City Council Agenda Packet 01-25-1999 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 25,1999 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. A. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held January 11, 1999. B. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held Tuesday, January 19, 1999. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving renewal of Men's Softball Association beer license. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. 8. Presentation by S.L.O.P.E. (Stop Landfilling Our Precious Environment) encouraging Council members and citizens to attend public hearing at Wright County Courthouse at 8 p.m., Thursday, January 28, 1999. 9. Consideration of approving City/Township joint resolution supporting mmexation of KjeIIbergs West Mobile Horne Park. 10. Background for the City Council's joint meeting with the MOAA Board and Monticello Township Board. II. Consideration of reducing retainagc for contract with Adolfson & Peterson on Project No. 93-14C, Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. 12. Consideration of bills for the last half of January 1999. 13. Adjournment. (f.~ SY" ~ (j-~ Af1dIN,M~ r - 71o,t~~ p,,~~ I'rNctoll d.e ~ . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 11, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Bclsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held December 9. 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TI-IE SPECIAL MEETING HELD DECEMBER 9, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously with Brian Stumpf absent. B. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held December 14. 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 14, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously with Brian Stumpf absent. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Snowmobile regulations. Councilmember Roger Carlson requested that staff discuss with the Sheriff s Department increased enforcement of snowmobile regulations and designated route. B. MCP fundraising. Councilmember Clint Herbst requested that, since the Council is providing matching funds, the MCP provide a specific list of donations. Ms. Barb Esse, MCP Chair, stated that she will check with the MCP's attorney regarding release of that information. C. Joint meeting with Monticello Orderly Annexation Board. Mayor Roger Belsaas reported that a joint meeting including the City Council, City staff, Monticello Township Board, and Monticello Orderly Annexation Board was scheduled for Wednesday, January 27, 1999, at 7:30 p.m., at the Monticello Township Hall. Page 1 z1l . . . Council Minutes - 1/11/99 D. Resignation from MOAA Board. Mayor Roger Belsaas reported that Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chair, submitted a letter of resignation from the MOAA Board in order to allow the new Council to select another representative. 4. Citizens comments/petitions. requests. and complaints. None. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of contract renewal with Elk River Landfill. Inc.. for the disposal of refuse. Recommendation: Approve a three-year contract extension with Elk River Landfill, Inc., from April 1, 1999, to April I, 2002, based upon a first year cost of $33.64 per ton and a maximum of 4% of the base cost in years two and three. B. Consideration of hiring Park Maintenance Worker. Recommendation: Authorize hiring ofMr. Thomas Pawelk to fill thc position of Park Maintenance Worker at a starting union wage of$12.93 per hour. C. Consideration of approval of the Riverview Square commercial subdivision within the PZM zoning district. Applicant. Richard Williamson. This item was removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 6. Consideration of items removed from the agenda for discussion. 5C. Consideration of approval of the Riverview Square commercial subdivision within the PZM zoning district. Applicant. Richard Williamson. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the owners ofthe property located at the northeast quadrant of County Highways 75 and 39 rcquest approval of a plat to accommodate future development. The plat consists of four parcels ranging from 2.37 acres to 5.02 acres. Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat; however, subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting, it was discovered that a small sliver of land located across County Road 39/Hart Boulevard, which was creatcd when East County Road 39 was realigned, was not included in the plat. City staffrecommcnded that the preliminary plat be approved with an additional condition requiring the original property owner to provide a legal description and quit claim deed to the City for the remnant parcel, and a deposit should be made with the City to cover administrative costs necessary to distribute the parcel to adjoining parcels to the north. Jeff O'Neill also noted that the final plat would not be brought to Council for approval until the remnant parcel issue is resolved. Page 2 ~A- . . . Council Minutes - 1/11/99 D. Resignation from MOAA Board. Mayor Roger Belsaas reported that Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chair, submitted a letter of resignation from the MOAA Board in order to allow the new Council to select another representative. 4. Citizens comments/petitions. requests. and complaints. None. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of contract renewal with Elk River LandfilL Inc.. for the disposal of refuse. Recommendation: Approve a three-year contract extension with Elk River Landfill, Inc., from April 1, 1999, to April 1, 2002, based upon a first year cost of $33.64 per ton and a maximum of 4% of the base cost in years two and three. B. Consideration of hiring Park Maintenance Worker. Rccommendation: Authorize hiring ofMr. Thomas Pawelk to fill the position of Park Maintenance Worker at a starting union wage of $12.93 per hour. C. Consideration of approval ofthe Riverview Square commercial subdivision within the PZM zoning district. Applicant. Richard Williamson. This item was removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 6. Consideration of items removed from the agenda for discussion. 5C. Consideration of approval of the Riverview Square commercial subdivision within the PZM zoning district. Applicant. Richard Williamson. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the owners ofthe property located at the northeast quadrant of County Highways 75 and 39 request approval of a plat to accommodate future development. The plat consists of four parcels ranging from 2.37 acres to 5.02 acres. Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat; however, subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting, it was discovered that a small sliver of land located across County Road 39/Hart Boulevard, which was created when East County Road 39 was realigned, was not included in the plat. City staff recommended that the preliminary plat be approved with an additional condition requiring the original property owner to provide a legal description and quit claim deed to the City for the remnant parcel, and a deposit should be made with the City to cover administrative costs necessary to distribute the parcel to adjoining parcels to the north. Jeff O'Neill also noted that the final plat would not be brought to Council for approval until the remnant parcel issue is resolved. Page 2 ~A- . . . Council Minutes - 1111/99 A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR RIYERYIEW SQUARE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. INCLUSION OF A PATHWAY EASEMENT WITHIN THE DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE PLAT. 2. INCLUSION OF A SIDEWALK OR P A THW A Y ALONG THE COUNTY HIGHW A Y 39 FRONTAGE BETWEEN HART BOULEY ARD AND COUNTY HIGHWAY 75. 3. CITY ENGINEER APPROY AL OF THE GRADING AND UTILITY PLANS. 4. THE WIDTH OF THE PRIVATE DRIVE TO BE DETERMINED IN COOPERATION WITH THE CITY ENGINEER. 5. A CROSS EASEMENT AGREEMENT IS IN PLACE FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 2, TO HA YE ACCESS RIGHTS THROUGH TIm PRIY ATE DRIVE. 6. REMNANT PARCEL CREATED BY SUBDIVISION SHALL BE GRANTED TO THE CITY FOR FUTURE DISPOSITION. DEVELOPER SHALL PAY ESTIMATED COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PREPARING PAPERWORK NECESSARY TO DISTRIBUTE PROPERTY TO ADJACENT LAND OWNERS AS NECESSARY. Motion carried unanimously. Motion is based on the finding that the design is in compliance with the City's subdivision ordinance and zoning regulations. 7. Review of EA Wand consideration of comments for the Otter Creek sand and gravel mining operations proposed by Otter Creek. LLC (John Chadwick). Public Works Director John Simola reported that the sand and gravel mining operations proposed by John Chadwick involves 35 acres located just south of West County Road 39 and west ofI-94. The mining operations are expected to generate an average of 30 truck loads per day. It was noted that the Oakwood Drive route traveling by D & D Bus and Gould Brothers Chevrolet into Monticello already contains gravel truck traffic and is a narrow road with no shoulders. The EA W comment period remains open until January 15, 1999. Couneilmember Clint Herbst noted that since the mining operation nearly adjoins the city, and gravel trucks would also use the East County Road 39 route into Monticello, the City should submit a letter stating its concerns. Page 3 2, If.. . . . Council Minutes - 1/11/99 A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A LETTER REGARDING ISSUES SUCH AS NOISE, VISUAL IMPACT, TRAFFIC, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS RELATING TO THE PROPOSED SAND AND GRAVEL MINING OPERA TrONS. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of authorizing execution of a Lettcr of Acknowledgement for TIF assistance for redevelopment of the Klucas property. Developer BradL,arson requested that Council consider execution of a Letter of Acknowledgement for TIF assistance for the redevelopment of the Klucas property. Redevelopment of the property would include construction of 32 three-bedroom rental townhome units in phase I. The Lettcr of Acknowledgement would be submitted by the developer as part of a tax credit application to the Minnesota l-lousing Finance Agency (MHF A). When a tax credit application includes public participation such as TIF assistance, the application receives additional points, giving the application a greater chance for award of competitive dollars. The requested assistance is for reimbursement of soils correction in an amount not to exceed $10,000 and 50% of the annual tax increment over 5 years to buy down the rents to the tenants. The total market value of the 32 units is estimated at $1,440,000. The TIF District would be a Qualified Housing District, exempting the City from the HACA penalty or local match. The HRA approved the use ofTIF for redevelopment of the Klucas property subject to City Council execution of the Letter of Acknowledgement. Council discussed the use of TIF at a time when development and annexation requests are high. Questions were raised as to whether TIF money should be used to promote low to moderate income housing when commercial and industrial development are needed. The proximity of the R-2 property to industrial land was also noted in that higher-end housing would not likely be proposed for this area. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF A LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR TIF ASSISTANCE FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF THE KLUCAS PROPERTY. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. Opposed: Clint Herbst, Roger Belsaas. Motion carried. 9. Consideration of annual appointments for 1999. Mayor Belsaas proposed that Councilmember Clint Herbst be appointed to the MOAA Board seat vacated by Planning Commission Chair Dick Frie. Council member Clint Herbst proposed that City Council take a closer look at appointments to the ERA due to the impact the Authority can have on the city. Page 4 2-~ Council Minutes - 1/11199 . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO SET A SPECIAL MEETING FOR JANUARY 25, 1999,5:30 P.M., TO DISCUSS APPOINTMENTS TO THE HRA. Motion carried unanimously. Council also discussed whether Planning Commission appointments should be staggered rather than all five terms expiring yearly. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill noted that he could research the ordinance and statutes regarding Planning Commission appointments and report back to Council at the January 25 special meeting. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THlEl",EN TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING 1999 APPOINTMENTS: Official Depositories: Marquette Bank Monticello First National Bank of Monticello Chief Financial Officer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Newspaper: Monticello Times . Housing and Redevelopment Authority: (5-year staggered terms) Appointments to the HRA will be considered at a special City Council meeting on January 25, 1999, at 5:30 p.m. Planning Commission: Appointments to the Planning Commission will be considered at a special City Council meeting on January 25, 1999, at 5:30 p.m., with regard to staggered terms. Health Officer: (1 year) Dr. Donald Maus Acting Mayor: (I year) Clint Herbst Joint Commissions: Community Education Fire Board MOAA Mayor Roger Belsaas Rick Wolfsteller and Brian Stumpf Roger Belsaas and Clint Herbst Library Board: (3-year staggered) 1. vacant 2. Gordy Jacobson 3. Jeanette Lukowski 4. Jim MallS 5. Diane Herbst 12/1999 12/2000 12/1999 12/2000 12/2001 . Attorney: Dennis Dalen of Olson, Ussct, & Weingardcn Page 5 z,A- . . . Planner: Auditor: Recycling Committee: Economic Development Authority: (5-year staggered terms) Engineer: Police Advisory Commission: (3-yr staggered terms) Parks Commission: (3~yr staggered terms) Council Minutes - 1/11/99 Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Assoc. Bruce Thielen 1. Roger Carlson, Council 2. Clint Herbst Council 3. Ken Maus 4. Darrin Lahr 5. Barb Schwientek 6. Bill Demeules 7. Ron Hoglund WSB & Associates I. Brian Stumpf. Council 2. Dick Slais 3. David Gerads 4. Brad Fyle 5. Liz DeMarais 1 . Earl Smith 2. Larry Nolan 3. Fran Fair 4. Rick Traver 5. Jennifer Fearing Council liaison (ex-officio) appointments to Citv committees: lIRA: Planning Commission: Parks Commission: Police Commission: Library Board: MCP: Motion carried unanimously. 10. Brian Stumpf Clint Herbst Roger Carlson Brian Stumpf Bruce Thielen Bruce Thielen 12/2001 12/2002 12/2001 ] 2/2002 12/2003 12/1999 12/2000 12/2002 12/2000 12/2000 12/2001 12/1999 12/2001 12/1999 12/2000 12/2001 12/1999 Review recommendations from community center small group and provide direction for establishing management program and policies and design modifications. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that a small group, consisting of an HRA member, a City Council member, a DA T member, and City staff, was established to help guide the development process for the community center and is proposed to continue meeting to focus on management structure, policies, and construction process/design Page 6 z,,tf- Council Minutes - 1/11/99 . modifications. Mayor Roger Belsaas replaced Bill Fair as the Council representative and has been assisting City staff and the facility start-up process by attending and providing input at the small group level. Management and Operations ft was proposed that the small group identify the management structure necessary to properly operate the facility, which would include a listing of programs and services that the community center would otTer and methods of service delivery such as utilization of City staff and private contracts. In regard to policy development, City staff collected a number of policies from other community centers such as Maple Grove and Chaska in order to establish a starting point for initial operation of the facility. Construction Process/Design Modifications . The small group would also be responsible for monitoring the construction process, making sure that the project is on schedule and being constructed properly, in conjunction with the Chief Building Official. It was noted that the facility would need to be operating by November 1999 in order to sell memberships for winter use. The savings resulting from the recent grant award of $387,000 was proposed to be placed in the project contingency fund. Councilmembcr Clint Herbst noted his concern regarding the proposed process for approving change orders, which would grant the Chief Building Official authority to approve change orders of $10,000 or less. Jeff O'Neill explained that the process would allow both the City Administrator and Chief Building OtTicial the authority to approve those change orders much like the process used for the wastewater treatment plant project whereby the City Administrator and Public Works Director approved change orders of $10,000 or less. Communications The original community center budget included $50,000 for development of telephone, sound, AV, and computer systems but does not include the funds that would be derived trom Jones Intercablc, which would be used to wire and place canleras in the council chambers area. The small group would obtain recommendations on communication system designs from a communications subcommittee made up of Bill Bruce of the cable system, TDS Telecom, Chief Building Official Fred Patch, MIS Assistant Cathy Shuman, and the architect. Short-term Objective for Small Group and City Council . Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill noted that Council direction was needed with regard to continuing the small group as proposed, with the following objectives: Page 7 zit Counci I Minutes - 1/11/99 . 1. Begin the process of hiring a Community Center Director, with the job description to be approved at the next Council meeting. The goal is to have a director hired no later than April. 2. Develop a mission statement to help guide policy development and decisions of the future Community Center Director. 3. Research design modifications to include the library in the facility rather than the senior center, and possibly move the seniors to the current library facility in the future. Councilmember Clint Herbst stated that Council should first decide whether the project should continue rather than discussing the hiring of a director. It was his view that the expenditure information was vague. Couneilmember Brian Stumpf added that he had requested specific expenditures to date but had not yet received them. He questioned how the project could stay within budget ifthe estimated expenditures have risen from roughly $2.5 million as reported at the last Council meeting up to approximately $4.5 million now. It was also noted that the Becker Community Center lost $350,000 last year, and there was concern about how much the Monticello Community Center would lose every year with Becker in direct competition. . Mr. Mark Wentzell of Ankeny Kell Architects explained that it would be impossible to calculate exact expenditures without stopping the project because the contractor and 20+ subcontractors are working and the figures change daily. Because the production schedule has been set, the City would pay a penalty for shutting down the project, negotiate payment for factory orders, and would also pay the contractor for the delay if the project was restarted. Lawsuit settlements would also have to be calculated into the expenditure figures if the project was stopped. He noted that while some community centers do lose money, some also make a profit such as Maplewood and Chaska. . Mr. John Sandberg, a resident of Monticello, stated that he was a spokesman for a large majority of the residents in Monticello, most of whom do not want the project to continue. City resident Jeff Michaelis and Mr. Sandberg stated that the new building would not be large enough for city hall and would require a second story, would create too much congestion near the fire hall, and would not provide suHicient parking. It was also their view that the aquatic center was a frivolous expense, the National Guard could build their own independent facility, and the senior center should not be placed in a commercial arca with high traffic. Information was presented to Council showing their total estimated cost of the project to be betwecn $24 million and $34 million. [fthe project was stopped now, they felt the $4 million in expenditures to date could easily be paid for by selling the site for $500,000, using $500,000 as set aside for expansion of the current city hall, using the $387,000 grant recently obtained by the City, $400,000 from the liquor store fund over two years, paying for the utility rerouting with general funds, and selling the former Ferrellgas site for $250,000 to $300,000. It was also suggested Page 8 zit- Council Minutes - 1/11/99 . that the City consider purchasing the S1. Henry's Church property since it is not currently on the tax rolls, could seat over 500 people for meetings, provided ample parking space, and could easily accommodate the senior center. Mr. Michaelis added that many people signed a petition requesting an audit of the community center project but no results have been received from the State Auditor's office. It was his view that the project should not move forward until the State has completed the audit. He also stated that there was an issue with a portion of the site not yet owned by the City. The Deputy City Administrator and City Attorney responded that the City has received license to enter the property and a commitment has been received that the title insurance company will insure the value of the City's investment in the event there are unsatisfied mortgages against the property. Mark Wentzell of AKA responded to the estimated project costs presented by Mr. Sandberg and Mr. Michaelis by noting that cost overruns could possibly be 2% to as high as 5%, but no project he has ever worked with has been remotely close to 20% in overruns as they projected. To date, there have been no change orders and $100,000 in savings on the project. He also pointed out that the center could show a loss if expenditures for nonprofit items such as the library are factored in; however, it has been proven in other communities that aquatics can generate income through memberships. . Monticello resident Rhonda Thielen stated that she was not originally in favor of the community center but is now after seeing the amount of support for the project. It was her view that a community center would keep money in the community. Ms. Paulette Conroy asked the Council to keep a positive attitude and maintain integrity in their decision making. As a business owner, she stated she is willing to pay the additional taxes to support the community center. Mr. Allan Wojchouski stated that he did not want to pay additional taxes for nothing in return and requested that Council consider the issue of stopping the community center very carefully. He also noted that inaccurate information had been presented regarding the amount of residents opposed to the center. Council discussed the estimated $4 million that would be lost if the project was stopped at this point and whether the project could be delayed for the purpose of conducting a referendum. Mark Wentzell of AKA reported that there are complications with stopping and starting the project in that scheduled production would be stopped but the City would be required to pay for the delay as well as production time ifrestarted. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ISSUE A STOP WORK ORDER ON THE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT AND PLACE IT AS A REFERENDUM QUESTION AT A SPECIAL ELECTION. Page 9 zit Council Minutes - 1/ 11/99 . Architect Mark Wentzell requested direction on how to proceed and noted that the City Attorney should review the contract to find out how long the contract remains valid if the project is delayed. City Attorney Dennis Dalen also recommended that the Council receive input from bond counsel regarding the impact on the City's overall bond rating if the project is stopped. Council discussed lease revenue bonds vs. general obligation bonds for financing the community center, and it was suggested by staff that perhaps the aquatic center could be put on hold for a referendum while continuing construction of the rest of the facility. MA YOR BELSAAS CALLED FOR A VOTE ON THE MOTION TO STOP WORK ON THE PROJECT AND HOLD A REFERENDUM. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Roger Belsaas, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Motion failed. Discussion continued regarding the costs of materials and rebidding the project if stopped and then restarted. Former Mayor Bill Fair suggested that the Council make their decision based on the worst case scenerio and consider what will be lost in jeopardizing the City's financial reputation and bond rating. . MAYOR BELSAAS MADE A MOTION TO ISSUE A STOP WORK ORDER ON THE AQUATICS PORTION OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER AND RESEARCH THE DETAILS AND COST OF HOLDING A REFERENDUM CONTINGENT ON THE REST OF THE PROJECT CONTINUING. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilmembers Bruce Thielen and Roger Carlson noted that it would be fiscally irresponsible to stop the project at this time and that the other alternative is to simply move on. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER BELSAAS AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO RECONSIDER THE PREVIOUS MOTION TO ISSUE A STOP WORK ORDER ON THE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT AND PLACE IT AS A REFERENDUM QUESTION AT A SPECIAL ELECTION. Voting in favor: Roger Be1saas, Brian Stumpf, Clint Herbst. Opposed: Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Motion carried. Discussion focused on defining the referendum question, and it was suggested that the question include the cost to stop the project and tbe cost to stop and restart the project after researching the expenditures to date. Mayor Belsaas directed City staff to research the requirements for general obligation bonds and lease revenue bonds. Architect Mark Wentzell responded that he would need to review the contract and prepare a letter to the contractor. He suggested that the City Attorney assist with preparation of the letter and that it would be better to "hold" rather than "stop" the project for 30 days. . Ms. Barb Esse requested that the motion being reconsidered be read so that the public in attendance could understand what was being discussed. Deputy City Clerk Karen Doty read the original motion to issue a stop work order on the project and place it as a Page 10 2-14- . . . Council Minutes - 1/11/99 referendum question at a special election, noting that during discussions it was clarified that the referendum question should state the cost to stop the project and the cost to stop and restart the project. Councilmember Herbst noted that the discussion also clarified that the language should be amended to "hold" the project for a referendum rather than "stop" the project. BRIAN STUMPF THEN AMENDED THE MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION TO PLACE THE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT ON HOLD PENDING ADDITIONAL RESEARCH OF PROJECT COSTS TO DATE, AND PLACE THE QUESTION OF CONTINUING THE COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT AS A REFERENDUM QUESTION AT A SPECIAL ELECTION. THE REFERENDUM QUESTION IS TO INCLUDE THE COST OF THE PROJECT IF IT MOVES AHEAD AND THE COST OF THE PROJECT IF STOPPED. No further action was taken by the Council at this time. 11. Consideration of Change Order No. 18 for City Proiect 93-14C. expansion of the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility. Public Works Director John Simola reported that Change Order No. 18 for the wastewater treatment plant facility involved mostly piping changes in various areas of the plant totaling $20,240. The total amount of expenditures for all change orders amounted to $447,814.50, which is 3.97% of the original contract. He noted that Council would be requested to reduce the retainage amount at their next meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 18 WITH THE CONTRACT WITH ADOLFSON & PETERSON FOR PROJECT 93-14C IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,240. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of bills for the last half of December and first half of January. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE LAST HALF OF DECEMBER AND FIRST HALF OF JANUARY AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 11 z,,ef- . . . Special Council Minutes - 1/19/99 Councilmember Clint Herbst recommended that the survey questions be approved by the full Council before the survey is conducted. Deputy City Administrator noted that he had spoken with Decision Resources, who indicated they could meet next week with the Council Subcommittee to draft the survey questions, which should allow Council review on February 8. AFTER DISCUSSION, BRUCE THIELEN THEN MADE A SECOND AMENDMENT TO HIS MO'rION TO INCLUDE IN ITEM #3 OF THE RESOLUTION THAT THE SURVEY QUESTIONS WOULD ALSO BE REVIEWED BY THE FULL CITY COUNCIL. The motion was seconded by Roger Carlson. Voting in favor: Roger Belsaas, Bruce Thielen, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. SEE RESOLUTION 99-1. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 2 2.8 .- MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, January 19, 1999 - 6 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of motion to hold community center proiect for possible referendum-- clarification of Council action on January 11. 1999. Mayor Roger Belsaas explained that due to an oversight at the January 11 meeting, the motion to put the community center project on hold and conduct a referendum would need to be formally reconsidered; however, since that time, additional information has been received which indicates a referendum would not be practical at this point in time due to financial constraints and the financing method would change to general obligation bonds. The Mayor requested that Council members indicate whether they would like to accept public comment on the project at this time, a majority of which indicated that additional comments would not be necessary. ---- Council member Bruce Thielen reported that after meeting with Donlar Contractors and their attorney, the National Guard, Arve Grimsmo's attorney, and the City's attorneys, it becanle apparent that a solution other than stopping the project was necessary. A resolution drafted by Councilmember Thielen and the Mayor was read, which outlined reasons for allowing the project to continue and proposed that the Council form a City Council Subcommittee, consisting of Councilmember Thielen and Mayor Belsaas, to develop a scientific survey to determine public support for items such as aquatics, wheel park, climbing wall, and children's play area for the community center. Survey questions would be developed by an independent third party, with final survey results reviewed by the full City Counci\. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ESTABLISHMENT OF A CITY COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE TO PREPARE A SURVEY TO IDENTIFY CITIZEN SUPPORT OR NONSUPPORT OF THE AQUATICS CENTER, WHEEL PARK, AND CLIMBING WALL, AND TO PLACE ON HOLD DEVELOPMENT OF THESE COMMUNITY CENTER FEATURES UNTIL THE RESULTS OF THE SURVEY ARE KNOWN. City Attorney Dennis Dalen recommended that the resolution include an additional statement that construction of the aquatics, wheel park, and climbing wall shall be placed on hold until further action of the City Council. BRUCE THIELEN THEN AMENDED HIS MOTION TO ADD AS ITEM #4 TO THE RESOLUTION THE STATEMENT THAT CONSTRUCTION OF THE AQUATICS, WHEEL PARK, AND CLIMBING WALL SHALL BE PLACED ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER ACTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Page 1 t' - . . . SA. Council Agenda - 1/25/99 Consideration of approvine: renewal of Men's Softball Association beer license. (C.S., R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Softball Association is requesting approval of their annual becr license to sell at the NSP softball field concession stand. The Association will present a letter of intcnt to acquire dram shop liquor liability insurance upon approval of the City issuing a license, and the Council can approve the license contingent upon receipt ofthe certificate of insurance for liquor liability and the appropriate fee of$137.50. Also enclosed for Council's revicw is a copy of the 1998 Softball Association's income statement summarizing their income and expenditures including concession stand revenue and expenses. The Association has paid all their fees to date for 1998, including the annual $500 contribution for installing lighting at the softball field complex and electrical costs for softball lighting during the season. In the past, the Council has requested an income report to determine the revenue and expenditurcs and whether fee increases are warranted to help defer the cost of lighting and maintenance at the ballfields. The summary report indicates a net income of$160.37 after expenditurcs for 1998. It ccrtainly docs not appear that there are additional revenues available to increase the team fees being charged by the City unless the Association passes such an increase on to thcir mcmber teams. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant the license contingent upon the receipt of the necessary insurance documents and appropriate fees. 2. Deny the license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is thc recommendation of stafIthat thc license be granted contingent upon proper insurance being provided. The City is not aware of any problems with this license in the past and can see no reason why the Association should not be granted thc license for the 1999 season. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of 1998 income statement provided by League Director Mark Banyai. . . . 1998 MONTICELLO MEN'S SLOWPITCH INCOME REPORT INCOME League Entry Fees 24 Teams @ $400 Early Bird Tournament Class C Men's District Class D Men's District Other Tournaments (for concession supplies) Misc: Concession TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES CITY OF MONTICELLO Liquor License Field Fee 24 Teams @ $125 Tournament Field Fee 6th Annual Light Installment Electricity for Lights MSF District Entry Fees Team Sanction Fees 24 @ $12 MSF Building Donations MSF Shirts Dram Shop Insurance Lindenfelser Meats Dahlheimer Distributing Viking Coke Maus Foods Sam's Club---Candy & Chips Trophies--League & Early Bird Phone Bill Marties--Chalk for Fields Field Dragging Balls for League Tournament Directors Fee & Helpers Concession Help Umpires MISC: Propane, grill, gas for tractor, postage, tournament supplies, Times ad, and various other purchases TOTAL EXPENSES GROSS INCOME FOR 1998 LESS EXPENSES FOR 1998 NET INCOME FOR 1998 LESS UNDER PAYMENT FOR 1997 LIGHT BILL ADJUSTED INCOME FOR 1998 9600.00 5751.70 3161.20 3606.35 3003.75 725.83 18,821.00 44,669.83 137.50 3000.00 525.00 500.00 1556.66 550.00 288.00 450.00 686.70 1000.00 2414.69 6048.01 4379.15 606.28 2564.99 543.29 416.98 203.85 880.00 2235.27 1095.00 5329.00 6657.00 1798.97 43,866.34 44,669.83 43,866.34 803.49 643.12 160.37 S'A -I . . . Council Agenda - 1/25/99 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of a resolution adoptine proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: 'I'he City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility hilling accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes ifnot paid by November 30, 1999. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1999 at an interest rate of 8% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest and can be accepted up to November 30, 1999. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on January 15, 1999. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. 2 . . . RESOLUTION 99- RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR I)I~LINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, thc Council has met and heard and passcd upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2000 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption ofthis assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 1999. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the datc of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county audi tor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall bc collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day ofJanuary, 1999. Mayor City Administrator 1,,/ . ~ ~ <-> .... >- ~ = >- ~ !:1 :=: >- . ...: ~ ~ B <-> ~ -' -' <Xi i'= ;::: >- "" ~ 0 '" '" '" "" .... = . e ::! <>- '" '" '-' c " '" g '" ...: do <; ..... ~ <>- .. .. .... 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U::)~OOIC01C1OO';lI<Qcg...a- --~_.............._~~ C::)~C;:;;;),="I;;IQOt=lloe=) 1.n1.f1ll.nt.,nLO~U".tU"lC=) t;;;)t=lc:t~~~e:Jf;;:;;)___ (;nO"fO'J'I07lIQ'lIQ1I(7lIQ:JCf) . " "'" '" M ~ ~-.. " , ~. ~ ;!. "" '" u> --' ~ g --' --' I- .... ... "" "" I- = -0 "" ..... >- <..> 3 ;:;:: ~ ~ "" ..... "" >- >-' <:> .. .. .. I- "" "" 0.. <:> "" "" w .. .. .. :1l' 'J ~ . . . . 8. Council Agenda - 1/25/99 Presentation by S.L.O.l).E. (Stop Landfilling Our Precious Environment) encouraging Council members and citizens to attend public hearing at Wright County Courthouse at 8 p.m.. Thursday. .January 28,1999. Information will be presented at the meeting on Monday. 3 . . . Council Agenda - 1/25/99 9. Consideration of approving City/Township joint resolution supporting annexation of Kjellbergs West Mobile Home Park. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting of the MOAA Board, the Board acted to support the annexation of Kjellbergs West Mobile Home Park. The arc a included in the annexation involves the parcel that encompasses the "park area" and does not include an adjoining parcel owned by Kjellberg. The adjoining parcel is eligible for annexation following the City/Township annexation process. As a preview, Kjellberg is requesting an expansion to his mobile homc park, which will require the following actions: ~ ~S (j\1 1. Planning Commission conducts public hearing on rezoning and conducts site plan review. 2. City Council considers rezoning. 3. MOAA Board adopts compatible zoning designation. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1, Motion to adopt a resolution supporting annexation of Kjellbergs West Mobile Home Park. Execution of Council action is contingent on completion of the sanitary sewer project and connection of the west park to city services, If City Council selects this option, the resolution will be forwarded to the Township, 2. Motion to deny annexation of Kjcllbergs West Mobile l:lome Park. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: StafT recommends aIternati ve # 1 . D, SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution, 4 . . . IN THE MATTER OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ORDERL Y ANNEXATION BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 414.0325, SUBD. 1 TO: Minnesota Municipal Board 165 Metro Square Building St. Paul, MN 55101 The Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello hereby jointly agree that the joint resolution between the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello designating an area fi:H orderly annexation dated March 6, 1998, be amended to include the following: Both the Town and the City agree that no alteration of the stated boundaries of this agreement is appropriate. Furthermore, both parties agree that no consideration by the Board is necessary. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Municipal Board may review and comment but shall, within 30 days, order the annexation of the following-describcdproperty in accordance with the terms of the joint resolution. Kjellbcrgs West Mobile Home Park Approved by the City of Monticello this 25th day of January, 1999. City Administrator Mayor Approved by the Town of Monticello this _ day of ,19_ Town Chair Town Clerk If-I . . . Council Agenda - 1/25/99 10. Backeround for the City Council's joint meetin~ with the MOAA Board and Monticello Township Board. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This information is provided to thc City Council in preparation for the upcoming joint meeting with the Township Board and MOAA Board regarding land use in the MOAA. As you are aware, the MOAA Board has recommended that the City and Township consider an amendment to its Orderly Annexation Area Agreement which would revise the references to the Land Use Plan in the MOAA. The agreement was adopted with references to the Southwest Area Concept Plan, and a version of that plan which was in draft form at the time of the agreement was attached as Exhibit C. The City Council subsequently made adjustments to the Southwest Area Concept Plan based on property owner and public meeting input prior to formally adopting the Concept Plan as an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan. The MOAA Board has prepared a draft land use plan for the consideration of the City Council and Township Board. It as variance with both Exhibit C and the City's Comprehensive Plan. Staff has summarized those changes and has listed some of the issues which the City Council will want to exmnine in its discussion with the Board. Engineering staff is providing additional information on some of the utility and transportation impacts of the changes as well. The attached map identifies the areas discussed below. AREA 1 This area consists of the industrial designated area north of Silver Springs Golf Course and west of the Orchard Road overpass. MOAA Board members suggest a designation on the plan which identifies this area as "Future Industrial" to highlight the need for a freeway interchange at Orchard Road for access to 1-94. Issues: The key to the development readiness of this area is access to City services, including sewer, water, and adequate transportation facilities. While the "Future Industrial" designation is not necessary under the MOAA agreement, it reflects the nature of the development status in this area. AREA 2 This area lies east of Silver Springs Golf Course along the freeway between the "Ponderosa" and "OK Corral Ranchettes" rural subdivisions (about 27 lots) and the Devron Greens rural subdivision (about 13 lots). The City's 1996 Comprehensive Plan, the March 1998 Exhibit C, mld the May 1998 Comprehensive Plan Amendment identified this area as industrial. The MOAA Board suggests a change to low density residential. 5 Council Agenda - 1/25/99 . [",sues: .. Future industrial land supply, given the City's industrial development goals .. Compati bi lity of industrial land near the rural subdivisions .. Compatibility of residential land adjacent to the freeway .. Compatibility of residential land along a future minor arterial roadway AREA 3 'fhis area is the "Chadwick" property south of County Highway 39, east of the YMCA land, and west of the future Chelsea Road alignment. Exhibit C, the version of the Southwest Area Plan which was in draft form when the MOAA Agreement was signed, showed this area as residential. The City's Comprehensive Plan amendment guided this area for industrial, based on its accessibility and the presence of two major power line corridors which cut through the property. The MOAA Board suggests a change to low density residential. [",sues: . .. Mid-term industrial land supply .. Compatibility of industrial land near the YMCA property (separated by a power line corridor) .. Compatibility of residential development along the Chelsea Road extension and minor arterial street .. Compatibility of residential development in an area of major power line corridors AREA 4 This area is a portion of YMCA land which is separated from the bulk of the YMCA property by 90th Street. It was included in the MOAA's revised boundaries to allow the border to follow the street. The City's Comprehensive Plan, Exhibit C, ffild the Comprehensive Plan Amendment direct low density residential development on this site. The MOAA Board suggests Public/Quasi Public to reflect its current ownership. Issues: 'fhere is no concrete knowledge of YMCA's intent to retain or dispose of this property. It was designated residential as a future development scenario. The only issue related to a Public/Quasi Public designation would be the nced for an amendment to the MOAA Land Use Plan (and possibly the City's Land Use Plan) if the YMCA sought to sell or dispose of the property. . AREA 5 This parcel is the 220-acre property east of Trunk Highway 25, south of the Kjellberg East Mobile Home Park, currently under development application by Gold Nugget Development. The City's Comprehensive Plan, along with previous land use plans for 6 Council Agenda - 1/25/99 . both the City and tbc MOAA, direct this land for low density residential development. As the City Council is aware, a PUD application was submitted for concept approval last spring, and an EA W for residential development based on the concept plan was reviewed last fall. The developer has submitted a preliminary plat application to the Planning Commission, which continued its public hearing to February, pending information received at the upcoming joint meeting. The MOAA suggests redesignating this site for industrial development. Issues: ~ Compatibility of industrial development with the adjoining residential land use ~ Compatibility of additional industrial traHic with the Highway 25 commercial corridor and the School campus area ~ Costs of sanitary sewer upgrades to accommodate the additional sewer flow from industrial development ~ Quality of development issues related to the site's topography 13. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: No action necessary. . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has provided this summary as a basis for discussing the potential changes to the land use plan proposed by the MOAA. If the MOAA adopts a land use plan which is in conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City would have to consider amendments to its Plan to entertain development applications on that property. As noted above, the City Engineer will have additional comments relating to utility and transportation issues on some of the areas discussed in this report. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A - Land Use Conflicts Exhibit 13 - MOAA Draft Plan . 7 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 612.5414800 FAX 541-1700 6125411'700 P.02/04 B.A. Mittelsteadt. P.E. Brer A. Wew, PoE. Perer R. Willenbring, RE. Oon:dd W. Srema, P.E.. Ronald B. Bray, P..E.. . JAN-22-1999 11:59 . WS8 - & Associates, Inc. WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. Memorandum To: Jeff O'Neill, Deputy Administrator City of Monticello BTel A. Weiss, P.E. tt)ttl- City Engineer From: Date: January 22,1999 Re: Pine Meadows Sanitary Sewer A vaUability WSB Project No.1 01 0.73 . As requested, we have quickly looked at the issues related to converting the Pine Meadows area from residential to industrial development as it relates to the sanitary sewer. There have been many conversations regilding the fact that the City's system is currently under. sized, even for residential development, to accommodate the Pine Meadows development. This reference is specifically related to the lift station located adjacent to Chelsea Road known as the Reservoir Lift Station. The statement is correct that, with the ultimate development of the Pine Meadows area in addition to other areas along School Boulevard and south of Cardinal Hills, the reservoir lift station will need to be upgraded significantly. The concern with the conversion to Industrial development is the trunk mains between this area and the lift station. We have looked at other options for dealing with the lift station including possible elimination to the extension of the Southeast Interceptor. The results of that study are forthcoming at a future council meeting. The modification of the land use from residential to industrial from a planning standpoint would assume a doubling of the sanitary sewer capacity from the area. At this time, with significant portions of the property still undeveloped in the area draining to the sanitary sewer trunk line, the development of this property would be achievable, however, as the property continues to infill, an alternative design would be necessauy to accommodate the additional flows. Several options are available, including rerouting property located south of Cardinal Hills to another location, however, there would still be portions of the system that would surcharge during peak flow periods. Any modification of the system would involve reallocating access in the pipe, which will involve additional costs. I am not in a position at this time to identify what kind of costs may be involved, but certainly somewhere in the neighborhood ofSl 00,000 to $250,000 would be reasonable to revise the system and account for dollars previously spent that will not be utilized. . mn '0 -- \ Minneapoli, · St. Cloua IllftiUtnIa'1IrY Engi"B"., Pla".""., F.Ql1AJ. OPPOn11TNllY FMPI OYER f:\WPWIN\I 0 I 0.73\0 11199.jg . . . JAN-22-1999 11:59 A WSS ..-. & Associates. Inc. WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.03/04 BA. Minclste:adt. RE. Bret A. Weiss. P.E. Peter R. Willenbring. P.E. Don2.)d W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bny. P.E. 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis. MN 55426 612--541-4800 FAX 541-1700 Memorandum To: J~1f 0 'Neill, Depllty Administrator City of Monticello BrelA. Weiss,P.E.~ City Engineer From: Date: January 22, 1999 Re: Pine Meadows Residential vs. Industrial TraffIC Characteristics WSB Project No.1 01 0.73 As you requested, we are providing a comparison of Residential (single family) development versus Industrial type development with respect to traffic impacts. The following table summarizes the anticipated traffic generation based on the Institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, Sixth Edition. Use Trips I nay Generation Rate ITrips/AerelDav) Pine Meadows (220 Ac.) Single Family 26.04 5720 Residential Light Industrial 51.80 11396 Industrial Park 63.11 13884 Manufacturing 38.88 8553 Warehouse 57.23 12591 As is apparent, any type of Light Industrial. Manufacturing or Warehousing use typically generate 35% or more trips in a day than Single Family Residential. In addition to the number of vehicles generated by the development, several other factors should be considered when comparing these types of uses. Minne.polis · St. Cloud Infrtutr'IICIInW Engineerl PbmlUTl F.()l1Al OPPORTUNITY F.MPl OYER 10'-""- F:\WPWIN\10 I 0.73\0 12299.jo2 . !~ . . JAN-22-1999 11:59 WSE & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.04/04 . The number of heavy vehicle (trucks) traffic that will be generated by the Industrial type developments is significantly higher than Residential developments. Typically, heavy vehicle traffic is 2% of total traffic for Residential and up to 15% of total traffic for Industrial. . The pavement section to handle the additional heavy vehicle traffic will be significantly more. thus adding additional cost to the construction of roadways. . Access to the development, especially onto high.speed roadways, would need to be evaluated to accommodate slow.moving trucks turning onto hiill-speed roadways. If you have any questions, or need any additional information on this topic, please let me know. cp/nm ,o~~ BWPWIN\lOl O.73\012299-jo2 TOTAL P.04 ") -- ~ ---o-~\'-", \'----<.,.- I -=____ '. ". -.,./ 'I. , /.,~:~ . \ ~. I " ; Monticello Orderly Annexation A Wright Cou'nty, MIRA..ola LAND USE PLAN Mi')~ DfZ..I>-FI ... M ";"---,.h'n.n7~ N ....:.,.,'...i1J .lo--' .!or--' .J.--J ..>.-J .'.. Dl,...QoIFDtoIl"lty~~ I. ~f~ IMdl.-IHIO'" [)ot'd.1ty ~."bAl _c_m.~"" mlnChftotrial ~P"bllc1Ql.I"IP~ . . -BIH \e:> rr ~ If) · 4 . ~ ~--l -rt 5~ c..c. r-~-~-- ""' I L I . iii <" I ,.-..----~.- --l'--~-.-. I : 1 1 . ' I : I i .. ,._.._--t________~~___t--~-~ I ~-:-.:. C -T~~;~~ I I -. I I \" I { ,. I I r- I ' ::E I[ -.:i-.....- t-"-"--"._-,", )> .. I Z liD [ '} 11110 ':r ;! C ... j ~ n --......-..j ~ 0 I I n f i c: l: j :J 3 I J en ... ~ I "" i. ~ m I: '1 ~ I \1 - ~ f 'fJ "'0 :J i .. - ~ r- . f .. ~ )> 0 f ;; a: z . - . . . Council Agenda - 1/25/99 It. Consideration of reducing retainage for contract with Adolfson & Peterson on Project No. 93-14C. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As mentioned at the last Council meeting, the contractor, Adolfson & Peterson, who is working on our wastewater treatment plant expansion, has requested a reduction in retainage. At a previous meeting we had reduced the combination of the retainage and withholding for unapproved work to about 3% or $350,000. Approximately $248,000 of that is the actual retainagc the contractor would like reduced further. HDR will prepare their analysis of the amount of retain age we should be withholding. City staff, HDR, and PSG will present their recommendations at the Council meeting. B. K~J I~ J ( 1./ tit... ) ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve a reduction retainage. 2. The second alternative is to not approve a reduction retainage. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is withholding any recommendations at this time pending the analysis from HDR. D. SUPPOR'fING DATA: Copy of the letter requesting reduction retainage from Adolfson & Peterson. 8 , P. 2/ 2 @ JAN-22-99 FRI 1:36 PM PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 16122713272 W] Adolfson 4 & Peterson . Construction "Total Construction Services" 6701 West 23rd Street Minneapolis, MInnesota 55426 (612) 544-1561 CiLy of Monticello Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 January 11, 1999 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9377 Mlnn~apolis, Minnesota 55440 FAx (612) 525-2333 Attention: John Simola Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Retainage Gentlemen, . As you know, I'm disappointed that there will not be a reduction in the: amount of retainage being withheld with our December payment application. Adolf son & Peterson Construction along with you and HDR have been working diligently to bring this project to an end. Nearly every piece of equipment is operating and processing product for the City. Those that aren't are installed and have been through factory start up. Some bugs ate being worked out with the design. The current retained amount is $248,000.00 in addition to some items not being billed. This is far too much and needs to be cut back to something we can agree to. I'm concerned that this gets before the council at their next meeting if both you and Rick are going to be on vacation. .. Sincerely; ADOLFSON & PETERSON. INC. cqck- ~ Clyde S.Terwey, P.E. Vice President cc: file Bob Sykes Marci Whitaker . Ed DeLaforest . e 11--1 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM lIIIl01/14/1999 09,13,49 Schedule of Bills C1TY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06,QO COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP, ,. 0115 COMMENT.,. 1/15 CKS OATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT 0-01151999-731 1/15 CKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/14/1999 09:13:51 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 1 ~ENDOR NAME DESCIm\TI ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME fUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR LIQUOR 570.45 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 15714400 731 00003 TAX MISC 39.00 MISe TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 1624000 731 00002 TAX MISC 41.60 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 29041200 731 00001 651 .05 *VENDOR TOTAL BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM TAX MISC 62.30 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 36903 731 00005 CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE CMI F GRANT REIMB 1,100.21 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 223.46501.6601 731 00004 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 2,035.90 BEER 609.49750.2520 38889 731 00006 BEER 1,356.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 51061 731 00007 3,392.60 *VENDOR TOTAL ENGI_E/GREG TRAVEL REIMB-MPLS CONY 17. 01 TRAVEL EXPENSE 225.42501.3310 731 00008 FOSTER-fRANZEN-CARLSON A FIRE-NAME SCHEDULE 50.00 MISC GENERAL INSURANCE 101.42201.3699 731 00009 ~LUNZ/RAYMOND J LIL.JA, HAWKINS 680.00 PROf SRV - EXCAVATION 651.49010.3115 731 00010 GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY FREl GHT 2.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1362 731 00022 TAX MISC 75.70 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 1362 731 00023 FREIGHT 6.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1363 731 00017 WINE 393.08 WINE 609.49750.2530 1363 731 00018 FREIGHT 21. 75 fREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1364 731 00019 Ll QUOR 1,317.96 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 1364 731 00020 r.,lSC TAXABLE 24.96 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 1364 731 00021 WINE 27.50CR WINE 609.49750.2530 98168 731 00013 LIQUOR 32.49CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 98261 731 00016 LI QUOR 146.90CR LI QUOR 609.49750.2510 98627 731 00015 LIQUOR 24.96CR Ll QUOR 609.49750.2510 98628 731 00014 WINE 3.54CR WINE 609.49750.2530 98733 731 00011 LI QUOR 7. 07CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 98745 731 00012 1,599.24 *VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 14.40CR BEER 609.49750.2520 159483 731 00026 BEER 46.50CR BEER 609.49750.2520 159882 731 00025 BEER 1,597.20 BEER 609.49750.2520 161838 731 00027 1,536.30 *VENDOR TOTAL ~ERMES/GERALD T LIBRARY-CLEANING 227.50 PROf SRV - CUSTODIAL 211.45501.3110 1/15/99 731 00024 ---.-- - -- ---- .~ BRe FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/14/1999 09:13:52 . FUND RECAP: Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL54 OR FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 223 CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) 225 PARK FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 2,417.08 227.50 5,243.96 1,100.21 137. 01 17,924.08 680.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 27,729.84 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS --------------------~------- .GENL GENERAL CHECKING IQR LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAl. ALl. BANKS 9,805.76 17,924.08 27,729.84 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . + . . . . . . . . + + . ~ . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/14/1999 09: 13:51 ~VENOOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REPORT TOTALS: 27,729.84 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000072 . . Schedule of 8ills FUND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 4 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 4IIIf1/22/1999 07:50:30 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 01231 COMMENT... 12/31/98 CKS OATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT 0-12311998-732 Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLl .1/22/1999 07:50:30 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY I REFUSE COLLECTION 22,438.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43230.2199 047233-00 732 00002 AEC ENGINEERS & DESIGNER PW INSP-SCHOOLS 50.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43115.3320 732 00003 AFFORDABLE SANITATION PARKS-PORTABLE TOILETS 215.70 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.45201.4399 98011791 732 00004 ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS, COMM CENTER 78,546.54 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 0008991 732 00005 COMM CENTER 14.996.50 PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' F 461.49201.3020 0008992 732 00006 93,543.04 *VENOOR TOTAL ARAMARK CH-OP SUPPLIES 21. 25 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 6013-862960 732 00008 CH-OP SUPPLIES 72.84 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 6013-866271 732 00007 94.09 *VENDOR TOTAL BARNES/KIM TRAVEL EXPENSES 4.20 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41990.3310 732 00009 ~RR ENGINEERING COMPANY COMM CENTER 7,584.42 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 2386046-4 732 00010 COMM CENTER 767.82 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 2386046-5 732 00011 8,352.24 *VENDOR TOTAL BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CO. STREETS-SAND 49.08 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 9920 732 00012 BIG WHEEL-ROSSI PARKS-HITCH PINS 6.89 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 8800373 732 00013 BRAY/MARY. CEMETARY WORK 900.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL/CAR 651.49010.3110 3RD & 4TH-1998 732 00014 BRC- ASSIST CENTER COMP SERVICE AGREEMENT 1,818.00 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESS I 101.41920.3090 1202548 RI 732 00015 CEDAR ST. GARDEN CENTER PARKS-JUNIPERS 40.45 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 0003215 732 00016 PARKS-EDGING & SHRUBS 207.54 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 0003301 732 00017 247.99 *VENDOR TOTAL CENTURY LABS SHOP-SUPPLIES 217 . 28 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 25347 732 00018 ~AMPION AMERICA INC. 52.05 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 371094 732 00020 PARKS-SUPPLI ES BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .1/22/1999 01;50;30 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE CLARK FOOD SERVICE, INC. CH-SUPPLIES 21.48 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 V289093 132 00021 CULLIGAN RENTAL 52.34 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 132 00019 DAYTON'S COMMERCIAL INT, CH- TELE CADDY 85.84 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 240.49201.5601 193612 132 00023 DEHMER FIRE PROTECTION FIRE-R & M 25.50 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101.42201.4044 6611 132 00024 DINO'S DELI & GIFT SHOP CC-SUPPLIES 51.12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 461.49201.2199 132 00025 DYNA SYSTEMS STREETS-SUPPLIES 200.48 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43121.2199 10002211 132 00021 DZIEDZIC CAULKING INC SHOP-R & M 2,165.00 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.43121.4010 96131 132 00028 4111tRL1S WELDING & IND SUP PARKS-SUPPLI ES 34.88 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43121.2199 13409 132 00031 P ARKS-SU PPLI ES 191.03 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.45201.2410 13533 132 00029 PARKS-SUPPLI ES 209.04 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 '115684 132 00030 440.95 *VENDOR TOTAL EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN FIRE-TRUCK R & M 935.20 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 14105,06,01,08 132 00032 EMERGITEK CORPORATION FIRE-REPAIR & MAINT 121.81 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.42201.2210 4111 132 00033 FERRELLGAS FINAL RELOCATION 3.168.15 LAND 240.49201.5101 132 00034 G & K SERVICES SEWER 31.95 UNIFORM RENTAL 602.49490.4110 132 00039 WATER 30.63 UNIFORM RENTAL 601.49440.4110 132 00040 PW ADM 13.62 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43110.4110 132 00041 PW INSP 41.14 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43115.4110 132 00042 STREETS 56.22 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.4110 132 00043 PARKS 120.80 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.45201.4110 132 00044 SHOP TOWELS 35.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43121.2199 168294 132 00038 DEP REG-RUGS 36.89 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.41990.4010 112403 132 00035 LI QUOR-RUGS 69.15 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 609.49154.4010 112416 132 00036 . ENV CHARGE, SALES TAX 51.11 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43120.4399 116510 132 00031 494.31 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .1/22/1999 07:50:30 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.0n PAGE 2 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE CLARK FOOD SERVICE, INC. CH-SUPPLIES 27.48 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 V289093 732 00021 CULLIGAN RENTAL 52.34 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 732 00019 DAYTON'S COMMERCIAL INT. CH-TELE CADDY 85.84 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 240.49201.5601 193612 732 00023 DEHMER FIRE PROTECTION FIRE-R & M 25.50 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101.42201.4044 6677 732 00024 DINO'S DELI & GIFT SHOP CC-SUPPLI ES 51. 12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 461.49201.2199 732 00025 DYNA SYSTEMS STREETS-SUPPLIES 200.48 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 10002271 732 00027 DZIEDZIC CAULKING INC SHOP-R & M 2,765.00 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.43127.4010 96137 732 00028 4111tRL'S WELDING & IND SUP PARKS-SUPPLI ES 34.88 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 13409 132 00031 PARKS-SUPPLIES 197.03 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.45201.2410 13533 732 00029 PARKS-SUPPLI ES 209.04 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 '115684 132 00030 440.95 *VENDOR TOTAL EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN FIRE-TRUCK R & M 935.20 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 14105,06,07,08 732 00032 EMERGITEK CORPORATION FIRE-REPAIR & MAINT 721.81 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.42201.2210 4111 732 00033 FERRELLGAS FINAL RELOCATION 3.768.75 LAND 240.49201.5101 732 00034 G & K SERVICES SEWER 31.95 UNIFORM RENTAL 602.49490.4170 132 00039 WATER 30.63 UNIFORM RENTAL 601.49440.4170 732 00040 PW ADM 13.62 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43110.4110 732 00041 PW INSP 47.74 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43115.4110 732 00042 STREETS 56.22 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.4170 732 00043 PARKS 120.80 UN I FORM RENTAL 101.45201.4110 732 00044 SHOP TOWELS 35.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43121.2199 768294 132 00038 DEP REG-RUGS 36.89 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.41990.4010 772403 732 00035 LIQUOR-RUGS 69.75 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 609.49754.4010 172416 732 00036 . ENV CHARGE. SALES TAX 51.71 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43120.4399 776510 732 00031 494.37 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~01/22/1999 07:50:30 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 6 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F /P 10 LINE PIONEER PARKS-STRIPE WHITE 154.96 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 25548 732 00106 PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC. SHOP.,.SU PPLI ES 7.52 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 S1300460.001 732 00110 STREETS-SMALL TOOLS 120.99 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.43127.2410 SI300517.001 732 00108 WWTP-RETURN GATE VALVE 91. 95CR PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201.3025 S1300174.001 132 00109 REALI GN SS 56.25 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 S1302196.001 132 00101 92.81 *VENDOR TOTAL PLANT & FLANGED EQUIPMEN SEWER-SUPPLI ES 84.25 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 602.49480.4044 0020362 132 00111 RED'S MOBIL WATER-TIRE REPAIR 15.00 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 601.49440.4050 132 00112 RELIABLE CORPORATION/THE SUPPLI ES 228.01 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 JQJ50899 132 00120 IMAGES REFILL 24.04 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 MXC36201 732 00118 SUPPLIES 55.00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.41301.5701 MY746300 132 00116 SUPPLIES 290.24 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 MY146300 132 00117 ~ OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.69 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 MIB04300 732 00115 VIEW BINDER 131.11 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 MIB04302 732 00114 SUPPLI ES 41.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41301.2199 MIF28600 732 00122 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.02 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 MIQ75000 732 00119 CARTRIDGE 34.50 DUPLICATING & COpy SUPPL 101.41301.2020 YKT17900 132 00121 CTG TONER CTG 80.82 DUPLICATING & COPY SUPPL 101.41301.2020 YL591300 732 00113 978.31 *VENDOR TOTAL RELIANCE DATA CORPORATIO CH-ZIP DISK 118.00 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSI 101.41920.3090 22823 732 00124 CH-COMP REPAIR 298.00 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSI 101.41920.3090 22884 732 00123 416.00 *VENDOR TOTAL RIVERPLACE PHYSICIANS DRUG TESTING 25.00 MISCPROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43110.3199 732 00"25 ROTORK CONTROLS, INC WATER-VALVES 6,121.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 602.49480.3199 SI16124 732 00126 ROYAL TIRE OF MONTICELLO WATER-TIRES & BALANCE 151.03 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2211 061214 732 00128 PARKS-TIRES 109.96 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 061585 732 00129 STREETS-BATTERIES 121.30 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 062688 732 00130 FIRE-TIRES & BALANCE 601.06 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 063581 132 00127 989.35 *VENDOR TOTAL ~HARBER & SONS, INC. 118.88 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43125.2210 195084 732 00131 STREETS-SUPPLI ES BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~01/22/1999 07:50:30 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 7 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION CC-LI FT TANKS 10,547.00 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 461.49201.3025 3337 732 00132 SHERBURNE COUNTY CITIZEN LIQUOR-AD 60.00 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 NOV & DEC 732 00134 SIGNS PLUS BAL ON SIGN 672.30 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 310116 732 00135 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. STREETS-SUPPLIES 361. 17 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 073592 732 00133 ST JOSEPH EQUIPMENT INC STREETS-ATTCHMENT 557.65 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 SI72076 732 00136 STAMP PAD COMPANY, INC CH-STAMP 20.95 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 143359 732 00137 TELEPRODUCTS CORPORATION WATER-REPAIR 325.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2210 13591 732 00138 .ERRACON CC-CONCRETE TESTS 108.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 C41175 732 00139 CC-ENGINEERING 3,375.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 4182103 732 00140 3,483.00 *VENDOR TOTAL TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS, LIQUOR-REPAIR . 82.14 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 609.49754.4044 6724 732 0014.1 LIQUOR-REPAIR 86.35 OTHER EQU I PMENT 609.49754.5801 6909 732 00143 LIQUOR-PRINTER PARTS 110.95 OTHER EQU I PMENT 609.49754.5801 6955 732 00142 279.44 *VENDOR TOTAL TSR WIRELESS-MINNESOTA WATER 27.81 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 DECEMBER 732 00150 SEWER 91.74 TELEPHONE 602.49490.3210 DECEMBER .732 00151 AN SHELTER 16.00 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 DECEMBER 732 00152 GARY A 9.27 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 DECEMBER 732 00153 PW INSP 9.27 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 DECEMBER 732 00154 STREETS 9.27 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 DECEMBER 732 00155 JOHN L 9.27 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 DECEMBER 732 00156 WATER 9.27 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 NOVEMBER 732 00144 AN SHELTER 16.00 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 NOVEMBER 732 00145 PH ADM 9.27 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 NOVEMBER 732 00146 GARY A 9.27 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 NOVEMBER 732 00147 PW INSP 9.27 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 NOVEMBER 732 00148 STREETS 9.Z7 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 NOVEMBER 732 00149 ~S POSTMASTER 234.98 *VENDOR TOTAL FIREHALL-PO BOX RENTAL 12.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42201.4399 ANNUAL 732 00168 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .1/22/1999 07:50:30 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 8 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE US FILTER-WATERPRO RESALE 2.597.50 METERS & VALVES FOR RESA 601.49440.2271 488243 732 00160 RESALE 3.219.25 METERS & VALVES FOR RESA 601.49440.2211 488531 732 00161 5.816.15 *VENDOR TOTAL USA WASTE SERVICES. INC WASTE SERVICES 6.355.46 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 10/1 TO 10/29 732 00157 WASTE SERVICES 3.036.62 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 11/2 TO 11/12 132 00158 9.392.08 *VENDOR TOTAL VIDEO PROTECTION SERVICE LIQUOR-LENS 212.90 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 609.49754.4044 1531 732 00159 VOSS LIGHTING CH-LAMPS 2.47 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 2029642-00 132 00162 WATER LABORATORIES. INC WATER-TESTS 40.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 98K-287 732 00163 WATER TESTS 20.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 98L-290 732 00164 60.00 *VENDOR TOTAL 4111JILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVI TH 25 3,532.23 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 NOV & DEC 732 00165 COMM CENTER 658.23 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 NOV & DEC 732 00166 4.190.46 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT COUNTY DEPT OF HI STREET-SALT 6.023.93 SAND 101.43125.2170 2090 732 00167 . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~01/22/1999 07:50:30 VENOOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: ~ ~ AMOUNT 237.034.10 ACCOUNT NAME RECORDS PRINTED - 000166 Schedule of Bills FUND & ACCOUNT CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 9 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~01/22/1999 07:50:35 FUND RECAP: Schedule of Bills FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 213 HRA FUND 224 SHADE TREE FUND 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 314 1977-1,-2,-3 G.O. BOND FUND 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 85,933.42 555.67 105.60 240.00 3,906.93 861.35 950.00 46.50 3,532.23 120,159.83 10,755.28 7,267.90 1,819.39 900.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 237,034.10 ~ BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 235,214.71 1,819.39 TOTAL ALL BANKS 237,034.10 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY ~ CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R . .. . ." ~ COUNCIL UPDATE January 22, 1999 Roadway project update. (1.0.) Attached is a report from City Engineer Bret Weiss on the status of various road projects. If Council so desires, we can spend some time reviewing each project and discuss accordingly. 0J -. JR:+22-1999 1121: 1219 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 61254117121121 P.02/04 . . . MONTICELLO PRQ~CT UmAIE - Revised 1/21/99 . TH 2517th Street Study w . DRAFT report complete, to be submitted the week of 1/25/99 · CSAH 18 Bridee (pathwav) - . Layout in progress, to be submitted the week of 1/25199 . Project Memo Draft report done, to be submitted by 1/22/99 . Wright County does not have funds to widen their bridge and add the pathway. Pathway will require a separate bridge. . CR 118 Interchanee w . Mn/DOT faxed comments back on report submitted 6/12198 . Coxnments are being incorporated the week of 1/18/99 . MnlDOT should submit to FHW A in February . CSAH 7StrH 25 Intersection w . Is on agenda for next 75 Task Force mtg · Review Tom B. Concepts · CSAH75 - . Next Task Force Meeting scheduled for February 9, 1999 from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. . Hospital Timeframe:. Hospital wants to bid Spring 1999 and construct Spring 1999; plan is to construct ~ parking lot w/ Hart Blvd and Y3 done wI other; want to be complete by end of July, 1999. w City has watennain that needs replacing, John wants at least 6 weeks notice when the bit will be removed to get bids. . Mapping from Markhurd should be complete Mid.January, 1999 w Mapping received 1/15/99 Page) JRN-22-1999 10:09 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. 6125411700 P.03t.04 .' . As-builts received from County. requested additional as-builts from City and County. . . Issues with median I 2 vs 4 lane design: Reconunend the Two Stages of Construction: Build Sage 1 wi 2 lanes in each direction inside existing curb. buy RIW and set path back from Blvd; if traffic increases significantly, build Stage 2 j with 2 lanes in each direction. 1 ~ Access closure issues to be sent in letter fomat to residents when typical section . is recommended . Trunk storm. sewer? I . County Schedule.. Would like to proceed with 1999 construction . County Participation.. County agreed to 50150 mapping costs 100% grading, surfacing travel lanes, signing, striping 50/50 retaining walls 70/30 surfacing shoulders 0/100 pathway, concrete walk. curb and gutter, utilities Stann sewer on % of flow County will pay up to 10% engr fees Rlw to be acquired by City and County will reimburse the r/w highway costs . . Assessments? City to identify if assessments are necessary. . Need for Feasibility Report? .. County will NOT participate in preparation of report . Signal coordination wi hospital - time frame? . Intersection improvements at CSAH 7SrrH 25 .. City approved additional study of the addition of a left turn lane for southbound TH 25 to eastbound CSAH 7S and a westbound CSAH 75 right turn lane. . TH 25 Imurovement . . Right of Way under 90 day quick take .. Hearing scheduled for February 19. 1999 . Final plans in at MnlDOT for review and approval '} . Storm sewer costs being revised based on January 19. 1999 meeting with Mn/DOT - Costs appear to be lower for City as a result F:\WPWIN\1109.00\updatc.wpd Page 2 . . ~ i . .f . .... ~~-22-1999 10:09 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 . · Still anticipate Summer of 1999 construction · MnlDOT reviewing I-94fIH 2S ramp revisions for plan completion · Anticipate 2000 construction for ramp Chelsea Road West M · Still reviewing concept plans for extension west of Sandberg Road · Developer is negotiating w/existing property owners · Developer would like Chelsea Road to extend to 90m Street in 1999 Trunk Fee Study M · Draft to Staff on 1/25/99 · Draft to Council on 2/8/99 . . Prepared by WSB & Associates (612) 5414800. f:\WPWIN\1109.00\updatc..wpd P.04/04 Pll~e3 TOTAL P.04 COUNCIL UPDATE - 1/25/99 U pdatc: Buildine Inspcctions Annual Rcport. (FP) The year 1998 was unusual in the ongoing construction and development of the City of Monticello. An abundance of institutional development (civic, hospital, school and church) combined with strong commercial and residential development pushed building valuation as a measure of new construction to an all time high of $72 million dollars, a 257 % increase over the $20 million dollar building valuation in 1997. The attached graphs and charts depict the boom in development in the context of the past seven years. Even if this year's boom in institutional development is statistically withdrawn fi'om the data of the past year, 1998 was an astonishing year in the City of Monticello. RESIDENTIAL GROWTH Major multifamily projects for which permits were issued include St. Benedicts Center of Monticello congregate senior housing, 60 units of independent living and 60 units of assisted living apartments, with a total building permit valuation of$7,653,614. The total number of single family and townhome residential permits issued in 1998 was 207, representing a 62 % increase over the 128 permits issued in 1997. Single family growth occurred primarily south and southeast ofthe core of the city in the Klein Farms 3rt! and 4th Additions, with the remainder principally occurring as infill in the Briar Oaks and Cardinal Hills subdivisions. If the residential growth rate were to remain constant, the inventory of available single family lots (248 platted lots as of the date of this report) would be consumed within two years unless new subdivisions are created. COMMERCIAL GROWTH In the downtown area of the city, many notable smaller remodeling projects and the new Marquette Bank building adjacent to the Monticello Community and Training Center have moved our city toward realization of the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. The Cub Foods store and the adjacent Hallmark and Radio Shack stores represented the largest and most exciting commercial developments completing the "south anchor" to the redevelopment of Walnut Street. Bank development was at an all time high in the City of Monticello, likely reflecting the financial climate of the City and the region it serves. In 1998, four new banks were opened in the City: TCF Bank at Cub Foods, First Minnesota Bank, First National Bank of Elk River, First Bank at Maus Foods bringing the total number of banks in Monticello to seven! COUNCIL UPDATE - 1/25/99 INDUSTRIAL GROWTH Industrial growth has been notably consistent with that of previous years. Midwest Graphics constructed a 64,000 sq. ft. manufacturing/office facility valued at $1,929,840 and a 12,000 sq. ft. manufacturing/office facility with a value of $390,000 was constructed for Vector Tool II in the Oakwood Industrial Park plat. INSTITUTIONAL GROWTH Considerable building permit activity has taken place in this area in both 1997 and 1998. Building permits were issued in 1998 for two churches: The Church of St. Henry, a 53,000 sq. ft. structure with a building value of $1,150,000 and Resurrection Lutheran Church, a structure of 8,700 sq. ft. with a building value of$501, 172. The new Monticello High School having a building value of $17,354,467 was also started in 1998 as was the $4,000,000 expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital. Construction was also started on the Monticello Community and Training Center valued at $8,204,800. o j ... (j~b ~g;~ 9~~ ;:;:5tl o::J<L. >-~~ ... ~ u " 0 0 0 0 0 0 V) 'r. g 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 '" '" ~ fi 00 '" '"' 'r. 00 '"' t- o '-0 '" '?; t- '-0 '" 'r. t- ", 0 N " 0 > 00 ~. 00 ~ r-.i ~. '" ,,' t- - ~ 0 '" - 'r. 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GENERAL FUND and Financial Institution, the persons signing below jointly and severally and on behalf of CllY OF MONTICELLO! GENERAL FUND represent to Financial Institution and agree with Financial Institution that: \ , AI I CE~ , l' Account Holder: CITY OF MONTICELLO! GENERAL FUN PO BOX 1147 MONTICELLO, MN 55362-1147 S, Mayor ount Holder. The following is a complete list of s. CllY OF MONTICEllO! GENERAL FUND Account Holder. CITY OF MONTICELLO! GENERAL FUND is the complete and correct na all assumed business names, if any. under which CllY OF MONTICELLO! GENERAL F has filed assumed business name listings with the following governmental, entities on t Signature Authorization. The Financial Institution named above, at any 0 and depository for the funds of CllY OF MONTICEllO! GENERAL F orders for Ihe paymenl of monies bearing the following appropriale nu Anyone (1) of the following named partners, employees or d actual signatures are shown below: s or branches, is designated as the Financial Institution of ithdrawn on checks, drafts, advices of debit, notes or other LOt GENERAL FUND ("Agents"), whose X X X X ..".~. and that the Financial Institution shall be and is authorized to honor and pay the same whether or not they are payable to bearer or to the individual order of any Agent or Agents signing the same. The Financial Institution is hereby directed to accept and pay without further inquiry any item drawn against any of the Account Holder's accounts with the Financial Institution bearing the signature or signatures of Agents, as authorized above or otherwise, even though drawn or endorsed to the order Of any Agent signing the same or tendered by such Agent for cashing or in payment of the indiVidual obligation of such Agent or for deposit to the Agent's personal account, and the Financial Institution shall not be required or be under any obligation to inquire as to the circumstances of the issue or use of any item signed in accordance with the resolutions contained herein, or the application or disposition of such item or the proceeds of the item. Agent's Authority. Anyone of such Agents is authorized to endorse all checks, drafts, notes, and other items payable to or owned by Account Holder for deposit with the Financial Institution, or for collection or discount by the Financial Institution; and to accept drafts and other items payable at the Financial Institution. The above named agents are authorized and empowered to execute such other agreements, including, but not limited to, special depository agreements and arrangements regarding the manner, conditions, or purposes for which funds, checks, or items of Account Holder may be deposited, collected, or withdrawn and to perform such other acts as they deem reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of these resolutions. Duration. The authority hereby conferred upon the above named Agents shall be and remain In full force and effect until written notice 01 any amendment or revocation thereof shall have been delivered to and received by the Financial Institution at each location where an account is maintained. Financial Insmution shall be indemnified and held harmless from any loss suffered or any liability incur it in continuing to act in accordance with this authorization. Any such notice shall not affect any items in process at the time nqtice is given. tion may have. Financial Institution need not The rights of Financial Institution under this agreement are In addition to any other r" accept this agreement for it to become effective. This agreement is dated: Janu ACCOUNT HOLDER: CITY OF MONTICELLO B OEPOSIT PJ\O. R.g. u.s. Pill. & T.M. OfF., VlIlr. (,) Hl'il9 en ProSsrvlu'II,lnc;, ^" Righi,. RnClrvill;I, MN - L717