Planning Commission Minutes 12-07-2010Planning Commission Minutes - 12/7/10 MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, December 7th, 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Barry Voight, and William Spartz Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Gnttman-NAC, Ben Gozola -MFRA 1. Call to order. Commissioner Dragsten called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes from November 3rd & 17'k, 2010. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 3RD, 2010. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ, MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 17TH, 2010. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Citizen Comments. None. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. a) Review of the Comp Plan for next month b) New sign at the Liquor Store 5. Public Hearing: Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for the Towne Centre Signage Plan. Applicant: Bullseye Properties. Steve Grittman from NAC pointed out that the applicants are seeking an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit originally granted for the Towne Centre project to permit additional signage on the property, and a change to the materiaWdesign standards originally approved as part of that project. This proposed amendment created a Planned Unit Development that is intended to permit portions of the Towne Centre site to increase signage exposure to Highway 25 traffic, and to accommodate the existing condition of the facility's freestanding sign, which sits on City property. Grittman noted that since the time of the approval of Towne Centre, the City had updated and revised its sign regulations, adding flexibility and sign allowances to the code. A major objective of the revised sign regulations was to decrease the incentive for applicants to seek PUD approvals that vary the sign allowances, and set a consistent standard for commercial property that allowed for flexibility in sign usage and design. Planning Commission Minutes — 12/7/10 The current application proposes the following sign provisions: • A freestanding sign of 120 new square feet, on top of the existing monument sign which includes a display area of approximately 10 square feet identifying the "Towne Centre" complex. The total height of the new sign would be approximately 20 feet, 8 inches. Current regulations allow 100 total square feet of freestanding sign area with a maximum height of 22 feet. • A revision to the sign display guidelines for the center by allowing internally lit cabinet signs. Current display requirements are individually lit letters toward Highway 25, and externally lit placard signs toward Walnut Street. Such cabinet signs are allowed in the CCD, but were excluded from the PUD allowances for this site at the time of development approval. • A variation from the temporary sign allowances by providing for two temporary signs (one per building), but with the provision that such signs could both face Highway 25 (one of the two Towne Centre buildings faces Walnut only), and with the provision that each of the two temporary signs would be allowed to be displayed for up to 45 days per year, rather than the current limitation of 40 days. Staff had instead recommended instead the following amendment: • 100 square feet of total freestanding sign area and approximately 18 feet, 2 inches of height, consistent with current sign ordinance allowances. • Two 40 -day periods of temporary sign display, consistent with current sign ordinance allowances. Both such signs may be displayed along the Highway 25 portion of the project. In lieu of such temporary signs, the applicant may substitute a permanent 50 square foot changeable copy sign as part of the current freestanding structure or on the wall of the building without separate PUD processing. • Changes to sign design requirements to allow intemally -lit cabinet signs, with any design limitations as identified by the Planning Commission at the public hearing. The Planning Commission considered both the applicant proposal as well as the revised staff recommendation and asked numerous questions in an effort to clarify and determine the merits and consequences of each proposal. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. John Twardy with Bullseye Property spoke representing the applicant noting the vacancies at the centre and stressed his concern that businesses may fail due to lack of tenant identification. He discussed his proposal at length and answered detailed Commission questions asking that they consider sign options which would allow for greater visibility for the businesses at Towne Centre. Matthew Kent, owner of Matteo's Soccer Store, facing Walnut Street in Towne Centre spoke asking for as much signage as possible for the plaza. His concern is that his business is located on the back side of the building and customers can't find his store. He has found that renting a black sign significantly increased his business but noted that there are limits to using temporary signs. He would like the time frame for temporary Planning Commission Minutes — 12/7/10 signage increased to 45 days. Hearing no further public comment, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gabler suggested tabling the item for further consideration. Commissioner Spartz had additional questions about cabinet signs. Commissioner Hilgart noted his concern about the need for consistency in implementing the sign ordinance. Commissioner Voight noted that, although the City certainly wants businesses to succeed, it is important that the intent of the revised sign ordinance not be compromised. He suggested that there is still some confusion about the sign ordinance especially since this situation deals with City property. He also indicated the need to further consider a number of issues. MOTION BY DRAGSTEN TO TABLE THE TOWNE CENTRE SIGNAGE PLAN UNTIL JANUARY IN ORDER TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT: OPTIONS FOR PUTTING A CHANGEABLE SIGN INTO THE MONUMENT, OPTIONS FOR PUTTING A SIGN ON TOP OF THE MONUMENT, OPTIONS FOR USING A BOX SIGN OR OTHER TYPE DESIGN FOR COMPUTER BRAINZ AND OPTIONS FOR DETERMINING HOW TO CONTROL THE TEMPORARY SIGNS. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6. Public Hearing — Consideration to recommend adoption of an amendment to Title 10 of the Monticello City Code, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 1 -3, 4. Ben Gozola from MFRA summarized the second public hearing of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance revision. He noted that it allowed for a continuation of the discussion of minor modifications of the residential requirements included in Chapter 3 as well as a review of Chapter 4 related to Finishing Standards. He presented an outline of provisions intended to finish a property's development beyond the basic principal use. These finishing regulations include those for landscaping, lighting, parking, and signage requirements. Chapter 4 also includes updated regulations pertaining to communications towers, grading and alternative landscaping treatments, as well as new sections for tree preservation and wind power systems. Gozola highlighted the changes and responded to question related to each section of the proposed code. Items that were discussed at length are noted. 4.1 Landscaping and Screening • Enhanced description of landscaping requirements and planting standards • Ability to submit an alternative landscaping plan as an incentive for native planting design or restoration • Illustrative standards for vehicular use areas (parking lots) • The addition of perimeter planting requirements for vehicular use areas Reduced widths but increased intensity requirements for perimeter buffers (buffers between differing land uses) • Updated landscaping standards for all uses, placed in an easy -to -read tabular format • Provides additional detail for rooftop screening requirements Planning Commission Minutes — 12/7/10 There was some discussion about tree placement. Staff had recommended that trees be placed in the boulevard. MOTION MADE BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO CHANGE THE PROVISION THAT TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLACED WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE CURB TO TREES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLACED IN THE FRONT YARD FOR SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED AND MULTI- FAMILY HOMES. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 4.2 Tree Protection • Inclusion of a new tree protection ordinance, including incentives for preservation There was initial discussion about specimen trees and the need to preserve trees throughout the City. After some consideration the Commission determined that the ordinance was too restrictive in that it took away a property owner's rights. MOTION MADE BY CHAIRMAN DRAGSTEN TO STRIKE NUMBER 4 FROM PAGE 217 OF CHAPTER 4.2 RELATED TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION UI:: -0 1 Schumann noted her concern about the motion and asked for clarification about the reason for removing a vital section of the tree protection code. She pointed out that the restrictive nature of the ordinance is the intent of tree preservation plan. Gozola pointed out the section in which tree removal is allowed. After further discussion about exemptions, subdivided lots, and the importance of avoiding clear cutting and needless removal of trees, the Commission reconsidered the requirements. MOTION MADE BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO REINSTATE SECTION 4.2bLb2 AND REMOVE THE LANGUAGE AFTER THE WORD "AND" IN THAT SECTION. MOTION WAS SECONDED BYCHAIRMAN DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 43 Fences & Walls • Greater detail on fence and wall requirements by district • Exemptions allowed via an alternative security plan • Specific requirements for "screening" Commissioner Voight obtained clarification about his question in Chapter 4.36 on page 222 related to uniform fence style. Staff agreed to cross reference within the chapter. 4.4 Exterior Lighting • Additional depth in provisions relating to direction, hours and standards Exemptions for security plans • Specific standards for performance and sports areas Planning Commission Minutes - 12/7/10 Schumann confirmed that the Commission was comfortable with the awning lighting language on page 230. 4.5 Signs • Amendment allowing two free - standing signs for double- fronting lots • Addition of directional sign allowances Schumann noted that the allowance for total sign area had increased from 15 -20 %. There was some discussion about how to best utilize signage. The Commission agreed to leave it at 20 %. 4.6 Underground Utilities • Requirement that all new development provide underground utility service 4.7 Transitional Features • New regulations relating to the transitions between new and existing developments; aimed at minimizing conflicts that arise with in -fill development. • Provides a variety of alternatives for developers to comply 4.8 Off - Street Parking • Re- configured to eliminate duplication and confusion • Standards are organized by use. • Brings forward recent amendments for residential uses as related to commercial, emergency and recreational vehicles • Retains ability for development to utilize both cross parking and access, as well as shared/joint parking • Calculates parking based on interior building floor area and provides discount for actual unused floor areas • New parking calculations for revised use definitions and recognition of specific parking demands via alternate parking schedules Commissioner Voight asked for clarification on Chapter 4.8c. La. (page 252) related to change in use or occupancy of land. Gozola confirmed that it restricts one from doing anything to change the number of parking spaces allotted. 4.9 Off - Street Loading • Removal of CUP requirements for corner lots under met conditions 4.10 Grading, Draining, Erosion Control • Retention of recently amended standards Planning Commission Minutes — 12nll0 4.11 Building Materials • Reservation for discussion on industrial building materials There was much discussion about the definition of a "major accessory" building and whether or not it mattered if it were attached or detached. The Commission considered if a shed should have to match when using brick on the home or need just be similar in building materials. MOTION MADE BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT THAT BUILDING MATERIALS BE SIMILAR WHEN UTILIZED ON AN ACCESSORY BUILDING. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. There was some discussion about possibly including vinyl as a building material. Schumann noted that staff could craft language dealing with vinyl as used in architectural design taking into consideration that it should not negatively affect the aesthetic of a building. MOTION MADE BY CHAIRMAN DRAGSTEN TO ADOPT INDUSTRIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING MATERIALS FOR IIA &B AS ITEM I2 A &B AS (ON PAGE 285 SUBSECTION E2.) MOT1ON WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 4.12 Wind Energy Conversion Systems • New standards. All WECS require a CUP Gozola noted that it is important to have a framework from which to make decisions about wind energy. 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas • Revised based on recent statute and court rulings Requires co- location wherever feasible. • Enhanced design requirements Chairman Dragsten opened the continued public hearing City Council Member Tom Perrault spoke about parking concerns in the Spirit Hills neighborhood and suggested the need to allow for more parking in townhome developments. Schumann noted that the code has a base requirement for guest parking spaces of 1 for every 4 units for multi- family and that there are 2.5 spaces available for each dwelling unit. Perrault also asked if there were provisions to accommodate additional amenities at school facilities. Schumann noted that the parking code provides for sufficient space and allows for each user need in the facility to be calculated separately. Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing. Schumann asked for finalization on the roof pitches and the square footages above and below grade. The Commission decided to change the roof pitch in the R2 District from Planning Commission Minutes —12M10 4/14 to 5/12 and leave the minimum floor area in the AO district at 1000. MOTION MADE BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO CHANGE THE ROOF PITCH IN THE R2 DISTRICT TO 5/12. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CHAIRMAN DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO JANUARY 4, 2011. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GABLER.MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 7. Consideration to review applications for open Planning Commission position an d consideration to review and recommend for the expiring terms of Planning Commissioners. Schumann pointed out that in January of 2011, Planning Commissioner Lloyd Hilgart would take his newly elected position on the City Council and extended staff congratulations. She noted that Commissioner Hilgart's election to the Council leaves a vacancy on the Planning Commission. She indicated that to -date, although the information had been posted in many locations, the City had received only one application for the position and had extended the application deadline to December 160i. She agreed to schedule an interview at the Commission's direction. She also stated that Commissioner Gabler's term on the Planning Commission expires in December of 2010 and that the Commissioner had indicated willingness to serve another three year term. Chairman Dragsten recommended that the Commission continue to accept applications through the end of December 315` and consider the applications received at the next Commission meeting. MOTION BY CHAIRMAN DRAGSTEN TO APPOINT COMMISSIONER GABLER TO ANEW 3 YEAR TERM, BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2011. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Chairman Dragsten presented Commissioner Hilgart with a certificate of appreciation for his years of service to the Planning Commission. The Commission also thanked Susie Wojchouski for her years as Council Liaison to the Planning Commission. Community Development Director's Update. Schumann stated that the City is working with Northwest Associated Consultants (NAC) to prepare the Monticello Parks and Trails Plan & Resource Update. She provided a written outline of the status of the project for the Commission and indicated that the information is available on the City's website. She pointed out that the Park survey would be available in January and provide a basis for planning. Schumann also provided some written information as to when the 2010 Census data would be available and noted that she had spoken with WSB to plan for the integration of the Census's mapping tools into the City's GIS system. Planning Commission Minutes — 12/7/10 Schumann provided copies of the Housing Report for the Commission's initial review and highlighted the fact that it indicated that the City's apartment complexes are beginning to age. She noted that the City's senior service volunteer is gathering apartment vacancy rates and market absorption information. She stated that the report included a graphic illustration of a mix of units by zoning class, a revised analysis on the Comprehensive Plan trend line as well as a lot inventory progression trend line. She noted that the Housing Report is provided to the Commission as a reference point on residential development and as a basis for considering amendment to the Comprehensive Plan growth projections. The report would be pared with a review of the forthcoming Census data. 9. Items added to the agenda a) Review of the Comp Plan for next month Schumann confirmed that the Comp Plan review would be included on the next Commission agenda. She also pointed out that a formal letter related to a proposed zoning change to the PZM was received and would be discussed at the January zoning public hearing. b) New sign at the Liquor Store Schumann clarified the issue related to the Liquor Store sign which had previously come before the Commission. The sign fit within the requirements of the current sign code so there was no need for formal review. 10. Adjourn. MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO ADJOURN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri �� Approved: January 4, 2010.E Attest: Development Director