City Council Minutes 09-09-1996 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, September 9, 1996 - 6 p.m.
Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom
Members Absent: None
A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of reviewing the
proposed budget and setting the preliminary tax levy for 1997.
City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that three options were prepared for
the 1997 tax levy for Council consideration. Option A proposed a tax levy of
$2,922,800, which would amount to the same dollars collected as was collected in
1996; however, it would actually result in the taxpayer seeing a reduction in taxes
due to additional valuation over which the taxes would be spread. Under Option B,
the actual dollars collected would be 3% higher than 1996 at $3,010,484 but would
only result in a 1.33% increase in actual tax capacity rate that a homeowner or
business would see. Option C proposed a tax levy increase of $137,080 over 1996 to
a new total of $3,059,880. This would be a 3% increase in the tax capacity rate but
would result in a 4.69% increase in actual dollars collected.
Wolfsteller summarized the following expenditures in each department. At the
request of the Parks Commission, an additional $25,000 was included in the parks
department budget under part-time salaries to help adequately maintain the
expanding park system. For the planning and zoning department, an additional
$35,000 plus benefit cost was included to cover the cost of adding an additional
employee or consultant to keep up with enforcement and development issues. In
the HRA budget, the HRA proposed to reimburse the general fund $75,000 in 1997
to cover HACA losses the City incurred due to tax increment financing. Wolfsteller
noted that the HRA suggested that half, or $37,500, be used for public
improvements such as the upcoming Chelsea Road realignment cost, and the second
$37,500 amount be used for acquisition of a future city industrial park. The HRA
noted that if the City set aside $37,500 toward the future industrial park, the HRA
would match this amount from their reserve funds. Wolfsteller added that the
budget needs to also include a reimbursement for the funds used to purchase land
in 1996 for the wastewater treatment plant.
Also included in the proposed 1997 budget was a request by the Monticello
Community Partners (MCP) that the City Council include $35,000 in the annual
budget to help fund their program. Bob Bowen, Chair of the MCP, stated that the
MCP has been focused on establishment of the organization and has been working
with City staff and City commissions. They hope to hire a project manager that
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Special Council Minutes - 9/9/96
would be responsible for coordinating the MCP groups. Bowen reported that a
community workshop was scheduled for September 17, 1996, and the Council was
invited to attend.
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that $35,000 would remain in the
1997 budget for the MCP, and the Council would finalize a contribution amount
between $25,000 and $35,000 at a future workshop. It was also the consensus of
the Council that rather than establish a 3 -year pledge to the MCP at this time, the
MCP representatives should return to the Council annually to request future funds.
After reviewing the proposed capital outlay items for 1997, Mayor Fyle requested
that the $6,000 amount allotted in the sewer department for biosolids farm
improvements be increased to $10,000. In addition, the City Administrator
reported that the anticipated OSHA reimbursement for the boom anti -fall device
may not be received, which would increase that portion of the sewer capital outlay
to $3,700. It was noted by Councilmember Perrault that the two cellular phones
proposed for the building inspection department would most likely be closer to
$1,000 rather than $600.
Council also discussed parks and pathway maintenance, and Councilmember
Herbst suggested that the City discuss ways to lessen the amount of park
maintenance currently required. In addition, Council discussed whether to install
"no snowmobile" signs along the pathway or whether the pathway should be cleared
of snow during the winter months to help deter snowmobiles from using and
damaging the pathway.
OVER 1996. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 96-39.
It was the consensus of Council to schedule a special meeting for the purpose of
conducting a public hearing on 1997 budget adoption for Wednesday, December 4,
1996, at 5 p.m., and also Wednesday, December 11, 1996, at 5 p.m., for the public
hearing continuation date and/or final adoption of the 1997 budget.
There being no further discussion, the special meeting was adjourned.
ZA ,
Kar6 Doty 0
Office Manager
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