Planning Commission Minutes 07-05-2011MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING W Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Council Liaison: StafF Present Staff Absent: 1. Call to order Tuesday, July 5,2011 - 6:00 PM sissippi Room, Monticello Community Center Rod Dragsten, Brad Fyle and William Spartz Charlotte Gabler, Barry Voight Lloyd Hilgart Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller Steve Gnttman, NAC Commissioner Dragsten called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes of June 7th, 2011 BRAD FYLE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 7TH, 2011. MOTION WAS SECONDED BILL SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. 3. Citizen Comments None 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 7, Special Use Overlay District, including amendments to the official zoning may of the City of Monticello. Applicant: City of Monticello The Planning Commission had called for a public hearing regarding an amendment of the Special Use Overlay District in relationship to the pending bowling alley site rezoning at their last meeting. Although the property is now commercially zoned it hasn't yet changed ownership or been converted to use as a religious institution so it is not necessary to, at this time, amend the district. Quarry Church currently has a letter of intent on the property and will meet to work out platting, right of way and sale issues and will likely bring a purchase agreement to council by the end of August. Staff recommended reviewing the Special Use Overlay District after the sale transaction has taken place to determine which abutting or adjacent parcels should be removed from the districts. Planning Commission Minutes — 07/05111 There was some consideration about the importance of reviewing the Special Use Overlay District on a consistent periodic basis. Staff will get direction from City Planner Steve Grittman about establishing a reasonable time frame for doing so. The public hearing was opened. BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON THE AMENDMENT TO THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, SPECIAL USE OVERLAY DISTRICT TO AUGUST 2ND, 2011. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4, Section 13 - Telecommunications Towers and Antennas, Chapter 5, Section 1- Use Table, Chapter 5, Section 2 — Use Specific Standards and Chapter 5, Section 3 - Accessory Uses Applicant: City of Monticello The Planning Commission had called for a public hearing for amendments relating to telecommunication towers and antennas. As ordinance language revisions had not yet been completed, staff asked that the public hearing be continued to the August 2nd, 2011 Planning Commission meeting. The Commission briefly considered the inventory of towers and antennas already in place throughout the City as a reference point for considering amendments. There were a few specific questions related to the tower at the Workforce Center and the inventory in general. Staff agreed to look into residential requirements for rooftop power generators. The public hearing was opened. BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON THE AMENDMENT TO THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, TELECOMMUNICATION TOWERS AND ANTENNAS TO AUGUST 2ND, 2011. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. 7. Consideration of Zoning Ordinance Amendments — Code Tracking Update Staff had requested feedback on various text items that may require amendment since the adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance. Many of these are minor adjustments to code while others require some policy decisions. The following items were noted and /or briefly addressed: • Variance law • Subdivisions in R -2 zoned portions of the Original Plat and Lower Monticello • Outdoor storage CUPS in industrial districts Planning Commission Minutes — 07/05/11 There had been some previous consideration of establishing stricter standards for outdoor storage in lieu of a CUP in industrial districts. Front storage was of particular concern. Staff will ask for IEDC input prior to the next commission meeting. • Regulations for building materials in the IBC Staff will also consult the IEDC about what type of building materials are preferred in the business campus. This section of the code had been reserved for future regulations. • R -A landscaping standards This section of the code had also been reserved for future regulations. • Industrial PUDs Staff recommended that this issue also be considered. • Occasional sale signage Non - profits serving the broader community have a need to market special events outside of temporary signage regulations. Staff will review the City of Buffalo's occasional sale signage regulations and craft language for consideration. • Indoor entertainment conditions Although listed as conditional use in some districts, indoor entertainment conditions are not yet specified in the zoning code text. • Special use permit for events held after 10 PM Current special use permit regulations do not address outdoor entertainment after 10 PM. The commission may want to consider an option for a special use permit under certain circumstances. • Accessory structure language placement • Dynamic Display The text of the code does not specify that dynamic displays are intended to be for permanent signs only. Rod Dragsten asked Building Official Ron Hackenmueller for feedback about the temporary sign ordinance. The City has issued twice as many temporary signs as a year ago. There was some discussion about the need for applicants to be more responsible Planning Commission Minutes — 07/05/11 about proper placement of temporary signs as they are often placed in the right of way. Staff will prepare amendment language for these code tracking issues for consideration at the August Planning Commission meeting. 8. Community Development Director's Report Bertram Chain of Lakes Park City Council approved the Phase 3 acquisition and the Wright County Board will consider providing funding match in July for the joint ownership of 126 land and water acres. This current purchase doesn't include the beach but does include camp buildings. Staff will establish joint use agreements with the YMCA and continue to seek new grant funding for this project. Park and Trail Plan The Park and Trail Plan was approved by City Council and the interactive map is on the City website. The new brochure will soon be printed. NAC will be developing mobile applications to provide further access to these resources. State Shutdown The Walgreens project will not be delayed as a temporary electrical final had been issued. Plan reviews for plumbing are dependent upon the state. There should not be a significant impact unless the shutdown continues for longer than a few weeks. PUD Ordinance Workshop Staff suggested scheduling a joint Planning Commission and City Council PUD Ordinance workshop and will send out an email with proposed meeting dates. Building Update Although there have been no new single family permits this year, there have been several residential addition permits and numerous deck permits. The Department of Building Safety's workload is currently 80% commercial and 20% residential. There have been 50% more blights than last year in vacant lots and foreclosed property. 9. Adiournment BRAD FYLE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:50 PM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Bulpi- Approved: (August 2, 2 11 Attest: Angela c m nn, Community Development Director