Planning Commission Minutes 07-02-2013MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 2, 2013 - 6:00 PM - Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Spartz, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Grant Sala, Sam Burvee Absent: None Others: Lloyd Hilgart, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman 1. Call to order Bill Spartz called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes a) Regular Meeting of June 4, 2013 BRAD FYLE MOVED TO CONSIDER THE JUNE 4, 2013 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AT THE AUGUST PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Citizen Comments None 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda a) R -A Zoning — (Lloyd Hilgart) 5. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment for a change in land use designation from Places to Shop to Places to Live and a request for rezoning from B -4 (Regional Business District to R -4 (Medium-High Density Residence) District Planning Case Number: 2013 -023 Applicant IRET Properties requested that the parcel, located at Lot 1, Block 2, Riverview Square, (at the southeast quadrant of County Highway 39 and Hart Boulevard), be redesignated and rezoned to allow for construction of multi - family housing. The property is 5.2 acres and is currently vacant. The request involves a change in land use from Places to Shop to Places to Live and a change in zoning from B -4 (Regional Business) to R -4 (Medium -High Density Residential.) The request meets criteria required for rezoning. Zoning Ordinance 2.4 (B) (5) Approval Criteria (b) requires that the proposed amendment addresses needs arising from a changing condition, trend, or fact affecting the subject property and surrounding area; and (c) requires that the proposed amendment is consistent with achieving the goals and Planning Commission Minutes — 7102113 objectives outlined in the comprehensive plan. The request also meets criteria for amending the Comprehensive Plan in that, because some 40% of the city's multi - family housing stock was constructed prior to 1970, new multi - family housing stock is a "community need." The plan also requires that the City consider compatibility with existing and proposed uses surrounding the property. The proposed site plan illustrates how a building could be constructed on the property to meet the requirements of the R -4 district. Surrounding land uses are reasonably well isolated from the proposed site. Because of the site's proximity to the Mississippi river, it is also subject to Minnesota Wild & Scenic River requirements. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been provided 30 days to comment on the request. Grittman pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan supports land use decisions that encourage commercial development downtown. Although several areas in town are zoned commercial, options for multiple - family residential development are limited. The R -4 District was created was to allow for new multi- family housing development compatible with the Comprehensive Plan's move up housing objective. The Conditional Use Permit required would define the higher performance standards of the R -4. Charlotte Gabler suggested that the proposed rezoning would be a lost commercial opportunity. She also indicated that the project might better fit the downtown area or across the freeway. Lloyd Hilgart pointed out that this project would require a rezoning no matter where it sought to locate because there are no parcels zoned R -4 at this time. Bill Spartz asked how the site might be used under current zoning. Grittman replied that retail, restaurants and offices are permitted uses in the B -4 District. Bill Spartz opened the public hearing. Steve Feneis, 615 7t' St N., Sartell, MN stated that IRET Properties seeks to provide the type of higher density, higher amenity housing described in the R -4 development standards. He noted that the site had not attracted a buyer in the ten years it has been designated commercial. He said that the proposed R -4 use would provide for logical district transition as the site is actually on the outskirts of commercial development according to the Embracing Downtown plan. He suggested that the 92 unit building would create less traffic, lighting and noise issues than would a commercial development. Dan Miller, of Miller Architects and Builders, said that the proposed plan includes a community room, a fitness center, a pool facility and underground parking. He summarized rent would range from $100041400 per month at a rate of $1 -1.20 per square foot. Township supervisor Pete Stupar, who owns property at 9794 Hart Blvd., said that he and 2 Planning Commission Minutes — 7102113 his wife are against this kind of a structure on such a small parcel. He suggested that twin homes would better match the community. He was concerned about increased traffic and liability. He thanked Commissioner Gabler for sharing her concerns. Dick Berquist, of 9796 Hart Blvd, said that he was against the apartments because it would generate additional traffic. Dave Gasler, of 7410 Kahler Ct. NE in Otsego, the pastor at the church on the adjacent property said he had some concerns about runoff. He asked that drainage be pumped around the south side of the church property. He was also concerned that the development be adequately screened. Richard Burke, of 9800 Hart Blvd, said that a four story apartment building would be out of place on the corner. Janet Murdesdorf, of 6178 Mill Run Road, spoke of her concern about preserving the wildlife in her backyard. Josh Blonigan, of 9806 Hart Blvd., shared concerns about added traffic at an already dangerous intersection. Headlights would be directed into his home and yardf He pointed out that the applicant would have to get a variance to the 25 foot building height limit to build a four story building. He said that project doesn't fit with the neighborhood. Nikki Blonigan, of 9806 Hart Blvd., shared her concern that the increased traffic would be a danger for kids riding bikes in the neighborhood. Jeremiah Rush, of 9808 Hart Blvd., said that he lives next door to the site. He agreed with the concerns related to increased traffic. He is also concerned about added drainage because his backyard currently floods. He doesn't want to look out at 12 -20 windows 100 feet from his home. Brad Fyle asked about the height restriction. Staff confirmed that the Mississippi Wild and Scenic regulations restrict building height to 25 feet and agreed to make a copy of the regulations available. Angela Schumann noted that since the public hearing was to be continued, the public would have an opportunity to provide additional comment at the August 6a' meeting. Decision 1: Resolution of Recommendation for Comprehensive Plan amendment reclassifying the subject property from "Places to Shop" to "Places to Live," and Rezoning to R -4, Medium -High Density. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE REQUEST TO ALLOW FOR DNR COMMENT PERIOD, AND TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO THE AUGUST 6', 2013 MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. SAM BURVEE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Planning Commission ]Minutes — 7102113 b. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of an ordinance amending Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 4.3 (iD) — Requirements for Fences & Walls by District Type Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Case Number: 2013 - 019 Steve Grittman summarized that the Commission had discussed stepped height, transparency and slope height issues related to front yard fencing in residential areas at its June meeting. Grittman said that there had been agreement about eliminating the three foot step requirement in the front yard as it would result in more uniform front yard fences and make code enforcement easier. As a result, language related to the step fencing issue, which had been reflected in Subp. (a)(2), would be deleted from the ordinance. The section would read as follows: Section 4.3 (D)(1) Fences and Walls Residential Districts (a) Front Yards (i) Fences and walls shall not exceed a height of four (4) feet in front yards and that part of side yards from the front lot line to the front building line. No change would be made to Section 4.3 (D)(1) Subp. (b). Staff recommended maintaining the 50% transparency requirement for front yard fencing stating that raising the fence height to four feet may interfere with visibility for vehicles backing out of driveways dependent upon the transparency of the fencing material used. Staff had also suggested including language in the amendment which would create a definition of average heights over the span of a fence to accommodate common slope differences. Staff recommended adding a paragraph as follows: Section 8.2 (B)(5) (v) Fence and Wall Height on Slopes in Residential Side and Rear Yards Where a fence is constructed of posts and panels down a slope in a side or rear yard of residential property, and the top rail of said fence or wall maintains a horizontal alignment, the height of said fence shall be measured as follows: The maximum fence height identified in the ordinance anblicable to said fence shall be measured from existing grade to the top of the fence panel nearest to the uWhill post. The height of the top edge of the fence panel may exceed the maximum required height by up to two (2) feet when measured at the downhill os�y fencing used to enclose the gab below the fence panel shall match the panel in material, color, and style, or may be retaining wall constructed of stone, brick or concrete masonry units designed and sold explicitly for such purpose. 4 Planning Commission Minutes — 7102113 Grittman also confirmed that no change is recommend related to the visibility triangle area at intersections. Bill Spartz opened the public hearing. Hearing no public comment, the public hearing was closed. Decision 1: Adopting Resolution No. 2013 -045 recommending approval of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance providing for a change to the City's fence regulations in Section 4.3 (D)(1). CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2013 -045 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT CHANGING FENCE HEIGHT STANDARDS IN RESIDENTIAL FRONT YARDS. BRAD FYLE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. (Bill Spartz did not vote as he had introduced the fence height issue as a private citizen.) 7. Added items a) R -A Zoning — (Lloyd Hilgart) Hilgart suggested that the Commission discuss setbacks and tree preservation in Carlisle Village. Angela Schumann noted that staff has had to enforce the old zoning code because development standards are locked into the Planned Unit Developments at Carlisle Village, Hunter's Crossing, Sunset Ponds, and Featherstone neighborhoods. Schumann agreed to schedule a neighborhood tour to see development standards currently in place. 8. Adiourn GRANT SALA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:48 PM. SAM BURVEE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: Au st 6, Attest: Angela Schurf.4a Co unity Development Director 5