City Council Agenda Packet 04-26-1999 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 26, 1999 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held April 12, 1999. ./ 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. ~!r No. l \.e Y\.\ M I ...., 1 - I2G- t>htv rJe:-~ 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow convenience store/gas operation, car wash, and restaurant use with drive-through window in a PZM zoning district. Applicant: MMC Land Company. . B. Consideration of approval of the final plat for the River View Square commercial subdivision. C. Consideration of approval of the final plat and development agreement for Klein Farms yh Addition. D. Consideration of approving Design Advisory Team bylaws. ':\~~ @) Consideration of accepting the Sanitary Sewer and Water System Trunk Fce Analysis. F. Personnel report-performance evaluations. G. Consideration of appointing Dennis Sullivan to the Design Advisory Team. H. ~ ~ 0-0 ~ ft(>W\ I q ~ fi~ 6. Request for City Council authorization to utilize the services of the City Attorney to enfor~e City ordinances prohibiting public nuisances - Balboul Addition. (AAAio{L''> -rU..iV\ ,- 6!tci/-- 'T6 \'~) yts Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing-Consideration of a resolution ordering plans and specifications for the Chelsea Road extension between Cedar Street and County Road 117. . 8. Public Hearing-City Project 98-17C - Reconstruction of County Road 75 East from Washington to County Road 18 and consideration of authorizing preparation of final plans and specification. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council April 26, 1999 Page 2 9. Public Hcaring-Consideration of a rcsolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. ] O. Consideration of approving amendment to River Forest developmcnt agreement allowing installation of and requiring homeowner association to maintain entrance monument and retaining walls. 11. Consideration of request by Bill Aydt to revise a portion of the $] 7,000 relocation benefit to other uses. ] 2. Consideration of a proposal to purchasc a portion of city property at Dundas Road and Cedar Street-Visicom, Inc. 13. Consideration of adopting Parks Commission recommendation to shift future soccer fields from NSP/baseball complex to Outlot A, Country Club Manor, and authorization to seek field development grant assistance. 14. Consideration of adding baek terrazo floor coverings to the community center project. 15. Consideration of resolution approving plmls and authorizing advertisement for bids - Monte hill water booster station. 16. Consideration of response to MOAA Board regarding the MOAA land use plan. 17. Consideration of proposed update to the trails and pathway plan, and consideration of authorization to study park dedication fee to include trail fee. 18. Consideration of authorizing negotiations with Wright County for providing assessor services for the City. 19. Consideration of reviewing ordinance mnendment establishing term length for Mayor. 20. Consideration of bills for the last half of Apri I 1999. 21. Adjournment. 1 L" I J- wI. ~-r~I~'- ~W,~ Ii- ~ c.,1 t - 0\ - . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 12, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: 2. Brian Stumpf A. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held March 22, 1999. The minutes were amended to note that Roger Carlson was absent from the meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD MARCH 22,1999, AS AMENDED. Voting in favor: Roger Belsaas, Clint l1erbst, Bruce Thielen. Abstaining: Roger Carlson. Absent: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. B. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held March 22, 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 22,1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held April 6, 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD APRIL 6,1999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Councilmember Clint Herbst requested a copy of the last two employee evaluations for his review. Councilmember Bruce Thielen suggested that a list of evaluations that have been completed be placed on the consent agenda once a year in order to keep the Council informed and that Council complete an evaluation for the City Administrator as well. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO DIRECT STAFF TO PLACE EMPLOYEE EV ALUA TIONS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY CITY COUNCIL, AND TO CONDUCT AN EVALUATION OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR PRIOR TO JUNE I, 1999, AND ON HIS ANNIVERSARY DATE EVERY YEAR THEREAFTER. Motion carried unanimously. Page 1 @) . . . Council Minutes - 4/12/99 4. Citizens comments/petitions. requests. and complaints. A. Status report on Danner Trucking site redevelopment. Mr. Jim Fleming, attorney representing Bob Danner of Danner Trucking, requested information from the City to determine what steps need to be taken to obtain a building permit for reconstruction of the Danner Trucking building located between Cedar Street and South Highway 25. He noted that in January 1998, Council approved an interim use permit and vacation of Marvin Road easement, which would grant one-half of the vacated road easement to Mr. Danner for the purpose of enlarging the land area to rebuild. Since that time, the necessary plans/drawings have been provided by Mr. Danner; however, arrangements have not yet been made to allow him to acquire interest in the property he needs to enlarge the site to accommodate the building and meet city code. City Attorney Dennis Dalen explained that the vacation of Marvin Road is not complete, as it is contingent on Mr. Danner obtaining a purchase agreement. It appears at this time the City has control of the site; however, the City is not in a position to give up the property for approximately two years until the construction phase of the Highway 25 project is complete. Council discussed the location of the building relative to the temporary road area. It was suggested that perhaps a building permit could be issued contingent upon the City receiving a temporary casement to use the property during the construction phase and that a purchase agreement could be negotiated with a delayed closing date and provisions for him to continue use of the land. Mr. Dalen agreed that it would be possible to negotiate a purchase agreement and close on the property upon completion of Highway 25. He also noted that an alternative would be to sell the property to Mr. Danner, maintain a construction easement, and build the Danner Trucking parking lot when the project is complete. He estimated that the issue could be settled within 30 days. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the remnant parcel created by the realignment of Cedar Street would also need to be resolved. It was noted that if some of the property on Cedar Street was needed, it could be sold at market value. Mr. Fleming indicated that previous discussions indicated only the cost of condemnation. It was the consensus of Council that City staff move ahead on resolving the issue with Danner Trucking and forward a status report to the Council on April 26, 1999. Page 2 (ij) Council Minutes - 4/12/99 . B. Ms. Louise Fasen of 110 Hillcrest Road requested that Council consider installing a pedestrian overpass or underpass for crossing County Road 75, as many families with small children and bicycles find it difficult to cross County Road 75 to reach the pathway system. Mayor Bclsaas noted that there have been discussions regarding an overpass for East County Road 75 and that he was aware that County Road 75 was also difficult to cross at River Street/Prairie Road. City Engineer Bret Weiss added that improvements to the Prairie Road area have been considered but are not on the County's agenda at this time. Mayor Belsaas suggested that the Public Works Director and City Engineer study the possibility of a County Road 75 pedestrian overpass for future Council review. 5. Consent aQenda. A. Consideration of moving public hearing date for CSAH 75 proiect from April 12. 1999. to April 26. 1999. Recommendation: Move the public hearing date from April 12, 1999, to April 26, 1999, for the CSAH 75 project. B. Consideration of a resolution supporting repeal of the state sales tax for local Qovernment purchases. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution supporting the repeal of sales tax for local government purchases. SEE RESOLUTION 99-17. . C. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit within the CCD zoning district to allow a shoppine: center. Applicant: Amcon Construction. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for a shopping center in the Central Community District as presented by the applicant, subject to revisions recommended by the Design Advisory Team and the Planning Commission. D. Consideration of a conditional use permit for outdoor storage in an 1-2 zone. and consideration of a variance to reduce the 5-ft setback to the curb to one 1 ft. Applicant: Ebert Construction. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit allowing outside storage based on the finding that the conditional use permit is consistent with the character and geography of the area, will not result in depreciation of adjoining property, and is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or, if abutting a residential district, in compliance with buffer yard requirements. . 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. Page 3 (jj) Council Minutes - 4/12/99 . 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. 6. Development of an opaque screening fence around entire perimeter of storage area. Material and equipment storage must not rise above the screening fence. 7. Screening fence detail to be submitted for staff approval prior to construction. 8. No barbed wire or razor wire per city ordinance. E. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning code. Citv Ordinance Title 10, Chapter 2. Section 2. Subsection rfKl and [FL 1. modifying the definitions of floor area and livable noor area. Applicant: Zoning: Administrator. Recommendation: Adopt the ordinance amendment to Title 10, Chapter 2, Section 2, Subsections [FK] and [FL], providing definitions of floor area and livable floor area. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 321. . F. Consideration of amendment to City Ordinance Title 10. Chapter 3, bv adding Section 3-6A. Grading: and amending Section 3-7. Land Reclamation. and Section 3-8, Mining. Applicant: Zoning Administrator. Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment to Title 10, Chapter 3, by adding Section 3-6A, Grading; amending Section 3-7, Land Reclamation; and amending Section 3-8, Mining. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 322. G. Consideration of rezoning: Lots 5-13, Block 2: Hillside Terrace from 1-1 to 1-1A. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve rezoning Lots 5-13, Block 2, Hillside Terrace, from 1-1 to I-IA based on the finding that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan, compatible with the adjoining land uses, will not result in the depreciation of adjoining land values, and there is a demonstrated need for the use. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 323. H. Consideration of aPNoving a temporary on-sale liquor license for Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Riverfest. Applicant: Monticello Lions Club. Recommendation: Approve issuance of a temporary on-sale liquor license to the Monticello Lions Club for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet scheduled for May 10, the Arts and Crafts Expo in Ellison Park on July 10, the Riverfest dance at the fire . Page 4 C?J) . . . Council Minutes - 4112/99 hall on July 10, and the Riverfest Celebration on July 11, 1999, and allow a set-up license for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet. Approval is contingent on the Lions Club providing proper proof of liability insurance coverage and payment of the required fee. I. Consideration of resolution authorizing the renewal of a gambling license for the American Legion Club. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to renew the gambling license requested by the American Legion Post No. 260. SEE RESOLUTION 99-18. J. Consideration of a resolution calling for a public hearing on the Chelsea Road extension street and utility improvements. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on April 26, 1999, for the Chelsea Road extension project. SEE RESOLUTION 99-19. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of request by MOAA Board to remove Exhibit C from Citv/Township agreement and replace it with pattern proposed for that section under the compromise plan. On April 7, 1999, the MOAA reviewed the compromise land use plan prepared by the City Council and responded with a request that thc City consider eliminating the Southwest Area (Exhibit C) from the Township/City agreement and replace it with the land use pattcrn proposed under the City compromise plan. The balance of the MOAA land use plan pertaining to Gold Nugget and points east would then continue to be open- ended and under study by the MOAA. Previously, at ajoint meeting between the City Council and Township, it was agreed that Exhibit C would be eligible for removal from the agreement only at such time that agreement was achieved on the entire land use plan. Councilmember Bruce Thielen reported that at its last meeting, there was much discussion about the Gold Nugget area, and the Council adopted a resolution which identified a compromise by the Council and was forwarded to the MOAA Board. However, at the MOAA Board meeting, Councilmember Herbst noted that he was concerned about being bound by the Council's resolution, and Councilmember Thielen requested clarification of whether he intended to vote with the majority of the City Council. Page 5 (i;) Council Minutes - 4/12/99 . Councilmember Herbst responded that he was concerned about not being able to vote on changes to the compromise without bringing the item back to the City Council for discussion. The Council discussed the Southwest Area, also known as Exhibit C. The Deputy City Administrator explained that the City was in the process of changing the land use designation for this area during the annexation process. The Chadwick property was designated as part industrial and part residential; however, it then became all industrial as a result of additional study after the agreement with the crownship had been reached. He also noted that Exhibit C of that agreement did not include the Gold Nugget area because it was understood that the original City Comprehensive Plan would be followed by the MOAA. . The Council also discussed the MOAA's proposal to leave the Gold Nugget area open for further study. Knowing that the MOAA supports industrial uses in this area, there was concern by some of the Council that the City would lose its bargaining power if they approved a land use plan which left this area as agricultural pending further study. The further study could result in turning Gold Nugget from residential to industrial, which is inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The discussion centered around how to ensure that the development would result in higher-end homes if zoned as residential per the City's Comprehensive Plan. It was suggested that only a portion of the area be annexed and that the developer be required to show higher value homes are built. If the first phase of the development is not to the standard promised, further annexation could be denied. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill suggested that additional annexation criteria could be drafted for MOAA Board consideration. City Attorney Dennis Dalen noted that one way the City could guarantee higher value homes is to establish a new zoning district with larger minimum sq ft lot and structure requirements. crhe parcel located between 1-94 and East County Road 75 was discussed, and it was suggested that perhaps it could be used for an additional commuter lot, or the State may need it for future freeway lanes. Staff was directed to review further options for this parcel. I t was the consensus of Council to continue discussion of the land use plan at the April 26 meeting. 8. Consideration of reviewing ordinance amendment establishing term length for Mayor. This item was tabled until the April 26 meeting to allow input from all Council members. 9. Consideration of closing park restrooms to the public evenings and weekends and eliminating the position of Groundskeeper/Maintenance Worker. . Park Superintendent Gregg Engle reported that in an effort to reduce vandalism, maintenance time, and overtime last year, the Parks Commission approved closing the restrooms to the public in West Bridge Park, Ellison Park, and Fourth Street Park on Page 6 @ . . . Council Minutes - 4/12/99 weekends and after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, with satellites placed at each location. If one of the shelters is reserved, the resident is given a key to open and lock the restroom. Prior to locking the restrooms, the Groundskeeper had been spending approximately 85% of his time trying to maintain them, and it was felt his time could be better spent in other areas. No complaints have been received from the public since the restrooms have been locked, and the amount of vandalism has been greatly reduced. The Park Superintendent also requested that Council consider eliminating the Groundskeeper position and replace it with an additional Park Maintenance Worker, as incorporating the Groundskeeper duties into the parks department schedule would result in a more efficient and productive use of employee time. Council discussed the use of security cameras, posting park hours, and requesting additional patroling of the parks by the Sheriff's Department. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE CLOSING OF THE PUBLIC RESTROOMS IN TI-IE PARKS ON WEEKENDS AND AT 4:30 P.M. WEEKDAYS, CONTINUING THE USE OF SATELLITES DURING THOSE HOURS, AND ELIMINATING THE GROUNDSKEEPERlMAINTENANCE WORKER POSITION AND REPLACING IT WITH AN ADDITIONAL PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Absent: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 10. Consideration of presentation of award from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agencv to the Citv of Monticello and Professional Services Group for the past vear's operations of the Wastewater "rreatmcntFacility. Chuck Keyes, PSG Project Manager for the wastewater treatment facility, presented an award to the Mayor and Council from the Pollution Control Agency for excellence of operations of the wastewater treatment facility and for protecting the waters of the state. 11. Consideration of a proposal to purchase a portion of citv propertv at Dundas Road and Cedar Street. Mr. Bruce Hamond requested Council consideration of his proposal to purchase 1 acre of a 5.35-acre parcel owned by the City and located at the intersection of Dundas Road and Cedar Street south of 1-94. He has purchased the former Hart Medical Clinic building, which must be moved to a new location due to Monticello Ford's expansion plans. The deadline for removal of the building is approximately the end of May. Mr.l.lamond obtained an appraisal from R.A. Field & Associates, the same appraiser the City recently hired to complete several appraisals, including the 5.35-acre parcel in question. The appraisal estimated a I-acre market value of $72,897. Mr. Hamond proposed a purchase price of $68,500 for 1 acre and requested consideration of an option on the balance of the property at the same price per acre. Total purchase price of the entire parcel would then amount to $366,475. Page 7 . . . Council Minutes - 4/12/99 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO OFFER THE 5.35-ACRE PARCEL FOR SALE BY ADVERTISING FOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, WITH COUNCIL TO REVIEW THE PROPOSALS AT THEIR APRIL 26 MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of bills for the first half of April 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF APRIL 1999 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Other matters. A. Danner Trucking site development. Deputy City Administrator requested additional discussion regarding development of the Danner Trucking site, which was discussed earlier in the meeting. When Cedar Street is relocated, a remnant parcel may be created between the Danner site and the new Cedar Street. If combined with the Danner parcel, Council would need to establish a price for the additional land; however, he noted that the additional area was not necessary for Danner's development of the site. Council discussed the additional land area, noting that the cost of the condemnation would likely be the amount charged. City Engineer Bret Weiss informed the Council that the same issue will need to be resolved as a result of the Highway 25 project in the area between 1-94 and Oakwood Drive near Gould Brothers Chevrolet and Olson & Sons Electric. Council suggested that staff discuss the issue with Jim Fleming, attorney representing Danner Trucking. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADJOURN. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 8 . . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 SA. Consideration of a reQuest for a conditional use permit to allow convenience store/gas operation. car wash. and restaurant use with drive-through window in a PZM zoning district. Aoolicant: MMC Land Company. (.1.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting of the Planning Commission, Planning Commission reviewed the site plan and tabled approval of the conditional use permits pending amendments to the site plan. The Planning Commission will be making a final review of the request at a special meeting immediately prior to the City Council meeting. Subsequent to the initial Planning Commission review, the applicant completed a number of changes to the site plan as requested by the City Planner and Planning Commission. Attached you will find a list of conditions that have been responded to by the applicant with the new site plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve conditional use permit request subject to remaining conditions noted in Exhibit Z. Motion to approve conditional use permit is based on the finding that the proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan, consistent with the character and geography of the area, and will not result in depreciation of adjoining property values. 2. Motion to deny the conditional use permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends alternative #1 assuming that the Planning Commission is satisfied with the change made to the site plan. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of revised site plan; Original planner's report for initial Planning Commission review; Original Exhibit Z containing original conditions of approval; Updated Exhibit Z containing proposed conditions for approval. I ,: ~ ~hHe . \\~ ~ EK ..l;~it,... ~ p. t j .. &l 1 ~ ~ H~ ~ .. '~~~ ~ '~ t l"'.~i" ;Ill 8 C mM ~ r 0 \ . III ;: <; -It- ~ .~ ~ .. ~tl Ii i ~ w ~Jl~ !4 ilj!'oJ ~ ~, l d . w ~ ~ ~ lf~~ Ii!h :.:: 1-- (~ ~rr lit .. III l'IMl (Ih! Ie -Ill 0 JH~U I .-.,~,. ~:.ljJI ill ~:II cl ~.. ,."""".--....,.-...- i:I ~ I ~~~ ~ ~ ... ~B.." 1.~ . 3. ,01 !;~~ 'I~I! ~~~~~ ('J :J._ I i I' ! "',. 1- !~ In ~ . iil. --l':l. :.. ..., ~~ ...J ~~\~ I .', I -~~~,.- ' .. "'-." j,~'IIYlI.j.J ."-"'. ..."..".-. .. .......\.. ~...~.a:j 'C)!\J , !J,^H OlV ].lV18 ,~ l ~\j .. (-)'-.) I L J I k. ~A- -I --~~~"""-'----'~~--~--~-~~---~-~_.----.-.~._-~~~~~...............~---".~,.~~,-_..._-~~"~.,._..'._~ ~~,- __:,__~r . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 04/06/99 7. Public Hearing: - Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a convenience eas operation. car wash and restaurant use with drive throueh window in the PZ-M Zoning District and variance from the si1.:n provisions for the PZ-M District. Applicant: MMC Land Company LLC. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to construct a convenience gas and restaurant use at the southeast quadrant ofTH 75 and CSAH 39. The proposed use also includes a drive through window with the restaurant use and a detached mechanical car wash. Retail commercial activities such as a convenience gas station is allowed as a conditional use in the PZ-M District by CUP under Section 1 0-8[E] as it is a permitted use in the B-2 District. The car wash facility and restaurant use with drive through services are also allowed by CUP in the PZ-M District. Conditional Use Permit Performance Standards. Standards for development in the PZ-M District are to be based upon those required for a particular use in a similar zoning district where the use is allowed. Convenience gas stores are a permitted use in the B-2 District, whereas convenience restaurants and mechanical car washes are conditional uses in the B-3 District. For the purpose of evaluating this application, the standards of the B-3 District will be utilized given the highway oriented nature of the project. Convenience gas uses in the B-3 District require a minimum lot size of 22,500 square feet with a minimum 150 foot lot width and 130 foot lot depth. Setbacks in the B-3 District are; 30 feet for the front yard; 20 feet for the side yard; and 30 feet on the rear yard. The subject site satisfies all of these minimum requirements. Access. The site will have right-inlright-out access from TH 75 via a private street shared with the property to the south. As part of this access, the applicant is required to extend the median on TH 75 farther south to ensure no left turning movements. Access to the site is also available from the public street to be extended south from CSAH 39. Parking. Based upon the parking requirements for retail stores and restaurants outlined in Section 3-5[H], a total of 66 off-street parking stalls are required. The submitted site plan indicates that 35 parking stalls are provided on site, of which 3 are disability accessible. The parking is deficient by 31 stalls. Also, no provision has been made for semi-tractor trailer parking. Given that the facility sells diesel fuel a certain amount of this type of traffic should be anticipated. Please note the operator's intent is to service local community needs (diesel pick-up, delivery vans) and not on the road semi-tractor trailers. It is his view that there will be but a limited amount of semi-tractor trailer use. There is a lot of excess surface space on the site that is not designated for circulation or parking that could be used to meet the stall requirement with revisions to the site plan. -6- ~1I,2 . Planning Commission Agenda - 04/06/99 There are a number of additional issues with the layout of the site and circulation. First, the location of the canopy is such that it intrudes into the drive aisle where cars exiting the drive through would be expected to move out of the site. The proximity of the pump island to the parking area does not allow sufficient space for two-way traffic when there is a car at the pump. There should be a direct drive aisle from the west end of the drive though to the south exit with islands at the end of the parking stalls for separation. Second, on-site circulation for semi-tractor trailers, including the fuel supply or delivery trucks, would be difficult. The site plan will require extensive revisions to address these issues because they effect the location of the pump islands, canopy and access designs. Stacking space for the car wash and restaurant drive through is also an issue. The car wash facility has sufficient space to stack approximately seven cars, which should usually be sufficient for that use. The restaurant drive through, however, has space to stack only one car behind the ordering board. Any more than one car stacked at the restaurant drive through, as is likely to occur during peak hours, will extend into the drive aisle or interfere with the parking adjacent to the east side of the building. This is of particular concern where use of the car wash may interfere with restaurant drive-through traffic. The two drive through stacking areas are not well-delineated. . Finally, the submitted site plan does not indicate concrete curb and gutter around all parking, circulation or loading areas as required. The site plan must be revised to include the required concrete curb and gutter. Loading. The submitted site plan does not include any provision for loading areas that are separated from the drive aisles. Additionally, the location of the gate of the trash facilities is inconsistent between the site plan and the building elevations. The location of the trash access on the north side of the building abuts the drive though aisle. This location is problematic in that trash pick-up could interfere with operation of the drive though. The location of the gates accessing the trash area on the building elevations is on the east side of the building, across from a diagonal parking stall. Given the circulation issues noted above, the lack of designated loading areas and location of trash storage facilities raises further concern for on-site congestion. Landscaping. The landscaping plan proposed for the site indicates general plant groupings at the corners of the site and adjacent to the carwash facility. Additional landscaping is provided along the private drive and medians in the parking lot. The amount of plantings should be increased along the north property line to better screen the stacking area for the carwash. . Building Height. No specific building height limit is imposed in the PZ-M District, except that the most similar District requirement is to be applied. Using the B-3 District again, the height is limited to two stories. The proposed building is one story with a raised loft area at -7- 5J4.--~ . Planning Commission Agenda - 04106/99 the center of the structure, which is within the two story guideline. Building Materials. The building elevations do not specify the building materials and colors to be used for the principal building and car wash. The applicant has not provided any plans for the proposed canopy. Lighting Plan. No plan for site lighting has been provided by the applicant. A lighting plan that indicates the location and type of all site lighting, including any lighting installed on the canopy should be prepared and submitted for review. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plans. All grading, drainage and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Variance . The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 3-9 to allow the signs on the property to conform to the requirements of the B-3 District versus that of the PM-Z District. Uses in the PM-Z District are allowed one free standing sign and one wall sign or two wall signs. The total area of signage allowed is equal to one square foot of signage per one foot of frontage, up to 100 square feet. Under the B-3 District provisions, uses are allowed one freestanding sign plus one wall sign for each street frontage up to 100 square feet total area. The sign plan provided by the applicant is a rough sketch that is inadequate for evaluation. No plans have been provided for directional signs or signs associated with the car wash facility for evaluation. However, the sketch plan provided by the applicant includes wall signage on three sides of the building. The property has street frontage on only two public streets. As such, the proposed sign plan does not conform to either the PZ-M District or B-3 District standards. This size of the proposed pylon sign is dependent upon the speed limit allowed on TH 75 adjacent to the property. The Planning Commission may approve a variance only if it finds that there are unique physical characteristics of the site, which are not economic in nature, that make compliance with the Ordinance provisions unreasonable. The subject site is not unlike any other site with frontage on a major traffic route and an access road. Further, the Planning Commission and City Council specifically considered the appropriate zoning designation for this site, including PZ-M and B-3 Districts. The City Council determined that the PZ-M District was most appropriate for the subject site and surrounding properties. Granting variance without a demonstrated hardship would circumvent the process and decision to apply PZ-M District zoning to this site. . -8- ~A-'IJ . Planning Commission Agenda - 04/06/99 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a convenience gas store and restaurant use in the PZ-M District. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial ofthe CUP, based upon a finding that the proposed use is inconsistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP, subject to substantial revisions to the submitted site, building and signage plans to address the concerns outlined in the staff report and the submission of additional information. Decision 2: Consideration of a Variance from the sign area limits in the PZ-M District . 1. Motion to approve the variance, based on specific findings that the criteria for approval of a variance, including hardship and lack of reasonable use, have been satisfied. 2. Motion to deny the variance, based upon a finding that the criteria for variance, including hardship and lack of reasonable use. have not been met and that approval of the variance would be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Motion to table action on the variance, subject to the submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . The site plan submitted for the proposed convenience gas/restaurant use has a number of issues related to the overall layout of the project. Specific concerns focus on providing required parking stalls, the design of drive aisles relative to the canopy location, stacking space for the drive through use, information on building materials, site lighting, the need for additional landscaping and a signage plan suitable for evaluation. Because these issues will require extensive revisions to the current site plan and the submission of additional materials, staff recommends that the Planning Commission table this application to allow the applicant an opportunity to address the concerns outlined above. If the Planning Commission believes that the project is acceptable, the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z should be incorporated into any approval motion. Please note that the applicant received this report well in advance of -9- S-A... ~ . Planning Commission Agenda - 04/06/99 the meeting which has allowed time to prepare or address modifications to be presented at the meeting. It, therefore, may be possible to grant approval contingent on making changes to the plan. Staff does not recommend approval ofthe variance. The City considered zoning the subject site to B-3 District, which would have allowed for the proposed signage without variance. The City determined that the PZM District was the most appropriate district to regulated the development and use of this parcel. Most importantly, the applicant has not demonstrated any physical hardship or a lack of reasonable use under the regulations on signs in the PZM District. If the Planning Commission believes that the proposed signage is appropriate, an amendment to revise the sign provisions would be the correct course of action. However, staff does not recommend pursuit of such an amendment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Preliminary Elevations Exhibit D - Preliminary Floor Plan Exhibit E - Landscape Plan Exhibit F - Signage Plan Exhibit Z - Recommended Conditions of Approval . -10- 5',+,& ~~. '1Nq:'~', .~ fj/ ~~ " ~~ ~ ~ ~ IJ; ~ '''" y lii: LJ, ~ , ~ ,.,.. 'f ~ If" ~ II~ ~d,," ~ ~ ..., ~~~ '"', -- ~ ," j~'" " -.......... '" " :t,...- ~ .. ~ ' ........ CITY ) S · '1JLoPr'-- '- - _,L lMl TS , . ~?'t'1:"" ......... . 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'II \' at ~ '1,\11',' '\' ~.,..,;::::': iC;; r.:: :'1' .,~l,IJ;'"' W"I.I..~"i 1'.1 I ~~.." l - AD . . S~:l EXHIBIT A .,t,,;,,~- ]- .,. . - "- ' ~. 0&&" ___ J "~~...,tIW"',."...) L~~~--~.._ '/.,t\J\/.1 .. * ~I' ~I!I "ltl J .,I I ,.,~ ~ /11;1, ; '''I~' I tC; I: fl,l..: I .Iii' , 9/. - I, ~ J I, I' -1"1' 1,1 I -II i~j'li'l .. :.;.:~ ~ ~~:l -',~.:"! r U I~ {:; , ,_ 1 ~ I !. 'I ; ~ ".' l tl~111 I I I I~P: ---., :1" I.' f..., , I I I ,II. tJ~L:"L.L _...L._ __ I ., '"" 1II t- i m i: >< l&I "',', : i.. :;.. j a.; 5: ~ ~ F-~ ~ .. \ ~ ;,: ~'~ '\', i~~ I i:~ - IV 1"1 ~ ( ~\ " ~ ~ .~: ." lil tl :g'~ ::: .1; \' l:l U i1~;, ~..." () /J C;;/c rfd~ ..--.....--...... ----"-.::~ ' -- "- . >" ---........., ..... -.'!!P..,,/ --.-_.-._ ~---,- ~l~ 7--.--... ' .. J. '1- '-.', - '. ...~; /i--"" ',,>../, ' <';"/~'__" " ",. ; ~....~ -' ............., ..... I "':~....,. ,.~. ....~~". 1_-. ......"'...... .r"ft:~,~ / I, '...~:........ . -'I~:~II""""/:"'~-.l'".Y..J.''J~(..~? 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Planning Commission Agenda - 04/06/99 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. ~e ~ite plan is revi~ed to provide all req~ired pa:king stalls based upon the requirements of SectIOn 3-5[E], subject to approval of City Staft. Do"l.t!... :5"5"" /0 i~/~"",cI 2. ~e site plan is revised to provide 24 foot drive aisles throughout the site, subject to approval of City Staff. Do"" e. 3. ~he site plan i~ rcvis~~ to provide additional stacking space for the drive through, subject to approval ofCtty Stalt. Do""~ ~ r,/)L'eCA...;~cl 10 ca- 4. j/"'the site plan is revised to accommodate on-site circulation of semi-tractor trailers, subject f} to approval of City Staff. Not do/\e ~ ,8!",1..1- 'S..fo.,ft A'r/les..- /)~t d.:.rs'8.-..o ( ~o A l/ovJ i (u..<:" k,C'!"tMI) tJo.('f',' ( Pa, 0 r~c. ~a/\ . 5. {/the site plan is revised to indicate concrete eurb and gutter around all parking and circulation. ~ O,r" .e 6. vrhe site plan is revised to provide a dedicated loading space separated from any drive aisle or drive through stacking space, subject to approval of City Staff. 00'" e - ". . 7, ~he landscaping on thc nordl proper! y line is increased to betterscreen the car wash stacking space, subject to approval of City Staff. 001\ e 8. ~he preliminary building elevations are revised to indicate all building materials and colors, subject to approval of City Staff. OO.l'\.e . . 9. The applicant submit a lighting plan subJect to re);iew and approval of the City Engineer ~o.tbM'\tt~tP - Wt{, t'\!;\ +'61 A peroV(f I 10. All grading, drainage and utility plans shall b'i: subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. ~ \..l-I.o ~ '1 ~J Wo,' ~ rOl ^ pplO\Jo. \ 1 I. 0e appliance submit a complete signage plan that conforms to the requirements of Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to approval of City Staff. D01 e 12. ~mments of other City Staff. ne-w ~')( V,\'\ 1- Z. ~O 1.t1( W~ i hM ~ . Cj ~/O l' I!A~Q I 'S I.. ~ + 1D f\"c.. \ ," , ~o..^ cO S'-6 pi 0 f \0'\ v..) <- EXHIBIT Z a ff'CUc..\ ID '0 C.1cJ OS ~ '" f-t . . . . REVISED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST MMC LAND COMPANY as of 4/23/99 1. The applicant submit a lighting plan subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2. All grading, drainage, and utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Landscaping plan subjcc to final approval by City staff. ~" .",D REVISED EXHIBIT Z . . . 5B. Council Agenda - 4/26/99 Consideration of approval of final plat for the River View SQuare commercial development. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve the final plat for the River View Square subdivision. The plat/project includes extension of Hart Boulevard from CSAH 39 to a connection point adjacent to the River Mill development. The road and utilities will be installed under the private improvement process, which requires establishment of a disbursement agreement. Under the proposed disbursement agreement, the developer has tentatively agreed to pay a flat fee for City inspection and engineering relating to review of the site. A flat fee of 10% is equal to the average cost of inspection and engineering. Requiring a flat fee will reduce City cost, as it will reduce our time necessary to document all of our costs relating to a project. After studying the various projects that have been completed, it appears that, on average, our cost amounts to 10% of the project cost. This would include an additional 2% for administrative cost. The plans as proposed have been reviewed by the City Engineer, who has recommended that a storm sewer line be extended from the edge of the property alongside the A Glorious Church site to a storm water basin locatcd on the east side of the A Glorious Church site. This storm sewer system will allow better use of the A Glorious Church property because it eliminates the need for a ditch and will allow greater utilization of the A Glorious Church property for church expansion in the future. Oversizing of this storm sewer line will cost $37,000, of which MMC will be charged $15,000 for the first 3-acre development. The total potential assessment from the plat is approximately $45,000 based on the ultimate development of the IS-acre site. This cost has been incorporated into the proposed development agreement as an assessment against benefiting properties. B. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve the final plat of the River View Square development. Motion is contingent on acquisition of nccessary public easements, final review by the City Engineer, and approval of the development agreement. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat of the River View Square development. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the final plat of the River View Square development. Staff will be working with the developer to complete the development agreement for approval at the next City Council meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Final plat. 2 . RIVER VIEW SQUARE T-(,~ I ~- C) - .~ 200 T I Inl'''' , I'" Jr\ r7Vl7L.VI vLl ~ nn,"""I'I^' r'U./t../IIIL.n Y 2}' rf Uj ['! l, :'~) ;; .:JI~ :H~ 66 ~I ~ "< ~I ,. ~ , r'J ~ - ~- 'c -~ -.... ;, :s .~ FEET }i/~F/i Conterline of C.S.A,H. No,J9 _ according to HOGLUND ADDITION) ~.. - /' -.l L . ----- N8!):J,'.12"1Y .170.73 39 N19'()8'44"W 39.73\-'" :::: \ ,l;j I :::> c . co '0 ~ '" '" . f " ~ "" " . ~ " . c "- '" ] "" '<> '<> J iii <ti ~ ~ '" "t 0> )'t- O O!: ~"'f(\ (,'>(,0" 0' :{>.\ o. lI',fj 77J.S1 L , .,l__ ", >/" " , i)C. I "- , ,(,'.. \ \, , .....;....' , " , , , 2 " , C:".:> , .~., "" G,'" , - G '<.......,...."'" ... .... ~ ~;':::C~" ~'- ....... "~,' " ~ I 1---. 6' I 6' " ....... ........ ).... '" '~> ""-...y.,1 'j" (~ " ~ \-< ,,) \ ,;~;~,,~ "<:..."l '(J' \ ~-0::-.". ."j).f""'" /'>~-'- " ,--) '.' ~"j" ....... /'?2.,~ . ~ '~, <~- , '-........ -'..:r J 6'/ l$fM[NTS ARE SHOwN THUS: ./ "0 , ........ "'"-.. ~ , . I ~ r 12' ~~-,-~.~--- ,-<:' '~ I " ....... ........,.....'.... ..... (.-{,;, .... I....) ~~"l , - ,... ,-, ~ Svuth lme of the NL 1/ of the N.r, 7/4 of See /J " , " , ~ ~ ,,:>\) "" " and adjoining BIQCk lines, fth jJnd adjoinlM] Let lines, as indicoteCl an the plat " " " ~':> ,'~58" Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . sc. Consideration of adootion of joint resolution supoorting annexation. and consideration of approval of development al!reement and final plat of the Klein Farms 5th residential subdivision. Applicant. John Leerssen/Dave Klein. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Quite some time ago, the preliminary plat of the Leerssen property (Cardinal Pond) was approved by the Planning Commission and City Council and was essentially ready for development. John Leerssen decided not to develop the property himself and, instead, placed the project on hold and began looking for a developer to take the project over. It appears that Dave Klein is interested in moving the project forward by purchasing the property and developing it per the preliminary plat that has already been approved. In order for Klein to develop the property, it needs to be annexed to the city and the development agreement and final plat must be approved. City Council is asked to approve the joint resolution supporting annexation and support sending the request to the MOAA. Under the process for annexation, the MOAA Board will determine whether or not the project meets the criteria for annexation. The plat meets the criteria for annexation in every respect except for the fact that, as you know, the MOAA Board has not adopted a land use plan, which thc MOAA Board may cite as a reason for not approving the plat. . I believe that Klein and Leerssen recognize that the plat may not likely be brought into the city until after the land use plan is adopted; however, by obtaining final plat approval at this time, they will avoid paying the higher trunk fees that the Council intends on enacting as of May 1. There are no significant changes to the preliminary plat as proposed; however, please note that the plan has been amended slightly to include development of a pathway that will connect the Leerssen area to the School Boulevard pathway. It is our view that this is an important pathway that will allow for safe pedestrian movement from the Leerssen property to School Boulevard. Under the development agreement, the developer will build the pathway and then obtain a credit for this expense against a general pathway fee of $200/home. Please note that the City Engineer has not completed the review of the pathway alignment. It is possible that it might not make sense to build the pathway until reconstruction of Fallon Avenue. If this is the case, the developer will pay into the pathway fund, but the pathway will be constructed later along with a road reconstruction project. The concept of development of a pathway fund is presented latcr in the Council agenda. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Motion to approve joint resolution supporting annexation and direct staff to submit said resolution to the MOAA Board for review. Motion to include approval of development agreement and final plat. Approval of the final plat and development agreement is contingent on annexation approval by the MOAA. Agreement approval is contingent on review by the City Attorney. 3 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 2. Motion to deny approval of a joint resolution supporting annexation and deny approval of the development agreement and final plat. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1. Please note that this item has already been submitted to the MOAA for consideration at the May meeting under the presumption that Council will likely act to forward the item to the MOAA. This presumption is based on the fact that the preliminary plat has already been approved by the City Council and because the City Council has previously supported annexation of this parcel. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Development agreement; Final plat; Resolution supporting annexation; Letter from Monticello Township. . . 4 . DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT KLEIN FARM 5TH u~ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 26th day, ApriL 1999 by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota (the "City"), and Dave Klein Construction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the " Developer"). RECITALS: WIJEREAS, Developer has requested that City grant final approval to a plat to be known as Klein Farms 5th (formerly known as Cardinal Ponds) (the "Subdivision"), said land legally described as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Property") which Subdivision shall consist 01'20 family lots. WHEREAS, Developer intends to construct, install, provide for, and maintain streets, storm sewer, water main, signs, grading, pathway, and drainage activities in accordance with the plans and specifications as hereinafter described, all at the sole cost and expense of Developer; and . WHEREAS, the City has by resolution adopted on the April 26th, granted final approval to the Subdivision provided that the Developer enter into the within Agreement and that Developer faithfully perform the terms and conditions contained herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual promises and conditions hereinafter contained, it is hereby agreed as follows: I. Plat Approval. The City agrees to approve the Subdivision as requested by Developer on the terms and conditions as hereafter set forth. The Developer agrees that the Subdivision shall be developed in accordance with the exhibits attached hereto which are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. The exhibits are: Exhibit B -- Final Plat Prior to the date of filing, the plat and protective covenants developer must enter into a Disbursement Agreement that covers expenses incurred by City for plat and other development purposes including, but not limited to, engineering, legal, and other professional staff fees. . Page 1 6"'C...1 . . . The final plat and protective covenants must be approved and executed in accordance with City and County ordinances and filed in the office of the Wright County Recorder at Developer's expense no later than July 301h, 1999. Failure to file the final plat and protective covenants by this date shall render this Agreement null and void in its entirety. 2. Representations of Developer. As inducement to the City's approval of the Subdivision and entering into this Agreement, the Developer hereby represents and warrants to the City: A. That the Developer is the fee owner of the Property and has authority to enter into this Agreement. B. That the intended use of the property is for single family residential development. C. That the Subdivision complies with all city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to, City subdivision ordinances and zoning ordinances. D. That to the best of Developer's knowledge, the Subdivision does not require an Environmental Assessment Worksheet or an Environmental Impact Statement, but shall prepare the same if required to do so by City or other governmental entity pursuant to law and shall reimburse City for all expenses incurred by City in connection with the preparation ofthe review, including staff time and attorneys fees. 3. Developer Improvements. The Devcloper agrees it shall construct, install, and maintain certain public improvements ("Developer Improvements") on the Property, at Developer's sole cost and expense, in accordance with the following exhibits: Exhibit C -- Building and Site Design Plan Exhibit D -- Construction Plan Developer agrees the Developer Improvements shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and preliminary engineering reports approved or to be approved by the City Engineer and the City prior to commencement of construction and thereafter, in accordance with all City rules, regulations, ordinances, and the requirements of this Agreement, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Street grading, graveling, surfacing, and stabilizing which shall include curbs, gutter and driveway approaches. Page 2 &c--.. . 2. Storm sewers, including all necessary catch basins, and appurtenances. 3. Water main, including all appurtenances. 4. Sanitary sewer, including all appurtenances. 5. Setting oflot and block monuments. 6. Surveying and staking. 7. Site grading, berming, and landscaping consistent with landscape and the City Erosion Control Policy Residential Lots regulation. 8. Establishment of post office cluster box stands with groups of six or more in the single family residential area. 9. The City shall install street name signs, stop signs, and other traffic control signs at all locations deemed necessary by City, at Developer's cost and expense. 10. Pathway grading and paving as described on approved plans identified in Section 21 of this agreement. . 4. Permits. Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer and other necessary parties shall promptly apply for all permits, approvals, licenses, or other documents from any and all necessary governmental agencies (which may include the City, Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as to enable Developer to construct the Developer Improvements as herein contemplated. Developer shall use its best efforts to obtain the same as soon as reasonably possible. Developer acknowledges and agrees that a per acre trunk water main ($625 per acre), sanitary sewer fee ($1250 per acre) , and storm sewer fee ($4502 per acre) shall be incorporated into an assessment roll for the subdivision based on today's costs. The total pi, r"",ounts for trunk water ist/ (. ,:> <" ; for sanitary sewer is ",,0 ; for storm sewer is 1, rt'1 $ ~ (includes credits); making a total of , which Developer agrees is O' f \~, fair and reasonable, These amounts were derived from multiplying total acreage by \ ,~ (, ~ i ' acreage charge, and then subtracting credits. ~-1:J -It J ,;)1"' \I No grading or building permit shall be issued by City unless the plans or application are in conformity with the City comprehensive plan, this Agreement, and all local, state and federal regulations. The City shall, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of plans or building . Page 3 S-c...3 . . . per applications, review such submittal to determine whether the foregoing requirements have been met. I f the City discerns said plans or applications are deficient, it shall notify the Developer in writing stating the deficiencies and the steps necessary for correction. Issuance of a grading or building permit by City shall be a conclusive determination that the plans or applications have been approved as to the requested activity by Developer and satisfies the provisions of this section. The City shall issue building permits prior to City acceptance of the Developer Improvements provided that the party applying for the building permit agrees to withhold requests for occupancy until necessary Devcloper Improvements have been installed, which include operational and tested sewer and water systems, installation of sod in the front yard, and roadway developmcnt sufficiently completed to support access by cmergency vehicles, snowplows, and garbage trucks, to be determined by the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion. Until such approval is granted, no dwelling may be occupied on either a temporary or permanent basis, except that model homes may be occupied by sales personnel for marketing and related purposes. Notwithstanding this provision, if the Developer is in default ofthis Agreement, as hereinafter defined, in addition to any other remedy provided by this Agreement, City may refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy for any lot or parcel in the Subdivision until Developcr cures the default as provided herein. 5. Pre-Construction Activities. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre- construction meeting with City to review a proposed schedule for construction of the Developer Improvements. 6. Commencement of Construction of Developer Improvements. Upon obtaining all necessary governmental approvals, licenses and permits, subject to Unavoidable Delays, Developer shall commencc construction of the Developer Improvements within tcn (10) days. 7. Faithful Performance of Construction of Improvements. Developer shall install, construct, and maintain the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Developer guarantees and warrants the workmanship and materials respecting such Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements for a period of one year following City's acceptance of the same ("Guarantee Period"). The Developer shall repair or replace, as directed by the City and at the Developer's sole cost and expense, any work and/or materials that become defective, in the sole but Page 4 ~C.....,. . 8. . 9. . reasonable opinion of the City or its Engineer, provided that City or its Engineer give notice of such defect to Developer within three months following the end of the Guarantee Period. The Developer, or Developer's contractors, shall post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to City to secure these warranties. Inspection of Improvements. Developer authorizes the City Inspector and City Engineer to inspect construction of the Developer Improvements as required by City and grants to them a license to enter the Subdivision to perform all necessary work and/or inspections deemed appropriate during the construction of the improvements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City for all Developer Improvement items and expiration of any applicable warranty period. Inspections by the City are to be logged and reported weekly to Developer. Construction and installation plans shall be provided to City and shall be reviewed by and subject to approval of the City to insure that the construction work meets with approved City standards as a condition of City acceptance. Developer shall cause its contractor to furnish City with a schedule of proposed operations at least five (5) days prior to the commencement of the construction of each type of Subdivision Item and Developer Improvement. The City shall inspect all such work items during and after construction for compliance with approved specifications and ordinance requirements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City and expiration of any applicable warranty period. Acceptance ofImprovement. Upon notification by Developer that any of the Developer Improvements have been completed, within ten (10) days City Engineer shall inspect the Developer Improvement and, at his sole discretion, determine ifthe Development Improvement(s) has been completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and exhibits attached hereto. If the City Engineer determines that the Developer Improvements have been completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer shall give the Developer written notice of the City's acceptance ofthe Developer Improvements within seven (7) days effective as of the date of the inspection. If the City Engineer determines that the Developer Improvement(s) is not completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer shall notify Developer in writing of the deficiency and provide a reasonable date upon which to cure the deficiency. Failure by the Developer to cure within the stated time period shall constitute an Event of Default. 10. Completion of Developer Improvements. Developer agrees to complete the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements on or before - The Completion Date Page 5 S-c-s- . as provided herein is subject to Unavoidable Delays as hereinafter defined, in which event the completion date may be extended by the period of such Unavoidable Delays. For the purpose of this section, Unavoidable Delays means delays which are caused by strikes, fire, war, road weight restrictions, material shortages, weather that renders construction progress impossible, causes beyond the Developer's control or other casualty to the Developer Improvements, or the act of any federal, state, or local government unit, except those acts of the City authorized or contemplated by this Agreement. In the event Developer believes an extension is warranted, Developer shall request such extension in writing to the City Engineer and specify the requested length of extension and the reason therefore. The City Engineer shall determine the length of the extension, if any, in his sole but reasonable discretion. 11. Ownership ofImprovements. Upon the completion of the Developer Improvements required to be constructed by this Agreement, and the acceptance thereof by the City, the Developer Items lying within the public easements and public right-of-ways as shown on the Subdivision plat shall become City property without further notice or action. Within thirty days thereafter, and before any security as herein required is released, Developer shall supply City with a complete set of reproducible "AS BUILT" and "DEVELOPMENT PLAN" plans in a form acceptable to the City Engineer, without charge to City, which documents shall become the property of City. . 12. Clean Up. The Developer shall properly clear any soil, earth, or debris on City-owned property or public right-of-way resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents, or assigns. 13. Maintenance of Roads Before Acceptance. Developer shall, at its expense, prepare any streets located in the Subdivision for snowplowing and other maintenance that Developer wishes City to undertake prior to formal acceptance by City of such streets. This preparation shall include, without limitation, ramping any manholes as necessary to avoid damage to snowplows or other vehicles used in street maintenance. Should damage occur to City snowplows or other vehicles during the course of snowplowing or other maintenance procedures prior to formal acceptance of the street by City, which damage is caused by Developer's failure to properly prepare or maintain the same, Developer shall pay all such damages and shall indemnify and hold City harmless for all such damage, cost, or expense incurred by City with regard thereto. 14. Erosion and Drainage Control. The Developer shall provide and comply with erosion and drainage control provisions in the landscape plan and City policy requirements as described in paragraph 3 (8) and as otherwise required by City. As development . Page 6 S"'c..(" . . 16. . progresses, the City may impose additional erosion and drainage control requirements if~ in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City Engineer, they would be useful and appropriate in controlling drainage and erosion. Developer shall promptly comply with such erosion and drainage control plans and with such additional instructions it receives from City. 15. Hold Harmless Agreement. Developer acknowledges that its failure to implement the plans and exhibits as contained herein may cause flooding and/or damage to adjoining property owners. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties or Developer for damages arising out of such flooding and/or damages. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. In the event of an emergency situation requiring immediate action to prevent loss or damage to persons or property, to be determined at the sole discretion of City, the notice and eure provisions of paragraph 21 shall not apply and City is authorized to undertake any corrective action it deems neeessary to prevent or minimize any such flooding and/or damage. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties for damages arising out of said corrective action by City, and agrees to reimburse City for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by City arising out of the corrective action including, but not limited to, any costs necessary to re-landscape disrupted soils located within the Subdivision. Insurance. A. The Developer will provide and maintain or cause to be maintained at all times during the process of constructing the Developer Improvements until six (6) months after acceptance of all Developer Improvements and, from time to time at the request of the City, furnish with proof of payment of premiums on: (1) Comprehensive general liability insurance (including operations, contingent liability, operations of subcontractors, completed operations and contractual liability insurance) together with an Owner's Contractor's Policy with limits against bodily injury, including death, and property damage (to include, but not be limited to damages caused by erosion or flooding) which may arise out of the Developer's work or the work of any of its subcontractors. Limits for bodily injury or death shall not be less than $500,000.00 for one person and $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall not be less than $200,000.00 for each occurrence. The City, City Engineer, and Developer's Engineer shall be an additional named insured on said policy. Developer shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with Page 7 ~c.,,? . . . the City upon request. (ii) Worker's compensation insurance, with statutory coverage. 17. Security for Cost ofTmprovements. For the purpose of financing the construction, installation, and maintenance of the Developer Improvements, and to pay all associated costs and expenses of City as described in paragraph 18, Developer shall, upon execution of this Agreement, execute and deliver to ("Lender") a Note and Mortgage encumbering the property in an amount not less than $ (includes anlOunt 20% above construction cost plus trees). The proceeds of this loan shall be escrowed by Lender and disbursed only in accordance with the terms and conditions of a certain Disbursement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit E and incorporated by reference herein. No work shall be commenced under this Agreement until the Note, Mortgage, and Disbursement Agreement have been executed and certified copies filed with City. 18. Responsibilitv for Costs. A. The Developer shall pay a flat fee equal to 10% of construction costs representing costs incurred by it or City in connection with the development of the Subdivision, including but not limited to construction of Developer Improvements, administrative, legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the Subdivision plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and the fee of 10% funds all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the Subdivision. B. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted by the City within thirty (30) days after receipt. Ifthe bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat tJ.,vJ Q development work until the bills are paid in full. City bills will be issued in ~o~y)(o. V conjunction with pay requests and will be equal to 101}'o of pay requestr submitted by the Contractor. c. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from Subdivision plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may payor incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys fees, provided that nothing herein shall require Developer to indemnify the City, its oflicers or employees from any violation of Page 8 5'e,~r . . . law or from the consequences of their own negligence. D. The Developer shall reimburse the City for its costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering and reasonable attorneys fees. 19. Required Tree Planting For lots without trees, Developer shall be responsible for installation ofboulcvard tree plantings as required by the city ordinance. Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter of at least two inches (2") at one foot (1 ') above ground. Required trees must be protected and supported by approved tree guards. Not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees planted in a block may be of the same species. On lots with a single frontage or for corner lots with double frontage on two minor streets, two trees to be planted per street frontage. Trees must be planted at a location between 4 feet and 10 feet from the curb. The Developer shall take into account the presence of utility systems when establishing the precise location within the stated acceptable range from the curb. In areas where sidewalk is being installed, trees shall be planted between the curb and the sidewalk 4-5 feet behind the curb. The Developer is free to direct builders to plant trees as required under the ordinance and this development agreement; however, the Developer is ultimately responsible for compliance with the tree planting requirement. This expense shall be incorporated into the disbursement agreement. 20. Park Dedication. Park dedication will consist of cash in lieu of land in the amount of $750/unit. 20.5 Trail dedication - 200/unit = $2,000. (\/l,~ 21. Trails and Pathways. 22. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. Page 9 S'e" . . B. Third parties shall have no recourse against any party under this Agreement. Future residents of the plat shall not be deemed to be third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement. C. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. D. So long as the City uses its best efforts to review plans and inspect improvements, the Developer shall have no cause of action for damages attributable to delays in the construction and completion of said Items. E. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until sanitary sewer and water lines have been installed, hooked up, tested, and approved by the City. F. The action or inaction ofthe City as to the exercise of any of its rights or remedies upon an event of default shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement as to future events of default. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution ofthe City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release as to any event of default. G. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be recorded in the oUice of the Wright County Recorder. After completion of all of Developer's obligations hereunder, at Developer's request City will execute and deliver to Developer a release of this Agreement in recordable form. H. Both parties to this Agreement acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel, or are aware of their right to counsel, and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. 23. Prohibitions Against Assignment of Agreement. Developer represents and agrees that (except for associating with other individuals or entities), prior to the completion of the Developer Improvements as certified by the City: . A. Except only by way of security for, and only for the purpose of obtaining financing necessary to enable the Developer or any successor in interest to the Property, or any part thereof, to perform its obligations with respect to the construction of the Developer Improvements under this Agreement, and any other purpose authorized by this Agreement, the Developer (except as so authorized) will not make or create, or suffer to be made or created, any total or partial sale, Page 10 ~e -- 10 . . . assignment, conveyance, or transfer in any other mode or form of with respect to this Agreement or any interest therein, or any contract or agreement to do any of the same, without the prior written approval of City. B. In the absence of specific written agreement by the City to the contrary, no such transfer or approval by City shall be deemed to relieve Developer from any of its obligations. In the event that City approves a substitute developer and the Property is transferred to said substitute, the City agrees to relieve the Developer of liability from performance as described in this contract. Said substitute shall assume all responsibilities and rights of the Developer under this contract. 24. Events of Default Defined. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "events of default" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement (unless the context otherwise provides), anyone or more ofthe following events: A. Failure by the Developer to observe and substantially perform any covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under the terms of this Agreement, or the Disbursement Agreement by and between City, the Developer and Lender. B. If the Developer shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or shall1ile a petition in bankruptcy, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any substantial part of the property. C. If the Developer shall file a petition under the federal bankruptcy laws. D. If the Developer is in default under the Mortgage and has not entered into a work- out agreement with the Lender. E. If the Developer shall fail to begin construction of the Developer Improvements in conformance with this Agreement, and such failures are not due to unavoidable delays as defined in this Agreement. F. The Developer shall, after commencement of the construction of the Developer Improvements, default in or violate its obligations with respect to the construction of the same (including the nature and the date for the completion thereof), or shall abandon or substantially suspend construction work, and such act or actions is not due to unavoidable delays as determined by the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion and any such default, violation, abandonment, or suspension shall not be cured, ended, or remedied within the time provided for in this Agreement. Page 11 ~e"lI . . . 25. Notice/Rcmedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default occurs, the City shall give written notice of the Event of Default to Developer by United States mail at its last known address, . . If the Developer fails to cure the Event of Default within fifteen (15) days of the date of mailed notice, in addition to any other remedy provided in this Agreement, and without waiver of any such right, City may avail itself of any or all of the following remedies for so long as the Developer is in default: A. Halt all plat development work and construction of Developer Improvements until such time as the Event of Default is cured. B. Refuse to issue building permits or occupancy permits as to any parcel until such time as the Event of Default is cured. C. Apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin continuation of the Event of Default. D. Exercise any and all remedies available to City pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement. If the Event of Default is the failure of Developer to complete, construct, install or correct the Developer Improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications and this Agreement, City may perform the construction or work and apply to Lender pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement to reimburse City for its expenses. This provision shall be a license granted by the Developer to the City to act, but shall not require the City to take any such action. Developer consents to such action by City and waives any claim Developer may have against City for damages in the event City exercises its rights in accordance with this provision. E. Terminate this Agreement by written notice to Developer at which time all terms and conditions as contained herein shall be of no further force and effect and all obligations of the parties as imposed hereunder shall be null and void. 26. Miscellaneous. A. '('his Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. B. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. Page 12 ~e ....,z.- . . . 27. C. The action or inaction of thc City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agrecment. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties, and approved by writtcn resolution ofthc City Council. The City's failure to promptly take Icgal action to cnforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. D. Future residents of this Subdivision shall not be deemed to be third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. E. This Agreemcnt shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Developer, its successors and assigns. The Developer shall, at its expensc record this Agreement in the Office of the Wright County Recorder. After the Developer has completed the work required under this Agreement, at the Developer's request the City will execute and deliver to Developer a release in recordable form. F. All parties to this Agreement acknowledge they have been represented by counsel and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, or mailed to the Developer by United States mail, postage prepaid to the following address: Attention . Notices to City shall be in writing and either hand delivered to the City Administrator or mailed to City by United States mail, postage prepaid to the address: 250 E Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362. Page 13 S--C....I J . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Developer have signed this Developer's Agreement the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Its: Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller Its: City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1998, by Roger Belsaas and Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public Page 14 S-e"'~ . . . DEVELOPER: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1998, by its of , a Minnesota corporation on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public Page 15 ~e-I~ . EXHIBIT A I Description Lega . . Page 16 S'c -1'- -~~ EXHIBIT B Plat Sec attached plat Page 17 S"'e -'1 .~- ... . . . EXHIBITS C AND D F:xhibit C BUILDING and Site Plan Exhibit D CONSTRUCTION Plan Exhibits C and 0 are available and on file at the office of the Monticello City Engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc., 350 Westwood Lake Office, 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55426. Page 18 SC-/r' . EXHIBIT E Disbursement Agreement See attached . . Page 19 C-c ", . .U \ I I :g c , co . I ,l.u I~ -'" I ':( 'I <: j~ I['l: I <.. III I ~ ~ l"- S <: I I JJ . KLEIN FARMS FIFTH ADDITION I g, __ ._ ~iL7riflJL' f~QJ1Q=-_ _ _ _ _ ~ ____ , ~ FALLON COURT g: ~>~ ",~:t' ru--n------+-__ ..~ -,;;t'\ : 79.75 '<;1.. ,'" 'Jo' , I ~ -~<.... ....." : 4 O':-q. , ,- "'0..... \ '<'1 ooP \ I" iJI'... \ let) 148.12 ---~I- ~~_______________~_~___J r-------~ : 80.00. .IlL: : .I : :~ / ~: 100...., It) 1 .~ :tt: 1<'1 <'II : ~/: 1 . 1 L ~ ~~oo-J. : 160,00 I 1: . 1&: ~ 2 1&, ~ -., i I~! {,':" \j'?": :t' / V'/~n: S )I;:;~: / ~ __j .fl~ s: . 'f' ~I /'/,\(',,\ : .-"'"/ p i.J': I .:JJ.j ~Y'f.l /' , ""~ I <" 'V" i 80.00 N 'P'4(]'7.. 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REQUEST FOR JOINT RESOLUTION To tile Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota: I, the undersigned, the owner of the property described below, hereby request the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, to consider approval of Joint Resolution for Orderly Annexation between the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello, Minnesota Pursu<lnt to Minnesota Statutes 414.0325, Subd. L and for that (JIll-pose respectfully state: I. The property to be annexed consists of 10 acres. All of this l<lnd lies entirely within the county of Wright, Minnesota, and the description of such land is as follows: The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 25, Range 121, Wright County, Mn. 2. The property described above abuts upon the dty limits at the West, . North and East boundarys thereof, and none of it is presently within the corporate limits of any incorporated dty. 3. All of this property is abou t to become urban in character. 15 March 1999 . ('e...z,1.--- . . . IN THE MATTER OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ORDERL Y ANNEXATION BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 414.0325, SUBD. 1 TO: Minnesota Municipal Board 165 Metro Square Building St. Paul, MN 55101 The Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello hereby jointly agree that the joint resolution between the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello designating an area for orderly annexation dated March 6, 1998, be amended to include the following: John Leerssen property (10 acres): The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 25, Range 121, Wright County, Minnesota. Both the Town and the City agree that no alteration of the stated boundaries of this agreement is appropriate. Furthermore, both parties agree that no consideration by the Board is necessary. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Municipal Board may review and comment but shall, within 30 days, order the annexation of the following- described property in accordance with the terms of the joint resolution. Approved by the City of Monticello this 12th day of April, 1999. City Administrator Mayor Approved by the Town of Monticello this _ day of ,19~ Town Chair Town Clerk 5e.,,-z.,I . Monticello Township County Road 117 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Apri 16th, 1999 Rick Wolfsteller. Administrator City of ~1onticel1o 250 E. Broadway Monticello, Mn. 55362 Re; John Leerssen Annexation Request. Dear Rick; This is to inform that Monticello Township does not have any objections with the request by John Leerssen for annexation by the City of his lO-acre parcel providing approval is allowed at the MOA level. . Sincerely, ~OA 0 ~YPERVISORS /' ~ ------ by clerk, D. Sawatzke. . 6'c ,-z-,3 . . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 50. Consideration of aooroving Desien Advisory Team bylaws. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Design Advisory Team (DA T) has been established to assist Planning Commission and City Council in analyzing project design for consistency with the redevelopment plan and Central Community District ordinances and policies. The DAT provides important input to the HRA as it considers use of tax increment financing for redevelopment projects. Similarly, the DA1' provides the Economic Development Authority with rulings as to whether or not facade redesigns potentially funded by the EDA are designed in a manner consistent with the redevelopment plan. Early in the operation ofthc OAT, they established bylaws for operations, which is fine; however, these bylaws should be reviewed and considered for approval by the City Council. The content of the bylaws speaks for itself. There isn't anything controversial or inconsistent with the authority granted to the DAT as outlined in the City ordinances. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve or modify and approve the DA T bylaws. 2. Motion to deny approval of the DA T bylaws. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bylaws. 5 . BYLAWS OF MONTICELLO DESIGN ADVISORY TEAM ARTICLE I: PURPOSE The purpose of the Monticello Design Advisory Team is to provide design review of all development and redevelopment projects within the Central Community District, as provided for in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Title 10, Chapter 14B, as amended. The Design Advisory Team may also provide services, separate from its official duties, relating to enhancing the physical appearance of Monticello to Monticello Community Partners, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation. ARTICLE ll: DEFINITIONS Section I. "DA T" shall mean and refer to the Monticello Design Advisory Team, a public body appointed by the Monticello City Council. Section 2. "Member" shall mean and refer to all individuals duly nominated by Monticello Community Partners, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, and appointed to the DA T by the . Monticello City Council, as provided for in Article m, Section 1 of these bylaws. Section 3. "Bylaws" shall mean and refer to the bylaws of the DA T as amended from time to time. ARTICLE ID: MEMBERSHIP OF THE DESIGN ADVISORY TEAM Section I. Appointment of Members. The DAT shall nominate individuals for appointment to the OAT, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of Monticello Community Partners. All nominations shall be forwarded to the Monticello City Council for approval, as provided for in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Title 10, Chapter 14B, Section 7. Section 2. Number and Terms of Office. The number of members of the Monticello Design Advisory Team shall be not less than five (5) and not more than seven (7). Each member shall be a natural person offull age and serve for a period of two (2) years, until his or her successor is appointed or until his or her resignation or removal as hereinafter provided. At the expiration of any term, any member may be reappointed in the manner specified in Section 1 hereof. Additional members may be appointed to fill vacancies in the same manner. Section 3. Initial Terms. Of those members initially appointed, two (2) members shall serve three-year terms, and three (3) members shall serve two-year terms. Thereafter, all members shall serve two-year terms. . 1 51) .- I . . . Section S. Duties. Officers shall have the usual duties and power of their offices. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the OAT if present, and see that the resolutions of the DAT are carried out. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair; and, in case of resignation, removal or death of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair until such time as a new Chair is elected. If a quorum is present at a meeting and the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent, the remaining members of the OAT shall elect a Chair for the said meeting. The Secretary shall keep the records of the OAT, shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings of the OAT. The Chair shall appoint a temporary secretary to take minutes in the event that the Secretary is absent from a meeting. The officers of the OAT shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be required by the OAT or the bylaws of the OAT. ARTICLE V: MEETINGS OF THE DAT Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the DAT shall be held without notice at the Monticello City Hall at 9:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday prior to the first Tuesday of each month, which is the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission. Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the DAT may be called by the Chair or any two members of the OAT. Notice of any special meetings must be made in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes governing public bodies. The call for a special meeting may be delivered at any time prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each member of the OAT or may be mailed to each member at least three (3) working days prior to the date of such special meeting. At a special meeting, no business shall be transacted other than as designated in the call; but if all members of the OAT are present at a special meeting, any and all business may be transacted at such meeting. Section 3. Quorum. At any meeting of the OAT, the presence ofa majority of members shall constitute a quorum. The act of a majority of members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the members. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the members present may adjourn any meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement at such meeting until a quorum is present. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to Bvlaws. The bylaws of the OAT shall be amended by a majority of the Monticello City Council. Recommendations for amendments to these bylaws may be made by the OAT, upon an affirmative vote of the majority of all OAT members, to the Monticello City Council. The amended bylaws are effective upon their adoption by the Monticello City Council. 3 5'b ,3 . (A) Initial Two- Year Term: (Term expires Januaty 2000, with the appointment of new member) Gail Cole Ron Hoglund Rita Ulrich (B) Initial Three-Year Term: (Term expires Januaty 2001, with the appointment of new member) Pam Campbell Susie Wojchouski Section 4. Resilmation. Any member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chair or Secretary of the Design Advisory Team. The resignation of any member shall take effect at the time specified therein or, ifno time is specified therein, upon receipt thereof by the officer of the DAT to whom the written notice is given; and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Section 5. Removal. Any member may be removed from the DAT, at the discretion of the Monticello City Council. DA T may make a recommendation to the City Council for the removal of a DA T member, if he or she misses three or more consecutive regular meetings of the DA T or more than fifty percent (50%) of the regular meetings in any six month period. A recommendation from DA T for the removal of a DA T member shall require an affirmative vote . of the majority of all DAT members. Section 6. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the DA T caused by death, resignation, removal, or any other cause, shall be filled in the manner specified in Section I hereof. Section 7. Conflicts of Interest. A member shall disclose any conflict of interest, and shall abstain from voting on any matter in which he or she has a conflict of interest as defined by, and in accordance with, Minnesota State Statutes. ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section 1. Enumeration of Officers. The officers of the DAT shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary, who shall be members of the DAT, and other such officers as the DAT may from time to time create by resolution. Section 2. Election of Officers and Terms. The election of all officers shall take place annually, at the first regular January meeting of the DAT following the appointment of new members or reappointment of members by the City Council. The terms of all officers shall be one year. Section 3. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office may be filled by a special election at any time. The person elected to such vacancy shall serve in such capacity for the remainder of the term of the officer he or she replaced. . Section 4. Multiple Offices. No person shall simultaneously hold more than one office. 2 ~b-L. . . . Section 5. Duties. Officers shall have the usual duties and power of their offices. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the OAT if present, and see that the resolutions of the OAT are carried out. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair; and, in case of resignation, removal or death of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair until such time as a new Chair is elected. If a quorum is present at a meeting and the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent, the remaining members of the DA T shall elect a Chair for the said meeting. The Secretary shall keep the records of the DAT, shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings of the DAT. The Chair shall appoint a temporary secretary to take minutes in the event that the Secretary is absent from a meeting. The officers of the DA T shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be required by the DAT or the bylaws of the DAT. ARTICLE V: MEETINGS OF THE DAT Section 1. Regular Meetinas. Regular meetings of the DA T shall be held without notice at the Monticello City Hall at 9:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday prior to the first Tuesday of each month, which is the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission. Section 2. Special Meetinszs. Special meetings of the DAT may be called by the Chair or any two members of the DAT. Notice of any special meetings must be made in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes governing public bodies. The call for a special meeting may be delivered at any time prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each member of the DAT or may be mailed to each member at least three (3) working days prior to the date of such special meeting. At a special meeting, no business shall be transacted other than as designated in the call; but if all members of the DAT are present at a special meeting, any and all business may be transacted at such meeting. Section 3. Quorum. At any meeting of the OAT, the presence ofa majority of members shall constitute a quorum. The act of a majority of members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the members. In the absence ofa quorum, a majority of the members present may adjourn any meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement at such meeting until a quorum is present. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to Bvlaws. The bylaws of the DAT shall be amended by a majority of the Monticello City Council. Recommendations for amendments to these bylaws may be made by the OAT, upon an affirmative vote of the majority of all DAT members, to the Monticello City Council. The amended bylaws are effective upon their adoption by the Monticello City COlUlcil. 3 S'b'3 . SE. . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 Consideration of accenting the Sanitary Sewer and Water System Trunk Fec Analvsis. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item was first discussed at the March 8, 1999, Council meeting but was tabled to allow for presentations to he made to the affected parties. A presentation was made to the IDC at their April 15, 1999, meeting. A meeting was scheduled to present the information to the huilders and developers on March 25, 1999; however, no one attended. The notice for that meeting was very informative, which may have addressed any questions. We have sent another letter to the same group notifying them of the April 26 meeting. The following is the previous agenda item you received. Please bring your copy of the study to the meeting. One addition we made to the study involves changing the Council policy regarding charging these fees. Currently, areas that previously paid pipe over sizing were not charged the trunk fee. We are proposing to charge the fees to all undeveloped parcels at the time of development and will credit the previously-paid overslzmg. The City of Monticello has had a sanitary sewer and water system trunk fee acreage charge in place since the late 1980's. The City did not start charging the fee until 1990 (Cardinal Hills) and 1994 (Southwest Area) for sanitary sewer and watermain, respectively. The rates were set at $1,250 per gross acre at that time, with the watermain reduced to $625/gross acre at the time the water fee was first charged. The fees were originally set based on an estimate of the trunk improvement cost and have not been increased from that date. This study examines the trunk improvements to accommodate the proposed growth over the next 40 years and sets a rate for the trunk fee. The proposed fee is recommended to be increased yearly to accommodate the proposed trunk improvements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the study and adjust the fees to $1, 786/acre and $906/acre for the sanitary sewer and watermain, respectively. Further, adjust the policy to charge all parcels for the trunk fee and provide credits for previously-paid oversizing costs. 2. Do not change the fees. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Engineer and City Administrator that alternative #1 be selected. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Sanitary Sewer and Water System Trunk Fee Analysis (previously supplied). 6 . . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 SF. Personnel report-performance evaluations. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council had previously recommended that a simple notice of when performance evaluations were completed for various positions be put on Council agendas as a consent agenda item. As I previously indicated to the Council, all of the performance evaluations that were required to be completed near the end of the fiscal year have been done, and I have enclosed a list of the individuals, their positions, and the date of the evaluation. The remaining positions not included on the attached list have anniversary dates or annual evaluations performed at a diflerent time throughout the year. This information is being noted as requested by the Council, and no specific action would be necessary. 7 . . . RECENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS COMPLETED e Wanda Kraemer Ollie Koropchak John Simola Sue Thibodeaux Pat Kovich Karen Doty Joe Hartman Nancy Whalen Fred Patch Jan lano Kim Barnes Marge Mammenga Jeff O'Neill Diane Jacobson Cathy Shuman Roger Mack Matt Theisen Gregg Engle Tom Bose Elmer Ohnstad Beth Green John Lukach Tom Grossnickle Jeff Gustafson John Middendorf Rich Cline Tom Moores AI Gapinski Jim Eisele Keith Trippe Diane Yanta Sandy Suchy Shannon Thom Community Dev. Admin. Asst. Economic Development Director Public Works Director Bookkeeper Utility Billing Clerk Deputy City Clerk Liquor Store Manager Community Development Secretary Building Official Deputy Registrar Clerk Deputy Registrar Clerk Deputy Registrar Clerk Deputy City Administrator Sr. Deputy Registrar Clerk Finance Assistant Street Superintendent Water Superintendent Park Superintendent Construction Inspector Construction Inspector Public Works Secretary Building/Grounds Maintenance Park Maintenance Park Maintenance Water & Sewer Collection Water & Sewer Collection Street Maintenance Street Maintenance Street Maintenance Street Maintenance Receptionist Administrative Clerk Receptionist a 01/26/99 01/28/99 01/29/99 01/27/99 12/28/98 12/29/98 12/29/98 01/29/99 02/08/99 04/27/98 04/27/98 07/02/98 01/28/99 11/24/98 11/25/98 01/27/99 01/26/99 01/26/99 01/14/99 01/14/99 01/14/99 08/09/98 08/05/98 08/10/98 08/05/98 08/01/98 01/29/99 01/29/99 01/28/99 01/29/99 01/21/99 01/21/99 01/21/99 {P., I F:lKAREN DlSPREADIRIC KIEV ALUA TION L1ST.X LS: 4/22/99 . . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 5G. Consideration of appointin2 Dennis Sullivan to the Desi2n Advisory Team. (lO.) A. RFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to appoint Dennis Sullivan to the Design Advisory Team. Sullivan would fill the last remaining vacancy on the DAT. lIe has been interviewed by the DA T and is recommended for appointment to the group. Sullivan is a member of the Monticello Community Partners and has a background in local government as a fonner city council member for the City of Jackson, Minnesota. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint Dennis Sullivan to the remaining vacancy on the DA T. 2. Motion to deny appointment of Dennis Sullivan to the DAT. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to appoint Dennis Sullivan as a member of the Design Advisory Team. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Rita Ulrich. / 8 . ~ ":;rIJ Montit'ello ~,~J~i Community Partner.' P(), 1\0/ (}B'l · Ivlollticc/lo. fvlN SS3()) 612-295-0999 April 22, 1999 City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Re: Recommendation for appointment to the Monticello Design Advisory Team In keeping with the CCD Ordinance, the Downtown Revitalization Plan, and the Bylaws of the Monticello Design Advisory Team (as approved by DA T)" members of DA T have identified a person who can bring a fresh perspective and new skills to the Design Advisory Team. The DA T currently has six members. DA T bylaws allow for up to seven members. . At its March 17th meeting, the Design Advisory Team nominated for your consideration Dennis Sullivan for appointment to the Desi9.-n Advisory Team. The Monticello Community Partners Board of Directors endorsed the nomination at its March 24th meeting. Mr. Sullivan is a manufacturing engineer with who can bring over 20 years of business experience to the Team. His skills include strategic planning, research and development, problem solving, project coordination and information technology. DA T believes that Mr. Sullivan's business background will add to the Team's ability to work effectively with developers and property 'Owners, and contribute to its understanding of the economic aspects of design considerations. Please feel free to call me or any Design Advisory Team member if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. L-VvL Rita Ulrich MCP Director and OAT Secretary cc: Dennis Sullivan DA T members MCP Board members EDA, HRA, Parks and Planning Commission Chairs Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill Ollie Koropchak Fred Patch so, - , . . . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 SH. Request for City Council authorization to utilize the services of the City Attorney to enforce City ordinances prohibitine public nuisances - Balboul Addition. (F.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Inspections have been conducted on Balboul Circle and on Hedman Lane in response to complaints related to blight (junk automobiles, weeds, junk and debris). At least three site visits have been made to each property beginning on March 26, 1999. Written notices required by ordinance have been delivered by certified mail. The property owners have not satisfactorily responded to the verbal requcsts and written notices provided by City staff. As requestcd by City Council, City staff is now requesting that City Council authorize staff to utilize the services of the City Attorney to commence formal criminal complaints against each of the property owners responsible for the blight. If the City does intend to prosecute the violators, data practices laws prohibit the City from identifying either the complainants or violators. Upon authorization by Council, staff will request that the City Attorney draft necessary formal criminal complaints and file those complaints in District Court for misdemeanor prosecution and remedial action. B. AL'fERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the City Attorney to prosecute those violators of public nuisance ordinances located in the Balboul Addition. 2. Motion to not authorize the City Attorney to prosecute violations of public nuisances in the Balboul Addition and direct staff to [take other actions to be determined by Council]. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative # I above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 9 . ~~ ~tfj 00 1-3 tfj r-c tfj < > 1-3 ~ o z . ::g @ 0 ~ @= @~ ~= ~::g ~~ ~~ @~ ~ f r r f [h-~~ Ii .' 'I n.._ HI! 11U-~ " !I !! !I Ii " " jl llrr II ~- lr~ ii ~~ ... Ii ~ H- a: 11- , H-- J II ~, II ~- II II ~r~ .' u.' ~~ "' ;tfj 9> '100 1-3 tfj r-c tfj < > 1-3 ~ o z 11--- u-~- ! Po " I "- " u-n f' r r f O::~ I k r "- " u-n n-_ " " " 1:1 ~ Ii,: f1.' II !! J: n-- fL ~- II ~- ~ ll-- l! Ii IL ~ 11 II II !I~~ li~- II LJ-~ ~ ~: ? :( COMFORT INN MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Project Nallle: . Miller I hereby cerlify Ihallhis plan, specificalion, or reporl WaS prepared by me or under my dlrecl supervision and Ihall am a duly Regislered Archilecl under the laws of Ihe State of 3'>>$ WtlIil Sl. Gum.ln r.O,bIiIl111K oS.. CIou1;. MlnfM'lIio.... SnOl-l2:u1 V.~fe: glR~ iU::~~ F~;"RIOR ELEVATIONS AIlDfflOClS ll< BUII..I)I,Ri Date: 4112199 DrawlI By: llAT Rev/s/OII No: Date: Reg. No. . . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 7. Public Hearin!!-Consideration of a resolution orderin!! plans and specifications for the Chelsea Road extension between Cedar Street and County Road 117. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to conduct a public hearing and consider ordering plans and specifications for Chelsea Road extension between Cedar Street and County Road 117. This project involves construction of roadway connecting the new intersection at Cedar Street/Highway 25 to Chelsea Road at County Road 117. The project also includes extension of sanitary sewer and water main to properties in the vicinity that are not currently served. City Council is asked to review the feasibility study and the proposed cost share plan and consider ordering the plans and specifications and ordering the project. The need for this project sterns from the proposed development of a Comfort Suites Motel which will obtain direct access from the new Chelsea Road extension. The major property owner on the other side of the Chelsea Road extension, Jerry Mathwig, does not have specific plans for development of his parcel; however, I believe that he understands that extension of this roadway enhances his site, and thereby places it in a better position for development. On Thursday, April 22, 1999, City staff met with two of the property owners (petitioners) responsible for the major portion of the road improvements. They reviewed the cost share program and indicated general support. They indicated that they would provide the City with a letter supporting the assessment program as proposed. Jerry Mathwig, owner of the property on which the road would be located, indicated general support for providing the road easements necessary to execute the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve resolution by authorizing preparation of plans and specifications contingent on obtaining waiver of right to appeal assessment based on the costs outlined in the feasibility study. 2. Motion to deny approval of resolution authorizing preparation of plans and specifications and ordering the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Assuming that property owner support remains in place, and given the impending development of the new intersection at Highway 25, it would appear to make sense at this time to go forward by ordering plans and specifications. Even if the project does not proceed past the plan stage today, the plans will be needed in the future, as ultimately this road will need to be completed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of site plan; Copy of updated feasibility study. 10 :.z o ..., == . :CI:J. ~1-ooC q~ ~ ~ ;> z . ~ @"@J <-:>~ 110 @(MJ "iJ(p @= @~ 21= ~~ ~~ ~2]J @~ 21 , ,r'J == ~ l'"' 'r.fJ ~ ';l- ':0 ,0 ;l- ie . Miller AKl-iflEClS &< BUIlDERS 3335 Wnl Si. (oennillin t', 0.11011: IZUI Sa. eiu()~~:i14~'fl~~I.Il18 F.III.~ (320' 240-8711 ~~~~~rr. ~~rr Project Na"'e: J hereby certify Ihallhls plan, Date: specllicallon, or reporl Was .'ln2l99 prepared by me Or under my Draw" By: direcl supenision und Ihul J am II duly Regislered Archilect MT under lhe laws of Ihe Slale of Revista" No: Dale: 51 ttNo.: Reg. No. ...... OF' ~,. COMFORT INN MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA r" SITE PLAN. PRELIMINARY . . "Vi! @ "\J @= @~ ~= ~~ ~~ g2]J @~ ~ ~ @ "*' ;rJ1 ~o '("j ~ == t!'j ~ t!'j ~ ~ ""'"' o 2 i~ ~ Ii '~ " " " " " " " " " fi , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , i , , , , , , " " " " " fi- " " " " " " " " " " " " u-- . Project Name: Miller COMFORT INN MONTICEJ.LO, MINNESOTA ~lnF.CIS $< IlUlLlERS J33~ Wa:1 Si. Gumolilq. I', u. lioll: 1218 Sa. c~ Mlnn~$OI~ StJ](II.IZ28 ~~IIX'f&:: glg~ i~::~n I ;;TERIOR ELEVATIONS :2 ~O ~ i-3 == ~ t""l ~ ~ > i-3 ~ o 2 Is :~~ ~f '~ i :r- " I: rJL- " " " " " " " " II " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 'I I, r! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Ur,- " " " " w-- " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " if- " " " " " " LJ- I hereby certify thallhis plan, specification, or repurt Wills prepared by me Or under my direct super'lsioll alld Ihall ulll a duly Regislered Archilecl /"... ., -- '" ,... ".. '" Date: 4/12/99 Drawll By: BAT Neyisiull No: Dule; Reg. No. Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 8. Public Hearing--Citv Project 98-17C - Reconstruction of County Road 75 East from Washington to Countv Road 18 and consideration of authorizinl! preparation of final plans and specification.. (lS./lO.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City and County have been working on this project for several years. The initial work involved investigating that improvements needed to be made and getting the project into the County's five-year highway improvement plan. A task force was organized in the late spring of 1998 and was comprised of representatives of the Minnesota Highway Department, Wright County (Highway Department and Commissioner), Monticello-Big Lake Hospital, Monticello Community Partners, Bondhus Corporation, NAC (the City Planner), WSB (the City Engineer), and members of City staff. In addition to several task force meetings at which goals were set and design parameters were discussed, public informational meetings were held Monday, August 17, 1998, and February 25, 1999. The turn out at the public informational meetings was light and consisted mostly of business owners. . As the project is proposed today, it consists of a five-lane roadway from Washington Street to County Road 18. Additionally, some channelization work is being done just west of Washington Street. The fifth lane, a 20-foot wide median, is being used as a protected left turn. The median access channelization for the protected left turns is being left in grass to allow [or future tree plantings. Any landscaping beyond seeding and sod is not included in the contract and would be done by separate contract with the possible assistance of the park and street departments. Also included in the project is a new intersection for the Hospital and School District. The signal system is being paid for by the Hospital District, and the City will be reimbursed annually for its maintenance costs of the signal, i.e. painting and bulb changes. Additions to the project beyond the basic five-lane highway system include the ornamental lighting on the street in the median and along the south pathway between the street surface and the pathway. An underpass is also proposed at a location west of the entrance to the wastewater treatment plant off of Hart Boulevard. The pathway is proposed to be modified on the south side to accommodate the tunnel or underpass. Additional sidewalk/pathway will be built on the north side from the new underpass westerly through the hospital project area. . The project also includes extension ofthe service drive (now called Hart Boulevard) from near the Scrub-A-Dub Carwash to the driveway of Gladys Hoglund's property. This will be the new location of future 7th Street, and the intersection will be built in preparation for the construction of 7th Street in the future and ground work for the signal system at this location. 11 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . The project also includes the replacement of some undersized watermain. Trunk sanitary sewer and trunk storm sewer crossings are also proposed. The preliminary project costs are estimated at $2,767,810 of which the City's share is $1,023,510. The City Engineer is proposing assessments for curb and gutter, sidewalk, storm sewer, traffic control signal, and watermain. At the last task force meeting held on April 12, the School District raised concerns about being assessed for watermain and curb and gutter. The Hospital District raised concerns about being assessed for the proposed sidewalk, and 100% of the traffic signal and traffic signal maintenance in the future. The Bondhus Corporation raised concerns about being assessed for curb and gutter. At that task force meeting, the City Engineer and MNDOT representative and the Wright County Assistant Engineer informed the Hospital District and the Bondhus Corporation that the impacts on their property would be much greater and more severe without the curb and gutter, and the cost of the project would increase. . At the conclusion of the presentation by WSB and input from the public, the City Council must decide what should be included in the project for authorizing the preparation of final plans and specs. The City Administrator has indicated that if the City's share (less assessable amounts and costs paid for by trunk funds) is reduced to a reasonable amount, it is possible we could cover this from existing funds and would not have an impact on future levies. Items to keep in mind regarding the project are that to use Chapter 429 (bonded money), we must assess at least 20% of the project cost, and since the project was initiated by the City, a 415's vote of the Council is required. The City Engineer will provide additional information at Monday evening's meeting regarding the actual proposed assessments to property owners and the estimated remaining balance which needs to be paid for by the City. The current estimate of the City's share less assessments is approximately $600,000. Trunk funds are expected to pay for approximately $100,000, leaving $500,000 to levy or use surplus funds. Although this is not an assessment hearing, members of the audience will want the Council's input in regard to proposed assessments. . Should the Council decide to reduce the cost of the project, it may be difficult to cut costs for the core project, which would include the basic five-lane construction with the center median and curb and gutter, median lights, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain improvements, and the signal system at the hospital/school entrance. These are all considered part of the core project and essential to its operation. If the traffic control signal at the hospital entrance is funded 100% by the Hospital, this is a non-impact to the City's levy. The remaining items in the project which have been debated by the task force are: 1) the sidewalk/pathway improvements on the north side of County Road 75 between the wastewater treatment plant and the hospital complex; 2) the new underpass for pedestrians; and 3) the proposed pathway lighting. Many of the members of the task force felt these improvements were also needed. 12 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . The design of the project attempts to strike a balance between achieving the goals of the comprehensive plan (quiet traffIc, enhance community entrance, preserve adjoining residential housing values) and achieving the goal of moving both local and non-local traffic quickly, effIciently, and safely through town. Although the underpass represents one of the few opportunities to cut costs, it is also a feature that benefits city residents directly. The road upgrade provides benefit to city residents and is also necessary to expedite access to the river bridge for Sherburne County/State commuters. The underpass provides safe pedestrian crossing for city residents in the face of growing traffic coming from points outside the city. Following are reasons for support ofthe pedestrian underpass: . Safety. Although a signal will be installed in the area at 7th Street and the hospital entrance, the level of future tramc (20,000 vehicles per day) will soon be the same as on Highway 25. The width of the roadway combined with speed (40 - 45 mph) does not assure safe crossing at signals, especially when children (Middle School) and elderly (Mississippi Shores, St. Benedicts) will be common users. The tunnel will be lighted and located in a high traffic area, which should discourage vandalism. Security of pedestrian underpasses can be a problem if located in isolated areas. However, there is as much danger in getting hit by cars at a signalized crossing than there is a danger of assault in a well lit and frequently used underpass. Cost and Location. The cost to install a pedestrian underpass today is significantly less than the cost to build it after the road is built at some time in the future. The unique grade differential between the roadbed and adjoining lands creates a unique opportunity for providing a relatively inexpensive tunnel crossing at this time. An above-grade crossing at this location or somewhere else along CSAH 75 would be more expensive. Pathway Development Tradition. The pathway system has become a unique and well used amenity. Former Councilmember Shirley Anderson once said, "of all of the projects she has been involved in, the pathway system has received the most positive commcnts." Development of a tunnel that provides safe and pleasant access to a future river walk and connects schools, the hospital, and senior housing areas is in keeping with the tradition of building a city that is "walkable" in the face of growing truck and vehicle tramc. Parks Commission. For the reasons noted above, the Parks Commission recommended leaving the pedestrian underpass in the project. . Barb Schwientek states that "The sidewalk as noted in the CSAH 75 project does not meet the noted PUD amendment." Staff response is that the Hospital plan did not include or was not able to accommodate a pathway connection through the site, thus a sidewalk was needed to allow pedestrian traffic around the hospital site. Schwientek argues that the sidewalk will not get used. Stafl response is that pedestrian traffic from Mississippi Shores and from people walking to and from the city via the new river pathway justifies development of the sidewalk. 13 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . Without a sidewalk, pedestrians and bicyclists must find a way through a busy parking lot in getting through the area and to and from the signalized crossing. At the task force final meeting, there was also a strong concern about controlling costs on thc project. The following is the engineer's estimated project cost: *Note: Trunk Sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer funds as well as surplus unallocated funds. COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 75 PRELIMINARY COST/AGENCY BREAKDOWN Wright County Removals $ 113,000 Earthwork $ 186,000 . Roadway $ 550,000 Storm Sewer $ 300,000 Curb and Gutter $ 96,000 Concrete Median $ 117,000 Sign Panels $ 8,200 Pavement Markings $ 120,000 Erosion Control $ 6,100 Turf Establishment $ 55,000 Traffic Control/Mobilization $ 108,000 Miscellaneous $ 85,000 Wright County Total $1,744,300 . 14 .' . . . Layout - CSAH 75 Cross Sections , ' I ~1 ~ .:) ,,'."'" _---+---.,.. _" . . ," __----1...... _ :,:,i.,,:' +,., t,.",},""\,,, ""-,_m_ "r -~~,,:"':':,..:,. ':'::~''-:~,'::>:':';...': ." ,.':,- :o;;.::f':" ',-< --+--. ... ".'. '" - - --"';,1.:.... i Schedule/Cost - CSAH 75 . Public Hearing (Assessment): April 26, 1999 . Construction Cost: S2.3 Million . Anticipated Construction Start on July 6, 1999 . No Interference to Traffic Until July 13, 1999 . Construction Anticipated to End Late November . Seed/Sod & Final Cleanup: May 2000 . Landscapingffrees: Separate Contract By City Layout - CSAH 75 ~ "'" .. Public Involvement . Task Force Team Summer 1998 - Ongoing (6 meetings) August 17, 1998 . Public Info Meeting No_ 1 . Public Info Meeting No.2 February 25, 1999 . Public Hearing April 26, 1999 . Phone I Letters - Questions Ongoing Typical Section H :.-: I n.:~_ ~r;"~7r-1 ~;- :. ':l '" _t , .. .. ,. -1\. =-- = ,nl",L. Q ~_lR T'M_....-.> .- r--~'."'._-Q;IIIn'~: _._..-~.....~ Assessments Outside Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Storm Sewer Traffic Control Signal Waterrnaln Right-of-Way 3 City Share of Project . Proposed Ped Tunnel . Street Improvements . Trunk Sanitary Sewer . Watennain . Trunk Stonn Sewer . Lighting System . Traffic Signal . Miscellaneous . GRAND TOTAL $ 164,500 $ 242,400 $ 30,600 $ 132,900 $ 36,600 $ 123,200 $211,200 $ 82,500 $1,023,900 Watermain ; ~ ? ? ? Questions ? ? ? Proposed Assessments . Street Improvements Curb and Gutter - Along Outside Where Curb did not Exist or in New Turn Lanes Sidewalk - Along Frontage Where Not Previously Existing Storm Sewer - Actual Contributing Flow Based on % of Actual Cost (Estimated at SO.IO/S.F.) · Traffic Control Sirnal - 100% of City cost assessed to Hospital · Watermain - Along CSAH 7S assessed at 1/2 cost ofa 12" line + service/hydrant crossings · Trunk Sanitary, Trunk Storm Sewer, Lighting, Pedestrian Tunnel and other costs not assessahle - City Cost Sanitary Sewer "'. . . . 4 . TO: FROM: RE: DATE: City Council Members Cheryl Steinmetz (913 East Broadway Street) Assessments for HOSPITAL stoplight April 24, 1999 Dear Council Members: This note is a response to the letter sent last week concerning the assessments which will be applied to me because of the changes in the stoplight on Broadway. Since I am unable to attend the meeting because of marching band tryouts, I wish to know how much I will be assessed. I see no benefit whatsoever to me in any way; infact, I see this stoplight as useful only to the hospital. . At one time it would have helped the senior high school with all the students who drive to school; however, next year that will be the middle school and those students do not drive so traffic will automatically be cut drastically. There will be some teachers, who leave at various hours because of coaching, and buses twice a day. The traffic lights come much too late to benefit the schools much at all. Why is the stoplight being put in now except maybe to benefit the hospital? I will be teaching at the old high school (which will be the middle school), but once again, I will gain no benefit from parking in that lot and using a stoplight since I will walk across the street (in the middle of the intersection) and have no use for the stoplight! I only hope you realize that we taxpayers already pay for school and hospital through taxes. Since the hospital seems to be the ONLY one really benefiting much at all, I hope they will be paying 95% of the assessment and the school should be responsible for the rest. We residents along the route receive no more benefit than the rest of the city for "using" the stoplight, and will have all of the inconvenience when it is installed. Why are we, therefore, being assessed unless all of the residents in the city are assessed for its "use?" Does this mean that I will now gain access to my driveway with a turning lane since I have gone for 20 years with having to make a U-turn? If I am assessed, I certainly hope I gain "some" benefit from all this roadwork which will be a real mess and cause even more inconvenience while being installed. . . . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 9. Public Hearing--Consideration of a resolution adoptin2: oroposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes ifnot paid by November 30, 1999. The delinqucnt utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1999 at an interest rate of 8% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption ofthe assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest and can be accepted up to November 30, 1999. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on April 19, 1999. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy ofresolution adopting assessment roll; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. 17 . . . RESOLUTION 99- RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (I) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2000 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest un the entire assessment from the date ofthis resolution until December 31, 1999. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any timc prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the datc of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from thc adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment ro 11 to the county audi tor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of January, 1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator If..,/ .~ ..... li! ...: :z: u o.u ~ -' "" I- :; '" 8 I- ...: ~ . ~ -' .;::l ." ,... ~ ;::l l- => 0- -' ..... 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C u'"J oGIC ~""IIIIC ooIIf;l.LJ ~LULJ.I~;>- t- ~ U 0:: C/) (J) iICJI....... uJll.t.J --.J:Z: ffi!il!5~5 a.=:::z;;:~u.....U QCII ~...,.cn, ~~~:g~ ~..... ... en Q'\' ~O~Q~ (0...... to- (F'J ~ Cl..-- ~ Q 1:=1I _ ~ ~ ("0.11 ~ Q~~e=.~ t=IoO~OC> ~u;,u:.,a.n~ ~~g:~= ~~~~~ ------ c;:J Q Co 0 c;) ~!~I! =::!=:!;:! ( (" ~ ." ...: ." ." co '" ..... g C> C> 0- <Q ~ "" <Q ... 0- ... .... ~ ::::; ~ 00- .. .. .. I- "" 0 "'- "" ..... .... 0 .... ~ 0 "" z b u.1 0- --.I --.I 0- .. .., "" '" .. "".... ;=> ~ C> 0 ..... ....u .. (- (' 9 .....I u.1 ~ ~ o ""' ..... C> >- ~. U r q.,'f ('i C) c 0 ("l 0 0 ("') :') ') ., "") ., ., ~) Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 10. Consideration of aporovim!: amendment to River Forest development agreement allowing installation of and reQuirinc homeowner association to maintain entrance monument and retaining walls. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . -fhe City Council is asked to consider whether or not to allow construction of an entrance monument in the center of the boulevard at the River Forest development and to allow installation of a retaining wall in the boulevard. This request comes after the preliminary and final plat were approved. The preliminary plat shows a center island at the entrance but did not show the entrance monument. Under the proposal put forth by the developer, the center island will be irrigated and landscaped and will inelude a monument as shown in the attached illustration. The developer proposes that the maintenance of this center island and monument be the responsibility of the homeowner's association that will be formed. In addition, the City Planner has recommended that the applicant request vacation of the area encompassed by the center island and then call this area an outlot, which would be platted with the second phase of the River Forest development. Maintenance of this outlot will then be the responsibility of the homeowner's association. Please note that with other subdivisions such as Meadow Oak, Briar Oakes Estate, and Oak Ridge where there is a center island at the entrance to the subdivision, the City is responsible for maintenance of these areas. In this particular case, it would be the homeowner's association that is responsible for the maintenance of that center island along with maintenance of the entrance monument. Some months ago, the City completed a survey which showed that some cities allow center island monument signs while others do not. Of the cities surveyed, most do not. Many of the reasons why cities do not allow center island monuments are addressed by the developer under conditions 1-4 below. With regard to the retaining wall, the developer has begun installation of the wall with authorization by the City Engineer and the support ofthe adjoining property owner. He is installing it at his own risk, as technically, retaining walls in the boulevard require permission from the City Council. Roger Mack and John Simola have some concerns as noted in the attached memo. Hopefully, the conditions of approval mitigate these concerns. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to allow placement of a retaining wall adjoining the southern side of the entrance drive as requested and allow an entrance monument at the center island entrance to the River Forest subdivision subject to the following conditions: . 1. Center island modifications be made to allow access to the subdivision by City snow removal vehicles. 18 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 2. Establishment of a homeowner's association that will take responsibility for maintenance of centcr island and monumcnt. 3. Center island must be platted as an outlot at the time of development of the second phase of the River Forest subdivision. 4. Applicant must seek vacation of the area encompassed by the center island so that it can be platted. 5. Tree maintenance shall be the responsibility of the developer. Developer shall provide surety sufJicient to cover the cost of removal and replacement for a period of three years. 2. Motion to allow placement of entrance monument outside of right-of-way on property purchased by developer. 3. Motion to deny placement of an entrance monument at the entrance of the River Forest subdivision. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . The City Administrator recommends approval of placement of the entranec monument as proposed for the following reasons: 1. The City Attorney has noted that the City is immune from potential liability associated with collisions with the entrance monument. 2. A homeowner's association will be established that will maintain the retaining wall and center island along with the entrance monument. 3. The monument will provide an attractive entrance, thus supporting the goal of creating upscale neighborhoods in Monticello. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Amendment to developer agreement. . 19 . ~ ]. EDWIN CHADWICK, LiC Real Estate Development/Land Buyers Apri119, 1999 Mr. Fred Patch, Chief Building Inspection Deparonent City of Monticello Monticello, Minnesota Dear Mr. Patch, Firsrat Financial Cenrer, Suire 640 1550 East 79th Srreet Bloomington, Minnesora 55425 Office (612) 853-2473 FAX (612) 854-9241 Toll Free 1-800-727-CHAD Along with the signed originals, I've enclosed a copy of page one, which requires your initial. Please initial both original and copy, and remit the copy in the envelope provided. If you have any questions please call John at 919-9730. . smc~ ~:m Administrative Assistant Enc. . 10 ", I . . . ... J. EDWIN CHADWICK, LiC Real Estate Development/Land Buyers First'" Financial Cenr". Suire 640 1550 Easr 79rh Sueer Bloomingron, Minn""or" 55425 April 15, 1999 Office (612) 853-2473 FAX (612) 854-9241 Toll Free 1-800-727-CHAD To: Mr. Fred Patch, Chief Building Inspection Department City of Monticello Monticello, :Minnescta Re: Amendment to Development Agreement Entry Monument Construction The center island contained in River Forest Drive shall be replatted as part of our final plat for Phase II River Forest. This area shall become owned by and be the responsibility of the River Forest Home Owner Association (RFHOA). The developer shall construct retaining walls along the south side of River Forest Drive to be contained in the first 266 feet as measured from the East property line heading west, adjacent to north line of the Sandusky parcel (Lot 1 Block 2 Sandberg East) If there is repair or maintenance to be done to the above areas it shall be the responsibility of the RFHOA If the area is not maintained in accordance with City standard, then the City shall have the right to perform such maintenance and bill the RFHOA If such bill is unpaid, it shall appear as a lien against each member Oat) in the RFHOA The RFHOA shall be formed and duly recorded as soon as possible. It mayor may not contain Lot 2 Block 1 (Leach) as they have already built their home. The builder CMARK is aware of the fact that a HOA is necessary for the entry monument. In the case of the need to remove the entry monument, for utility repair purposes, the City of Monticello shall be under no obligation to replace said monument. All efforts shall be made to minimize damage and allow for timely reconstruction of said monument. Reconstruction decisions and costs are the responsibility of the RFHOA QJ ID,2" From: John Chadwick To: Fred Patch From: The Chadwick Group To: JC Date: 4/12/1999 Time: 4:05:10 PM Date: 4/12/99 Time: 3:43:14 PM Page 3 of3 Page 3 of 3 . . . Its Chief M:ma~er STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ~)ss. COUNIY OF . . ) i\.... The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /1 day of ~r~ \ . 1999, byJohn E. Chadwick Chief Manager, J. Edwin chadwick u.c, a limited liability panjr under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the limited liability company. / Notarial Stamp . \C'~.'. r.,..,.Other. . "Ti. .~~.' 113~ '..::. lPHI . . ;. ~, " , . ;,' \.f.:., ...~:"., ." :'::r" :r;.MINNESOTA ., '"-t,,1 .' ,...... , (" ',I \. ",". . <, ' <t'.. MY",.,;,,," ,;'.11 ,,'P 01 BeL ;m,,,wN:,,,,ww,,w..:1 CityofM=tiaDF Its ~;l, I/~/~f~r~.~ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) 55. COUNTY OF Wt../ (;1+7) by y; I 1999, Notarial Stamp of Seal (Or Other Tide or Rank) ~~~ Si 0 on Taking 0 ledgment (i"':<:'",,~X~:"~~~.e-e'"e:<:,~s.~~~,::-' , 1,\ ~ KARFN DOTY I: (~(;~~) NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA f; ~~~1 WRIGHT CDIJ~'TY '. ~ MyCOmmissiontxcires..ian.31.2000 ; -~ ,~.'.'''.'' IO-~ 3 --. APR-21~99 WED 3:21 PM PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 16122713272 P. 3 MONTICELLO MEMORANDUM TO: John Simola }'ROl\:I: Roger Mack DATE: April 21, 1999 RE: Retaining Walls and Development Sign in Median River Forest Subdivision . It is my opinion we ace building retaining walls around trees that cannot be saved. In all but onl~ spot the walls aro goini up around trees that have had their root system severely damaged. In one spot, we ars trying to save Box Elder and Chinese Elm that shouldn't be allowed to grow on the boulevard at all. /, We are also creating a snow removal problem with walls very close to the street. We shouldn't have an obstruction such as a wall closer than six: feet to the back of the curb. 2 . Another question to be answered is who will maintain this boulevard after the developer leaves? City Ordin~ requires adjoining property owners to mow etc. If this is the case in this situation, "ro we going to require the homeowner to the south to remove dead trees and mow? 3. On a related subject, if a subdivision name sign is allowed in the center median or anywhere on right of way who will be responsible for maintaining it?'7With budgets and manpower the way they are, 1 don't believe that city crews need extra work. Also, by putting the sign in the median, we are creating an unnecessary hazard. S'" 1n Lhe final analysis, I feci this project constructed in this way will take extra time and money for years to come. "'S&N~'L.. / D I. J\ I -ske>v(dJ '-~ Mcd,,t;.,qJ1 .J6i"c..f..v6//e*v,',,-r ",Tt,1 . (!.IJ( If"'" "",ee_'-v V RM:mr f t.L I dol u'* 1"1 L. I~II. e ., $ tJ It,.,c! ~, e ~ '5. (J.6 t'a.:..., $'(.( .Ie.~ · )... (YI6:5 V tJ V It. .f 4 , ~ , '0 vJ 4. " ,. s t tA. I {1.tA. I,..' -I ~'. c.. r... c.eiC . . "3, f:i. _, O"'~ ~.. Ii .S'" · / · '" i ~ I, '16,: {.Ir - C ''l> t..., {,' y a. .... t/ 'I l...c ;t /J '5 $ ~ '1 , i J' n # e eo $ S --0 . . . . L" tl /, (:. k. ), i-; L(. J4116,i..~tt'''' /V14."'1161-'1 S . J' c, Iv I N\""....A.J~ Ivvt, D t.'.~ "'lW'~ f6 Of. ,,4'" It. ........'_ M(lntic~lIn ('it)' Hall. 2'0 E. Brolldway, PO Do,. 1147. Monticello, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 29S~2711 . Fax?i"~ Office of Public Work II, 909 GoltCourse Rd.. Mc.lJ\lil:cllo, MN 55362. (612) 295-3170' FlAX: (612) ~. T Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . City of Monticello Pedestrian Underpass $ 164,500 J Trunk Storm Sewer $ 36,600 Watermain $ 132,900 Trunk Sanitary Sewer $ 30,600 Sidewalk $ 56,500 .; Pathway $ 40,000 Curb and Gutter $ 124,700 Median Lighting $ 61,600 Pathway Lighting $ 61,600 J Signal $ 211,200 J Traffic Control/Mobilization $ 55,310 . Miscellaneous $ 48,000 City of Monticello Total $1,023,510 Preliminary Project Total $2,676,810 Note: Includes a 10% Contingency + 18% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Finance (LEAF) B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be, at the close of the public hearing and taking input from the public, to approve the project 100% as proposed and authorize the City Engineer to finalize plans and specifications. 2. The second alternative would be, after the close of the public hearing and taking input from the public, to modify the project to control costs and reduce its impact on future levies. 3. The third alternative would be to delay or postpone the project. . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff and our consulting engineer and the County have worked hard to see this project become a reality. We would not be in favor of delaying the project and postponing it and trying to get it refunded through the County. Once things arc pulled 15 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . out of the five-year plan, they are not easily added back in. The County has indicated that their share of the project is within their proposed budget. The project wil1 result in a much safer roadway for the Hospital, School, Bondhus, WWTP trame, as well as our citizens. It also provides for needed watermain replacement, trunk storm sewer crossing, and trunk sanitary sewer crossings. As far as reducing the cost of the project, the Council should weigh that after input from the public and whether or not this or other projects can be internally funded or will have an impact on the levy for future years. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Please refer to the feasibility study previously handed out for the general layout of the project. Enclosed within under supporting data is a copy of the engineer's preliminary assessment roll for the project (School, Hospital, Bondhus) which will be described in greater detail (including all assessable properties) at Monday evening's meeting during WSB's presentation. . . 16 . o 0::: +-' C Q) E (/) (/) Q) .(/) ~ ~ en c E Q) ~ 0.. . o ill () :+:::' C o :2 U t-en .....0 ch..... en ..... \0 . t- 0 0 IZz <:{-tl C!) (..l ()) u.~ "0 o .... !ta. ~~ Us ...... o ~ U =::~:~8fl~~ ~ ~ <X:.O'-. 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Preliminary Assessment Roll City of Monticello CSAH 75 City Project No. 98-17C WSB Project No. 1109.10 Montil;eJlo-Big Lake Community Hospital Parcel Curh & Gutter MiscellaneoU~ Sil1ew".lk Storm Sewer Woternulin Tutol No. Ictcntific~tlon Owner A~!;essn1cnt Asse~!tment Asse!tsment Assessment Assessment As~cssment 6 155-01.\-025040 Mont.icello-Rig I.ale C\,lluIIunity Hl1spit.al $922 $211,200 $ J,162 $81> $214,096 7 155-015-0250\0 Mont.icello-Big I.ake Cn!1ummity Ho~pital $1,481 $1,H66 $1,:11> M,659 8 155-015-024010 Monticello-Big I.all; COlllIIlllnity Hl1spital $1,297 $1,6:14 $1,256 $4,1~6 9 155-1 06-0() 1010 M('Inticello"Bi~ l.ake Community Ht):)pital $1,106 $1,:194 $H80 $,,:180 10 155-015.0240:10 Ml.1T\t.icell(1-Rig Lake C(11TUIIlITIJtY HI.1spital $922 $1)162 $2HI $2,:164 II 155-106.002010 M(ltlticdl(l-Big Lake ComIllnnitv H(1wital $8,:171 $9,328 $17,670 $:15,369 12 15\-011-0000(,3 Mnnticclln-Big Lake CC>IIlIllnnity H('l~Dital $3,~58 $i,358 $~,524 $12,340 $17,556 $211,200 $20,902 $26,73~ $0 $276,393 ANNUAL PAyMENT FOfl: 10 Y~ARS BASED ON 1.5% INTEREST ~ INCLUDES SIGNALS WITHOUT SIGNALS Independent Schoo] Distrid #882 Pilr~i!1 Curb & (;ulter Miscellanenus Sidewalk Storm Sewer Wntermain Total No. Identification Owner As!;t:!!tsment A!tScsslllt.nt Assessment Assessment Asses!;n~cnt Asses!;U\ent 25 155.011-000061 Independent School Di~t.rict 882 $8,235 $0 $0 $H,235 26 155-011-UOO062 lnd~pendcnt. Scho('l District R82 $1.22~ $0 $0 $1,224 27 155-011.000172 Independent School ,I Estrict Xl32 $19,\54 $0 $26,600 $15,910 $62,06\ $29,1113 $0 $0 $26,60n $15,910 $71,~24 ANNUAL PAYMENT FOR 10 YEARS BASED oN 7,5% INTEREST- 130ndhus Corporation Pa reel Curh & Gutter Miscellaneou!; Sidewalk Storm Sewer Wiltcrmain TotAl No. Identification Owner Assessment Assel;~men( Assf;!~sment A~!;cssment A$!tcsslUl;!nt As~('ssment 13 155-011-000060 Bondhu" )"ho R. REV TRU~T $4,190 $5,280 $1,716 $11,186 24 155-1I11.000n:1! B<oodhu,. }"hn R REVTRlJST $14,694 $0 $16,655 $20,996 $52,34.) $1,3~2 $0 ~,280 $IH,371 $21J,996 $63,531 ANNUAL PAYMENT FoR 10 YEARS BASED ON 7.5% INTEREST- . f~v . (5 n:: C Q) E (J) (J) Q) (J) ~ ~ ro c :~ Qi l.- n.. . N 0.... f'-.ai !2 ....0 Cii 00.... 01(0)"'- '-gf'-.cici oJ:Zz ~c:(....."'" 13 ~ .~,~ ;:: e.... ._ Cl. Cl. o ~CO 0~ . = - e -S ., i"" i < -!= fl i ~ t l'l '" ~.:f. \' t- ~ i .. e t ..... ! ~ .'" 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Actions should be taken in concert with the county's planned reconstruction to make it feel more like a local street - Broadway - than a county highway - CASH 75. · A transportation web: All streets are important to managing traffic in Monticello, but it cannot be accomplished solely by making bigger roads. The configuration of the road is important - allowing for free flow of traffic, but this does not have to mean more lanes of traffic. Also, as the road is planned, accommodation of other transportation m~s (bic.yr.I~~ ~nd pedestrians) should be a Qart of the road's design. · Downtown's neighbors: This street is the "main street" for many of +61 Uo/1cJ€/)f(t~S. downtown's neighbors. It deserves the same level of attention as we might give River Street or Walnut Street; enhancement of this street will have a positive effect on downtown - as the neighborhood gets healthier, so too does the downtown. ~sue development of Broadway with a wide landscaped median and two lane roadway as an introduction to Monticello and the downtown area. · Update zoning to encourage primarily residential development on Broadway outside of downtown (limit additional retail development). . Meet with Wright County to review plans for downtown and Broadway; as this project is programmed at the county level, the need for making them aware of the City's intentions is critical Probable Costs . The county will be making the basic roadway improvements, but the enhancements to their program will fall to the City. The overall cost of the improvements described in the plan (based on improvements made from Palm Street to the area near Mississippi Shores) is estimat- ed to be $4 million. Funding · Tax increment financing might be used here, but it likely could be used (Jrt tc '1fc..vt I(;,.I-f.. J in other areas to better serve the whole of the downtown and river- front. . State Aid funds for roadways might be directed to this project. ."right County might be a very likely source of funds if they can be made a part of the solution at the start. 4 :r: t l.N,'t/ ;Cll."", / //kR "'I j,'8I.oWob wiD y-w- j..,(v1ch;co /1'0 r 1/I.A.t2 d 1<:> /') -'t ,AcR~', t i ""0 ( L..0".......f' wc.,S a.cJdl<!& 10 /tcc..O.N\o&",-~ (eyo"""1j f/i(j ~ v.J C 7/"0. r/ r;c, RtC'>" lis l/l ;/1 Cf.ed- s~cl J1.R-( cfJ ,;JO'w,cb! /'j Adu.t:.I) (l() //tl'-'.J Ct- f (O..-v' (<>'l ~ c: /0 on 6''-'':' I fJ /e,..,.., - bl/O f ; j r/ /.A. t2 J"IA "'. >< f 0 ~ ~ r -iJ 4> vndt/l l( Ia.A' c/l ~16 Y? 8'cj 04/22/99 THU 12:39 FAX 1 612 271 2438 MBLCHD IaI 0021002 BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT HOSPlT Al - 1013 Han: Blvd., Monticello, MN 55362 ,. NURSING HOME - 1104 E. River Str~'el, MOrllicello, MN 553(:i:.! v _\~ . 1fv'1E ,~,""" COUNSELING CENTER - 407 Wasnlngton, MOnltClllln, MN 55.U.2 o TO AMBULANCE SERVICE - 1013 Hart Hlvd., Montic;c;lIu. MN 55Jl:l2 (612) 295.2945 (612) 295.5116 (612) 295-4001 (&12) 295-2111 -MEMORANDUM. DATE: TO: FROM: RE: April 21. 1999 Monticello Mayor & City Council Barb Schwientek, Executive Director CSAH 75 City Project # 98-17C . The proposed improvement and upgrade of County Road 75 has raised concerns among the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District Board of Directors. The concems arise due to the recent projections of the assessments by the City of Monticello staff and consulting engineers. The Hospital District has been working with the City of Monticello and Wright County to improve the safety of County Road 75. However, it was only recently that we were made aware of the assessments to the Hospital District regarding this project. In reviewing the project plans and assessments, our major objection is the sidewalk between our parking lot and county Road 75. The city staff states this sidewalk is to meet the palhway requirements of OUt P.U.D. The P,U.D. amendment from the minutes of the August 10, 1998 Council minutes states - "Continued work with City staff on the location of a pathway easement cOMcction between the UR.iver Street" pathway area and the Hart Blvd. Connection near Mississippi Sbores." The sidewalk as noted in the CSAH 7S project docs not meet the noted P.U.D. amendment. The hospital is also bearing the cost of the signal system. We believe this is the only safe way to control traffic between the Hospital and School intersections on a very busy CSAH 75. This is a substantial investment for the Hospital Dislrict, The Hospital Board, however. is requesting the city and county to cover the annual maintenance costs. . With the removal of the sidewalk., our projected assessments would be 5255,491.00. It is the Hospital Districts intent to prepay the assessments to reduce any fmancing costs involved. We are also asking the city to give us an itemized. cost for any assessments due the Hospital District. r~S- .... ."' " ~BONDHUSKJ . QUALITY TOOLS WORLDWIDE TO: Monticello City Council FROM: John Bondhus DATE: April 26, 1999 RE: My Concerns and Comments on County Road 75 Project Since I am unable to attend this meeting in person due to health issues, I have asked Nancy Spivak to represent me, and to give to you this memo outlining my concerns on this proposed project. The County Road 75 Project Itself . Someone, either the city staff or engineering firm, decided to use a committee (task force) to review this project. It can be very powerful when you use committees well, but in this case, it had many difficulties. It started with the first meeting when we decided what should be the key goals and objectives of this task force, and cost was suggested as one of the key issues. In the typing of the minutes, cost concerns got somewhat watered down, but it was still left in as "minimize any environmental, economic or social impacts associated with any improvement." Unfortunately, cost was never again allowed to be brought into the task forces discussions in more than a very brief way. In fact, I asked several times for costs to be put on the agenda, and it was never included for discussion - the last time, I specifically asked in writing that it be put on the agenda, and it still was not included. Any time any project of any type is done, there are three variables that should be addressed: cost, quality and quantity. Without addressing all three together, things can get out of hand. Proposed Cost Saving Areas Places where I think significant cost savings could be realized would be to eliminate from the scope of the project the first two or three blocks on each end of the project. The east end (towards Minneapolis by Total Mart) was just put in a few years ago, and was considered suitable at that time for a long time into the future. The west end (near the hospital and school) with nothing but a center median and a few rearrangements, could be enhanced greatly with very little cost. . BONDHUS CORPORATION 1400 EAST BROADWAY P_o. BOX 660 MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA 55362 U.S.A. TEL: (612) 295-2162 800-328-8310 (U. S. only) TELEX 1561068 BOND UT FAX (612) 295-4440 -- -- . . . Secondly, I can't for the life of me understand the City's continuous and almost obsessive need for curb and gutter in every situation. The elimination of curb and gutter in this project, in my mind, would cut a dramatic amount from the cost (not a slight cost reduction like the City Engineer is trying to tell us.) In this case, I believe curb and gutter causes a safety hazard as well, because for cars that have a flat tire or emergency, they will have absolutely no place to park by the side of the road without being in a driving lane. It has also been suggested to us that the costs for this curb and gutter - which we oppose for the above reasons -- should be borne by the abutting property owners. I can tell you that at least three of the affected property owners can't see any value added to our property from this curb and gutter, and based on opinion of legal counsel, do not believe the City could prove a value added to our property whereby they could assess it as they show in their proposal. Ensuing litigation costs could raise the price of this overall project. There are other little goodies in the proposed project, such as the sidewalk on the north side of the road, that would never be used by anyone as far as I can see at the spot where it's drawn. It may be possible to draw it down closer to the Hospital where it is less expensive, or right along the side of Hart Boulevard, but in any case, I can't visualize people using that walkway any time - day, night or in between - because it doesn't go from anyplace to anyplace - and we already have a bike path on the south side of the highway for the few who do want to use it. I am not suggesting that I am totally against this project no matter what happens. There are some nice things about it, but I think costs should have been a major consideration and still can be included by taking another look at the scope of this project. My Recommendation I would recommend that the City put this project out to a second engineering firm and have that second firm - for a very low cost - determine if there is validity in what I am saying. When you build schools and houses, it's common to have more than one engineer or architect on a project, and then to take the best proposal. The City hasn't done this for many, many years, and this might be a good test to see what happens. .r . . . Public Hearing ounty State Aid Highway 75 (East Broadway Street) * ~ l(i} .,..",,~, ..f'r .,. II.~'" ;~: ~.- ..: . . '..'" April 26, 1999 Project Location hoJ<d ........ CSAH 75 Task Force . MEMBERS: . MnIDOT State Aid . City AdministmtionlCouncil . Wright County . Monticello Community Partners (MCP) . Monticello School District . Monticello-Big Lake Hospital . Business Representatives . STUDY; . CSAH 75 Corridor from TH 25 Area to 1-94 Project Location Contacts Jeff O' N..!!!!..-- A..L City Adminiltr.ror 250 East Broadway P.O, Box 1147 Monticello. MN 55362 (612) 295-2711 Ron Bray Project Manager WSB & Assoeiates, Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Omce 8441 Wayzata Baulovard Minneapolis. MN 55426 (612) 541-4800 Roadway History . 'I - Original Construction . 1960 ~ Re-Construction TH 152 . 1973 - Tumback to Wright County (1-94 Const.) , . 1979 - WatermainlSS (Curb & Guner) . 1984 - 2" Overlay/Shoulders . 1992 - Signal at CSAH 75 & CSAH 39/18 1 Traffic Volumes ExislinE 1996 (ADT) Year 2020 (ADn West of TII2S 12,000 14,000-21,000 T11 25 to CSAH 18/39 12,900 11,000- 22,525 CSAH 18139 to 1-94 Off-Ramp 8,350 14,600-17,200 1-94 OfT-Ramp to Meadow Oak Dr. 3,500 5,5oo~.loo ADT - Average Daily Traffic Corridor Objectives · Maintain/Improve the Regional Highway System . Provide Reasonable and Safe Access 10 the ResidenlS and Businesses in the Area · Provide for Roadway Capacity Now and in the Future . Improve Aesthetics and Landscaping . Provide for PedestrianslBicyclists _ Looking West; East of Hospital Looking East; _ East of US Entrance Crash Summary Cedar Street to CSAH IS/39 Total No. Crash Severity ~ Rate (I) Rale(2) .1995 20 3.71 8.66 .1996 20 3.08 6.54 .1997 17 2.97 5.20 . 1998. 17 3.39 5.43 Average IS.S 3.29 6.46 . . Oat. Through October 31, 1998 Only '" Metro Average@ 2.2 '" Metro Average@4.4 Alternatives Option Descriptions Do Nothing 2 Divided 4-Lane wi Shoulders; No Left Turn Accommodations 3 Preferred Divided 4-Lane wI Left Turn Lanes & Raised Median wI Landscaping Typical Section .", - ,.... ... .. H"'I--~ 1---1 aJt.. I .. .... .- .", ... .. .... , 1--1--1"'1-1 ... . . . 2 Council Agenda ~ 4/26/99 . 11. Consideration of reQuest bv Bill Avdt to revise a portion of the $17.000 relocation benefit to other uses. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the March 8 Council meeting, the Council had established relocation benefits for bulk tank facilities displaced by the community center project for Jeff Michaelis of Riverside Oil and Bill Aydt of Monticello Bulk Petroleum. The package of relocation benefits included an amount to cover the purchase of various pieces of personal property that could not be relocated, along with an amount to avoid future legal objections, and an estimated amount to cover the actual cost of relocating some or all of the tanks to a new site. Benefits for JM Oil were estimated at $34,263 for the fixtures, $5,000 as the legal settlement, and up to $25,000 for actual relocation benefits, for a total package of $59,263. For Riverside Oil, fixtures were estimated at $35,959, $5,000 for legal settlement, and $25,000 for actual relocation, for a total of $60,. 595. . . . The above amounts were determined by our relocation consultant, Dan Wilson, to be the legal obligation of the City in relocating the bulk tank facilities. The bulk dealers had noted that their actual expenses for relocating to a new facility would be much higher due to the fact that they would have to now acquire land and do site improvements that were in addition to what is normally required at their present site. One of the additional requirements to meet code at a new bulk tank facility would be that a concrete dike and liner would be required to be constructed around each bulk tank complex, which is something they did not have to do at their present location. In conversations with our BRA attorney, Mr. Steve Bubul of Kennedy & Graven, he felt that if the City was interested in providing additional assistance in helping these dealers relocate, we may be able to use site improvements associated with redevelopment, which could be considered eligible expenditures for projects within the City's Central Tax Increment Financing District. It was the recommendation of Mr. Bubul that the Council should identify a specific improvement that was an additional requirement of the bulk oil dealers because of their relocation and target any additional funding tied to this specific improvement. Based on this recommendation, the Council had approved providing each bulk oil dealer an additional $17,000 to be used toward the cost of constructing a protective diking system around their new tank facility contingent upon the following: 1. Both facilities are relocated. 2. The bulk oil dealers enter into a signed agreement accepting the relocation benefits offered 30 days prior to their relocation date. 3. The relocation be completed by June 18, 1999. . 4. If the relocation does not occur, the funding program would consist of the City paying relocation benefits minus the cost of demolition only. 20 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . The intent of the additional funding was, as I noted, to provide a redevelopment grant in an amount equal to the cost of constructing the protective diking system that was estimated to be $17,000. After the relocation benefits were established, Mr. Aydt has indicated he is unable to find a suitable site to relocate his tanks to and has not been able to find the financing nor the appropriate site to build a new facility. As a result, it is very likely that Mr. Aydt will not be expending funds for building a diking system, and he has requested the ability to use these funds for other purposes. I informed Mr. Aydt that I did not feel the funds could be used for any other improvements and would only be available to either party if they actually relocated to their own site, owned their own property, and built their own diking system as outlined in the Council action. Mr. Michaelis has proceeded to acquire property adjacent to Electro Industries and is in the process ofrelocating his facility at this time. It is my understanding that Monticello Bulk Petroleum (Bill Aydt) will be leasing tank space from Riverside Oil and will not own any land or be a partner in Riverside Oil property. Technically speaking, Mr. Aydt would only be eligible for the relocation benefits of the fixtures and other costs totaling $59,263, as it is obvious he will not be constructing a dike on property he owns. . Because Mr. Aydt has not been able to find a suitable site to acquire for a bulk oil facility, he is now requesting that the City Council alter its relocation benefit action and allow him to utilize the additional $17,000 for acquisition of an above-ground fuel vault that he would use to continue his limited retail sales to local truckers. As you may recall, Mr. Aydt used to have limited sales on a retail basis to various truckers who would fuel up at his bulk tank facility on occasion. Mr. Aydt would like to continue this arrangement and apparently has an agreement with Mr. Michaelis to allow him to place this above-ground fuel vault on the Riverside site. The question now becomes whether the Council wants to alter its original action of providing the $17,000 for diking as recommended by the HRA attorney and instead allow these funds to be used for other purposes. The proposed purchase of an above-ground fuel vault would not necessarily be considered a site improvement as recommended by the HRA attorney, Steve Bubu1. The rationale for originally agreeing to a redevelopment grant of an additional $17,000 was to help defray the cost of the additional protective diking that these dealers would be required to install because of our forcing relocation early, and it may be hard to tie in the acquisition of a fuel vault as meeting this intent. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be for the Council to reaffirm its previous relocation benefit decision and provide the additional $17,000 funding only for construction of protective diking at a new site acquired by each dealer. . This was the intent of the additional redevelopment grant amount as recommended by the HRA attorney, Steve Bubul. 21 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 2. The Council could modify the relocation benefit action by allowing Mr. Aydt to acquire additional personal property (fuel vault) with the redevelopment grant amount not to exceed $17,000. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The original redevelopment grant assistance amount of $17,000 was recommended originally to provide assistance to the dealers because they had indicated they would be saddled with additional expenses totaling this amount for constructing protective diking at a new location. Council action was to acknowledge this additional cost and approve funding up to an additional $17,000 provided the individuals verified their expenditures for the diking. I believe the original Council action was intended to apply only if the bulk dealers relocated to a new site that they would own and actually incur these expenditures as outlined. I'he fact that Mr. Aydt now wishes to use the funds for other purposes may make it harder for the City to justify the relocation amount if used for personal property acquisition. Nonetheless, it is a Council decision that needs to be clarified as soon as possible so Mr. Aydt understands the benefits he would be entitled to. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of previous Council agenda and action; Request by Mr. Aydt. . 22 . Council Agenda - 3/8/99 51. Consideration of establishine: relocation benefits for bulk tank facilities disolaced by Community Center. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the meeting on February 8, 1999, the City Council directed staff to continue to work with the Bulk Tank operators toward development of a loan package with low or no interest. It appeared that the general consensus of the Council was to make our best effort to work within the law to provide the City Council with options for providing the minimal supplemental assistance (via a loan) necessary to enable the relocation of the bulk tanks. To enable the staff to have a better handle on what might be acceptable to the Council as a whole for additional assistance for these relocations, Mayor Be1saas and Council Member Thielen met with staff to review possible methods of assistance, including a supplemental loan, interest subsidy assistance, or additional funds for site acquisition or site improvements related to their relocation. After numerous discussions with Steve Bubel, HRA attorney, and Dan Wilson, relocation specialist, the staff and Council members involved in the discussions recommend that the City consider providing additional relocation benefits in site improvements at a new location by providing funding for the installation of concrete diking and liners totaling $17,000 each. - ~,rp \, ~... ~ ~ - 1. Provide a 4 year no interest loan ($50,000) as part of an estimated cost of $180,000 (per operation) expense to relocate. The loan should be secured by a shared first position with a bank that would be providing a companion loan. Repayment of the principal would be required in January 2004. According to the best experts, statutes enable cities to make this type of loan. The cost to the city under this option is $10,000. The benefit to the relocation project is $18,000. The problem with this option is that the city does not "get out" of the deal. It is generally preferred to have the bank provide all of the funding and administration of redevelopment 'related loans. It also may be difficult to find a bank that will share first position on the collateral. The reason the City should have a shared collateral position is because our loan amount would likely be almost as much as the bank loan amount. As a modification of this alternative, the city could take a second position on the loan, but then the city could face the problem of recovering the principal in the event of default. -14- 11-'1 Council Agenda - 3/8/99 . 1. Both facilities are relocated. 2. The bulk oil dealers enter into a signed agreement accepting the relocation benefits offered 30 days prior to their relocation date. 3. Relocation be completed by June 18, 1999. 4. If relocation does not occur, the funding program would consist of the City paying relocation benefits minus the cost of demolition only. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After reviewing all of the options for providing supplemental assistance, we have come full circle and are now recommending providing up to $17,000 on top of the minimum funds necessary by law. This additional funding is permissible due to the fact that the project is in the City's TIF project area, and the City is allowed to fund site improvements as part of a redevelopment project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . None. . -16- 11.-- ~ . . . . Council Minutes - 3/8/99 F. Consideration of resolution designating individuals authorized to sign checks. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution indicating individuals authorized to sign checks on behalf of the City. SEE RESOLUTION 99-5. G. Consideration of quotes for telephone and computer cabling, network electronics and fiber optic cablinQ:, securitv and closed circuit television, and paging system for the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Accept quotes for the low voltage systems for the community center and authorize staff to enter into contracts in the amounts specified with TDS Telecom. H. Consideration of waiving statutory liability limits for Citv insurance renewals. Recommendation: Do not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04. I. Consideration of establishing relocation benefits for bulk tank facilities displaced by community center. Recommendation: Provide relocation benefits to JM Oil in the amount of $34,263 (fixtures + $5,000 legal settlement + estimated relocation cost of $25,000 for a total of $59,263), and to Riverside Oil in the amount of$40,959 (fixtures + $5,000 legal settlement + estimated cost of$25,000 for a total of $60,595). In addition, provide additional supplemental assistance by providing a redevelopment grant in an amount equal to the cost of constructing the protective diking system at a cost not to exceed $17,000 contingent upon the following: I. Both facilities are relocated. 2. The bulk oil dealers enter into a signed agreement accepting the relocation benefits offered 30 days prior to their relocation date. 3. Relocation be completed by June 18, 1999. 4. If relocation does not occur, the funding program would consist of the City paying relocation benefits minus the cost of demolition only. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. Page 3 " -''I ~ . f-~o - /9PP I" -e I . \1 . " I I" I" /Y1171J V/ tJ~._,~I1~_._M~a.L~_Ll2.I2L!J..4~Ls ___~___._.______~__._.______...,..,_.._ ! ': i. 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PtUllwy lank is ~)142 Iistod.l/4" steel plate (>1'1 '1I1d:H'y I (1lItllllilllHlf 'V,Jull i~; I;' 1I1!(,+ flllilhllillnr: IHIJ!lCl!c;pd i:lHF:tP!() UPl! ('olrlpIiH'~.; willi (PA 'Oqllll(:llHH11:, <;fllll ,'JIl!;\it n IlH! 11 emd Uw!! fill fltllvHnticHI -.I/'~IPIll~, ,'p j~ I !Itlvidpd ., ~:ic)condary c:onlainrnent exceeclsl! O'i';~ of II! itl \;\1 y lqnl< (Jlpnc;i!y z . IttfefSlttial space IS lllonltmHcJ vIsually with :1utornatlc IH8k detection systems available Fire Protection t Llntocj by'Sw"1 - as ProtectHd Aboveqround 1;-\1 11\ complios with 19~)4 U. F. C;" Standard /\ II II ,lt1d Ill. ::'!'Hl!;, ;, hCllJf fit p t C;prtlflPd SlfTllllatHo vol^llclo impar.t and b8llistics rp~"<;;I;Hlj ;~ r;(ltnpllf~r: willi I) r (. r'FIIH.lfH:!i:v.. II F ;md r'U:PA St,111(j(lfC1S ]() dnd 30/\ t I 'lllcl'itnn n~lir.lj vnult IHI Ii' Ivliu-Ils rnqUH81ll81lts to ;iilow IHducec1 C;('!Hll atloll cllstancPH Quality Assurance . .'nip;!! lirn!lc~d VV;H I iHlty f f iV:tory fabrication assums hiqll quality .,. PI CI'JuctiCH\ IJrclI;.f1chll I~Cl VfHific'd t!\ITtlIC.lll swnt if' ii' "I prr)ll',\lll Available in 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 Gallon Sizes. Split Compartment Primary Tanks Also Available .. M I OW E 8.T FUELYAULT @ COUPONENT LEGEND A - FUEL DISPENSER (OPTIONAL) 8 - 7 GALLON SPILL CONTAINER C - FILL RISER AND CAP D - EMERGENCY VENT E - LEVEL GAUGE F' - CAPPED RISER G - INSPECTION HATCH H - SERVICE VENT I - LEAK DETECTION (OPTIONAL) H- USTED BY SOUTIlWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SwRI) FOR COMPLIANCE WIm V.F.e. STANDARD 79-7 AND UL2085 (DEC. 1994). . C D ':':':: ~:,'"I;, I. \ ,t r',.."..I~ t, j' .~ ....,.,.'<..~:. "'. I' :,. REINFORCED CONCRETE SECONDARY CONTNNMENT VAUL T. , , " . " . ~. '.. fl',_ ." U.L. 142 LISTED ~"STEEL PRIMARY FUEL TANK. '''''*''~':''''41.;~,,'' ~:;~..i. \, '. .,',':: ~I""~' :',I,.<,:.~: :"':'~."". . CAPACITY OVERALL OVERALL OVERALL APPROXIMATE U.S. GALLONS WIDTH "W" LENGTH "L" HEIGHT "H" WEIGHT 500 5'-6 ~" 11' -8 !l2" 3'-4" 16,900 1000 5'-6 Y'2" 1 1 '-8 Y'2" 5'-0" 21,600 1500 8'-4" 13'-,3" 4'-2" 29,400 2000 8'-4" 1,3' -,3" 5'-0" .32,500 3000 8'-4" 17'-8" 5'-4" 44,600 4000 8'-4" 17' -8" 6'-6" 49,900 5000 8'-4" 17'-8" 7'-8" 55,300 II "" I (J . . . III Infrastructure Products, Inc. 10 110 28th Avenue North . Plymouth. Mlnneso1'a 55441-3217 Bus: (612) 544-9182 , Fax: (612) 540-0036 February 28,1998 1. M. Oil Company Attn. Bill Aydt P. O. Box 684 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Bill, Thank you for your interest in the Cretex Midwest FuelVault. The FuelVault is a fire and impact protected aboveground fuel storage tank. This system is listed as a Protected Tank by the Southwest Research Institute and meets the National Fire Protection Association, Uniform Fire Code and the Underwriters Laboratories Standards for Aboveground Protected Storage Tanks. The benefits of a Protected Tank include, reduced separation distances from buildings and property lines, the dispensers can be located either on top of or adjacent to the tank (existing dispensers may also be incorporated into the fueling system), and the vehicle impact resistance may eliminate the need for additional barriers. Per your request, listed below is the pricing that we discussed, ~INGLE COMPARTMENT TANK Reinforced Concrete Slab 500 Gallon 1000 Gallon 1500 Gallon 2000 Gallon 3000 Gallon 4000 Gallon $4,675.00 $5,435.00 $7,190.00 $8,330.00 $11,800.00 $14,125.00 15' by 6' by 8" IS' by 6' by 8" 18' by 9' by 8" 18' by 9' by 8" 20' by 9' by 9" 20' by 9' by 9" SP~IT COMPA!{TMENT TAN~ Reinforced Concrete Sltlb 2000 (1000/1000) 3000 (1000/2000 or1500/1500) 4000 (200012000) $9,980.00 $13,300.00 $15,425.00 18' by 9' by 8" 20' by 9' by 9" 20' by 9' by 9" Dealer Discount: 5% Delivery: 3-5 weeks ARO Tenns: Net 30 days (if not leased) FOB: Elk River, MN II ~,/ Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 12. Consideration of a proposal to purchase a portion of city property at Dundas Road and Cedar Street-Visicom. Inc. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting, the Council was presented with an offer by Mr. Bruce Hamond of Visicom, Inc., to purchase at least a I-acre parcel to accommodate a site for relocating the former IIart Medical Clinic building currently located along Sandberg Road. Mr. Hamond also had requested the ability to obtain an option agreement on the balance of the property of 4.35 acres ifhe purchased the I acre. . The COlillcil tabled any action on Mr. Hamond's proposal to enable the staff to put a notice in the local paper indicating that the property was for sale and that the City would consider oiTers for use and purchase of the property. As of Thursday, April 22, the City has not received any proposals for the purchase or use of the property other than a local real estate agent had inquired on the expected appraised value and the cost for acquiring 2-2 Yz acres for a client. No formal proposal has been received from this real estate agent at this time. As you may recall, Mr. llamond had obtained his own appraisal on the 5.35- acre from R.A. Field & Associates, a copy of which was given to the Council at the last meeting. The appraisal had indicated the value of the property at $390,000, or $72,897 per acre. Mr. Hamond had proposed a purchase price of $68,500 for I acre to accommodate the building relocation and also wanted an option on the balance of the property. Mr. Hamond has indicated a willingness to increase his purchase price offer on the option land to the appraised value if the Council was agreeable to his offer for the 1- acre parcel. If the Council is willing to provide Mr. Hamond with an option agreement, I would suggest that a fee for the option agreement be established in addition to the sale price and that possibly an escalator clause could be added that would increase the price of the land per acre on an annual basis during the term of the option agreement. . I met with Mr. .Hamond and his engineer Wednesday to review the property and to determine a parcel that could be suitable for the relocated medical building if the Council was favorable on selling part of the property. Without knowing how the entire 5.35-acre parcel could be subdivided in the future, we basically agreed that the best location at this time would be to simply take the required space off the north end of the property and have it front along Cedar Street. Mr. Hamond would like to have about 170 11. of frontage along Ccdar Street, which would amount to the parcel being approximately 104 acres in sizc. As part of this site selection, Mr. Hamond would like to also have the option to purchase the balance of parcel #155-500-142300 for the appraised value noted. As a final option, Mr. Hamond would also be interested in obtaining the option on thc remaining parcel at the appraised value that lies just north of Dundas Road. As part of the site selection, we have not determined the exact location of the sewer and water utilities, and it is possible that the actual services arc furthcr south along Cedar Street than the lA-acre parcel originally selected. Mr. Hamond would also be acceptable to acquiring the I-I Yz acres out of the middle of the parcel to correspond with the utilities, but then the parcel becomes more separated and thus could damage the value if it is not all sold to 23 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . Mr. Hamond at this time. From the City's standpoint, I think it would be in our best interest to not subdivide the 1-1 ii acres out of the middle of the parcel unless we can also agree to option or sell the remaining land to the north at the same time. As I had noted during our last meeting, the City is in the process of obtaining its own appraisals on seven properties that the City owns or has interest in acquiring, and the same firm, R.A. Field & Associates, was selected to do our appraisals. Therefore, the Council should be comfortable in knowing that the appraisal supplied by Mr. Hamond should have the same value as our own appraisal, and the decision that remains is whether the Council feels the value indicated is a fair value for the property today and whether we should sell all or a part of the property at this time. With the Highway 25 improvement project on line for this summer, and the extension of Dundas Road to Highway 25 as part of the improvement project, I can only believe that our property will increase in value compared to decreasing. That's not to say that the City shouldn't consider selling the property today if a fair offer is made. . While the appraised value notes a per-acre cost of $72,897, this is still below the values the City has had to recently pay when acquiring similar type properties as part of the Highway 25 project. For example, acquisition ofland through the Sandberg South addition next to General Rental and Monticcllo Auto Body cost the City approximately $2.25 per sq ft. The distance away from Highway 25 is very similar to the property we have along Cedar Street, and the appraised value of $1.67 per sq ft ($72,897/acre) docs not seem out of line. If anything, one could argue that the value could even be higher in the future, as T noted earlier, after the Highway 25 project is completed. Typically, larger parcels such as ours will result in a sq ft cost that is lower than a smaller lot can command. In all, getting the property back on the tax rolls is ultimately the goal of the City; and as long as we obtain fair value for the property, that is all we should be looking for. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to consider entering into a purchase agreement with Mr. lIamond for his purchase of a 1-1 Y2 acre parcel to be taken out of the north end of our property at the proposed purchase price of $68,500. 2. The second alternative would be to agree to the sale of the 1-1 ii acres as proposed and to also provide Mr. Hamond with an option agreement on the remaining 4.35 acres at the appraised value of $72, 900/acre with terms and conditions to be determined for the option agreement. . Under this alternative, it is suggested that the Council establish an option fee of a certain dollar amount to be determined and possibly include an inf1ation factor on the value depending on when the option is exercised. 24 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 3. The third alternative could be to sell the 1-1 Yz acre parcel and provide an option for purchase of additional land at the higher appraised value but only option the additional land available in parcel #155-500-142300. Under this alternative, approximately 2 acres would still remain at the south end of this property along Dundas Road that would be retained by the City and not included in the option agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: While the improvcments along Highway 25 will likely continue to increase property values in this area, there does not seem to be any rcason why the City needs to keep vacant land that we intend to put back on the tax rolls if we are offered fair value for the property. Mr. Hamond' s proposal for the I-I Yz acres is close to appraised value and, of course, the Council could always agree to a sale and propose your own sale pricc as a counter. I would suggest if the City does agree to an option for some or all of the balance of the property, the appraised value should be given serious consideration as the price and possibly even include an inflation factor depending on how long the option was made for. Even under an option agreement, the City could certainly continue to market the property and an option could provide Mr. Hamond with the right of first refusal. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of appraisal summary shect; Mr. Hamond's original purchase proposal; Map indicating area of the I-I ~ acre site. . 25 . R. A. Field & Associates Federally Certified Appraisers 2057 Northeast 135th Lane Ham Lake, Minnesota 55304 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL December 22, 1998 Mr. Bruce Hamond 1021 West River Street P.O. Box 488 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 RE: 5.35 Acres Vacant Raw Commercial Land Northeast Corner of Cedar Street and Dundas Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. Hamond: Pursuant to your request, we have made a careful inspection of the captioned property, which is more particularly described elsewhere in this report, and have made a study of the conditions affecting its value. The estimate of value as stated in this report definition of market value contained herein. Implicit in value is that payment is made in cash or its equivalency. . is conventional financing at bank/institutional rates. appraised based upon cash or equivalent financing. The property rights appraised consist of title in fee simple. is predicated upon the the definition of market The equivalency of cash The subject property is By virtue of our investigation we have formed the opinion that the value of the subject property as of December 9, 1999 is as follows: $ 390,000 This appraisal is made subject to certain limiting conditions and assumptions as hereinafter expressed. Such facts and information contained herein were obtained from sources that we considered reliable and are true to the best of our knowledge. The following report describes our method of approach, contains data gathered in our investigation, and demonstrates our analysis in arriving at the estimation of market value for the subject property. Respectfully submitted, R. A. Mark R. Schwa Certified General Real Property Appraiser License Number 20005641 I Jo State Registered al Property Appraiser License Number 20131258 . 2 rz, ." I . . II . . [J . . I -- I - iI [J - - " II -- . ~ ~ --- - 142203 .~ J;>;"'.I , ~ I I I , I i.JJ J...... /! VJ '1::- )s L I I / / - - /- .}... ~ .:t- e" ...... ~ 'T ." Av"" 'T Q" PLAT MAP ~... ~ '\0lil --dImr- '1 51. ~'" 1 'i.r) 2 lev "l.""l.~' 3 loa.'!!. <" 1 r; 111 4-c;2.€ 5' ;.(- e. 142300 fl.."o Po. \) 142303 I of> . " / r : ~+.1T"-'S~ ,'13 a , '."J 11-i - 80 f-t'" 1 ,q I e 1~ \ , 'It N I I ... " 0 . I 42 302 .... . r0 ~ "' 142305 ; '" N <- <:t DUNDAS \, ~ 21"1.. l~ Jr9 ,.... ~ '" 1 ~', 22 ,z~~ . . . Work Paper Project:#: 990001 Project Desc: Cedar Street Commerical Property Org Date: January 9, 1999 Rev Date: April 7, 1999 Document #: Work Paper #: Hart_PAS_proj2B Subject: Cedar Street Property - Purchase Agreement Specifications Description Target Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 250 Broadway E. Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Rick, Attached is a revised formal purchase agreement to acquire 1 acre of the avalible 5.35 acres of PID# 155-500-42300 and PIO# 155-500-142303 on Cedar Street. Included is a formal proposal and a complete copy of the licensed appraisal performed by R. A. Field and Associates on the two parcels. A copy of this material is included for each council member to review prior to the City Council meeting on Monday night. The site plan requirements for the building, parking locations, and site landscaping call for a lot size of 298.83' by 170.00' by 260.47' by 115.00' (see attached Plat map, Building sketch,). Request for approval Of the avalible 5.35 acres on PID# 155-500-142300 and 142303 (see attached), we are requesting the City of Monticello to approve the sale of 1 acre at the purchase price of $68,500 per acre. One acre is for the location of the building, parking and site landscaping. We are also requesting the city to approve an option in the agreement to purchase the remaining 4.35 acres for future commerical development. I am looking forward to presenting our project at the council meeting on Monday April 12th. Please review this material before the meeting. Call me at 475-0242 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bruce Hamond 1z,~3 . . . Work Paper Project:#: 990001 Work Paper #: HART _PAS_proj2A Project Desc: Cedar Street COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Org Date: 12/15/98 Rev Date: 417/99 Document #: Subject: Cedar Street Property - Purchase Agreement Specifications Financial Terms: Purchase price -- Number of Acres == Price per Acres -- $68,500 1.00 $68,500 $1,000 Earnest money -- Dation Exercise Terms: PID#155-500-142300 and PID#155-500-142303 is currently raw undeveloped property. VisiCom Inc. intends to develop these properties in phases for commercial business usage. Phase I - The Hart Memorial medical building will be moved to a section of property PID#155-500-142300. When the raw property for PID# 155-500-142300 and 142303 is assigned to developed property, the option in the agreement will be exercised and full payment for the developed acre will be made by VisiCom Inc. to the City of Monticello. Clear title for purchased acres would be provided by the City of Monticello to VisiCom Inc. Project Overview My family has been residents of Monticello for 19 years. We have raised our children here and have participated in many local and community activities. We have just completed the renovation and upgrade of the oldest commercial building in Monticello. I am currently a trustee and board member for the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital We have been working on the Hart medical building project since September 1998. This project continues our commitment to revitalize viable commercial properties in Monticello. The Hart medical building is scheduled to be demolished some time after May 31 st of this year as part of the expansion and remodeling project for the Monticello Ford Dealership. We have acquired the building from Dave Peterson. 11, ~~ . . . Work Paper Project:#: 990001 Work Paper#: HART_PAS_proj2A Project Desc: Cedar Street COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Org Date: 12/15/98 Rev Date: 4n/99 Document #: Subject: Cedar Street Property - Purchase Agreement Specifications Property Usage and Benefits This is a beautiful building and has excellent features for a commercial service or a medical practice business. The two PID locations on Cedar street that the city owns represent ideal locations for the relocation of the building. These properties are within the City of Monticello which make it attractive for potential lease tenants. They replicate a very similar land topography to the present location of the building. They are close to the present location which makes the physical move easier. We believe that the development of this project will enhance the area and supports the land use plan for the city. We have paid for a Professional license appraisal to determine the property value. Re-engage property on the tax roles as property is developed. Beautiful and fully functional 4950 sq ft building will be saved from condemnation. Building will be used to provide place of work for employees of business. This constitutes a letter of intent to purchase one or two acres of property and proceed with completing a formal purchase agreement to complete the sale. .It, " /~ f,_/ J /*7 Bruce A. Hamond Date President VisiCom Inc. ,~ ., '- PLAT MAP . . \ \ \ \''\"\ \ ' \ \ \-. f -\-' ... \ ~, IIOtI' . ("11' .. ._1 "0"" ,. .011'" 101"".' 11.( II. 'l I "tU. ,. · / I I - '. ~ II -' . .. .. . '" II - . - - - "I' {.... t.7,\ ~ t'~1 ,i!' fa--: . 9 12,41'7 . - SKB~CH 82' :p' 2e' g2,' ;::i!:.(. I /' :;,;. , ;<~: '3Q.' ~BA; t{ 91~ rjJ - 10 BU3:LDIHG . - . . ,~ ~8' ~EC-14-~e MON 12;4~ ~M R A FI~~D 1512 43... 61'11 ", . ! , "oj ...,); ~...~ \ l ~ ~ 1Q2200 I.. C ...' .. . i .j . I' I"_)"".\~I - u' n " . I , ,;- 14Z!Ot ~ ,. ~ .~ I'~~~I~ ~"""I .. -,,:or-- ", 1 Q . :.. a 1 \41.102 : ~ 1 \42'Q~ r:\o · ! r: I I -I I "'. ~:~ t,,,' "t('~'.' ,~ I ' J~II "'.01 ,),~, ,. , " . . + + ... . ... . + .10 .. . ... ... - ... o - 0......... + )f t !'C.....:'~.n.~ ... ... + + ~~ -...~-= g --- - ... =--10 _._. ,~ 41' Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 13. Consideration of adontinS! Parks Commission recommendation to shift future soccer fields from NSP/baseball complex to Outlot A, Country Club Manor, and authorization to seek field development grant assistance. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked by the Parks Commission to consider authorizing study and potential development of Outlot A, Country Club Manor, for use as soccer fields. Until recently, it was expected that needed soccer facilities would be developed jointly with further development of the NSP ball field complex. Funds were budgeted for the purpose of development of soccer fields at this location. After further study and input from the baseball association, the Parks Commission determined that combining facilities would not be workable and perhaps it would make sense to develop a separate soccer complex. . Why the need for soccer fields? According to the Soccer Club, soccer now ineludes over 600 children and young adults. Up to now, most of the field needs have been provided by the School District at the Middle School and by Dalheimer Distributing. In addition, the single Freeway Fields soccer field is used non-stop from April through October. These fields together, including the privately-held Dahlheimer field, have been adequate to date but will not satisfy the emerging need. For instance, with the growth of the sport, there are more players playing at older age levels, which increases the need for bigger fields. In addition, these teams are now playing in the summer, thereby competing with baseball for field space, whereas previously soccer was limited to early spring and fall. Two years ago, there was one ll-year-old summer team that needed the use of a large field. Now there are 7 boys and girls teams from Monticello ranging in age from 9 to 17. Magnifying the problem is the real possibility that Dalheimer fields will be.lost to development. In summary, without field development soon, the Soccer Club may be coming to the City and School District for requests to displace or share field space with baseball and softball, which, of course, would worsen the growing pangs of these sports as well. It is, therefore, prudent at this time to begin the process of planning for soccer field development. The Parks Commission believes that Outlot A, Country Club Manor, provides the City with the immediate capacity to respond. The Parks Commission viewed Country Club Manor, Outlot A, as a prime spot for soccer field development for the following reasons: 1. The size and rectangular space will allow efficient use for three adult soccer fields. The three fi.elds can be subdivided into smaller fields for youth play. As with the NSP ball fields, the site has the potential of becoming a great tournament venue. . 2. The site is flat and has direct access to a water source, which will allow easy development. 26 Council Agcnda - 4/26/99 . 3. The site has direct access to a collector road, which provides good public access with minimal impact on adjoining residential land. 4. The site is zoned for multi-family housing but may not be the bcst location for housing duc to the noise/proximity to the freeway. Using the space for a park rather than for multi-family housing may be better for the community in the long run and provide a good image of the city to visitors traveling the freeway. 5. The comprehensive park plan has identified the need for a park in this portion of the city. 6. Legislation is currently being proposed for development of a grant program for funding soccer fields. Information regarding the grant program and justification for supporting soccer is attached. This program could possibly provide a revenue source for funding a portion of the development cost. 7. The Soccer Club is very grateful for the Parks Commission's support and will work with the City in developing and operating the site cooperatively in the same manner that ball fields have been developed. . 8. $25,000 has been budgeted for soccer field development. 9. The Parks Commission looked at other potential sites, including a portion of Montissippi Park. This option was not pursued when the Wright County Parks Director informed us that development of an "active" play area is not consistent with the objectives of the Wright County Parks Department. 10. At some point in the future, the fields could be relocated. Following are some arguments against developing the site for a soccer complex: 1. The market value of the property ranges from $200,000 to $300,000 for residential use. It may make more sense from a purely economic standpoint to try to find land for soccer that is less valuable somewhere else and sell Outlot A, Country Club Manor, for residential uses. This point assumes that the City would not win grant funds to help pay for the land. 2. Although the freeway location helps to enhance the image of the community, it is not necessarily the greatest place for playing the sport due to the noise. The grade of the freeway matches the site, and there is very little sound buffering. . 3. Used field lights are in inventory that could be used to illuminate a soccer field. The freeway/residential area may not be a good place to Llse these lights. 27 Council Agenda. 4/26/99 .-- 4. There has been some interest by developers to develop owner.occupied townhomes at this location. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to give final approval to establish Outlot A as the site for development of four soccer fields and to authorize City staff to seek grant funds if available. This is the recommendation by the Parks Commission. It was their view that the location for soccer fields should be set with or without acquisition of grant funds. This would allow the City to move forward using the $25,000 available to develop fields immediately. Under this alternative, City staff would work with the Soccer Club to develop a layout for thc facility and would begin the process of seeking funds via the Mighty Kicks Program. Further action on development of the fields to be determined at a latcr date. Action contingent on acquisition of grant funding. As part of this process, cost estimates and phasing of field development would be provided to the Parks Commission and City Council for future review. 2. Motion to give preliminary aooroval to establish Outlot A as the site for development of four soccer fields and to authorize City staff to seek grant funds if available. Under this alternative, use of the property becomes dependent on obtaining grant funding. .-.., 3. Motion to deny granting preliminary approval to establish Outlot A as the site for development of soccer fields and request that the Parks Commission re.cxamine thc usc of the NSP fields and/or look at other sites for soccer field development. Apply for Mighty Kicks funding at the alternative site when selected. Under this option, City staff would continue to work with the Parks Commission to tind an alternative location, focusing on Montissippi Park and/or NSP area west of the baseball fields. Under this alternative, it is assumed that the City Council prefers to utilize the site for housing development in part to provide a return on its investment. It could be argued that a need for field development is real but could wait pending identification of a different site. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to grant preliminary approval to investigate the development of Outlot A, Country Club Manor, with the goal of obtaining grant funds to assist in park development. It is his view that the City has a significant cost associated with funding delinquent tax payments, and an argument should be made for recovering as much of this cost as possible. 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SOCCER CLUB PARTICIPATION STATISTICS - FALL 1998 IGIRLS IBOYS FALL Team Teams FALL Team Teams Fields IGrades 1995119961 19971 19981Size INeeded 1995119961 19971 19981Size INeeded INeeded I Kindergrt 8 17 23 24 9 with boys 31 36 54 59 8 10.4 5.2 First 7 17 23 28 29 41 51 60 Second 12 17 24 33 10 6.1 32 52 49 58 10 11.8 9.0 Third 15 32 23 27 19 43 66 49 Fourth 8 17 33 25 10 5.2 19 26 46 56 10 1D-5 7.9 Fifth 12 25 28 35 13 22 27 41 Sixth 2 17 20 28 10 6.3 5 21 22 16 10 5.7 6.0 Seventh 3 7 14 15 7 21 15 13 Elahth 6 2 4 10 9 12 9 6 15 3 1.5 Nine 5 6 4 2 4 14 10 6 Tenth 3 5 10 5 6 9 8 7 Eleven 3 5 6 11 3 7 8 9 Twelve 2 4 4 5 1 6 6 6 Total 86 171 216 248 178 310 371 386 Percen"fG'ir1s 39% p'ercent boys 61% Percent of last year 115% Percent of last year 104% Total Player Participation by Grade Boys and Girls -1998 - 99 +> t 11 60 +---+--- -_-+- i: .~.__~:~:/Ic-. ~ 20 - .- -- ~..~-.o_-_::--'...~_.o,. Z 0 Grades K - 12 -...- Girl.. -+- Boys Total Participation - 1995-1998 Boys and Girls I i . 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At the time of bid award, it was thought that perhaps cost savings could be accrued by removing a portion of the terrazo flooring and replacing it with another type of floor covering. This cost saving measure was applied prior to the $387,000 grant award provided to the City. During the past few weeks, the architect has been studying different methods for completion of a floor covering system within the budget prescribed. According to the architect, there does not appear to be a good solution to the problem. Using a combination of carpeting mId terrazo flooring did not appear to be acceptable to the small group, and replacing the terrazo with vinyl floor covering is not in keeping with the design of the facility and will ultimately cost the City more in terms of maintenance and upkeep over the long-term. Therefore, for both aesthetic and long- term cost reasons, Roger Belsaas and the small group are recommending to the City Council that $56,000 be added back into the budget to allow full terrazo flooring. In addition to this recommendation by the small group, the HRA has requested that the Council reinstate full terrazo. It is their view that the facility needs to be a quality facility and that funds are available in the contingency due to the grant award. Attached you will find the current status report on the community center budget. You will see that including the terrazo flooring in the budget will result in over $200,000 remaining in the contingency fund. This amount includes paying Bill Aydt the additional $17,000. According to the architect, at this stage of the project, there is very little likelihood that there will be a need to draw from the contingency fund for change orders that would be in excess of the balance remaining in the contingency fund. Therefore, from a project budget standpoint, funds are available to add the terrazo back and thus save the City long- term costs associated with the maintenance of alternative floor coverings. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to reinstate $56,000 to the community center budget to allow full terrazo installation. 2. Motion to deny reinstating $56,000 to the community center budget. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, the community center small group, and HRA that the full terrazo be reinstated to the community center project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Latest project budget update; Excerpt from HRA minutes. 30 COMMUNITY CENTER BID BUDGET ANALYSIS .OUNCIL ACTION -- BASE PROJECT AND ALTERNATES Modified option 2 -- adds moveable partition Component Base Bid *" ~:;;:: '~l..*~'~" . .w,:;::,*"" m~~m:;Wi'!:*.:%t Alternate A 1 . T errauo AltBrnale kl=- Pool Ceramic Tile Alternate K3 - 0 rable Partition ""Iternate A4 - Sheet Flooring in Gym Alternate A5 - Wheal Park Alternate A6 - Fencin e-It~~te A7 - Guard storage Shelving Alternate AS - Millwork Alternate SP1 Pool Finish Alternate SP2 Raindro sand Lem Drp~-_ Alternate SP3 Water Pia structure Alternate SP4 Rain/Lemon Pum Alternate SP5 Lily Pad Walk Alternate SP6 Water Slide- Alternate SP7Spa Pools M1 Electronic Controls E1 Li ht Fixture in GaUe.rY_------ Subtotal BASE BID INCLUDING SUBTRACTIONS BASE PLUS ADDITIONS AND SUBS ':.-'::::::--:-:~X <<~~~~)1tmtltr{&llit1~i~rltt:_~~Thllit"t~ Project Contigency Value Engineering Arch and engineering fees Site Acquisition and Relocation Soils Correction ur Removal E Interior design E ($325,OOO-<:limbing wall/play arealf"" removed) Climbing Wall Child Play Area (added back in after survey) Rarouting utilities Landscaping Fees and Insurance Inspections and Printing Builders Risk Insurance Audio Visual equipment Donlar Contractors Subract Ails e-dd Ails $8,032.000 :::::.~:::::::::~;~;;;::~~ $50 00 -- , 00 cC' $23,000 cC' OUT ---$70,100 ;, $29,600 ; OUI' IN IN IN ~700 lI,f IN IN-- $18,20.0_ c: _~,700 $259,500 c" $7,995,300 $8,254,800 'ill:~fU__~! ..........-.'tii~;liim;1. $150,000 cc: ($200,000) $660.384 $410,000 $15,000 $2,500 $17,000 $183,000 $75,000 $50,000 Council $265.440 $30,000 cC. $73,500 $30,000 $5,000 $50.000 _, Sub total Grant Fllndll Original Contingency pillS grant Contingency adjustments Value Engineering deficit minus Change or #1 Reduction in driveway expense - value engineering Change order #2 - 4/8 T errazo back in? Guard Shelving Burlington Northern Fence Drop box Antenna structure General additions/changes - latest expected change orders. AVequipment Added tank demolition estimate Plywood sheeting' shift to fire proof - 4/8 Aquatics hold expense (negotiable) Added land and relocation Added Arch Fees TIF site development subsidy (if approved) .1 Remaining Contingency Olher considerations Walnut Street and Plaza - State aidsfTIF/Ferrel sale proceedS Watermain relocation - Trunk fees/other $387,000 $1537,000 $94.000 ($15,000) $3,100 $56,000 4/23 $3,000 4/23 $6,000 4/23 $4,000 4/23 $1,500 4/23 $40,000 4/23 $10,000 $10,000 4/16 $3,500 4/8 $60.000 4/16 $14,000 $10,000 $34,000 4/16 $334,100 $202,900 .--- tJ/;z/l'1~ I BID AMOUNTS Subtract alts Add Ails $83,000 $8,000 $6,700 $69,000 $30,000 81,000 50,500 ___$6,300 $340,500~371 ,100 $6200 $18,200 o t#J~ /f".J..lff.l... -Z ,~__ [;G fl'l { -- VlL-C ged (') , K.eiN\"'/C~,^ (" {o/! I J () ,et --I . . . Excerpt from the 8RA Minutes of April 14, 1999 At the HRA meeting of April 14, 1999, each commissioner reported or gave an update on the activities of the committee they serve as the representative of the HRA. Upon Commissioner Bob Murray's update of the activities of the Community Center Small Group, the HRA commissioners unanimously agreed and endorsed "adding back the terrazo floor to the community center." Additionally, the commissioners requested their endorsement be submitted to the City Council. Itf ~ z..-. Council Agcnda - 4/26/99 . 15. Consideration of resolution aDprovine: plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Monte Hill water booster station. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In October of 1998, City Council reviewed the feasibility study for the addition of a water pressure boosting station for areas around the Monte Club Hill. The project is slated for a two-phase construction process. The initial phase was intended to serve about III acres of residential development at an estimated cost of$281,000. Of this amount, $11,000 would be direct developer cost for a pressure sustaining station. The design of the booster station first phase has been completed, and the current project cost estimate is at $346,185, of which $8,000 is the direct developer cost for the pressure sustaining station. This is about a 23% cost increase. The second phase to be built later is estimated at $140,250. This will bring the total project cost to $486,435. The ultimate service area will be 215 acres. This brings the cost per acre to $2,262. The cost will be charged on a per home unit basis and will be increased annually as with other fees. Initial funding will come through money provided by a bond issue and trunk water fees. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the design as presented by WSB at Monday evening's meeting and authorize advertisement for bids contingent upon a final review of the plans and specs by City staff. 2. The second alternative would be not to proceed with the project as designed but to make modifications as so directed by the City Council. 3. The third alternative would be not to do the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that thc City Council proceed with the project as outlined in alternative #1. We will be working with the engineer during the final plan development and bidding process. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost for the project with new estimates for Phase 1. . 31 . Southeast Booster Station City of Monticello WSB Project No. 1129.00 City Project #98-24C Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost Phasing Alternative A Pre Design Pnst Design Pre Design Post Design Pre Hid Pre Bid Item Phase 1 Phase 1 Phase 2 Total Total Ruilding & Garage $50,000 $75,000 $15,000 $65,000 $80,000 Mechanical $20,000 $20,000 NSP Service $15,500 $15,500 $15,500 $15,500 Emergency Generator $44,000 $41,071 $44,000 $41,071 Controls $31 ,200 $31,200 $10,000 $41,200 $41,200 Telemctry $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Variable Speed Drives $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Pumps $22,000 $22,000 $20,000 $42,000 $42,000 Hydro-pneumatic Tank- $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 Uscd . Piping, fittings, Valvcs $10,000 $11,000 $10,000 $20,000 $21,000 Sitc Work $5,000 $10,000 $2,000 $7,000 $12,000 Pressure Sustaining $9,000 $8,000 $9,000 $8,000 Station' Total Construction $2114,700 $251,771 $102,000 $306,700 $353,771 Contingencics (10%) $20,470 $25,177 $10,200 $30,670 $35,377 Indirect Costs (25%) $56,000 $69,237 $28,050" $8/,000 $97287 Total Project Cost $281,170 $346,185 $140,250" $421,420" $486,435 'Developer's Cost "Adjusted Due to Math Error fit ,c,1 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 16. Consideration of a resPonse to the MOAA Board regardinl! the MOAA land use olan. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This report is provided for additional information relating to the City's response to the MOAA land use plan proposal. It has been suggested by some that the City should consider the pros and cons of all its options prior to agreeing to any land use plan, particularly one which would result in significant conflicts with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Previous agenda information to the City Council included a number of items which showed that the City's Comprehensive Plan was to be the basis for the MOAA land use plan. There have been a substantial number of changes to the basic City plan through the planning process at the MOAA. As staff has previously noted, these changes are counter to the very intent of the MOAA agreement. . One option available to the City is to allow the agreement betwecn the City and the Township to lapse following the extension date in June. Under the terms of the agreement, the MOAA Board must adopt a land use plan by a specific date (originally within one year of the date of the agreement). If no land use plan is adopted, the agreement's language indicates that it will be void, and the Orderly Annexation Area would be eliminated. Members of the Council have asked staff to provide information on the annexation and planning process if such an event were to occur. Annexations are controlled by Minn. Stat. 9414. Where no Orderly Annexation Agreement exists, annexations occur in one of two ways, depending on the location of the land and who is seeking the annexation. Generally, annexations may occur by an ordinance adopted by the City if all of the following conditions are present: I> Annexation is petitioned by all of the owners ofthe subject land. I> The subject land in the petition is no more than 60 acres in area. I> The subject land is contiguous to the then existing municipal boundary. Under this process, the City receives the petition from the property owner and calls for a public hearing on an annexation ordinance. After the allotted time period (usually 30 days), the City holds the hearing, adopts the ordinance, and forwards the petition to the Municipal Board. The Municipal Board (or the State Planning Agency after 12/31/99) signs the annexation order at its next meeting. There is no hearing or contest before the Municipal Board, and if the statutory requirements are met, the Board has no discretion to deny the annexation. This process is not available to cities which are subject to an orderly annexation agreement with a township. . The second form of annexation process occurs when any of the required conditions are not met. That is, the land is not contiguous, it is being petitioned by the City instead of the land owner(s), or it is larger than 60 acres. This petition requires a hearing before the Municipal Board. A Municipal Board hearing is like an informal trial in which each 32 . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 party (which probably means the City and the Township, but may also mean a separate land owner) presents evidence and witnesses to the Board, which sits as an administrative "court. " The practice of the Municipal Board is to insist that the parties get together and attempt to negotiate an agreement regarding the annexation. Tfno negotiation is successful, a hearing date is scheduled, and the parties go through with the presentation of their cases. The Municipal Board sits as a five-member body--three permanent members and two members from the County Board not involved in the subject territory. As with any "judicial" decision, the outcome is not often predictable. The Board's decisions may be appealed to District Court. Since the Township and County representatives to the MOAA Board have not been willing to adopt the City's proposed land use plan, staff is concerned about the ongoing interaction with the MOAA Board as development in the annexation area suggests more fine tuning to the land use plan. Members ofthe MOAA have expressed an unwillingness to consider amendments and have criticized the City for Comprehensive Plan amendments in the past. The City has spent a considerable amount of money on the drafting and redrafting of land use plans to date, and the text support for the plans is still to come. . Moreover, a number of the Board members vicw thc land use plan as more of a zoning map, requiring detailed property line delineations, even where no development pattern is available to provide context. It is foreseeable that even subtle variations in the future land use will face rigorous scrutiny at the MOAA level, and very possibly denial, even though it is the City which has the most at stake in creating and managing the land use pattern following annexation. Allowing the MOAA Board to adopt a land use plan which is at odds with the City's Comprehensive Plan is highly detrimental to the City's ability to manage its land use and growth pace, as well as the need to match development with its financial obligations. If the MOAA Board members are unwilling to adopt a land use plan consistent with the City's plan (as the MOAA agreement envisioned), staff does not believe that the agreement is in the best interests of the City. The vast majority of annexations which occur in the Monticello area comply with the conditions for annexation by ordinance. They are typically small, contiguous, and requested by the land owners. These were the elements which formed the backbone of the MOAA agreement. As a result, they are designed to control leap-frog growth. . An additional option which changes the agreement, but keeps the OAA in place, was suggested by Torn Salkowski at the most recent MOAA Board meeting. This option would reinstate the "Urban Service" line into the MOAA but eliminate the land use planning element which is in the current agreement. While this option is similar to the method which the City and Township were using previously, we would recommend a mechanism for increasing the Urban Service Area as it became developed. The 33 . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 shortcoming of the previous agreement was that there was no interest on the part of the Township to recognize or allow for new growth, and there was no time limit on the OAA agreement. This option has appeal because it takes the MOAA out of the land use planning business, although it may allow the MOAA to retain zoning administration authority. The land use plan has proven to be the sticking point, even though there was no contention on this issue envisioned when the agreement was being drafted. This would require the City and Township to enter into a new agreement. There is no way to know the Township's interest in this option or how long it would take to draft a new agreement acceptable to both parties. The primary advantage to this option is that it has some political appeal in retaining some form of City/Township agreement. It is also better than the current situation, where the Township and County representatives have interjected themselves into what should be a City function. It is less flexible than the annexation by ordinance process, however, in that contiguous land may not be annexable if it is on the wrong side of the Urban Service line but within the OAA. This brand of line-drawing can have an artificial effect on market conditions in the area. . With regard to planning authority, the City will most likely have little input into land use decisions made beyond its existing borders. State law permits cities a two-mile extraterritorial zoning authority only where there are no Township or County regulations in place. However, the County's current regulations call for agricultural zoning and long- term urban development. The Township may not adopt zoning which is less restrictive than the County's regulations. B. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the request of the MOAA and enter into an amendment to the OAA agreement which substitutes the City's most recent land use plml proposal on land west of Highway 25 for "Exhibit C" to the agreement. 2. Motion to resubmit the entire land use plan proposal to the MOAA without amendment. 3. Motion to consider an alternative counter-proposal land use plan to the MOAA. 4. Motion to consider a renegotiation of the OAA agreement which removes land use planning as a component of annexation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . Staff does not recommend alternative #1. As noted in the text above, this course of action leaves the land to the east of Highway 25 subject to further negotiation. In the view of stat1~ the land use in the city should be treated as a complex unit rather than a parcel-by- parcel series of islands. Where land use is determined for one area, the proposed use 34 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . affects the City's interest in another area. Moreover, the most contentious areas (such as the Gold Nugget land) are subject to recommendations of the MOAA which are not supported by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Stall fully recognizes the Council's concern over housing value in new development. This policy was made an underpinning for the development of the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan, which has been the basis for staffs involvement and reaction to the development proposals which have been made. 'ro better address the City's concern for housing quality, enhancements to the City's Zoning Ordinance may be considered which reinforce the requirements being imposed on the Gold Nugget project. Without the cooperation of the Township or County members ofthe MOAA Board, staff is concerned about the ongoing costs and uncertainty under the current OAA agreement. As noted in the text, current state annexation law affords cities the opportunity to efficiently consider annexations which are property-owner petitioned, small, and contiguous to the city border. Between the current agreement (with the MOAA Board proposed land use plan) and state law annexation-by-ordinance, the latter option is much more manageable for the City. If the Township is interested, staflbelieves that a renegotiation ofthe OAA agreement to remove land use considerations from annexation proposals would be a solid option as well. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from IDC. . 35 . . . Monticello Industrial Development Committee April 22, 1999 Re: MOAA Land Use Plan Dear Members of the MOAA and City Council: After hearing an update of City Councilor MOAA discussions for consideration of the property lying east of Silver Springs Golf Course, north of the proposed Chelsea Road, and abutting 1-94 for residential use; the Industrial Development Committee (IDC) on April 15, 1999, passed a motion recommending the property lying east of Silver Springs Golf Course, north of the proposed Chelsea Road, and abutting 1-94 be retained for industrial use. In other words, the April 15 IDC motion reaffirmed the IDC's February position: The John Chadwick and Goeman Investors properties of approximately 185 acres for industrial use; the property lying east of Silver Springs Golf Course, north of the proposed Chelsea Road, and abutting 1-94 for industrial use with a planned buffer to the easterly existing residential property; the property lying in the area of the Orchard Road and abutting 1-94 for industrial use as proposed; and the Gold Nugget property of approximately 220 acres for residential use with an area running parallel to South Highway 25 for commercial use. The rational of the April IDC motion was the land abutting 1-94 was better suited for industrial use (freeway exposure is an asset) rather than residential use (freeway noise is a liability). Respectfully submitted by the Monticello IDC. c: IDC File Drafted by Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director. &.,... Ill" I . 17. . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 Consideration of proposed update to the trails and pathway plan. and consideration of authorization to study park dedication fee to include trail fee. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In light of various projects occurring throughout the city, the Parks Commission met to review thc existing park and trail plan and determine whether or not it would make sense to modify the current plan to meet the emerging needs for separation of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The Parks Commission was also sensitive to cost issues relating to developmcnt of the pathway system and has suggested that the City Council consider modifying the current park dedication fee to include a pathway development surcharge. Following is a brief review of the sections of the pathway plan that are proposed for update along with more information on the proposal to add an additional pathway surcharge on top of the park dedication fee. Fallon Avenue South of School Boulevard As you may have already noted with the Klein Farms 5th project, it is proposed that a pathway be extended along Fallon Avenue from its current location at School Boulevard to the entrance to the Klein Farms 5th development. Extension of a pathway along the east side of the road will provide residents in the area with a safe route to the pathway system at School Boulevard. After reviewing the pathway plan, the Parks Commission noted that it might make some sense to extend a pathway down Fallon A venue to coincide with development as it occurs to the south. As you know, the MOAA plan identifies a large area to the south for future residential development. It is not known at this time when this development will occur; however, when it does, there will be a need to extend pedestrian pathways from these developing areas to the pathway on School Boulevard, which links future residents to schools and churches. This pathway will also link residents in this part of the community to the future overpass at Fallon A venue. For the reasons noted above, the Parks Commission has recommended development of an off- road pathway along Fallon A venue south of School Boulevard. County Road 18 As you know, the County Road 18 project includes a provision for a pathway to be constructed at some point in the future. The current plans for the project do not include construction of the pathway; however, they do include grading necessary to install the pathway at some point in the future. In keeping with the agreement with the County on improvements to county roads, land areas that are necessary to accommodate pathways require that the City purchase such land. The original plan for pathways extending to the southeast portions of the city did not include a pathway along County Road 18 due to the fact that the road was relatively narrow with poor sightlines and hills. In addition, the developing portions of the community were primarily on the east side of County Road 18 where there is a pathway alignment that served that neighborhood (power line). As late as just a few months ago, it was thought that the best way to get pedestrians to the School Boulevard pathway from the Rolling Woods and Wildwood Ridge area would be through 36 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . the Wildwood Ridge development to the future water tower park and then down to County Road 18 through the future Methodist Church property or westerly to a pathway through the future park extending to Fenning Avenue. When it was determined that the County would be involved in upgrading County Road 18, it became evident that it might make sense to consider extending a pathway along County Road 18. This idea was supported by the residents that attended a public information meeting. As a result of this input and in light of the fact that there are some savings and efficiencies associated with preparing for a pathway in the future on this alignment, it is suggested that the pathway plan be adjusted to show a pathway extending along County Road 18. This pathway would not be constructed with the County Road 18 project as noted earlier but would be constructed at such time that funds are available. However, the pathway easement would need to be purchased. Mississippi River Walk Connection - BondhuslHospital District Bypass . Since development of the initial pathway plan, there has always been a plan for creating a river walk connecting Mississippi Drive through the wastewater treatment plant property to the hospital campus. Completion ofthis pathway at some point in the future would provide residents with a wonderful opportunity to stroll along the Mississippi River and will also provide a safe transportation link connecting residents living on the east side of town to the downtown via the river walk. Unfortunately, at the present time, it is impossible to make the link through the area because the City does not have complete site control. John Bondhus owns a segment separating the City easement at Mississippi Shores from the wastewater treatment plant property. Bondhus has indicated that at this time he is not interested in providing the City with a pathway easement. As an alternative to connecting through the Bondhus property, John Simola and Gregg Engle have been working on a plan to extend the pathway from Mississippi Drive through the wastewater treatment plant along the boundary between the Bondhus property and the City property to Hart Boulevard. It is proposed that the pathway plan show this bypass of the Bondhus property. Instead of running the path through Bondhus and Hospital property along the river, the path would run along CSAH 75 all the way to Washington Street. This will allow a direct connection of pedestrians on the east side of town to the central portion of the community. As you recall, the City vacated Hart Boulevard which provided public right-of-way and pedestrian access through the area. Once the roadway was vacated, the route for pedestrian traffic passing through the area was modified by the development of the hospital project. Unfortunately, the hospital project did not include a provision for allowing pedestrians to walk through the site separated from traffic. It could be argued that this is not a problem, as hospital property is public property, and people should feel free to walk freely through a parking lot as one passes from one public pathway to the beginning of another pathway. However, it does make some sense also to provide a method for bikers, walkers, and rollerbladers to bypass the Hospital development via a sidewalk running along the perimeter of the site. This issue is addressed also in the CSAH 75 project. . In summary, the proposed amendment to the plan provides a temporary bypass of the Bondhus property until such time that the pathway can be developed through the 37 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . Bondhus site, the alternative route through the hospital district could be pointed to as the method for getting people on the north side ofCSAH 75 from the old part of town to points east. Pathway Funding Program Development . The City has been very fortunate in that we received hundreds of thousands of dollars for pathway funding through the ISTEA Grant Program. This program has enabled the City to jump-start its pathway plan through development of the pathway that runs the full length of the community and also through future development of the pathway that will extend from Riverroad Plaza to the Middle School, then all the way into the Meadow Oak neighborhood. Pathways funded by the ISTEA program and by City contributions are complemented by other pathways that have been developed through contributions made by developers. The pathway that runs the entire length of School Boulevard was completely funded by special assessments as well as other short pathway segments internal to many of the subdivisions. There will be instances, however, where it will be very difficult to assess adjoining property owners for pathways that need to be extended into future development areas. In addition, ISTEA funding will not be available to fund future pathway development. For these reasons, it is proposed by the Parks Commission that the City Council consider establishing a pathway funding program whieh would be used to collect funds from new development for extension of pathways to growing areas. Essentially, the funding mechanism calls for establishing an average cost per lot for extension of pathways to a developing area. Development of this fund allows the City to pool resources from the development area and avoid the problems associated with assessing only the adjoining property owner for the project cost. For example, in the case of the County Road 18 project, the pathway will be extended along a number of properties. It would be impossible and probably not fair to charge these property owners the entire cost of the pathway that's being used by a large area. This is not to say that adjoining property owners would not pay something for the pathway. They would pay an amount equal to what other property owners pay based on the land area that they possess. For example, if it is calculated that the standard per-unit pathway assessment should be $200 per unit and a unit equals one single family residence, if a project such as the Methodist Church site is 5 aeres in size, then it should generate 10 units. Ten units times $200 would be a $2,000 pathway charge. This charge would be applied to construction of pathways serving general areas; pathways needed to connect individual residential areas to the main pathways designated on the plan would continue to be funded directly by the developer and would not be funded through the pathway flmd. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . Decision 1: 1. Motion to approve or modify and approve amendments to the pathway plan as proposed by the Parks Commission. 38 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . 2. Motion to deny amendments to the pathway plan as proposed by the Parks Commission. Decision 2: 1. Motion to direct staff to complete a study determining the proper amount for the pathway dedication fee and develop policies f()r implementation of the fee program. Under this alternative, City staff would complete an additional study which would identify a pathway charge based on actual cost. The study would also identify possible issues relating to application of the fee such as application to commercial or multi-family residential sites. The study would also devise a method for collecting the fee. We need to determine whether or not the fee should be paid as an assessment at time of platting, or if it should be paid at the time of building permit application, or perhaps the developer should be given a choice. 2. Motion to deny completing a study to determine the proper amount for a pathway dedication fee and policies. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . The City Administrator recommends alternative # 1. In the survey done in 1992, it was shown by a majority of the population that walking is a favorite pasttime of many people. This tendency has been demonstrated clearly by the active use of the city's pathways. Time has shown that the pathway system has become a unique and important part of the community and is a feature that we should continue to develop and promote in order to maintain and develop quality of life in keeping with the vision statement for the community. People have corne to appreciate and expect being able to walk or ride bike safely from neighborhoods to schools, parks, and other points of destination. Pathways do not, however, come without a price. The proposal to develop a pathway funding program would seem to make sense to help supplement city funds already dedicated to this purpose. It also provides a method for tapping new development for the cost of projects that are typically serving new developing areas. The cost of maintenance of pathways will always be somewhat of an issue. Under the current proposal, ongoing maintenance of pathways such as sealcoating and snowplowing where sensible will continue to be funded through general taxes. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Maps showing proposed amendments to pathway plan. . 39 East Area . . "..,',..""~" "'~~-. ----...J~,.. /'/ I'{..o"., '...., ........ -.,;- ,!J..."..'.. AH'i ..,. ,-,['r- .... i , "Q" " '". ~'.' .~~. ...., . -If "'- "fe., .-,:, .,'/... . 9 ~~. ','-, ( / /' .... , ./~ ~ "<~'~(<~"~:.~,> ~:~7_tj}.~~::~-.;-' '--_o~1ir ". '-'-'- ", ,.S .... '~--'J. i.'.... . -~OP.lvt .-' ",_n__. : "', +..{ JW.l RU;;--'" -' " --" ~ '''' ~ "". r:!-"~".~":~~'I~'I'~4c-~):~j ::;-_.... ~_,:J:; ~ "", :.t' <,:;"t~< "'~I\:''''-' t,:,~' Freeway Fields Park ,,,'fIC;;.~;"h-=: ", ~(.I:;;::'" . . '--I:I~ · "'- 'I:'}'," " =::::1,' :--..... . . -. 'It. . . . I ..........." : I::' q:l. "-....-...., Iii Sr..,'. ---":"1 ~~ ;;; ,,~., r........ :....-:-J:1'z r--""-' ..... 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J'01i qsth STREET Meadow Oak Park ?"'/. .~.. -9., "" '-\ .I( '\., ~~, '.~ L _._~'..'! ~ Wi~dwood Ridge 0'. -~i :;-,J! .~I " """-,~J,,, (" -.1 '" Monte Club Hill Preservation Ar~a Oak Ridge Park 11'\ STREEf Ro~~ing Woods ~ __ 6~;$'AJIC/~ ~.P'"'""""t::I,,tfIl/d ~~ ~l".-='~~ ~~'''',dd6_ _,.r,-. .-r~~- ~# ...... ~"""rG4 J>A/-A'''~O _o.~I'''''A/_-<7 ~1'.4:-r """vr~ East Area ~ .---.. o I ,/0 "'~E . /1,1 L :vlonticeflo Comprehensive Parks Plan - - -~- ,-- ~ '. I Northeast Area I Bypass around Bondhus and Hospita1 property I Mississippi Drive Park I Battle Rapids Park ROAO ., I ' I. I ~ .....RTll'I.DR..1vt ~~ SCH OOL : 61. VO ~'.; u.. . , ,.1 ~_w_ "'/ "'.oi-. .~ ~~ Neighborhood Park Search Area 6.u~7"'_. ._'--.,:("",,140 ~_r""; ,....., ~~TW~ <W'-~~P ?_T,w lIIIi.-!:ll!I ~~""4";> "P~.,or_.P 'AT# ...... /,~d'~ ~..,.A!'.."';> /~"'~A,./ .."..." "~ A!..V7'~ k.;~+;..;it /1a_F~" ~'~N""I,'" "'N.~..AD Jh~~ A!""'. ~ t --I j 1. Northeast Area \;;~ o 1 ". M::.E 1 /1-' ~ , NIOe _1____ !\lIonticello Comprehensive Parks Plan South Area " .if , ...' . .. 1.//' I*" r' . .:... k I" t-::. _ _. _....... V/s' .' J'./. t- ~~.o , . <>:~~0::~~1 "I -- J j::", II ~ ':,0: I; .i~""" 6.Y/S"''''V4 f,~_"'~C. .","~ ~ ~ "''''Q ,.....r# <&..r/"T/N"~ _, I .... ,..."...".......,- ~"4-0 <:"v-~~ ...... .4v'.... '/.4!:1' ~4Vr€ d'.F"'-.~~4 "'A~ .AI:" O~J"""'<4A/ 1 ~ South Area r-_ o I 11. WI~( ] :. 1 , /1- ~ ~ Monticello Comprehensive Parks Plan 1 - . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 18. Consideration of authorizing De!!otiations with Wrie:ht County for Drovidin!! assessor services for the City. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Jerry Kramber has been the City's contract assessor since 1993. Mr. Kramber has recently notified me that he will not be renewing his contract for the upcoming year due to other business commitments. Mr. Kramber felt that he would not have thc time to devote to the increasing work demands the assessing position requires in Monticello. As a result of his resignation, I contacted the new Wright County Assessor, Jerry Kritzek, to see whether the County would have an interest in assuming the assessing duties for the City. Previously, the County Assessor's office was interested in doing our assessment, and they had provided bid amounts whenever we sought outside contract services. Mr. Kritzek noted that the County was not currently staffed to provide this service, but he would consult with the County Board to determine if they would look at hiring additional stall in order to take on our contract. It is my understanding that if the City did not hire an accredited assessor, it would be the obligation of the County Assessor to do our assessing for us. . The County Board recently discussed the idea of taking over our assessing duties and referred the matter to the personnel committee for further study. It was noted during their discussion that if the County would take over our assessing duties, they would have to hire another full-time assessor and would like some assurance that this would not be just a one-year contract. Mr. Kritzek noted that the other major contract they have is with the City of Buffalo, which they currently charge $7 per parcel. The City for 1998 was charged $6.75 by Mr. Kramber, and Mr. Kritzek indicated that if the County would provide the service in the future, the likely fee would have to increase to around $8 per parcel for both Monticello and Buffalo. With the amount of residential, commercial, and industrial growth we are experiencing, a city our size is required to have assessing duties done by an accredited assessor. The requirement for an accredited assessor makes it more difficult for the City to seek independent contractors for this work. I believe the City could hire, through a contract basis, a certified assessor who can work on the city parcels for one year without being accredited but would have to be accredited for the second year of the contract. Currently, only one or two individuals in the County Assessor's onice arc actually accredited. The likelihood of the City obtaining quotations for this work that is less than $8 may be difficult because of this requirement. . A few options would exist for the City, including simply advertising for quotations from qualified individuals to perform our assessing duties on a contract basis or to continue pursuing negotiating a contract with the County to assume our assessing responsibilities. I believe the County is very interested in providing this service, as they can see a benefit in having their office be responsible for completion of the assessment in a timely fashion 40 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . rather than relying on independent contractors to perform the work. With the County pertc.mning the assessing, all of the assessment books can remain in the County Assessor's oHice, and this allows them to have the files available to answer questions throughout the year. Currently, independent assessors can check the books out of the County Assessor's office to do their field work, which leaves the County without some of this information to answer inquiries. In addition, with the County performing the assessment duties for the two largest cities in Wright County, Buffalo and Monticello, they can have some continuity of how they determine values for various types of commercial and industrial properties. On the other side of the coin, with the City having its own independent contract, there has been a feeling that the City has a little more control on ensuring that the values properly reflect current market conditions locally rather than relying on the County to perform the work. In reality, I'm not sure how much latitude an independent assessor has in that they usually try to follow County guidelines for establishing reasonable market values on a per square foot basis for houses along with similar considerations when valuing commercial or industrial properties. In other words, there may be more opportunity for our valuations to suffer if we have an independent contractor who is not following the general principals that the County Assessor's office is using rather than having the Assessor's office do all of the appraising. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. The first alternative would be to authorize the Administrator to negotiate with the County for providing assessor duties on a multi-year contract. The Wright County Personnel Committee has agreed to consider hiring an additional assessor, and their recommendation will be proposed to the County Board to provide the services at an estimated rate of $8 per parcel. 2. The second alternative would be to advertise or seek RFP's from qualified individuals to perform the work for the upcoming year. This would be similar to what the City did in 1993 when it hired Mr. Kramber as the independent assessor. Under this alternative, we could first determine whether there arc qualified individuals at a reasonable price before a commitment was made to the County. 3. The third alternative could be to investigate the feasibility of hiring our own full- time assessor. . Under this alternative, it is assumed that the assessing duties would require lIz to 2/3 of an employee's time, and we would need to establish the job description to cover additional areas of responsibility in addition to assessing. 41 Council Agenda - 4/26/99 . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Even though wc have not requested RFP's for assessing duties in over five years, I am assuming that the quoted rates per parcel for a qualified accredited assessor will be near or above $8 per parcel. In 1992, the City received quotations that ranged from $5 to $7 per parcel; and with our workload increasing requiring each new building permit to be set up, I think the $8 rate being suggested by the County is likely to be competitive. At this time, it is recommended that if the County is willing to provide the contracting services at the smne rate they would charge the City of Buffalo, the City simply contract with the County for two or three years and then review whether other arrangements arc warranted. As such, I would recommend proceeding with alternative #1 at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . 42 . . . Council Agenda - 4/26/99 19. Consideration of reviewin~ ordinance amendment establishing term lene:th for Mayor. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous meeting, Council discussed what process would be necessary if the Council wanted to reconsider the recently-established 4-year term for the Mayor. The process is quite simple as it was last fall, and that is that the Council can simply adopt an ordinance amendment indicating that the Mayor's term is 2 years instead of the recently-established 4 years if the Council wanted to revert back to a shorter term. This item was originally discussed at our August 10, 1998, meeting when the ordinance amendment was adopted creating the 4-year term to be effective January 1, 2001. The only requirement for changing the Mayor's term is to simply adopt an ordinance amendment at least four weeks prior to the closing date for filing of candidacy for the next Mayor's election. As a reference, the motion last summer was made by Bruce Thielen, seconded by Brian Stumpf: with Clint Herbst voting in opposition to the new term. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt an ordinance amendment creating a 2-year term instead of a 4-year term for Mayor. If the Council would like to revert back to a 2-year term for the Mayor, a simple ordinance amendment by a majority vote is all that is needed. 2. Do not adopt an ordinance amendment at this time. This would leave the Mayor's term as 4 years effective with the next eIcction starting January 1, 2001. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff does not have a recommendation on this ordinance, as it is a policy decision of the Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of current ordinance; Copy of ordinance amendment if changed to 2-year term. 43 1-5-10: . 1-5-11: 1-5-12: . SUSPENSION; AMENDMENT OF RULES: The rules and regulations of the Council may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of all the Council members and shall not be repealed or amended except by a majority vote of the whole Council after notice has been given at some preceding Council meeting. COMPENSATION: The monthly salary for offices of Mayor and Council members shall be as follows: Mayor: $450.00 per month Council Members: $350.00 per month !,. (# 124, 10/12/82) (#163,8/22/88) (#196,9/10/90) (#256,9/12/94) WORKER'S COMPENSA nON - ELECTED OFFICIALS: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 176.011, Subdivision 9, Clause 6, the elected officials of the City of Monticello are hereby include in the coverage ofthe Minnesota Worker's Compensation Act. (#168, 1/23/89) MA YORAL TERM: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.022, the term of an electcd mayor shall be four (4) years, effective January 1,2000. If-I MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IIChpt S/Page 5 . . . ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS THAT ORDINANCE SECTION 1-5-13 RELATING TO TIlE MAYOR TERM BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 1-5-13: Mayoral Term. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.022, the term of an electcd mayor shall be two (2) ycars, effective January 1, 2001. Adopted this 26th day of April, 1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator Iii ., 2- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 04/15/1999 09:59;54 . Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... D415 COMMENT... 4/15 CKS DATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT ~----~-------- ------------------------ D-04151999-830 4/15 CKS Run Instructions: Jobo Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 04/15/1999 09:59:55 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 1 .DOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE A E MICHAELS PARKS 14.24 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 42462 830 00051 A M LEONARD INC PARKS 114.74 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 014616360101 830 00052 AME GROUP STREETS 78.33 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 403 830 00055 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCI PLANNING 7.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101,41910,4330 935584 830 00053 AMERICAN TEST CENTER STREETS 420,68 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101,43120.4050 9900797-IN 830 00050 ANDERSON/GARY ST BLDG CODE AMEND, REIM 14.00 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.42401.4350 830 00054 BERLIN TIRE CENTERS, INC STREETS 237.51 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 2807448 830 00056 BERTELSON OFFICE SUPPLIE .TA PROC 51. 12 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41920,2099 6471910 830 00057 TA PROC 51.12 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41920.2099 6471911 830 00058 102.24 *VENDOR TOTAL CHEMSEARCH PARKS 428.99 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 225.45201,2160 360217 830 00059 CLARK FOOD SERVICE, INC. CH 40.24 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101,41940.2199 V299665 830 00061 CH 25.70 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 0294613 830 00060 65.94 *VENDOR TOTAL CUB FOODS - MONTICELLO DEP REG 16,53 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.41990.2110 830 00062 CULLIGAN RENTAL HOUSE 24.92 'RENT AL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 830 00063 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING 3.363.15 BEER 609,49750.2520 43659 830 00014 .~ 49.85 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 43660 830 00012 349.75 BEER 609,49750.2520 43885 830 00013 3,762,75 *VENDOR TOTAL om-umts~~ .ns a Mi" UIL ALERT :J /1. 1 ~ OTIIER EOI:II~IlI~~T lel.4Jl~g,SSOl 19r589Bl 830 00139 ~ ~~V .~~~ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~5/1999 09,59,55 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 3 OR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS LIO STORE 61.15 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 609.49754.2099 992267 830 00075 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY ICE & SNOW 24.83 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43125.2210 830 00123 PW INSP 14.80 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 830 00124 SEWER 12.12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49490.2199 830 00125 SEWER 217.86 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2211 830 00126 PW INSP 8.00 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43115.2211 830 00127 STREETS 104.76 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 830 00128 PARKS 49.36 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225.45201.2410 . 830 00129 STREETS 549.44 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 830 00130 PARKS 33.29 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2211 830 00131 . SHOP 22.89 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.43127.2410 830 00132 SHOP 10.53 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2210 830 00133 SHOP 141. 96 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 830 00134 FIRE 4.46 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2199 830 00135 PARKS 35.48 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2210 830 00136 1,229.78 *VENDOR TOTAL HOGLUND TRANSPORTATION l!IIIiRTLANO EXPRESS 5,873.67 PROF SVR - HEARTLAND BUS 610.49801.3060 83894 830 00076 I OFFICE SOLUTIONS LI BRARY 47.52 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 211.45501.3190 23359226 830 00194 IVY DAHLGREN 4 TREES @ $30.00 120.00 TREE REPLACEMENT 224.46102.4391 D. ELM DISEASE 830 00064 JAM'N JO ESPRESSO STOP PLANNING 14.48 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41910.4399 830 00077 JME OF MONTICELLO FIRE DEPT 65.00 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 4041 830 00079 PARKS 980.58 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 4045 830 00078 1,045.58 *VENDOR TOTAL JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L 11. 05 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 963807 830 00029 27.99 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 963807 830 00030 489.85 WINE 609.49750.2530 963807 830 00031 528.89 *VENDOR TOTAL KEN'S 66 SERVICE BLDG INSP 22.39 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42401.4050 306570 830 00080 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC. _KS 158.89 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2111 98511470 830 00081 RKS 102.40 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2111 99932151 830 00195 261.29 *VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~5/1999 09,59,55 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 4 DOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll FIP 10 LINE LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE LIQUOR 23.91CR MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 830 00082 PW ADM 5.62 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 830 00083 PW ADM 11. 87 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2110 830 00084 PW INSP 50.65 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 830 00085 FIRE DEPT 11.70 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 830 00086 WATER 8.37 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 601.49440.2410 830 00087 WATER 252.29 IMPROVEMENTS 601.49440.5301 830 00088 STREETS 9.55 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 830 00089 SLOG INSP 25.53 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42401.4050 830 00090 SHOP 9.01 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2210 830 00091 CH 15.73 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 830 00092 WATER 74.26 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 830 00093 SHOP 135.73 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 830 00094 PARKS 12.02 IMPROVEMENTS 225.45201.5301 830 00095 PARKS 3.18 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2211 830 00096 PARKS 6.57 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2210 830 00097 PARKS 21.80 SMALL TOOLS & EOUIPMENT 225.45201.2410 830 00098 PARKS 13.38 CLEANING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2110 830 00099 SHADE TREE 6.37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 224.46102.2199 830 00100 PARKS 146.50 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 830 00101 fBRARY 19.10 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501. 2110 830 00102 SRARY 1. 37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2199 830 00103 ;)TREETS 9.33 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 830 00104 AN SHELTER 27.19 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 830 00105 DATA PROC 34.58 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41920.4399 830 00106 WATER 53.24 UTILITY SYSTEM MTCE SUPP 601.49440.2270 830 00107 11.16 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 830 00167 952.19 *VENDOR TOTAL M,B.P. FIRE 43.14 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 28651,28754 830 00119 STREETS 978.45 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 28708, 28731 830 00120 1,021. 59 *VENDOR TOTAL MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, CH ADM 2,035.82 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 830 00196 WWTP FAX MACHINE 1, 149.71 FURN ITURE & FIXTURES 602.49480.5601 830 00197 3,185.53 *VENDOR TOTAL MAUS FOODS PLANNING 26.53 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41910.2199 830 00108 SHOP 35,18 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 830 00109 LI BRARY 60.77 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 830 00110 122.48 *VENDOR TOTAL MCDOWALL COMPANY . 262.08 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.41301.4044 004119 830 00111 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~5/1'" 0',5',55 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 5 OR NAME OESCRI PTI ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE MEDTOX LABORATORIES STREETS 92.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43120.3199 019979141 830 00112 MICHELS TRUCKING, INC LIQUOR STORE 20.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 690504 830 00114 LIQUOR STORE 111. 00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 690504 830 00115 131.00 *VENDOR TOTAL MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIP PARKS-SLIDE-RIVER MILL 2,144.68 IMPROVEMENTS 225.45201.5301 478104 830 00116 MONTICELLO PRINTING BLDG INSP 208.37 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.42401.2030 830 00198 PLANNING 849.39 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41910.2030 830 00199 CH 16.99 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41301.2199 830 00200 1,074.75 *VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO TIMES LIQUOR STORE 108.80 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 830 00121 DISC FOR PROMPT PAY 32.74CR DISCOUNT 101.36298 830 00201 LEGAL 3,180.53 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41601.3510 830 00202 4111bSTR INSP/SNON PLON 91.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43110.3520 830 00203 H G PERMIT/SNOWMOBILE 221.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.42401.3520 830 00204 53.60 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41301.3520 830 00205 PW TRUCK FOR SALE 18.80 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43110.3520 830 00206 DEP REG 52.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41990.3520 830 00207 COMM CENTER 140.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 226.45122.3520 830 00208 AMCON 64.89 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41910.3510 830 00209 PARK 273.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.45201.3520 830 00210 WEB SITE 350.00 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 101.41920.3092 830 00211 HWY 25 222.48 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 450.49201.3510 830 00212 4,143.36 *VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO VACUUM CENTER LIQUOR STORE 22.31 CLEANING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2110 22766 830 00122 LIQUOR STORE 35.34 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 609.49754.4044 22820 830 00213 57.65 *VENDOR TOTAL MOON MOTOR SALES, INC. SHADE TREE 144.12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 224.46102.2199 830 00214 PARKS 41.95 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 830 00215 PARKS-SHIELD 176.84 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 225.45201.2299 830 00216 362.91 *VENDOR TOTAL NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & SHOP 25.61 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 830 00137 .~URCE 234.07 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 010743-00 830 00138 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 4lIi!'5i1999 09,59,55 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 6 OOR NAME OESCRI PTI ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POlt F/P 10 LINE NORTHERN STATES POWER CO WATER 1.434.49 ELECTRIC 601.49440.3810 830 00228 SEWER 8.75 ELECTRIC 602.49490.3810 830 00229 STREET LIGHTS 138.12 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 830 00230 PARKS 102.18 ELECTRIC 225.45201.3810 830 00231 CIVIL DEFENSE 4.85 ELECTRIC 101.42501.3810 830 00232 PARKING LOTS 22.38 ELECTRIC 101.43140.3810 830 00233 AN SHELTER 100.21 ELECTRIC 101.42701.3810 830 00234 1,810.98 *VENDOR TOTAL NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTA ZONING AMEND 187.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8578 830 00218 RIVER MILL PARK 251.80 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8578 830 00219 GENERAL 373.90 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8578 830 00220 OAA PLAN 505.64 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8578 830 00221 KJELLBERG W 102.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 466.49201.3199 8579 830 00222 EBERT/MARTIE LOT 136.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8579 830 00223 MMC CUP 282.54 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIe 101.41910.3199 8579 830 00224 RIVERSIDE OIL CUP 323.00 MISe PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8579 830 00225 AMCON 535.50 MIse PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8579 830 00226 GOLD NUGGET 51.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8579 830 00227 .ENERAL 900.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8580 830 00217 3,648.38 *VENDOR TOTAL O'NEILL/JEFF CELL PHONE REIMB 180.96 TELEPHONE 101.41910.3210 1ST QTR 1999 830 00140 OCHS BRICK COMPANY PARKS 95.85 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 76116 830 00141 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, CH 140.85 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 830 00186 CEMETARY 88.16 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 651.49010.4399 16172 830 00187 CH 53.00 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 16181 830 00185 CH 352.34 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 16231 830 00188 PARK RINK 1.010.50 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 101.45201.4099 16315 830 00189 CH 53.00 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41940.2099 16435 830 00190 CH 53.00 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 16569 830 00191 FIRE STATION 349.00 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101.42201.4044 16849 830 00144 STREET LIGHTING 664.50 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43160.2199 16850 830 00143 SR CENTER 66.27 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.45175.4010 16859 830 00142 FIRE STATION 55.00 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.42201.4044 16914 830 00148 STREET LIGHTING 468.34 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43160.2199 16935 830 00145 CH 147.00 MIse REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 16936 830 00146 CH 313.92 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 16991 830 00149 3,814.88 *VENDOR TOTAL ~ CALL CONCEPTS, INC. 01 CALLS 204.00 MIse PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 9030496 830 00150 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 4111iS/1999 09,S9,S5 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 7 DOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE PATCH/FRED 4.76 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42401.3310 830 00151 36.05 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 830 00152 40.81 *VENDOR TOTAL PAUSTIS & SONS 195.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 107204 830 00043 91.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 107205 830 00042 286.25 *VENDOR TOTAL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 11. 05 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 483549 830 00002 321.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 483549 830 00003 46.50 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 483549 830 00004 194.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 483550 830 00005 5.10 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 485944 830 00008 394.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 485944 830 00009 1.70 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 486033 830 00006 360.49 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 486033 830 00007 1,333.84 *VENDOR TOTAL 'I G INSP 16.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42401.3199 830 00153 INSP 16.95 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43115.3199 830 00154 PLANNING 30.54 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 830 00155 COMM CENTER 30.70 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 830 00156 94.95 *VENDOR TOTAL PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING 388.95 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 999091 830 00010 155.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 999091 830 00011 543.95 *VENDOR TOTAL PITNEY BOWES PW-POSTAGE MACHINE RENT 115.85 EOU I PMENT RENTAL 101.43110.4150 5/99 TO 8/99 830 00157 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GR WWTP 37,095.42 PROF SRV - PSG, INC 602.49480.3080 MAY, 1999 830 00158 PURCELL'S PLUMBERY WATER 401.30 IMPROVEMENTS 601.49440.5301 004477 830 00236 WATER 5.92 IMPROVEMENTS 601.49440.5301 0044 78 830 00237 WATER 12.12 IMPROVEMENTS 601.49440.5301 004482-1695 830 00235 LIQUOR STORE 83.30 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 609.49754.4044 016283 830 00159 502.64 *VENDOR TOTAL RED'S MOBIL eRE STATION 143.49 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 101.42201.4099 830 00160 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 4111i5i1999 09,59,55 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 10 DOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE WATSON COMPANY, I NC/THE 0.35 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 538321 830 00039 519.77 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 538321 830 00040 51.62 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 538321 830 00041 0.35 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 538797 830 00036 85.49 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 538797 830 00037 532.08 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 538797 830 00038 1,189.66 *VENDOR TOTAL WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY MN SESSION LAWS 171.47 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.41301.4330 32370098 830 00182 WINE MERCHANTS, INC 3.83 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 17171 830 00034 431.66 WINE 609.49750.2530 17171 830 00035 435.49 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR~TR SHERIFF PATROL 31.441.67 PROF SRV - LAW ENFORCEME 101.42101.3050 PATROL-4 830 00183 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPT OF HI iE & SNOW 5.195.45 SAND 101.43125.2170 2196 830 00256 WIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY DEP REG 120.98 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41990.3190 830 00184 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE WAREHOUSE 13.59 BIOSOLIOS FARM IMPROVEME 602.49480.4385 830 00257 WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. MAROUETTE BANK 45.25CR PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 0000001 830 00262 GEN ENGINEERING 1,475.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.00-00022 830 00258 AMCON 789.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.85-00003 830 00260 WATER & SEWER STUDY 144.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.97-00004 830 00261 PATHWAY 2.314.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 460.49201.3030 01125.00-00005 830 00259 4,677.00 *VENDOR TOTAL . 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ,r'/15/1999 09:59:55 DOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: . . AMOUNT 566,863.83 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 11 ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F!P ID LINE RECOROS PRINTED - 000257 BRe FINANCIAL SYSTEM .15/1999 09:59:59 FUND RECAP: Schedule of Bills FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 224 SHADE TREE FUND 225 PARK FUND 226 COMMUNITY CENTER 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 460 98-02C PED BRIDGE/CR 118 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 466 99-01C KJELLBERG WEST SAN S 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 610 TRANSPORTATION FUND 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 69.262.64 128.76 270.49 5,227.31 801.50 24.92 222.48 2,314.25 407. 996.40 102.00 3,547.38 39,782.69 31,221.18 5,873,67 88.16 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 566,863.83 . BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 535,642.65 31,221.18 TOTAL ALL BANKS 566,863.83 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY . CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R -L ROGER GUNDERSON Golden Valley Furniture Company of Monticello Phone 295-5300 - Monticello, Minn. 5536- lOW~LL '<Q.W.6l" 3'Ci-i~ v. ~Ol. Monticello City Council; Regarding the Co. Rd. 75 up-grade_. please: consider putting this projectr.on hold unti It' next year. Two other projects are also slatedi to start this jUly, Hiway 25 and CO..Rd. 118.. From a business stand point having both Hiway 25 and Co.. Rd. 75 under construction at the same time could hav<<, a larg.. negitiv8' impac; It it is a problem tor customers to get to your busi ness, then the customer- wi 11 some place else that is more convenient. With a year delaY;I would hope the Council would look at the cost and scop~ ot this project,. is there-,s simplieri more cost:.:effective,'way tor this project!? ~-...? 3- f?;l Sincerely, ~Af~ Sc:ott Douglas: