City Council Minutes 01-08-1996MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January S, 1996 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held December 11., 1995. It was noted that the estimated wage scale for the Public Works Secretary as noted on page 9 of the minutes should be corrected to state $8.40/hr to $11.13/hr. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 11, 1995, AS CORRECTED. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Consideration of change order #1 for Highway 25/School Boulevard turn lanes - Project 95-03C. Consulting Engineer Chuck Lepak reported that in order to keep the School Boulevard project on schedule, the project was bid without a turn lane and bypass lane on Highway 25. Subsequent review by MN/DOT found the lanes to be necessary with a stipulation that the work be done in the fall of 1995. The total cost of the change order was $10,678.10. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER #1 IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,678.10 FOR PROJECT 95-03C. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of authorizing submittal of ISTEA funding application for construction of I-94 pedestrian crossing and pathway segments. Assistant Administrator O'Neill requested authorization to apply for ISTEA funding for construction of a pedestrian bridge over I-94 at or near County Road 118, for pathway segments along County Road 118 from CSAR 75 to School Boulevard, and for pathway segments connecting the Meadow Oak, Eastwood Knoll, and Oak Ridge neighborhoods to the school campus area. Fie noted that $30,000 was Page 1 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 included in the 1996 budget as a portion of the cost to install the pathway segments, which would be used to offset a portion of the City's share of the project through the ISTEA grant. O'Neill noted that Consulting Engineer Bret Weiss estimated the construction of the pathway segments and bridge section at $400,000, not including engineering and inspection, which was estimated at $100,000. If the City agreed to pay 20% of the project cost, the total cost to the City for the entire project was estimated at $180,000. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY STAFF TO SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR A PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER I-94 AND PATHWAY SEGMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 96-3. C Consideration of accepting proposal from Ewing Engineering Company to supervise testing at Sunny Fresh Foods. Public Works Director John Simola requested that Council consider accepting a proposal from Ewing Engineering Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the amount of $15,000 to supervise testing at Sunny Fresh Foods. The purpose of the testing is to allow the City to obtain the most energy efficient and reliable SBR equipment for treatment of Sunny Fresh Foods' wastewater at the City's treatment plant. Bob Peplin of HDR reported that the scope of services would include assisting HDR in preparing the pre qualification specification/aeration testing document, two site visits of one week each to conduct the tests, data analysis, and preparation and submission of a written report of the findings. It was Peplin's view that by accepting the proposal from an independent company such as Ewing Engineering, the City would benefit from their expertise and install the most efficient equipment at the wastewater treatment plant. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FROM EWING ENGINEERING COMPANY FOR SUPERVISING TESTING AT SUNNY FRESH FOODS IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests., and complaints. A. Roger Pribyl, President of the Monticello Baseball Association, presented the City Council with a check in the amount of $1,000 to Page 2 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 help pay for the lighting project at the ballfields. Pribyl also thanked the Council for continuing to provide baseball parks, the additional parks on the east side of town, and the coordination of field use by John Simola and Roger Mack. 5. Consent agenda, A. Consideration of setting firefighter's wages at $7 per hour for all fire calls. . Recommendation.- Approve an increase in the salaries for the second hour of a fire call from $5 to $7. B. Consideration of adopting a resolutign calling for a public hearing to modify Redevelopment Project No. 1 and to modify TIF District Nose 1-1 through 1-18, Recommendation: Adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on January 22, 1996, for modification of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1-18. SEE RESOLUTION 96-1. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Public Hearing—Consideration of a request to nierae Lots 5 and 6, 0 k Industrial Park 2nd Additionand to vacate uti:lity!Qasements alQng the current boundary, Applicant, Willi Hahn Corporation. Vi Mayor Fyle opened the public hearing. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the Willi Hahn Corporation purchased Lots 5 and 6, Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition, from the City a few weeks ago for construction of a 10,000 sq ft warehouse building and future expansion to include production operations. He noted that in order for the property to be developed as desired, it was necessary to combine Lots 5 and 6 and vacate the utility easements along the current boundary. There being no comment from the public, the public hearing was closed. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE VACATION OF THE STORM WATER AND UTILITY EASEMENTS BETWEEN LOTS 5 AND 6, OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK 2ND ADDITION, ALLOWING SAID LOTS TO MERGE. Motion carried unanimously. Page 3 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 7. Consideration of purchase of sludge application site. Public Works Director John Simola reported that for the past several years, City staff has been working toward maintaining an inventory of land for biosolids application. Currently, the City is using permitted sites on the Robert Shierts farm; however, of the 157 -acre site, only 33 acres are usable for biosolids application. It was noted that by the fall of 1996, the City may not have sufficient sludge storage to make it through the winter without the purchase and permitting of additional land. Simola went on to report that after reviewing sites within a 5 -mile radius of Monticello, the Susan Hanaford site, located on County Road 106, was investigated for sludge application; however, Hanaford was not willing to sell the property. Staff then approached Iden and Carol Bohanon about the possible sale of their 158 -acre farm. A market analysis performed for the Bohanons showed the value of the property to be $464,000, and an analysis performed for the City determined the value to be $450,000. Simola noted that the Bohanons were not in a hurry to sell, as they receive $30,000 per year in rent; therefore, they requested $600,000 for the 158 -acre farm at this time. After reviewing the appraisal data and the Bohanon's asking price, the biosolids site committee recommended that staff approach the Bohanons with an offer of $525,000, with $450,000 paid upfront and the additional $75,000 in the form of rent over the next 2-3 years. The offer was made contingent upon Council approval, after which details of the purchase agreement would be negotiated; the Bohanons indicated they would accept the City's offer. It was recommended by City staff that the Council approve the purchase of the Bohanon site, as it offered more tillable acres, had better access to the property than the Hanaford site, and had a willing seller. Pam Dane, owner of Silver Springs Golf Course, noted her concerns regarding aesthetics and ground water contamination, as the property surrounding the golf course may be developed in the future. She requested that the City use the injection method for application and that the City install monitoring wells on her property, for which she would grant easements. Mayor Fyle asked City staff if additional monitoring wells were possible. The Public Works Director indicated that he could discuss additional wells with Braun Engineering, as they would need to determine which direction the ground water is flowing. Page 4 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 Bret Gemlich, director of the YMCA camp, noted his concern regarding the ground water and possible odor problems. He also requested that monitoring wells be placed on the YMCA property to ensure that the lakes remain acceptable for public use. In addition, Gemlich indicated that he would consider renting YMCA farm land to the City for sludge application. The Public Works Director pointed out that the access to the YMCA farm land was on Briarwood, which is a township road. This would create road restriction difficulties for the sludge trucks, and the Township prohibits by ordinance the hauling of sludge on township roads. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to authorize the Public Works Director to research the possibility of using the YMCA farm land as an additional sludge site. Other residents of the area adjacent to the Bohanon site expressed their concerns with odor, truck traffic, surface run-off, and ground water contamination. Staff explained that information will be gathered regarding the potential of the site for sludge application, and a public hearing will be held in the future. City Attorney Paul Weingarden recommended that the Council authorize him to discuss the method of sale prior to entering an agreement in order to reduce the amount of risk for the City. He suggested that perhaps a contract for deed could be negotiated to ensure that the City doesn't lose $525,000 if the PCA did not permit the site. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF TO DENY ENTERING INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH THE BOHANONS. It was Stumpf's view that the City should research the offer of renting the YMCA farm land prior to purchasing property. Motion died for lack of a second. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD FYLE AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO AUTHORIZE THE DRAFTING OF A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH KEN AND CAROL BOHANON FOR THE PURCHASE OF THEIR FARM AT BRIARWOOD AND WEST COUNTY ROAD 39 FOR THE SUM OF $525,000, WITH THE CONDITIONS OF THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO BE FINALIZED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. FINAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL AT A FUTURE COUNCIL MEETING. Noting in favor: Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault. Opposed: Brian Stumpf, Shirley Anderson. It was Anderson's view that the City should offer the appraised price of $450,000, not including future rent in the amount of $75,000. Motion passed. Page 5 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 8. Consideration of approving preliminary plat of the Shingobee subdivision Applicant, G ae Veit. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that Gae Veit requested approval of the preliminary plat of the Shingobee subdivision, a 2 -lot, 2 -acre plat located on the east side of Highway 25 directly south of the Tom Thumb store. The subdivision would result in the Subway Shop being located on a smaller lot, and the newly -created lot would become the site of a proposed quick lube facility. O'Neill noted that the preliminary plat was consistent with city code; however, the property is unique in that it does not have direct access to a public right-of-way even though it has Highway 25 frontage. A private easement is in place that allows access to the Subway Shop site and the newly -created lot, and O'Neill noted that the final plat process should include a requirement that an easement be prepared which allows access to the Subway Shop across the new lot. In addition, the Planning Commission recommended that a formal agreement be executed regarding maintenance of the private access to these two lots. O'Neill also explained that easements allowing access to the utility lines, which would cross the newly -created lot in order to serve the Subway Shop, would need to be prepared and recorded in conjunction with the platting process. O'Neill went on to report that the Shingobee plat is near the Highway 25 corridor area, for which the City recently authorized a transportation study. The study would include alternatives for realignment of the Oakwood Drive/ Highway 25 intersection, which would require acquisition of Highway 25 frontage. O'Neill noted that it did not appear that the proposed site of the quick lube facility would be needed for future right-of-way serving the new intersection. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE SHINGOBEE SUBDIVISION WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. EASEMENT DOCUMENTATION MUST BE PREPARED PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT ALLOWING UTILITY AND DRIVE ACCESS TO THE SUBWAY SHOP. 2. A FORMAL AGREEMENT MUST BE EXECUTED REGARDING ROAD MAINTENANCE. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 9. Consideration of a purchase agreement offer - Kruse parcel. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that he had received a purchase agreement proposal from Floyd Kruse offering to sell the 6 -acre parcel adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant for $360,000. In addition, the agreement also stated that the City would absorb a $22,000 deferred sewer and water special assessment against the property. Wolfsteller noted that there was still sufficient time to design the layout of the plant incorporating the additional acreage if the City purchased the property at this time. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO MAKE A COUNTEROFFER TO FLOYD KRUSE OF $278,000 FOR THE 6 -ACRE PARCEL ADJACENT TO THE MONTICELLO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. THE CITY AGREED TO WAIVE THE $22,000 IN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. OFFER VALID FOR 7 DAYS. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of reviewing Police Commission traffic control recommendations for School Boulevard. City Administrator Wolfsteller reported that during construction of the latest segment of School Boulevard, a stop sign was installed on School Boulevard at the Fallon Avenue intersection near Little Mountain Elementary School; however, since the opening of the entire section of School Boulevard, the stop sign was removed from School Boulevard, with traffic required to stop on Fallon Avenue. Concerns have been raised by the School Superintendent regarding the amount and speed of traffic on School Boulevard near the elementary school, and it was his view that the four-way stop sign should be reinstituted at the Fallon Avenue/School Boulevard intersection and the speed limit reduced in the area of the school. The Sheriffs Department initiated an in-house traffic survey along School Boulevard, and Deputy Hudek reported that the majority of cars traveled well below the 45 mph maximum while passing the schools. It was his view that this indicated that drivers saw a reason for exercising caution, and he agreed. Hudek also noted that the most dangerous situation near the school was when ball Lyames were in prov-ress and vehicles were parked alonLy both After reviewing the Sheriffs Department recommendations, the Police Commission made the following recommendations to the Council: Page 7 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 1. A consistent 35 mph speed limit should be established from Highway 25 to County Road 118, and the limit reduced to 25 mph along the school property when children are present (between Fallon Avenue and County Road 118). 2. Four-way stop signs at the intersections of Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard and also at County Road 117 and School Boulevard be installed. 3. A flashing warning light be installed at the pedestrian crosswalk leading from the Cardinal Hills development to the Little Mountain Elementary School. It was noted by staff that state statutes indicate that if a city street is developed with businesses or residential structures with driveways accessing the road every 100 ft, city authorities have the right to establish the speed limit; however, since this was not the case on School Boulevard, MN/DOT was the authority that would conduct a traffic survey and establish the speed limit. It was noted that MN/DOT previously conducted a survey and established the speed limit from Fallon Avenue to County Road 118 at 45 mph. It was also noted that the off-road path was built specifically to separate pedestrian/bike traffic from vehicular traffic. School Superintendent Shelly Johnson stated that he had recently spoken with the MN/DOT St. Cloud transportation official who oversees speed limits in this area, who indicated that approval by the City Council would be sufficient to lower the speed limit on School Boulevard. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO LOWER THE SPEED LIMIT ON SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM COUNTY ROAD 118 TO FALLON AVENUE TO 30 MPH WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 96-2. o be moved. City Administrator Wolfsteller reported that as part of the wastewater treatment plant expansion project, the rental dwelling located at 1501 Hart Boulevard needed to be removed to allow for SBR tank construction. Eight bids were received with a low of $3,150 to a high of $10,500. Wolfsteller recommended that the high bid be accepted. Page 8 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO ACCEPT THE HIGH BID OF $10,500 FROM RICK AND CHERYL SRNSKY FOR THE HOUSE AT 1501 HART BOULEVARD, WITH FULL PAYMENT AND PROOF OF INSURANCE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE HOUSE BEING MOVED. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of annual appointments for 1996. Councilmember Shirley Anderson stated that she considered Bret Weiss of WSB a valuable asset to the City due to his 6-7 years of experience in Monticello as City Engineer. THEREFORE, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPOINT WSB AS THE CITY ENGINEER. MAYOR FYLE THEN AMENDED THE MOTION TO APPOINT WSB AS THE CITY ENGINEER AND REVIEW THE APPOINTMENT IN SIX MONTHS. It was noted by the Assistant Administrator that a staff meeting had been scheduled to define the role of the City Engineer. The City Administrator stated that WSB's fee structure was unknown at this time and that fees should be reviewed prior to appointing an engineer. IT WAS THE CONSENSUS OF COUNCIL TO TABLE THE MOTION TO APPOINT WSB AS THE CITY ENGINEER UNTIL THE JANUARY 22, 1996, COUNCIL MEETING. Council then discussed the remaining list of appointments. The City Administrator reported that he would meet with the City Attorney, Paul Weingarden, to critique his services of the past year. Mayor Fyle recommended that the City not formally appoint a City Planner and utilize Northwest Associated Consultants on an as -needed basis for the time being. Councilmember Herbst noted that Ron Hoglund's term on the Economic Development Authority had expired and, according to a policy recently enacted by Council, could not be reappointed due to the city residency requirement; however, it was Herbst's view that each commission should be reviewed separately for member appointments. Due to Hoglund's experience on the EDA and his vested interest in the community through his business, Herbst recommended that Hoglund be reappointed to the EDA at this time. Herbst also noted that Diane Herbst would be willing to fill one of the vacancies on the Library Board. Page 9 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 AF'T'ER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO ACCEPT THE ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS AS FOLLOWS: 1996 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Official Depositories: Newspaper: Housing and Redevelopment Authority (5 -year staggered terms): Planning Commission: Health Officer: (1 year) Acting Mayor: (1 year) Joint Commissions: Community Education: Fire Board OAA Marquette Bank Monticello First Bank First National Bank of Monticello Chief Financial Officer authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only Monticello Times 1. Tom St. Hilaire 2. Roger Carlson 3. Brad Barger 4. Al Larson 5. Everette Ellison 1. Richard Carlson 2. Jon Bogart 3. Dick Frie 4. Richard Martie 5. Rod Dragsten Dr. Donald Maus Shirley Anderson Shirley Anderson Rick Wolfsteller Brad Fyle Page 10 12/96 12/2000 12/99 12/98 12/97 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 Library Board: 1. Ed Solberg 12/96 (3 -year staggered) 2. Duff Davidson 12/97 4.Al Larson 3. Vacant 12/96 12/98 4. Ruby Bensen 12/97 7. Ron Hoglund 5. Diane Herbst 12/98 Attorney: Paul Weingarden 12/98 Planner: No appointment at this time Auditor: Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Assoc. Recycling Committee: Shirley Anderson (3 -yr staggered terms) Economic Development Authority (5 -year staggered terms): 1. Tom Perrault, Council 12/96 2. Clint Herbst, Council 12/98 3.Harvey Kendall 12/96 4.Al Larson 12/97 5.Barb Schwientek 12/98 6.Bill Demeules 12/99 7. Ron Hoglund 12/2000 Engineer(s): WSB & Associates and Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates (MOTION FOR, APPT. WAS TABLED UNTIL 1/22/96 MEETING) Police Advisory Commission (3 -year staggered terms): 1. Brian Stumpf, Council 12/98 2. Warren Smith 12/97 3. David Gerads 12/97 4. Vacant 12/98 5. Liz DeMarais 12/96 Parks Commission: 1. Earl Smith 12/98 (3 -yr staggered terms) 2. Larry Nolan 12/96 3. Fran Fair 12/97 4. Bruce Thielen 12/98 5. Steve Andrews 12/96 Motion carried unanimously. Page 11 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 13. Consideration of Public Works Secretary appointment. Public Works Director John Simola reported that a job description had been drafted and job points calculated at 30, Grade 2, for the Public Works Secretary position. The starting pay for the position at step 1 was determined to be $9.14 per hour. Simola noted that the position and job description were posted in all City departments to allow existing employees to apply for the position. Only Beth Green, the current part-time Public Works Secretary, applied for the position. Simola noted that staff determined that Beth meets the qualifications for the position. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPOINT BETH GREEN TO THE PERMANENT POSITION OF PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY AT GRADE 2, STEP 1, AT AN HOURLY RATE OF $9.14/HR, CONTINGENT UPON PASSING THE REQUIRED PHYSICAL. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consideration of bills for the last half of December 1995, AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO PAY THE BILLS FOR THE LAST HALF OF DECEMBER 1995 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Office Manager Page 12