City Council Agenda Packet 03-26-2001 . Mayor: Council Members: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MOIula)', March 26, 200t ~ 7 p.m. Roger Belsaas Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst. Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order I Approve minutes of Mareh 12,2001 regular Council mceting. ,.., -, . Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, request and cornplaints. ). Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the Community Center and City IlalJ. B. Consideration of approving a temporary on-sale liquor license for Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Rivcrfest. Applicant: Monticello Lions Club C. . D. L r. ~Q.../ /~':) tt \8 & Consideration of approving annual liquor expenditure for Riverfest Fireworks Celebration. C'onsideration to ratify the EDA's approval for CiMEF Loan No. 018 . (integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc.) Consideration of approving linal payrnent to Barbarossa & Sons for Chelsea Road \Vest/Brent\\ood Circle. Projcct No. 9:-:;-25C. Consideration ofrcsolution supporting panicipation in UvlC Building Quality Communities Program. Consideration of adopting a resolution supporting legislation to restrict sale or phosphorus lawn !"ertilizers. G H ~1 -Jv-v 6. Consideration of items rcmoved from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance providing for increase free standing sign height and area. Applicant: Jacob Iloldings/Lknny Hecker Automotive Group. X. Consideration of waiving building permit fce. SAC/WAC charges 1()J' f~lCility proposed to be constructed at the balllield. . 9. Consideration of appointing representatives to serve on till' 1-94 Corridor Study Policy Advisory Committees. 10. Consideration of approving Change Orders No. 17 and I ~L and storm sewer work for Project No. 96-04C. '11125 Improvements. . . . Agcnda Monticello City Council March 26. 200 I Pagl' Two II. Approvc payrncnt of hills for March. 12. Adjourn. . r- t'-Ice/ tin~ """r fftof,(4 L- __ .fty<f ,(~ -CryJc:l / fr tl....o,:k/;..) ~J.)..~ d F- ~"^ "^ 't d )' .... 1:-, "1r r- '^"" d { r-- {) ffw,. I~ JldMo:.. A cos .f't;" Lvf ~<- u -- . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING- MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 12, 200t - 7 p.m. Members Pr0sent: Roger Belsaas. Roger Carlson. Clint Herbst. Brian Stumprand Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None t. Call to Order Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approve minutes of Februarv 26, 200t regular Council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVL-:I) TO APPROVE TilE MINlrrI~S 01: TJ IE FI'J3RUARY 26. 2001 COUNCIL MINlITLS AS PRESEN I'[D. BRUC'E TIIIELEN SECONDl~D TI-IE MOTI()N. MOTION CARRII]) UNANIMOIJSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of March 2,2001 special Council meetinc;. BRUCE II-IIU.EN MOVED TO APPROVE -1'llr~ MINtiTFS OF TI-IL MARCil 2.2001 SPI.:CIAL COUNCIL MI~ETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED rI II; MOTION. MOTION CARRIU) WITII CLINT IIERBST ABSI AININCJ. 3. Consideration of addin~ items to the ac;e.nda. Clint I lerhst re'quested that a discussion or Block 52 he mlded to the agenda. Mayor lklsaas noted that Agend~l Item # 10 \,as requl'sted to Ill' t~lhkd until the March 26. 200! ml'l'ting because the applicant \\as unable to make this nll'eting. ..L CitiZ('1.l eOluml'nts/petitions, reque_sts a.!Hl cc)mplainJ~-,- Ciary Rudnick. representing Monticello 13aseb~dl Association GlIllC before the Council to request \\ai\ing 01' huilding permit rees ~\I1d SA( '/W At' chmges in the amount or $4.000 for a building they arc proposing to construct at till.' b~dll]eld site. This f,lCility \,iII be used by the American Ll'gion und anwteur teams. Muyor Iklsaas suggested that this be placed on the Council ugenda ror the ne:\t meeting. 5. Consent ac;elHla A. Consider<\tion of approving request for elwritable gamhling license - [)ueks Unlimited Monticello Roller Rink. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution autlHlri/ing tilL' State Cimnhling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to the Wright ('ounty Chapter of Ducks Unlimited. Res. #2001-1 L 'l . . . Council Minutes - 3/1 2/01 B, C onsi demt ion to approve prc Ii m i nary conccpt for usc 0 I' TIF for thc scattercd housi ng project. Recommendation: Movc to approve the prcliminary conccpt for usc ofTIF in thc amount of $125.000 NVP for d sCd!tcred housing projcct dnd re-atTirm thl' I'orgiveness of $42.750 WAC/SAC dnd permit fees C. Considcrdtion to approve d loan dgrecment betwcen the City and liRA RecOlnmendation: Movc to approve thc Loan Agreemcnt bctwccn thc liRA dnd the City in the dmount of $275.000 for acquisition of the property located at 225 Front Strcet at an interest rate of ()S!() over 15 years. D. ('onsidemtion of acceptance 01' final p\dt and development agreemcnt for River Mill 6111. Recommendation: Moved to dPProVC linal plat and devclopment agrecment for River Mill ()11l Addition eontingcnt upon eredtion of out lots to match adjoining River Forest parcc Is and review of thc development agrecment by City Attorney. Res. #2001-13. E. Consickration of authorizing study of utility syslL'm capacity - Brad Pauman Properly. Ileeoll1ll1endation: Move to authorizc the City Lngineer to complete a study of thc capacity of tJ1e existing utility systems to serve the Paull1an site \vith the cost of t11C study to lx' paid by Brad Pauman. BRUCT TIIIITFN MOVFD 'rC) APPRC)VI~ TIlE CONSENT ;\CI.:NJ)A ;\S PRFSI':NTLJ). BRIAN STlI)\1PI.- SH'()NDED III I.: MOTION. f\.10TIC)N C;\RRIFJ) L!NANIMC)lISLY. 6. Considl'l~atioJl of items relllOyed froll1Jhe eonsrnt a~end;, for_disqlssi(Uh None 7. Con,sider;Jt iOILto approve prclill1il!l!..Q:son~cpt for u~e of TI F. 1'01',-' Inan ufactUljnu: facilitx ITRLAlw1icanl1 Ollil' Koropch,ik notcd that this is a preliminary conccpt and it \\ill bl' Willing hack to thc Council in thl' normal proccss of csublishing a TII- district. Th,-' 111\;\ ,\ould assist up to $40.000 in land \\Titc down ,ll1d till' City would be askcd to contribut,-' $9.000 to\\ard S;\C/W!\C I\:es. The applic<lnt. Inl<..'gr<lted Recycling I cchnologics. Inc.. is currentl) locakd in Rogers and their company recycles met,ds from spent auto catalyst. I~R1AN STUMPI.' MOVI':!) TO ;\PPRC)VI': TilL PRLJIMIN!\RY CONCEPT FC)R USI.: 0]-' TIF H)I\ IN ITCiRAIH) RI~C"{CI.IN(i Tl~CIINOLO(lIF~S. INC.. i\ \1i\NllFi\CTlIRIN(i l'I\CILI \'Y ;\ND TO APPROVL rI Il~ 1.0C;\L !.Cii\ rv1i\TCII 01- $9.000. CUNT IIERBST SI~CONj)I'J) IIIL !\1CHION. MOTION CARRII.:!) tIN!\NIf'vlO{!SLY. 7 L . . . I). Counci I M inuks - 3/12/0 I 8. Consideration QL!!!!;lm~!!.dn!~~!ILuutH' zonin~.J!r~!U.H!.Q~e estahlishin~ huilding material standanhjnJht. husiness districts. Applicant: City o(~.I.!.,.!!.!jS.fll~!~ City Planl1l'r. Ste\\.;" (]rittman. provickd hackground information on the proposed ordinance amendment. Ihe intent of the ordinancc amendmcnt \vas to prO\ide huilding standards hut not initiatc a revie\v process similar to that in the CCD. The amendmcnt is intended to address e\:terior huilding materials but there is no rl'quirement on huilding types. Tile Council discussed the impact this \vould have on building costs ror businesses. CLINT I ILRBST MOVFD TO ADOPT ORDINANCT: AMFNDM!':NT NO. 359 RU,ATIN(] TO BlJILDIN(] MATI.:RIALS IN TIIF BlJSINI.:SS /ONIN(J DISTRICTS AS RECOMrv1FNI)l-:D BY 1'111,: PI.ANNINCi COMMISSION. BRlJCI.: TII]I~LI:N SECONDED Till.: MOTION. MOTION C^RRIlJ) lJNANIMOlJSLY. Considt'ration of a development stage pun and preliminary plat to at'conullodatt' a 6~ unit townhouse proiect in Klein Farms Estates 2'"1 Addition. Applicant: Eaglt. Crest ~Q.!thwest. Deputy City Administrator. .JctT ()"Neill and Cit)' Planner. Steve Cirillman. summarized the Pldnning Commission discussion on the proposed planned unit development. The PI~lllning ('ollllnission h~ld two aredS or coneern. One area dealt with Ihe need to enhance the landscape proposed along Farmstedd Drive and also around the individual units. The otller area or conCl.'rn dealt with Ihe dri\e\\dY \\idths proposl'd and thL' dead end patterns or sl'veral dri\e\\d)'s. There has been a subsl'quern rneeting with tile developer to addrl'ss tllese conCl'rns. .Illhn (;kason. -1- 71 () South lake Sarah Drive. Inckpendence. :\Iinnesota. de\elol1l'r or till' !)l'oposl'd units \\as prl'sL'nt at till' mel,ting and suhmitted a rl'\isl'd plan to tl1l' Council. 111l' re\isl'd plan sho\\ dri\c\\a) \\idths or 2-1-' to Sl'r\'l' all units and also incre~lsl'd tile curh radius ror tl1l' llamn1l'rlll.'ad turn arounds \\Ilicll \\ould ~dIO\\ l'llllUgll room jllr garlxlge trucks dnd l'll1l.'rgl.'nc)' \'l'llicks to turn around. .Iolln (ileason indicatcd that the)' would be posting p~1I1ing restrictions in till' turn around area so tile garhage trucks could aceess till.' drl.'a li-l.'l'ly. CLINT IIUU~ST i\IOVU) TC) APPROVE Till: !:i\CiLF CRFST DI,'YITOPl'vIF\!T ST:\(il: PI;[) SlIB.lI~CI 10 II IF RH'0J\1MI:NDATION 01. lllL PL/\NNINCi COi\lMISSION i'(>R FN IIM\CI':D L/\N DSC/\PIN(; AND APPROVE II IE REVISF!) PREI.I MIN,\R '{ PL/\T I'()l\ II II.: 1.:/\(iL!': CRISII)I.:VITOPMI'.NT. RO(il:R CARLSON SECOND!:U TI Il~ MOl IO]\;_ MOTION C/\ RRI U) UNANI MOllS/. 'I', 10. CQIL"ii(!~r~ltil!n of an amt'ndment to the zoninl! I)X_lJin;!B(:'1,; providing for inCl'ease r.'ee standin~ sil!n ht'i~ht and area. Applicant: Jacoh Iloldin~s/J)t'nnv Hcckcr ;\!!!!!!~lOti,.:f (;roJW_: I ahkd to March 26. 2001 ll1L'ding, 3 z . . . Council Minutes - 3/12/01 11. COllsidnation of acet'ptill!,! fcasihiJiJ~'JCIHH.t and callin!,! f(JLPuhlie hearin!,! on Walnut Street Sidewalk ImproveIlH'nts. City Lnginl.-'l.-'L Ihet Weiss. reviewed the prelirninary report which outlined side\valk and patl1\va) inlprovements for approximillely a nine hloek area surrounding the community center site. The f(~asihility report also covered other improvemcnts such as street lighting. lillldscaping and brick pa\'ers for the area. Brc1 Weiss pointed out the segmcnts of sidl.-'walk that are proposed for construction and also the location 0 I' the hi tum i nous pat h way. Prel i m i nary cost Il)r the sidewidk is cstimated at $84.000 \Vith an additional $9.000 1l1l' the biturninous pathway. The paver brick is estimated at $99.000. the landscaping $9.000 and the stred lighting at $84.000. rhe total estimated cost of the project is $28,564 with the City's share being $144.709. The balance of the cost will he split among tlK' lIRA ($16.340). special asseSSlllents ($64.515) and the Town Centre development ($60.000) Roger Carlson asked if the necessary casements and permits had bcen obtained. Brel Weiss indicated thcy had not yet ohtained approval frclln Burlington Northern for the hituminous pathway and the proposed railroad crossing. The cost or the brick pavers was discussed. The hrick pavers \VerL' removed from the original Walnut Street Pruject because of cost consideratiuns. It was suggcsted that the brick pa\trs be bid as an altL'rnate. It was also noted that DAT had rtvie\ved th(' proposed improvements and had requestL'd that additional lighting be added fl)!' the area along the bituminous path\Vay. Brei \Veiss stated that once it was determined \\hich light design to go with (Vernon ur Colunial) they \Vould have NSP design a schematic ufthe lighting and provide an L'stimate ofcusl. The generalll.'eling of the Cuuneil \vas thatlhe prupusal cUVl'lnl a huge piecL' ufthe plan for the \\',dnut Slrel.-'t corridor and met aesthdic conCl.-'rns as \\ell ,IS sali:!y IleL'ds. I3Rl I(T TIIII.I\.)\! MOVI:I) T() AIKWI A InSOLliTION :\CCTPIIN(i II IF IT:\SIBIIIT'{ RLPOR I AND C:\I.I H>R /\ ]>[1131IC Hl-'ARIN(i ON II II: PRCWOSr:!) 1i\IPROVI\II'.0JIS H>R /\PRIL 23, 2001. RO(il::I{ C;\RISON SI.CONUI]) 'II II.: MOTION. i\IOTION C:\RRII-:!) [INANII\:10USL'y' Res. #2001-12 12. Con~l~lcl-ation of amcndnH'nts to JhJ' zonill~ onlinam'(' T~(,!:ardin~ aucssory J2Hj!din~s in rcsidt!!.th,-L(li~tri~Js. Applicant: City ofiYJontieello. City Plctnner. Ste\e Cirillm,lIl. summari/l.-'d Planning Cornrnissiun discussiun urtll(' proposed ordinance ,1mendmen1. The Planning Commission rL'Coll1mended allO\\ing 1,200 square reet of accessory space. ImlAN STl).,;IPI-' MOVED TO ;\PPROVL ORDINi\NCI': !\i\.ILl\D\;ILNT NO. ~60 TO Till: /ONIN( j ORDINi\NCL \VIIICII MVII,:N DS nil: LANCilJACiL RI':L/\11 N(i T() /\CCFSSORY IHIILDINCiS ON SIN(;[F I:AMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPI:RTY B/\SFD ON A !,'!:'-':DIN(, 111/\T TIlL PROPOSED /\MI':NDMENT WOU!.D nl'.IILR /\DDRESS .t L Council Minutes - 3/12/01 . !\CC[~SSORY USE NEEDS IN TIlE SINCiLE FAMILY !\REAS. CLINT HERBST SI~COND\J) TIII~ MOTION. MOTION CARRIFD UNANIMOUSLY. Added A~clH'al1cms: Clint llerbst brought up th;: activity involving Hlock 52 which abuts River Stred in thi.: area of West Bridg;: Park. lie questiorll'd if the City had the authority to do anything with this property in the vvay of development. lie kIt that until it was determined what authority the City had. it was prematur;: to sun;:y it and consilkr any type or devclopm;:nt of it. He was especially concerned about any type or development that would b;: intensive as far as parking needs since parking ,vas limited in the area. ()\Iie Korpochak stated that the liRA authori/ed the survey so that the boundaries and elevations of thi.: properties invohed were established. It was noted that at the last liRA meeting three ofth;: property own;:rs in this area were present and voiced their opposition to any development of this area. The property owners were concerned about parking and how any development would impact the view of the river. It was also emphasized that It.)r any devcloplnent in the CCI) area. parking is always an Issue. 13. Approve pannellt of hills for March. BRIJCL Tll\l-':U~N MOVED Te) APPROVE PA YMI.:NT 01: BlLL.S FOR MARCIl. ROCiER C!\RLSON SFCONDLD TIll.: MOTION. MOTI()N CARRILD UNANIMOIISLY. . 14. A (W!.!!.!J!,. BlZl iCE TIIIELLN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT g P.M. BRIAN STIJMPF SEC()NDI]) Till' f\10TION. MOTION CI\RRIIJ) UNANIM()lISI.Y. --- --" - -., .- ,.-.. -.. .-- l\ecording Sl'nl'tetr: . ) L . . . SA. Council Agenda ~ 3/26/0 I Consideration of anprovin2 new hircs and dcpartures fOJ' the Community Centcr and City lIall. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring or new clllployees that have occurred recently at the Monticello COlllnllmity Center and at the City Ilall. As you recall. it is recolllmended that the Council officially ratify thc hiring oLdl new employees including parl-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TEI{NA TlVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the part-time and seasonal employees for the Community Center and City Hall identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part~tillle employees. NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class John Glomski P & Z Asst (Intern) Plan & Zone 2/28/01 PT Chris Maas Custodian MCC 3/2/01 PT TERMINA TING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Deb Whitacre voluntary MCC 3/1/01 PT Bridget Sutton voluntary MCC 3/1/01 PT Ralph Rothstein voluntary MCC 2/26/01 PT . Joe Kraemer voluntary MCC 3/1/01 PT Angie Holmquist voluntary MCC 3/1/01 PT Erik Herbek voluntary MCC 3/1/01 PT . employee council list xis: 03/22/2001 sA . . . Council Agenda - 3/26/0 I 5H. Consideration of approvin!! a temnonlrv on-sale liquor license for Ducks Unlimited Banuuct and Riverfcst. Annlieant: Monticello Lions Cluh. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Lions Club will be rroviding the concession services for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet scheduled I<:)r May 7, 200 I at the Monticello Roller Rink and will also be handling concessions !<:)r the River/cst Celebration scheduled 1<:)1' ./uly ]lh and 8th, 2001. "rhe permit would also bc used for the Riverfest dance to be held at the tire hall Saturday, ./uly ]II,. The Council is being asked to approve a telnporary on-sale license and also a set~up license 1<:)1' the Ducks Unlilnited Banquet. The fees for the license arc $30.00 for the temporary on-sale liquor license and $25.00 f()r the set-ur license. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. I. Council could approve the issuance ora temporary on-sale liquor license to the Monticello Lions Club 1<:)1' the Ducks Unlimited Banquet scheduled lor May ]Iii and for the River/cst Celebration scheduled f()r ./uly ]lh and 8th. In addition. the approval will allow a set-up license for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet. 2. Deny the license request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends arproval the license as outlined. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . . . sc. Council ^genda - 3/26/01 Consideration of approving annmllliquor expenditure for Riverfest Firewol"ks Celebration. (R W) A. REFERENCI{ AND BACKGROUND: ^s part of the 2001 hudget $R.OOO was again incl uded in the liquor fund budget to cover the cost or lireworks display for the Riverfest Celebration. The City has provided funds for the fireworks display f(x a number of years. Melrose North Pyrotechnics is requcsting authorization to proceed with scheduling the fireworks progran1 for our River/est Celebration. The firm has normally requested two years or contracts to lock in the prices. hut the Council can just authorize expenditures for the year 200 I at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. ^pprove the expenditure of $fLOOO to cover the cost of the lireworks display for the Riverfest Celebration. July !( 2001. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the expenditure be authorized. D. SlJPPORTINC DATA: Letter from R j verfcst chai rman. Fireworks Display Agreemcnt . September 7,2000 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Rick: Enclosed are copies of two, signed annual contracts for fireworks displays for River Fest 2001 and 2002. As you'll note, both contracts are for displays costing $8,000 each, similar to our past events. We normally request two years of contracts to lock in prices. Roger Belsass asked me to forward these contracts to you, and ask that you earmark the 2001 expenditure for City Council consideration (and hopefully approval) at the March or April 2001 Council meeting. The 2002 contract would be for consideration in that year. If you have any questions, feel free to call me. My home phone is 295-4718, and my work phone is 271-3363. Thank you for your help and consideration. . Sincerely, -2~~' 0~jl Gim Dickrell 2001 River Fest Chairman and Monticello Lions Club 2nd vice president cc: Roger Belsaas . SG MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. AGREEMENT . This contract entered into this 71 c::t- day of Allgm::t A.D. ~ 2000 by and between MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. of Becker, MN and Mcmti cp-llo To; on's club (customer) of City Mont.icollo State - M; nnp-sot-fl WITNESSETH: MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. for and in consideration of the terms hereinafter mentioned,. agrees to furnish to the CUSTOMER onp.-$8, 000 _ 00 Fireworks Display(s) as per agreement made and accepted and made a part hereof, including the services of our Operator to take charge of and fire display under the supervision and direction o"1J,e Customer, said display to be given on the evening of ,Jill yR. ?n01 Customer Initial. , weather permitting, it being understood that should inclement weather prevent the giving of this display n the date mentioned herein the parties shall agree to a mutually convenient alternate date, within six (6) months of the original convenient date. Customer shall remit to the first party an additional 10% of the total contract price for additional expenses in presenting the display on subsequent occasion. The determination to cancel the show because of inclement or unsafe weather conditions shall rest within the sole discretion of MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS. INC. In the event the customer does not choose to reschedule another date or cannot agree to a mutually convenient date, MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. shall be entitled to 30% of the contract price for costs, damages and expenses. If the fireworks exhibition is canceled by CUSTOMER prior to the display, CUSTOMER shall be responsible for and shall pay to MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. on demand, all MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. 's out of pocket expenses incurred in preparation for the show including but not limited to, material purchases, preparation and design costs. deposits. licenses and employee charges. MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. agrees to furnish all necessary fireworks display materials and per:;onnd lor a lirework:; dj:;play in aeeordall(;e with the prugram approved by the partie:;. . It is further agreed and understood that the CUSTOMER is to pay MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. the sum of ETGHT 'I'HOHSANn AND NO/100 OOUARS . A service fee of 11/2'% per month shall be added, ifaccount is not paid within 30 days of the show date. MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. will obtain Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers Compensation Insurance. Customer will provide the items checked in the following list: (a) Sufficient area for the display, including a minimum spectator set back of....5..60.. feet at all points from the discharge area. (b) Protection of the display area by roping-off or similar facility. (c) Adequate police protection to prevent spectators from entering display area. It is further agreed and mutually understood that nothing in this contract shall be constructed or interpreted to mean a partnership, both parties being hereto responsible for their separate and individual debts and obligations and neither party shal.l be responsible for any agreements not stipulated in this contract. Customer agrees to pay reasonable attorneys fees incurred by Melrose North Pyrotechnics, Inc. in the collection or attempted collections of any amount due under this agreement and invoice. The parties hereto do mutually and severally guarantee terms, conditions, and payments of this contract, these articles to be binding upon the parties, themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Date Signed <;]-;;)1. ;)600 (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) Erv; n ,T _ H:=tmfln 13255 Rr:=tnl Py Rl un_ Becker. MN 55308 800 771 7979 By lis duly 'ud agent, who ...p....ents he/she has full authority to bind the customef. ed (PLEU'E%;E~R~RINT) Jim Bickrell 707 F.rl!":r 'Rj VQr street M;~~;:; ~ f. ~/;5362 MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. By t:A'A~ tf ~~ f/ . Date i Name Address Name Address Phone Phone sc . City Council Agenda - 3/26/01 5D. Consideration to review Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan No. 018 (Integrated Recyclios! Technoloe:ies. Inc.) for compliance with the EDA-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backe:round: The EOA requests the City Council review GMEF Loan No. 018 for compliance with the EOA-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria. The GMEF Guidelines state: "The EOA shall have authority to approve or deny loans; however, within 21 days of EO A approval, the City Council may reverse a decision by the BDA to approve a loan if it is determined by Council that such loan was issued in violation of the GMEF Guidelines." On March 152001, the EOA approved GMEF Loan No. 018 for Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. The approval was subject to funding commitment from the lender and evidence of the company financial credibility. For your review, enclosed as supporting data is the outline used by the EOA for determination of GMEF public purpose and policy compliance. . The real estate loan was approved for $72,500 at a 6.50% fixed interest rate with amortization not to exceed 30 years. Balloon payment at 5 years. Loan fee set at $200 and GMEF legal fees the responsibility of the applicant. The GMEF loan will take a second-position behind the lender, State Bank of Rogers. Collateral, guarantees, and other condition requirements to be determined and prepared by the GMEF attorney. The Monticello facility will employ 5 full-time people by 2003 and they will construct an approximate 10,000 sq ft building. At least 90% of the new jobs to pay a wage of higher than $9.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits, for individuals over the age of20 during the term ofthe assistance. Annual written reports are required until termination date. Failure to meet the job and wage level goals require partial or full repayment of the assistance with interest. After preparation of the Loan Agreement and at a future Council meeting, the Council will be asked to approve a Subsidy Agreement between the EOA and Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. to comply with the new statutory requirements. Because the assistance does not exceed $100,000, a public hearing is not required. This project is located along Fallon Avenue to the immediate north of Pipeline Supply in the Monticello Commerce Center. After review of the EDA outline for GMEF public purpose and policy compliance, the EDA requests the City Council consider the following actions. . 1 . City Council Agenda - 3/26/01 B. Alternative Actions: 1. A motion stating that City Council has determined the EDA approval ofGMEF Loan No. 018 for Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. was approved without violation of the EDA-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria; therefore, Council supports the decision by the EDA for loan approval. 2. A motion stating that City Council has determined the EDA approval ofGMEF Loan No. 018 for Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. was issued in violation of the GMEF Guidelines; therefore, the Council reverses the decision by the EDA for loan approval. c. Recommendation: The City Administrator recommends Alternative No.1. The loan approval complies with the EDA-GMEF Criteria and the City's objective and goals. The EDA approval was subject to lender commitment and evidence of company financial credibility. D. Supportios! Data: . GMEF criteria used by the EDA, preliminary application, and GMEF approval form. . 2 . GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE 250 EAST BROADWAY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FOR LOAN Ati 0 t, htuK 1 ~ APPLICANT: StP\u> Rllrlp FIRM OR TRADE NAME: ntegra ted BUSINESS ADDRESS: 20005 Hwy 81 CITY/STATE: Rogers MN TELEPHONE: {BUS.)763-428-1954 DATE ESTABLISHED: Jul y 17. 1997 _SOLE PROPRIETOR s RecYCling Technologies ~ZIP CODE: (HOME) 763-295-3830 EMPLOYER LD.# 41-1883563 CORPORATION _PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT NAME R~~~~QM~~;~ ~~~~: ~:~;~am TITLE President Treasurer OWNERSHIP % 33 33 33 PROJECT LOCATION: Monticello MN -L-NEW LOCATION TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $ $ 513.000.00 _EXISTING BUSINESS . PROPOSED USES: LAND $ 80 . 000 . 00 EXISTING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 433.000.00 MACHINERY CAPITAL WORKING CAPITAL OTHER TOTALUSES: S 513,000.00 REQUEST: AMOUNT OF LOAN S MA TURITY & TERMS REQUESTED APPLICANT'S EQUITY LOAN PURPOSE PROPOSED BEGINNING DATE: ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: 8- 01- 01 TITLE TO PROJECT ASSETS TO BE HELD BY; OPERATING ENTITY ALTER EGO PARTICIPATING LENDER: State Bank of Rogers (Name) (Address) Qll)428-???? (Telephone #) ):'~ x... f1. u ,>. y ~ g - )r S \-0 PROJECTED # OF F.T. EMPLOYEES{within :z years) Tim MAlrl\,p (Contact Person) PRESENT # OF F.T. EMPLOYEES: PROJECTED AVERAGE WAGE PER HOUR: $14.00 . - ADDITIONAL PROJEer INFORMATION: APPUCANTSIGNATVRE:~ ~ ~ DATE SIGNED~~ / ~ SD . . . &\t Ck C'~ ~ (\\ ~ -~ ) J " GOALS OF BUSINESS RECEIVING ASSISTANCE Please indicate number of employees at each level and indicate the corresponding benefit level. Number of jobs created is over the first two years. Job Creation Full-rime tI / / / Part-time Hourly Wage Hourly Value Level of V oluntarv Benefits ($) (Excl. Benefits) Less than $7.00 $7.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 $10.00 to $11.99 $12.00 to $13.99 ,Y'J $14.00 to $15.99 ;,3S- $16.00 to $17.99 I'IY/ $18.00 and higher SD ~ . . . EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 4. Consideration to review for discussion the nrelinlinarv GMEF anplication for Integrated RecYClin!! Technologies, Inc. Steve Budd, Applicant. A. Reference and Back!!round: CiMEF Loan Application: See Att~lchmt'nt A. Request is for an 5180.000 real estate loan. Project Summary: Steve Budd is President and 1/3 o\\ner ofIntegrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. Unfortunately the date set for the !])A meeting is the Thursday prior to his wedding date so I excused him. IIc \vas present at the HRA meeting on the Th of March. The I-IRA approved the preliminary concept for $40.000 of TIF pay-as-you-go assistance for land \\Tite-down. the City Council will consider this the night of the 121h of March and Mr. Budd will be present. The company is four years old and currently exists in Rogers. The company recycles platinum group metals from spent auto catalyst. The Prospect Team of Fred Patch. Mayor Belsaas. Kevin Doty. Ron Hoglund. and mysclfvisited the existing plant some time ago. Mr. Budd purchased the Kermit Benson home in anticipation of his upcoming marnage. 'fhe company proposes to purchase 2 acres ofl-l property along Fallon A venue to the immediate nOl1h of Pipeline Supply. The 10.000 sq ft steel structure with some brick will consists of production and office space. Proposed contractor is Tricon. Inc. Construction to begin soon as possible. The company requires no outdoor storage. The company plans to create 5 new jobs for the City of Monticello within two years. See Attachment B. USES AND SOURCES, Estimated Uses of Funds Construction Costs WAC/SAC Fees Trunk Fees Permit Fees Land Costs Contingency lUfAL $433.868 $ 10.325 $ 17.325 $ 2.676 $ 87.120 $ /3.211 $565.000 sD . EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 Estimated Uses of Funds (nr reimbursement method $40.000 NPV) Lender City GMEF Equity (20%) TOTAL $]86.800 9.000 $ 72.500 $ 96.700 $565.000 Please revinv the application for compliance \\ith the ED^-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria. GREATER MOnrlCELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDELINES PUBLIC PURPOSE CRITERIA: Must comply with four or more of the criteria listed below. critcria # I being mandatory. 1. Job Goal: Five new full-time jobs to the City of Monticello within two years of the benefi t date. . Wage Goal: At least 4.5 of the new jobs must pay a wage of the higher of$9.00 per hOUL or at least 160% of the federal minimum wage. exclusive of bcnefits. for individuals over the age of 20 during the term of the assistance. See Attachment B. Annual reports are required until termination date. Failure to meet job and wage goals require partial or full payment of the assistance plus interest. 2. Increases the community tax based: EMV of building is $290.000 Estimated increase of annual taxes is $ I 2.000 (land and building). .., .J. Factors: To assist a ne\\- manufacturing business to expand their operations. Other factors for consideration but no limited to: Nature of business (manufacturing), no availability of service and product currently. pot,ential adverse em'ironmental effect (permit for furnace), and compatibility to the comprehensive plan and zoning policy (yes. steel exterior acceptable in 1- I zone.) . 2 5D . . . EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 4. lTscd as a secondary source to supplement conventional financing. The GivlEF \\ill he a second position real estate loan behind the lender. 5. Used as gap financing: Used as gap financing and as an incentive to encourage development. 6. Used to assist other funds: In addition to the GMEF. other funds obtained are lenders. TIF. and equity. CiREATER IvlONlICTLLO ENTERPRISE FUND POLICIES I. BlJSINESS ELICllBlLITY Industrial business: Yes. Located \yithin city limits: Yes. Zoned I-I. Credit \\'orthy existing business: For determination by Tim Melrose. State Bank of Rogers. (Letter to be pnwided in future.) $10.000 loan per each job created. $10.000 X 5 = $50.000. Or $5.000 per every $20.000 increase in propeny market valuation. vvhichever is higher. $190.000 divided by $10.000 is 14.5 X $5.000 = $71.500. Criteria: $72,500. II. FINANCING I\IETHOD: Companion Direct Loan: All such loans may be subordinated to the primary lender if requested by the primary lender. The GMEF is leveraged and the lower interest rate of the GMEF 100vers the effective interest rate on the entire project. Criteria: The GMEF takes a second position behind the State Bank of Rogers on the real estate. III. USES OF PROCEEDS: Real property acquisition and development. .., ~ 50 . . . EDA Agenda - 3/15/01 IV. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Loan Size: J'v1aximum not to e\ceed 50% ufthe remaining revol\'ing loan fund balance. Approximate balance Mareh 11. 100]. $410.000. Request: $SO.OOO. Criteria: S21O,OOO. Remaining balance thereafter. $2] 0,000. Leveraging: J'dinimum 60% private/public nun-CiI'v1EF Maximum 30% public (GMEr) IV1inimum 10% equity of EDA loan Proposed Lender GMEF City Equity TOTAL $386.800 (68.4%) $ 72.500 (] 2.8%) $ 9.000 ( 1.59%) ;p 96.700 (] 7.] %) (>10% FDA] $565.000 (99.89%) Loan Term: Real estate propeny maximum of 5-year maturity amortized up to 30 years. Balloon pay'ment at 5 years. Criteria: As stated above. Interest Rate: Fixed rate not less than 2% below Minneapolis prime rate. Prime rate per National Bank of Minneapolis on date of JDA loan approval. Prime rate March 15. 2001.____.. ~. S /0 Criteria: Minimum rate is fixed rate. Loan fee: Minimum fee of$200 but not to cxceed ] .5% of the total loan project. Paid by applicant to the EDA \vithin five \vorking days after City Council approval of GMEF loan. Non-refundable. Loan fee may be incorporated into project costs. EDA retains the right to reduce or \,'aive loan fee or portion of loan tee. Criterhl: Minimum fee of$200 or 51,147.50, due and payable not later than April 2, 2001. Prepayment Policy: No penalty t(w prepayment. Deferral of Payments: I. Approval of the EDA membership by majority vote. 2. Extend the balloon if unable to refinance, verification letter from 1\\'0 tending institutions subject to Board approval. 4 5D EDA Agenda - 3/l5/01 . Late Payment Policy: Failure to pay principal or interest \vhen due may result in the loan being immediately called. Interest limitation on guaranteed loans: Not applicable. ASSUJT1ability of loan: None. Business equity requirements: Subject to type of loan: Board of Directors will determine case by case. analysis under normal lending guiddines. Collateral: Personal and/or corporate guarantees (rcquires unlimitcd personal guarantees) as per the GMEF attorney. Non-performance: An approved GMEF loan shall be null and \'oid iffunds are not drawn upon or disbursed within 180 days from date of EDA approval. March 15,2001 EDA approvul- loan becomes null and void September 15,2001. . Non-performance extension: Not applicable. Legal Fees: Responsibility or the GMEF applicant. B. Recommcndution: Recommendation is to review this information prior to the EDA meeting for discLlssion and potential questions. Consideration to appro\'e or deny GMEF Loan No. 018 is the next agenda item. C. SUDJ)orting Dahl: Preliminary GMEF application and job and wage-level goals. . 5 SD . APPROVAL OF GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUNDS BY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Preliminary Loan Application Approval. February 26, 2001 Loan terms negotiated and agreed upon between the developer, the lending institution, and the EDA Executive Director. Formal Loan Application and Financial Statement analyzed by the lending institution, ~g~~;~Flfie. or City staff. Building and Site Plan Preliminary and/or Final Review. Building Permit approval or construction commitment. Preliminary ConceDt onlv Loan documents reviewed and/or prepared by the City Attorney. KF.NNF.DY tv (;RAVF.N ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL: .ANNUMBER: No. 018 LOAN APPROVED: xxxx BORROWER:~EGRATED RECYCLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (STEVE BUDD) ADDRESS: P. O. Box 455, Rogers, MN 55374 DISAPPROVED: LOAN AMOUNT: Seventy-two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and no cents ($72,500) RATE: fi '12: Fixpcl Tntp.n~M R.<ltp DATE: MRrch 1 'i. 2001 TERMS Amortization not to exceed 30 ears. Balloon ayment in 5 years. FEE $200.00 Due five days from City Council approval (March 31, 2001) Nonrefundable. **OTHER (SECOND PAGE) A motion was made by EDA Commissioner D<'lrrin T.<'lhr Greater Monticello Enterprise Funds in the amount of $ 72 , 500. 00 to (approve ~n~~~x~ INTEGRATED RECYCLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (STEVE BUDD) this 15th day of March, 2001 , Seconded by EDA Commissioner Barb Schwientek dollars and cents to developer YEAS: Lahr Schwientek Carlson Demueles NAYS: FDA Treasurer ABSENT: Herbst Hoglund by Chec~'>>e. .EF disbursed CITY COUNCIL MAY REVERSE AN EDA LOAN DECISION WITHIN TWENTY-ONE DA YS OF EDA APPROVAL. TO CITY COUNCIL, March 26, 2001 s-D GMEF Approval Page 2 'CCEPT ANCE OF TERMS I (We) hereby accept the terms stated above as approved by the Economic Development Authority in and for the City of Monticello. DATED: OTHER ** CMEF LOAN NO. 018 is a Real Estate Loan JOB COALS: 2 full time jobs at wages between $12.00 to $13.99 excluding benefits. 1 full time job at wages between $14.00 to $15.99 excluding benefits. 1 full time job at wages between $16.00 to $17.99 excluding benefits 1 full time job at wages between $18.00 and higher excluding benefits. WITHIN two years. 411iECOND POSITION BEHIND LENDER. GMEF LEGAL FEES RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANT. COLLATERAL: PERSONAL/CORPORATE GUARANTEES (requires unlimited personal guarantees) OR PER THE EDA ATTORNEY. APPROVAL SUBJECT TO LENDER COMMITMENT AND EVIDENCE OF COMPANY CREDIBILITY. LOAN BECOMES NULL AND VOID SEPTEMBER 15, 2001, IF FUNDS HAVE NOT BEEN DISBURSED. CMEF DOLLARS DISBURSED FROM THE EDA-GMEF ACCOUNT. , MONTICELLO LOCATION ADDRESS: TO BE DETERMINED. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TO BE PLATTED AND DETERMINED. . so . . ~ .., Council Agenda - 3/26/01 5E. Considenltion of a) rovino final a mcnt to Barharossa & SOilS for Chelsea Road Wl'St/ B,'cntwood Circlc, Proiect No. 98-25C. (R W) A. HEFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Barbarossa and Sons has recently completed the construction of Chelsea Road W cstlBrentwood ('ircle improvements \vithin the Groveland Phase I development and is requesting linal paynlent and acceptance oCthe utilities by the city. The City Engineer has reviewed thelimd construction pay voucher and is recoml11ending final paymcnt in the amount of $X4,58 J .24 being ll1ade contingent upon receipt of a Consent of Surety to final payment. IC-134 statc tax forms and all necessary lien waivers. On approval of the tinal payment the City would also be accepting the utilities at that time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. D. J. Authorize final paymcnt in the amount of $84.581.24 to Barbarossa & Sons f()r the Chelsca Road West/Brentwood Circle. Project No. 98-25C'. STAFF UECOMMENDA TION: It is the recon1l11endation oCthe City Engineer and City Administrator that the linal paymcnt be authorized and that the improvemcnt project be accepted by the City. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of construction pay voucher Letter from WSB & AssocialL's . WSB .sociales, Inc. e 4150 Olson Memorial Highway Suite 300 eapolis Minnesota 55422 763.541.4800 763.541.1700 FAX March 19,2001 Mr. Rick W olfsteller City of Monticello 505 Walnut Ave P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-1147 Re: Final Construction Pay Voucher No.6 Chelsea Road West/Brentwood Circle City of Monticello Project No. 98-25C WSB Project No. 1196-01 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Enclosed please find three (3) copies of the final construction Pay Voucher NO.6 for the above-referenced project. The amount due for the project is $84,581.24. We recommend final payment to the Contractor, Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., contingent upon receipt of the following from the Contractor: 1. Consent of Surety to final payment. 2. IC 134 forms. 3. Waiver of lien forms in accordance with the contract documents. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (763) 287-7191. Sincerely, Enclosure c: Mr. Jerry Larson, Barbaraossa & Sons, Inc. Mr. Tom Bose, City of Monticello Mr. Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc ak/jw 5E F:\wpwinII196-01 103160 I rt~ 1 I 96-01.doc Minneapolis. St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer fl Y:rt:coQ#tr;i[fJJ~Qi E1~Y:i,tl~M~l~tii1' Atoucher No. .-wS8 Project No: 6 (Final) 1196-00 Date: Period Ending: March 14,2001 January 15, 2001 Project: Chelsea Road West I Brentwood Circle Street, Utilities and Appurtenant Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 98-25C 8arbarossa & Sons, Inc. PO Box 367 11000 93rd Avenue North Osseo, MN 55369 Contractor: Contract Date: Completion Date: Work Started: Work Completed: Original Contract Amount Total Additions Total Deductions Total Funds Encumbered Total Work Certified to Date Less Retained Percentage Less Previous Payments Total Payments Incl. This Voucher Balance Carried Forward Approved for Payment This Voucher $1,399,891.10 $8,386.00 $0.00 $1,408,277.10 0.00% $1,431,216.03 $0.00 $1,346,634.79 $1,431,216.03 ($22,938.93) $84.581.24 Approvals AS8 & Associates, Inc. . ~ accordance with field observation, as performed in accordance with industry standards, and based on our professional opinion, the materials installed are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. The total work estimated to be completed as of January 15, 2001 is as indicated herein and we hereby recommend payment of this vouche,. /C? t I I. Signed: Signed: 'l:>~ A-- w...:.- 102% Construction Observer Project Manager/Engineer 8arbarossa & Sons, Inc. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this voucher. 3AP.g~5),a r f )o.Jf /'VG. Signed: ~/-f~ /46(:./ 1#~,4&>cTd- Contractor: '7 / - - I --' - ~ - ZeSJo Title: Date: City of Monticello Checked by: Approved for Payment: Authorized Representative .te: Date: SE . . . c. D. ('ounc i I Agenda - 3/26/0 1 SF. Consideration of resolution sUpllortinl! participMion in LMC Buildinl! Quality Communities Prol!ram. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Last year. the League of Minnesota Cities launched a public education calnpaign called Building Quality Communities to enlwnce the perception of Minnesota cities and increase citizen participation in their local government. More than 270 cities have joined in this ertiJrt by passing the attached resolution. lhe League believes that cities can gain greater legislative cooperation by everyone working together in challenging negative perceptions about local governments and conveying the message that city govenunents are essential to quality life in Minnesota. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt the resolution supporting participation in the I.MC Building Quality Communities program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the City Administrator's recommendation that the resolution be adopted and that Monticello join more than 270 other cities in Minnesota in this state \vide effort. Through the League. various promotional items are available that the city could use at various community events to celehrate our community building effl..)rts. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy urthe resolution. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2001-14 RESOLlJTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN BUILDING QUALIl'Y COMMUNITIES rVHUU,>L'';, the top values and priorities of citizens include safety, Llmily, job opportunities, health, the well-being of children, and recreational opportunities; and rv! IER FA.'">', many of the services eities provide directly enhance those eitizen priorities; and WHFRDL";, the connection between city services and how they benefit citizen priorities and concerns is not always understood by citizens; and rVII/:'RLAS it is one of the responsibilities of city officials to ensure legislators. media and citizens understand their governments through open and frequent communication using various avenues and means; and WIIFR l:'A 5.', it is important to encourage citizens to actively participate in city government to share their views, and to work in partnership with city olTicials to ensure that the needs of the community are met; and /VIlFR/:'AS', partnerships developed between citizens and city o1licials can result in greater understanding of the connection between Minnesota's high quality of life and the services provided by Minnesota cities, as well as in greater trust hy citizens in the efforts of their city government; NO/iV TlILR /:FORF Hr." Jr I-ffRLHY RE.,">'OfJ'fJ) TIlA r TIfF CITY OF J!OATICFlJO hereby declares it commitment to join in the .'Minnesota Cities: Building Quality Communities" statewide educational eftl.)!'t in cooperation \\ith our t\:llow members of the League of [vtinnesota Cities. We hereby designate Rick Wolfstellcr. City ^drninistrator. as the City of Monticello's key contact fl.)!' this crfort and will in!l.lrm the t.eague of Minnesota Cities of this designation. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 26111 day of March, 200 I, -... .-- -- ,.".--- .---. ,..---.. ,..- Roger Belsaas, Mayor AITEST: Rick Wolfsteller. City ^c1ministrator 5r- . Council Agenda - 3/26/01 5(;. Consideration of adopting a resolution supportin2. legislation to resh"ict sale of phosphorus lawn fertilizers. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached is a letter from the City of Shorewood asking that the ('ity of Monticello consider adopting a resolution restricting the use and sale of lawn fertilizers containing phosphorus. There is currently a bill (SF 1789) under consideration by the legislature and the City of Shorewooc! is also asking that we contact our legislators urging their support of the bill. It ALTF:RNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution supporting legislation to restrict the use and sale oflawn fertilizers containing phosphorus. 2. Do not adopt a resolution. C. SUPPORTING DATA: . . I.ener from City of Shorewooc! Resolution - - . . CITY OF SHOREWOOD 5755 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD. SHOREWOOD, MINNESOTA 55331-8927 · (952) 474-3236 FAX (952) 474-0128. www.ci.shorewood.mn.us. cityhall@ci.shorewood.mn.us March 20, 2001 City of Monticello i\ttn: Mayor Roger Belsaas .'\05 Walnut Avenue PO E":,, 1147 Monticelio, MN 55362-1147 Re: Request for Support of Legislation to Restrict Sale of Phosphorus Lawn Fertilizers Dear Mayor Bclsaas: . This letter is offered in my capacity as the Mayor ofthe City 0.i: ~~horewood reql1esting your Sllpport for legislation this session restricting the use and sale of phosphorus lawn fertili?:ers throughout the St~te. Shorc".'ood is working in concert with maDji cities, the Minnesota Association of Wat.;;rshcd Districts, FIe Minnehzha Creek Watershed District, and counties and agencies in supporting statewide limitations on the i.J.~e and sale of phosphorus lawn fertilizers. I have enclosed a draft form of resolution I respectfully urge you submit to your council for approval and return to me at the City of Shore wood at your earliest convenience. I have also enclosed a summary of points to consider in discussing this issue locally. I would bc more than happy to meet with you or your city council to discuss this request in greater detail. This legislative initiative is underway and a timely expression of your support will greatly enhance the likelihood of success. Additionally, a call or e-mail to your legislative delegation in support of SF 1789 would be appreciated. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Shorewood City Administrator, Craig Dawson, at (952) 474-3236 or me at (952) 470-2552. Sincerely, ~(!v~o:!J frt CITY OF SHOREWOOD . <E2ure ft '-.1 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER C:' G ~ ::ODMA \PCDOCS\LIB 1 \660613\1 . . . PHOSPHORUS LAWN FERTILIZER LEGISLATION POINTS TO CONSIDER . Approximately 80% of lawns in our region have naturally very high levels of phosphorus. Over 75% of homeowners fertilize their lawns with phosphorus two or more times each year. . Phosphorus is the nutrient which limits algae growth in lakes. One pound of ph os ph oms will grow 300 - 500 pounds in algae blooms. . Phosphates were removed from soaps and detergents almost 30 years ago based upon adverse impacts on water quality. '!O On average, it costs $375 to remove one pound of phosphorus from nmoffwater. . Proposed restrictions are limited to lawn fertilizers - not agricultural or gardening uses. . Proposed legislation has reasonable exceptions for establishment of new turf and demonstrated low phosphorus soils. : :ODMA IPCDOCS\UB 1 \659297\1 . . . CITY OF RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE AND SALE OF PHOSPHORUS LAWN FERTILIZERS WHEREAS, the City of is tributary to significant fresh water resources; and WHEREAS, there has long been established a well-documented relationship between the LIse of phosphorus lawn fertilizers and the degradation of water quality; and WHEREAS, as a matter of policy, the City of lawn fertilizers; and desires to reduce the use 0 f phosphorus WHEREAS, subject to unique circumstances, regional soil conditions have an abundance of natural phosphorus; and WHEREAS, industry leading fertilizer manufacturers and retailers have failed to produce and market low phosphorus lawn fertilizers to the Pitblic; and WHEREAS, over two decades of public education has had minimal effect when in competition with corporate advertising and their refusal to formulate to local needs; and WHEREAS, the City of phosphorus lawn fertilizers; and finds it important to encourage the reduction in the use of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of declares its commitment to phosphorus lawn fertilizer reduction by encouraging the adoption oflegislation restricting the use and sale of phosphorus lawn fertilizers. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, such legislation should require that displays of such fertilizer must be clearly marked as containing phosphorus, and must be separated from the display of other fertilizers, and that for each sale of such fertilizer the seller must provide the buyer with a copy of the appropriate printed consumer information. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of does request and encourage its state legislative delegation to consider and enact legislation to regulate and limit the use and sale of phosphorus lawn fertilizers. ADOPTED by the City Council of this ~_ day of , 2001. ATTEST: , Mayor , Administrator :;ODMA\PCDOCS\LIB 1 \644635\1 5G . . . City ('ollnc i I Agenda - 3/2()/O I 7. Consilleration of an Amenllmcnt to the Zoning Onlimlnce Increasing till' Sit!:n Area anll Height for Pvlon Signs in the B-3 District. AllJllicant: Monticello Dollge. (NAC) This item was tabled at the March 121h meeting. A. REFERENCF AND BACKGROUND: Monticello Dodge has requested the City's consideration of an amendment to the sign ordinance \vhich would significantly increase the allowable area for "pylon" signs in the B-3 District. including the allowances 1'(.)r electronic display. The proposed sign the applicant rcquests is 40 feet high, and provides for up to 750 square feet of sign area, about one third of which would be a digital electronic display similar to those Il.)lllld at sports arenas. The applicant estimates the cost of this sign at over $700,000. Current regulations limit pylon signs in the freeway corridor to 32 feet in height and 200 square ICet in area, an increased size based on freeway exposure. The Planning Commission. after some discussion on the merits of the proposal, recommended 3-1 against the amendment. Various issues were rai sed, i ncl udi ng the removal of an existing billboard on the site, the likelihood of other similar signs being erected in the Ih:eway area, and the reccnt approval of the electronic message provisions Il.)!" Monticello Ford limiting this type ordisplay to 70 square feet in area. and the decision not to amend the area limitations when the Ford dealership requested. Two primary concerns are raised in this regard. The existence of the billboard should be only a temporary issue unrelated to the erection ofa new on-site sign. The Conditional Use Permit which was approved for Monticello Dodge was tied to a site plan which did not include the billboard, nor propose its continuation or relocation. The applicant would be in violation of its Conditional Use Permit if the billboard is not removed prior to occupancy. Because billboards are non-conrOrmiIH! structures underthe Zonin!..'. Ordinance, thev mav not '-- .....,.1 _ be moved to another location when the site is improved in accordance with tll(' ordinance. "fhc second issue is possible prolilCration of signs of this size in the heeway district. The City has its most discretion in rcgulati ng land use 'vvhen it has different standards Il.)r d i ffcrent /Oning districts. The B-3 District is the lowest eurrent threshold Il.)r adopting an amendment of this type. It may be possible to change the code to make automobile dealerships a separate ?Oning district with greater signagc allowances. although thc Planning Commissionll.llllld this to be an unnatural distinction. A rational basis would be necessmy for the adoption of t his type of amendment. Under the current zoning ordinance, several B-3 uscs may be interested in increasing slgnage. Planning Staff has seen significantly larger sign requests made by McDonalds and ~I- . City Council Agenda -3126/() I SuperAmerica in other areas. Cioukrs Chevrolet would likely be compelled to conlpete with Dodge. and Monticello ForeL although only recently approved. \vould probably look I()f" the opportunity to kecp up with its competitors. There are numerous othcr national chain retailers in the area. and the proliferation of very large signs. in planning staffs opinion. is more likely than not. B. ALTERNATIVI.: ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the sign anlendment to accommodate the sign proposal of Monticello Dodge, based on findings that the increased sign size will be beneficial to the commercial developnlent of the area. / Motion to deny the sign amendment based on a finding that it would lead to clutter of the City's commercial district and freeway exposure, and would not be in keeping with the aesthetic and livability objectives o/" the COlnprehensive Plan. 3. Motion to table action on the sign amendment. pending additional inl()f"mation. Perhaps Council will support a smaller. lower sign that would allow this type of sign in a conlined district. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff docs not recommend the amendment. As noted. such a sign \vould nOl appear to be consistent \vith the City's Comprehensive Plan goals. Instead o/"the signilicant amounts to be spent on signage in the li'eeway corridor. staff would recommend building and site enhancements which add to thc attraction o/" the architecture and to the attraction elf Monticello as a livable community. rfCouncil is interested in allowing this type of sign. till' it is recommended that the height and size he reduced and that an attempt is made to establish a district where such signs arc acceptable. I). SUPPORTING DATA 1. / Proposed Sign III ustrat ion Planning Commission Stall Report . -2- . . . FILE COpy Planning COlllmission Agenda -3/06/0 I 6. Consider.dion of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to nermit increased sizc for freestanding and clcdronic signs. Annlicant: Monticello Dodge. (NAC) ^. REFERENCr: AND BACKGROUND: Monticello Dodge has submitted arequest which would allow for increased sign height, mea, and ekctronic display size for freestanding signs. The proposed sign is approximately 750 square feet in area. 40 feet in height, and includes an electronic display that is approximately three times that of the current area allO\vance. 'rhe cllrrent regulations \vere adopted to accommodate the electronic sign recently installed by Monticello Ford last year. That Ordinance required that electronic displays could be a part ofa pylon sign to a maximum of 50'Ya of the sign display, but no more than 7() square feet. Pylon signs for properties sllch as Monticello Dodge arc currently permitted to be 200 square feet in area, and 32 feet in height. This is an increased size j'()r properties adjacent to freeway areas. The sign features a digital display that is capable of showing "television-like" images. The proposed Monticello Dodge sign is fiJr in excess of the City's current regulations, ""hich already include a "bonus" size provision for freC\vay frontage. It rivals the size of billboards which have been long restricted. Moreover, planning staff is unaware of comparable sign allowances in other areas. The City's 200 square f(lot and 32 f(lOt height standards arc in line with 111any other metropolitan area communities, and exceed the allowances of several. Finally, Monticello Ford installed a sign based on the new regulations adopted by the City just one year ago. A change to the regulation could be read to have an unequal impact on silnilar businesses in the senne area and zoning district. The proposed sign will replace an existing billboard. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to reconll)1end approval of an amendment to the sign regulations to accommodate the proposed freestanding sign for Monticello Dodge. Motion based on the finding that a free-standing sign of this magnitude is not consistent with the cOlnprehensive plan. 2. Motion to recormncnd denial of an amendment to the sign regulations, and require compliance with the current standards. -, _J. Motion to table action on the amendment, pending additional infllrlnation. -1- 1 Planning COInll1ission ^genda -J/O()/O I . c. STAFF RFCOMMFNDArION Stall docs not recornmend an arnendment to the regulations. The current language \Vas adopted just one year ago to provide a consistent basislCH' regulating and allowing electronic signs. The overall sign size has been appl icd to many businesses in the area, and no unusual circumstances VVOldd appear to apply to this site that would compel a change. Finally. planning staff believes that increasing the size to accommodate signs of this size vvould eventually result in a serious aesthetic problem, as vvell as cluttering competition for sign size and location as Inore businesses adapted to the nev,' standards. This result would not seenl to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and other land use planning which have made community livability and attractiveness important objectives. I). SUPPOR.TING DATA Exhibit A - Proposed Sign Drawing . . -2- I MAR-01-2001 10:56 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/02 ... U\ l\\ .- - --I I I t= =- -=- -::.. :::.... I ( . ~ o a a .J I ~ ~ I ~ g s:. . I ..~ I I I I I-----I.J -- -- - ~ L___J 1_ t~ , ...... ~~ ~ 4 ? ~ I" . l ~ ~ TOTAL P.02 ~ . . . City Council Agenda -3/26/0 I ~ Consideration of an Amendment to the Zoninl! Ordinance Increasin.g the Sil!n Area and Ht'ight for Pylon Signs in the B-3 Pistrid. Applkant: Monticello Dod~ (N^C) This item \vas tabled at the March 12[11 meeting. i\. REFLRFNCE AND BAC/(CiROllND: Monticello Dodge has requested the City's consideration of an amendment to the sign ordinance which would significantly increase the allO\vablc area for "pylon" signs in the B-3 District. including the allowances I()r electronic display. rhe proposed sign the applicant requests is 40 feet high, and provides j()r up to 750 square feet of sign area. about one third of which would be a digital electronic display sinlilar to those J()und at sports arenas. The applicant estimates the cost of this sign at over $700.000. Current regulations limit pylon signs in the Ji-ceway corridor to 32 feet in height and 200 square feet in area, an increased size based on ti-eeway exposure. The Planning ('ommission. alter some discussion on the merits of the proposal. recommended 3-1 againstthe amendmen1. Various issues were raised. including the removal of an existing billboard on the site. the likelihood of other similar signs being erected in the freeway area. and the recent approval of the electronic message provisions t(n l'vlonticello Ford limiting this type of display to 70 square led in area. and the decision not to amend the arca limitations when the Ford dcalcrship rcquested. Two primary concerns are raised in this reg:ml. lhc cxistcnce of thc hillboard should be only a tcmporary issuc unrelated to the crection ofa ne\V on-site sign. The Conditionalllse Permit \\hich was approved I(lr Monticello Dodge W:IS til'd to a site plan \\hich did not incluclc the hillboard. nor propose its contilllwtion or relocation. The applicant would be in \'io!ation of its Conditionallise Permit if the billboard is not removed prior to occupancy. Ikl'<IUSl' billhoards arc non-conl(ll'lning structures umlcr the Zoning Ordinance. thcy may not hl' llhl\'ed to :lIlother loeat i on \vhen the si tc is i lllpro\'('d in accordance \vi t h thc ord i nanCl'. The second issue is possible prolifcration of signs of this size in the freeway district. The City has its most d i scrl'1 ion in rcgulat i ng !and use when it has different standards I(lr d i fjcTcnt zoning districts. The 13-3 District is the Icml'st currcnt threshold flll' adopting an anll'ndlllcnt of this type. It may hc possible to change the code to nwke automobile dealerships a separate zoning district with greatcr signage allcl\vances. :lIthough the Planning Commission l(llmd this to he an ullIwtural distinction. A rntiOlwl b,lSis would be nccessmy j()r the adoption of this type of anH:m1lnen1. U ndcr the current zoni ng ord inance. sevcra I B-3 uses may bc interested i 11 i ncreasi ng slgnagl'. Planning StalThas seen significantly larger sign requests made by 1'v1cDonalds and -1- I . City Council Agenda -3/26/0 I SuperAmerica in other areas. Gould's Chenolet would likely be cOlllpelled to compete with Dodge. and Monticello Ford, although only recently approved. would probably look for the opportunity to keep up with its competitors. There arc numerous other national chain retailers in the area. and the proliferation orvcry large signs, in planning staIrs opinion, is more likely than not. ,B. AI.TFRNATlVF ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the sign amendment to accol1llnodale the sign proposal of Monticello Dodge, based on findings that the increased sign size will be beneficial to the commercial development of the area. ! Motion to deny the sign amendmcnt. based on a 1inding that it would lead to clutter of the City's commcrcial district and freeway cxposure. and would not be in keeping with the aesthetic and livability objectives orthe Comprehensive Plan. 3. Motion to table action on the sign amendment. pending additional inJ<mmllion. Perhaps Council will support a smaller. lower sign that would allow this type of sign in a conlincd district. . C STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stall docs not recommend the amendment. As noted. such a sign would not appear to be consistent vvith the City's C'omprehensive Plan goals. Insll'ad orthe signilicant alllOunts to be spent on signngl' in the li'eevvay corridor. starr would recommend building and site l'nhancements which add to the attraction or the alThitecture and to the attraction or Monticello as a livahle comlllunity. IrCouncil is interested in allO\ving this type of sign, the it is recommended that the height ill1d si;;e hL- redl/cc'd and that ,111 attempt is made to estahlish a district where such signs arc acceptable. D. Sl JPP()RTINCi DATA I, Proposed Sign Illustration Planning Commission Stall Report I . -2- l . . . City Council Agenda - 03/26/01 s. Consideration of waiving huildinl! permit and SAC/WAC fees for baseball concession building. (.JO/FP) A. REFI:RENCE AND BAC'KGROUND An effort is underway by members of the baseball association to construct a concession building at the ball lield site utilizing volunteer labor and donated supplies. At the previous meeting of the City Council a request was made to waive building permit and SAC/WAC fees. The building permit fee and the SAC/WAC fees in an amount not to exceed $5J)65.24. The amount could be reduced if restrooms arc removed fronl the project because the SAC/WAC fee together amount to $3.900. An example of City participation in a project that beneJitted the public include a financial contribution to the Pinewood School playground effort. I believe the City contributed over $10,000 to this school/volunteer effort. Also. the City has a long history of working with the I loekey Association in c1evelopment and maintenance of the hockey rinks. The City has purchase materials for rink construction with the Association providing labor to build and lllaintain the rinks. Both the play structure and the hockey rinks arc available to the public at large as recreation facilities. The concession stand though supporting an activity would not be open to the public for general use. Waiving the fee would be an encouragement to this volunteer effort and would signal a yvillingness by the City to partner with volunteer groups undertaking projects that benefit the public at large. B. ALTERNA TJVI~ ACTIONS I. . , Motion to waive all or a portion of the SAC/W AC fees as requested. INCt.t.d'N7 I/~Ji r.~<t" MO~~l t;d~lUy r~. G-9vr .,v 5.f-..,J ! 3. Motion to table. C. RLCOMMEN/)ATION Council should waive all or a portion of the fee if you believe that there is a public purpose scrved. I f you believe that public interest served by this project is relatively narrow and if you do not want to open the door to other si m i 1m requcsts in the future. then the request should be denied. ll. SlJPPORTING DATA Copy of concession building plans and field layout ~I- 55 . . tf) ill ......J ~ Z =r: U) ~ tf) . 3; a - to "'<t . :J; o - "'<t "" ~ l.U --1 ~ Z 'I ~ ..q ~ :J; o "'<t ~ :J; o to "'<t - "'<t ......J fi) o "<t: U (J) '<t 1L - t-- 1L 1L a U) 1: ::::s z 1: :3 --1 -q: --1 ......J '<t 3 ~ \.) o --1 ill - <1) ill Q '<[ Il:: " z o ~ ~= <_9 >" ~~ ......:I:::::: ~~ ~~ <d> r;Q ~ l.U Q ..-,;:( Il:: ~ 9') . \.!) -:r; o (j) 0 I l1J --1 \!} z: :I (j) u) 0 tl) '<I[ z . u 0 d) ~ -<:( ~= 1L <_9 ....,. t- >-;;- I.L --1 ~'" u.. t--=i:::! 0 --1 d) <t ~w :r:: 3 --1 ~ :3 )L f-t<l Z Z l) =~ D 1: 0 :3 --1 0 (j) <J) .....J co. ....... 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'2 /~ I ..J I :) , Q) l ( UJ cr <( u ~ t: i I .Sf' I ~ \ "~-_r~ " I I - , "'-.-.. " I '(, / ,. I , , I I . I I / I I / I / I / I I ' f/ &'.. ~/ .I I I I ~ -2 ..J :) ~ @ I ~ ~-- o % ~ !j Q) :) o o N ... / I ' '@ (ft-ti; '" ..00:-...., . ' 'Ocr, ':'~. ...... ,. , ',>"i/~ ~ .'.;', t" ~ ". '4 ," cr UJ aJ m => ::!~ 0(1) Irlr ~~ a~ :g~ --.J ,. I 11. ~ ))t ~ QJ @ . .. '. " Council Agenda - 3/26/0 I 9. Consideration of appointim! representatives to serve on the 1-94 Corridor Studv Policy Advisory Committees. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROllND: MnDOT will soon be conducting a regional corridor management plan for 1-94 fronl Maple (jrove to Collcgevilk. As part of the planning process. MnlJOT is requesting local participation by cOlnmunities along 1-94 that could be arfected by any irnprovements in the future. MnDOT is developing a Policy Advisory Committee fl)r this project and they are requesting that the City have an elected official be a representative on this committee. This individual could also be a member of a sub-area work group (a second committee) that would deal In ore with local issues and what impact improvements may have to our specific area. In addition to an elected official, a local committee member for the sub-area work group can he a staff member who may be familiar vvith our commlmity"s future plans and transportation issues. Since the original schedule is f()l' MnDOr to complete this management plan hy October 2001, meetings arc scheduled to begin very soon and irthe Council would like to be represented on this committee, an appointment should be made as soon as possihle. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could appoint an elected official to represent the City on the Policy Advisory Conlmittee fl.)r the 1-94 Corridor Study. In addition to an elected ofIle;aL the Council COOId~Lt~~'~,lelllbcr to participate in the sub-area committee, such as the Administrator, Deputy Administrator or Public Works Director. ) Council could chose not to participate in the planning study. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Participation in the corridor study is certainly reeommendec!' considering our future gn)\vth \vill certainly be affected hy good transportation on ]-94. ]n addition, with the recent interest by the City in possibly constructing an interchange on ]-94 and County Road 18. being involved early in the process on MnDOT's study along this corridor is highly recommended. At this time, I am not sure how many rneetings MnDOT is proposing but] may know this information hy Monday night. In addition to the elected orticial. it is also recommended that a starr member such as the Public Works Director or Deputy Administrator also be appointed to this subcommittee. D, SUPPORTING DATA: Copy or letter li'om MnDOT Management Plan Summary .t~ Minnesota Department of Transportation Transportation District 3 3725 12'h Street North St. Cloud, MN 56303-2130 Office Tel: 320/654-5520 Fax: 320/203-6089 March 5. 2001 Rick Wolfstellar City Administrator 505 Walnut Avenue Monticello, MN 55362~1147 Dear Mr. Wolfstellar: The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) invites you to participate in the development of an Interregional Corridor Management Plan for Interstate 94. The plan will cover the 1-94 corridor from 1-494 in Maple Grove on the east, to Collegeville on the west, and will involve both Mn/DOr District 3 and the Metro Division. . The purpose of the Plan is to develop a common vision and management approach in order to preserve and improve I-94's ability to serve as an important statewide connection for Minnesota in the future. In order to achieve this purpose, Mn/DOT needs involvement from county and local officials. Through your participation in this planning process, you can help Mn/DOT develop a valuable tool that will assist all parties along the corridor in making responsible decisions that will help preserve and improve 1-94 into the future. MnlDOT is developing a policy advisory committee for this project and we are requesting that you provide us with a name, address, and phone number of one representative for the committee. The representative to the Policy Advisory Committee should be an elected official who can provide communication. advocacy for the corridor, and make recommendations to implementing agencies. In addition to the Policy Advisory Committee. sub-area workgroups will be established. Representatives to the sub-area committees should be familiar with your community's future plans and transportation issues. The attached Plan Development Structure will provide additional information about both committees, as well as MnlDors Internal Project Management Team. The plan must be completed by October 2001; therefore. we would like to have your committee member choices returned to Mn/DOT by March 16,2001. If you have questions. please feel free to call Lynne Sly, Metro Division, at (651) 582-1235, or Terry Humbert, District 3-St. Cloud, at (320) 654-5520. ~~~ Terry Humbert, P.E. Planning Engineer District 3 - St. Cloud Attachment . An equal opportunity employer C\ . 1-94 Corridor Management Plan Development Structure General MnlDOT proposes the use of a coordinated development structure for the 1-94 Corridor Management Plan in order ensure the plan produces a common vision and preservation plan. This coordinated structure would involve three types of committees. Each committee would have slightly different membership, roles, and responsibilities. However, the committees would be linked together by key individuals serving on two different committees. Through this process, issues raised in one committee can be passed along for discussion in another. MnJDOT hopes the end result of this coordinated structure will be a corridor management plan with a vision that is supported on a local, regional, and state level for implementation. Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) . lHembers This group would consist of elected officials from all counties, cities, and townships along the 1-94 Corridor, as well as Mn/DOT representatives. Representing MnJDOT would be the Metro Division Engineer, an Interregional Corridor Manager, the Manager of the Northwest Metro area, and a representative of District 3. In addition, all state legislators with a portion of their district served by 1-94 will be offered an opportunity to serve on the committee. Roles and Responsibilities -/ Communication link to their respective constituents regarding information developed on the plan. -/ Review sub-area committee work to ensure consistency with conidor vision and the Interregional Corridor (IRC) ptinciples. -/ The Chair of this committee will be the Interregional Corridor Manager to help provide a link between the PAC and MnJDOT's Strategic Objectives. -/ Provide ongoing guidance, support, and recommendations to Mn/DOT regarding the corridor vision and implementation strategies beyond the completion of the plan document. -/ Serve as a forum for discussing potential implementation strategies of corridor investment priorities, including possible funding options. ./ Serve as advocates for the cotTidor by spreading the word regarding the vision and purpose for the corridor and \-'lork toward creating one voice for 1-94. . C\ . . . 1-94 Conidor Management Plan Development Structure Page 2 Sub-area Committee fSAC) lviembers This group is comprised of agency (both state and regional), county. city, and township representatives \vith knowledge regarding potential issues that may impact the vision and/or performance ofI-94. PAC members are invited to participate in the sub-area committees affecting their areas. Because of the geographic size of the plan area, the has been divided into three working groups or subareas )- 1-494 to Albertville. );;- Albertville to Clearwater, and ? Clearwater to Collegeville. Periodically the three subareas would meet jointly to share progress and discuss common Issues. Roles and Responsibilities ./ Chair of each sub-area would be a PAC committee member. ./ Review development and transportation issues and concerns along the conidor within their respective areas in terms of impact to corridor vision and corridor preservation. ./ Make recommendations to the PAC regarding corridor vision. implementation priorities, and development concerns along corridor. ./ Serve as a two-way commtmication contact to the local jurisdiction regarding potential impact of the corridor vision on future plans of the jurisdiction. ./ Assist the PAC in spreading the word regarding the vision and purpose for the corridor and work toward creating one voice for 1-94. ./ Identify previously unidentified non-highway modal issues along the corridor and serve as a sounding board regarding those issues for the respective modal offIces of MnlDOT. ./ Continue to meet after the completion of the plan document to help discuss corridor vision implementation concerns and issues that may arise in the fllture. C\ . 1-94 Corridor Management Plan Development. Structure Page 3 Internal Project Management Committee Members This group consists ofMn/DOT staff at district/division level, an Interregional Corridor Manager, and any other Mn/DOT personnel that is appropriate. Also included would be representatives from the St. Cloud APG, the Metropolitan Council and county staff. Roles and Responsibilities ./ Assist MoIDOT in the overall administrative management of the plan's development. ./ Ensure that plan delivery is on schedule and meets the required elements of the Guide for Plan Development and Corridor Management approved by MoIDOT in September of2000. ./ Assist the plan's consultant in the collection of key data from both Mn/DOT and local agenCIes. . ./ Help identify key communication points with the public and the other committees regarding plan vision progress and implementation strategies. ./ Provide initial review of draft results from consultant to ensure product meets quality tests. ./ Provide ongoing coordination regarding corridor vision implementation. . C\ Council ^genda ~ ]/26/2001 . 10. Consideration of Change Order No.'s 17 and 18 fVr the TH 25lmprovenu'nt Project #96-04C (Ron Bray) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change (>rder No. 17 provides payment to the Contractor for additional work on the storm sewer and sanitary sewer systems. This extra work includes field adjustments whieh were necessary during the construction process due to surrounding developinent changes, the ramp modifications project. and to best fit the conditions as built. This change order reflects an increase in City costs of$L374.50 and results in a net increase to the contract in the amount of$3J03.45. . Change Order NO.1 X provides fl.)r a negotiated settlement on claims submitted by Latour Construction through the prime Contractor. Bumdo Bituminous. Inc. The claims documented in this Change Order \VeIT justified due to changed conditions encountered by the Contractor during construction in the licld. 'rhe agreements for compensation documented in Change Order No. 18 arc a result of numerous and tedious discussions with the Contractor on settlement of these claims. For the Council"s information. there were numerous claims whichvvere dismissed by WSB & ^ssociates. Inc. as conditions which should of been anticipated by the Contractor. The additional work identified in this Change Order was agreed to be justified based on the Contractor's document<ltion provided and WSB Field Staff notes. The majority of items related to these claims were previously paid under line items represented in the existing contract at the contract unit price. The Contractor further insisted that additional cOlnpensation be provided since conditions had changed after the time the contract had been awarded. Change Order NO.1 X results in an increased cost to Mn/DOT and the City of Monticello in the amount of $24.549.X 1. WSB & ^ssociates. Inc. had previously paid the Contractor in the amount of $12JJX 1.0 1 I(Jr these itellls by Contract unit prices. The previous payment \vill be reduced by $12.6X 1.0] and payment will be made through Change Order No. I X in the alllount of $24.549.X I. lhe nct eflect of Ch,ll1ge Order No.1 X to the City of Monticello is ,Ill incr('ase of $1 0.5()6..0l-vvhi Ie the City' s portion of this change order is $20.X07.12. L,ltOur Construction has agreed that there will be no further elainls for construction related to theseitellls and will tllLTefore prevellt any litigation which inay have been required if a compromise \vas not reached on these claims. . In addition to negotiations on Change Orders No. ] 7 and 1 X: the City of Monticello and WSB & ^ssociates met with I.atollr Construction and reviewed fourteen areas of concern relating to the storrn sewer construction as n result of the video documentation of the construction installation of the storm sewer system. As n result of discussions with the Contractor. the City of Monticello. ,ll1d WSB & ^ssociates it was agreed that the Contractor would repair six of the l(lLlrteen areas of concern. as listed in the February 22. 200 I meeting minutes. It wns nlso ngreed that four of the areas of concern required no further corrective nction. Latour Construction agreed to provide a live (5) year warranty to the City of Monticello 1()J' four ar('as of concern relating to the storm sewer system. These four areas were of concern; however. it did not justify I \\1"\ I '.J\ 111.'-'-111 \IU2W I-agn. . . . that corrective action be pertt1rmed immcdiately. The items included in the five year warranty to the City of Monticello relate to hair line cracks in the concrete by the Systclll vvhich arc located above the frost line. It is the City Sta/land WSB's request to the Council that they concur with this approach. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to approve Change Orders No."s 17 and I g for the TI 125 project. resulting in a net increase of $27,65:1.26 to our contract with Buffalo BitUlninous; along with concurrence of the acceptable remedy liJr the five year \varranty on h1Ur areas o( . concern in the storm sewer system. (IlJJ.' ~o...-t U+V..d__ (;..fl.t. flJ V ~'? P (ft /$ "- V C (e..".# ! ) Approve either Change Orders No. 17 or 18 or the concurrence \vith the five year warranty on the storm sewer system. J .., -) . The third alternative would be not to approve Change Orders No. 17. 18, or the five year warranty on the stOrIn sewer systelll. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is our recommendation by the Project Fngineer Ron Gray of WSB & Associates that the City approve Change Orders No. 17 and 18 and concur with the five year warranty on the four areas of concern on the storm sewer system. !)_,_--,~lIPPORTlNG DATA Copies of Clwnge Orders No.'s 17 <lnd I X along vvith minutes li.om the February 22, 2(lO I l11el'1ing on the storm seVVlT issue resolution arc <lttilChed for Council Revicw. I .. \\1'\\ I \1\ I (I, .l-III.IU2()( 11-<l~1l .. WSB ~ March 22, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Change Order No. 17 TH 25 Improvements (S.P. 8605-40) City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033-010 Mayor and Council Members: lease find enclosed Change Order No. 17, which was agreed to in October of 2000 with Buffalo ,Bituminous, Inc., for the above-referenced project. However, it was not approved by the council at that .. time. Change Order No. 17 reflects miscellaneous changes to the contract as follows: fi~ \ i~\' t ' .~. This Change Order provides for payment to the contractor for additional work on the storm sewer system and a sanitary sewer system. The extra work includes field adjustments to storm sewer structures. This extra work was caused by surrounding development changes, the ramp modifications project, and to best fit the conditions as built. ~ Claim No.1: Contractor adjusted catch basin number 5509. This catch basin is located in the northeast '.quadrant of School Boulevard and the Frontage Road. The Frontage Road was extended northerly in the . e1d due to property owner requests. Therefore, field adjustments were made to better fit the surrounding pographyas graded. laim No.2: Contractor adjusted catch basin numbers 5191 and 5192. These catch basins are located on e south side of the intersection of Oakwood Drive with TH 25. These structures were field adjusted per '1,tequest of Mn/DOT to comply with the ramp modification project. t Claim No.3: Contractor made repairs to an unmarked broken sanitary sewer service line. This service line V is located along the westerly side of Trunk Highway 25, south of Sandberg Road. This line was damaged /y.during excavation and needed repair. ..'Claim No.4: Contractor removed 375 mm storm sewer apron and constructed MH 5201 in lieu of apron. This structure is located in the northwest quadrant of Trunk Highway 25 with Oakwood Drive. This 415?OlsOnstructure was field adjusted per request of Mn/DOT to comply with the ramp modification project. Memorial' Highway s~00C1aim No.5: Change in elevation of bike path required adjustment of CB 5105. This structure is located ~ .on the easterly side of Trunk Highway 25, near Danner Trucking. Danner Trucking was modifying their polis site simultaneously with the TH 25 construction. Their grading caused an elevation change in the Minnesota bikepath. 55422 763541.4800 763.541.1700 FAX )0 Minneapoli; ';1 Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer F:\WPWIN\I 033-0 1\<0-17.lIr.l. . The additional work could not be paid at contract prices and was, therefore, completed by the "Force Account Method". The claims, the method of payment and the actual amount of the claim are in agreement with the Engineer and in accordance with MnlDOT Specification 1904. Mn/DOT is in agreement with the negotiated prices. The contractor agrees that the negotiated prices include all costs to expedite this portion of the contract, including the applicable markup, as provided in contract provisions of MnlDOT Specification 1904. This change order reflects a net increase of $1,728.75 (State cost), and $1,374.50 (City cost). This results in a net increase of$3,103.45 to the original contract amount, resulting in a new contract total of $5,731 ,862.32. Your approval is requested on Change Order No. 17. Please call me at (763) 287-7177 if you have questions. Sincerely, Z;O;U[; Ronald B. Bray, P .E. Project Manager . Enclosure c: Jim Labo, MnlDOT, St. Cloud John Simola, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Leo Olmscheid, WSB Field Office bh . /0 F:\WPWIN\I 033-0 I \co-I 7.1tr. I.wpd . CHANGE ORDER NO. 17 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello. MN S.P. 8605-40 City Project No. 96-Q4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: March 26, 2001 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document description: During construction of the above project, certain changes were made to existing catch basins/manholes and sanitary sewer, which could not be covered by contract bid prices. The contractor has requested payment for said changes and the Engineer has determined that said claim and the amount requested is justified. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contractor adjusted CB#5509 to better fit conditions as built. Contractor adjusted CB #5191 and #5192 to better fit conditions as built. Contractor made repairs to broken sanitary sewer (unmarked) line to Glass Hut Contractor removed 375 mm storm sewer apron and constructed MH 5201 in lieu of apron. Change in elevation of bike path required adjustment of CB #5105. Claim: Claim: Claim: Claim: Claim: $267.92 $203.39 $440.31 $1,634.36 $275.34 Grp 005 Grp 005 Grp 003 Grp 005 Grp 001 Total of Claims: $2,821.32 Prime Contractor Allowance: $282.13 Total Change Order: $3,103.45 riginal Contract Price: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME $5,448,000.00 Original Contract Time: 06121/00 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Previous Change Orders: No. 1 to 16: $280,758.87 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $5,728,758.87 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: 06121/00 Net Increase of This Change Order: $3,103.45 Net Increase of Change Order: None Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $5,731,862.32 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: 06121100 Approved By: (Officer of ntractor) WSB & Assoclates Inc. Engineer Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Approved By: Approved By: Date of Councll Action: MnlDOT City Administrator Distribution: Grp 001 S.P. 8605-40 Grp 003 City C.P. 96-04C Grp 005 Split 61.3% State, 38.7% City = = 9% = 14% 77% $306.18 $476.28 2 320.99 3,103.45 . /0 F\ WPWIN\I 033-011t<>-17.wpd A. WSB _ciates. Inc. I 4150 Olson MemorialHlghway 5~00 ~polls Minnesota 55422 763.541 -4800 763.541.1700 FAX March 26, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Change Order No. 18 TH 25 Improvements (S.P. 8605-40) City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033-01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed Change Order No. 18 for the above-referenced project reflecting miscellaneous changes to the contract. The contractor had filed several claims for additional work performed due to a change of conditions in the field. In order to finalize the contract, WSB reviewed these claims and negotiated, based on what appeared to be reasonable. Several claims were also denied based on payment received under contract body items. It should be understood by the City Council that $12,681.01 had previously been paid to account for this work under contract items. The additional payment required is a result of the negotiations to settle any future disputes and results in an additional payment of $11,868.80. As part of the contractor's request, all unresolved items have been included in this change order. During construction of this project, the contractor experienced several events which he felt would qualify for consideration under MnlDOT Specification 1402.2 CHANGED CONDITIONS. He then filed a claim to receive payment for work performed. The following is an explanation of the extra work agreed to under change order No. 18: 1. The existing watermain on Cedar Street and Chelsea Road was in conflict with the new storm sewer. The Oakwood Drive as-builts illustrated the watermain at an 11 foot depth and the actual depth was approximately 9.5 feet. The' Cedar Street as- builts illustrated the watermain at a 12 foot depth and the actual depth was approximately 9 feet. The watermain had to be lowered to provide necessary clearance. The claim for labor, material and equipment is $9,949.84 at 100% City cost. The amount previously paid for this work under contract was $4,679.90. 2. The watermain on Dundas Road between Structures No. 5533 and 5534 was in conflict with the ncw storm sewer. This conflict occurred as a change of conditions in the field due to information of the actual elevation on as-builts, and necessitated further lowering of the watermain to provide the necessary clearance. The claim for )0 F:IWPWINII033-01 Ico.l R-Itr.wpd Mlrlncapoli~ 51. Cloud fquill Opportunity Employer . Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello March 26, 2001 Page 2 labor, material and equipment is $1,768.45 at 100% City cost. The amount previously paid for this work under contract was $1,587.75. 3. The plan required that new watermain be connected to replace an existing water line on Sandberg Road. The inplace water line was approximately 12 feet deep, versus the as-built elevation of 8 feet, thus requiring additional depth excavation and horizontal bends to bring the new line to required depth. The claim for labor, materials and equipment is $4,291.00 at 100% City cost. The amount previously paid for this work under contract was $1,862.20. 4. The Engineer desired to replace two 450 mm RC aprons (1:6 slope) and two 600 mm RC aprons (1:6 slope) with standard aprons to better match roadway slopes and to improve conditions. These aprons are located on the southerly end ofthe project along the Kjellberg and Cardinal properties. The roadway slopes were adjusted in these areas based on property owner comments and to facilitate mowing. The claim for labor, materials and equipment is $2,848.82, 61.3% State cost and 38.7% City cost. The amount previously paid for this work under contract was $2,407.24. . 5. The Engineer desired to lengthen an inplace 750 mm RCP located on the southerly end of the project, south of the Kjellberg intersection. The storm sewer pipe was lengthened due to existing and new utility conflicts, including gas and fiber optic lines. The lengthening allowed for a better match of the graded ditch and improved drainage conditions. Work required removal of the inplace apron, extension of the inplace pipe and reinstallation of the apron. The claim for labor, material and equipment is $2,941.94, 61.3% State cost and 38.7% City cost. The amount previously paid for this work under contract was $1,476.20. 6. The watermain on Dundas Road was in conflict with a 750 mm RCP, which had to be lowered. This conflict occurred as a change of conditions in the field due to information of the actual elevation on as-builts, and necessitated further lowering of the watermain to provide the necessary clearance. The claim for labor, material and equipment is $1,484.08 at 100% City cost. The amount previously paid for this work under contract was $667.72. The cost of the entire claim is ....................................... $24,549.81 After deducting the dollar value previously paid for at contract prices of . ($12,681.01) The net effect of the change order is ................................. $11,868.80 . The items previously paid for were adjusted to reflect the $12,681.01 being paid for through this change order. )0 f:IWI'WINI I 033-0 1 Ico-18.ll' wpd . Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello March 26, 2001 Page 3 The contractor agrees that the negotiated prices include all costs to expedite this portion of the contract, including the applicable markup, as provided in the contract provisions of Mn/DOT Specification 1904. The contractor, Latour Construction, Inc., releases any further claims on this project with this change order. This change order reflects an increase of$3,742.69 (State cost). The net effect to the City of Monticello is an increase in cost of $10,506.66, while the City portion of the change order is $20,807.12 (City cost). The net result is in an increase of$24,549.81 to the original contract amount, and a new contract total of$5,756,412.13. Your approval is requested on Change Order No. 18. Please call me at (763) 287-7177 if you have questions. . Sincerely, ~sociates, Inc. Ronald B. B~Y, ~ Project Manager Enclosure c: Jim Labo, Mn/DOT, St. Cloud John Simola, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Leo Olmscheid, WSB Field Office nm . /0 HWI'WINII 033-0 I leo-18-ltr. wpd CHANGE ORDER NO. 18 .H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P.8605-40 City Project No. 96-Q4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: March 26, 2001 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document description: Various instances of changed conditions were encountered during construction. Said conditions required extra work by the contractor. Payment for extra work is as detailed below. The contractor releases any further claims on this project with this change order. CITY STATE Lower Watermain on Cedar Street and Chelsea Road Lump Sum $9,949.84 $0.00 2 Lower Watermain on Dundas Road Lump Sum $1,768.45 $0.00 3 Extra Depth Watermain Construction Lump Sum $4,291.00 $0.00 4 Remove & Replace 450 mm & 600 mm RC Aprons Lump Sum $1,102.49 $1,746.33 5 Extend 750 mm RCP Lump Sum $1,138.53 $1 ,803.41 6 Lower Watermain on Dundas Road Lump Sum $1,484.08 $0.00 $19,734.39 $3,549.74 Prime contractor allowance (10% x 10,000) = $847.55 $152.45 (2% x 13,284.13) = $225.18 $40.50 $20,807.12 $3,742.69 City Cost (C.P. 96-04C) = $20,807.12 State Cost (S.P. 8605-40) = $3,742.69 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: $5,448,000.00 Original Contract Time: -,_._..~~,~~"" Previous Change Orders: No.1 to 17: $283,862.32 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $5,731,862.32 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: Net Increase of This Change Order: $24,549.81 Net Increase of Change Order: Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $5,756,412.13 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: .__."~,~,._-~,-,.-,_.,-----~ Recommended By: Approved By: (Officer of Contractor) WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Approved By: Approved By: Date of Council Action: MnlDOT City Administrator elstribUtiOn: Grp 003 City C.P. 96-04C = 75% $18,444.28 Grp 005 Split 61.3% State, 38.7% City = 25% 6105.53 24,549.81 /0 TOTAL $9,949.84 $1,768.45 $4,291.00 $2,848.82 $2,941.94 $1,484.08 $23,284.13 $1,000.00 $265.68 $24,549.81 06121/00 None 06121/00 None 06121/00 F.I WPWINI 1 0)).01 Ico.18. wp<l . WSB .iates.lnc. To: From: Meeting Summary All Meeting Participants Ronald B. Bray ~ WSB & Associates, Inc. March 2, 2001 Project Completioll & Storm Sewer Resolution TH 25 Street & Utility Improvements February 22,2001 Monticello City Hall WSB Project No. l033-010/City Project No. 96-04C/S.P. 8605-40 INTRODUCTIONS The following persons were in attendance at the meeting: Name Organization Leon Kelzenberg Buffalo Bituminous Joe LaTour LaTour Construction Ken LaTour LaTour Construction John Simola City of Monticello Ron Bray WSB & Associates, Inc. r ~ i ~ The meeting was held on Thursday, February 22, 2001 to discuss resolution offourteen areas of r "oncem with the storm sewer system, which had been identified as in need of repair. These areas ". t'''ii''if""iwere identified previously through inspection by a video camera as final documentation (See , j"rl\Attached). The attendees reviewed the areas of concern on the video tape and agreement was 4150 Bison teached as to what corrective action was needed. Memorial Highway "00 'l!'\. CORRECTIVE ACTION NECESSARY apolis The following six (6) areas were identified as in need of repair. Associated costs were provided Minnesota by LaTour Construction. The work is anticipated to be performed in the spring of 2001. 55422 / 0 763-541.4800 763-541.1700 FAX f:\WPWIN\ I OJ 3-0 I \02120 I-m.. wpd Minneapolis - <;1 (loud Equill Opportunity Employer . Meeting Summary March 2, 2001 Page 2 Item # Structure # to Structure # 1. 5520 to 5522 Grout hole from inside of pipe = $200 2. 5587 to 5588 Line pipe or replace under sidewalk = $1,500 3. 5064 to 5063 Grout joint = $200 4. 5022 to 5021 Line pipe = $2,000 5. 5078 to 5081 Dig up & repair (located along east curb line = $3,500 between School Blvd & Dundas Rd.) 6. 5088 to 5089 Grout or line pipe $1,500 Subtotal $8,900 . Contingency $1,100 Retainage Total $10,000 The repair of these items will require WSB construction observation personnel or City Staff to be on-site. WSB will be advised prior to LaTour's arrival on-site. B. WARRANTY AREAS LaTour Construction agreed to provide a letter for a five-year warranty to the City of Monticello for concrete pipe between the following structures: 5546 to 5542 - hairline crack 5143 to 5148 - hairline crack 5084 to 5085 - hairline crack 5120 to 5119 - hairline crack c. NO ACTION REQUIRED . It was agreed that no action would be required for the hairline cracks or debris in the following: 1. 2. 5510 to 5504 - No action required 5016 to 5004 - Construction Joint - No action required /0 F:IWPWlN\ I 03 3-0 I 102220 I.m.. wpd . . . Meeting Summary March 2,2001 Page 3 3. 5180 to 5179 - Debris Accumulated - No action required 4. 5088 to 5089 - Chip in spigot - No action required D. CLEANING OF SYSTEM The City is requiring that the entire storm sewer system be clean prior to final acceptance in accordance with MnlDOT Specification 2503.4F, the sewers shall be free of any debris before final acceptance. The Contractor is to inform WSB & Associates when the system is clean for final acceptance. The $10,000 retainage will be withheld until such time. NOTE: The above constitutes Ron Bray's understanding of the items discussed at this meeting. 1/ there are any questions, comments or changes, please notify him at 763-287-7177 immediately. c: Leo Olmscheid, W8B & Associates John 8imola, City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Jim Labo, Mn/DOT, 81. Cloud Project File No. 1033-010 bh/nm /0 PI WPWINlI 033-0 I 102220 I-ms. wpd 91-18-91 99:46 LATOUR CON5TRUCTRUCT10N 1D=3299636917 P.92 e LATOUR CONSTRUCT/DN INC. . 2134 Co. Rd. 8 N. ~ . Maple Lake, MN 55358. (320) 963.5993. Fax (320) 963..6017 January 17, 2001 Attn: Greg Hicks Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. P.O. Box 337 Buffalo, MN 55313 RE: S.P. 8605-40 (Trunk Highway 25) City of Monticello project No. 96-04C Dear Greg, This letter is in response to the 14 storm sewer areas WSB & Associates, Inc. identified as in need of repair. I have reviewed the video report and the following list is what I feel should be done, if anything, to repair these items. . Item' Structure # to Structure # 2. 5510 to 5504 - uncertain of defect, structural repair not needed 5520 to 5522 - unclear if there is an actual hole in the pipe, if there is grout from inside of pipe (C.I.P.P.) 1. 6. 5546 to 5542 - hairline crack, no repair needed S587 to 5588 - hairline cracks, no repair needed 5078 to 5081 - hole in pipe with fabric covering it, grout from inside of pipe (C.t.P.P.) 5143 to 5148 - hairline crack, no repair needed 3. 4. S. 7. 5022 to 5021 - joint pulled apart, grout joint from inside of pipe (C.t.P.P.) 8. 5016 to 5004 - this was a construction joint to make flared end match ditch line better. Fabric and concrete were used around joint, no repair needed . 9. 5064 to 5063 - piece broke off joint - no infiltration, no repair needed "Equal opportunity Contractor" /0 91-18-91 99:46 LATOUR CONSTRUCTRUCTION ID=3299636917 P.Q3 ~. LAToUR CONSTRUCTION INC. . 2134 Co. Rd. 8 N.W.. Maple Lake, MN 55358. (320) 963~5993. Fax (320)'963-6017 10. 5180 to 5179 - pile of asphalt in 5180, clean asphalt out of structure 11- 5088 to 5089 - broken piece off of spigot - nQ infi ltration, no repair needed 12. 5071 to 5072 - broken piece off of spigot - no infiltration, no repair needed 13. 5084 to S085 hairline crack, no repair needed 14. 5120 to 5119 hairline crack, no repair needed If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (320) 963-5993. . Sincerely, LAq:;SA~C1:? Joseph A. LaTour, Vice President cc: Ron Bray, WSB & Associates, Inc. . /0 "Equal opportunity Contractor" 92-23-91 99:39 LATOUR CONSTRUCTRUCTI0N ID=3299636917 P.91 i!E LATCJUR CONSTFlUCTICJN INc. . 2134 Co. Rd. 8 N. ~ . Maple Lake, MN 55358. (320) 963-5993 · Fax (320) 963-6017 February 23, 2001 Attn: Ron Bray WSB & Associates, Inc. 8441 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55426 RE: S.P. 8605-40 (Trunk Highway 25) City of Monticello Project No. 96-04C Dear Ron, Per our meeting on Febraury 22nd, 2001, I have come up with the following cost estimate for the needed repairs to the storm sewer system. Item' Structure # to Structure # . 1. 5520 to 5522 grout hole = $ 200.00 2. 5587 to 5588 line pipe = $1,500.00 3. 5064 to 5063 grout joint = $ 200.00 6. 5022 to 5021 line pipe 5018 to 5081 dig up & repair 5088 to 5089 grout or line pipe = $2,000.00 4. s. = $3,500.00 = $1,500.00 --------- t!.,:)Nr', N"6pV ~.'1 If you have any questions or comments, to contact me. $8,900.00 _I . , .0 ---> ..,. ~/J /,otJ. I) 0 } p I ease fee 1 free I> 101 ooD Sincerely, LATOUR CONSTRUCTION, INC. J~:::L!:ur~c~t /0 . cc: Lee Kelzenberg, Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. "Equal Opportunity Contractor" . . . W r-; ~D If> ".::::; G\ :,... 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IJ.",'. 1-- c 0 b '\ ., - -- ~ fl~ " " " " .,- .,- ",,' ," '" '" DJ :1:~ ~:,' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE MARCH 23, 2001 By Ollie Koropchak Front Street Redevelopment. The HRA is scheduled to close with Richard and Marian Carlson on Monday, March 26, 3:00 p.m. at City Hall. This for the property located at 225 Front Street. The note associated with the loan the Council approved on February 26 will be dated March 26. Bostic. My understanding the seller has agreed to the HRA's counter-offer and we will soon begin preparation for closing with occupancy not later than June 15,2001. O'Connor - out of town. According to Mr. Helvey, he feels O'Connor will agree to BRA counter-offer. Ruff, Koropchak, and O'Neill will meet the first part of April with the proposed developer for the area, Hans Hagen Homes. BLOCK 52 Redevelopment - The HRA survey for Block 52 is scheduled for completion Monday, March 26. HRA Chair Lahr and Koropchak met with property owner Steve Johnson. Certainly any redevelopment of the Block must address parking replacement. At this point, the HRA has seen one concept for the area. It is my recommendation to the HRA that the next step is for the HRA to host a meeting of the property owners of Block 52. AMOCO SITE - Fluth/Johnson agreement with the HRA expires April 4. As you know their proposal for Phase I includes 3,500 sq ft of restaurant space with the other 2,200 sq ft proposed as retail/office for a total of 5,700 sq ft on first floor. Second floor proposed for housing. Parking spaces becomes an issue for this project and for downtown redevelopment. Steve Grittman is reviewing the parking concerns with O'Neill and the Planning Commission. TAX INCREMENT PROJECTIONS -I've been working with the City Assessor Greg to get the 2001 market values for major new development or redevelopment in TIF District 1- 22, this will assist the BRA with further decision making. Also have a complete list of the BRA's district debt. Greg will have the last information to me on Friday, March 23. I encourage each Council member to stop by my office so I can review these numbers with you. Scattered Housing Grant. Application still in review, no new news. Red Wing Foods (dry industry). Last word is they plan to relocate the whole facility to Monticello. 30,000 sq ft. 1 Preliminary Concept for redevelopment of old St. Henry's area. IDC March Meeting - Only one member of the Council attended the IDC meeting. The IDC prepared a good preparation on the importance of industrial land. Their motion was to encourage staff and Council to expedite the action to actively pursue the acquisition of the Chadwick/Goeman properties for industrial development. Target date to Council April 9, 2001. 2 Ollie Koropchak From: Sent: To; Heidi Peper WHE, Econ Dev Partnership [hpeper@whe.org] Tuesday, March 20, 2001 836 AM Heidi Peper WHE, Econ Dev Partnership; 'Barb Swanson'; 'Bob Derus'; 'Debby Millner'; 'Doug Borglund'; 'Linda Goeb'; 'Marc Weigle'; 'Mary Degiovanni'; 'Merton Auger'; 'Nancy Evers'; 'Ollie Koropchak'; 'Rachel Stapleton'; 'Rick Wolfsteller' RE: Partnership's Planning Retreat Subject: ~ '\(~~ ~~ ~ w~ 'VY'\ G-"-. ~ ~~c.JL ~<i~ ?~ ,'d-Do \ summary ii,doc Sorry, here's the attachment... <<summary ii.doc>> > -----Original Message----- > From: Heidi Peper WHE, Econ Dev Partnership > Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 8:16 AM > To: 'Barb Swanson'; 'Bob Derus'; 'Debby Millner'; 'Doug Borglund'; > 'Linda Goeb'; 'Marc Weigle'; 'Mary Degiovanni'; 'Merton Auger'; 'Nancy > Evers'; 'Ollie Koropchak'; 'Rachel Stapleton'; 'Rick Wolfsteller' > Subject: Partnership's Planning Retreat > > Attached is a summary of the Partnership's Planning Session held with its > Board of Directors in February. We would like input from the cities > regarding this summary as it will guide our activities in the next two > years. Please call or email your comments by Monday March 26. Thanks! > > Heidi Peper > Executive Director > EDP of Wright County > 763.477.3086 phone > hpepenc!lwhe. org '" www. wrightpartnership. org > If you have comments on the summary from Heidi Peper, please pass them along to Ollie Koropchak and she will see that they are transmitted to Heidi. Business development . One-stop resource - Coordination of technical and financial resources - Business assistance - SBDC - Business financing . Marketing/advertising - Site selection - Recruiting businesses-- ones that pay "Iiving" wage - Business leads - Diversify and enhance business base thus diversifying job opportunities and "levels" - Create business profile of what we want -. define targets and match with existing workforce - identify why businesses have moved out here/stay here . Business retention & Business expansion - BRE visits . Fostering start-ups . Water/sewer/technology improvements Workforce development . Increasing job opportunities - Increasing quality of jobs - Increase wages . One-stop resource - Coordination of schools and businesses for internships and partnerships - Increase involvement with Wright Link and explore closer relationship . W orkforee meet needs of employers - 'rake workforce off of highway - Oi versify job opportunities - Labor study . Upgrade work skills of residents . Address affordable (workforce) housing issues Partnership outreach . One-stop resource - Coordination - Information gathering - Information sharing - Objectivity with county information . More advertising - Distribution of marketing packet - reprinting ofthe1n - Upgrade web site . Engage citizenry - Support citizens ancl jobs . Support local governmental units - Involve local governmental units - events like administrators' luncheon - Define and promote quality growth . Collaborate with chambers, rotary clubs and other business associations . Business leads . Raise awareness and credibility Finance . Secure and increase funding - develop broader fundraising strategy . Revolving loan funcl- stress/change wage requiremcnts - Define administration of loan fund - Increase RLF dollars . Increase and diversify membership base . Explore partnerships with CMIlP as a means for additional revenue Management . Retain and support statf - llire part-timc administrative assistant - Develop long-term staff and office plan . Retain quality of and support board of directors . Focus - Prioritize and balance with limited funds and time EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In early 200], the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County's Board of Directors met to develop a long-range plan tlW the organization and to more clearly define the Partnership's role in the development process. Building on input hom committees and guided by staff the board continued its discussions at subsequent meetings. General themes that arose regarding the current role of the Partnership included business development, workforce development, resource coordination, source of objective information and support to local units of government and residents. 'fhe changing role of the Partnership was largely seen as increased outreach resulting in increased activity levels in all facets of its operation. General themes that arose regarding the Partnership's operations included an emphasis on continuing and building on the Partnership's momentum, increasing funding, expanding the membership base, staff and board member retention and growth, and expanding marketing ef1l)rts, including the web site. Three major priorities evolved out of the planning session and subsequent discussions: Business Development Workforce Development and Partnership Outreach. Added to the three priorities are the ongoing operational priorities of Finance and Management. 1. Business Development - Enhancement and expansion of business base in Wright County through working with existing and new businesses. Support business development by providing technical and iinancial assistance. Thought must be given to quality growth of businesses and 'vvorking with our communities and residents on the industries they want and the industries that support the skills of our workforce. 2. \Vorkforce Development - Enhancement and expansion of job opportunities in Wright County through new business development and enrichment of existing jobs. Improve skill level of residents to raise productivity of our workforce. Retain Ollr commuting population and match residents with current job opportunities. Promote working and living in Wright County. ]. Partnership Outreach - Communicate with our varied audiences.- members, governmental units, businesses in and outside of Wright County - providing them with timely. valuable and objective infc)J'Jl1ation about Wright County and the Partnership. Forms of outreach include the \\ieb. advertising, marketing packet and events. 4. Finance -- In order to achieve the first three priorities, the Partnership needs to not only maintain current funding but increase and diversify. Must also increase the revolving loan rund to support business development. 5. Management - The Partnership also needs to maintain -- and potentially grow - starr and board of directors. Prioritize activities to coincide with lime and money available. 2