Planning Commission Minutes 03-04-2014 (Special Meeting)MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 - 4:30 PM - Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brad Fyle, Sam Burvee, Grant Sala, Alan Heidemann Absent: Charlotte Gabler Others: Angela Schumann, Tom Pawelk, Larry Nolan, Tim Stolpes 1. Call to Order Brad Fyle called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. (Although noticed as a joint meeting of the Planning and Parks Commissions, there was not a quorum of the Parks Commission in attendance. The ;meeting was conducted as a special Planning Commission meeting.) 2. Purpose The purpose of the meeting was to discuss options for the Monte Club Hill park use planning. 3. Consideration of Monte Club Hill Park Use Planning Community Development Director Angela Schumann summarized that the City Council had directed the Parks and Planning Commissions to consider potential uses for the 24 acre Monte Club Hill property as follow up to the site tour in August of 2013. The consensus of the Council was that any redevelopment other than recreation or parkland be focused within the footprint of the old Monte Club building, access and parking areas, and that redevelopment complement recreational uses. Parks Superintendent Tom Pawelk indicated that trail systems and biking had been cited as top recreational priorities in park survey findings. He emphasized that any plans for use would focus on minimally impacting the natural topography. Schumann noted that the pathway proposed along Fenning Avenue would address recreational use and pedestrian safety on a major collector route. The path that winds through the site between the Spirit Hills and Wildwood developments would be formalized and connected to the trail system. The path through Spirit Hills into Hillside Farms, ( "Safe Routes to School "), is also a priority connection in that it provides a regional link to the county trail system. Special Planning Commission Minutes: 03/04/14 There was general discussion about creating a trailhead at the footprint of the Monte Club Hill site which will provide connection points to additional amenities such as an information kiosk, an interpretive center (and associated signage), picnic facilities, a scenic overlook (including a view shed of Pelican Lake), and parking to accommodate large groups and events on site. Pawelk pointed out that Minnesota Off -Road Cyclists (MORC) had recently constructed a single -track mountain bike course, in cooperation with Wright County at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. The varied terrain of the Monte Club Hill site could accommodate a single -track mountain bike course and a competition level challenge course. This could potentially establish Monticello as an off -road cycling destination and tournament host and boost the local economy. Pawelk indicated that the Parks budget currently includes $17,000 for planning costs related to Monte Club Hill. Staff will continue to research grant opportunities and ask for volunteer assistance within the cycling community in an effort to lower project cost. Pawelk indicated that the Parks Commission would establish a Monte Club Hill park use subcommittee and appoint a representative at its next meeting. The subcommittee would include representation from the Parks and Planning Commissions, the two local bike shops and two at -large community members and work with MORC to outline plans and a budget to present for City Council consideration this fall. ALAN HEIDEMANN MOVED TO APPOINT GRANT SALA TO REPRESENT THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON A SUBCOMMITTEE TO BE ESTABLISHED BY THE PARKS COMMISSION WHICH WILL PROVIDE FOR CONTINUITY IN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND FINAL LAND USE ACTIONS RELATED TO MONTE CLUB HILL. SAM BURVEE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 4. Adjournment SAM BURVEE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:29 P.M. ALAN HEIDEMANN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: May A Attest: / h Community Development Director