EDA Minutes 06-11-2014MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, June 11, 2014, - 6 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: Bill Demeules, Matt Frie, Rod Dragsten Others: Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Bill Tapper called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes — May 15t}', 2014 The minutes for the May 15`h, 2014 meeting were not yet available for consideration. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • Bertram Park • Marketing in Monticello 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Bill Tapper asked about the following issues: • Pizza Factory Relocation Expenses: Angela Schumann will contact Dan Wilson to confirm final billing. She reminded the EDA of the time delay involved between when expenses are incurred and when bills are presented for review. • Utility Shut Offs: Water and Sewer Superintendent Matt Theisen conducted building walk - throughs and arranged for utility shut offs as appropriate. Reduced utility costs will be reflected in the billing. The electricity is still connected at Monticello Liquors. • Sheet Metal Company Expenses: The HVAC system was divided so that only the part of the building still occupied would be utilizing utility service. • Legal Cost Recovery: Jeff O'Neill will request that Shafer Construction reimburse the City for legal costs associated with accommodating their request to use city right of way as part of the I -94 reconstruction project. O'Neill suggested that legal cost recovery will be a consideration, as appropriate, in future. • Consulting Costs: Expenses related to active relocations have been paid. There may occasionally be additional expenses as staff sometimes consult with Dan Wilson. Brian Stumpf said he thought that electricity would have been shut off already at the Monticello Liquors property. Wayne Oberg explained that the contract had allowed the previous owners to access the property for 60 days after the closing date (April 15") but EDA Minutes: 06/11/14 that he'd extended that until the end of the month so that they could make arrangements to remove the remaining equipment. Stumpf also asked about access to the building. Oberg explained that the key is picked up and dropped at the DMV but that it wouldn't be an issue to arrange for an escort to the property. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH MAY 2014 IN THE AMOUNT OF $111,458.15. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 5. Consideration to review Market Matching services to date and to request an amended/updated contract with WSB & Associates for Market Matching Economic Development Services Angela Schumann recapped the scope of services included in the current Market Matching contract and reported on the status of key deliverables over the past year. As the contract is due to expire at the end of June, Schumann asked that the EDA provide feedback relating to the existing contract and direction in regard to the option of extending the contract for another year. Schumann pointed out that both City staff and WSB consultants had learned much in the past year about what works and what can be improved as it relates to the economic development services contract. External sales efforts of the Market Matching team have far exceeded what staff would be able to achieve with internal resources. O'Neill said that, although it is difficult to point to a direct result, the Market Matching contract has enabled good exposure and increased the odds of developing prospects. The City has been able to respond quickly to potential leads from multiple sources and markets with site specific materials developed by the Market Matching team. Once the team had identified Monticello's Unique Selling Proposition (USP), it became clear that the collateral materials would need to be revised to incorporate the USP to most effectively market the city. The USP brands Monticello as a technology forward, amenity rich destination for innovation. Schumann indicated that this past year has been about building a mutual understanding of needs and capabilities and laying the groundwork. Some deliverables (like the Opportunity Tracking effort) have been completed and some are still in process as economic development needs are clarified. Schumann expressed confidence that WSB would meet Monticello's needs and recommended revising the contract to address the following: Revision/completion of the original contract's remaining tangible deliverables within the first 45 days of the new contract Coordinate EDA/City Negotiations Team work on City -held properties to determine sale disposition and representation; produce sale pieces; develop and present recommended sales strategy 2 EDA Minutes: 06/11/14 • Increase in sales /lead activity filling in the "gap" after deliverable creation/deployment • Assistance with financial package preparation in consultation with staff, policymakers and financial consultant. • Continue to identify and assist in realizing potential economic development opportunities — land acquisition, financial incentive ideas, etc. • Consistent integration of USP throughout all efforts • Economic development website postings and management • Dedicated focus on news release and development of economic development/business features for City communication outlets • Manage and report on SalesForce CRM Tracy Hinz acknowledged that staff has done a tremendous amount of work and suggested that WSB take more initiative to demonstrate accountability and make themselves more available to the EDA. Brian Stumpf and Bill Tapper indicated that they would find it useful to have more details about Market Matching activities. O'Neill offered to share progress reports on a more frequent basis. There seemed to be a general agreement among commissioners that it is too soon to tell whether or not Market Matching has made a significant impact on economic development. Bill Tapper suggested that evaluating the concept if nothing concrete is evident after two years. Brian Stumpf asked how many other communities had contracted with WSB for Market Matching services. Schumann agreed to find out. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO WORK WITH WSB MARKET MATCHING TO PREPARE A NEW 12 -MONTH CONTRACT FOR MARKET MATCHING SERVICES FOR CONSIDERATION AT A JOINT EDA/CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JULY 14TH, 2014, BASED ON THE RECOMMENDED CONTRACT AMENDMENTS AS NOTED BY STAFF, THE EDA AND THE CITY COUNCIL. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 6. Items Added to the Agenda Bertram Park - Bill Tapper said that he'd recently toured the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park with the IEDC and had found that the property had not changed in 40 years. He congratulated the City Council for having the vision and fortitude to preserve the land for generations to come rather than allow high end housing development. He feels that the park benefits the entire community and will attract visitors to Monticello. Tom Perrault suggested that the City is missing an economic development opportunity EDA Minutes: 06/11/14 by choosing not to locate higher end housing in that area. He asked who'd pay for the road through the northern portion of the park. Jeff O'Neill noted that, because the City used Legacy grant funding to assist with land acquisition costs, the road through the park is no longer a possibility. He said that the park is an irreplaceable amenity and suggested that there are other options for upscale development in the area. Perrault pointed out that the City would still have to maintain the property. • Marketing in Monticello - Bill Tapper said he'd support a marketing effort to bring back business to Monticello after the freeway reconstruction project has been completed. He also pointed to examples of how small communities have established events that regularly draws crowds on weekday evenings and suggested that Monticello identify opportunities to attract attention. Angela Schumann indicated that there had been some consideration of packaging some of the many events already scheduled as a single identity such as a riverfront series. She agreed to encourage further discussion of this idea with folks at the Monticello Community Center and ReSTOREing Downtown. 7. Consideration of the Director's Report There was no discussion related to items summarized in the Director's Report. 8. Adiournment BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:47 P.M. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burn Approved: July 11 2.014 Attest: EDA Rerosotive 4