City Council Agenda Packet 04-06-1999 Special
Tuesday, April 6, 1999 - 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Conference Room
Mayor: Roger Belsaas
Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen
1. Call to order.
2. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit within the 1-2 zoning district to
allow a subdivision and planned unit development for a lot without public street frontage
and conditional use permit to alter the surfacing and curbing materials. Applicant:
Riverside Oil.
3. Adjournment.
Special Council Agenda - 4/6/99
2. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit within the 1-2 Zonine
District to allow a subdivision and Planned Unit Development for a lot without
public street frontage and CUP to alter the surfacing and curbin~ materials.
Auulicant: Riverside Oil. (NAC)
This item is first on the Planning Commission agenda and also the subject of a special
City Council meeting being held at 7:30 p.m. on the same day. A special meeting of the
City Council will enable the relocation effort to start five days earlier and serve to help
keep the community center project on schedule. Technically, according to the
construction contract, the tanks were to be removed by March 31 st. We need to get the
tanks removed as soon as possible to avoid claims for added expenses associated with the
contractor having to work around the tanks.
Riverside Oil is proposing to purchase a portion of the Electro Industries property at 2150
West River Street. The project would divide the south portion of the site, about six acres,
from the north portion which contains the street frontage. The proposed Riverside Oil
site borders 1-94 and would utilize the existing driveways of Electro Industries for access
via an casement.
Riverside Oil is proposing this project as a relocation site from its current location in the
downtown area. The community center will require the Riverside Oil property for
parking, necessitating the move. The project sketch site plan consists of two buildings
and a service location for the bulk fuel tanks, as well as a future building pad. The
applicant is requesting a CUP waiver from the curbing and paving requirements as
allowed in the 1-2 Zoning District.
The 1-2 clause allowing the waiver of paving and curbing materials is intended to permit
industrial development to phase in additional site improvements where short-term traffic
or use will not negatively impact the public improvements or the neighborhood. The City
Engineer will need to review the plans to determine that drainage and circulation are
adequately addressed within the development. The Ordinance provides that movable
curb stops may be used in lieu of concrete curbing where additional traffic control is
needed. It would be appropriate to suggest that as expansion occurs on this site, the
additional traffic and intensity of use would trigger the eventual need for compliance with
the paving and curbing standards. Future expansions will require additional City review
at which time paving and curbing will be re-evaluated.
The site will be fully exposed to the freeway along the southwestern boundary. Given the
nature of the use (bulk fuel tanks), and the relatively low level of current improvements to
the site (e.g. paving and curbing), additional landscape screening along the freeway
frontage would be beneficial. The applicant has included a notation on the site plan that a
signiflcant amount of grass will be programmed. Staff would also encourage a planting
of trees which will eventually grow to help buffer the view of the site from the freeway.
Special Council Agenda - 4/6/99
One issue relating to future use of this parcel and adjoining development should be
raised. The applicant for this use will be occupying about two acres of the six they are
purchasing. The site in question also abuts a sloping grove of pine trees which divides
the subject six-acre parcel in two. The land to the east is zoned R-2, and the east half of
the subject site will more naturally develop as a part of the residential use due to
topography and the pine trees.
Staff has two recommendations in this regard. First, the PUD should ensure the
protection of the pine trees, as they create an effective screen between the bulk fuel
facility and the future residential area. Second, the applicant and seller may wish to
consider a sale of a smaller site than six acres. The bulk fuel site appears to fit well on
the two acres, including a significant expansion opportunity. It would be preferable from
the City's point of view to facilitate the transition to the residential area by utilizing the
slope and the pine trees as a land use dividing line. A subdivision of land at this time
which acknowledges that natural boundary would be worth considering as a part of this
Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit PUD to allow the subdivision of a lot without
street frontage.
1. Motion to recommend approval of the PUD, subject to a requirement that the pine
trees are retained for future screening and buffering and that additional
landscaping along the freeway frontage is considered, which will help buffer the
view of the site from freeway exposure.
2. Motion to recommend denial ofthe PUD based on a finding that a more intensive
use of the site would be possible.
3. Motion to table action on the proposal subject to additional information.
Decision 2: Conditional Use Permit to allow the modification of paving and curbing
requirements in the 1-2 District.
1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP subject to the review of the City
Engineer regarding circulation and drainage and the notation that future expansion
on the site will require a new City review of curbing and paving requirements.
2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP based on a finding that the nature of the
use will justify more extensive paving and curbing improvements.
Motion to table action on the CUP subject to additional information.
Special Council Agenda - 4/6/99
Staff recommends approval of the PUD and the CUP as noted in the above alternatives.
With the additional tree planting along the freeway boundary and the preservation of the
pine tree grove, the site should both function well for the applicant and avoid any
significant visual impacts on surrounding land uses. As noted in the analysis, staff
believes that there is a potential for development of the east portion of this site as a
residential use. The applicant and the seller are encouraged to consider a smaller site, if
workable, or a subdivision arrangement which would facilitate future development of the
east portion of the property.
Exhibit A - Area Location
Exhibit B - Site Plan Sketch
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