie'Koropchak Economic Development Director 250 East Broadway , Mont.icellp, MN 55362' RE: FilE NO: Monticello - North Anchor Task Force 191.06 . Dear Ollie: . .' , . . Thank you fo~ the opportunity to provid~ an estimate'of the cost to assi~t with the City's North.Anchor project: As I understand the ~ffort, a group of.repr~sent~tlves from several' cOmmunity and City interests will be'attempting to"devel,op a conc~pt.plan which would. form the basis, for ,a requ'est for private devel.opment proposals~ as well. as a method to evaluate development offers which are ~ubmitted. .... , , .. You have if'\dlcated that as many as four meetings would be planned with the group, from' which a series of sketch plan alternatives would be developed. These would likely be refined to,a chosen alternative, and a Request'For. Propos~ls'would be,draft~d to solicit. private developer interest. NAC's role, if 'selected, would ba':to help develop each task . force" meeting agenda, facilitate the meetings, prepare sketph alternativ.es for the group, - I refine the chosen alternative, and assist City staff' with :the preparation of an RFf:'.' I would '! ,estimate the, time involved in thi's. proc~ss to ~e as fo!lows:, ' . Meeting preparation~ 3 hours' Meetin,Q attendance: 3 hours I . . Time per m~eting: 6 hours I - "' S~etch preparation (each): 5 hours RFP preparation: 8 hours . My regular charge rate is currently'$85 par hour. Howeve,r, NACls'arrangement with the City includes a discounted fee for City~generated projects of $72.50 .per hour, and a cap on meeting charges of $200 per meeting. The' Sketch preparation' task would' be ! undertaken by myself 'and my staff Landscape Architect. Her charge rate for City work is curr.ently $35 per 'hour. As a result, I would estimate the' fOIlQwin,g costs for NAC~s . I. involvem.ent in this project . 5775 WAY'ZATA eOUL..EVARD, SUI,"'&: 555 ' S'T, , LOUIS PAR'K; MINNESOTA '55416' P H'O N E 6 1 2.595. 9 6 3 t5 I . ," .FAX 61 2-595-9'837 'E~MAIL NAC@'WINTERN'ET,COM .' .," .' . .'" '/i} -- if ..' "., , . . I , . . . . FEB-08-1999 07:07 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03/03 Meeting preparation/facilitation: $417.50 per meeting @ 4 mtgs. - Sketch preparation $250 per sketch @ 3 sketches. RFP assistance . $72.50 hourly rate @ 6 hours - TOTAL PROJECT ESTIMATE $1,670 $ 750 $ 435 $2,855 This estimate is the maximum fee, assuming four meetings and three sketch alternatives. You had Indicated that fewer than four meetings may be necessary, and the number of sketch alternatives is only a guess at this time. Finally. RFP assistance would be hourly. we have some examples from which the City may work, and this may help to reduce the consultant time necessary for this portion of the project. We have always valued our opportunity to work with the City, and I thank you for the chance to continue our relationship with this project. If there is any more information which would be helpful to you regarding this estimate. please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Stephen W. Grittman, AICP Principal ,/L/-~ TOTAL P.03 . . . Council Agenda - 2/8/99 15. Consideration of public sale of old sewer jet and retaining the vac-all rather than trading both units in on new combination unit. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council approved the purchase of a new sewer vac combination unit in November of last year. That approval was based upon the low bid from ABM Equipment, which included trading in our old 1981 sewer jet cleaning machine for $11,500 and our old 1979 vac-all for $7,500. We did make the trades with ABM such that the City of Monticello had the right to offer the units t(.lr public sale to see if we could receive a higher value from the general public. If we did offer them for sale to the general public, however, we would need to receive a minimum of $12,247.50 for the sewer jet machine to break even due to sales tax, and $7,987.50 for the vac-all, as this was the cost we would have to pay ABM if we did not trade these units in, to include sales tax. The City of Monticello placed a bid advertisement for the sewer jet in the local Monticello paper and we received two bids, one bid from Schluender Construction in the amount of $14,001, and another from Flexible Pipe Tool Co. for $15,501. The high bid from Flexible Pipe Tool Co. is $3,253.50 higher than what we would get trading the unit in. Consequently, it is in our best interest to sell the unit privately. We were also considering doing the same thing with the sewer vac-all machine to see if we could receive a higher amount on a public sale. However, the Street Superintendent indicated that he would prefer that we keep the sewer vac, as he felt there might be scheduling problems in using the combination unit, which would be tied up on sewer work most of the summer months. In addition, the old vac-all was able to perform functions while the truck was moving and the new unit is not able to do that. Consequently, therc would be certain functions such as vacuuming leaves from curbs that might be served better by the old machine. The vac-all portion of the unit is in fair condition. However, the truck we believe has a burnt valve in the engine and will need a clutch in the near future, and the unit is quite old. The repairs could be made in-house at minimal costs, and we could continue to use the unit until the engine created more problems or the clutch fails prior to making repairs. The Street Superintendent has indicated that the vehicle could be stored outside in the recently-acquired site from TDS on the south side of CR 39 and would not take up much needed inside storage space. We would have to make up the shortfall of $7,987.50 in the trade, and this could be done by not purchasing the additional plow for one of the loaders that is in the budget for 1999 at $7,000. We have been able to retrofit one of the old Norwegian plows to serve this purpose, and it appears to be working adequately so we would not need those funds. 24 Council Agenda - 2/8/99 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. 'fhe first alternative would be to sell the old sewer jet to Flexible Pipe Tool Co. based upon their high bid of $15,501 and keep the old vac-all for the street department use, and utilize the $7,000 proposed for the loader plow to make up most of the shortfall. 2. The second alternative would be to sell or trade off both units. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and Street Superintendent that we sell the sewer jet to Flexible Pipe Tool Co. and that we keep the vae-all as outlined in alternative #1. It appears that keeping the vac-all will not cost the City significantly and could improve productivity of the street department, and will not create the need for additional storage. In addition, should we decide to sell the unit after a few years, the value would probably not be a whole lot less than the current trade-in value. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . None. . 25 . . . Counci I Agenda - 2/8/99 16. Consideration of increasing fees at Riverside Cemetery. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello took over Riverside Cemetery trom the Masons in late 1996. We assumed full operations and made every attempt to follow the same procedures and policies instituted by the Masons over the many years. It became apparent, however, that citizens expected more services from the City than they did the Masons, and the amount of mowing at the cemetery increased significantly. Last year we began snow plowing, not only for burials but to keep the cemetery open for visitors. With the only real revenue at the cemetery being the sale of grave sites, the cemetery has come close to breaking even with losses of approximately $950 in 1996, $268 in 1997, and $1,195 in 1998. With us not quite breaking even for the operations at the site, and some additional costs to be incurred in the future for upkeep, maintenance, and improvements, we need to look at increasing our fees. Currently, because of the losses, we are not adding any money to the perpetual care fund. In discussing this with the City Administrator, we felt that at a minimum we needed to put $2,000 annually into the perpetual care fund so that it would have a chance to grow so at some time in the future, when the cemetery is full, the perpetual care fund would be able to maintain it. In addition, we need to put some money away for those regular maintenance and proposed improvements. There are fencing repairs needed in the future, as well as the possibility of some road improvements with re-graveling or blacktop surfacing. In reality, we should be adding $2,000 to $3,000 annually for fees to cover our losses plus additional improvements. This would mean additional revenue of $5,000 per year. With only 30 grave sales per year, this would mean we need approximately $167 additionally from each grave sold to cover the $5,000. We have surveyed area communities and found that many ofthe communities are higher than us and several are also considering increasing fees to cover increasing costs of operation. Also, the City of Elk River has instituted a $150 fee on their three cemeteries for perpetual care on graves that never paid a perpetual care fee. They have uscd the year 1950 as a cut off. We could research this further with the Masons to try to come up with a recommendation in this area. Some ccmeteries also charge an administrative fee to cover the costs of coordinating and recording all information regarding graves, burials, etc. This is charged before the grave is opened. A copy of revenue vs. expenses since 1996 is enclosed for your review along with a cemetery lot price comparison with other communities. 26 Council Agenda - 2/8/99 . Based upon the above information, the following is the recommended increase in our fees: CURRENT PROPOSED GRA VE DESCRIPTION ",,"""" FEE INCREASED FEE Full Grave Site, Flush Stone Area $350.00 $500.00 Full Grave Site, Raised Stone Area $400.00 $550.00 Infant Grave Site $175.00 $200.00 Cremation Grave Site $200.00 $225.00 Administrative Fee (all burials) $0.00 $50.00 (to be collected at time of burial) Perpetual Care Fee, Graves Sold Pre-1960 $0.00 $100.00 (to be collected at time of burial) It is our opinion that the proposed increases will allow us to put at least $2,000 into our ongoing perpetual care fund, cover our cost of operations, and put approximately $2,000 per year into an improvement fund. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to raise the fees as outlined above effective April 1, 1999, after notice to nearby funeral directors. 2. The second alternative would be not to increase fees but to use our cash balance, currently $12,000, to cover shortfalls and use our perpetual care funds, presently $21,080 plus interest from the Masons, as necessary to make improvements and cover shortfalls. 3. The third alternative would be to modify fees as directed by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the new fee structure as outlined above. We believe this will allow us to maintain the level of current services to the cemetery and also make improvements while continuing to build a perpetual care fund. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of Riverside Cemetery Revenue vs. Expenses report; Cemetery Lot Price Comparison report with other communities. 27 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY ~ 1998 ACTUALl1999 PROJ ECT REVENUEVS.EXPENSES ..,.."................,.., .. .................,.", ..................." '" ......................". ,iRS\lENO,E' .:::::::::::::.::::;;;:::;::::::::::::: ::: ::::: :::: :;:~;:::: :i:;:;:;:::;;; :;:: :','",',',',,'}}',',<,}:;,': '..".'.:.'...'.'.......'...'..i..i..,.,'.'.,..:.',..:.j. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::,:;:.;.; - 1997 ACTUAL 11,750.00 10,575.00 660.00 414.82 "'.':':""'" ...............,...........,..11 .:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:;.;.:.:.:.:.;:;:::::': " 1999 PROJECTED . . . ... "......................,..,............... .,..'......................................,.......................................... ."., . )~:>}>>>>}!>:::~:::t)))r)<))?: riU\/'\\ ..........., ........... ...................".................. ..................................'.'...;.:':':':.>:.;.:.:-:........... DESCRIPTION Sale of Grave Sites" Excavation Charges - Vault.... Excavation Charges - Cremation.... Interest Earnings FINANCE CODE 651.34941 651.34942 651.34944 651.36210 1996 ACTUAL 2,800.00 1,210.00 0.00 0.00 :,;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;,:. iri~ }Y:]:]::::::HHm~:nr 1998 AC.JUAL 9,425.00 12,005.75 74.25 0.00 4,010.00 1 23,399.821 21,505.00 1 c TOTAL REVENUE 'SALES: 1996: 8 FULL GRAVES. 1997: 32 FULL GRAVES, 2 CREMATION GRAVES. 1998: 26 FULL GRAVES, 4 CREMATION GRAVES. "EXCAVATIONS: 1996: 4 VAULTS, 1 CREMATION, 1997: 25 VAULTS. 6 CREMATIONS. 1998: 32 VAULTS, 2 CREMATIONS. IWH'" :::::::: :~;:::::;:::::;:: "............................"..".,............-...................,.,"'.' -:;:::::::::::::;::::::: :;: ::;:::::::: :::r: rr:::::::::::::::: :;;;:j:~;!:i:~:~ . :::::::::::::::::::::: ;:;: :;; ::::;::::;:;::: .................eH H XH.' 'p" "'C" HNH'H"SH "e'"'s''' ,',,'......, ........ .. .. ,,,... ......... .. "... ........ ". ...., ..... ................. " .', , . '. ' . ........... ......... " . , ..... ...........,..., ',' ..... "", ,. ......... ........ .... 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Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVIC~S Lawn Service Custodial/Caretaker Excavation Stump Removal Miscellaneous Professional Services TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTI::!ER CHARGES Advertising Legal Notice Publication General Public Information Ordinance Publication Miscellaneous Printing General Liability Insurance Refuse Refu nds/Reimbursements Miscellaneous Other Expenses Improvements Other Equipment TOTAL OTHER CHARGES --.~'" 1= FINANCE CODE 651.49010.1010 651.49010.1020 651.49010.1210 651.49010.1220 651.49010.1250 651.49010.1310 1996 ACTUAL 273.00 7.20 12.55 17.38 4.05 42.27 356.45 1997 ACTUAL 2,506.06 112.99 112.59 -160.67 37.60 347.36 3,277 .27 651.49010.2199 30.45 196.23 63.63 651.49010.2250 0.00 32.80 0.00 651.49010.2299 0.00 35.46 34.85 30.45 264.49 98.48 651.49010.3105 2,408.23 6,789.39 6,230.27 651.49010.3110 0.00 105.00 1,800.00 651.49010.3115 1,350.00 9,800.00 12,571.50 0.00 0.00 200.00 651.49010.3199 737.50 3,431.25 161.50 4,495.73 20,125.64 20,963.27 651.49010.3499 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.49010.3510 0.00 0.00 117 .95 651.49010.3520 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.49010.3530 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.49010.3599 73.49 0.00 0.00 651.49010.3610 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.49010.3840 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.49010.4395 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.49010.4399 0.00 0.00 60.82 651.49010.5301 0.00 0.00 0.00 651.49010.5801 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.49 0.00 178.77 -==t- 4,956.12 -946.12 23,667.40 i2'69~ -267.58 -1194.33 ~ n.'~""""-------~' TOTAL EXPENSES YEAR END TOTAL DEFFICIENCY /lR # I . @ ~ <! Z ~ l!! 01 ... .. Q.. ~ ~ ~ .... :<:!; Q Z ~ '" - .fl ~ .s '" l!! ... 01 02 .5 01 $ .!!l ~ :<:!; ~ .. .~ z z .. ~ E oQ z i ~ 0 '" (J) l;: e 'ti- 0:: .. '" 02 l;: .. .. < .. e> oQ a.. go'" ~ 01;: :E III '" '" :-:!; .~ ~ Q.. 0 :-:!; :-:!; .. z z oQ U z ~Jg ~ UJ e .(1 u Q.t: E . [i: 'k E 'E .(1 ..~ ~t: a.. ~ '" ~ e>8 .5 cS 0 ",... OI~ 01;:'" -a" ...J 0 "''1:1 > 0 ~ ~ ~ l;: .. e N '- '" e02 0:: ~ z - .. jg :3 .. w '\:(oQ ~ .(101;: ..'1:1 .5 ~ l;: .. W _ III .ija '" '" :E ..01;: W '" ~ III ~ ~ l!! '" ~ U 0I;:Q.. .,.01 ~ ~ '1:1 ... l;: .. ~ ). '" Q.. :;l!! 0 Ql~ ). 01 0 :-:!; ~ i;x l!! l;: N Z OIQ ~ ~ Q ... .. .. ... ~- Q..'" Q.... c:. '" .. III ..,j;; ). m ~.2 l!! t; ~.S Q .. Q Q ;~ ...- ., Q.. ~OI al ... .., .5 ...02 .,.ole ~'1:1 Q ~..2 .- .. LO 0 .se> r- :-:!; '1:1 E Ul 0 01'" Z ~ ~ '" .S i3 '" ::.. .S .. ~.(1 '" 'oli!: ..2~ ~ Q M (J e'" ~ ",'" t ::.. Q' 0 w ~~ ~ I- u:; .. ~ ~ " . w ~ .... ~ (J "I;: I- !I:: .!! 0 --' .. .. ~ C> 'S: ~ z .. w 0 ole (J ~ '" ~ -l ... ~ ..2 ~ n:: ~ Ii: 0 w ole ~ n:: y- !;Xl ~ ~ n:: M N ~ 0 1&.,2,- . . . MONTICELLO RIVERSIDE CEMETERY GRAVE STATUS AS OF FEBRUARY 8, 1999 GRAVES OCCUPIED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,042 GRAVES PURCHASED/RESERVED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . .. 959 GRAVES OPEN FOR SALE //""__n....,)~,'.. (EITHER RECLAIMED BY CEMETERY OR NEVER SOLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . .(,(. .... .1..,..2. 1.3.. . . - CREMATION GRAVES: 38 "n_ .." -INFANT GRAVES: 10 n'.._ - FULL SIZE GRAVES: 1,165 GRAVES WITH UNKNOWN STATUS/UNKNOWN BURIALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 TOTAL GRAVES IN RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 5,230 CEMETERY CAPACITY: ~ % OF CEMETERY FILLED OR NOT OPEN FOR SALE ........................~ % OF CEMETERY OPEN FOR SALE ...................................... 23% C:\OFFICElRIVERSI DlGRAVSTA T. FRhl: 0210811999 ..,..-.-- --- ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/28/1999 15,30:06 . Schedule of Oills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL54 0 r~ Report Selection: RUN GROUP... D129 COMMENT. .. 1/29 CI'<S OATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT 0-01291999-754 1/29 CKS Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~/28/1999 15:30:07 "'NDOR NAME DESCF~ I PT I ON AMOUNT A E MICHAELS *FY* PARKS-OLDG REPAIR 51.31 A T & T WIRELESS SERVICE R I C 1<: W JEFF 0 GARY A AN SHELTER 29.32 21.77 28.58 57.73 143.40 AME GROUP *FY* PARKS-SUPPLIES 40.24 ANDERSON/GARY TRAVEL EXPENSES 9.60 BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY COMM CENTER-PROF SERV 824.57 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR LI QUOF~ .A)( MISC 704.94 432.26 1,137.20 BERLIN TIRE CENTERS, INC STREETS-SUPPLIES 237.51 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM BEEF~ TA)( MISC 583.30 28.80 6 '12. 10 BOYER TRUCK PARTS *FY* STREETS-REPAIR PRTS 42.60 ORC ASSIST CENTER COMPUTER SERVICE AGREE. '1,818.00 C F~ MFG. CO RECYCU NG 0 I NS 5,145.90 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST CLOU TOM 0 FIRE DEPT GAI~Y A MATT T 262.56 3.92 67.53 7.39 341 .40 ~UINAD OFFICE PRODUCTS LIBRARY-REPAIR TYPWRTER 68.00 Schedule of Bills ACCOUNT NAME FUN 0 & ACCOU~ 8UILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 101.45201.22: TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE *VENDOR TOTAL 101.41301.32 101.41910.32 101.4240"1.32 101.42701.32 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.21' TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42401.33 PRO F S R V.., EN GIN E E R I N G F 4 6 1 . 4 9 2 0 1 . 3 0 LIQUOR 609.49750.25 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.25 *VENDOR TOTAL MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.21 8EEF< MISC TAXABLE *VENDOR TOTAL 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10"1.43120.22 PROF SFN DATA PROCESSI 101.41920.30 RECYCLING BINS 101.43230.24 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELePHONE *VENDOR TOTAL 101.43115.32 101.42201.32 101.42401.32 601.49440.32 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 211.45501.40 ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/28/1999 15:30:07 .NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION CLINE/RICHARD REIMB SAFETY OOOTS REIMO SAFETY BOOTS CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIPMENT PARKS~~SNOW DEFLECTOR *FY* PARKS-TIPPER OODY *FY* PAFH,SPLOW DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEEr~ T A)< M I SC DAVE PETERSON'S FORD-MER *FY* PARKS-VEH RENTAL *FY* STREETS-VEH REPAIR ~cg~STRIBUTING ~EER T A)< ~1I ~3C COMPANY DAYTON'S COMMERCIAL INT. *FY* CH DEMEULES FAMILY LIMITED TIP 1-23 SEMI ANNUAL DONLAR CONSTRUCTION COMP *FY* COMM CENTEr~ DUN & BRADSTREET CORP FO DIANE,SEMINAr:;: EHLERS & ASSOC.INC PUBLI GEN Ef:;:AL DISTRICT 1-24 DLUE CHIPS FIRST TRUST NATIONAL ASS *ry* SUPPLIES . PREMIUMS *FY* CH-LAPEL PINS AMOU~H 90.00 90.00 180.00 222.84 4.880.90 4.419.75 9,523.49 4,234.75 73.35 4,308.10 347.10 57.34 404.44 1,356.70 744. 10 38.40 2.139.20 7L 00 24,275.72 238,243.85 169.00 105.00 210.00 210.00 525.00 313.81 '1,233.87 Schedule of Dills ACCOUNT NM1E FUND & ACCOU CLOTHING SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES *VENDOR TOTAL 601.49440.21 601.49440.21 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT MOTOR VEHICLES MOTm~ VEH I CLES *VENDOR TOTAL 225.45201.24 101.45201.55 101.45201.55 BEER MISC TAXABLE *VENDOR TOTAL 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 EQUIPMENT RENTAL VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS *VEN DORTOT AL. 101.45201.41 101.43120.22 BEER OEER MISC TA)<AOLE *VENDOR TOTAL 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 240.49201.56 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 213.46513.65 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.30: CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41990.33: MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.31' MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46524.31' MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46525.31! *VENDOR TOTAL MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.21! MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41301.43( ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~28/1999 15:30:07 WNDOf-( NAME DESCr~IPTION AMOUNT GARTNER'S OFFICE PRODUCT CH ....~)U PPL I ES *ry* CH-SUPPLIES *ry* CHSU PPLI ES *ry* CHSUPPLIES *ry* CH-SUPPLIES *Py* CHSUPPLIES *ry. CH-SUPPLIES *FY* CH-SUPPLIES *ry* CH-SUPPLIES *FY* CH-SUPPLIES OCP REG FOLDERS CH-SUPPLIES CH-SUPPLIES CH .'.SU PPL I ES 17.64CR 35.50 170.82 -18.45 300.35 783.10 742.65 121.69 115.87 252.20 13.64 759.97 25.55 79.14 3,401.29 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER *FY* COMM CENTEr~ *FY* STREETS-SUPPLIES 48.78 45.58 94.35 eARD'S OUSINESS MACHIN FINANCE-CK SIGNER MIA 171.00 GRIGGS. COOPER LI Qu()r~ WINE L I Quor~ FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT L,rQuor~ FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT l_IQUOR TA>< MISC & COMPANY 98.19CR 88.26CR 12.93CR 1 .50 137.70 0.75 20.85 4.50 186.72 o . '75 91 .00 2.25 256.40 8.25 595.14 26.99 1.133.42 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. OEEr~ 5,249.65 .RY'S AUTO SUPPLY FY* SHOP 4.78 Schedule of Bills ACCOUNT NAMe MIse OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MIse OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OfFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OfFICE SUPPLIES MISC OfFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES *VENDOR TOTAL MISC OTHER EXPENse MISC OPERATING SUPPLIes *VENDOF< TOTAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS LIQUOR WINE L I QUo'R fREIGHT WINE fREIGHT LIQUOR fREIGHT WINE FREIGHT WINE FREIGHT WINE f~RE I GHT LIQUOR MISC TAXABLE *VENDOR TOTAL BEER FUN D & ACCOUt 101.41301.20' 101.41301.20: 101.41301.20' 101.41301.20 101.41301.20 101.41301.20 101.41301.20 101.41301.20 101.41301.20 101.41301.20 101.41990.20 101.41301.20 101.41301.20 101.41301.20 461.49201.43 101.43127.21 101.41301.31 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 609.49750.33 609.49750.25 609.49750.33 609.49750.25 609.49750.33 609.49750.25 609.49750.33 609.49750.25 609.49750.33 609.49750.25 609.49750.33 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.43127.24 2,867.26 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 601.49440.21 227.50 PROF SRV CUSTODIAL 211.45501.31 92.55 MOTOR PUELS 101.42201.21 47.52 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 211.45501.31 54.37 MISC OPEr~ATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.21 ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/28/1999 15:30,07 .NDOR NAME DE~3Cf~ I PT I ON AMOUNT HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY *PY* ~3[W[r~ *FY* SHOP *ry* PAr~I<S *py* STREETS *rccy* Srr~[ETS *Py* RENTAL HOUSE *Py* ICE & SNOlt4 *Py* ICE & SNOW *ry* SHOP *FY* STREETS *FY* ICE & SNOW *FY* STREETS *FY* WWTP 12.65 22.77 11 .90 4.73 8.51 13.21 10.01 0.36eR 7.60 10.03 56.91 11 .40 4.97 179.19 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT *FY* WATER-CHEMICALS HERMESIGERALD T LIBRARY-CLEANING CONTRCT IAIDAY CREDI.T OFFICE -.rIRCMOTOR FUEL IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS L I DRAr~Y".MA JIM HATCH SALES CO PARI,SSU PPL I ES JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L FREIGHT LIQUOR L I QUOf~ FREIGHT FREIGHT LI QUOR FREIGHT WINE BEER LIQUOR 0.85CR 84.99CR 100.10CR 0.78CR 2.98 390.09 5. 10 244.10 49.90 008.05 1,321.50 K MART STORE CCVIDEO TAPES DEP REG-HUMIDIFIER eJMM CEJJTERPHOTO ALBUM 18.08 31 .94 10.64 60.66 Schedule of Dills ACCOUNT NAME LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT RePAIR PARTS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES *VENDOR TOTAL FREIGHT LIQUOR LIQUOR FREIGHT FREIGHT LIQUOR rr-~EIGHT WINE BEER LIQUOR *VENDOR TOTAL MISC OTHER EXPENSE SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES *VENDOR TOTAL FUND & ACCOU 602.49490.21 101.43127.21 101.45201.22 101.43120.22 101.43120.22 240.49201.43 '101.43125.22 101.43125.22 101.43127.22 101.43125.21 101.43125.21 101.43125.21 602.49480.21 609.49750.33 609.49750.25 609.49750.25 609.49750.33 609.49750.33. 609.49750.25 609.49750.33: 609.49750.25: 609.49750.25: 609.49750.25 101.41110.43~ 101.41990.24 461.49201.21' ORC PINANCIAL SYSTEM ~/28/1999 15:30:07 ~N[)OR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT KEN ANDERSON TRUCKING *Py* 1 ANIMAL *Py* 14 ANIMALS 5.50 77.00 82.50 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTE LEGAL SERVICES COMM CENTER MALL REDEVELOPMENT 228.70 566.34 35.90 830.94 KRAMOER & ASSOCIATES LNC ASSESSING SERVICE 1.948.50 LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE *PY* COMM CENTEr~ *Py* DEP REG-CLNING SUP *Py* KLEIN FARMS PARK *FY* SEWER *TY* WATEr~ *FY* WATER .*FY* PAF~I\S PY* RENTAL HOUSE EXP *TY* PI RE HALL *Py* CH *TY* PAr~KS *Py* SHOP *FY* SHADE TREE *FY* STREETS *FY* RENTAL HOUSE *FY* CEMETARY *FY* L I8RAF~Y *Py* LI8RARY 45.93 3. 17 58.29 29.21 15.67 46.77 13.83 95.57 24~~.26 69.77 406.33 396.49 14 . 11 31 .28 31 .28 1 9 . 7 0 14.07 5.62 1,547.15 M.B.P. STREETS....FUEL 1,597.49 MAUS FOODS CH "'SU PPLI ES 15.40 MN DEPT OF TRADE & ECON *FY* SCERG RANT REIMO 2,483.45 MN PARK SUPERVISORS ASSO PAF~I\:::)MEM8ERSH I P 25.00 .~TICELLO SENIOR CITIZE CONTr~ACT 2,833.33 Schedule of Bills ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUt MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVLC 101.42701.31' MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101. 4270 1 .3"" *VENDOR TOTAL MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.31- MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.31 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46522.31 *VENDOR TOTAL PROF SRV ASSESSING 101.41550.31 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISe OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES MIse OTHER EXPENSE CLEANING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES *VENDOR TOTAL 461.49201.21 101.41990.21 101.41910.31 602.49490.21 6 01 . 4 9 4 4 0 . 2 1 601.49440.22 101.45201.22 240.49201.43 101.42201.22 101.41301.21 101.45201.21 101.43127.21 224.46102.21 101.43120.21 240.49201.43 651.49010.43 211.45501.21 211.45501.21 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.21 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.21 GRANT REIM8 - AROPLAX 222.46501.66 DUES, MEMOERSHIP & SUBSC 225.45201.43 SENIOR CENTER eONTRI8UTI 101.45175.31 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/28/1999 15:30:07 . VENDOR NAME DESCI~ I PT I ON AMOUNT MONTICELLO/CITY OF LIQUOR-SEWAGE/WATER 18.87 NATIONAL AUTOM08ILE DEAL DEP REG-OLDER USED CAR 60.00 NAWCO ATTN: JOHN 8AGCO TIP -7 SEMI ANNUAL 10,000.00 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTA OAA R I V E r~ MIL L PAR 1<; GENEr~AL GOLD NUGGET RIVER VIEW PLAZA PROF FEES 1,746.96 584.53 1,197.87 1,666.65 747.26 300.00 6,243.27 P & D PREMIUM AUTO GLASS STREETS 379.47 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS . LI QUOR FREIGHT f"REIGHT LIQUOR FREIGHT WINE 76.70cr~ 0.8SCR 6.59 725.85 12.04 300.41 967.34 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING TAX (VlXSC 352.20 PRES8YTERIAN HOMES HOUSI TIF 1-19 SEMI ANNUAL 11 ,924.51 PI~CUSSE/JAMES L DCP r~EG PU 8L I C WORI<S 120.00 150.00 270.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GR WWTP 35,360.50 ROYAL PRINTING & OFFICE *ry* ~3Tr~EETS *FY* LIBRARY . *Py* PAI~I'\S *FY* PARI<S 25.00 42.60 25.53 38.34 Schedule of 8ills ACCOUNT NAME WATER & SEWER fUND & ACC 609.49754. DUES. MEMBERSHIP & SUOSC 101.41990. TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 213.46507. MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910. MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 225.45201. MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910. MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910. MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910. MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910. *VENDOR TOTAL REPAIR & MTC VEHICLES 101.43120. LI QUOR FREIGHT FREIGHT LIQUOR FREIGHT WINE *VEN DOr~ TOTAL MI SC T A)<ABLE 609.49750. 609.49750. 609.49750. 609.49750. 609.49750. 609.49750. 609.49750. TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 213.46519. PROF SRV CUSTODIAL PROF SRV CUSTODIAL *VENDOR TOTAL PROF SRV - PSG, INC VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41990. 101.43110. 602.49480. 101.43120. 211.45501, 101.45201. 101.45201, ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/28/1999 15:30:07 VEN[)or~ NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ROYAL PRINTING & OFFICE *FY* PAr:;:!<:S *ry* WWTP *FY* CH ADM *PY* PARKS *FY* CH ADM *FY* CH *FY* AN SHELTER *FY* PW ADM *FY* PUBLIC WORKS 20.39 29.09 53.80 5.37 3.37 5.39 4.30 120.07 60.92 434. 17 SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA AN CONTROL CONTRACT 1,197.49 SCHARBER & SONS, INC. PARKS"VEH REPAIR PARTS 221.71 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION *FY* WWTP *FY* WATER *ry* PAf:;:I<:S 180.00 200.00 200.00 580.00 SENTRY SYSTEMS, INC. *FY* LIQUOR STORE REPAIR 88.88 SHERBURNE COUNTY CITIZEN PET AD 30.00 SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY *FY* Srr:;:EETS *FY* PARI<:S PW INSP SHOP RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSE PARI<:S WILDWOOD RIDGE-POSTS SHOP-OP SUPPLIES RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSE 7TH STREET EXT 1 2 . 5 7 264.49 116.69 51 . 12 38.98 250. 1 '1 122.64 50.45 . 209.69 44.96 1,161.70 SIMPSON/CYNTHIA R F I RECLEAN I NO 50.00 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP GEN ()PEr~A T I NG '121.75 Schedule of 8ills ACCOUNT NAME MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES FURNITURE & FIXTURES MISe OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MIse OFFICE SUPPLIES *VENDOR TOTAL FUND & Ace 101.45201. 436.49201. 101.41301. 1 0 1. 4 520 1 . 101.41301. 1 0 1 . 4 1 30 1 .~ 101.42701.~ 101.43110. 101.431'10. PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.42701. VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.4520'1. MISC PROFESSIONAL MIse PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENTS *VENDOR TOTAL SERVIC 602.49480. SERVIC 601.49440. 240.49201. REPAIR & MTC MACH & EQ 609.49754. ADVERTISING MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES *VENDOR TOTAL prWF SRV CUSTODIAL MIse T,A.)<AOLE 609.49754. 101.43120. 101.45201. 101.43115. 101.43127. 240.49201. 101.45201. 101.43115. 101.43127. 240.49201. 462.49201. 101.42201. 609.49750. ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM t1t01/28/1999 15.30:13 FUND RECAP: Schedule of Bills FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS "101 21 1 2"13 222 224 225 240 436 450 461 462 601 602 609 651 GENERAL FUND LIBRARY FUND HRA FUND SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) SHADE n~EE FUND PARI, FUND CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 98-12C 7TH STREET EXTENSION WATER FUND SEWEF~ FUN D MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 44,823.42 406.11 46,656.13 2,483.45 '14.11 886.74 665.73 41 .62 1,186.00 239,740.11 44.96 3,559.40 35,789.82 34,396.72 19.70 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 410,714.02 . DAN 1\ RECAP: DISBURSEMENTS BANI\ NAME GENL GENERAL CHECI\ING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 376.317.30 34,396.72 TOTAL ALL BANI\S 410,714.02 . THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND AP DATE APPROVED BY .. . .. .. .. .. .. .,. .. .. ... .. .. T 7'" .. '" .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .;. - .. .. - .. .. .. -- - -- .- .., ~-- _._,-- - eRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/01/1999 13:04:06 . Schedule of 8i11s CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... M131D COMMENT... 1/31/99 MANUAL CKS DATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT __'m_______~,___ ------------------------ M-01311999-767 1/31/99 MANUAL CKS Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/01/1999 13:04:06 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 1 .NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID LINE CLINE/RICHARD 1143826 VOID CK 180.00CR CLOTHING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2111 767 00020 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING 1120491 VOID 2,035.90CR BEER 609.49750.2520 38889 767 00007 1120491 VOID 1,356.70CR BEER 609.49750.2520 51061 767 00008 3,392.60CR *VENDOR TOTAL DAVE PETERSON'S FORD-MER SEWER-1999 FORD F-350 22,195.76 MOTOR VEHICLES 262.45201.5501 767 00017 DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, INC. WRONG DEPT 734.00CR REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 602.49490.4044 80038 767 00022 WWTP-R & M 734.00 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 602.49480.4044 80038 767 00023 0.00 *VENDOR TOTAL FIRST TRUST NATIONAL ASS WRONG VENDOR 313.81CR MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 66382 767 00021 FRANK MOSKO TELE,VOICE/DATA CABLING 3,800.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 PRINTS 767 00015 ~ETH R. SHULTZ ARK DEDICATION LAND 25,000.00 LAND 240.49201.5101 767 00002 MARQUETTE BANK MONTICELL TO 4M FUND 3,000,000.00 INVESTMENTS 955.10401 767 00005 MN DEPART OF NATURAL RES REGISTRATIONS 3,995.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 767 00003 TITLES & REGISTRATIONS 4,865.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 767 00006 TITLES & REGISTRATIONS 5,302.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 767 00014 TITLES & REGISTRATIONS 2,702.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 767 00019 16,864.00 *VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #0 SEWER-FORD F-350 REG 1,471.72 LICENSES & PERMITS 262.49201.4370 767 00018 MONTICELLO/CITY OF PW-FILM 13.83 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 PETTY CASH REM 767 00009 PARKS-PARKING FEE 6.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE 225.45201.3310 PETTY CASH REM 767 00010 PW..POSTAGE 1. 70 POSTAGE 101.43110.3220 PETTY CASH REM 767 00011 PW-TRUCK WASH 1. 00 REPAIR & MTC" VEHICLES 101.43110.4050 PETTY CASH REM 767 00012 OVERNIGHT DELIVERY/WATER 29.80 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (U 461.49201.3240 PETTY CASH REM 767 00013 52.33 *VENDOR TOTAL U S POSTMASTER ~WSLETTER-RECYCLING 393.55 POSTAGE 101.43230.3220 767 00001 EP REG-POSTAGE 330.00 POSTAGE 101.41990.3220 767 00004 POSTAGE 367.20 POSTAGE 601.49440.3220 767 00016 1,090.75 *VENDOR TOTAL 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/01/1999 13:04:06 .NDOR NAME OESCRI PTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 3,066,588.15 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000023 Schedule of 8ills FUND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/01/1999 13:04:07 . FUND RECAP; Schedule of Bills fUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 225 PARK FUND 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 262 SANITARY SEWER ACCESS FUND 451 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 955 INVESTMENT HOLDING FUND 17,290.27 6.00 25,000.00 23,667.48 3,829.80 187.20 3,392.60 CR 3,000,000.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 3,066,588.15 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS ~L GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 3,069,980.75 3,392.60 CR TOTAL ALL BANKS 3,066.588.15 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY . - CITY Of MONTICELLO GL060S-VOS.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R 8RC FlNANCIAl SYSTEM 02/04/1999 14:14:10 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICEllC GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE Gl540R . Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 0205 COMMENT... 2/05 CKS OATA-JE-lO DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ 0-02051999-773 2/05 CKS Run Instructions: joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/04/1999 14: 14: 10 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 1 _OOR NAME . ESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE ADOLFSON & PETERSON, INC *FY* WWTP-#22 REQUEST 35,943.00 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201.3025 #22 773 00002 AEC ENGINEERS & DESIGNER *FY* PW-SCHOOL 450.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43115.3320 773 00001 ANDY'S TOWING SERVICE *FY* PARKS-TOW 186.38 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.45201.3199 95861 773 00003 ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS, COMM CENTER 35,793.58 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 0008993 , 773 00004 ARAMARK CITY HALL 75.95 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 6013-870971 773 00005 ASSOC OF RECORDS MGRS/TH KAREN-DUES FOR 1999 150.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.41301.4330 773 00006 ASSOCIATED VETERINARY CL *FY* AN SHELTER 155.45 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 33106 773 00007 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR LIOUOR 1,471.69 LIOUOR 509.49750.2510 15793500 773 00010 eOUOR 1,924.23 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 15816800 773 00009 ~X MISC 244.30 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 1661000 773 00008 3,640.22 *VENDOR TOTAL BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM BEER 183.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 42937 773 00016 TAX MISC 30.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 42938 773 00018 BEER 989.85 BEER 609.49750.2520 46024 773 00017 TAX MISC 27. 40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 46025 773 00019 1,231.35 *VENDOR TOTAL BIG LAKE MACHINE *FY* STREETS 45.12 STREET MAINTENANCE MATER 101.43120.2240 2587 773 00011 BRC - ASSIST CENTER *FY* DATA PROC 1.818.00 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSI 101.41920.3090 1203817 RI 773 00012 C J BROWN BUSINESS SERVI *FY* WINTER NEWSLETTER 2,495.80 NEWSLETTER 101.41301.3195 773 00013 CENTRAL MN REFRIGERATION *FY* SHOP 464.90 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101.43127.4044 058586 773 00015 *FY* SHOP 693.67 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101.43127.4044 058746 773 00014 1,158.57 *VENDOR TOTAL .SEARCH Y* PARKS 541. 66 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 101.45201.2160 325813 773 00020 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO 02104/1999 14: 14: 10 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 .oOR NAME AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM F/P 10 LINE . OESCR I PTI ON INVOICE POll CLARK FOOD SERVICE, INC. *FY* C!TY HALL 261.59 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 V288098 773 00021 CLINE/RICHARD SAFETY BOOTS REIMB 90.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2111 773 00022 CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIPMENT *FY* PARKS 598.35 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.45201.4050 57591 773 00023 CULLIGAN *FY* RENtAL HOUSE 26.17 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 773 00024 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 2,035.90 BEER 509.49750.2520 38889 773 00028 BEER 3.311.19 BEER 609.49750.2520 39581 773 00027 BEER 8.664.95 BEER 609.49750.2520 39989 773 00026 TAX MISC 225.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 40003 773 00025 BEER 425.05 BEER 609.49750.2520 40213 773 00029 14,662.09 *VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER 2.80CR BEER 609.49150.2520 52019 773 00030 4iER 80.80 BEER 609.49750.2520 52353 773 00031 18.00 *VENDOR TOTAL DESURIK-A UNIT OF GEN. S *FY* FIRE 44.48 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 1251499 713 00014 OISCOUNT PAPER PRODUCTS, LIOUOR STORE 104.49 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 609.49754.2099 205991 773 00032 DNR WATERS *FY* WATER APPR. FEE 1,980.05 LICENSES & PERMITS 601.49440.4310 773 00033 DONLAR CONSTRUCTION COMP COMM CENTER 150,679.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 113 773 00034 DOUBLE 0 ELECTRIC *FY* WATER ACCESS 1,055.09 BUILOINGS 265.49201,5201 3234-4 773 00036 *FY* RENTAL HOUSE 63.00 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201,4381 3235 773 00035 1,118.09 . *VENOOR TOTAL DYNA SYSTEMS *"Y* SHOP 909.27 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43121.2199 10013080 773 00037 EARL F ANDERSON & ASSOCI *FY* STREETS 178,58 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101,43120.2199 14641 773 00038 .LE/JIM ,EEL TOE BOOTS REIMB 90.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2111 773 00039 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/04/1999 14: 14: 10 Schedule of Bills GL540R-Y06.00 PAGE 6 .NDOR NAME AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT INYOICE POll F/P 10 LINE DESCRIPTION CLAIM MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, *FY* COMM CENTER 79.88 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 461.49201.2199 01786219 773 00108 METRO FIRE INC *FY* FIRE 79.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2111 98372 773 00109 MICHELS TRUCKING, INC *FY* FREIGHT 86.00 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 660134 773 00110 MID AMERICA BUSINESS SYS *FY* CH ADM 14,878.78 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.41301.5701 25993 773 00111 *FY* CH ADM M/A 1,269.00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 25993 773 00112 16,147. 78 *YENDOR TOTAL MIDDENDORF I JOHN SAFETY BOOTS REIMB 90.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2111 773 00113 MINNEGASCO LIQUOR STORE 273.81 GAS 609.49754.3830 773 00117 MINNESOTA ELECTRIC SUPPL *FY* STREET LIGHTING 1,625.67 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.43160.2299 514160 773 00115 ~FY* STREET LIGHTING 463.39 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.43160.2299 516875 773 00114 2,089.06 *YENDOR TOTAL MN COUNTIES INSURANCE TR PW ADM 250.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & suesc 101.43110.4330 1999 DUES 773 00118 MN DEPART OF NATURAL RES REGISTRATIONS 2,636.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 773 00116 MN DEPT OF TRADE & ECON PRIN WWTP GO NOTE 241.266.34 BOND PRINCIPAL 358.47001.6010 773 00119 INTEREST 279.562.54 BOND INTEREST 358.47001.6110 773 00120 520,828.88 *YENDOR TOTAL MN STATE TREASURER *FY* SURCHARGE-4TH QTR 9.028.14 BUILDING PERMITS 101.32211 773 00121 MN U C FUND GE SCHMIDT 223.00 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 101.45201.1420 773 00122 MONTICELLO PRINTING *FY* PARKS 337.82 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.45201.2030 773 00128 *FY* EC DEY 38.87 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 250.46501.2030 773 00129 *FY* DEP REG 34.08 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41990.2030 773 00130 410.77 *YENDOR TOTAL ~TICELLO SENIOR CITIIE 2.833.33 SENIOR CENTER CONTRIBUTI 101.45175.3136 MARCH, 1999 773 00131 CONTRACT BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/04/1999 14: 14: 10 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 9 eNDOR NAME AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE - DESCRIPTION RED'S MOBIL 367.85 *VENDORTOTAL RELIANCE DATA CORPORATIO *FY* SHOP 518.20 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESS I 101.41920.3090 22980 773 00187 *FY* SHOP 1,249.00 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSI 101.41920.3090 23050 773 00186 1,767.20 *VENDOR TOTAL RON'S GOURMET ICE ICE 76.86 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 29681 773 00188 ROYAL PRINTING & OFFICE *FY* PARKS 10.60 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.45201.2299 6377 773 00189 *FY* AN SHELTER 0.85 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.42701.2099 6378 773 00191 "'FY* WWTP 16.00 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 602.49480.2099 6379 773 00192 *FY* WWTP 5.99 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 602.49480.2099 6380 773 00190 33.44 *VENDOR TOTAL ROYAL TIRE OF MONTICELLO *FY* STREETS 147.59 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.43120.4050 052764 773 00193 *FY* STREETS 25.00 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 063616 773 00194 172.59 *VENDOR TOTAL eF AUTO PARTS 106.50 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 01131424 773 00195 *FY* PARKS S W WOLD CONSTRUCTION IN UTILITY REIMB 6.88 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.11501 773 00202 SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA TRAVEL EXPENSES 84.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42701.3310 773 00123 OP SUPPLIES 52.35 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 773 00124 CONTRACT 1,197.50 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.42701.3120 FEB 15 773 00125 1.333.85 *VENDOR TOTAL SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION *FY* COMM CENTER 10,547.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 3337 773 00196 ST JOSEPH EQUIPMENT INC *FY* STREETS 557.65 IMPROVEMENTS 101.43120.5301 S 172076 773 00203 STAR TRIBUNE *FY* PARKS 122.50 ADVERTISING 101.45201.3499 245561001 773 00197 SUPERIOR FCR LANDFILL, *FY* WASTE 294.22 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43230.3199 NOVEMBER 773 00201 ~RIOR SERVICES-CENTRA v* RECYCLING 4,347.95 PROF SRV - RECYCLING CON 101.43230.3101 DECEMBER 773 00198 FY* GARBAGE 8,013.56 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 DECEMBER 773 00199 *FY* GARBAGE SALES TAX 781.32 SALES TAX 101.43230.3720 DECEMBER 773 00200 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO Q2/04/1999 14: 14: 10 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 10 eNDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE SUPERIOR SERVICES-CENTRA 13,142.83 *VENDOR TOTAL SURPLUS SERVICES *FY* PARKS 25.00 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 101.45201.5601 900587 773 00204 *FY* PARKS 70.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2111 900587 773 00205 95.00 *VENDOR TOTAL THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 5,235.85 BEER 609.49750.2520 152635 773 00207 TAX MISC 95.15 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 152636 773 00209 BEER 13,117.45 BEER 609.49750.2520 153155 773 00208 TAX MISC 28.95 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 153155 773 00210 BEER 11. 70CR BEER 609.49750.2520 153320 773 00206 18,465.70 *VENDOR TOTAL U SLINK CH 47.08 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 773 00213 FIRE HALL 1. 25 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 773 00214 AN SHELTER 21.37 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 773 00215 WATER 14.12 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 773 00216 PW 13.89 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 773 00217 .LDG INSP 9.85 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 773 00218 EP REG 1.18 TELEPHONE 101.41990.3210 773 00219 LIQUOR STORE 8.34 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 773 00220 117.08 *VENDOR TOTAL U S POSTAL SERVICE CH 2,000.00 POSTAGE 101.41301.3220 1126272021 773 00221 UNITED LABORATORIES *FY* STREETS 1,082.21 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 101.43120.2130 21193 773 00224 US FILTER-WATERPRO *FY* WATER-RESALE 760.10 METERS & VALVES FOR RESA 601.49440.2271 4996448 773 00212 *FY* WWTP 313.67 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 602.49480.4044 5002051 773 00211 1,073.77 *VENDOR TOTAL USA WASTE SERVICES, INC *FY* WASTE 3,499.40 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 16680 773 00222 *FY* WASTE 3,496.62 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 17016 773 00223 6,996.02 *VENDOR TOTAL VIKING COCA COLA PW POP 74.55 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43110.4399 2192924 773 00227 TAX MISe 185.59 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2195790 773 00226 TAX MISC 145.05 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2196696 773 00225 .H POP 23.16 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41940.4399 2196854 773 00228 428.35 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO J2I04/1999 14: 14: 10 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 11 .ENDOR NAME AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE DESCRIPTION VIRTUAL PHONE *FY* TOM 42.55 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 5307 713 00229 *FY* MA TT 42.54 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 5307 773 00230 85.09 *VENDOR TOTAL VOSS LIGHTING *FY* STREET LIGHTS 175.17 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43160.2199 2030705-00 773 00232 *FY* STREET LIGHTS 22.81 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43160.2199 2030705-01 773 00231 197.98 *VENDOR TOTAL WARNING LITES OF MIN *FY* COMM CENTER 290.49 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 3044 7 773 00233 WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE TAX MISe 371.73 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 534364 773 00234 WESTSIDE EQUIPMENT *FY* SHOP 313.81 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 00066382 773 00236 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY DEP REG 19.12 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41990.3190 773 00238 PARKS 15.98 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.45201.3190 773 00239 e WATER TOWER 21.25 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 601.49440.3190 773 00240 56.35 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE STREET LIGHTS 8.00 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 773 00237 WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. *FY* GEN ENGINEERING 472.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.00-00019 773 00255 *FY* MAPS 3,063.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.27-01011 773 00251 l'FY* GENERAL LOT 45.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.30-00997 773 00248 *FY* CARDINAL HILLS 6TH 432.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 454.49201.3030 01010.50-00011 773 00244 *FY* RIVER MILL 2ND 226.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.61-00007 773 00268 *FY* COMM CENTER 135.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 01010.66-00009 773 00269 *FY* KLEIN FARMS ESTATES 216.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.69-00008 773 00260 *FY* ST HENRY'S 135.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.72-00010 773 00261 *FY* WILDWOOD RIDGE 1.239.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.75-00009 773 00243 *FY* FIRE STATION DRVWY 398.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.77-00003 773 00256 *FY* ST BENEDICT'S 100.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.81-00003 773 00262 *FY* RIVER FOREST 7,206.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.83-00005 773 00257 l'FY* LYMAN/EMMERICH 2,967.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.88-00003 773 00270 *FY* PARKING LOT OVRLYS 501.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.90-00005 773 00258 *FY* EST ST ELEVATIONS 6,101. 75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.91-00004 773 00252 *FY* MARQUETTE BANK 271.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.93-00003 773 00254 *FY* LYMAN/EMMERICK 2,194.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.95-00001 773 00271 *FY* LYMAN/EMMERICK 2,640.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.95-00002 773 00272 *FY* ROLLING WOODS 90.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.96-00001 773 00277 e*FY* WATER & SEWER STUDY 1. 800.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.97-00001 773 00241 aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/04/1999 14: 14: 10 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 12 .ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. *FY* TH25/CHELSEA ROAD 2,028.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 450.49201.3030 01033.00-01048 773 00250 *FY* TH25/CHELSEA 1,029.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 450.49201.3030 01033.40-00012 773 00216 *FY* TH25 STORM SEWER 2,018.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 450.49201.3030 01033.60-00001 773 00249 *FY* KLEIN FARMS 3RD 486.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 452.49201.3030 01059.01-00006 ' 773 00218 *FY* KLEIN FARMS 4TH 162.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 458.49201.3030 01059.21-00010 773 00245 *FY* HS TRUNK 86.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 453.49201.3030 01079.01-00008 773 00246 *FY* 7TH ST CONSTR 1,303.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 462.49201.3030 01087.01-00003 173 00213 *FY* RESSURECTION CHURCH 45.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 459.49201.3030 01Q96.01-00006 773 00219 *FY* COMM CENTER 1,186.13 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 01101.00-00006 773 00263 *FY* COMM CENTER 4,524.75 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 01101.01-00003 773 00264 *FY* CSAH 75 STUDY 359.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01109.00-00006 773 00265 *FY* CSAH 75 321.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01109.10-00001 773 00267 "FY" CSAH 75 3,239.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01109.10-00002 773 00266 *FY* CO ROAD 118 6,938.61 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01125.00-00002 773 00274 "FY" CO ROAD 118 3,232.44 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01125.00-00003 773 00275 *FY* SE BOOSTER STATION 5,747.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 464.49201.3030 01129.00-00004 773 00259 *FY* CO ROAD 118 665.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 465.49201.3030 01134.01-00002 773 00253 63,671.18 *VENDOR TOTAL Y M C A - NW CONTRACT 625.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.45177.3199 FEBRUARY 1999 773 00241 ~P MANUFACTURING COMPAN MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 577435939 773 00242 *FY* PARKS 117.83 . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/04/1999 14:14:10 .ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 1,055,535.14 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000284 Schedule of 8ills. FUND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 13 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/04/1999 14; 14; 15 Schedule of Bills GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE . GL540R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS ---------~------------------ 101 GENERAL FUND 136.787.58 211 LIBRARY FUND 1.501.19 225 PARK FUND 1,248.21 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 2.120.51 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 38.87 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 1.055.09 358 WWTP NOTE 520.828.88 361 1998B GO WATER SYSTEM REF BD 2.148.64 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 36.006.84 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 5,136,25 452 97-03P KLEIN FARMS 3RD 486.00 453 97-07C HIGH SCHOOL TR ST SEW 86.50 454 97-01C CARD HILLS VI 432.00 458 97-04C KLEIN FARMS 4(LION'S) 162.00 459 98-01C RES CHURCH 5S & WM 45.25 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 203,237.08 462 98-12C 7TH STREET EXTENSION 1.303.50 464 98-24C BOOSTER PUMP/WW RIDGE 5,747.00 465 98-23C UTIL/CR118-WILDWOOD 665.00 .~ WATER FUND 9.887.52 SEWER FUND 36.593.95 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 84.433.95 610 TRANSPORTATION FUND 5.228.33 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 355.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1.055,535.14 BANK RECAP: 8ANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 971,101.19 84,433.95 TOTAL ALL BANKS 1.055,535.14 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/04/1999 14:14:15 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R . FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS . .