City Council Minutes 05-13-1996 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, May 13, 1996 - 6 p.m.
Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom
Members Absent: None
A special workshop meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of
reviewing the Highway 25/Chelsea Road Corridor Study in more detail.
City Engineer Bret Weiss explained that the Monticello Transportation Plan
completed in June 1994 identified the Highway 25 corridor in general as an area of
concern due to the congestion, close proximity to the I-94 ramp, and the number of
accidents. In addition, it was noted that the amount of traffic entering and exiting
Kjellbergs Mobile Home Park, the development of School Boulevard, and
commercial development in the area will add to the congestion problems.
Weiss went on to report that a feasibility study for Highway 25 improvements was
completed in March 1996, which identified three options for improvements. Option
#1 proposed the extension of Chelsea Road in a northerly alignment; however, this
option was eliminated from the study due to the number of serious impacts to
properties in its path or adjacent to it. Option #2 proposed a more straight
extension of Chelsea Road, while Option #3 proposed a more southerly alignment
with Sandberg Road. Either option would involve right-of-way purchase and
building purchase and relocation. The conclusion of the feasibility study was to
pursue Options #2 and #3 and seek public input.
Chuck Rickert of WSB reviewed the time line for the project, which included items
such as information mailings, public information meetings, and business owner
meetings. Once the public meetings are held and Council selects an option, the
project would be sent to MN/DOT for their approval.
It was the consensus of Council to allow the process to continue and to move
forward according to the City Engineer's time line recommendation.
There being no further business, the special workshop meeting was adjourned.
Karen Doty 0
Office Manager