Planning Commission Minutes 06-08-2010MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 8th, 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff: Angela Schumann Call to order. Chairman Dragsten called the meeting to order and noted a full quorum of the Commission was present. Council liaison Wojchouski was also present. 2. Citizens Comments. None. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Continued Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for rezoning from rom Schumann stated that the applicant is seeking an amendment to the Monticello Zoning map that would rezone the property legally described as Lot 4, Block 36, Original Plat of Monticello, from CCD to CCD -R. The property is located on the west corner of Locust and Third Street and is approximately .75 acres in size. Previously, the City Council reviewed a request by the applicant to amend the CCD language to allow for greater ground floor density in the CCD. Rather than allowing for the increased density on the ground floor across the district as a whole, the City instead recommended approval of an overlay zoning district for the CCD that would accommodate increased ground floor density under a conditional use permit. Schumann indicated that in malting a determination that the CCD -R zoning is appropriate for this particular parcel, the Commission will want to consider Planning Commission Minutes — 6/8/10 whether the rezoning will meet the findings specified within the CCD -R district purpose statement. In short, she stated that the primary issue for the City is whether the use of this parcel for residential purposes, including the intended ground floor residential, will serve to enhance the commercial downtown. In considering this question, Schumann noted that the Commission may review a number of influencing factors, including the location of this property relative to other commercial and residential uses, the capacity for commercial development at this location, the potential break -up of the flow of commercial development along this corridor. Schumann referred to the surrounding uses, stating that the majority of property to the west of this site is utilized as single - family residential, while the property directly to the north includes a mixed residential /commercial project in Landmark Square. To the east is a former single - family home that has been converted to a multi- tenant professional building. Directly to the south, across Third Street, is a strip center commercial facility. Schumann explained that although the uses are predominantly commercial in nature, especially at the ground floor level, this area is adjacent to a broader area of residential, although primarily single - family. A multi - family use in this location could be viewed as a transitional use between the commercial properties and the single - family homes. In review of the potential for commercial development for the site, Schumann said that it should be noted that a continuous commercial flow, coupled with the concentration of commercial enterprise, tends to support greater numbers of multiple- destination shopping trips for the downtown. Disruption of that flow may decrease the viability of additional commercial development in the area. However, Schumann recognized that the addition of housing may directly increases the market for current and future business enterprise in the downtown area. The applicant has attempted to develop the site as commercial, although market forces may have precluded its success to date. Commissioner Hilgart inquired what the density for the site would be changed to. Schuman responded the applicant would be allowed to increase the 1 unit per 9000 square feet from the current 1 unit per 3000 square feet for upper level, provided that he can meet the performance standard specified in the CCD -R language. The increase would also be dependent on the ability to provide parking. Grittman confirmed that a Conditional Use Permit would be performance based at a density of 23 to 25 units per acre. Commissioner Dragsten opened the public hearing. Council Member Tom Perrault inquired if the additions would be apartments, condominiums, or town Planning Commission Minutes — 6/8/10 houses. Applicant Barry Fluth responded it would be additional apartment dwellings. Michael Michaelis, River Street, inquired where the parking would be located. Fluth responded that it would be on site parking. Commissioner Spartz shared the concern for adequate parking being available for both the apartments and other residents doing business downtown and suggests a market analysis be completed prior to the approval of suggested rezoning. Commissioner Hilgart interjected he had no concerns with the rezoning and downtown housing would provide customers for downtown businesses. Commissioner Voight concurred with Commissioner Hilgart. Chairman Dragsten stated that the projected of length of time it will take for this downtown commercial property to be redeveloped is unknown and the addition of residential housing may help to revitalize downtown. Commissioner Voight interjected that the applicant, Fluth could currently make entirely the property residential on the upper floors and that the applicant is asking to change the density. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT REZONING LOT 4, BLOCK 36, TO CCD -R BASED ON THE FINDING THAT FOR THIS PARCEL, THE MORE INTENSIVE RESIDENTIAL USES ALLOWED BY CCD -R WILL ENHANCE THE COMMERCIAL CONCENTRATION IN THE SURROUNDING "CCD" DOWNTOWN AREA, AND THAT THE REZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GOALS AND POLICIES OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1, WITH COMMISIONER SPARTZ VOTING IN DISSENT. 5. Continued Public Hearing; - Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit for Cross Parking, Cross Access and Drive - Through Facility and Preliminary Plat for the proposed Nicolle addition, a commercial development in the CCD(Central Community District). pplicant: Semper Development Steve Grittman, City Planner, presented the staff report for the applications. The proposed subdivision (Nicolle Addition) consists of three lots; Walgreen's Drug Store, a Proposed Commercial Building, and an Existing Commercial Building. Grittman stated that a drive though lane is proposed on the East side of the drug store building. A Conditional Use Permit is required for drive through and for proposed cross parking and cross access. Planning Commission Minutes — 6/8/10 Grittman explained that the proposed plan includes a number of transportation components, including dedication for right of way via the plat. Grittman pointed out the proposed dual turn lanes from west bound CSAH 75 to north bound TH 25 and a re- configured access from River Street. He also noted an entrance only from Broadway. The plan also proposes the reactivation of the East River Street stop light. River Street would be open through to Cedar Street and end in a cul- de -sac. There is no proposed access to the site from Hwy 25. Grittman referred to the color renderings of the proposed Walgreen building and to the proposed landscaping plan. He noted that the proposed landscaping is currently 2 trees short of requirements of the City, however the code does allow for some trade -off with the inclusion of additional shrub plantings. The burden shall be upon the developer to demonstrate by narrative and by graphics how the equivalent effect is provided. A pylon sign for the Walgreen's has been proposed at the corner of Pine and Broadway Streets. Grittman noted that as part of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment language reflecting a policy change to street fronting buildings, some type of visual enhancement of the corner sign is required as a condition of approval. Grittrnan recommended a sign foundation planter. Commissioner Gabler suggested the use of existing brick to enhance the sign. Commissioner Gabler pointed out the City Code would allow a monument sign, the details show a pylon. Grittman stated that due to site lines at the corner, a pylon is probably the best option. Commissioner Gambler inquired if there is a balance of parking spaces and green landscaping. Grittman responded that although the parking shown is less that that required by the full code requirement, there are provisions specific to the downtown which allow for a significant reduction if the parking is available to the public. Additionally, a condition of this application approval requires cross parking. This is common to approve for the Downtown area. Commissioner Spartz expressed concern for the number of parking spaces and would it be adequate for future businesses. This would include parking on the North side of River Street. Council Wojchouski added that it will be important to ensure that the number of handicap spots will be sufficient. Commissioner Hilgart inquired how it is that this structure will require less parking stalls. Grittman addressed this, stating that the Downtown Parking Ordinance permits a reduction of up to 40 %. This is because it is assumed that a downtown costumer will use one parking location and make several stops. The proposed site is providing 66 parking spots. rd Planning Commission Minutes — 618/10 Chairman Dragsten inquired when the right turn lane will be completed. Schumann responded that the improvements are being timed to be completed with the overall site development. Right now, the preliminary development timelines has these developments being substantially complete by fall of this year. Commissioner Gabler expressed the opinion that the proposed building is quite tall, at approximately 30 feet. She expressed a desire to see it tied to the River. John Kohler, representing Semper Development, described features of the proposed building, stating that the building is brick with green awnings. This project was based on a project done in Chanhassen. They can break up the fascia with different colors of brick. Schumann interjected the height requirements are met for the downtown. Chairman Dragsten inquired if the drive through is designed for 3 car stacking. Kohler described how it is actually designed for more than 3 cars. Chairman Dragsten inquired if there were any concerns with Exhibit Z. Kohler stated that they had reviewed the document and had no concerns. Chairman Dragsten opened the hearing to public comment. Tom Link of 207 East River Street expressed his concern of the blocking of East River Street into a cul -de -sac. He noted that it would cut off access from Cedar for residents in the area. He also questioned how much of his property would be impacted by the cul -de -sac. Schumann responded that the cul -de -sac is proposed to be completed completely within existing ROW. Ken Holker, owner of the commercial building at 141 East Broadway, expressed his concerns with cross parking and inquired how far back the right turn lane is to extend. Grittman replied that under a long -term intersection plan, the turn lane it is to extend for a majority of the block. However, at this time, the turn land will only extend to the line of the property to be platted and will not impact the other properties along CSAH 75. Street parking for those properties will remain the same at this time. Grittman also noted that the same downtown parking provisions and opportunities for cross easement for parking exist for the other property owners on the block. Robert Somerville, 213 East River Street, expressed his concern with the proposed changes he will be driving 3 to 4 blocks out of his way to get to his residence. David Stromberg, 102 Cedar Street, expressed his concern with having a home with a double car garage located near a cul -de -sac street. He indicated that while overall he did not have a problem with the configurations as shown, he wanted to confirm how his property may be impacted by the Cedar/River Street changes. Planning Commission Minutes — 6/8/10 Myrna Anderson, 107 Cedar, sought assurance that there would be no changes to Cedar Street parking. Grittman and Schumann confirmed that at this time, no changes to on- street parking on Cedar are proposed. Chairman Dragsten closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (DOWNTOWN PLAN) AMENDMENT, PRELIMINARY /FINAL PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS BASED ON A FINDING THAT, WITH CONDITIONS, THE PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES AND APPLICABLE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS, SUBJECT TO EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City's Downtown Plan ( "A New Bridge: Revitalizing Monticello's Downtown and Riverfront ") be amended to incorporate the following text: At the intersection of Broadway and Pine Streets, parking lots may be constructed only when all of the following conditions exist: Applicable traffic safety and access requirements limit the ability to comply with building location standards of this Plan. At least fifty (50) percent of either the Broadway or Pine Street frontage is occupied by a building (non parking area). An alternative vertical element is located at the street corner which, as determined by City Officials, establishes an architecturally compatible corner presence. Such elements may include, but not be limited to public art, interpretive signage, architectural business signs and architecturally appropriate lighting. 2. Right -of -way dedications on the Preliminary/Final Plat are found to be acceptable by the City Engineer. 3. Verify with qualified expertise that demolition will not negatively impact structures on adjoining properties. 4. The area sLUnmary on the Preliminary Plat drawing be revised to correctly identify the area of Lots 1 and 2 (consistent with the Final Plat drawing). 5. Drainage and utility easements on the Preliminary /Final Plat are found to be acceptable by the City Engineer. Planning Commission Minutes — 6/8/10 6. Cross parking and access easements for Lots 1 and 2 be established. Cross parking and access should include an agreement for future agreements with the adjoining property to the east. This issue shall be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Attorney. Pedestrian easements are established for sidewalks along TH 25 for public sidewalks on private property, consistent with the recommendations of the City Engineer. 8. The configuration of the Broadway Street access drive be modified such that its design is not conducive to right -out turning maneuvers 9. Curb cut locations and widths are found to be acceptable by the City Engineer. 10. Color samples and /or a color rendering of the building (s) be provided for City review. 11. City Officials find the proposed overstory tree quantities to be acceptable. 12. The freestanding sign be modified to incorporate some of the materials used in the principal building and create a visually dominant sign base. 13. The trash enclosure utilize colors and details similar to those utilized on the on the two abutting commercial buildings. Trash enclosure details shall be submitted and approved by the City. 12. The applicant address the screening of the trash area from the north prior to the construction of the north commercial building (which will ultimately be used to screen the area). 13. Lighting be hooded and directed such that the source is not visible from adjacent rights -of -way. 14. The applicant provide a plan for interim improvements upon Lot 2, Block 1, including but not limited to, site improvements and maintenance. 15. Final grading, drainage, and utility plans are subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer, Consulting Engineer, and Public Works Staff. Specific review comments of those staff members are summarized in this report, and attached as an Exhibit. 16. Provide final record drawings prior to execution of the development agreement. 17. The applicant and City execute and record a development agreement incorporating the development plans, standards and conditions as approved. Planning Commission Minutes — 6/8/10 MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1, WITH COMMISIONER SPARTZ VOTING IN DISSENT. Community Development director's Report. None. Adiourn. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri ! T& Approved: July 6, 2010 Attes