Planning Commission Minutes 06-01-2010Planning Commission Minutes — 6/1/10 MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 1, 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Council Liaison: Staff: Call to order. Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, and William Spartz Barry Voight Susie Wojchouski Angela Schumann Chairman Dragsten called the meeting to order noting the absence of Commissioner Voigt. 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes of February 3'd, 2010 and May 4th, 2010. Community Development Director Angela Schumann noted that both the February and May minutes would be provided by via email that evening and confirmed that future minutes would be included with the agenda packets. 3. Citizen comments. None. 4. Consideration of adding items to the a eg nda. Commissioner Gabler requested an update on a) M& I Bank and b) Steiner Development. 5. Consideration of a reauest for an extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage and Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval for a multi -tenant shopping center, a Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Storage, a Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash, a Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store, a Conditional Use Permit for minor auto repair, and Preliminary Plat approval. Applicant: Mills Properties Inc. Schumann stated that on June 12, 2007, the Planning Commission recommended approval of a Concept and Development Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Preliminary Plat request for the proposed Mills Fleet Farm project. The City Planning Commission Minutes — 6/1/10 Council approved each request including a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone on June 25, 2007. On June 9, 2008 they extended that application and approval for one year, and have also subsequently approved for the extension for 2009. She noted that the applicant has again requested an extension and is available to answer questions. According to the zoning ordinance, due to non -use, Conditional Use Permits for the PUD and Preliminary Plat expire after one -year or June 8, 2010. The City has not received an extension letter but instead email correspondence requesting the extension. Staff is recommending approval of another extension subject to Planning Commission comments and conditions. Council Liaison Susie Wojchouski asked if the applicant was requesting a two - year extension. Schumann pointed out that the applicant had previously done so but that City Council had granted only a one -year extension and agreed to check in with plan status after a year. Chairman Dragsten asked if the applicant could bring the Commission up -to -date about the status of the project. Bruce Buxton, the engineer for Mills Properties, spoke briefly about the history of the project. He indicated that they hadn't anticipated the changing state of the economy back in 2007 when the project was proposed. He stated that Mills had put all development projects on hold for 2008- 2010 and are currently reevaluating the situation. He noted that they still want to develop the land and as soon as the economy turns around development would proceed. Commissioner Spartz asked if Monticello would be the first Fleet Farm store to be developed when the applicant proceeded with building. Buxton stated that the overall project rankings would be reevaluated at that time but also indicated that Monticello would not be the first store to be built. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO RECOMMEND EXTENSION OF THE JUNE 25, 2007 CONDTIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE PROPOSED MILLS FLEET FARM FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR WITH THE CONDITION THAT ALL PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONS BE ASSIGNED TO THE EXTENSION. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 6. Public Hearing — To be opened and continued to June 8, 2010 Avenue/Fluth, Barry. Schumann indicated that due to a delay in the publication of the public hearing notice she requested that this public hearing, and the public hearing that follows, be opened and continued at the next meeting. She indicated that staff has now published notice for a special meeting and public hearings to be held on June 8th Planning Commission Minutes — 6/1/10 both in the newspaper and in a revised mailed notice sent to all property owners within 350 feet. Commissioner Dragsten opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. He then asked the Commission for any comments or questions. Commissioner Spartz asked if, when the application comes back to City Council, it would be considered a rezoning of the CCD and wondered if that would require a 4/5 majority of Council. Schumann stated that it would require a super majority of the council. She clarified that the rezoning would act on the map amendment and not on the applicant's proposal. The Commission would only determine whether or not the rezoning meets the intention and is consistent with comprehensive plan. Mr. Fluth would have to apply for a Conditional Use Permit and the Commission at that time would evaluate his specific project proposal. Schumann confirmed that the Commission would be asked to determine if CCD - R use, or residential use on the first level, would be appropriate for each property considered. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 8' AT 7 P.M.. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Public Hearing — To be opened and continued to June 8, 2010 Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit for Cross Parking, Cross Access and Drive- Through Facility and Preliminary Plat for the proposed Nicolle addition, a commercial development in the CCD (Central Community District) Applicant: Semper Development Schumann asked the Commission to open and continue the public hearing suggesting they would have plenty of time to review the full text report. She indicated that the application includes multiple components. She noted that the applicant has asked for final plat approval and would like to move forward with some improvement planning. She stated that the applicant is seeking concurrent approval at City Council. Chairman Dragsten requested information be submitted in color. Schumann confirmed that Semper Development would provide that as part of their full presentation at the upcoming special meeting. She agreed to ask them to email color pdf files in advance of the meeting. She noted that WSB, the City Engineer, and the Public Works staff have reviewed and approved the staff report. Commissioner Spartz asked if staff could shorten up Exhibit Z. Schumann noted that the conditions listed in Exhibit Z are more general in nature and are details Planning Commission Minutes — 6/1/10 that will actually be finalized with the final plat and the executions that go along with it. She explained that once the Planning Commission and Council approve the plans they will be redrawn all at once. The plans would then become the record documents. MOTION BY HILGART TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 8TH AT 7 P.M.. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 8. Community Development Director's Report. Schumann stated that the new Administrative Assistant has been trained on the cable access programming and plans to post City Council agenda and Planning Commission agendas on Channel 12 prior to meetings as requested. She indicated that the biggest news is in the Finance Department is that the City is now taking utility bill payments online. She encouraged the Commissioners to sign up for that new feature. She included a tentative schedule for zoning ordinance revision and asked for Planning Commission feedback. She asked specifically about the June 15th steering committee date. She noted that the upcoming Bertram Chain of Lakes Park Family Fun Day event is scheduled for June 12tH She pointed out that two Planning Commissioners had participated in interviewing consultants for the Embracing Downtown project and noted that staff hoped to recommend a selection by the end of June. Schumann included information in the agenda packet about state budget impacts as well as some financial planning. She also noted the liquor store has scheduled a summer beer tasting event on July 23'x. Commissioner Spartz asked a question about what the numbers signify on the Bertram Chain of Lakes information included in the agenda packet. Schumann stated that the numbers represent the parcels that were assigned in the Memorandum of Understanding with the YMCA. The City purchased parcels 5A and 6 as noted in red and also recently purchased an additional potion of parcel 5. The next purchase will be parcel 7 and then phasing would continue on the west side with parcels 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, and 12 with parcels 4 and 3 the last to be purchased. Planning Commission Minutes — 6/1/10 Commissioner Dragsten asked about the comments that were due to -date on the zoning ordinance rewrite. Schumann stated that City staff would provide all comments to City Planner Ben Gozola. In addition, the Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC) has established a small working group which would provide lots of great feedback for the rewrite. They have one more meeting scheduled. WSB would review the overlay districts to provide some general feedback to make sure all was on track. Campbell Knutson would then be providing legal review of some of the chapters. All comments would be incorporated by the MFRA into a new red -lined version of the document which would be then reviewed by the steering committee. Schumann confirmed that this version would also incorporate ideas based on the Planning Commission's neighborhood tour. Schumann indicated that the City wouldn't be incurring additional costs by extending the zoning code revision schedule and suggested that the more feedback involved in the process the better the document. She suggested that the Commission postpone the June 15`h meeting and slide the schedule for the public open house out further. Schumann noted that, although it may seem like the effort is losing momentum, that staff and other groups are quite involved in providing detailed input. She pointed out that Building Department staff has been extremely thorough in their review as they are responsible for enforcing the code. She noted that the components from WSB and the IEDC would provide a valuable frame of reference for the Planning Commission's final review. The Commission agreed that it would be acceptable to extend the deadline into November for code revision completion. Schumann noted that there were no development applications scheduled to come before the Planning Commission for the July meeting. She suggested that the steering committee meeting be held at the regular July Planning Commission meeting and that the schedule stay on track for the potential July 26`h joint Planning Commission/City Council meeting. Schumann agreed to revise the schedule and email it out with the meeting minutes and the June 8th agenda. 9. Consideration of added items. a) M& I Bank Schumann indicated that M & I Bank are due for their next extension in August. She will communicate with them toward the end of June to determine their intentions about an extension request. b) Steiner Property Schumann pointed out that the Steiner property has now gone back to the bank. Commissioner Gabler noted that the property does not look very attractive. Schumann stated that City Council has provided definitive direction Planning Commission Minutes — 6/1/10 about mowing the City's main thoroughfares, collector routes and boulevards. The Building Department will conduct a sweep of all of those areas and the bank will get a notice about the property. 10. Adiourn. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 p.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burn Approved: July 6, 201 Community Development Director