City Council Agenda Packet 05-24-1999 . . ~. -=--'- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 24,1999 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. A. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held May 10, 1999. B. Approval of minutes of the Board of Review meeting held May 12, 1999. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of an amendment to the relocation settlement benefits for Monticello Bulk Petroleum-Bill Aydt. B. Consideration of granting annual approval for municipal licenses. C. Consideration of Change Orders No. 2-8 for the Monticello Training and Community Center project. D. Consideration of a resolution approving construction plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for the County State Aid Highway 75 improvement project (SAP 86-675-12), City Project 98-17C and County Project. E. Consideration of appointment of Parks Commission member. F. Consideration of approving purchase agreement between the City and Danner Trucking outlining terms of sale at vacated Marvin Road right-of-way and adjacent remnant parcel. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing-Review of trunk storm water project funding- TH 25. 8. Public Hearing-Review of trunk storm water project funding-CSAH 75. 9. Discussion of design options for Oakwood Drive median opening at McDonalds. . . . ~ Agenda Monticello City Council May 24, 1999 Page 2 10. Consideration of a rezoning and concept site plan approval for an R-4, Mobile Home Park District. Applicant: Kjellbergs, Inc. 11. Consideration of a conditional use permit for a planned unit development in an R-2 district. Applicant: Little Mountain Limited Partnership. 12. Consideration of approval of Request for Proposals relating to redevelopment of former Ferrellgas site. 13. Consideration of resolution authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for reconstruction of Walnut Street. 14. Review concept plans for community center plaza design. 15. Consideration of review of bids and awarding contract on southeast water booster station, City Project #98-24C. 16. Consideration of bills for the last half of May 1999. 17. Adjournment. vJ{AJ ~~~ I (D) ( &) L~~"t> ~wA~ ~ . L \~(t. vn-rc,.. \l.;.Y @-?' ()qfr,cle ~>.., I~r r ?flr~~( ~ "^' . , 17 I _ M.l,.... MA.ItJ-) ( \/\ H,ffCa..-'t/\l r MdMJl,J flC! cA~(fll.t..IA R op tJ DI>Ol4f!:~) . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 10, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpt~ Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held April 26. ]999. Counci]member Brian Stumpf requested that Council review the motion for item #8 regarding authorization to prepare plans and specifications for CSAH 75 improvements and asked whether it was also intended to remove the proposed sidewalk on the north side from the project as discussed. Mayor Be]saas noted that he had meant to include removal of the sidewalk in his motion. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF THE SIDEWALK IN THE MOTION FOR ITEM #8 AND APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 26, 1999, AS AMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of addilllz items to the ag:enda. A. Discussion of recent MOAA Board action. At the MOAA Board meeting held on Wednesday, May 5, ] 999, the Board adopted a land use map which incorporated Exhibit C, established a public/quasi- public designation on the YMCA land, and designated the Gold Nugget property as industrial. The Board also included adoption of existing county agricultural land use policies as a component of the land use plan. In addition, they placed a moratorium on annexations within the area covered by Exhibit C pending a public hearing on July 7 regarding land use changes to the Exhibit C area. Councilmember Bruce Thielen requested an explanation from the City representatives to the MOAA Board as to why the vote on the land use map was contrary to the City Council's recently-adopted resolution. Councilmember Clint Herbst responded that the joint agreement with the Township was amended to extend the deadline for adoption of a land use plan to July 7; however, as of July I, the Minnesota Municipal Board will no longer accept annexation requests due to the Board's sunset date of December 31, 1999, which he felt would leave the City without an agreement. Page 1 1A4 Council Minutes - 5/ 10/99 . Councilmember Thielen statcd that without ajoint City/Township agreemcnt, the City would have the option of annexation by state statute, which he felt would be the best option for the City since the current method of anncxation does not seem to be working. He also pointed out that Council member Herbst should represent the majority of the City Council at the MOAA Board meetings. Council discussed the Gold Nugget Development area, which was designated for industrial use by the MOAA Board rather than residential as was requested by the City Council, IDC, liRA, and Planning Commission. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN TO DIRECT CITY STAFF TO RESEARCH POSSIBLE CHANGES TO THE CITY ORDINANCE TO ALLOW REMOVAL OF COUNCILMEMBER CLINT HERBST FROM THE MOAA BOARD DUE TO ACTIONS NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY, WITH THE INTENTION THAT IF THE LAND USE ISSUE FOR THE GOLD NUGGET PROPERTY IS NOT RESOLVED, THE CITY WILL USE ITS OPTION OF ANNEXATION AS ALLOWED BY STATE STATUTES. STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PLACE THIS ITEM ON THE AGENDA FOR THE MAY 24 COUNCIL MEETING. . City Attorney Paul Weingarden eXplaincd that there are some provisions for removal of some appointees for various causes; however, because the ordinance does not specifically provide for removal of a Council member trom the MOAA Board, there is no method that can bc uscd. He noted that the biggest concern with drafting an ordinance of this kind is enforceability due to freedom of expression. Mr. Weingarden also stated that the land use map adopted by the MOAA Board does not constitute a land use plan as defined by state statutes. He suggested that Council advise thc MOAA Board that they are dissatisfied with the action taken, identify their concerns regarding the Gold Nugget parcel and that it should remain residential, and that MOAA actions so far do not constitute a land use plan; therefore, the MOAA Board has not fulfilled the agreement. COUNCILMEMBER ROGER CARLSON AMENDED THE MOTION TO STATE THAT THE CHANGES TO THE ORDINANCE BE MADE TO APPLY TO ALL APPOINTMENTS RATHER THAN SPECIFIC TO REMOVAL OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO THE MOAA BOARD. COUNCILMEMBER BRUCE THIELEN ACCEPTED THE AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION. Voting in favor: Bruce Thiclcn, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf. Motion failed. . A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO DIRECT STAFF TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE MOAA BOARD EXPRESSING THE COUNCIL'S DISSATISFACTION WITH THE CURRENT PROCESS, THAT THE GOLD NUGGET PROPERTY SHOULD BE Page 2 2.11 . . . Council Minutes - 5/10/99 DESIGNA TED AS RESIDENTIAL RATHER THAN INDUSTRIAL, AND THAT ADOPTION OF A LAND USE MAP DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A LAND USE PLAN. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Roger Belsaas, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Clint llerbst. Motion carried. B. Update on Danner Trucking. Chief Building Official Fred Patch reported that the following steps must occur in order for Mr. Danner to obtain a building permit: 1. The City must execute a valid purchase agreement for Parcel No. 15 in the Highway 25 improvement project, based on an accurate legal description. 2. The City must determine the total of "recent costs for acquisition" of the land from Parcel No. 15 in the Highway 25 improvement project. 3. The City must determine a sale price of that portion of Parcel No. 15 to be sold to Mr. Danner. 4. The City and Mr. Danner must execute a purchase agreement for land to be sold to Mr. Danner. 5. Mr. Danner must submit all required submittals for building permi t. Mr. Patch noted that an error in the legal description caused a delay in negotiations, and the City Attorney has reported that until the settlement ofthc litigation and obtaining of the legal description are done, a purchase agreement cannot be prepared. In addition, he noted that he has been advised by the City Attorney not to issue a building permit until Mr. Danner has acquired rights to the property. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. A. Ms. Diane Herbst, Chair of the Library Board, reported that $10,000 was included in the 1999 budget for studying structural damage to the library building, pern1anent and temporary repairs, and the need for expansion. It was proposed that an outside consultant review the extent of the damage. The Library Board is scheduled to meet again on May 24, 1999. It was the consensus of Council to direct staff to hire a consultant to study the damage to the building and report back to the Library Board at its May 24 meeting. Page 3 J,A- . . . Counci I Minutes - 5/1 0/99 B. Mr. Tom Giroux stated that he had paid his utility bill late, but the check was returned with a note stating that an additional $50 had been added to the bill. He explained that he was trying to work things out with his creditors but felt the additional fee charged by the City was too high. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller explained that the $50 charge is an administrative fee for the additional cost of mailing notices, publishing the public hearing notice, etc. The City Council explained that to remove the administrative charge after the assessment roll has been adopted would set a precedent, and they did not feel they could reduce the amount of the bill. C. Mr. Todd Banek noted that he is in the process of meeting with surrounding townships and the school district regarding youth sporting activities. He noted that he would also like to discuss the City's long-range planning for these types of activities. Council suggested that he first discuss the issue with the Parks Commission. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving on-sale liquor license transfer-Joyner Lanes. Recommendation: Approve the transfer of the liquor license to Duane Lindenfelser, dba River City Lanes, contingent upon proof of adequate liquor liability insurance coverage. B. Consideration of resolution supporting the 10lh anniversary of Rivers of Hope organization. Recommendation: Adopt the proclamation supporting the Rivers of ~ lope's efforts and proclaiming May 15, 1999, as Rivers of Hope Day in honor of their 10lh anniversary. C. Consideration of Change Order No. 20 Citv Proiect #93-14c. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 20 in the amount of $6,211. D. Consideration of a request for conditional use permit for a planned unit development within the B-3 zoning district and a preliminary plat to allow outdoor vehicle sales and associated automotive service uses. Applicant: Monticello Ford. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permits for a PUD and outdoor sales based on a finding that the site plan meets the intent of the zoning district, and all performance standards of the ordinance are complied with; and approve the preliminary plat based on a finding that the proposal is consistent with dimensional requirements of the B-3 zoning district. Approval is subject to the review comments of the City Engineer and other City staff. Page 4 t,,q Council Minutes - 5/1 0/99 . E. Consideration of a conditional use permit for a planned unit development in an R-2 district. Applicant: Little Mountain Limited Partnership. This item was tabled until the May 24, 1999, Council meeting. F. Consideration for approval of conditional use permits for ioint parking and building height in excess of two (2) stories. Applicant: Comfort Inn Motel. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow for joint parking between the two facilities and approve the conditional use permit to allow for a three-story building subject to the following conditions: 1. The Planning Commission tinds that the criteria for each separate conditional use permit application is satisfactorily met. 2. The applicant submits a landscaping plan that indicates the type and height of trees to be used on the site, subject to the review and approval by the City. 3. The proposed cul-de-sacing of Oakwood Drive is subject to the review and approval by the City Engineer. . 4. Occupancy of the building is contingent upon compliance with all building and fire codes, including a fire suppression program. Approval is based on the finding that it is consistent with the direction of the comprehensive plan and complies with the criteria approving a conditional use permit found in the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. G. Consideration of a zoning text amendment to allow externally illuminated proiecting wall signs. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. This item was removed from the consent agenda for discussion. H. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance which allows essential services as permitted uses in the R-l zoning district. Applicant: Citvof Monticello. This item was removed from the consent agenda for discussion. I. Consideration of sale of remnant parcel to Dave Peterson Ford. Recommendation: Approve the sale ofthe remnant parcel at a cost of $3 per square foot plus the prorated share of the legal/administrative overhead to be determined. Dave Peterson Ford's share to include the administrative cost to transfer the property from the City to Dave Peterson Ford. . Page 5 2. A- . . . Council Minutes - 5/1 0/99 1. Consideration of adopting resolution ordering public hearing on trunk storm sewer improvements relating to CSAH 75 and Trunk Highway 25. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution ordering a public hearing to be conducted on May 24, 1999, on the storm sewer improvements related to the CSAH 75 and Trunk Highway 25 projects to include parcels not included in the original project notice. SEE RESOLUTION 99-23. K. Consideration of adoption of the River View Square development agreement. Recommendation: Adopt the development and disbursement agreements. L. Consideration of appointing Kathleen Baltos to the position of Community Center Director. Recommendation: Appoint Ms. Kathleen Baltos to the position of Community Center Director. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE ITEMS 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5F, 51, 5J, 5K, AND 5L OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. G. Consideration of a zoning text amendment to allow externally illuminated proiecting wall si~ns. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. Chief Building Official Fred Patch reported that the proposed ordinance amendment is the result of an application recently reviewed by the Design Advisory Team for a projecting wall sign for Metcalf, Larson & Muth, located in the Central Community District. The proposed sign was found to be consistent with the goals of the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan; however, the downtown guidelines are inconsistent with the general regulations of the zoning ordinance relating to signs. The proposed amendment would allow externally illuminated projecting wall signs only in the Central Community District. The Design Advisory Team felt that allowing the projecting signs in the downtown area would bring back a historical, reminiscent feel to the community. Concerns were noted by the City Council that the downtown may look cluttered with the installation of projecting wall signs. It was suggested that if staff could provide photos of other downtown areas utilizing these types of signs, it may help give a better visualization of the appearance of the downtown area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO TABLE ACTION ON THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED PROJECTING WALL SIGNS PENDING ADDITIONAL RESEARCH, AND STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PROVIDE PHOTOS FOR COUNCIL REVIEW AT THE NEXT MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 z,tft . . . Council Minutcs ~ 5/1 0/99 Public Works Director John Simola noted his concern regarding maintenance of the signal system at the entrance and exit ramps at Oakwood Drive and maintenance of the 300 catch basins. Mr. Bray responded that MNDOT has stated they will assist in maintenance of the catch basins. However, MNDOT's policy regarding signals states that if a city street is involved, the City is responsible for maintenance. Negotiations will continue on the issue of signal maintenance. The Public Works Director also noted that the trunk storm sewer policy affects only undeveloped property. Any developed property would be assessed for trunk storm sewer, and he wanted to make sure all property owners were notified of the pending assessment. City Attorney Paul Weingarden suggested that award of the project be contingent on completion of the public hearing process. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,448,000 CONTINGENT UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF THE MNDOT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT, CITY APPROVAL OF THE TRUNK STORM SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ALONG TH 25, AND COMPLETION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS FOR TRUNK STORM SEWER ASSESSMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 99-24. 8. Consideration of proposed update to the trails and pathwav plan. and consideration of authorization to studv park dedication fee to include trail fee. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that, due to the various projects occurring throughout the city, the Parks Commission recently reviewed the existing park and trail plan for possible modifications to meet the emerging need for separation of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. In addition to updating the pathway system, the Parks Commission also suggested that the City Council consider modifying the current park dedication fee to include a pathway development surcharge. Pathway modifications in the following areas were recommended by the Parks Commission: Fallon Avenue South of School Boulevard In conjunction with the Klein Farms 5lh project, it is proposed that a pathway be extended along Fallon A venue from its current location at School Boulevard to the entrance of the Klein Farms 5lh development. Since the MOAA plan identifies a large area to the south for future residential development, it is recommended that an off-road pathway be extended down Fallon Avenue to coincide with future development ofthis area. Page 8 ZA . . . Council Minutes - 5/1 0/99 H. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance which allows essential services as permitted uses in the R-I zoning district. Applicant: Citvof Monticello. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that in conjunction with a discussion regarding booster stations as essential services, it was discovered that essential services is not currently listed as a permitted use in the R-I zoning district. City staff proposed an ordinance amendment to correct this oversight. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING ESSENTIAL SERVICES AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE R-] ZONING DISTRICT BASED ON THE FINDING THAT IT REFLECTS THE INTENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. Motion carried unanimously. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 325. 7. Consideration of adopting a resolution accepting bids and awarding proiect for Trunk Highway 25 contingent upon final MNDOT approval and trunk storm sewer improvements. Mr. Ron Bray of WSB & Associates reported that the Trunk Highway 25 improvement is located from 1-94 to just south of Kjellbergs Mobile Horne Park and includes the addition of a travel lane in both directions, installation of a raised concrete median to provide left- turn channelization to the new intersection of Chelsea Road, the modification of the Oakwood Drive intersection to accommodate interchange improvements which are anticipated to be completed in the spring of2000, the relocation of the park-and-ride lot to an area located south of School Boulevard, the extension of School Boulevard west, and construction of a frontage road south toward Kjellbergs Mobile Home Park. The project also includes numerous trunk and lateral sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer improvements. Bids for the Trunk Highway 25 project were received on April 29, 1999. The low bid was presented by Buffalo Bituminous at $5,448,000. The City's portion of the project was estimated at $1.37 mi11ion based on the low bid. The total City project cost, including indirect and right-of-way costs for TH 25 and future extensions of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street, was estimated at $2.7 million. MNDOT's share of the project cost based on the low bid is approximately $4.08 million. City Engineer Bret Weiss noted that much of the City cost for the project would be recovered in the long term through trunk storm sewer fees collected as property is developed, assessments, right-of- way purchase by MNDOT, and MNDOT storm sewer payment. Ron Bray also noted that the cost participation agreement is in the process of being prepared, and he recommended that award of the project be made contingent on final approval of the MNDOT cooperative agreement and City approval of trunk storm sewer system improvements. Page 7 ~,q. Council Minutes - 5/10/99 . County Road 18 The County Road 18 project includes a provision for a pathway to be constructed at some point in the future. The current plans for the project do not include construction of the pathway; however, they do include grading necessary to install the pathway at some point in the future. Due to the County's involvement in upgrading County Road 18 and the support received from residents, it is suggested that the pathway plan be adjusted to show a pathway extending along County Road 18. The pathway would not be constructed with the County Road 18 project but would be constructed at such time that funds are available. In addition, the pathway easement would need to be purchased. Mississippi River Walk Connection - Bondhus/Hospital District Bypass . The initial pathway plan included the creation of a river walk connecting Mississippi Drive through the wastewater treatment plant property to the hospital campus; however, the link cannot be made at this time because the City does not have complete site control. Mr. John Bondhus owns a segment separating the City easement at Mississippi Shores trom the wastewater treatment plant property but at this time is not interested in providing the City with a pathway easement. As an alternative, the Public Works Director and Park Superintendent have proposed a temporary bypass by extending the pathway from Mississippi Drive along the boundary of the Bondhus and wastewater treatment plant properties to Hart Boulevard. The path would then be extended along CSAH 75 to Washington Street rather than through the Bondhus and Hospital property along the river. Pathway Funding Program Development The Deputy City Administrator reported that the Parks Commission proposed that the City Council consider establishing a pathway funding program which would be used to collect funds from new development for extension of pathways to growing areas. The funding mechanism calls for establishing an average cost per lot for extension of pathways to a developing area. The fund would allow the City to pool resources from the development area and avoid the problems associated with assessing only the adjoining property owner for the project cost. This charge would be applied to construction of pathways serving general areas; pathways needed to connect individual residential areas to the main pathways designated on the plan would continue to be funded directly by the developer. It was also noted that the pathway policy would need to be compared to the current sidewalk grid system policy for possible conflicts. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE PATHWAY PLAN AS PROPOSED BY THE PARKS COMMISSION. Motion carried unanimously. Page 9 zA- . . . 9. Counci I Minutes - 5/1 0/99 Councilmember Clint Herbst suggested that staff discuss with Mr. Bondhus the idea of swapping a pathway easement for CSAH 75 assessments in order to complete the river walk connection. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO DIRECT STAFF TO COMPLETE A STUDY DETERMINING THE PROPER AMOUNT FOR THE PATHWAY DEDICATION FEE AND DEVELOP POLICIES FOR IMPLEMENT A TION OF THE FEE PROGRAM FOR FUTURE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL AND POSSIBLE PUBLIC COMMENT PROCESS. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of purchasing a 6-ft wide strio ofland for access to parking lots from Broadwav. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that Mr. Bill Grassl, owner of Domino's Pizza, has offered the City of Monticello an opportunity to purchase a 6- ft by 165-ft strip of the downtown parcel described as the west 17 ft of Lot 10 and east 26 ft of Lot 11, Block 35. This strip ofland would allow the City to carry out the goals and objectives of the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan by creating a public access or walkway between Broadway businesses and the rear public/private parking lot. In addition, she noted that Mr. Grassl is also interested in asking the HRA to swap his lot for the one located next to the MCP office. Council members noted that they would be interested in creating a public walkway from Broadway to the parking lot; however, they felt that the land swap should first be discussed with the HRA. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM PENDING FURTHER STUDY BY THE HRA REGARDING THE PROPOSED LAND SWAP. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of purchase of the property owned bv Jim Eisele located adiacent to community center site. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that Mr. Jim Eisele has offered to sell his garage and land to the City and accept relocation expenses for a total amount of $156,000. The sale would be contingent on Mr. Eisele obtaining approvals for development of a similar facility on a portion of property recently purchased by Jeff Michaelis for his bulk oil facility. It was noted that the City did not need to acquire this site from Mr. Eisele for the community center to develop and operate; however, acquisition of the building and the associated site control would benefit the City by providing storage space for vehicles and equipment. In addition, Mr. O'Neill noted that in the past the National Guard has expressed interest in leasing space from the City for maintenance of Guard vehicles. Page 10 z,q. . . . Council Minutes - 5/1 0/99 Council discussed whether it would be best for the Guard to purchase the property directly from Mr. Eisele and what price would be charged by the City to lease the space. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM PENDING ADDITIONAL RESEARCH BY CITY STAFF. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of bi lIs for the first half of Mav 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST IIALF OF MAY 1999 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADJOURN HIE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 11 ~A . . . MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOARD OF REVIEW Wednesday, May 12, 1999 -7 p.m. Council Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Council Absent: None A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of conducting the annual Board of Review regarding valuations for taxes payable in 2000. County Assessor Jerry Kritzek reported that the average county-wide increase in 1999 valuations was 5%. Appeals can bc made to the Wright County Board of Equalization on June 16, 1999, by calling the Wright County Auditor's Office for an appointment. 1. 155-014-001120 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased. Increase was due to county-wide square footage rate increase. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO LEAVE THE VALUATION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. Motion carried unanimously. 2. 155-021-002470 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased. Increase was due to county-wide square footage rate increase. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO LEAVE THE V ALUA TION AS RECOMMENDED BY TIlE ASSESSOR. Motion carried unanimously. 3. 155-015-032061 - Buyer of property requested that valuation be decreased. Increase was due to county-wide square footage rate increase. No action was required by Council since the person requesting the valuation change was not yet the owner of the property. 4. 155-059-002040 - Appeal of valuation was presented in writing. Increase was due to county-wide square footage rate increase and a deck addition. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER BELSAAS TO LEAVE THE VALVA TION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. Motion carried unanimously. 5. 155-093-001110 - Owner questioned if the valuations were going to increase 5% every year, and also questioned whether townhomes should be valued similarly. The assessor noted that the valuation would depend on size, similar grade of building, etc. No action was requested. Page 1 t& . . . Special City Council Minutes Board of Review ~ 5/12/99 6. 155-093-001120 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased to more closely match the neighboring townhome which is vcry similar. The assessor recommended that the valuation be decreased from $130,900 to $122,000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO DECREASE THE VALUATION TO $122,000 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. Motion carried unanimously. 7. 155-089-001040 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased due to discrepancy in square footage. The assessor noted that he could reduce the square footage of the open entry way from the second story square footage by 200 sq ft, which would reduce the valuation to $257,400. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO DECREASE THE V ALUA TION TO $257,400 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. Motion carried unanimously. 8. 155-019-005050 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased to match similar homes in the area. Increase was due to county-wide square footage increase; however, Council tabled action on this parcel until later in the meeting to allow the owner time to locate the assessing information for a comparable home in the area. 9. 155-037-002020 and 155-037-011020 - Owner requested that combined valuation of townhome and garage be reduced. Increase was due to county-wide square footage increase; however, the assessor recommended that due to the lack of similar home sales in the area, he could review the entire townhouse complex and return to Council with a recommendation. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ASSESSOR TO REVIEW THE TOWN HOME COMPLEX AND RETURN TO COUNCIL WITH A RECOMMENDATION. Motion carried unanimously. 10. 155-037-002050 and 155-037-011050 - No action was required, as this unit will be reviewed by the assessor as noted in #9 above. 11. 155-01 0-045060 - Owner requested clarification of whether the age of a building is considered in the valuation. It was noted that depreciation is included when assessing buildings. No action was requested. Page 2 z.e Special City Council Minutes Board of Review - 5/12/99 ~ 12. 155-081-001010 and 155-092-001010 - The assessor noted that the valuation of the building was included with the wrong lot and should be corrected. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO DIRECT THE ASSESSOR TO MAKE THE CORRECTION TO THE V ALUA TIONS OF THESE PARCELS AS NOTED. Motion carried unanimously. 13. 155-105-004130 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased due to purchase price of $127,500 last year and a 1999 valuation of$143,300. In addition, he noted that the valuation includes a fireplace, which the home does not have. The assessor noted that the blueprint included a fireplace, but if it was not installed, it should be deducted from the valuation. He recommended that the area behind the garage be reviewed and a deduction be made for no fireplace. It was the consensus of Counci I that the assessor review the valuation of this parcel and return with a recommendation. 14. 155-014-001060 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased due to loss of trees from the 7/1/97 wind storm. It was noted that the valuations do not include trees. /""""" A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO LEA VE THE V ALUA TION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. Motion carried unanimously. 15. 155-070-002130 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased due to purchase price last year of $170,000 and 1999 valuation of $196,800. The assessor explained that after reviewing the property, he was unable to recommend any reductions, as the grade of the home was correct and the valuations and sales in the neighborhood are comparable. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO LEA VE THE V ALUA TION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. Motion carried unanimously. 16. 155-014-001100 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased from $204,600 to more closely match a recent appraisal showing the value at $180,000. The assessor noted that comparables used in the appraisal were in Otsego, which is far enough away to affect the valuation. The proximity of the wastewater treatment plant and whether it had a negative effect on the neighborhood was also discussed. ~ AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO LEAVE THE VALUATION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR BUT DIRECT THE ASSESSOR TO MONITOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD AS Page 3 Z.e ~...... ......... . . . Special City Council Minutes Board of Review - 5/12/99 SALES OCCUR FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE ADJUSTMENTS. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Brian Stumpf, Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. 17. 155-014-001070 - Owner declined discussion of his property. 18. 155-016-000010 - Owner requested that valuation be decreased due to development of the surrounding area. The assessor noted that 40% of the value is the river lot and that the valuation has increased less than 2% for two years. He also noted that the grade of the home had been reduced from grade 6 to 5; however, he suggested that he could again review the parcel if the Council desired. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AUTHORIZE THE ASSESSOR TO AGAIN REVIEW THE VALUATION OF THIS PARCEL AND RETURN WITH A RECOMMENDATION. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Continued discussion of 155-019-005050 - The assessor noted that the comparable home found in the neighborhood was 22 sq ft smaller and 15 years older than the parcel in question, which would account for the difference in valuation. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO LEAVE THE V ALUA TION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 4 2.8 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . SA. Consideration of an amendment to the relocation settlement benefits for Monticello Bulk Petroleum-Bill Aydt. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you will recall, in February the Council had established acquisition and relocation benefits for Monticello Bulk Petroleum (Bill Aydt) and Riverside Oil (Jeff Michaelis) to help defray the cost of their relocation from the community center site. As part of the benefit package, the Council had agreed to provide up to $17,000 in additional relocation benefits for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing a dike and liner system that is required around the bulk tank location to meet current pollution control regulations. The Council had agreed to the additional $17,000 benefit on the basis that the bulk oil dealers would be incurring these additional costs because of the requirement to relocate their facilities prior to new regulations going into effect in a couple of years. . Mr. Aydt also appeared before the Council a month ago seeking authorization to utilize the $17,000 funding for purchase of additional tankage rather than for use as originally outlined by the Council for diking purposes. Mr. Aydt requested a change in the benefit allocation because he is not currently able to find a site or put together a package allowing him to own his own bulk oil facility at this time. The Council did not approve using these funds for other purposes; and as a result, these funds would only be available to Mr. Aydt ifhe relocates to his own site and constructs the proper diking and liner system. The Council is asked to consider granting an extension oftime to Mr. Aydt for an additional two years to allow him to find a suitable location within the city limits where he can build an appropriate bulk oil facility. Mr. Aydt would like an extension for these two years to be reimbursed the $17,000 if he actually does complete a bulk oil facility either above or below ground that meets the conditions outlined in the settlement agreement. Mayor Belsaas and myself met with Mr. Aydt to discuss the $17,000 relocation benefit, and we concluded during our meeting that this appeared to be a reasonable compromise that will allow Mr. Aydt the opportunity to be reimbursed the $17,000 ifhe actually expends these funds for a diking system or does construct an undergound tank farm that needs additional monitoring devices. Since Mr. Aydt does not have the financial capability of acquiring his own site today, Mr. Aydt felt that in two years he would be able to financially construct a new facility. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Approve the relocation agreement with Monticello Bulk Petroleum that provides an additional two years for Mr. Aydt to request reimbursement of up to $17,000 for protective diking or underground monitoring system expenditures. Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . Under this alternative, Mr. Aydt would only be eligible to receive reimbursement of this amount ifhe establishes a facility in the city of Monticello, is the owner of the facility, and it is completed by June 30, 2001. 2. Do not grant a two-year extension for requesting reimbursement. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of Mayor Belsaas and the City Administrator that the two-year extension on requesting reimbursement of up to $17,000 be granted to Monticello Bulk Petroleum with the understanding that ifMr. Aydt does not relocate to his own facility within the two-year time frame, no additional funds will be available from the City. If Mr. Aydt within two years does expend money for a protective diking system or other underground monitoring system to meet pollution control regulations, his request for funding would meet the intent originally established by the Council. Under option #1, the Council is not changing its original intent, only granting a two-year extension. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed acquisition and relocation settlement agreement. . . 2 . . . ACQUISITION & RELOCATION SETTLEMENT Displacing Agency: City of Monticello Date Displacee: Monticello Bulk Petroleum Bill Aydt JM Oil Company, Inc. Jim Moores The City of Monticello has given Bill Aydt, DBA Monticello Bulk Petroleum, a written notice to vacate the property described in the Burlington Northern lease document #248586 dated July 15, 1985. Mr. Aydt is considered a displaced person under provisions of the Uniform Relocation Act & Minnesota Statutes, Section 117.52. The City of Monticello has reached a negotiated acquisition and relocation settlement with Mr. Aydt as follows: 1. Acquisition of Realty Fixtures: $29,263.00 Payment to be made upon receipt of signed Bill of Sale currently being prepared by the City Attorney. Subtotal Acquisition: $29,263.00 2. Relocation Claim A. $10,000 business re-establishment fee. B. $ 1,000 relocation search fee. Payment will be made upon vacation of the premises. No further documentation necessary. C. $14,000 moving cost to relocate (9) tanks, buildings, and other structures to a new site. Payment will be made upon removal of the personal property and vacation of the premises, and will require documentation of actual costs to relocate tanks and product disposal by submission to City of contractor invoices for labor and material. In the event certain personal property is abandoned by the Displacee, the claim will be reduced to reflect any cost incurred by the City involved in the removal or disposal of any items of personal property or inventory not removed. "A'" I F:\KAREND\WORDPROC\RICK\AYDTRELOC.SET: 5/11/99 Page 1 . . . D. $5,000 legal fees. Payment will be made upon vacation of the premises. No further documentation necessary. 3. $17,000 Protective Diking System Payment will be made upon receipt by the City of contractor invoices for labor and materials to install a protective diking system. In the event that the Displacee installs an underground bulk tank facility that does not require a protective above- ground diking system, the City will pay for labor and materials to install underground tank monitoring equipment along with spill and overfill protection equipment. In either case, the City will pay actual cost incurred up to the ~aximum, not to exceed the amount of $17,000. A statement of code compliance by the appropriate approving agency must also be presented for either system installed. In order to be eligible for these funds, the Displacee must: A. Establish a bulk petroleum facility in the city of Monticello. B. The facility must be under the ownership and control of Bill Aydt, dba Monticello Bulk Petroleum. C. Construction of the diking system or underground tank monitoring system must be completed by June 30, 2001. If all of the above conditions are not met by June 30, 2001, the Displacee, Bill Aydt, agrees to make no further claims against the City, and the City will be under no further obligation to provide this assistance. Total Estimated Acquisition & Relocation Settlement: $76,263.00 VACATION DATE. The Displacee agrees to vacate the subject premises by 12:00 a.m., May 17, 1999. In the event that the Displacee has not vacated the subject premises by that time, the City's negotiated settlement will be reduced by any costs incurred by the City to remove personal property, tanks, equipment, and buildings not removed by Displacee, and settlement amount will be further reduced by any costs incurred by the City from the general contractor, DonIar Construction, relating to extra costs and change orders to the community center construction contract because of failure by Displacee to vacate subject premises by the 12:00 a.m., May 17, 1999, deadline. ~It., 1-- F:lKARENDIWORDPROCIRICKIAYDTRELOC.SET: 5/11/99 Page 2 . . . The above reflects a total settlement for all acquisition and relocation amounts due Bill Aydt by his displacement by the City of Monticello. The Displacee, Bill Aydt, agrees to make no further claims. DISPLACEE: DISPLACING AGENCY: Bill Aydt Monticello Bulk Petroleum City of Monticello Jim Moores JM Oil Company, Inc. 5"A,3 F:\KARENDlWORDPROC\RICKIA YDTRELOC,SET: 5/11/99 Page 3 . . . SB. Council Agenda - 5/24/99 Consideration of ~rantin~ annual avproval for municipal licenses. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the past you have renewed the licenses listed below in a single motion. I believe that the motion has been a contingent motion such that licenses are approved depending upon successful completion of the application, approval at the state level, and submission of proper Insurance coverage. The licenses submitted for your consideration are as follows: Intoxicating Liquor. On-Sale (fee $3,750) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox (Chin Yuen) 3. Duane Lindenfelser dba River City Lanes 4. Comfort Inn/Days Inn 5. 1.P.'s Annex 6. Hawks Sports Bar Intoxicating Liquor. On-Sale. Sunday (fee $200-set by statute) Renewals 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox 3. River City Lanes 4. VFW Club 5. American Legion Club 6. 1.P.'s Annex 7. Hawks Sports Bar 8. Comfort Inn/Days Inn Non-Intoxicating Malt On-Sale (fee $275) 1. Rod and Gun (Steak Fry only) - $10 2. Pizza Factory 3. Country Club Non-Intoxicating Malt. Off-Sale (fee $75) Renewals 1. Monticello Liquor 2. Maus Foods 3 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . Non-Intoxicating Malt. Off-Sale continued... 3. River Terrace 4. Torn Thumb 5. Holiday Stationstore 6. SuperAmerica 7. Avanti Petroleum (Total Mart) 8. Cub Foods Set-Uo License (fee $275) 1. Country Club 2. Rod and Gun (Steak Fry only) - $25 3. St. Henry's (Fall Festival only) - $25 Club Licenses (fee-set by statute based on membership) 1. VFW - $500 2. American Legion - $500 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve these licenses effective 7/1/99, contingent upon applicants providing appropriate certificates of insurance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . 4 . . . sc. Council Agenda - 5/24/99 Consideration of Change Orders No. 2-8 for the Monticello Trainine and Communitv Center project. (F.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Copies ofthe change orders are attached. In summary, the change orders were for the following items: Change Order Number Item Description Itemized Net Cost Incrcase/(Deduct) 2 Revise Insulation in Precast Panels - ($4,334.00) Removal of Buried Debris - $842.00 Removal of Unsuitable Material- $2,325.00 $3,100.00 3 Acceptance of Add Alt. A-I Terrazzo Flooring in Street Areas. $106,000.00 $8,718.00 4 Add floor drains pool area; revise ductwork and piping area "0"; revise rainwater leader location area "C"; lower footings and column pads area "0"; and add counter sink and plumbing room A 130. 5 Omit air supply duct to Arms Vault; provide variable frequency drives to 15H.P. heating pumps; rainwater leader revisions. $6,756.00 6 Add steel lintels at select duct locations in masonry walls; add 4" draintile below underground supply duct per code; omit 4 fire extinguisher cabinets, and add I surface mounted tire extinguisher cabinet and fire blanket unit. $6,632.00 7 Add boiler controls, provide lead-lag Isequential run controls inadvertently omitted with previous boiler change deduct (change to Peerless Boilers); structural changes at West Entry; and Mechanical revisions. $5,700.00 8 Mechanical additions and changes at West Entry; relocation of piping in Play Area A129; and add mixing valves not originally shown in contract documents. $7,023.00 TOT AL CUMULA TlVE CHANGE ORDERS THIS REPORT $143,929.00 Note that Change Order No.3 accepting Add Alternate A-I for Terrazzo was approved by City Council at the meeting of April, 1999. All other change orders listed did not individually exceed $10,000 and were carefully reviewed and approved by the City Administrator and Building Official in accordance with the policies adopted by City Council and in order to keep the project on schedule. Many of the items considered in change orders numbered 4-8 relate to difficulties encountered in implementation ofthe design of mechanical systems. Responsibility for costs resulting from mechanical design errors has yet to be determined but will be the subject of dcbate as the project nears completion, if not before. The Council will be advised as the project continues. 5 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Change Order No.3 according to the previous action of the City Council to accept the Alternate for installation of Terrazzo Flooring, and to approve Change Orders 2, 4,5,6, 7, and 8 according to the actions ofthe City Administrator. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order Nos. 2 - 8. . . 6 /CHANG: ~~~~:, 'N1C7<iJ OWNER ARClIITECT U)NTRAC:'I'()R I'IELD OTHER . u u o fOJ fJ PROJECT: (name, address) Monticello Community and Training Center 6th Street & Walnut Street Monticello. MN 55362 Donlar Contractors 41 Riverside Drive. NE St. Cloud. MN 56304 TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) C1IANCiE ORDER NUMBER: Two (2) DATE: March 19. 1999 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 97093.00 CONTRACT DATE: November 4. 1998 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction The Contract is changed as follows: The following changes in the work described below and on the attached. result in the following changes to the contract price: Item #1: Per AKA Construction Charge Directive No.1. dated 1/28/99. revised insulation from specified R22 to R13.7 Deduct $4.334.00 Item #2: Per Donlar Construction Change Orders for changes in soils excavation work add the following dollar amounts to the contract: C.0.02300-06 Remove buried debris C.0.02300-24 Remove unsuitable material . Add Add $ 842.00 $2.325.00 Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract sum)(~MXdt~~1l(U{1lf:.RJlkX:) was ' , , , , , , , , , , - , , , , , , , , ,- ,$ 8.204.800.00 Net change by previously authorizcdChangcOn.lcrs ""'" - -""""", -"""", ,$( 103.872.00) The (Contract Sum) (cXilUl:.lH(~~-KRJ)Wq prior to this C1unge Order W;l~, : ' , " - - - $ 8.100.928. 00 The (Contract Sum) ~XKi~~M~KiM~)(~) will he (incrcascd)X,MclUOOXtXbJ (~X(q~X~by this Change Order in the ;illlOunt of , , , , , , , ,- """" - , , , , , ,$ 3 .100.00 The new (Contract Sum) (~lt*l(rH~K~K]U(~including this Change Ordcr will he ,,$ The Contract Time will be (.I('f(~!K)1jX04m1:tm(tX-t((unchanged) by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is U nc ha ng ed (--- )days, NOTE: This summarv docs not idlcct chanf.\l's in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or (;uarantn:d Maximum Pricl' which have hlTll ,,"tlH>ri/,l'd I1v Constructioll Chan!\C Directive, Ankeny Kell Architects_-" P. A. _,..!Jonl ar c.ontractors ARUIITECT (:!lNTRACTOH 821 Raymond Avenue. Suit~ADO -.4LBiverside..nrivf>. Addn-ss Address St. Paul. MN 55114 St. Cloud. MN 56304 lly~(LJ-By74~ DATE 5 / l;q 1'1.-1-.- DATE ~J!/ f<J -^-- .rJ!J _fity of J1olltiCE'11o ., () \\' N E1{ ---.2.5D,_Ea s t Broadway Address Monttcello. MN 5362 ~:y (,/)tlk-"L,o~~,,- --------'--_.~,-~ /.-. - -.. --. DATE __.3(; sic; 1.,--------- NF._ CAUTION: You should sign an original AlA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AlA DOCUMENT G701 . CHAN(;E ORIIEIl . t<)H~ EDITION · AtA"' . @ I')H~ . TIlE AMERICAN INSTITI TE OJ' ARCHITECTS, I '_~'i NEW YORK A \'E" N\1i, \\ ASHIN(;TON, D.L 2IMMK> ." G701-1987 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. ge Order OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER [x ] fx ] [x ] [ J [ ] ~Document G701 .. - Electronic Format THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT D401. PROJECT: (name. address) Donlar Contractors 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud. Mn. 56304 The Contract is changed as follows: cce e Al t A- CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: three DATE: May 4. 1999 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 97093.00 CONTRACT DATE: November 9.1998 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction (name. address) Monticello Communitv and Trainin~ Center 6th and Walnut Streets Monticello. Mn. 55367 TO CONTRACTOR: Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. ~e original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed maximum Price) was t change by previously authorized Change Orders he (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) induding this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by (Q) days. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. $8.204.800.00 $( 100.772.00) $8.100.928.00 $106.000.00 $8.206.928.00 Address 41 Riverside Drive NE B~~ ;t4;6r~ DATE: 5/1c/'~ OWNER City of Monticello Address ~~n~~;rf{dt BY' .. cui/! ,11 r;tl1It.~ DATE: ARCHITECT Ankenv Kell Architects. P.A. Address 821 Raymond Ave.. Suite 400 St.~~4 BY: L/ I/d~~-'A DATE: ~/(,If/9 ~O CONTRACTOR Donlar Contractors A DOCUMENT G701 . CHANGE ORDER' 1987 EDITION' AlA' COPYRIGHT 1987 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW _ ,ORK AVENUE, N.W.. WASHINGTON. D.C., 20006-5292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Fonnat - G701-1987 User Document: CHANGE __ 5/6/1999. AlA License Number 108976, which expires on 12/31/1999 n Page #1 S-G--Z- ~ ---- - - -----.-. - -,~-- Chan e ~rder AlA Doc m1nt G701 .ctronic- Format OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER LX ] [Xl LX ] [ I [ ] THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFrED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT D40 I. PROJECT: (name, address) Monticello Community and Traininl!: Center 6th and Walnut Streets Monticello. Mn, 55367 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: Four DATE: Mav 10. 1999 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 97093.00 CONTRACT DATE: November 9. 1998 TO CONTRACTOR: (name. address) Donlar Contractors CONTRACT FOR: General Construction 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud. Mn. 56304 The Contract is changed as follows: Proposal Request No. Two (revised). containing Items 1 throu!lh 5 and dated May 3. 1999. Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed maximum Price) was .hange by previously authorized Change Orders Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was Tne (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order will be $8.204.800.00 $ 5.228.00 $ . . . . .' ..' . .' ..' . .... 0.._ ,".".".". The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by (Q) days. :.... . :. '. . .' .' .'. .'. .'. . The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchan2:ed. '.~'.'.', · NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed maximum Price which h~:~.:'. ".: :: ..... ", authorized by Construction Change Directive. :....: . .' .... :. .' .'. .'. ' . . . t.. ~ . . '. . . , - $ 8.718.00 $8.218.746.00 ARCHITECT Ankeny Kell Architects. P.A. CONTRACTOR Donlar Contractors OWNER City of Monticello . I" Address 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud. Mn. 56304 BY: ~~ ~ DAfu~~/ .OCUMENT mOl . CHANGE ORDER. 1987 EDITION. AlA. COPYRIGHT 1987 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW A VENUE. N. W., WASHINGTON, D.C., 20006-5292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. TIl ocument was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format- G701-1987 Um Document: CHANGE -- 511011999. AlA License Nmnbec 108976, WhiCh? C 1:113 Page #1 / cha~;6rder J.IA cklu'ment G701 _Iectronic Format OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER [X ] [X] [X J [ I [ ] THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATIORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT 0401. PROJECT: (name, address) Monticello Community and Trainine Center 6th and Walnut Streets Monticello. Mn. 55367 TO CONTRACTOR: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: Five DA TE: May 10. 1999 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 97093.00 CONTRACT DATE: November 9. 1998 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction (name. address) Donlar Contractors 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud. Mn. 56304 The Contract is changed as follows: Proposal Request No. Three (revised). containin~ Items 1. 2 and 3. and dated May 3. 1999. Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed maximum Price) was . change by previously authorized Change Orders e (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order will be $8.204.800.00 $ 13.946.00 $8.218.746.00 $ 6.756.00 $8.225.502.00 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by (Q) days. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed maximum Price which h;;tye. b~p~","", '. '... ..... authorized by Construction Change Directive, '. ............ .... .... ...... ...:.":. , ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR OWNER .~ '. ...p;..... '. Ankeny Kell Architects. P.A. Donlar Contractors City of Monticello ~ .... '. . '. .......... ' Address Address:'. .......... ...... ...... ". '. '., '. ..... " '. '. '. " '. 821 Raymond Ave.. Suite 400 41 Riverside Drive NE B~:~~Vdt- B~/~ DATE: (;/c.-/tilj . V' DATE: $;)97 BY: - '.~ J ,t.~ e -&-1- DATE: OCUMENT 0701 . CHANGE ORDER. 1987 EDITION. AlA. COPYRIGHT 1987 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW K A VENUE. N.W" WASHINGTON. D,C,. 20006-5292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution, This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format - G701-1987 User Document: CHANGE -- 5/1011999. AlA License Number 108976, WhiCh" C 1:"- Page #1 OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER r J [ J [ ] [ ] r J .AIA ~Ocument G701 _ Electronic Format THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WIT" RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT 0401. PROJECT: (name, address) Monticello Community and Training Center 6th and Walnut Street~ Monticello. Mn. 55367 TO CONTRACTOR: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: Six DA TE: May 10. 1999 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 97093.00 CONTRACT DATE: November 9. 1998 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction (nallle. address) DonIaI' Contractors 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud. Mn. 56304 The Contract is changed as follows: r t 0 F ur r vi e Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed maximum Price) was .change by previously authorized Change Orders (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by (Q) days. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. $8.204.800.00 $ 20.702.00 $8.225.502.00 $ 6.632.0Q $ ARCHITECT Ankeny Kell Architects. P.A. Address 821 Raymond AVe.. Suite 400 B~~U~d4 DATE: 1;loll1 CONTRACTOR Donlar Contractors OWNER City of Monticello Address 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud. Mn. 56304 BY: d. ~~ DA Tf .:;Q~I'f' . . . . . . '.. .o. .. .. . '" Ow ... . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . '" . A.CUMENT 0701 . CHANGE ORDER. 1987 EDITION. AlA. COPYRIGHT 1987 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW Y VENUE, N.W.. WASHINGTON, D.C., 20006-5292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws Rnd is subject to legal prosecution. This ocument was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format- G701-1987 Um Document: CHANGE -- 511011999. AlA License Number 108976, which 5"e ':S-age #1 .. f Ch inge Order OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER rx ) r x] rx ) r J r J . AI Liocument G701 Electronic Format THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION, AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT 0401. PROJECT: (name. address) Monticello Communi tv and Training Center 6th and Walnut Streets Monticello. Mn. 55367 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: Seven DATE: May 10. 1999 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 97093,00 CONTRACT DATE: November 9. 1998 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction TO CONTRACTOR: (name. address) Donlar Contractors 41 Riverside Drive NE 51. Cloud. Mn. 56304 The Contract is changed as follows: Pol e u t F've r vi e Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. tile original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed maximum Price) was t change by previously authorized Change Orders e (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order will be $8.204.800.00 $ 27.334.00 $ ARCHITECT Ankeny KeIl Architects. P,A. The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by (Q) days. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanl!:ed. NOTE: This summary does uo\ reflec' 'houges in the Con""ot Sum, Con,..ot Time DC GUomnteed maximum Pri", w,hk,'. "."~. ~~';'i:'. ~ ':C. anthorized hy Constmotion Change Directi ve. :::':: :: ::. ::: ':: ... ~ . . .... ...... . _ 1Il" .. ~ . ...... -, CONTRACTOR OWNER '.~. .:::'. ",_;: Donlar Contractors City of Monticello ~':'.': ':.:.', Address .:::././.::::.::: 41 Riverside Drive NE . . 51. Cloud. Mn. 56304 ::~~ $ 5.700.00 $8.237.834.00 Address 821 Raymond Ave.. Suite 400 B~~4/a~/, DATE: ')flo/tj'(l OCUMENT mOl . CHANGE ORDER. 1987 EDITION. AlA. COPYRIGHT 1987. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW AVENUE, N,W., WASHINGTON, D,C., 20006-5292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S, copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced Wilh permission of the AlA and call be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic FL G70 1-1987 US" Document: CHANGE -- 5/1OJI999. AiA License Numl>e, 108976, whkh S'e 1~1. Poge #, Chan e prder ~IA Do Jent G701 W:lectronic 'Format OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER [<1 J [<1 ] [<1 J [ ) [ I THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATIORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT 0401. PROJECT: (name, address) Monticello Community and Training Center 6th and Walnut Streets Monticello. Mn, 55367 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: .Eight DATE: May 10. 1999 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 97093.00 CONTRACT DATE: November 9. 1998 TO CONTRACTOR: (name. address) Donlar Contractors CONTRACT FOR: General Construction 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud. Mn. 56304 The Contract is changed as follows: Proposal Request No. Six (revised). containin2: Item 1. and dated May 3. 1999. Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed maximum Price) was .change by previously authorized Change Orders (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by (Q) days. The Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum. Contract Time or Guaranteed maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. $8.204.800.00 $ 33.034.00 $8.237.834.00 $ 7.023.00 $8.244.857.00 ARCHITECT Ankeny Kell Architects. P.A. Address 821 Ravmond AVe.. Suite 400 B~:b1.~~4/A.h DATE: lJ}c'fn 7 CONTRACTOR Donlar Contractors OWNER City of Monticello Address Address 41 Riverside Drive NE St. Cloud. Mn. 56304 BY: L#J.( ---- "".- DATE: ~'&I' .. . . BY: DA TE:S- -/7 - <; ?< . . .OCUMENT 0701 . CHANGE ORDER' 1987 EDITION. AlA. COPYRlGHT 1987 . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW . A VENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON. D.C.. 20006.5292. W ARNINO: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. Electronic Format - 0701-1987 Use, Document: CHANGE -- 5/1011999. AlA License Numbe, 108976, which $C 1:'1- P'ge #1 . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/99 5D. Consideration of a resolution approvin2 construction plans and soecifications and orderin2 the advertisement of bids for the Countv State Aid Highwav 75 improvement project (SAP 86-675-12). City Proiect 98-17C and County Proiect. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The CSAH 75 reconstruction project from CR 18/CSAH 39 to just west of Washington Street has been designed according to Council direction and is ready for the bidding process. A June 23 bid opening, June 28 project award, and July 6 construction start are the proposed dates that have been set to move the project forward. The project will be brought back to the Council on June 28 for execution of the project award upon receipt of contractor bids. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the plans and specifications and order the advertisement for bids for construction of the project in 1999. 2. Table the plan approval to a later date. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Council select alternative #1 so that the project can move forward with a summer 1999 construction. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 7 . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/99 SE. Consideration of appointment of Parks Commission member. (WK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Parks Commission is recommending Nancy McCaffrey to complete the three-year term of Jennifer Fearing. Jennifer Fearing was a member of the Parks Commission for one year and is expecting a baby in the fall. Jennifer has decided the time commitment is too much at this time in her life. Nancy McCaffrey has been active in community events and is willing to commit the time to the regular parks meeting and is also open to working on subcommittee projects. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint Nancy McCaffrey to the Parks Commission. 2. Motion to deny the appointment of Nancy McCaffrey. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from Nancy McCaffrey. 8 . April 28, 1999 Wanda Cramer Administrative Office City of Monticello 55362 Dear Wanda: This letter is to advise you of my interest in serving on the Board of the Monticello Park Commission, as was related to me by Fran Fair last week. If! am selected for this position, please advise me of all pertinent information for participation. . Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, A ~- . Nancy Mc 1302 Prairie Creek Lane Monticello, MN 55362 612/295-6552 (home: Mon & Fri) 612/993-2045 (office: Tues, Wed & Thurs) nm . S"€ ~ , . . . SF. Council Agenda - 5/24/99 Consideration of aVllrovinl! purchase al!reement between the City and Danner Truckinl! outlininl! terms of sale at vacated Marvin Road right-of-wav and adiacent remnant Darcel. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know, the Danner permit has been held up because neither Danner or the City has been able to acquire all of the land necessary to develop the site as proposed. The attached agreement will enable the City to issue the permit under the strong assumption that the City will obtain the land through the eminent domain process. The land will then be sold to Danner at a price based on an agreed-to formula. Please see the agreement for details. Danner's attorney has indicated support for the agreement as written. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the agreement, thus paving the way to issue the permit. 2. Motion to deny approval of the agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of purchase agreement. 9 . . . PURCHASE AC3U!:M3N'1' AGREEMENT made and entered as of the ___ day of 1999, by and bet~een the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Sellerll), and Robert and Sherie Danner, husband and wife (IlBuyers"). R B C :r; TAL s: seller is in the proce8s of acquiring the real property described in Exhibit A (hereinafter "Exhibit A") by eminent domain in an action entitled City of Montiaello, by its City Council, the governing body thereof, Yd. Melvin Wolters, et &1., Court File No. C9-97-2692, venued in Wright County, Minnesota (the "Action"). Buyers wish to buy and the Seller wishes to sell to Buyers a portion of Exhibit A as described in Exhibit B (Exhibit B shall be referred to as the npropertyll). ROW, TKBREPORB, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Seller agreee to sell the Property and Buyers agree to purchase the Property, upon the fOllowing conditions: TERMS 01' AGUDDDrr 1. PurChase Price. The purchase pric8 shall be determined as follows: Upon completion of the action, whether by settlement or judgment of the court, Seller shall calculate its total cost of acquiring Exhibit A. That figure shall be divided by the total number of square feet in Exhibit A. Th@ result shall be multiplied by the number of square feet in the Property. The result shall be the purchase price. The price so determined may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. 2. Closing. The closing shall occur thirty (30) days after the Seller acquires fee title to Exhibit A. 3. Real astate Taxes and SpeCial Assessments. At Closing, the Purchase Price shall be aejusted as follow!!: 3.1 Current Year'S Taxes. All real property taxes and assessments (general or .pecial) which have become a lien on the Property and which are due and payable prior to the year in which Closing occurs, shall be paid by Seller at or prior to Closing. All real property taxes and assessments (general or epecial) which have become a lien on the Property and which are due and payable in the year in which Closing occurs, shall be paid in full by Buyers. ~F." I ~oo 'd d '1 '1 'd N3a~VONI3M ~ 13SSn NOS10 O~: ~ I (nH1166 .OZ - 'AVW 6L8S SZ6 ZI9:131 4. Conveyance!! and Cloeina Oocumenta. Seller agrees to convey title ~o the Property at closing by a Quit Claim Deed, in recordable form, with state deed tax paid by Seller conveying to Buyers fee interest to the Property. . 5. Ins~eotion. Buyers have had the opportunity to and have enterad upon the Property for the purpose. of viewing the Property and making such other phYSical inspection as Buyers deem appropriate. 6. Seller's Reoreeentationa and Warrantie~. Seller hereby warrants and represents to Buyers, as follows: 6.1 Sewer and Water. Seller warrants that the Property is not connected to city sewer and is not connected to city water. 6.2 Tank~. Seller has no knowledge of any above ground or underground storage tanka located on the Property. 6.3 Hazardous Materials. Seller, to the beet of its knowled.ge, does not know of any hazardous !!Ubstances or petroleum product. having been placed, .tored. or released. from or on the Property by any perBott in violation of law. 6.4 No Other Warranties. Other than the specific written representations made in this paragraph B, the Property is being sold "As Is" with no express or implied representations or warranties by Seller as to the physical conditions, quality of construction, workmanship or fitness for any particular purpose. . 7. Property shall be Closing. 8. Brokers. Each party repreeente that all negotiations on its behalf relative to this Agreement and the transaction contemplated by this Agreemen.t have been carried on directly between the parties, without the intervention of any party, as broker, finder or otherwise. Possellsion. Seller shall deliver Possession of the not later than the Closing Date. All utility charges prorated between Seller and Suyers as of the date of 9. Mis~ellaneous. 9.1 Tr.H2:S O~ T.HB ESSENCE POR ALL PROVISIQNS OF THIS AGU.IDN'!' . 9. 2 Governina Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. -2- .~ SF,L ~oo 'd 6LSS H6 ZI9:13.L d 'rl~~V~Nl1LLWliIljOS'JJl Q~_~I (nI:lLl66 n(-}vw . e . 9.3 Buildinq Permit. 9.:3 · 1 The parties a.cknowledge that Buyers are purchasing the Propert.y in order to own enough real estate to build a building on adjaoent property and still be in compliance with applicable zoning regulations. Upon the parties entering into an agreement, the parties agree that Buyers have suffioient control over the land to be oonsidered the owner of the Property tor zoning purposes and may be issued a building permit if Buyers are in compliance with all other laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances and codes. 9 .3 .2 Buyer shall obtain a building permit for the building referred to in paragraph 9.3.1 and commence construction of the building within 90 days from the date of this agreement. Seller shall not be obligated to close until conBtruction has begun. If construction has not begun within the aforementionea 90 days, this agreement shall be voidable at the option of the Seller upon ten days' written notice to Buyer at auyer's last known address. 9.4 Certificate of Occ~cancv. If Seller has acquired the Property prior to the time Buyers have completed construction of the building and the Buyers fail or refuse to olose on this Purchase Agreement, Seller may withhold a certificate of occupancy for the building unt.il closing has occurred. 9.5 1'emDorarv Construction Easemel1.t.. The Property shall he conveyed to Buyers subj ect to a temporary construction easement in favor of Seller over the entire property. The temporary construction easement shall expire five (5) years after the closing, or upon completion of the Highway 2S improvement project being undertaken by the Seller, whichever is earlier. 9.6 Legallv Bindinq. TB::tS IS A LEGALLY BnmING CONTRACT. BEJ'OR3 SIGN%Na, COKSt7LT A LAWY3a. SELLER: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Its: -3- SF-<~ SOO'd d '1 '1 'd NJa~VnNIlM ~ ~Jssn NOS10 6L8S Sr6 rI9:1J~ O~:~I (nH~)66 ,0,- 'AVW ~ ':.... ~,' "~~-.......-!iIF" -.:'1'"<;_ ,....~':.r~~.....;._ _.'':"7_......--,,~;,::;-.-- '~,-- ...--;. BUYERS: Robert Danner Sher1e Danner STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SB. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument: was acknowleciged before me this day of , 1999, by , the _ of the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation on hehalf of the municipal corporation. Notary PUblic STATE OF MINNESOTA) > sa. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing in.trument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of , 1999, by Robert Oanner and Sherie Canner, husband and wife. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: OLSON, USSET & WEINGARDEN P.L.L.P. 4500 Park Glen Road, Suite 300 St:. Louis Park, MN 55416 134PA -4- ~F-lJ 900 'd - 6L8_S ~t6___~I~~-4-'1'1 ~(~3q1[VllNl~J.~jJi.SJljO~-- \~ It': "l,ln!y:'l kk n7- 'lVW ....~- . . . . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/99 7. Public Hearin!!-Review of storm water project fundin!!-Trunk Highway 25. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The above-referenced project includes the construction of a portion of the trunk storm sewer network. The storm water trunk fee program was established in 1995 and included a provision to access trunk storm sewer improvements to properties that were developed prior to 1995. In an effort to minimize the number of assessments to the existing developed parcels, some smaller trunk improvements have been held over to be combined with larger improvements. Completion of the public hearing portion of the project allows us to assess the improvements at any time following the completion of construction. All newly-developed parcels (after 1995) are charged the trunk acre charge. The decision whether the trunk assessments for this project will be levied following construction can be made at a later date. The completion of the public hearing just allows the City to levy the assessments in the future. The assessment is estimated at approximately 3~ /sq ft. The trunk improvements are included in the project, and the assessment hearing will be held at a later date, so the only action is to receive public comment. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. After considering public input, the Council can close the public hearing and continue on with the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Council accept public comment and move forward with the project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 10 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . 8. Public Hearin!!-Review of storm water oroject fundin2-CSAH 75. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The above-referenced project includes the construction of a portion of the trunk storm sewer network. The storm water trunk fee program was established in 1995 and included a provision to access trunk storm sewer improvements to properties that were developed prior to 1995. In an effort to minimize the number of assessments to the existing developed parcels. some smaller trunk improvements have been held over to be combined with larger improvements. Completion of the public hearing portion of the project allows us to assess the improvements at any time following the completion of construction. All newly-developed parcels (after 1995) are charged the trunk acre charge. The decision whether the trunk assessments for this project will be levied following construction can be made at a later date. The completion of the public hearing just allows the City to levy the assessments in the future. The assessment is estimated at approximately 2~ /sq ft. The trunk improvements are included in the project, and the assessment hearing will be held at a later date, so the only action is to receive public comment. . B. AL TERN A TIVE ACTIONS: 1. After considering public input, the Council can close the public hearing and continue on with the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Council accept public comment and move forward with the project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . 11 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . 9. Discussion of design options for Oakwood Drive median opening at McDonalds. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is on the Council agenda for further discussion with McDonalds and SuperAmerica. At this time, it has been decided by the City that McDonalds and SuperAmerica meet the criteria or are willing to accept the conditions of the March 4, 1999, letter that the City would proceed in allowing a median access opening and construction of the Cedar Street extension. Discussion will be opened by thc City Council with McDonalds, and possibly SuperAmerica, present. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Discussion item only with representatives of McDonalds and SuperAmerica. 2. Table discussion of this item to a future Council meeting. 3. Upon acceptance by McDonalds and SuperAmerica of the conditions and criteria, the City Council approves proceeding with the Cedar Street extension. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: [t is recommended that the Council select alternative #3. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from WSB dated May 20, 1999; Letter from WSB dated March 4, 1999, listing the three design options for Oakwood Drive. . 12 . . . ... WSB 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 B.A. Mindsteadt, I'.E. Ihet A. Weiss, I'.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E, Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.r.. 612-541-4800 FAX 541-1700 & Associates, Inc. May 20, 1999 Mr. Richard Engstrom McDonald's Corporation 1650 West 82nd Street, Suite 900 Bloomington, MN 55431-1442 : Re: Oakwood Drive - Trunk Highway 25 to Cedar Street City of Monticello WSB Project No. 1033.00 Dear Mr. Engstrom: This letter follows the previous letter dated March 4, 1999 discussing the various options for the design of Oakwood Drive and allowing the median opening on Oakwood for the McDonald's access. Discussions since March have indicated that McDonald's would prefer to pursue Option C. Several questions have been raised in regards to the criteria of proceeding with this option. Calcifications are as follows: · The concern of item 3 in the criteria for median closure is further clarified that the 1,000 vehicles in the peak hour is a measure of a single direction, either eastbound or westbound, in any day of the week. However, this should not be construed as 2,000 vehicles in both directions. · McDonald's concern of the safety of the left out for both Tom Thumb (Amoco) and McDonald's is valid. The City will restrict for both Tom Thumb and McDonald's with signage of no left out. Therefore, only three movements (left in, and right in, and right out) will be allowed. · The sidewalk can be redesigned with Option C to be placed on the Southerly side of Oakwood Drive. · Written concurrence and waiver for assessment of the cost will be required. This item is on the agenda for May 24, 1999 for further discussion with the council. The City Council will also discuss Super America's concerns with proceeding on this project as we have discussed previously. Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER q~1 F IWPWINlIOlJOOIOS2099,. wpd . . ----=--------_ _~ __un . . . If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me 612-277-5787. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~~.6 ~7 Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Project Manger cc: Greg LePage, McDonald's Sam VanTassel, Marathon Ashland Larry Martin, Larkin, Hoffman, Daly, & Lindgren John Simola, City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. JW II -- z.... "~'M,"" _,_,.". . . . . WSB 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 .b.A. Mittelsteadt. l'.h. Bret A. Weiss. P.E. Peter R. Willenbring. P.E. Donald W. Sterna. P.E. Ronald B. Bray. P.E. 612-541-4800 FAX 541-1700 & Associates, Inc. FILE COpy March 4, 1999 Mr. Larry Martin Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd. Attorneys at Law 1500 Norwest Financial Center 7900 Xerxes A venue South Bloomington, MN 55431 Re: Oakwood Drive: Trunk Highway (TH) 25 to Cedar Street City of Monticello WSB Project No. 1033.00 Dear Mr. Martin: Thank you for meeting with us to discuss the design of Oakwood Drive from Trunk Highway (TH) 25 to Cedar Street. At our meeting we discussed the following three (3) design options for Oakwood Drive. Option A: Existing design with no median opening on Oakwood for the combined McDonalds/Super America driveway. Option B: Existing design with a temporary median opening on Oakwood at the combined McDonalds/Super America driveway including no provision for a left turn lane. Option C: Widen Oakwood Drive with side-by-side left turn lanes to accommodate left turning traffic and provide a median opening at the combined McDonalds/Super America driveway on Oakwood Drive. It was the consensus of the group, following a discussion of pros and cons of each option, to pursue Option C contingent on City of Monticello approval and MnlDOT concurrence. It was also agreed that the median opening at the combined McDonalds/Super America driveway on Oakwood Drive would be closed in the future by the City of Monticello if certain criteria were met. The proposed criteria would be the following: 1. Three (3) or more accidents per year on Oakwood Drive between TH 25 and the easterly Super America driveway, not including TH 25, would occur in a one (1) year period; or 2. The queue-lengths (left turn stacking) from the combined McDonalds/Super America access median opening would be excess of six (6) vehicles (150 feet), thereby stacking into TH 25. If more than three (3) City documented cases of this occur on either a weekday or weekend, this criteria for closing the access would be met; or Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER f~3 F:IWPWlNlI OJ3 OOI022299.lm.wpd . . . Mr. Larry Martin Bloomington, MN February 22, 1999 Page 2 3. The Peak Hour volume on Oakwood Drive is more than 1,000 vehicles, both east bound and west bound, on any day of the week, Monday through Sunday, as counted by the City of Monticello or its representatives. The City of Monticello will agree to revise the Oakwood Drive design as long as McDonalds and Super America agree to the following conditions: 1. McDonalds and Super America agree to the assessments related to the costs of right-of-way acquisition and street construction for the design and construction of the Cedar Street extension northerly of Oakwood Drive; and 2. Right-of-way or easements required for the widening of Oakwood Drive to accommodate the median opening and left turn lane be provided at no cost to the City. (It is anticipated that a Temporary Construction Easement and Sidewalk Easement may be required to accommodate the widening; and 3. Super America and McDonalds agree to the three (3) criteria set forth earlier in this letter, for the potential closing ofthe combined McDonalds/Super America access median opening; and 4. Super America and McDonalds agree that the City is not responsible for anyon-site revisions required as a result of the Oakwood Drive construction. The TH 25 improvement now includes the construction of the Cedar Street extension, as shown in Option C, during the Summer of 1999. If McDonalds and Super America agree with the above conditions and criteria, a formal letter of agreement will be drafted for signature by both parties. If you have any questions, or require any additional information on the Oakwood Drive or TH 25 construction, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (612) 541-4800. Sincerely, ~'SB Associates, Inc. ~. A ~''I onald B. Bray, P.E. I Vice President c: Greg LePage, McDonalds Corporation Samuel Van Tassel, Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC John Simola, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. Enclosure(s) cp f-'f F:I WPWINI I 0]] .OOI022299.lm. "1'd MAY 21 '99 15:04 FR SA NORTH REGION 612 887 6173 TO 96122954404 .~+ . . Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362-9245 Dear Mayor and Councilmembers. Marlcatine - Reol Estate P.02/02 MARATHON ASHLAND Petroleum llC 1240 Wut 98th Slreet B1aomingron, MN 55.431 Telephone 6 t 2/887-6870 fo.l< 612/887-6173 Intem8t _.marathan.com/ realest This letter is in response to the letter from Mr. Ron Bray of WSB to Mr. Richard Engstrom of McDonalds dated May 20,1999. Super America is in concurrence with the content of the letter with the exception ot the assessments. In discussions with McDonalds, SuperAmerica advised them that we would support option C if McDonald! absorbed the entire assessment for the additional costs associated with that option including the assessment for the extension of Cedar Street Management at $uperAmerica felt that McDonalds derives the benefit from option C and therefore should pay all the assessments- If McDonalds does not want to pay the entire assessment, then we would select option A that does not have the median break in Oakwood Street nor the extension of Cedar Street. We have informed McDonalds of our position. I want to thank the City and their consultants for soliciting our Input and making modifications to the overall design of the Highway 25 Improvements to allow SuperAmerica to maintain the access necessary to remain a successful business In your community. n~~ Samuel S. VanTassel, CCIM Senior Real Estate Representative ** TOTAL PAGE.02 ** . 10. . . Council Agenda - 5/24/99 Consideration of a rezonine: and concept site plan aporoval for an R-4. Mobile Home Park District. Aoplicant: Kiellbere:s. Inc. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Kjellberg's Inc. has requested approval of a rezoning and concept site plan approval for a mobile home park with an R-4, Mobile Home Park, zoning district designation. A previous request for a rezoning to R-4 was found to be inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as well as with the pending MOAA draft land use plan. The site plan which accompanied the first proposal indicated a low density residential pattern, whereas the applicable land use plans indicate a medium density pattern. For Monticello, this pattern has typically meant twin home or townhouse development. The applicant has submitted a new site plan which illustrates a much more densely- developed mobile home park. This proposal would be consistent with the density recommendations ofthe City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. However, it would continue to be inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan objective of encouraging higher-valued housing. Moreover, the land use objectives envision that mid-density housing will consist primarily of attached housing, such as townhouses or twinhomes. This type of development pattern can be distinguished from mobile home park development of similar density in its ability to preserve common open spaces within the development. With regard to the housing value objective, this current proposal would be less desirable than the first plan due to its smaller lots and generally more congested layout. Thus, neither proposal entirely meets the direction ofthe Comprehensive Plan. The second plan better matches the proposed density, however, it sacrifices housing value as compared to the first. If the City supports the annexation at this time, it may also consider a zoning district amendment to R-2, a district which supports both single and two-family residential, as well as townhouses by Conditional Use Permit. It should be noted, however, that state law also includes Mobile Home Parks as potential conditional uses within districts which also allow other multiple family residential development. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the R-2 zoning. It based its recommendation on a finding that the R-2 zoning most closely represents the intent of the Comprehensive Plan with regard to both land use (medium to high density residential) and housing value. This option was viewed by the Planning Commission as a land use directive which points toward townhouse-style development, a development style which is not supported by the landowner on this parcel. The landowner has indicated that he would be interested in proposed townhouses for a parcel of land north oftlle Kjellberg West park, and directly west ofthe City's "Remmele" property. Moreover, the applicant indicates that if not approved by the City, they would pursue the expansion of the mobile home park under the County's jurisdiction. 13 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve an R-4 Zoning District amendment based upon the second plan, supported by a finding that the second plan provides for a development density within the range envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Monticello (subject to final annexation approval). 2. Motion to approve an R-4 Zoning District amendment based upon the first plan, supported by a finding that between the two mobile home park plans, the first plan better meets the objectives of the City Comprehensive Plan with regard to housing value (subject to final annexation approval). 3. Motion to approve an R-2 Zoning District amendment based upon a finding that this district is most consistent with all of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, including land use and housing value (subject to final annexation approval). 4. Motion to deny the rezoning request, concurrent with denial of the petition for annexation, based upon a finding that consideration of the rezoning is premature pending resolution of the land use plan issues in the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area. . 5. Motion to table action on the rezoning pending the submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the City beleives that a mobile home park expansion on this site will be a compatible land use, staff would recommend a rezoning to R-4, with a preliminary approval of the previous site plan (alternative #2). A finding which supports the lower density mobile home park development in a medium density land use district could be made to include references in the Comprehensive Plan regarding housing value, and incorporation of the existing Kjellberg's mobile home parks in the density calculations. In the alternative, a rezoning to R-2 would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, both in regard to land use and to housing style. It should be noted that under state law, the applicant may be able to request a Conditional Use Permit for a mobile home park in the R-2 zoning district. Staff believes that the R-2 District is the one which most closely represents the intent of the City's land use plans for the area. . The denial alternative mentioned above would leave the property outside of the city limits. The MOAA Board voted at its last meeting to adopt a "land use plan map" which considers the subject land to be medium/high density residential. However, the Board also enacted a moratorium in the area pending a public hearing on any changes to be discussed at the Board's July 7 meeting. The moratorium applies to the Board's consideration of annexation requests and did not consider whether it would apply to 14 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . petitions which were in process. Staffs interpretation of the moratorium's effect on the Kjellberg request would be that the County Planner, acting as the Board's planning staff, would hold any petition it received from the the City until after the Board's July 7 hearing. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A - Site Plan No.1 Exhibit B - Site Plan No.2 . . 15 . . . NI.W s;-k plan .--- hfjhtt" c/en;Jty l ] '!. I \ \ 11. , -rutt"'''''',,,''''N ..-..-.. ~~~::~':'::'~IIr_"""'-"." ..- "0 II' '1" ...... :n:....z~.... . ' ',( ..._~ ~ r ' __.1..._ " . /...,~ ~. .. '" -.- ~ a ..___. ,,, .&' . ~ ~ \"~i ~; '1 n~" .-. : . ~ , I 1 _0' S - , I I 1 l '\ ......."'!... ',,#' . ..' .', ...... .0',_ . -" ,0,1 EXHIBIT A ' SITE Pl AN #2 ',' .. I I 1I/I'r.;....~x~,I.'/ \ : ~' ~r...-lP'i 'f ,.. ; ~~ , " . \ I~ '~I,,#,.# .. \..."~ //,/", I I" ,,'~*,#~IrII,'~' / ~ I 1.' ~. \ . I:~' (,r"'~ /H ','.:... /'l.::-.. \ \ ,,':1.?:...ol,r... ,; " .... .....iollllll:'..I"IP"'....,.1IIIIIf' . ~. 't', ,.:J ,"_i4j,: ," . 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(- ~ ~ . \ i ,~~ ~} , ~ ~~~Il~ t I - .l ~\ ....;... \t\ , ~.. :'.~~~ , 1') Q......'~~'~..._. ~ ~; , "\' ,~ i ' . t \.,~ '. ~ l :!d~l '" ~n ... ~ ;~, ~i~ i ' , ~~ ~ .' ~I' ...,' ~ ' !(." : \ ~ : I. , I ,~ : . '! > ' f . . . J c::::> \' D" V\ - r'\ ~ EXHIBIT B - SITE PLAN # 1 10 - 2.. . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/99 11. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit I>evelopment in an R-2 District. Applicant: Little Mountain Limited Partnership. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AMD BACKGROUND: Little Mountain Limited Partnership has applied to develop the north 4.8 acres of the "Klucas" property along West River Street. The proposal consists of 28 townhouse units, allowed in the R-2 District under the Conditional Use Permit process. Because the units will gain access via private driveways and not direct public street frontage, the Planned Unit Development process is required. The project is being reviewed as a concept stage PUD. The intent of concept stage review is to raise issues and provide public comment, facilitating more detailed design on the part of the applicant. Marvin Elwood Road provides access to the property along its northeast boundary. The development plans illustrate a new city street intersecting with Marvin Elwood Road and extending to the south into the remainder of the property. The townhouse project is proposed to have two driveway access points, one from this new street and one from West River Street. Internally, the private driveway loops around three-fourths of the project, providing access to the individual building unit clusters. The development itself consists of four 6-unit row house buildings, and one 4-unit building. This results in a gross residential density of about 5.8 units per acre, or about 7,500 square feet per unit. This is in excess of the minimum lot area per unit requirement of 5,000 square feet per unit. The units are arrayed around a central courtyard within which the developer proposes a play area and sidewalk. The units themselves consist primarily of three bedroom apartments. One of the units is developed to serve as a live-in management office as well. The floor plans submitted with the project indicate single car garages are attached to each unit, with an additional outdoor parking space for each unit outside of the garage. In addition, there is a supply of visitor parking spaces scattered throughout the project. Issues 1. The proposed city street will intersect Marvin Elwood Road at a curve. The City Engineer should comment on the acceptability of this location. This street will also necessitate a unique additional screening requirement. Its location borders the rear lot lines of an existing single family neighborhood. The proposal illustrates a berm with evergreen trees planted to help buffer this new street from the existing homes. More detailed landscape plans will be reviewed to ensure an adequate screen. 2. Development of the remainder of the parcel is also an issue. The new public street would provide access to the south portion ofthe property. It would appear that the new street could eventually loop to connect with Prairie Road, which is 16 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . platted but unbuilt on the south boundary of the property. ^ concept plan illustrating a reasonable development of the remainder of the parcel would be advisable to ensure that this development will not leave inadequate access to the undeveloped portion. Although not part of this same property, an illustration which shows how this project might be integrated with development on the property to the west would also be beneficial. Although land to the west is zoned industrial, there is a natural grade and tree buffer which separates the actual industrial development and an area of open land adjoining the subject property. It is conceivable that development on that open land would be better suited as residential. The illustration suggested here would be to show how that open land might be integrated with this development in the future. 3. The project preserves a significant amount of open space, primarily in the interior of the development. There would be an excellent opportunity to provide an attractive landscape treatment to the front boulevard areas along West River Street. As a PUD, this is an area where the City may request an enhancement to the project design. . 4. It would not appear to be necessary to require sidewalks along thc driveway access within the project. However, a sidewalk along Marvin Elwood Road and the new public street would appear to be a positive element with this project. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Concept Stage PUD, incorporating the above discussion, as well as certain other considerations. With regard to the new road, at least two options were proposed. The first would be to straighten the street extension to the south and reconstruct the intersection so that Marvin Elwood Road creates a right-angle intersection. Ifthe road remains in this location, this alignment is preferred by staff. As a part of this plan, the single family neighbors to the east are concerned about access and impact of the roadway adjacent to their rear yard line. Additional screening, including landscaping and/or fencing, could be included in this area to mitigate these concerns. Maintenance of this landscaped boulevard could be attributed to the proposed development under the PUD agreement. . In the alternative, the potential for placing this access road along the west boundary line of the project was also discussed. This location would have the benefit of eliminating the creation of "double-frontage" lots along the east line and would provide better access to the undevelopcd portion of the Electro Industries property along the west line. However, it would create more street length, as well as an additional intersection with West River Street. The City Engineer and Public Works Director should comment on the street location issue. 17 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the concept stage Planned Unit Development subject to consideration of the issues mentioned in this report and others identified at the public hearing. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the concept stage PUD based on findings to be developed. 3. Motion to table action on the concept stage PUD subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the PUD concept plan, with the comment that the issues mentioned in this report, as well as others identified in the City's review process, are addressed in the next submission stage. For Development Stage PUD, the applicant will need to submit full grading, drainage, and utility plans, and a well-developed landscape plan for the project. The area-wide concept plans mentioned in this report should also be forwarded at that time. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A - Area Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Building Elevations Exhibit D - Building Floor Plans . 18 . -- .. ... ..--..~......" ......"... ......... ......,..................--...:......... ,~ ........ '. .:. ......r...... .......1. .......... . - ........:"........ .... I.................., I" . ':' ..... ... ....... ., .. ~~~i .14............ I: -~ ",~sr -:- .. . ~ .. .... .. . . . . . .. . .... "............,.....:.................. . . . . '. .. ....... ~ ..............., I .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . -. .. .. . .. ... .." .. .. . 'j: . If;1 EXHIBIT A - SITE LOCATION - I- "",--" ,...~.oII"'~""'" ...:-..:::...~ ~ ~.. I ~ii!!i!f!lf I "11'11 ....,. tll'i,' ~ ~ 'I I I · I, -~ 1 t CJ:d~ ~i :z <9 l \1 0.. II, .. UJ':.. 1-'" _t ',0 ~ . .#. .' . . . .. j " . ...., . . . . ~ .' . .,...f. '. . . " . 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"; it~'; ! ..;'/ 0:1 i8TIi' , / c .... ~ ltd 1 ( OJ: \~8L ,i,llm '. \ ffij" ~',~.'..1:: ' libS:,,' . ;J " j: -6}~ ~ ';: ;'(' ;:i'~m~~:.:.4~',: '1:1 t",:. "~'.U~'" ..,.l.......: I "I I" .' " ~., '.1.", i" ",~. ';.:, _~~, ~~:.. " ~~.~; ,1r:Q.ji !Ji~i ,till if! . -: 'COit' , !'hR""'I! I., : ;' fT'! i,i,;,!' ",-u :lij:y; , l ~I'" 8";;- , ' , :t'Fi ~,.!' [",::; ..! ::; " " " ,. I. ..~ )11.,;; 1':1- ....~r. . ."J~~ I , ~ I 'n I .' ',. IP ~ '~ 1 : .~ I . ! ." ~ : ,,; . ~. j"1 I', ,. , , , . Council Agenda - 5/24/99 12. Consideration of approval of Request for Proposals relating to redevelopment of former FerreIle:as site. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider placing the Ferrellgas site on the market and select a developer based on a response to a Request for Proposals format. The Request for Proposals provides an opportunity for the City to define a minimum standard for development at this important location and assists in providing a format for comparing proposals. The Request for Proposals has been prepared with input from the Design Advisory Team, which is charged with evaluating proposals for consistency with the Central Community District design requirements. The Community Center Small Group has also reviewed the document. The land, including the 5th Street right-of~way, includes about 47,000 square feet. Purchase and Ferrellgas relocation costs amounted to $131,784, resulting in a net acquisition cost of $2.80 per square foot. It is estimated that the land value for this parcel ranges from $5-$10 per square foot, which results in a range of value of $235,000 to $470,000. Therefore, the profit to the City from the sale of the land should exceed $100,000. . Please pay special attention to the discussion of the liquor store site. The RFP requests that the developer incorporate the liquor store into site planning and provide an option for expanding or reconstructing the store. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve or modify and approve the RFP for distribution to various developers. If Council selects this option, the RFP will be sent to known developers in the area and perhaps advertised in one or two selected journals or newspapers. It is planned to accept proposals for about one month. 2. Motion to deny approval and authorization to distribute the RFP. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to submit the RFP with modifications as desired by the City Council. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the RFP. 19 . . 3. . 6th and Pine Retail Redevelopment Draft Request for Proposals 1. Introduction This RFP is submitted to developers for the purpose of defining standards for redevelopment of a City-owned vacant parcel along Highway 25 and adjacent to the City of Monticello Community Center in the CCD (Central Community District) District. The City is accepting proposals for the purchase and redevelopment of this prime retail commercial development site. The Redevelopment Plan notes civic uses at the site; however, retail development is acceptable within the context of the redevelopment plan due to the completion of the adjacent community center and the associated satisfaction of civic building needs. Second floor residential development may be acceptable in accordance with CCD District regulations. 2. Summary of Design Guidelines and Redevelopment Plan In 1997 the City of Monticello adopted a redevelopment plan as an amendment to the comprehensive plan, followed by adoption of the Central Community District regulations which guide development patterns in the area. A goal of the planning effort is to bring people downtown by making it an attractive place for commerce and community activities. The design theme emphasizes or supports traditional, small midwestern community development patterns. Recent development of the nearby Cub Foods store and Marquette Bank building have been influenced by the design standards. Walnut Street in particular is being reconstructed and widened with angled head-in parking with the goal of becoming a pedestrian-oriented area. The redevelopment plan also stresses the importance of developing a civic core which serves commercial interest in the area by being a major activity generator. Site selection for the Community Center reflects this portion of the plan. Peiformance Standards A. Building Design and Materials. The building design must meet the minimums of the design guidelines and other standards noted in the attached redevelopment plan with the exception that 90% of the exterior walls (not including windows) shall be comprised of brick. B. Yard. Zero setback on Walnut Street is required. Zero setback along parking/drive aisle along railroad is acceptable. Loading and unloading areas shall be located on the 6th Street and railroad track side of buildings. No drive- thru business uses allowed. c. Signs. Freestanding signs must have characteristic of a monument sign. All signs facing Walnut must be illuminated externally. Signs facing Highway 25 may be illuminated internally. Space must be provided for potential electronic reader board facing Pine Street, which shall be controlled by City via Community Center. Il. -, FlKARENOIWORDPROCIAGENOASIFERRELLRFP. CCA. 5121199 Page 1 . . 1. D. ParkinQ:. Parking layout will allow joint use with liquor store site and to include future vacated 5th Street. Parking layout should also incorporate spaces provided on Walnut Street. All spaces in the vicinity should be available for joint use. Parking stall and drive aisle design to meet City minimums. The property line along Walnut Street must be setback 7 ft to accommodate a widened Walnut Street needed to accommodate angled head-in parking. Right-in/right-out access allowed at Pine Street. Parking and grounds maintenance to be governed by City/developer association. E. View of Community Center. Views of the Community Center from Pine Street will be considered in design. F. Pedestrian Access. Sidewalk must be developed to extend through site between Pine Street and Walnut Street. Sidewalks required on 6th and internally to a crossing at Walnut leading to Community Center plaza. G. Lighting. Light fixtures must match standard CCD district fixture (see attached). Fixtures to be consistent with pattern established with Walnut Street improvements. H. Landscaping. Landscaped island delineators required in parking lot. Liquor Store. Site plan must incorporate remodeling/addition or redevelopment of the liquor store building. Current size ofliquor store is 5,000 square feet. Show expansion to 8,500 square feet. Proposal must identify City costs associated with actual remodeling or reconstruction of the liquor store building by the developer as an option in the proposal. Financial plans supporting either reconstruction or remodeling should a include City contribution necessary to expand space from current size to 8,500 square feet. Feasibility of proposed modifications of liquor store as proposed to be verified by the Chief Building Official. Construction phasing should allow liquor store to remain open at all times. The City will retain the option of delaying reconstruction/remodeling to a distant date in the future. 1. Activities. Define proposed uses and space used. 4. Financial Considerations City will fund improvements to Walnut Street, including parking, sidewalk, and boulevard landscaping through potential use of TIF generated by project, or through use of funds acquired with the sale of the property. Soils correction due to previous uses shall be the responsibility of the City. 5. Process . Design Advisory Team will review proposals and will make a recommendation to the City Council for further consideration. Preliminary negotiations regarding design and financing to occur after a candidate is selected. Negotiations will be conducted by City staff at the direction of the DA T and City Council. 12- '2. F:lKARENDIWORDPROCIAGENDASIFERRELLRFP. CGA: 5/21/99 Page 2 . . . 6. Proposal Format Provide offering price and other financial consideration incorporating redevelopment or remodeling of liquor store. Proposal should include costs to the City with and without simultaneous redevelopment of liquor store building. Provide one complete set of plans of a size no bigger that 11 x 17. Plan set to include: .. Sketch/building elevations or artists rendering of the building facades facing Walnut and facing Highway 25. .. Site plan showing building dimensions, setback distances, parking lot configuration, and dimensions. .. Landscaping plan Proposals are due by Tuesday, July 6, 1999. 7. Attachments: Site information a. b. Survey Soils data Community Center information Walnut Street preliminary plans Redevelopment plan and design guidelines City zoning standards - parking, drive aisle, etc Market studies and traffic counts Light fixture standard c. d. e. f. g. h. F.lKARENDIWDRDPROCIAGENDASIFERRELLRFP. CCA 5/21/99 12- fit 3 Page 3 . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/99 13. Consideration of resolution authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for reconstruction of Walnut Street. (1.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to review the proposed preliminary plan for reconstruction of Walnut Street, which would allow reconstruction and associated parking to be available in time for the opening of the community center. Marquette Bank officials have been encouraging the City to move forward on this project quickly, as the bank needs the Walnut Street parking. This road is on the state aid system and had been planned for reconstruction for some time. The plans have been reviewed by John Simola, the Community Center Small Group, and the Design Advisory Team. All groups support the plan which calls for installation of the basic components of the road and parking in 1999 with consideration of future improvements to the boulevard at some point in the future. For the moment, the boulevard would be sodded only. In the future, in conjunction with the plaza development, it is proposed that brick pavers be installed in the boulevard area. Marquette Bank officials have expressed an interest in paying an assessment associated with development of the parking area in front of the bank. As you will note, there is also parking adjacent to the Edina Realty parcel. The owner of this parcel has not been contacted yet regarding the plan. It is possible that a public hearing will need to be held on the project at the time that it is awarded if this landowner does not waive rights to object to an assessment. The earlier pricing included cement parking stalls. Cement stalls were replaced with bituminous resulting in a savings of about $22,000. Brick pavers versus colored cement at crosswalks are included in the plan. The public works department recommended brick pavers over colored cement due to durability. The total cost of the street project, including all indirect costs and a 10% contingency, amounts to $145,000. Stonn sewer improvements relating to the project amount to $25,700. Funds for the project could be derived from special assessments (Marquette Bank, Edina Realty), proceeds from the sale of the Ferrcllgas site (excess of$100K), and existing reserves for improvements to state aid streets. TIF dollars could also be applied to this project with the support of the HRA. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve or modify and approve the preliminary plan and authorize preparation of plans and specifications. 2. Motion to deny approval of the preliminary plans and deny authorization to prepare plans and specifications. 20 . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Thc City Administrator recommends alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Engineers Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost; Site graphic. . . 21 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 May-20-99 12:34P *WSB St cloud 320-252-3100 P.02 . Engineer's Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost City of Monticello Walnut Street City Project No__ WSB Project No. 1010.91 INCLUDES BITUMINOUS STREET & PARKING, CONCRETE SIDEWALK. PAVER CROSS WALKS AND SOD BOULEVARDS t ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT COST COST 1 TRANSPLANT TREES EACH $250.00 $1.500 2 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVING 2800 SY $2.00 55.600 3 REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK 171 Sy $2.00 $340 4 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB & TER 552 LF. $2,50 $1.380 5 REMOVE CATCH BASINS 9 EACH $150.00 $1,350 6 ReMOVE CATCH BASIN LEAD PIPE 150 L.F. 55.00 $750 7 COMMON EXCAVATION 675 ey. $2.50 $1.690 8 COMMON BORROW (LV) 500 C.Y. $4.50 $2,250 9 AG REGAlE BASE CL5 (100% CRUSHED ROCK) 913 ,Y. $10.00 $9,130 . 10 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER B618 1270 L.F. S6,50 $8,260 11 SAW BITIMINOUS PAVEMENT 1250 L.F. $2.00 $2,500 12 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (TYPE 41 2.0" THICK 513 TON $23.00 $11,800 13 BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE (TYPE 31) 2.0' THICK 376 TON $22.00 $8.270 14 CONCRETE PAVERS 1992 S.F. 54.00 57.970 15 CONCRETE SHOULDER CURBING 12" WIDE 522 L.F. $16.00 $8,350 16 CONCRETE WALK 4" THICK 9955 S.F. $2.50 $24,890 17 TOPSOIL BORROW. 4" THICK (L.V.) 122 C.Y, 510.00 $1,220 18 SOD TYPE LAWN 1110 s.y, 52.00 $2,220 19 STRIPING & SIGNAGE 1 L.S. $3.500,00 $3,500 TOTAL C N TRUCTION. $102,970 + Contingency" $10,300 Subtotal '" $113,300 +28% Indirect Costs '" $31,700 Total Schedule C . Street '" $145,000 . /3--/ May-20-99 12:34P *WSB St Claud 320-252-3100 . . . Engineer's Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost City of Monticello Walnut Street Improvements City Project No._ WSB Project No. 1010.91 DESCRIPTION F&112" RC CATCH SA IN LEADS, DES. 3006, F&I DRAINAGE STRUCTU e. MANHOLE F&I DRAINAGE STRUCTURE. CATCH BASIN ,";' \ \""~. n tlHlil'!!I.I:;' UNI QUANTITY UNIT COST 140 L.F. $32.00 2 EACH 51,500.00 9 EACH $1,200,00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ~ + Contingency = Subtotal = +28% Indirect Costs · ateral Storm ewer · LIII 13--2- P.03 ,Y"~ r', l!i~\i~!j~:i TOTAL COST $4,480 $3.000 $10,800 $18.300 $1,800 $20,100 $5.600 25,700 May-20-99 12:34P *WSB St cloud 320-252-3100 . FUTURE COST TO INSTALL. PAVER BRICKS IN THE MEDIAN . . COMMON EXCAVATION PAVER BRICK 100 $5.00 13 "3 P.04 May-21-99 10:S0A *WSB St C19ud . .../ , " II ~~ "..'" 320-252-3100 '~. :, ",;,.,.~. 'j':~ ~.....1 , "j, .n.l , ~" - - I I, ,.I . I,: . , \'" ,,' ,- I' I" ,,' '.. ,,' ",..'. :>. 51H STREET . ~ , :; ! , ~.;.: ,:,-.. -,~'''1 ',iJ, , t'i " , ;i I,' ~; , :~.- I' 6TH STREET " " : ~ " ,. " . \ CI'.:l \. ~ tr.l ~ "", ... 'r P.02 I , .,tJ Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . 14. Review concept plans for Communitv Center Plaza design. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Design Advisory Team (OAT) has been meeting over the past few months to develop a plan for the design and landscaping of the Community Center Plaza. Two exterior spaces were included in the OAT's scope: (1) the front plaza area along Walnut Street at the east (main) entrance, and (2) the courtyard adjoining the west side of the community room near 6th Street and the south entrance driveway. The OAT first considered the value of the spaces and what use they could, and would likely, be put to. The Plaza space was viewed as an important entry feature for the entire structure and was intended to emphasize the public use of the site and structure. It was also viewed as a stopping point for pedestrian traffic along Walnut. Although the Plaza is looked at as a potential outdoor gathering space, the gatherings were expected to be either informal or walk-through events rather than larger cohesive groups. . As a result, the design integrates the views toward the building, into the gallery space along the front glass wall, and creates a series of parallel walking paths. The paths are proposed to be concrete, bordered by brick banding similar to the brick utilized in the building. The paths are divided by planting areas which surround the water feature and seating areas. The central feature of the design is a water element which consists of an elevated path bridging a pebble-lined cascading pool. The path bridges over the pool, reflecting the concept of "the new bridge," which was the theme ofthe downtown redevelopment planning effort. Benches, street lights, trash receptacles, and a low seat-wall around the water element allow for informal use, as well as walk-through display events. A sign for the community center has been designed based on the architect's rendering of simple iron lettering on top of a bridge railing section reflecting the original bridge railing concept. The community room courtyard space was viewed as a more private area, providing an outdoor space for larger groups using the community room for a specific event. Informal seating areas would be made available in this space, but the design would incorporate a screening effect from adjoining activity areas (if not a totally enclosed space). The design which was developed utilizes a raised planter with capstone seating to delineate the courtyard, planted with a mix of taller shrubs and perennials. The OAT also recommends that the seat wall be provided on the outside of the courtyard to accommodate people who are waiting for rides. . The proposed plan includes overstory trees which are selected to provide light shade from the western exposure. Raised planter seat walls are also included around the tree plantings. The surface of the courtyard area is shown to be a patterned paver. 22 Council Agenda - 5/24/99 . A very preliminary construction cost estimate has been developed for two areas. Depending on materials selected, the estimated cost range for the Plaza area (ineluding a 10% contingency) is from about $137,000 to $153,000. Estimates for the courtyard area run from about $65,000 to $88,000. Funding sources are still being investigated, including the opportunity for fundraising from private sources. In addition, staff is working on phasing options and alternative materials which will help to manage the cost. It is expected that future updates will provide additional information in this regard. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Community Center landscape design in concept form, subject to additional material options and identification of funding sources, based on the recommendation from the Design Advisory Team. 2. Motion to not approve the Community Center landscape design concept. 3. Motion to table a decision on the Community Center landscape concept pending additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . Staff recommends alternative #1 based on DAT's recommendation and design involvement. The exterior spaces are viewed as important components of the project, both in terms of overall use of the facility as well as aesthetic impact of the site. As noted, staff and others are currently investigating a number of options to both reduce cost and develop non-traditional funding sources which will avoid impact to the City's budget. Staff expects to be reporting these options to the Council in an upcoming meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A - Plaza/Courtyard Concept Plan . 23 . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/99 15. Consideration of review of bids and awardin2 contract on southeast water booster station. City Proiect #98-24C. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On April 26, the City Council approved plans and specifications for the Monte Hill water booster station and authorized advertisement for bids. This project contains not only the booster station, but also the below-ground pressure sustaining station near the water tank. The estimated construction cost was $251,771. Since the City has already purchased the emergency generator at a cost of $41,071 and a used pressure tank for approximately $6,000 ($2,000 for transportation and insulation touch up), the resulting estimated construction cost was $204,700. The bids were due at 1 p.m. on Friday, May 21. A copy of the bid tabulation is enclosed for your review. In the bid documents, we enclosed an alternate for using burnished concrete block (in lieu of waterproof painting) on the interior of the building similar to that used at the NSP ballfield concession stand, the West Bridge Park building, and the new animal shelter on Chelsea Road. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to award the contract to Magney Construction, Inc., based upon their low bid of $335,300 for the water booster station, without the alternate burnished block. 2. The second alternative would be to award the contract for the water booster station to Magney Construction, Inc., for their low bid of $336,500, including the alternate for the burnished block. 3. The third alternative would be not to award the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, City Engineer, and Water Superintendent that the City Council not proceed with the project at this time but redesign to reduce costs. Further information will be provided Monday night. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the bid tabulation. 24 . . . Bids Opened: 1:00 p.m. May 21, 1999 Contractor -, BID TABULATION SOUTHEAST BOOSTER STATION AND APPURTENANT WORK FOR THE CITY OIi' MONl'ICELLO WRlGHTCOllNTY, MINNESOTA - sei~~ity r- _m_ Base Bid -------- t ____________, _m_______ I I _ ABE ~_~~STR~CTI~_N ~~~~~NY_ _ __I ENCOMM MIDWEST GREAT WESTERN CORPORATION .-... $ 7~5 ":>00 00-1';) '~-3bZ 21<5 - ) 4' '33<-L )00 MAGNEY CONSTRUCTION, INC. S 'i'o MOORHEAD CONSTRUCTION CO. (( RICE LAKE CONTRACTING CORP. MUNICIPAL BUILDERS, INC. t\ TRAUT WELLS, INC. WSB & As!wciates, Inc. Project No. 1129.00 Base Bid + Alternate No.1 - -- --;t-336 5~~ - --- ------- :/ ---------------- '1> s(.'-i-/798 .'t 3S5) )00 En:en :limMe -s227.~oo.J=- I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on May 14, 1999. * Denotes correctedfigure ,~.., I F: IW1'W1NI/ /19, OOIs!,<c'JJ/V1'AB, Jf'I'IJ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~0/1999 05:32:09 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V05.00 COVER PAGE GL540R Reoort Selection: RUN GROUP... 0521 COMMENT... 5/21 CKS oATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT 0-05211999-910 5/21 CKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines cpr J 01 Y S 5 065 10 . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO OS/20/1999 06: 32: 11 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAG~l VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE A E MICHAELS WATER 30.94 IMPROVEMENTS 601.49440.5301 43248 910 00043 WATER 13.99 IMPROVEMENTS 601.49440.5301 43486 910 00044 44.93 *VENDOR TOTAL A M LEONARD INC PARKS 97.34 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 014742290101 910 00045 A M MAUS & SON BLDG-LUBE & OIL CHANGE 23.38 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42401.4050 910 00047 BLDG-FLOOR MATS 85.20 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42401.4050 19817 910 00046 108.58 *VENDOR TOTAL AFFORDABLE SANITATION PARKS 359.50 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 225.45201.4399 990500 910 00048 AMNESTY DAY 127.80 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43230.3199 990575 910 00049 481. 30 *VENDOR TOTAL ASSOCIATED VETERINARY CL AN SHELTER 136.96 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 25265 910 00050 BAILEY NURSERIES, INC 91.52 SHADE TREE 1.225.50 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.4391 476640 SHADE TREE 1,548.50 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.4391 490300 910 00051 2.774.00 *VENDOR TOTAL BARCO PRODUCTS COMPANY WATER 165.53 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 049900073 910 00053 BEACON BALLFIELDS PARKS 469.94 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 327123 910 00054 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM 443.90 BEER 609.49750.2520 94885 910 00033 431.60 BEER 609.49750.2520 98322 910 00032 220.75 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 98323 910 00031 1.096.25 *VENDOR TOTAL CHEMSEARCH PARKS 224.15 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 225.45201.2160 373818 910 00055 CULLIGAN RENTAL HOUSE 24.92 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 MAY 910 00056 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING 104.60 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 45682 910 00028 6.047.05 BEER 609.49750.2520 45685 91W29 92.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 45846 91 30 6.243.90 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~20/1999 06,32,11 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 620.00CR BEER 609.49750.2520 124614 910 00037 931.30 BEER 609.49750.2520 60590 910 00036 311.30 *VENDOR TOTAL DEMCON DISPOSAL. INC. AMNESTY DAY 1.421.55 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43230.3199 051199 910 00057 DISPLAY SALES SHOP 270.51 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43127.4399 901660 910 00058 DOUBLE 0 ELECTRIC WATER ACCESS 611.98 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 4075-1 910 00059 WATER ACCESS 285.52 BU I LD INGS 265.49201.5201 4076-1 910 00060 897.50 *VENDOR TOTAL DYNA SYSTEMS SHOP 391. 76 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 10056434 910 00061 ELK RIVER PRINTING & PAR CH 8.95 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 008911 910 00062 ~THERM RECORDERS INC. ATER 18B.00 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 601.49440.2030 121405 910 00063 FEDERAL EXPRESS PLANNING 19.25 FREIGHT 101.41910.3330 7-543-33621 910 00064 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVICES. LIQUOR STORE 124.38 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 1259980 910 00007 G & J AWNING AND CANVAS. DEP REG-CANOPY 2.897.00 BUILDINGS 101.41990.5201 4873 910 00065 G & K SERVICES DEP REG-RUGS 36.89 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.41990.4010 910 00066 LIQUOR 69.49 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 609.49754.4010 910 00067 ENV CHARGE. SALES TAX 175.20 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43120.4399 910 00068 SHOP-TOWELS 83.80 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 910 00069 SEWER-RICH C & JOHN M 103.50 UNIFORM RENTAL 602.49490.4170 910 00070 WATER-RICH C & MATT T 107. 70 UNIFORM RENTAL 601.49440.4170 910 00071 PW ADM-JOHN S 53.40 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43110.4170 910 00072 PW INSP-TOM B & ELMER 0 150.30 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43115.4170 910 00073 STREETS 318.12 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.4170 910 00074 PARKS 423.75 UNIFORM RENTAL 225.45201.4170 910 00075 1.522.15 *VENDOR TOTAL 411tiERIS OFFICE PRODUCT 1.060.81 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 910 00076 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO OS/20/1999 06:32:11 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAG.5 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTA BRENNAN REZON ING 223.98 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8641 910 00125 GENERAL 1. 00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8641 910 00126 OAA PLAN 774.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8641 910 00127 CSAH 75 PLAN 227.73 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8641 910 00128 KJELLBERG W EXP 1,339.10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 466.49201.3199 8642 910 00129 PETERSON FORD 748.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8642 910 00130 LITTLE MOUNTAIN 365.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8642 910 00131 COMFORT INN CUP 409.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8642 910 00132 MEETINGS 1,050.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8643 910 00122 7,731. 76 "VENDOR TOTAL NOVAK FLECK. INC REFUND 7. 50 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.11501 910 00133 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, PARKS 21.03 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 225.45201.2230 3535 910 00134 OLSON. USSET & WEINGARDE KJELLBERG WEST PARK 386.75 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 1 910 00142 OLGA SWANSON PROP 55.25 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 10 910 00144 GENERAL 548.25 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 100 91.37 OLGA SWANSON PROP 42.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 11 91 43 HWY 25 IMPR 769.25 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 450.49201.3040 12 910 00138 COMMUNITY CENTER 178.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 461.49201.3040 12 910 00140 HWY 25 IMPR 545.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 450.49201.3040 13 910 00139 COMMUN ITY CENTER 238.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 461.49201.3040 13 910 00141 GENERAL 225.25 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 99 910 00145 2.989.25 "VENDOR TOTAL ONE CALL CONCEPTS. INC. WATER-LOCATES 412.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 9040502 910 00146 P & H WAREHOUSE SALES, PARKS 806.14 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 225.45201.2250 9131301 910 00147 PREUSSE/JAMES L DEP REG 120.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41990.3110 MAY 910 00135 PUBLIC WORKS 150.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.43110.3110 MAY 910 00136 270.00 "VENDOR TOTAL PROMACO. I NC . PARKS 302.69 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 0008137-IN 910 00153 PUBLIC SPACE PLUS WATER 87.03 UTILITY SYSTEM MTCE SUPP 601.49440.2270 1816A 910 00148 WATER 19.50 UTILITY SYSTEM MTCE SUPP 601.49440.2270 1816B gl~19 PARKS 48.90 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 1822A 91 50 PARKS 6.50 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 1822B 910 15i 161.93 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~2011999 06,32,11 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 6 DOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE PURCELL'S PLUMBERY WATER 13.22 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 601.49440.2210 004496-1119 910 00152 RED MICHAELIS SHADE TREE 900.00 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.4391 910 00105 RELIABLE CORPORATION/THE CH 54.77 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 PF086500 910 00154 CH 11.90 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 PHM99000 910 00155 66.67 *VENDOR TOTAL RELIANCE DATA CORPORATIO DATA PROC 2,056.30 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESS I 101.41920.3090 23891 910 00156 RELIANT ENERGY CH 53.75 GAS 101.41940.3830 910 00157 DEP REG 18.66 GAS 101.41990.3830 910 00158 PARKS 27.75CR GAS 225.45201. 3830 910 00159 WATER 9.58 GAS 601. 49440.3830 910 00160 FIRE STATION 145.06 GAS 101.42201.3830 910 00161 SHOP/GARAGE/MAl NT 1.279.93 GAS 101.43127.3830 910 00162 .BRARY 6.58 GAS 211.45501. 3830 910 00163 TP 11. 94 GAS 602.49480.3830 910 00164 1,497.75 *VENDOR TOTAL RIVERLAND COMMUNITY COLL FIRE-SCHOOL 210.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42201.3320 910 00165 RON'S GOURMET ICE LIQUOR STORE 356.12 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 34157 910 00005 ROYAL TIRE OF MONTICELLO STREETS 8.57 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 067005 910 00166 SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. AN SHELTER-CONTRACT 1,197.49 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.42701.3120 MAY 31, 1999 910 00110 SCHARBER & SONS, INC. PARKS 7,934.25 OTHER EQUIPMENT 225.45201.5801 10385 910 00168 STREETS 20.98 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 197065 910 00167 7,955.23 *VENDOR TOTAL SCHWAAB, INC. DEP REG 36.75 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41990.2099 S 159373 910 00169 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. STREETS 126.61 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 077525 910 00170 . TRIBUNE CH 918.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41301.3520 APRIL 910 00171 - -.c .::... _.~~' ,~ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO OS/20/1999 06: 32: 11 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06 . 00 PAG.7 VENDOR NAME DESCR I PTI ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE STEVE'S ELK RIVER NURSER SHADE TREE 106.39 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.4391 0010756 910 00172 T ROY PRODUCTS. INC PARKS 65.18 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 00134300 910 00173 TDS TELECOM PARKS 126.34 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 910 00194 CH 1.713.72 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 910 00195 FIRE STATION 66.58 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 910 00196 AN SHELTER 38.71 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 910 00197 WATER 31.06 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 910 00198 PUBLIC WORKS 566.67 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 910 00199 DEP REG 156.39 TELEPHONE 101.41990.3210 910 00200 PW INSP 10.20 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 910 00201 LIOUOR 118.28 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 910 00202 WWTP 202.73 TELEPHONE 602.49480.3210 910 00203 3,030.68 *VENDOR TOTAL THIBODEAUX/SUE CC VIDEO TAPES 9.04 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 910 00174 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP . LIQUOR STORE 4.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 160791 910 00008 LIQUOR STORE 2.490.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 161286 910 00012 LIOUOR STORE 47.25 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 161286 910 00013 LIOUOR STORE 5.120.75 BEER 609.49750.2520 161424 910 00011 LIOUOR STORE 102.80 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 151425 910 00009 LI OUOR STORE 48.35 BEER 609.49750.2520 161874 910 00010 7.813.15 *VENDOR TOTAL TRI-CO TREE MOVERS SHADE TREE 1,400.00 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.4391 037392 910 00175 TRUEMAN-WELTERS. INC. PARKS-NEW HOLLAND TRACTR 21.397.08 OTHER EQU I PMENT 225.45201.5801 43210 910 00204 U S POSTAL SERVICE CH-POSTAGE FOR METER 2.000.00 POSTAGE 101.41301.3220 ACCT #26272021 910 00178 ULTRA-LUBE. INC HWY 25 30.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 SNOW REMOVAL 910 00180 UNITED LABORATORIES PARKS 914.79 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 15376 910 00181 UPBEAT. INC 91.82 PARKS 430.30 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 225.45201.2250 00290273 .__ ".~.I"~.,.4ll_.r - BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO OS/20/1999 06:32:11 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 8 .OR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll FIP 10 LINE US FILTER DISTRIBUTION G WATER RESALE 244.32 METERS & VALVES FOR RESA 601.49440.2271 5328264 910 00177 USA WASTE SERVICES. INC REFUSE 3.563.15 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 19010 910 00179 VIDEO PROTECTION SERVICE LIQUOR STORE 152.98 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 1696 910 00183 VIKING COCA COLA LIQUOR STORE 62.60 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2210051 910 00006 WATER LABORATORIES. INC WATER 20.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 99E-114 910 00185 WATER 10.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 993-016 910 00184 30.00 "'VENDOR TOTAL WATSON COMPANY. INC/THE LIQUOR STORE 0.35 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 541435 910 00003 LIQUOR STORE 571. 03 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 541435 910 00004 571.38 "'VENDOR TOTAL ~N DEVELOPMENT SERVI 25 2.602.70 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 910 00189 COMM CENTER 849.92 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 910 00190 HWY 25 881. 75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 MARCH 910 00187 COMM CENTER 581. 45 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 MARCH 910 00188 4.915.82 "'VENDOR TOTAL WINE MERCHANTS. INC 32.75 WINE 609.49750.2530 17983 910 00034 0.28 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 17983 910 00035 33.03 "'VENDOR TOTAL WOLFSTELLER/RICHARD TRAVEL EXPENSE 517.74 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41301.3310 CONFS 910 00191 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TR LIQUOR-TOBACCO LICENSE 75.00 LICENSES & PERMITS 609.49754.4370 910 00192 Y M C A - NW CONTRACT PAYMENT 625.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.45177.3199 MAY. 1999 910 00186 ZIEGLER FOIiER 5VOme/.1 PARKS 32.12 MISe ePERATINC SijPPLI[S 22S.4S2Ql.alQe. PC080042468 910 00193 . ~ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 05/20/1999 06:32:11 VENDOR NAME DESCR I PTI ON REPORT TOTALS: - AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME -.J17.55i.81 - J/7,sa'l. '"' RECORDS PRINTED - 000191 Schedule of Bills FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAG~9 POt FIP 10 LINE . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .20/1999 06;32: 14 Schedule of Bills GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 35.561.74 211 LIBRARY FUND 494.97 224 SHADE TREE FUND 5.310.25 225 PARK FUND 35.510.17 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 24.92 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 897.50 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 4,828.70 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 1,848.37 466 99-01C KJELLBERG WEST SAN S 1,339.10 601 WATER FUND 1,621.59 602 SEWER FUND 588.17 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 23.721.59 610 TRANSPORTATION FUND 5.809.74 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 117.556.81 . RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 93.835.22 23,721.59 TOTAL ALL BANKS 117,556.81 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 4111t/12/1999 11:46:00 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Reoort Selection: RUN GROUP... 0512 COMMENT... 5/12 CKS OATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ 0-05121999-905 5/12 CK Run Instructions: Jobo Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 05/12/1999 11 :46 :01 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAG~l VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY I BAL DUE ON SEWER CLNER 5,000.00 MOTOR VEHICLES 262.49201.5501 047490-00 905 00001 AEC ENGINEERING, INC REV & INSP SERVICES 295.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 23020 905 00002 ALBERG/KELLEEN MOA & JOINT PLANNING 319.60 SALARIES, OTHER 230.46401.1090 905 00294 ALBINSON. INC PW ADM 296.69 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 193495 905 00003 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS AM WATER WORKS ASSOC 95.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 601.49440.4330 991234 905 00004 ANDERSON/GARY ROLLS REIMB 23.96 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42401.4399 905 00005 ANDERSON/RICK 71 HRS @ 27.50 1,952.50 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 MAR, APR, MAY 905 00006 176 MILES @ .28 49.28 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 MAR, APR, MAY 905 00007 2,001. 78 "VENDOR TOTAL . ANOKA-HENNEPIN TECHNICAL DAHLHEIMER, BALOUN 100.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42201.3320 138963 905 00008 CTS/DM 940.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42201.3320 28973 905 00009 1 ,040.00 "VENDOR TOTAL BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CO. WASH SAND 13.56 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 1649 905 00010 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR LIOUOR STORE 1,055.95 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 16366000 905 00227 LIQUOR STORE 169.41 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 29555400 905 00228 1, 225.36 "VENDOR TOTAL BELSAAS/ROGER MOA & JOINT PLANNING 150.00 SALARIES, OTHER 230.46401.1090 905 00289 BERGSTROM'S LAWN & GARDE PARKS 342.27 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2211 36216 905 00011 PARKS-FILTER 52.37 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2211 36235 905 00012 394.64 "VENDOR TOTAL BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM LIQUOR STORE 75.70 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 88011 905 00168 LIQUOR STORE 535.95 BEER 609.49750.2520 91354 9Oi11 LIQUOR STORE 72.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 91356 90 69 LIQUOR STORE 30.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 94886 90 170 714 . 25 "VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO tfl211999 11 :46: 01 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 NDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE BOYER TRUCK PARTS HGE ASY HOSE 75.22 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 815727 905 00297 1995 FORD L8000 9.248.72 OTHER EQUIPMENT 262.49201.5801 86636 905 00296 9.323.94 *VENDOR TOTAL BROTHER INTERNATIONAL CO ADM-TAPE 86.16 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41301.2199 90935564 905 00013 BUFFALO CLIN IC PARKS 120.66 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 225.45201.4399 G SCHMIDT 905 00014 CENTRAL APPLIANCE RECYCL AMNESTY DAY 2,518.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43230.3199 05/01/99 905 00018 CENTURY LABS SHOP-CHEMICALS 100.04 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 35949 905 00019 CHINOS/CAROL JEAN & RONA EASEMENT & DAMAGES 3,750.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 905 00281 CLARK FOOD SERVICE. INC. ~-OP SUPPLIES 125.16 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 V298692 905 00020 ,RE-OP SUPPLIES 533.48 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2199 V298692 905 00021 658.64 *VENDOR TOTAL COpy EQUIPMENT. INC. PW INSP-CAD TRAINING 600.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43115.3320 0127467 905 00022 OJ'S MUNICIPAL SUPPLY SHOP-GLOVES 12.77 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 2151 905 00023 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING LIOUOR STORE 2,981.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 44458 905 00176 LIQUOR STORE 5.240.75 BEER 609.49750.2520 44869 905 00175 LIQUOR STORE 95.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 44870 905 00172 LIQUOR STORE 16.90 BEER 609.49750.2520 45198 905 00174 LIQUOR STORE 165.35 BEER 609.49750.2520 45219 905 00173 LIQUOR STORE 5.384.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 45247 905 00178 LIQUOR STORE 520.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 45332 905 00177 LIQUOR STORE 186.69 BEER 609.49750.2520 45646 905 00179 14.590.59 *VENDOR TOTAL DAVE PETERSON'S FORD-MER STREETS 79.79 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 90276 905 00024 DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C SEWER 254.54 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2210 M216225 905 00025 4111tDISTRIBUTING COMPANY LIQUOR STORE 708.60 BEER 609.49750.2520 59381 905 00230 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 05/12/1999 11 :46: 01 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PA~ 3 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# FIP 10 LINE DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY LIOUOR STORE 2,690.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 59968 905 00231 3,399.30 *VENDOR TOTAL DENN/FRANKLIN MOA & JOINT PLANNING 150.00 SALARIES. OTHER 230.46401.1090 1999 905 00288 DRIVERS LICENSE GUIDE CO LIQUOR-1999 ID CKING GDE 22.95 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 609.49754.4330 295156 905 00026 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAIN FIRE 420.16 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 14837 905 00027 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVICES, LIQUOR STORE 46.56 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 1251520 905 00242 LIOUOR STORE 31.04 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 1251860 905 00243 77 .60 *VENDOR TOTAL FRIE/RICHARD MOA & JOINT PLANNING 40.00 SALARIES. OTHER 230.46401.1090 905 00291 G & R AGGREGATES. INC 90.28 SEWER 575.10 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49490.2199 157 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER STREETS 16.95 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.43230.2299 30117 905 00029 GLUNz/RAYMOND J LEE.MAJOR. LEMIEUX, DURANT 1,330.00 PROF SRV - EXCAVATION 651.49010.3115 905 00030 GRAPE BEGINNINGS, INC LIQUOR STORE 472.91 WINE 609.49750.2530 24267 905 00241 GRIGGS. COOPER & COMPANY LIQUOR STORE 4.83CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 109140 905 00192 LIQUOR STORE 229.35 WINE 609.49750.2530 43527 905 00186 LIQUOR STORE 4.50 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 43527 905 00187 LIQUOR STORE 2.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 43851 905 00184 LIOUOR STORE 220.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 43851 905 00185 LIQUOR STORE 75.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 46614 905 00190 LIQUOR STORE 8.364.72 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 46614 905 00191 LIQUOR STORE 85.35 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 46615 905 00180 LIQUOR STORE 4.480.76 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 46615 905 00181 LIQUOR STORE 3.75 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 46967 905 00188 LIQUOR STORE 162.33 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 46967 905 00189 LIQUOR STORE 378.18 WINE 609.49750.2530 46968 905 00182 LIQUOR STORE 4.50 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 46968 90.183 14,005.86 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 4111i/'2/'999 ",46,0' Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 4 NOOR NAME DESCRI PTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F /P 10 LINE GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. LIQUOR STORE 3,511.77 BEER 609.49750.2520 166891 905 00240 LIQUOR STORE 858.15 BEER 609.49150.2520 161094 905 00239 LIQUOR STORE 5,583.11 BEER 609.49750.2520 167198 905 00238 LIQUOR STORE 6,096.65 BEER 609.49750.2520 167612 905 00237 16,050.34 *VENDOR TOTAL HERBST/CLINT MOA & JOINT PLANNING 120.00 SALARIES, OTHER 230.46401.1090 905 00290 HERMES/GERALD T LIBRARY CLEANING 177.50 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 211.45501.3110 905 00031 HIGH TECH ROOFING PUMP HOUSE #2-RE ROOF 4,690.79 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 98431 905 00285 PUMPHOUSE #2-CAP 1,195.27 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 98481 905 00286 PUMP HOUSE #l-GRAVEL 1,949.48 1997 STORM DAMAGE EX PENS 101.42501.4401 98482 905 00284 PW-PERMANT RE-ROOF 14,429.27 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 98484 905 00282 PW-SHEETMETAL CAP 4,959.81 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 99500 905 00283 PUMP HOUSE #3-CANT 2,361.32 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 99501 905 00287 29,585.94 *VENDOR TOTAL ~KER, JR/TED 150.00 SALARIES, OTHER 230.46401.1090 905 00293 MOA & JOINT PLANNING HOME JUICE LIOUOR STORE 52.65 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 34874 905 00229 INNOVATIVE SOFTWARE DESI DATA PROC 49.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41920.4399 160768 905 00032 J ENSEN/GEN E REFUND-4TH QTR 1998 33.66 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.11501 905 00033 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L LIQUOR STORE 15.30 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 961694 905 00244 LIQUOR STORE 1,417.40 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 967694 905 00245 LIQUOR STORE 17.85 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 967695 905 00249 LIQUOR STORE 914.80 WINE 609.49750.2530 967695 905 00250 LIQUOR STORE 49.90 BEER 609.49750.2520 967696 905 00246 LIQUOR STORE 3,485.65 WINE 609.49750.2530 970303 905 00247 LIQUOR STORE 34.85 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 910303 905 00248 LIQUOR STORE 4,132.50 WINE 609.49750.2530 971915 905 00255 LIQUOR STORE 246.50 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 971915 905 00256 LIQUOR STORE 27.20 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 973246 905 00253 LIQUOR STORE 1,263.88 LI QUOR 609.49150.2510 973246 905 00254 LIQUOR STORE 589.63 WINE 609.49750.2530 973247 905 00251 .QUOR STORE 16.15 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 913247 905 00252 12,271. 61 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 05/1211999 11 :46: 01 Schedule of Bil)s GL540R-V06.00 PA~ 5 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll FIP 10 LINE K MART STORE CC VIDEO TAPES 3.72 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 905 00034 PARKS 131. 37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 905 00035 CH-OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.23 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 905 00036 SHOP 117.14 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 905 00037 WATER-SHOP VAC 77.73 UTILITY SYSTEM MTCE SUPP 601.49440.2270 905 00038 332.19 'VENDOR TOTAL KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTE OLLIE 30.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.46501.4330 905 00040 KING/JAMES W LI BRARY 47.93 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 211.45501.3105 3742 905 00015 LIQUOR 42.60 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 609.49754.3105 3742 905 00016 RIVERSIDE CEMETARY 106.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 651.49010.3199 3744 905 00017 197.03 'VENDOR TOTAL KOROPCHAK/OLIVE REIMB EXPENSES 83.88 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.46501.3310 905 00041 LANDMARK SHADE TREE 480.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 224.46102.3199 6671 9.039 LARSONIL YNDON REIMB FIRE SCHOOL 346.44 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42201.3320 905 00042 MAJIRS! ADVERTISING & DE TAKE PRIDE CERTIFICATES 20.00 MISC PRINTING 101.41910.3599 04/30/99 905 00043 MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, CH 106.50 DUPLICATING & COpy SUPPL 101.43110.2020 01806517 905 00044 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE SHADE TREE-STRAW, FERTIL 74.66 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 224.46102.2299 331589 905 00046 SHADE TREE-FORKS 54.00 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 224.46102.2410 331644 905 00045 PARKS-RANGE 59.64 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 224.46102.2299 331943 905 00047 188.30 'VENDOR TOTAL MAUS FOODS PLANNING 65.82 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41910.2199 905 00048 CH 1. 38 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 905 00049 AN SHELTER 62.66 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 905 00050 SHOP 6.99 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 905 0005i LIBRARY 22.43 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2199 905 00052 AMNESTY DAY 19.88 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.43230.2299 905 00053 179.16 'VENDOR TOTAL MINNESOTA'S BOOKSTORES 91t0054 DEP REG 25.31 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.41990.4330 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .12/1999 11 :46: 01 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 6 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE MN COMMERCE DEPARTMENT NOTARY APP-MIKE F 40.00 LICENSES & PERMITS 609.49754.4370 905 00298 MN COpy SYSTEMS INC FIRE-COPIER MIA 31.95 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.42201.3190 905 00055 MN U C FUND GOENNER.CHRISTOPHER.SCHM 723.93 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 101.45201.1420 905 00056 MONTICELLO PRINTING PW-PRINTED FORMS 1.008.06 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.43110.2030 905 00059 LIOUOR 10.65 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 609.49754.2030 905 00060 CH-STAMP 2.13 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41301.2199 905 00061 BUS BROCHURES 125.14 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 610.49801.4399 905 00062 1.145.98 'VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO TIMES DISC IF PO BY DUE DATE 44.46CR DISCOUNT 101.36298 905 00063 LEGAL 1.517.54 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41601.3510 905 00064 PUBLIC HEARINGS 713.79 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41910.3510 905 00065 CH 336.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMAlI 101.41301.3520 905 00066 ~UCK FOR SALE 33.20 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 602.49480.3520 905 00067 ELSEA ROAD W 46.35 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41910.3520 905 00068 PLANNING 225.65 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41910.3520 905 00069 LIBRARY TIMES VOL 244.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 211.45501.3520 905 00070 LIOUOR STORE 112.40 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 905 00071 WATER MAINS 175.80 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 601.49440.3520 905 00072 HWY 75 55.62 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41910.3520 905 00073 PARKS 165.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMAlI 101.45201.3520 905 00074 COMM CENTER 140.00 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 461.49201.3510 905 00075 WEB SITE 350.00 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 101.41920.3092 905 00076 KJ ELLBERG W 64.89 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41910.3520 905 00077 4,135.78 'VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO VACUUM CENTER LI BRARY 22.45 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 211.45501.4044 22889 905 00078 MONTICELLO/CITY OF LIQUOR STORE 24.06 WATER & SEWER 509.49754.3820 905 00058 NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & STREETS 32.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 905 00079 STREETS 237.32 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 905 00080 SHOP 42.69 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2210 905 00081 SHOP 54.18 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 905 00082 SHOP. 77.86 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2211 905 00083 PARKS 121.26 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 905 00084 ~LDG DEPT-FLOOR MATS 157.99 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42401.4050 905 00085 723.30 'VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLC 05/12/1999 11 :46: 01 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 P~ ' VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS MATT 74.16 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 905 00082 TOM B 74.16 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 905 0008- RICH C 100.99 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 905 00082 ROGER M 100.99 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 905 0008S GARY A 100.99 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 905 ooose FRED P 87.58 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 905 0009' 538.87 "'VENDOR TOTAL NORTHERN STATES POWER CO WATER 3,551.58 ELECTRIC 601.49440.3810 905 00092 SEWER 312.50 ELECTRIC 602.49490.3810 905 0009: STREET LIGHTS 859.51 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 905 00094 DEP REG 89.56 ELECTRIC 101.41990.3810 905 0009~ PARKS 592.27 ELECTRIC 225.45201.3810 905 00096 CIVIL DEFENSE 14.27 ELECTRIC 101.42501.3810 905 0009" SHOP/GARAGE 647.78 ELECTRIC 101.43127.3810 905 00098 FIRE STATION 227.23 ELECTRIC 101.42201.3810 905 00099 LI BRARY 626.59 ELECTRIC 211.45501.3810 905 0010e CH 775.12 ELECTRIC 101.41940.3810 905 0010' PARKING LOTS 95.58 ELECTRIC 101.43140.3810 905 00102 LIOUOR STORE 887.04 ELECTRIC 609.49754.3810 9.10: AN SHELTER 80.77 ELECTRIC 101.42701.3810 9 104 RENTAL HOUSE 16.52 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 905 00105 8,776.32 "'VENDOR TOTAL P & H WAREHOUSE SALES, I PARKS 1,327.76 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 225.45201.2299 9062001 905 00106 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS LIOUOR STORE 146.59CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 3193448 905 00209 LIQUOR STORE 0.37CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 3193448 905 00210 LIQUOR STORE 21. 25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 488838 905 00222 LIQUOR STORE 723.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 488838 905 00223 LIOUOR STORE 9.71 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 489885 905 00215 LIQUOR STORE 889.36 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 489885 905 00216 LIQUOR STORE 106.32 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 490868 905 00213 LIQUOR STORE 7,622.76 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 490868 905 00214 LIQUOR STORE 0.85 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 490869 905 00220 LIQUOR STORE 110.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 490869 905 00221 LIQUOR STORE 1,650.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 491935 905 00217 LIQUOR STORE 1. 70 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 492214 905 00211 LIQUOR STORE 215.00 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 492214 905 00212 LIQUOR STORE 2.55 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 492215 905 00218 LIQUOR STORE 99.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 492215 905 00219 LIOUOR STORE 30.86 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 493317 905 00206 LIQUOR STORE 3,292.27 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 493317 90107 LIQUOR STORE 7.65 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 493318 90 03 LIQUOR STORE 173.25 WINE 609.49750.2530 493318 905 204 LIQUOR STORE 33.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 493318 905 00205 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .1211999 11 :46 :01 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 8 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO; F/P 10 LINE PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS LIOUOR STORE 349.49 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 494539 905 00208 15,191.06 "'VENDOR TOTAL PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING LIOUOR STORE 130.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 999434 905 00166 LIQUOR STORE 169.80 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 999781 905 00167 300.20 "'VENDOR TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GR R&M FOR 1998 17,291.46 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 602.49480.4044 58248 905 00107 PURCELL'S PLUMBERY PW REMODELING 428.30 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 905 00108 RED'S MOBIL STREET 111.59 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 905 00109 FIRE-GAS 3.00 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 905 00110 BLUE 1/TON FORD TOW 100.00 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 905 00111 214.59 "'VENDOR TOTAL e.IABLE CORPORATION/THE 21.31 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41920.2099 PG423600 905 00112 109.87 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 PG423600 905 00113 131.18 "'VENDOR TOTAL RELIANT ENERGY AN SHELTER 32.17 GAS 101.42701.3830 905 00114 LIQUOR STORE 61.64 GAS 609.49754.3830 905 00115 93.81 "'VENDOR TOTAL RON'S GOURMET ICE LIQUOR STORE 396.07 MISC TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 33255 905 00165 ROTORK CONTROLS, INC SALES TAX 393.38 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 602.49480.3199 040513/99 905 00116 ROYAL PRINTING & OFFICE AN SHELTER 8.15 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.42701.2099 905 00299 PW 72.42 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 905 0030C PARKS 5.37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 905 00301 PARKS 8.59 FREIGHT 225.45201.3330 905 00302 SHOP 6.38 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 905 00303 100.91 "'VENDOR TOTAL RUFF AUTO PARTS ~N-FUEL TANK 117.15 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 01137704 905 00117 ATTERY 21. 30 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 01137704 905 00118 138.45 "'VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 05/1211999 11 :46: 01 Schedule of Bills GL540R-Y06.00 P~ l' YENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INYOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE YIRTUAL PHONE GARY A 169.32 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 905 00149 ROGER M 169.32 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 905 0015C RICH C 169.33 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 905 00151 507.97 *YENOOR TOTAL WATER LABORATORIES. INC WA TER TEST 10.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERYIC 601.49440.3199 990-376 905 00152 WATSON COMPANY. INC/THE LIOUOR STORE 661.43 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 539711 905 00232 LIQUOR STORE 49.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 539711 905 00233 LIQUOR STORE 0.35 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 539711 905 00234 LIOUOR STORE 0.35 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 540273 905 00235 LIQUOR STORE 431.06 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 540273 905 00236 1.142.41 *YENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TR CH-TAX ROLL & EXEMPT LST 67.08 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41301.2030 905 00154 WWTP 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00265 4TH STREET PARK 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00266 ELLISON PARK 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 9.67 C!TY HALL 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 9 68 SR CITIZEN BLDG 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00269 LIQUOR STORE 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 609.49754.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00270 LI BRARY 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00271 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00272 OLD FIRE HALL 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00273 FIRE HALL 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00274 PW 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00275 SEWER PLANT 42.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4399 CO SW DEBT 905 00280 SHERIFF PATROL 31,441.67 PROF SRY - LAW ENFORCEME 101.42101.3050 MAY 905 00153 HRA 327.00 LAND 213.46500.5101 PROPERTY TAX 905 00257 HRA 374.00 LAND 213.46500.5101 PROPERTY TAX 905 00258 HRA 127.91 LAND 213.46500.5101 PROPERTY TAX 905 00259 WILDWOOD RIDGE 2.00 PROPERTY TAXES 101.41910.3710 PROPERTY TAX 905 00260 WILDWOOD RIDGE 4.00 PROPERTY TAXES 101.41910.3710 PROPERTY TAX 905 00261 WILDWOOD RIDGE 20.00 PROPERTY TAXES 101.41910.3710 PROPERTY TAX 905 00262 WILDWOOD RIDGE 22.00 PROPERTY TAXES 101.41910.3710 PROPERTY TAX 905 00263 KRAMER HOUSE 1.309.00 LAND 240.49201.5101 PROPERTY TAX 905 00264 BOHANAN FARM 1.931.00 PROPERTY TAXES 602.49480.3710 PROPERTY TAX 905 00276 ISLAND ACROSS PW BLDG 264.00 LAND 265.49201.5101 PROPERTY TAX 905 00277 HWY 25 947.00 PROPERTY TAXES 450.49201.3710 PROPERTY TAX 905 00278 COMMUNITY CENTER 890.00 PROPERTY TAXES 461.49201.3710 PROPERTY TAX 905 00279 38.230.66 *YENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY DEP REG 19.12 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41990.3190 MON !TORING 9.58 PARKS 15.98 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.45201.3190 MONITORING 90 159 WATER TOWER 21.25 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 601.49440.3190 MON !TORING 905 00160 56.35 *YENDOR TOTAL eRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM t12/1999 11:46:01 ENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION Schedule of Bills AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE STREETS LIGHTS BOHANAN FARMS SECURITY LIGHT 8.00 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 10.28 BIOSOLIDS FARM IMPROVEME 602.49480.4385 11.76 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 30.04 'VENDOR TOTAL . . CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 12 CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P 10 LINE 905 00155 905 00156 905 00157 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 05/12/1999 11:46:01 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME 297,678.10 RECORDS PRINTED - 000303 Schedule of Bills FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PA~13 PO# F/P 10 LINE . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .12/1999 11 :46: 05 Schedule of Bills GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- i 01 GENERAL FUND 113.757.66 211 LIBRARY FUND 1,241.32 213 HRA FUND 828.91 224 SHADE TREE FUND 668,30 225 PARK FUND 3.350,06 230 OAA FUND 1,478.40 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 1.325.52 262 SANITARY SEWER ACCESS .FUND 14.248.72 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 692.30 351 1981 LIBRARY BOND FUND 91.00 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 4.697.00 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 4.327.52 601 WATER FUND 9.990.52 602 SEWER FUND 20,801.46 509 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 118.617.77 610 TRANSPORTATION FUND 125.14 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 1.436.50 4111rL ALL FUNDS 297.678.10 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 179,060.33 118.617.77 TOTAL ALL BANKS 297.678.10 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY ... ... .............................. ....... ....... ............ ......... .. ..................................... . . . . . . . REQUEST FOR INPUT Ollie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director At the May 10 Council meeting, the Council tabled any action to acquire a 6-foot strip of the Grassl parcel located on the south side of West Broadway until the HRA considered Grassl's request to swap his south side lot with the HRA's lot lying on the north side of West Broadway. Mr. Grassl attended the HRA meeting of May 12 and asked the HRA of their interest to swap parcels. This was an add on item to the HRA agenda. The HRA purchased the north parcel from Barry Fluth in 1996 after the roof collapsed and the building was demolished. This predated the Downtown Revitalization and Riverfront Plan. Previous discussions have been for the HRA to control the parcel for future redevelopment of the HRA parcel along with the parcels lying to the east to Pine Street (Highway 25). It appears Council and the HRA both agree to the benefits of a front to rear walkway on the south and north sides of West Broadway consistent with the Plan. At the HRA meeting of May 12, the commissioners tabled for one month any action to swap parcels requesting input from the City Council, MCP, DAT, and North Anchor Committee. Mr. Grassl prefers the north lot for easier access to Big Lake; however, he indicated he plans to construct on one side or the other. INPUT REQUESTED: Would City Council prefer the HRA to swap their one individual parcel or hold their parcel for future redevelopment of all the parcels lying to the east to Pine Street? I will ask for your input under Other Business of the agenda. Next HRA meeting is June 9, prior to next council meeting. . City Council Update -- Emolovment of Debra Ward to oosition of Buildin2 Clerk There were 48 applications considered for the Building Clerk position vacated by Dawn Grossinger and after careful review of the applicants Debra Ward has been selected for the position. Debra and her family reside in Hasty. Debra's first day on the job will be June 7th. She is well qualified with computer skills and a background in project development from Podawiltz Development of S1. Cloud. While with Poldawiltz, Debra has served as office assistant, preparing documents and files related to Minnesota Housing Finance Agency applications and housing development projects throughout the mid-state area. We are welcome Debra to our team of employees in service to the City of Monticello! . .