City Council Minutes 10-01-2003 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The purpose of the special meeting was to review the proposed assessment rolls for various projects and to set assessment policy for current and future reconstruction projects. 2. Review of assessment rolls and assessment policies. City Engineer, Bret Weiss briefly reviewed with the Council his memo of September 22, 2003 relating to assessment policies. The policy set forth for streets specified that single family residential lots would be assessed on a per unit basis and non-residential property on a front footage basis. Non-residential property would be assessed 100% of the short side of the property; 50% of the long side, if the property has direct access from that street and 25% of the long side if it does not have access to the street. Storm sewer improvements would be included with the street costs unless the storm sewer work was done for a specific property. Sidewalk is proposed to be assessed at a rate of 25%. Utility services would be assessed at cost. The question of how to charge for replacement of sewer and water laterals would need to be determined by the Council. City Engineer, Bret Weiss felt the lateral cost should be included with the street cost and when the assessment was collected a portion of the amount collected would be deposited to the utility funds. Bret Weiss reviewed the preliminary assessment roll for the Cedar Street Project No. 2002- 06C. The cost of this project will be 100% assessed. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller asked about the sidewalk installed on the project. Bret Weiss noted that sidewalk had been mistakenly installed on a portion of the project. It is proposed to defer the sidewalk assessment for those properties impacted by the unintended sidewalk construction. Glen Posusta questioned the cost of the center island and turn lane. Bret Weiss indicated those items were included in the rate shown under intersection upgrades. Glen Posusta questioned why the sidewalk in the Cedar Street Project was being assessed at 100% and on other projects it was 25%. Public Works Director, John Simola responded that the Cedar Street sidewalk is not part of the City's grid system and therefore was assessed at 100%. The CSAH 75 Project costs were reviewed with Bret Weiss pointing out differences between the cost estimates based on the feasibility report and the actual costs. Under this project, services were assessed at cost, sidewalk at 25% of cost and sewer and water laterals to be included as part of the street cost. In the CSAH 75 Project there are 58 properties designated as residential and 7,413 of front footage that will be assessed including 1,500 feet for the Special Council Meeting Minutes - 10/ 1 /03 school and 700 feet for the Prairie West development. A table was prepared showing assessment amounts ranging from $3,000/residential unit and $70/ft. for non-residential to $2,000/residential unit and $40/ft. for non-residential. Bret Weiss felt a proposed residential assessment of $3,000 was justifiable. Glen Posusta asked how a residential property with a home occupation would be assessed. Bret Weiss responded that it would be treated as residential property and receive a per unit assessment but should the use change and the property was no longer residential, the City could adjust the assessment. The Core Street Project No. 2002-14C was reviewed. Of this $3.1 million project, approximately $1.2 million will be assessed and $1.9 million will be financed by other sources. Utilizing the $3,000/residential unit and $70/ft for non-residential rate, approximately 40% of the project cost would be assessed. Bret Weiss stated that in the feasibility study 28% indirect cost was used but only 16% indirect cost was being assessed. Brian Stumpf asked about being charged for a service. He noted that there was no construction activity in his yard to show that a service had been installed. Bret Weiss indicated there were 2-3 properties that did not have driveway access to Broadway but had their utility service from Broadway and his was one of those properties. Bret Weiss stated the Council needs to decide what rate to use in the assessment calculations and whether to have a separate assessment rate for sewer and water laterals which was something the City Engineer did not recommend. Public Works Director, John Simola urged the Council to go with a rate that would cover the sewer and water replacement costs. Bret Weiss concurred stating that sewer and water trunk funds were never intended to pay for replacement of services and laterals. Brian Stumpf stated he would like to see the assessment rate set at $2,500/residential unit because there are a number of older residents on fixed incomes who would have difficulty with a higher assessment amount. Bret Weiss expressed his concern that the $2,500 rate might be too low. Glen Posusta asked about doing a street reconstruction project every other year instead of every year. That way the City could by tax levy accumulate some of the funds needed for the project. John Simola stated that the City was already far behind in their reconstruction program and needed to continue doing a portion each year. Bret Weiss stated that in the next month or so, they will be coming back to the Council with a list of the areas proposed for street reconstruction which they would ask the Council to evaluate and prioritize. John Simola felt residents would want to know when their area was proposed for reconstruction. Bret Weiss stated that because the project came in at $3,000,000 rather than the $4,000,000 estimated, the City could consider a rate lower than $3,000/residential unit but he felt that $2,500/residential unit was too low. There was some discussion on whether more of the cost for street reconstruction should be covered under a tax levy rather than through assessments and it was suggested in future budgets, the City look at increasing the levy for street reconstruction from $5001,000 to $600,000. Roger Carlson stated that a street like Broadway is used by everyone so it is only fair that all pay for its maintenance and a tax levy would 0 Special Council Meeting Minutes - 10/ 1 /03 allow that. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET THE ASSESSMENT RATE AT $2,500/RESIDENTIAL UNIT AND $55/FT FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR THE CSAH 75 PROJECT AND THE CORE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, will adjust the assessment rolls accordingly and submit the revised rolls to the City. Mayor Thielen asked the Council to consider setting a workshop for October 13, 2003 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to discuss growth related issues. Mayor Thielen noted the City Administrator had written a letter to the township asking if they had any interest in continuing discussions on consolidation/merger and to respond to the City by September 30, 2003. The City did not receive a response from the township. It was felt that in light of the lack of response, the City should look again at growth issues facing the City. Chris Hood will be present at this workshop to discuss potential changes in annexation issues. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO SET A WORKSHOP FOR OCTOBER 13, 2003 AT 5 P.M. TO DEAL WITH GROWTH ISSUES FOR THE CITY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bruce Thielen suggested between now and then, the City Administrator, Brian Stumpf and himself update the Council on previous meetings held with Chris Hood relating to growth, annexation issues and options available to the City. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6 P.M. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �) cx.�.�—YN -_� _'k-0 ---.> �� IL' Recording Secretary J