City Council Agenda Packet 03-12-2001 . . . A(;ENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 12, 200t - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Memoers: Clint Ilcrbst Brian Stumpf. Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen I. Call to order. 2A. Approve minutes of February 26.2001 regular Council rneeting. B. Approve minutes orMarch 2. 2001 special Council meeting. 3. (~onsidcration of adding iten1S to the agenda. A. B. C. 4. Citin.'ns comments/petitions. requests. and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving request ror charitable gambling license - Ducks Unlirnited Monticello Roller Rink. B. Consideration to approve preliminary concept for use 01" TIF fur the scattered housing project. C. Consideration to approve a loan agreement between the City and HRA. D. Consideration of acceptance offinal plat and development agreement for River Mill 6111 E. Consideration of authorizing study of utility system capacity - Brad Pauman Property 6. Consideration of items removed I"rom the consent agenda 1"01' discussion. 7. Consideration to approve preliminary concept for use of TlF 1"01' a manul"acturing facility (llrrI Applicant). X. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance establishing building material standards in the business districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. 9. Consideration of a development state PUD and preliminary plat to accommodate a 63 unit to\vnhouse project in Klein Farms Estates 2'''\ Addition. Applicant: Eagle Crest Northwest 10. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance providing for increased free standing sign height and area. Applicant: Jacob Iloldings/Denny I kcker Automotive Group . . . 11. Consideration ol'accepting feasibility report and calling for public hearing on Walnut Street Sidewalk Improvements. 12. Consideration of amendrnents to the zoning ordinance regarding accessory buildings in residential districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. 13. Approve payment of bills for MarcIl. 14. Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Mond~lY, February 26, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger fklsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order Mayor Bclsaas called thc meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of Februarv 12.2001 regular Council meeting. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Of THE FEBRUARY 12,2001 RECiULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITl! MAYOR BELSAAS ABSTAINING. 3, Consideration of addine items to the agenda. Mayor Belsaas stated that the Council had met earlier in a closed meeting to discuss a mediated scttlement in the City's court casc with a subcontractor on the wastewater treatment plant and approval of this mcdiated settlement should be added to the consent agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions. reQuests and complaints. Susie Wochjouski of the Chamber of Commerce came bcf()fe the Council to request the City to look at a snow removal problem which makes it difficult people to use the pathway to get to the Chamber office. She indicated that from the south corner of the Chamber building, approximatcly 50 fcet to the allcyway, there is no place to put the snow so it is di fficult to access the pathway. She submitted photographs showing the problem with the snow and the water standing in the pathway. The Council directed John Simola, Public Works Director. to check into the problem. David Walston, questioned the City's leash law and voiced a complaint that the animal control people have failed to respond to complaints in a timely manner. He indicated the dog problem has becn ongoing in spite of him talking to the dog owners and calling the animal control people. The Council directed him to supply the background inkmmttion on the problem to the city staff and directed the City Administrator to check into the matter further as the Mayor indicated he had also received a complaint about the animal control people response to calls. d~ . . . 6. Council Minutes ~ 2/26/01 5. Consent Al!enda A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the Community Center. Recommendation: Ratify new hires as identified on attached list. B. Consideration of resolution opposing the sale of wine for off premise consumption at any outlet other than authorized off-sale liquor stores. Recommendation: Adopt resolution opposing legislation allowing sale of wine in grocery stores. Res. 20ot-05. C. Consideration of approving renewal of Men's Softball Association Beer License. Recommendation: Approve license contingent upon receipt of necessary insurance documents and appropriate license fees. D. Consideration of waiving statutory liability limits for City insurance renewals. Recommendation: Council formally indicate that the City of Monticello does not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04. ).' Consideration of approving renewal of gambling license for Knights of Columbus at Chin Yuen (Silver Fox Motel) and Tree House Lounge (Days Inn Motel). Recommendation: Adopt resolution approving charitable gambling license application. Res. #2()() 1-6. F. Consideration of resolution accepting Parkside at Mcadow Oaks public improvements. Recommendation: Adopt resolution accepting the public improvements for Parkside at Meadow Oaks. Res. #2001-7. G. Consideration of approving mediated settlement with Sunrise Painting. Recommendation: Approve settlement of suit with Sunrise Painting as presented by legal counsel. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ADDING ITEM 5G. TIIF MEDIATED SETTLEMENT WITH SlJNRISE PAINTING AND INCLUDING AGENDA ITEM #10. AMENDMENTS TO JOINT RESOLUTION BETWI.:EN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP AS TO THE ORDERLY ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY. CLINT IIERBST SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. None. ? d-~ . . . Council Minutes - 2/26/01 7. Consideration of resolution aeeeptin1! desi1!n build plans and specific~ltions for gravity belt thickener and authorize advertisement for hids. The uraft design huild uocuments for the gravity belt thickener were reviewed with the Council by Ed DeLaForest of HDR. The gravity belt thickener is meant to reduce the sludge volume and capacity needed for sludge storage. HDR was requesting that the Council act as fi:)llows: 1. Approve the design build documents. 2. Approve evaluation criteria. 3. Authorize advertisement for requests for proposals. Ed De LaForest reviewed the design huild statutes, 471.37. The design build method allows the City to f()Cus the design and construction on one entity rather than dealing with both the designer and the builder. Another favorahle aspect of the design build method is f~lster project complction and it also allows for lnore innovative design. He noted there are some disadvantages to this method including the fact that it is more difficult for the city to inl1uence the detail design. However, Ed DeLaForest felt that there was enough detail in the design build documents to protect the City's interest. Fd Del.aForest reviewed the steps in the selection process: 1) Engage criteria engineer (HDR): 2) Develop the request for proposal; 3) Approve requirements fi:)r RFP; 4) Receive and evaluate proposals: 5) Interview proposers; 6) Negotiate on proposals, if necessary; 7) Accept proposals: 8) Evaluate proposals and make recommendation to the Council: 9) Award contract. It was noted that in evaluating the proposals there is a total of 100 points; 70 point to go on the cost of the project hoth construction and operating and maintenance costs; 20 points on technical approach which include factors such as ease of operation. energy savings, reliability and durahility of the proposed design, ability of the process to meet the intent of the design criteria, etc. The remaining 10lYrl would be fl.)r experience and qualifications. Mayor Belsaas offered to serve on the Evaluation Committee which includes representatives from I lOR, Sunny Fresh Foods, PSG, and City staff. John Simola stated that the documents will he passed onto the City attorney for his review to make sure that the documents comply wi th state statutes. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO PASS A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICA'TIONS FOR THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TIlE DESIGN BUILD OF THE GRA VITY THICKENER IMPROVEMENTS TO THI.: WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY AND TO ADVERTISE FOR REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. #2001-10. ') ., d4 . 8. . . Council Minutes - 2/26/01 Consideration of adoption of resolution authorizing condemnation of property for trail system. Dcputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Ncill summarized what had transpircd with the casemcnt ncgotiations for the CR 18 Pathway/Bridge project to datc. Onc of the property owners involved in the easement acquisition has broken off negotiations and has informed the City that if an easement was going to he obtained it would have to he done hy condernnation. The propcrty owner would prefer that the pedestrian hridge he located elsewhere and if the City was not willing to do that, they would have to condemn the land necded from them for the casement. City Engineer, Bret Weiss statcd that when the grant application work was done they had looked at various locations and this was thc most suitahle location hecause the terrain was easier and there was no crossing back over CR 18. Brel Weiss stated that in order for the project to proceed either the easement or a judge's order would have to he obtained hy April 15. 200 I in order to meet MnDOT's deadline to secure funding f()]' this year. Delaying the project could result in the City not ohtaining reimbursement f())' additional project costs. The Council discussed at length why the property owner had broken off negotiations and what impact condemnation would have on the other easements being negotiated. It was noted that authorizing condemnation proceedings did not preclude continued easement negotiations. If the Council felt that the bridge should stay in the location selected. thcn the City would need to initiate the condemnation proceedings. If they wanted to consider a different location for the bridge. the Council should be aware that it would require additional design work and costs. It was suggested that in order to allow additional time for negotiation, that the Council could rnake the effective date of the initiation ofthe condemnation proceedings March 1st or thereabouts. I1ret Wciss cautioned that the time table for meeting the April I yh deadline is tight and that does not provide an extended period of time for negotiation. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDFMNATION OF THE PROPERTY NEEDED fOR TI IE P ATHW A Y EFFECrIVE MARCH 2.2001 AND ALLOWING CLINT HERBST AND ROGER BELSAAS AND CITY STAFF TO CONTINUE EASEMENT NEGOTIATIONS UNTIL TIIAT TIME AND TO SET A SPI.:CIAL MEETING FOR MARCH 2. 2001 AT 5:30 TO CONSIDER AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT IF ONE IS NEGOTIATED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITII CLINT HERBST AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Res. 2001-8 9. Consideration of amending purchase aereement for the sale of the former Senior Citizens Building. City Administrator. Rick Wolfstcller. stated that in 1999 the City had signed a purchase agreement with Dennis Anderson for the sale of the old Senior Citizens building hut that the closing on the property had not yct taken place primarily hecause of on-site parking limitations. It appears that the abutting property owner will not provide an easernent to access parking sites on the south side of the building. One possihle resolution to the parking dilernma would be to construct angled parking along the boulevard from River Street to the Senior Citizens Building. 4 dr=\ . . . Council Minutes - 2/26/0 I City ordinance provides f(x collecting a parking fee from property owners in the Central Business District that do not have sufficient on-site parking to be used to acquire land and construct future parking Jllcilities. Mr. Anderson is agreeable to being assessed for parking stalls at $1.000 for each stall that the City would construct in front of the Senior Citizens building which would be approximately 10-12 stalls. Mr. Anderson would like to amend the purchase agreement to allow him to purchase the property on a contract for deed over 15 years at 7% interest. The price of the property would be $130,000 with an additional $20,000 down payment to be added to the original $5,000 down payment. The Council discussed the terms proposed and expressed concern about the term of the contract extending to 15 years. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT "fHE AMENDED OFFER OF $130.000 FOR TIlE FORMER SENIOR CITIZENS BUILDING ON A CONTRACT FOR DEED AT AN INTEREST RATE OF 7% PER YEAR WITH A $25,000 DOWN PA YMENT AND A BALLOON PAYMENT AT YEAR EIGI-IT OF THE CONTRACT WrITI A CI ,OSING DATE ON THE SALE OF TIlE PROPERTY OF APRIL 15,2001. IN ADDITION THE PROPERTY WILL 8E ASSESSED $1,000 FOR EACII PARKING STALL CONSTRUCTED OVER A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS AT 70/0 INTEREST. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of adopting corrections to the ioint resolution of the Citv of Monticello and the Townshin of Monticello as to the orderlv annexation of nroperty. Included in consent agenda. Res. #2001-9. 11. Apnrove navment of bills for February. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT OF THE BILLS FOR FEBRUARY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Adjourn. Mayor Belsaas adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Recording Secretary 5 dD\ . . . MINLJTI<~S SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Friday, March 2, 2001 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas. Roger Carlson. Brian StlllnpL Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Clint Herbst Consideration of Ilescindin2: Eminent Domain Process for ISTEA Pathwav Project. Mayor Belsaas int~)rmed the Council that an agreement had been reached with Dahlheimer Distributing Company representatives for the City to obtain a temporary permit for construction of the pathway along the CSAI rIg as part of the ISTEA Bridge Project. The Mayor noted that Dahlheimer had agreed to provide thc right-ol:'cntry fl.)r construction purposcs vvith the understanding that thc City will obtain an appraisal to determine the value of the property needed for the pathway construction. In addition. the City will negotiate with Burlington Northern Railroad and Wright County lIighway Department to detcrmine the best location )()r re-establishing Dahlheimer Distributing Company's second access to future 7111 Strcet or CSAI-I 75. Dahlheimers also requested that stop signs be placed by thcir driveway along the pathway before the pathway is opened. The Mayor also noted that the propcrty O\vner on the south side of the II'ecway has also agreed to providc the necessary pathway casement and thercfl.)re. proceeding with the cminent domain process f()r the pathway project was not necessary at this time. As a result. motion was made by Bruce Thielen and seconded by Roger Carlson to rescind the previous Council action comlnencing elninent domain process I())' the pathway project at this time. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was then adjourned. -.., ,..- .._..n,..._.. '___'__. .._. "._. "._n n_ Recording Secretary dB . . . Council Agenda Item - 3/12/0 I 5.A Consideration of approvine: request for charitahle gambline: license - Ducks Unlimited- Monticello Roller Rink. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The Wright County Chapter or Ducks Unlimited has submitted an application for a one day charitable gambling license fl.)r May 7.2001 at the Monticello Roller Rink. In order for the State Ciambling Control Board to issue this gambling license. a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be sublnitted with their application. In the past. the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications !(lr charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the exempt charitable galnbling license to the Wright County Chapter of Ducks lJnlimited. ! Adopt a resolution denying the gambling license application request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason vvhy the Council would not allow the Stale to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Resolution approving gambling license. . Application . . . RF.SOLUTION NO. 2001-11 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHARITABLF. GAMBLING LICF.NSE WI-IEREAS, the Wright County Chapter of Ducks Unlirnited has submitted an application to the City Councilor Monticello tlJr the issuance or a charitable gambling license to conduct a raffk on May 7. 2001 at the Monticello Roller Rink in Monticello, Minnesota WIILRr.:^s, upon review of the organization's activities, the City Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW TI-IEREH)RE. Hi': IT RFSOLVED BY THE CITY CCHJNCIL ()F MONTICLLLO. MINNESOTA that the Wright County Chapter or Ducks Unlimited application flJr license issuance listed above is hereby approved. and the State Ciambling Control Hoard is authorized 10 process the application. Adopted by the City C'ouncil this 12 th day or March. 200 I. Roger Helsaas. Mayor Al"l'EST: Rick WollstC!leL City Administrator SA . Minnesota Lawful Gambling LG220 .. Application for Exempt Permit Organization Information Organization name h~\*J t II J-e( (hI( Name of chief executive officer (CEO) First name Last name e. b 'Ut"~ Name of treasurer First name Last name Ofol-ft Ko Type of Nonprofit Organization Page 1 of2 8/00 Fee.. $25 Fee Paid Daytime phone number of CEO 7''?) ~q,- "?-nO Daytime phone number of treasurer: qI{7-'i98~ Check the box that best describes your organization: D Fraternal D Religious o Veteran ~ Other nonprofit organization Checj< the box t1iat indicates the type of proof your organization attached to this application: m IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status [j Certificate of Good Standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office D A charter showing you are an affiliate of a parent nonprofit organization D Proof previously submitted and ~:m file with the Gambling Control Board Gamblin Premises Information Name of premises where gambling activity will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place) (\A 0 (\+W.e.. \ l b (ZD (.~(" rZ \~ \<. Address (do not use PO box) City 02 o~s. Pa.r{L \x- :hQ...eOo Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) . -7-01 StatelZip Code County uJ r i . hf' I\-lt\j %3"'- Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will be conducting: D *Tipboards . D *Bingo I:XI Raffles 0 *Paddlewheels D*Pull-Tabs *Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed distributor. This form will be made available in Your name and and your organization's alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) name and address will be public information upon request. The information requested when received by the Board. All the other on this form (and any attachments) will be information that you provide will be private used by the Gambling Control Board data about you until the Board issues your (Board) to determine your qualifications to permit. When the Board issues your be involved in lawful gambling activities in permit, all of the information that you have Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to provided to the Board in the process of supply the information requested: however, applying for your permit will become public. if you refuse to supply this information, the If the Board does not issue you a permit, Board may not be able to determine your all the information you have provided in the qualifications and, as a consequence, may process of applying for a permit remioiins refuse to issue you a permit. If you supply private, with the exception of your name the information requested, the Board will and your organization's name and address be able to process your application. which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staff ofthe Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information: the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent. s-A . Application for Exempt Permit - LG220 . Page 2 8%~ Organization Name DI)(kb ()V\ \;M\ t,J \0f \~~+ tOil VL+l C\.-t 4 f~.-({ ~O~q Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment If the gambling premises is within city limits, the city must sign this application. On behalf of the city, I acknowledge this application. If the gambling premises is located In a township, both the county and township must sign this application. On behalf of the county, I acknowledge this application. Check the action that the city is taking on this application. O The city approves the application with no waiting period. Check the action that the county is taking on this application. O The county approves the application with no waiting period. O The city approves the application with a 30 day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a first class city). o The county approves the application with a 30 day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. o The city denies the application. o The county denies the application. Print name of city Print name of county (Signature of city personnel receiving application) (Signature of county personnel receiving application) Title Title Oate-l , . Oate_' , TOWNSHIP: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. [A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2).] Print name of township (Signature of township official acknowledging application) Title Oate_'-,_ Chief Executive Officer's Sign The information provided in this appli rate to the best of my knowledge. M ..... tt / ~ Date 0:;... / rJ..I) /12./- . Chief executive officer's si~nature Name (please print) Lo (eN Mail Application and Attachments At least 45 days prior to your scheduled activity date send: . the completed application, · a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and . a $25 application fee (make check payable to "State of Minnesota"). Application fees are not prorated, refundable, or transferable. Send to: Gambling Control Board 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South RosevilJe, MN 55113 If your application has not been acknowledged by the local unit of government or has been denied, do not send the application to the Gambling Control Board. S'A . SB. . . City COllncil Agenda ~ 3/12/01 Consideration to approve preliminary concept for use of TIF for a scattered housinu/redevelopment project. (O.K.) A. Reference and B~lckeround: The Council is requested to approvc the preliminary concept for use ofTIF for a scattered housing project and to reamrm waiving of the $42,750 WAC/SAC and permit fees previouslyeomlnilted. At the liRA meeting of March 7. 2001. the commissioners approved the preliminary concept for use ofTIF in the amount of$125.000 NPV to assist with a scattered housing project and waived the $5.000 deposit fee. The selling price per unit was set at $131.000. an increase from the $120.500. the difference to be used as gap financing to recover any TIF shorthdl. to finance any acquisition cost overruns. and/or to reimburse city lees. The deposit lCe was waived because the Central Minnesota I-lousing Partnership (CMHP) is a non-profit state agency. The TIF finance method is up-front and the sccurity is the homes arc constructed. A I lousing TIF District for owner-occupied housing is a qualified housing district and the income restrictions apply to the original occupants only. Previously, the Council had been advised of the scattered house project and the application for a $500.000 grant (0-3(Yo interest loan) through the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA). The MI-IFA funds. along with the TIF Funds. will he used for acquisition and demolition of five properties and the M HFA funds will also be used to linance the construction of nine/ten single-f~lmi Iy homes in the neighborhood of Minnesota Street and Sixth Street. The Monticello grant application made the first-cut in the ranking of applications. The announcelnent of the awards will be April 26. Sheri Harris. CMHP. has been contacted for questions about the Monticello application. If Sheri can advise MHr: A that the City of Monticello supports the use ofTlr: for the project. the Monticello application gains additional points. The goal of the lIRA and Council fl.)r this project is two-fold: Redevelopment and Affordable Ilousing. Even with the $500.000 grant (0-30;() interest loan). the project is difficult to cash now. Therefore the need to maximize the TIF for 26 years and to minimize permit fees. The process to establish the TIF District will proceed only if Monticello is awarded the $500.000 grant and the purchase agreements to acquire the properties are executed. Remember. the grant dollars must be expended within 20 months hom the date documents are signed. . City COLlncil Agcnda - 3112/01 To q llal i /y 1"<Jr the M r [F A program. the annual income In LIst be less than ~Hj<Yo 0 I' the State's median income ($46.000) for a lilmi[y of I(Hlr or $36.800. However. tl.)r the Monticello project we arc targeting $30.000 income levels. Under this program. Sheri Harris. CMHP. is the "developer"' and as such is responsible for contacting the current property owners. negotiating sales. etc. In effeeL the City benelits from this redevelopment service. The fee paiclto CMHP is $2.500 per home and is incorporated into the home price so there is no cost to the City. The design of the PUD and associated homes is in drall form only. Any approvals arc subjected to Planning Commission/City Council approval of the planned unit development. PUD design work will be started in earnest when Sheri Harris gets word It'om M I [FA stall that the project is likely to be funded. Please consider the 1()lIowing alternatives. B. Alternative Actions: 1. Motion to approve the preliminary concept/()r L1SC oj"r[F in the alnount of $125.000 N PV for a scattered housing project and re-affirm the tl.)rgiveness of $42.750 WAC/SAC and permit fees. . 7 Motion to deny approval of the preliminary concept for LIse of T[ F in the amount of$125.000 NPV tl.wa scattered housing project and to deny affirmation oCthe $42. 750 WAC/SAC and permit fees. 3. Motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: [n support of the goals of the COLlncil and HRA; the City Administrator recommends Alternative No. I. We recognize the design and PlJI) process have not been addressed. D. Suppor"tim! Data: Estimated '1'1 F Cashllows without inllation. map of project area. and Uses and Sources. . 2 . . . Backeround Information Community Revitalization Program is funded through the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Eligible activities include acquisition, rehabilitation, demolition, new construction. The proposal was an innovative approach to removing blighted housing in the downtown area through acquisition of four properties and providing new construction for first time homebuyers. Market prices of existing homes have made it extremely difficult to take this approach; however, increasing the number of homes to nine spreads the acquisition costs to a level that is affordable. Central Minnesota Housing Partnership has applied for $500,000 to acquire, demolish and construct 9 homes. The funds requested are structured as an interim construction loan that is repaid upon sale of the home. In addition to the repayment of the funds within 24 months of award, CMHP anticipates there will be interest accruing once we access the money. The application proposes 0% financing because of the innovative approach; however, the rate may be up to 3%, depending on demand for funds. What is affordable? The following information gives you an idea of what a family with a household income of $28,000 _ $32,000 per year can afford. Assumptions for the equation include an interest rate of 6.5% and average long-term debt. Sources - $28.000 income Mortgage HAF Gap Financing Total 90,000 14,999 15.000 119,999 Uses Sales Price of Home Closing Costs Packaging Fee Total Home Price 115,000 3,000 2.500 120,500 Sources ~ $30.000 income Mortgage HAF Gap Financing Total 95,000 10,500 15.000 120,500 s. ~ L~ \ ~o r06'tl ~ .). ~~~~ CMHP resources being made available: Gap Financing - 0% loan - maximum amount $15,000 (based on household need) HAF - 0% loan - maximum amount 14,999 CASA _ mortgage product for first time homebuyers that is currently at a 6.5% interest rate 5r~ . ACQ u is itionlDem 01 ition Total Cost 5 Properties 300,000 Environmental Assessment at $95 ea. 190 Legal at $500 ea. 2.500 Title Insurance 1,750 Filing Fees 750 Demolition 20,000 Platting & abstracts 6,000 Site Preparation 67,500 Permits & Fees 42.750 Real Estate Taxes 2,750 Insurance 2,500 Subtotal 446,690 New Construction (9 homes @ 84,000) 756,000 Subtotal 756,000 Total Cost for Acq.lNew Construction $1,202,690 Permits waived (city contribution) 42,750.00 TIF 125.000.00 Total cost of Development 1,034,940 . Sales Price of 9 homeS(115,000) 1,035,000 Sources Acquisition/Demolition/Site Preparation Construction Home Sales/Contractor MHFA 321,690 178.310 . City HRA 125,000 42.750 3 Total 446,690 221,060 535,000 $1,035,000 1:)9) MAR. 2. 2001 -, . . . __.0__.1" 4:34PM EHLERS & ASSQ{;IATES NO. 9632-P. 2 crry OF MONTICELLO, MINNESO'rA In'- r4,1e T. E.Ie~,lon Raloo, Inft~Il"" R8MI T.I.F. CASH FLOW ASSlJMPTIONS 7.000% 1.211176 PI~ 00 0.0lXl0" BASE VALUIINFORMATJON ,"-I,a. T.' P-..j "WI 2001 .__.!I!;oI ._.. . crfP_t m,-_,!~.!!:!!....-y'Ptl,lll 155-010.00&030 loo.~ 33,700 33.700 J66.o1~~_=__." loo.tJll!,=--=--'ie.eoo___j~'!99. lM:C'1...0.a090S9... ..___.100.00%. ___!f>.lllO ___,~..!9.9_. .1!5-01~L... .-----!..llOQO"Ai. _.-32'.109. '~,'~.. J$$.(l!~L. .__~~,9!1"'. _~!2.CL ....00 .. .101a1 . .____.. .--1!l!.1!Xl l~.._ T;Dl ..~!y_ sse I!...-. ~...:;;.. - ~-=_...~8 'i~1o - Ze2.e._ --'-133' inri.... -. :~.~_~~37 U~'g;;v'l'Ilon lVPe of T. lneremenl Oiwlci: TyptI of Development: N,,"IlI. of Unill PROJECT VALUE INFORM" TION I-Ioutilll Owner O<<ulli.d HCl~alng '0 !.eLmal.d MilUl \lBlUll Dr N_ PIOJtct c.... Reta on ftrIl 176,000 d .....rbc \1111\11 CItW RallO Meril. Vll<ol . 178.000 Eellmall'cl TlllI Cepeo;jlY. Esomelllcl TIlH11 As:otluor'. ....arlull \Ill1uIII...ic n..lIun~ '.00'.4 IllS" ""..",..5 "-_ compj_ CWI,lNcIlon In .aDen,ncl romend.. III 2002 &!!o,OOO "a~OoiII '0,735 13,!l67 585.000.00 '1,386. 7C P"t04 Sb ". . llhoIu....Il3O.o._ '., MAR, 2. 2001 4:34PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES NO. 9632 lW02/O, . CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA . TAX INCREMENT CASII FLOW bu . .p,;;;;Ci---C;;;;;d-.iemt-Nn....1 M1I~ - HRA So/l'lO,Arwoual-' _u .. I LDCIII ; Tu T... Ta Gra51 T.... .. "' Ha'Tax . MaLcr\ aI. I -Ir.L-M\!', Yr. ~!l!.IY.__~~___~l!P.I!iI.l1.. Incte/l'lWlI .._'g~~. O.1l'lb Incremenl S.OO% 0.0 08-0, ~oo, :ii, 137 ~ '31 0 0 Q 0 0 0.50 02~' 2002 ::l, 137 3.137 0 0 0 0 0 , 00 O!.o, 2002 0 0 0 0 '..50 02.0' aoo3 3.'37 5,3611 2,.23' ,......, (,"') 0 1.2i3 72 I 200 01.0, 2003 ,..w, ('''') 0 1.2iJ 72 250 02001 2001I 3,137 '0.'rJS 7.SiII .oI,llOIl (SO:a~ a ...01 2~i!1 , J QO ge.o, 2~ .oI.llOll (503) 0 .,.05 ~, I 3.50 02-0, 2006 3,1:r7 , 1l.i'36 1.588 ..80& (503) 0 .,4115 2<15 ..00 08-0, 2C05 doe (503) 0 .oI.oilOS 3&51 ..50 ll2-O, 20Clll 3.131 10,736 7.. .oI,llOIl (!lO3) 0 .,404 246' 5.00 01.0' 2001 ..S08 (503) 0 ..."IllS 245 i.SO 02-01 2007 3. ,37 10.735 1,_ 4.9O! (503) 0 ","Oll 245: 1i.00 08-01 2007 4.908 (503) 0 '.oIOS 2.5 ! a.so 02.0, 2008 3.137 ,0,735 7.SiII 4,SOe (~) 0 ~.~1l6 245 7.00 0&-01 2008 4,908 (603) 0 .oI,.oIOS 246 7.50 02..()1 200Il 3,,37 ,0,735 7,SM ...9OIl (503) 0 4..OS 2<16 llOO 0&00, 200Q .oI.1lOIl (503) 0 4,.OS 2.5 8.50 02.0, 2010 3,li7 '0.736 7.11M "'llOIl (S(l:J) 0 .oI,.oIOS 2.5 II 00 08.0, ;ao,o ..._ Ism) a .,.06 2.5 9.50 02.0' 20" 3.137 10,'36 7,58 .oI.llOIl (!OJ) a .oI,.oIOS 2~S 10.00 08.0' 20' 1 ~.ilO8 (503) 0 .,.05 2AS 10.SO 02.01 2012 3,137 10,736 7,5$1 ..toll ($03) 0 ~,.OS 2.5 ".00 011-O, 2012 .,901 (503) 0 ..."OS 2-4!l 11.S0 02.01 2013 ;:\, ,;:\7 10.735 7.SI1 .,901 (SOlI) 0 .,405 245, '2.00 Oi-lll 2013 ..SOIl (503) 0 .,.0:1 2.5 i 12.50 02-01 2014 3,137 '0,735 7,StI 4.901 (503) 0 4."OS 245' 13,QO 08-01 2014 ...llO8 (503) 0 4 ,..or; 246, 13.50 02-01 20,5 3,137 10,735 7.SIlI <l,llOI (503) 0 ...olO5 2.5 '''.00 0&00' 20,6 4,\108 (503) 0"'405 245 1<150 02.0, 20,& 3. ,37 ,0,735 7.SllB ",i08 (503) 0 4,0&05 2.5 1500 08001 2016 4 908 (503) 0 4..OS 245 '5.50 02.0, 20'7 3.137 10,'~ '.SII8 ",iiOIl (503) G .....OS 24:\ 18.00 Q6..01 20,7 4,i06 (503) Q"'06 2451 ".50 02-01 ~018 ..1.7 ,0.735 1.SN 4,_ (503) 0 4.4OS 2<15 ",00 0&0, 2018 ..,1lOe (~) Q "."OS 2<15 17.50 02-01 2019 3.137 10,735 7,586 .oI,SOB (503) 0 ..405 2<15 \8.00 QS.01 ;a019 ",SOB ($03) 0 ",405 245 111,50 02-01 2020 3.137 10,7~ 7,5118 '.SOB (503) 0 4,405 245 ,9,00 oa.ll1 2020 4.1OIl 15031 0 4,.05 2<15 ISl60 02-01 202, 3,137 10,73& ',5511I .,!lO8 (S03) a 4,4OS ~<lS 2000 06-01 202, ..908 (503) 0 .,'05 245 2050 02.01 2022 3, ,37 10.735 7,SiII ..908 (503) 0 4.405 2<15 21.00 OEI..ol 2022 ",908 (503) 0 .,.O!l 2<1S 21.50 02-0, 2023 3,137 10.135 7.SSS <I.IOS (503) C <1..05 245 ~.OO lJ8.01 2023 .4.90B (503) 0 .oI,.oIOS 2<15 : zuO 02-0, a024 3, ,37 ,0,735 7,5&1 4.803 (S03) 0 <1,.06 2<lS, 23.00 08.0, 2024 4,9Oe (110:3) 0 <1,105 215' 123.50 02..0' ~02ll 3. '37 10.73S 7.SSI! .oI.SO! (503) 0 ...0.:; 245' 011.0, 2025 4,lIlJI (:103) 0 .,"0.5 ~ 1 '~.: 02.0, 2026 3, ,37 ,0.735 7,5iII .,1011 (503) 0 <1.405 2461 2S.OO O!.o, 2026 .01,90! (503) 0 4,40$ 2.5 I 25.50 02.01 2027 3,,37 10,735 7,!ilIS ".lIOB (503) 0 4.405 245 i 26 00 011.01 2027 .01,90! (503) 0..,405 2.A5; <11.50 02.0, 2028 3,,37 10,nti 7,698 4,901 (5CJ:i) 0 ..4Oi!I 2451 ',00 OB-O' 028 '__ .,901 ____t~) a ..405 245: ,_____,_.---T'?!..I~ ___.____~~__(~.~.,17) 0 2~,8'e '2,.'31 ________.___ _u_ _ _ ~~L"!'!~ ._.._._---P!,~"'-(~!l,~e71... 0 89.202 . ...._ _ ................ """. ...........1 ye".' lA_" _I_taa _..... ,. ........IlI.. I....... ill 2OD3. ." 0111Io <ll0In<I ,,,IIIoo""""d D, _ nor. : PERIOD BEGINNING . E/1Im onV,...oi_. I." P, 3 Y.." Of PERIOD 1;"'01"'0 1.............1 Yrs, "'Ill, Yr . 0.0. 0.50 OUll 200: 0.0 '.00 011.0, 2002 I 0.0 '.SO 02-0, 2003 1 0,5 2.00 0&-01 2ClO3 : 1.0 2.50 02-01 200-4 '.11 3.00 08001 2004 2.0 3.60 02.01 200S 2-'1 "00 08-01 2005 3.0 4 50 02-01 2006 U $.00 08-01 20015 ~.O 5.SO 02-01 2007 ..S &,00 0$-01 1OO7 5,0 8.50 02-0, 2008 55 7.00 oe.ol ;a00! 8,0 7.50 02.01 2009 6.5 8.00 06-0, 2009 7.0 8.50 02.0, 2010 75 9.00 06-01 20,0 ! a 8.!oo 02.01 2011 as 10 co oa.o, 20" a.o '0 III oa.o1 20'2 9.5 "00 01-01 2012 10.0 11.50 02-01 2013 10.5 12.00 011-O1 20'3 11.0 12.50 02-0' 20'. "_5 1::1.00 OIl.o, 20'. 12,0 13.$0 02-01 2015 I li,5 '..00 08-01 2015 I 13,0 \4.50 0200, 20,6 13,5 ,5.00 Q&.O, 20,6 1.0 15.50 02-0, 2017 1<1,$ 18.00 08-01 20,7 ,50 16.50 02-01 2018 155 1700 06.0, 2018 180 1750 02-01 2019 18 5 111,00 oe.o, 20' 9 170 16SO 02-01 2020 17.5 1900 08-0, 2020 lao III so 02-0, 202' 18! 20,00 05-0' 2021 19.0 20.50 02.0, 2022 ,9.5 21.00 oe.o, 2022 20.0 2, _50 02-0' 2023 20.5 22.00 oe-Ol 202:> 2'.0 ~_SO 02.0, 202. :01.5 23.00 oe.ol ao2. 22.0 23.50 02-0, ms ~ 5 2<1.00 011-01 2025 230 2<l.50 02.01 2028 23 5 25.00 08-0, 2046 24 0 25.50 02.01 ~027 I 24 5 2!I.OO 08.0 1 2021 ! 2S 0 2e.SO 02-01 2028 25 5 27.00 08.01 2028 280 27.50 02-0, 2029 5b PI;<I Z ./houoi.i 030201 12~ .' .,,' . I - . / , , ~$', I I ,. ",,' f/e " --, , , ' ": ~r:r " / u :0 ,/ -.......... t! (: . I /'... J .' -N1:tOtd' f. ~...- . J~3 . ,'!:' -^ . '2 ''t' r / I-i 0 It ~~" / I ,",I. ':-:..:',.__~~ . "~I " , I ;' " .~~. '--..... ............ . ..... I I ... -- ~ J. ~ - -'l :JIlo-. - " I, . . I' ! 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'Ii' '" ", ~ ... . , J . . ~ : r ... <p r (, 1"11 ~ {" ~ do" " .,;, r;. .T ~'~I' '" ~n' . ~ . 'i ~ fj ',,' f,"" ~ I . 5/' ~ , ~ . '.~ ~ '(~~ ~ , u '0 ;u 'J , . ~:l_ ....-......~~ . ''''.. .... r. It: r- 'q 4-'6" j;~ :-1 -;1 tt1 , lr ,'" ",l~ ,. ~EFER ;<' ~.4~ul; 4 ~oc:) ,~ 1J;,8.; I f..;* ":"j'-;"-) ~'u" j'L" I n-i,"J --~J;~~--~: ! . 5'0" P"l ..... -l n ::r::: rr:s Z ~; lX1 m t:::r ,., o o ~ : I: 'Ai : rn :'f. 'III . " . n << ~.: , ~ "" ..... i~i " :'1 ", ...~ _.'_a-*,__,~ ......I-..'Yt,__"-.........~.... t ,: <,- '. ~ o-f o "" > o m ",,4 O"~ ~ 1. ... ~) . r: " Ai ;11I ,:t .", ': r,; lJ,RE 5..=_F (" t"'" ' , I, > ,p ~ ,r "' \ Z ;0, .' a " , u . "" ;U to< ., " "' ,I) . ;. ~, . " ~, ;d , - . ," o > "" > o m ,"\.," i 'f ,: . :'," ~. -~ '. u' ... , l"" ~ I...,: . J (~ ~.., : ., l1 : j. I C I "TJ ~ o ~ -3 tT1 ~ t'T1 ...,.-.4 ... i, I' . , , > ~ 1-0-4 o 7: , ' ~ i . , '-, I ~ ... I ; I I. 1 n 1 , I n'.,1 -I',:: TI r T idJI~ ' I: , ""J" ., j , j. I.~ ,loi. I, I : a. h 'I' 'm ,---r ll~. I J I Ir : 11 ,,[, I 1 i ;f: fir /.,If T'-l' ,,~ ilJ i l, ~~. ; j1: I 'TT/ r 1 I:,; 1 JU I 1! j I IlL J 'ei _ , _ -. _ _ I ".1 :n -~1:~--~~-~ '" i.i i 't- : _ I _ .' _ r~.,~: ~'.' r '.1": ['''' lr.....~'I' .~ "" '..J.IUlj"II" . ,'I, II j' . I 'nTl jil' '. I'll, il I 111~ ,'HllJ~;;l!j~iijLll! ~ j H I I. I I 4 "/T'T'nfYp: ,I : I : . I ' : . ~ ~; II ; d : .111 i --ill ." J: , , :.j r1 I ~ i"l I it'" '1 I -i'; I I, 'l 1 n ~ ..., ..., r ~ -. ..., 11 ..., ..., r ~.J. I . ,J I , . . ..... ..., '., ,J I. . I. ~.. " L. ~ l i . 'r~ ~: 1-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · J ~ ~ ~"~ ~ ~ t j ..4 j 1 . !~ r' H ... .. ..1 I-Il j 'l "1 h 'I fJ f', J . ,,' ,., I . I I I ~-~....... ~~ ~_4 r~ t"'..... "",. .....i. L,..4 I'-"'~.~..J. "~.... -< ,J -< ,-,~:.. .-,..11 ).AT. . i"~ l-. L~ t J ~-- ~ i ~.. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ "-"1 r-1 ~" , ! ~ 1 L1 '~ 11 I < I ~ 1.4 ~.~ I..~ I ~ '1 j ~ I~-i ~tl~"~1 Ii '~r.~~t4.~ 'r~~ ~-4L" ~'i""~~"'~'4t"~ f I... . I j ,III Ill, I I I I I:, I I . I L51 cP : I I I i I! 1 11 1 I I I I I I I I : I , , I , ! , I I I I I I I I I I I . " I , , i ! r I ' j\ , ,~ i r y' /',' I I \ . I I I 1 ~! J i) , 1 r .1 I-I I I t I i ~ ,~! " lJ , I I " ~ \ ' I' . . '\ '" "~ I : 1 ,. , 4 ! I I I ! ! I i i I I i . ) , \ . ,: 'j '~ ~ ~' E . .. , g II: , i! r-... ~ , : ~ rr> ~ r['~ ,: · ~ t!:1] .', '8 10 [, " . I; l~ l__1: ,1__. ,.~ ..~-.~.~~;;.1 . ~~:r~._~) I 1 . I l AI,I\.. . !lilt ,. "., iii. '<{~'&')\'fJ-; ~~t-.~.~., ~ "'.~ ::.~. I. ,.... (.)" . .1' It. .' PI 0 UUT L11U T --,- --- --- -- I I I 9 I .. I : ! ~ ! , I . "1 I I I. I" I'"! i o Id - --'-->' 0' ~'=Tt I 11 10 Ill' I" ~ I, ,'., "I a C> .. 8 II: /r:\ I ( ! )1 'tJ' . -, I I ,j c q i '. , i; I .. I;:'; i' 1 (:'~ : -\'0' J 0 \:..J~ - . I , \ ~ ,_, ,. _ 10 ".J 2 ... I I: ! ,i )r~ '~:~ ;.~ = I : ~I 1"""-........ , ' , .. t I I:-~';:f I ; .... j;, I:l I /' "'I ,. I l ' I ~' 1 NIl'" ll-~I - loa - t. I, ~;;...~.,:':.a:.: :--.~ . f I. ;. I. ;s: ~I ::' ~' I ~, ..; I I I -,' ! ~ : .. . ... ts Cl .. .. 10; ro ~ , f - - -- -~ .~ ~ -- - -- -1 I I I I I L I .. I I I I I .. .. I 3 I" ":~\1!J/ I . ->- ~.\~t . I .. 'i ,:,1. "-. ;{ . i .. '-' .. 0; ,-' I J h j-.' 51 -J. r' ' , I ~F~l. II ... I I , ltC. 1 I Co 24'0. I . City Council Agenda - 3/12/01 5C. Consideration to approve a Loan Agreement between the City and the HRA. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: At the HRA meeting of March 7, 2001, the commissioners adopted a resolution approving purchase of certain property and a Loan Agreement between theHRA and City. The certain property identified as 225 Front Street, Monticello. This in anticipation of the Purchase Agreement between Richard and Marian Carlson and the HRA being executed by the Carlson's on March 8. Within the Agreement, the closing date must take place on or before April 1, 2001. The HRA will purchase the property located 225 Front Street from the Carlson's for $275,000. The Carlson's will lease the property from the HRA until no later than July 31, 2002, for $1 per the Lease Agreement. After July 2002, the HRA will move/demolish the property and hold a public hearing to sell the raw land to the city for green space. The HRA has ordered an appraisal of the raw land pending execution of the Purchase Agreement. As you recall, the City previously budgeted $35,000 toward North Anchor acquisition. . Mark Ruff, financial consultant for the lIRA, suggested the HRA borrow the money from the City to purchase the Front Street property. Rick Wolfsteller did agree to loan the money to the HRA and has reserved cash for its purpose. The amount of the loan is $275,000 with an interest rate of6.5% over 15 years. The loan payment to the city from the BRA will be made from tax increment generated from the Downtown TIP District. In anticipation of the closing prior to or on April 1, 2001, please consider the following action. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the Loan Agreement between the HRA and the City in the amount of $275,000 for acquisition of the property located at 225 Front Street. Interest rate of6.5% over 15 years. 2. A motion to deny approval of the Loan Agreement between the HRA and the City in the amount of $275,000 for acquisition of the property located at 225 Front Street. 3. A motion to table any action. ... ,. 1 . . . City Council Agenda - 3/12/01 c. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend alternative no. 1. Cash has been reserved for this purpose. D. Supportine Data: Copy of the Loan Agreement for approval. 2 . . . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO "_QJ-04 RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AND A LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("Authority") is administel'ing its Redevelopment Project NO.1 ("Project"); and \VHEREAS, within the Project the AuthOl'ity has created Tax Increment Financing Dish'ict No. 1-22 (the "TIF District") in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the clO\vntown area ; and WHEREAS, to carry out the Project, and specifically to eliminate blighting' factors cl'eated by an existing structure, Authority has determined to acquire the property descl'ibed as Lots 1, 2. 3,4, and 5, Block (H To\vnsite of1\lonticello, Wright County, (the ;'Propnty"); and \VHERK-\S, to finance the cost of acquisition of the Property, the Authority has determined to enter into a loan agreement with the City (the "Loan Agreement") in the form substantially on file in City Hall; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of lVlonticello as tollows: 1. The Authority approves acquisition of the Property tor a purchase price of S275,OOO pursuant to a purchase agreement on file in City Hall, and also approves the Loan A.greement. 2. The pl'Oper Authority officials are authorized and directed to execute the purchase agreement and the Loan Agreement on behalf of the Authority and to carry out on behalf of the Authority the c\uthority's obligations thereunder. ~~. The propel' Authority officials are authorized to execute any deeds any related ceJtificates or documents necessary to carry out the real estate tmnsaction contemplated undel' the purchase agreement and the loan described in the Loan Agreement. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment A I ority in and fe)]' the City of l\Iontice Uo this 7th day of March, 2001. ATTEST: O~_,~~_!,._u ~!J~ Executlve DIrector '- SJH-Il).\IO.hl r'\INI'-JO-'JU ~)c . . . LOAN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the day of . 2001 by and between the City of Monticello ("City") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("Authority"). WHEREAS. the Authority has undertaken a program to eliminate and prevent the emergence or spread of blight and blighting conditions in the City of Monticello. Minnesota (the "City"). and in this connection created Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Project") in an area (the "Project Area") located in the City and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-22 (the "TIF District") within the Project Area. all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Act") and Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.174 to 469.179: and WHEREAS. to further the objectives of the Project and the TIF District including removal of blight. the Authority has proposed to acquire property in the City described as Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, and 5. Block 64 Townsite of Monticello, Wright County (the "Property") for a purchase price of $275.000: and WHEREAS. the City is a state public body that is authorized under Minnesota Statute. Section 469.041, clauses (1) and (8) to make loans for the Project and WHEREAS. the City has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to loan the Authority certain funds in aid of the Project under the tem1S and conditions of this Agreement. NOW. THEREFORE. in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto. each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1. The Loan Amount. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement. City agrees to loan to the Authority the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand and nolIOOths Dollars ($275.000). or so much thereof as is disbursed to the Authority in accordance with this Agreement (the "Loan') The Loan shall be evidenced by a Tax Increment Revenue ("Note") payable by Authority to City substantially in the torm attached to this Agreement. which shall be delivered to the Citv and dated as of the Loan Closing Date as defined in Section 3. - ~ 2. Repavment of Loan. The Loan shall be repaid with interest as follows: (a) Interest at the simple rate of % per annum shall accrue from the Loan Closing Date (as hereinafter detlned) until the Loan is repaid in full. (b) Principal and interest on the Loan amount \vill be payable solely from and to the extent of the "A vailable Tax Increment:' which means 90% of the tax increment generated bv the TIF District and received bv the Authoritv from Wril!ht Countv. after ~.. .J _ ........ ... payment or provision tor payment of all prior obligations secured by such tax increment. The Authority hereby inevocably assigns and pledges to payments on the Note all Available Tax Increment. The pledge of Available Tax Increment hereunder is subordinate to any outstanding contracts. notes or other obligations secured by tax increment generated from SJB.I 9-Wl)l)v I MN 190.90 ~)G . . . the TIF District. The Authority may issue additional obligations secured by Available Tax Increment on a parity, superior or subordinate basis to the Note. 3. Disbursement of Loan Proceeds. The City will disburse the Loan amount to the Authority upon closing on the Authority's acquisition of the Property (the '"Loan Closing Date"). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Mayor By Its City Administrator HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its By ~~O. ~ ~tA C1~~~ Its Executive Director SJB-167U81 MN 19(J-l!O 2 SG . UNITED STATE OF AMERICA ST A TE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO No. R-I $275.000 T AX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE SERIES 1999 Date of Original Issue Rate % .2001 Principal Amount: $275.000 Registered Owner: City of Monticello. Minnesota . The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello. Minnesota (the "Authority"). for value received. certities that it is indebted and hereby promises to pay to the registered owner specified above. or registered assigns (the "Owner"). but solely from the sources. to the extent and in the manner hereinafter identified. the principal amount specified above together with interest on the outstanding principal sum from time to time at the interest rate specified above. payable on each February I and August 1 ("Payment Dates"). commencing I. 20 and continuing through I. 20 in the amounts set forth in Attachment A hereto. Pa:ments are payable by mail to the address of the Ovmer or such other address as the Owner may designate upon 30 days' \Hitten notice to the City. Payments on this Note are payable in any coin or currency of the United Sates of America which. on the Payment Date. is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. Interest at the rate stated herein shall accrue on the unpaid principaL commencing on the date of original issue. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest and then to unpaid principal. date. This Note is subject to prepayment in whole or in part at the option of the Authority on any This Note is issued to aid in financing certain public redevelopment costs of a Project undertaken by the Authority pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.001 through 469.047. and is issued pursuant to a Loan Agreement between the Authority and the City dated 200 I ('"Loan Agreement'.). and. pursuant to and. in full confom1ity with the Constitution and laws of . the State of l'vlinncsota. induding Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.174 to 469.179. This Note is a sm. I 'l.! !)'l'! \ I MN I 'lOAO 5G . . . li.mited obligation of the Authority which is payable solely from Available Tax Increment as detined in the Loan Agreement. This Note and the interest hereon shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereot: including, without limitation, the Authority. Neither the State of Minnesota, nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs incident hereto except out of moneys pledged thereto under the Resolution, and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs incident hereto. The Authority shall pay to the O"vner on each Payment Date the lesser of (i) the scheduled amount due on such Payment Date as shown in Attachment A, or (ii) the amount of Available Tax Increment available to the Authority as of that Payment Date. To the extent that on any Payment Date. the Authority does not have on hand sufficient Available Tax Increment to make the scheduled payment. the amount of deficiency shall be deferred and paid. without interest thereon, to the extent possible on the next Payment Date on which the Authority has received Available Tax Increment in excess of the scheduled payment amount on such Payment Date. If any amount payable under this Note remains unpaid after the tinal scheduled payment shown on Attachment A, the unpaid amount shall be forgiven and the Authority shall have no further liability with respect thereto. This Note shall not be transferred to any person without written consent of the Authority. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts. conditions. and things required by the Constitution and lmvs of the State of \tlinnesota to be done. to exist. to happen, and to be performed in order to make this Note a valid and binding limited obligation of the Authority according to its terms. have been done. do exist. have happened, and have been perfOlmed in due form. time and manner as so required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Board of Commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota has caused this Note to be executed w'ith the manual signatures of its Chair and Executive Director. all as of the Date of Original Issue specified above. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA Executive Director Chair SJB-1670l{ I MNIl)O.l{(J 2 50 . . . A TT ACHMENT A Payment Schedule Payment Date Interest Principal Total Payment SJB-19-t(N9\ I i\INI90-90 ~)c ;:::2~I:::i:~:;;<"";' "............ .. ...... 'Af~D u<> "t;lQ .Odates, Inc. February 20,2001 2'\ r""" .!~I\.:~U i Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut St., Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: River Mill 6th Addition Plan Review WSB Project No. 1160-39 Dear Mr. O'Neill: Upon review ofthe revised plans dated February 9, 2001 for the above-referenced project, all previous comments have been addressed and no exceptions are taken. One item that should be noted in regards to the proposed trail construction within Outlot A, is that the location of the trail at the east plat boundary will need to be revised to coincide with the location of the proposed trail within River Forest 2nd Addition. Should you have any questions, please call me at (763) 287-7191 Sincerely, Andrew 1. Brotzler, P.E. Proj ect Engineer ak cc: Robert Payette, Sathre Bergquist, Inc. Rick Murray, RDI Bret A. Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. FI WPWIN11160-39102200 Ijo-I 160-3<) doc Minneapolis. St. Cloud. Equal Opportunity Employer .r~ F ."- .... R:::. ~ - .' .1'.L F ." ." ... ... ..... ... ." F .. . ... .. E:: . .l'.L ~ ..~ .' R:::. '-.1./'( L1M --....-....-----. I TS 1,/' ,t W?J '-.., ". - . " ", fI · I 1'1 '" I,... "- ~, "'~ "". '1~, '. .1j)..~."...... _ _', ~ '/~ ' 1 1 I It '. I " _ r ./ ~81VD Rl~ ~o ., S I "/ ' · .-.____- t'"" ____ ~ .. "~E. "',.;-'--' !.aT.!. ~ _. ....,... /" ~. U 7 - , -1E;I1 ~l' R1 I'}.:.' '/FJ.sI,. Jif.r~.. :'$=--ill:I"~'~ 1Cl.:- ~~",~.:, ~ i 39 l:t '(3. '~/:J'f. r. .. .." . _ ~~~'::r'" ~ II '\ 1 r - - .,.." .. "r ['1:.''- . '~I " . . ~ .. _. . -~. r,;.{' ""I' · .1." · - --- .......-T:'.. r-;-.:. >)lI: r :..... J Z M "'---- .. "(.~ ~ .' \ V..::c"--~....1. I - · ~ .~ '.7....1.lL :'>/,.~-;T . -. V ,. . '-- 0",,"," . . ~_. I :::... ,11[. ):i; ~, " ,.-"i"'. -, ~. .... I · ~"'- .' I' ...W~. ;t")I.J;,~i ; ~ ~~~ ~ ~ I 'l ..~~ ~ .. IlL.... u'- I: .'-.1 · ~ f"-\. , , l~~~"1lTl ..\I^~. ~ .---. '~,,!!ij~, ~ ~_; I . 12 I"'~~'" ... ~ ~. r. .1_ iCit\. =~:: :3 -~ .~' ',:~: J,Ek5 '" - - -::.. "-... ~ ~ - ;- I :r1' '"'" I """"" .:::...- ~ "'"""- .-..... , . . . . lo." . . ~\ , .1 · . '21, , \" · · tL J - -r u..:...,A '--:\-~.~ P U !. '0 " 1ri:J~' to ~I ) ;':' '~, '. ./ "'7 J : I/J ';'\0;': · l-nTH,L " " · \.~ ..,..;. or T.7 ~ J.r ::--- R;-~. 't, 'P1~ '~ r--t'1<DAI<- Br, '1 I,," ' ~ ~ -v J..<-:;;1 f ~ · · :T. · " :t <: ~ t--=- -; WIlkl~fJ I , ~'_EJSI~T . I. -" ~ ~~ \I"i " · I" _H -" . j 'r\ I I 0 0 oJl · r' ~)\ '- _ < I ! · ~,' , .':-;- U t.~\.:~ :i! II ... ~. =< '~I"'~. ,r;- 7 I ..,\~. Y'...?l"'l'rJ;"'. _, ..::... -.l. .." . ~. . . .....eo - . , ...... .--- , .. l:..-.', r---l -. ~;rf"r7-- "'- r-r I- ~R '.\ WW-: '. I ;:::.. -lc....~t-r: I I J_ .~ - .PUD r:,:-- ~ f6<V c.,-J 7? )... )5 =-.. eJ - - AOw R2 - '"T.f'Q I' , .L. /f/~,- ~ 'J. ""-"'-"I &3 ... ... I ___\ JJ \ ~W~D Fl?r 1~ I _ . . . 5E. City Coune i I Agenda - 03/12/01 Consideration of Authorizinc: Study of Utilitv System Capacity Study - Brad Pauman Property. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGfZOUND Hrad Paumen, owner of approx 210 acres located between Silver Springs Golf Course and the City Limits, requests that the City Engineer determine if there is capacity to serve the site or a portion of the site. Pauman has indicated that he will pay fl.)!" the complete cost of the study in advance. According to the current sanitary sewer development plan, the site is ultimately to he served by a trunk line extending along the southern side of 1- 94. It will be many years until this line is extended, however there may be capacity available in the existing system that could he used until the trunk line is extended. The study would determine how much capacity is available, how much of Paun1<lI1's land can he developed, the method and cost to connect to the existing systen1 and how the systern would link to the trunk line at such time that it is extended. Usually if a land owner requests a utility capacity study and he pays for the expense in advance, City staff will authorize the City Engineer to eOlnplete the study and update the City Council accordingly. In this case, however. City staff is seeking authorization from the City Council first because Paurnan's favored land use matches the MOAA plan (residential) and not the City's plan (industrial). Although Pauman' s goal of developing a plan is f()r residential. the infixrnation that is gained could also be used f(.)r industrial development. Also, land inventory for residential uses is suflicient for 3-4 years at the current rate of growth. It may be prudent to at least look at the potential of residential uses in this area which if opened up would enable the City to maintain a moderate growth rate hlrther into the future. Opening this land up r()r residential uses would also create pressure to switch the Gold Nugget parcel to industrial. lh ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to authorize the City Engineer to complete a study oethe capacity of the existing utility systems that could be employed to serve the Pauman site, determine the most eflicil:'nt rnethod of connection and identify a plan for long term connection to the future trunk line. The cost to be paid by Brad Pauman. Under this alternative, the City Engineer would complete the study. Pmnnan would have the inllmnation he needs to prepare a residential development plan for the site. If there is capacity and it if is feasible to develop a residential plan, then the City will be asked by Pauman to look at amending the comprehensive plan. - 1- . City COllncil Agenda - 03112/01 Pauman may learn that there is no capacity available or that it may be too costly to tap existing capacity and that development. be it residential or industrial. will need to wait until the trunk line is extended. l"he information could also be used by the City in the event that there is an industrial prospect that might be interested in the site. 2. Motion to deny authorization to complete said study. Even though the information would be useful to the City. if the City Council has absolutely no intention of ever changing the land use to f()lImv the plan adopted by the MOAA (residential). then this option should be selected. If however you helieve that residential uses are worth looking at in the future. then you should autl10ri/.e the study. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Although the study could open the door to residential uses. there is no requirement that the City change the land use plan. Since Pauman understands this risk. and the inJ(ml1ation will be useful to the City, the City Adlninistrator says we should go ahead and complete the study. . D. SUPPORTING DATA Area identification map Letter t\"om Pauman . -2- ( ~z \ }) r ~ l' l ) ) ~ .l::lo ~ DJIII Di ~ LJ s;:rc I: 0~a~~i ~ ~ ~O:m 3:~::g ~~oQS: (C.::l~ lD <:: c Q) c:J.:::r CII. 0 J2 Q'" 0) 0) a?~ ",. Ol-en - ~ ::J ~ -. ""TI ..., T ::l ~_. ~ @ ~ ~.m.ft -. 0 g: ~ a. ~ c)" ~~ . (fl _.0) a: a. m CD ~ ;a ~ ~ ........;; 01 s: o a .~ -- @ - '- .0 o .a. CD ::::l. '< ~ :] ~ ~ -- o ::J ~ Q) ",-... ~r ~Q) cB:::J ~o. O-c ~(J) s:CD a cg.-c c.... _ ~Q) N:J 8 -9 5E.-\ . Brad and Brian Paumen would like the city of Monticello to consider a request for a feasibility study of supplying our property with city sewer and water. We understand that by making this request we will be accepting responsibility for the cost of this study. With the results of the feasibility study we hope to have a better understanding of where city sewer and water utilities would originate from and also a best-guess estimate on what time frame they would be available. At this time we would also wish for the council to recognize that the land use desig- nation between the M.O.A.A. board and the city differ. We would like to present the city with a concept plan that would incorporate this area in a P.U.D. district that at this time would have low density, higher value homes bordering the golf course, YMCA Camp and Otter Creek area; medium density residential and multi-family along Interstate 94; and possible commercial in the northwest; hopefully taking advantage of future off ramps from the free- way on Orchard Road. ;3~ O/~ 3/0L~/ . . 5E-0 . . . City Council Agenda - 3/12/01 7. Consideration to approve preliminary concept for use of TIF for a manufacturing facility. Inteerated Recvcline Technoloeies. Inc. (lRTn. Applicant. (O.K.) A. Reference and backeround: At the HRA meeting of March 7,2001, the commissioners authorized entering into a Preliminary Development Agreement with IRTI and authorized preparation ofTIF District No. 1-28 subject to preliminary approval by Council. Upon approval by the Council, the Preliminary Agreement will be executed and the $5,000 deposit paid to the HRA by the applicant. Then the six to eight week process to establish the TIF District will begin. Steve Budd, President, Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. requested TIF assistance for his proposed manufacturing project. The Prospect Team of Fred Patch, Mayor Belsaas, Kevin Doty, Ron Hoglund, and myself visited the existing plant in Rogers. Contractor Tom Feaski, Tricon, Inc. was also present. The company recycles platinum group metals from spent auto catalyst. The owner recently purchased a home in Monticello. The owner proposes to purchase 2 acres ofI-l property along Fallon Avenue to the immediate north of Pipeline Supply from Charlie Pfeffer at price of$43,560 per acre. He plans to construct a 10,000 sq ft steel structure consisting of production and office space and plans to double the size of the facility in five years. The company plans to initially create 5 new jobs for the City of Monticello within two years. See attached wage and job goals. Total estimated project costs is $565,000. Based on the preliminary TIF estimates, the amount of TIF approved by the HRA was $40,000 NPV over 9 years. The finance method is pay-as-you-go (reimbursement) and the City is requested to contribute the up-front local LGA match of $9,000 (estimated WAC/SAC). The HRA found the proposed project to meet the Business Subsidy TIF Criteria. Steve Budd will be present to answer questions. Please consider the following alternatives. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the preliminary concept for use of TIF for a manufacturing facility and to approve the local LGA match of$9,000. Integrated Recycling Technology, Inc., Applicant. 2. A motion to deny approval of the preliminary concept for use ofTIF for a manufacturing facility. Integrated Recycling Technology, Inc., Applicant. . City Council Agenda - 3/12/01 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The proposed project meets the job creation and wage levels, job creation is appropriate with the building size, young business owner resident of Monticello, creates spin-off business. The estimated $290,000 market value ofthe building is based on my conversation with the City/County Assessor whose current value is $29 per sq ft for a steel building. This compares to $32 per sq ft for pre cast. The City Administrator recommends Alternative NO.1. D. Supportin2 Data: TIF Application, wage and job goals, "but for" test from lender, contractor proposal, and Estimated Uses and Sources. . . 2 . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCE APPLICANT: Steve Budd FIRM OR TRADE NAME: Inteqrated Recycling Technologies Inc. BUSINESS ADDRESS: 20005 Hwy 81 CITY/STATE: Rogers MN TELEPHONE: (Bus.) 763-428-1954 FAX: 763-295-1956 (Home) 763-295-3830 E-MAIL: INTREC@EARTHLINK.net TYPE OF BUSINESS: Sole Proprietorship 5 Corporation _ Partnership Start Up Expansion ----L- Expansion/Relocation TYPE OF PROJECT: Manufacturing _ Warehousing -2L- Other Industrial Office Retail Commercial Housing BRIEFLY DESCRIBE NATURE OF BUSINESS OR PRODUCT LINE/SERVICE: . IRT recycles platinum group metals from spent auto catalyst. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: 1 O. 000 TOTAL SQ. FT. OF BUILDING. BREAK DOWN BY SQ FT OF AREA SUCH AS MANUFACTURING. OFFICE. AND WAREHOUSING AREA. OR SQ FT PER HOUSING UNIT: ESTIMATED SQ FT COST OF CONSTRUCTION $433,000.00 EXTERIOR BUILDING MATERIAL s tee 1 jbri c k OUTSIDE STORAGE REQUIRED AMOUNT NUMBER OF ACRES 2 ESTIMA TED LAND COST $80,000.00 PARTICIPATING LENDER State Bank of Rogers_ i"""':'- \,(\o....Q~_. PARTICIPATING CONTRACTOR Tricon Inc. JOB AND WAGE LEVEL CREATION: COMPLETE ATTACHMENT . AMOUNTOFTIF REQUESTED: $80.000.00 "l.o~- ""'"2~ -?';2.';2"'J..,. '0 . ) / GOALS OF BUSINESS RECEIVING ASSISTANCE Please indicate number of employees at each level and indicate the corresponding benefit level. . Number of jObs created is over the first two years. Job Creation Hourly Wa~e Hourly Value Level ofVolumary Benefits (S) Full-time Part-time (Excl. Benefits) Less than $7.00 $7.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 $10.00 to $1 1.99 ~ $12.00 to $13.99 .5'} / $14.00 to $15.99 1,3S- / $16.00 to $17.99 197'" . / $18.00 and higher . . . Fran: 02/27/2001 11:07 #330 P.GOI STATE BANK OF ROGERS Monticello City Hall Economic Development 505 WaL'1ut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, Mr' 55362 Febr.:ary 27, 2001 To Whom It May Conoern: Our custo:t:ler, Integrated Recycling Technologies, is applying for TIF funds to facilitate their move from t.ie Rogers area to Monticello. In response to the TIP Process form you provided our c'..:.stomer, our bank is responding to the "bur foI'. means test. At this time, Integrated's req"\lest for financing n''JIn ow bank does not meet our loan underwriting guidelines. It is au:' understanding that with the TIP funds, we should be able to stroct\.1Ie a lea..", to them to facilitate their move to Monticello. Finel bank loan approval would be subj:ct to review of the final, specific TIP terms. !fyau have any :urther questions, please feel to contact me at 763.428~2222. (/2,elY' ( # I n , 1tN-~ Tim Melrose Vice President 129,e MAIN STREET. Fl.O. Box 127 · ROGERS, MN 5:;;374-0127 · www.statebankofrogers.com 763.428.2222 Member FDIC FAX 763.428-8510 r1-G . . . IRTI PROPOSED USES AND SOURCES March 1, 2001 ESTIMATED USES OF FUNDS Construction Costs WAC/SAC Fees Trunk Fees Permit Fees Land Costs Contingency TOTAL $433,868 $ 10,325 $ 17,800 $ 2,676 $ 87,120 $ 13.211 $565,000 ESTIMATED SOURCES OF FUNDS TIF reimbursement finance method $40,000 NPV Lender City GMEF (City Loan) Equity 20% TOTAL $393,000 $ 9,000 $ 50,000 $113.000 $565,000 ESTIMATED SOURCES OF FUNDS TIF upfront finance method Lender TIF (Equity) City GMEF (City Loan) Equity TOTAL $393,000 $ 40,000 $ 9,000 $ 50,000 $ 73.000 $565,000 . Tricon, Inc. Constn.LctiDn · Development F~bruary 19.2001 Mr. Steven Budd Integrated Recycling Technologies P.O. Box 455 Rogers. Minnesota '55374 Dear Mr. Budd: We are pleased to provide a quote forI! Butler@ pre-engineered. steel building system for ~ . proposed new facility in Monticello. Minnesota, 'This c<?nsistSof a 10.000 square foOt building.: ' with an eave height of,20'O". This provides a minimum under-strucniral clearance of 17'9", . . , . L BUILDING . A. STRUCTURAL- The proposed building is a structural steel building system" engineered and fabricated by Butler Manufacturing. The roof is a double slope rooiarid has~'. ..;,,: 1/4":12" roof slope. The roof structurals are-designed for a 30 pOund. per square foot snowload'-:, . and a 3 pound per square foot collateral load.' The interior sidewall col~ are straight. Iiot:' tapered. to allow for easy pallet racking installation. B. ROOF - The roof system will be the Butler MR.24@ standing seam r~fsystem,'\ which is const:nJcted of 24 gauge ALZN panels. The roof has a UL'Class 90 wind up-lift rating;.,. thereby allowin'g for possible insurance reductions. The roof is designed to expand and contract.' , Roof clips hold the panels to the supporting structurals with no fasteners to'penetrate the panel. Gable and eave trims are provided for full roof panel/wall panel closure. Gutter and downspouts are provided on the eaves. - ,... , C. WALLS _ The walls will have natural colored roelc faced concrete block to a height of 3' 4"and 10'. with Shadowall@ panels above"as per the preliminary archit~ctuial drawings. The block walls are insulated, above and below grade, with a core-filled foam which provides a R-19 insulation value.. These new Shadowall panels are finished with a Butler-Cote 500 FP paint' '. which has a 70% K ypar finish. There are two colors' of panel bc::il1g utilized on this' building, ,shell . ',' gl-ay, ~d hunter green. The gutters, downspouts, and eave' trims are hunter green..' " , , -', ' , , D., INSULA nON - The roof wili IJe msulated-with 10" of sctim foill~e'ilisul~tion. ',F. having a p'ame spread of 25 or less., Thi~~,will 'provide an insuJationvaJue of'R':31. ,The L,' , .. Sh~dowall panels will have 6" of scnm fol1laminate insulation, providing an insu1ationvahie,o~ . ..;' IH9with the same characteristics as the roof insulation. .... ....., .,' ", ....,.._..'..,~',.....'.'.'.'...,. ...:...~_..;:'.'_...;....,:.,.;~.,'...........:..;.......;~..~.~_..~:.:..:.:;....': :"...~,..,..:,..~,;,,'.,....,,:~:',..':".,'...~,~....:_.:,..,.~..:.........',.' '>:/;}<,;,::\ > ,..... 'T~l~'~kDrlve, .... '. . .;,~'/':'"..,i. .,Monti.ceUo,'MN 55362 .',.;,,',,' ,.,.' .. ~ ,/.;::.<,:".;:?'>: . .<\.:':;);.-:?,,:':{r-.~- '(763) 295~1141.Fwc'(763) 295wl151,;' " ," '.',;~;>;"::'i". .,;,ii;/?f.;Y. . . .... ..... d' . ,', . .... .... .'HD}~P.. I . , ',', ..,~ ,:!. - ....-. .' .,', , .', ,~ ,p. , ',)0 "'l '~. ~> .' ,~...... .,' _, ~'r:.):>~.~:':~ .""_ .......". -I" r ~ - . ~' .. ~ ~ '" .II . .... ...wI, ~ ;". '.,'. ...~:>.~.. l.....,. \' '. v. .-,..j..... ",~ ".~ . . '-;'..'" ',1:: " . '.':.. ,'~.. :',/(;'. ;..\~~""( ....~'i . ;... , . . 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'. .,.....',. '. ; -.'.f- '."" ;... ' . ... ' , ""'.' .. , , ;' .,-. . '.," . . ". ," 1 - Laundry tub with faucets 1 ~ 6 gallon electric water heater , 2 ~ Floor drains in bath I ~Electric water cooler ~ Sanitary sewer stub into future space . ',' .., .'.," , .. ~ ,. .;,: .;: , .. .. \ .~'J,:.:,; .-',';. r~~<., '>~ "... ~ n, , ~. .,., I' , ,. .J ,'. r '~~ ' VIL SPRlNKI,ERS '. ,.:,:...; ."",;,,;,,, '.' ::' Sprinklers are excluded ,from this proposal.' , 'We '~'ilI 'proVIde . accommodate a sprinkler system.if :t:equired fot the futUre Cxpansion. > ',i , ' . . ~ /, . ..1... ~. J, . . ..' ....,.. - " , a water line sized to . ,,' vm FINISHES . Shop Area . ." Floors ~ Exposed concrete" , " ,',." ", . '. '. Ceiling~ Exposed insulation .' , ." "'::," <Y''-'' Walls ~ pxposed insulation ',' . .' ,,::~ ":"." .'. FlQOrs ~ Ceramic tile' , , ' " .:. i ,.,,', '.' '. Ceiling,~ Acoustical Ceiling tile, 2'x4', scored to appear 2'x2" .' "< ' ". ''''''~'', " . . ,', . . Walls ~ Sheetro~ked, sanded, primed and painted; cernnuc tile to a height 'of 4~, ,;,'" .:','; :,' , ~~~r;uiil floor tile with vinyl ~. . ." . " ,'. ..,.. , .... ...... ..,}., .' ....',X/;, ". .... ... :. Ceil$ng': Acoustical Ceiling tile, 2'x4'lscoredto :appear 2'x2'.. ': '. .. : ': ': . : ", <::.,: ,::,. .' " ,: ' ,', Wa).ls ~ Sheetrocke((sanded, primed and painted. ", '.' ':"'\,:": ',,' :: Office. and Re$eJltion Area :, ....... .'. .... ..' ",' "FloorS~Carpetwithcarpetbase.",..., '. " , ..'., '. '''. '.' Ceiling ~ Acousti~al Ceiling tile~ 2'x4', sc()redto apPear 2'X2' ,.c,' ":'" ~ \ ":'" W~l1s ~ Sheetrocked, sanded, prim~dand painted . ,.' ,',' ,,-: _, . ,..". . , " . MiScellaneou~, ..':.' ,. _,' . . '. ',,' ::;:',<, \ ~':: '_,'.: .: ,,, :.:.~ " . ',>" . ' ,c , . ...PIYW09d mezzanine above' offices dCsigned for: 7.5 PoundJsq~ footJ,o.ac:f:". '{~ :\~.';~; ';::;.: ,.:.. '.i '. ": <~, ,:..'- :, .~ >,: ."..' Alt~ripr.doors to be $Olid core'oak'doors.stainecjan(fSea1ed.,'~ .:'. ,.' > ,,::</> ;:;,-:".":,.:r..":,":;, ,...:', '.':; ..,';, ,kijCh\in' cabinets and COunter tops in).mcb'rootn;, ." : _ ."; ,':. . . _ .' ,\: :\:;.: :.'.~:." : '''.. . .'::.; ~', ':.. "")"~' ::', I:'. . .: , :" ' '_..'::....... :; .' .... . . . ..:, '..':.,,~.~,.~ ;-,: . _,' _':":'<'''/''::';''':''';'<.';''.' ,IX,~' DIjiL!.VJi;RY AND COMPI,ETION :':.' ."'. .'. .', ':'~';. ;; ''-':.:" ; .'., .,.:, Delivery Qf steel will be 10 - 11 weeks' after receipt of.-contract", '.'Project cOnipl~tion!is..._ :.. .,tW'~ck~)nionths ,"after delivery of steel, " contingent upon " reaSonable . av~lability., of 'labor ,an_d:::::,;~:(:';.', .' ' materiak'<, ,'.', " "..' ',', ", ',,", ' :"," :, ", """', '.\ , '.'. ,',., ...... ,"< ", 'F'i"~,:,"~,""':' ., .. ~ ;' 1-" : ;, " - f" . /,'~ 'T'" . , ~,- . , ' . . - ~, , . . \ .' , '.,' ~ . ~ , ~. .' "... ". _ r , ,_. . '\> ,. ~ '. ",~ ,'. ,'. . ;.. , , :.; x. . ( ~'. TERMS:".:", ' , '. .' :,' ". :. ,':' , , ,'",>,,, ' ,.-.-"< ".., ,C'. :'.: Five per cent (~%)ofthe contract amount upon receipt of the c~nthlcL ~Steel ~ohe'paid,.: . five'~ys 4fter delivery. Balance of 90ntract made at 'monthly interVaIs~ progress"paymentS; _:__ , . ;Final payment within five days after completion ofproject. ' ..' " '~~1~i~ili~~,!\~ .. I ~ '. .t " ' 0> <~,,:':>;./ .. ~. \ . ~. ; . '. ,. " ... ".. .' ,i, "<;.<g;,,~;};t;;:;';';~'~{~~;'{~*~s~;~i~1~~i.,tI4,il~~? '. ' ,.'~ I . . . . ,.j' . i < r , , . , . ~ . BASE BID COST for this project inCluding deliver.Y;-;frei~L"'applicable m:xes. eiecti~n;. steel~- co.ncrete and masonry, archi~ctunllm~ structural'drawing~.:site plan. and everything specified in this proposal: FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY TIiREE~QUS~ ~IGJ~IT HUNDREDSP'TY , EIGHT DOLLARS($433,868.00) , " .... -;, r'"",,_',::', .,'- "''::',' ',' : ", ' . . . " . ... '.' ". .'.. j.... . <, ." ALTERNATES ,,' _ ' _f,., Alternate #1 Replace 1200 Ampservice'with 160Q Amp Service ,i , , ALLOWANCES ' An allowance is a number i~cluded inthe'~ase bid,but'estimatecI at th~ time of the propoSal. con~ willtle adjusted once the actual costs are known. - ", " ,". , .' ,', .'. . . . . '. I' _ '. ~" .: ' i , :, ..' , \, ~,. '," ," .,' . ,\ ".': ;' -,,; .,".,,':' , ,',~ "..:' ::1d~:$~.???: 90 ... . /. I The , ~ . . ~. . ., Allowance # 1- Landscaping. Allowance #2 - Utility Connections , $5,000.00 " $10,000.00 '- : -, XL EXCLUSIONS.' --' ,- , . " '- - - _ Utility hook-up charges, building permit; land purchase cost~unforseen local.governing , body requirements and anything not specifically mentioned in this proposaL .: . ,'", . I .. I ' ' I , . . I :, _. - . ~ . , " ! ", .. . ....' , . ~ . I: ~, . . , ' We are certainly looking forward to working with you on this- project. Any further qUC::StiODsC3n_' ': be ~irept.t'to me or to Travis Rippie at (763)'295-1141. , . ' >, ... '.'.,. 1",' , . '.. Respectfully, , '.' . , ~. . , . 'r ~. I , " .'(J Thomas N. Feas~,', President " '." ;"'., .1' . . "'-', . . ..; ',;:~'; ~ '. .~:., ' . ~. ',....' ,.' ;l~' ~ , . ",,' .'-' '. ..' . " :"..' .<""~~:'\~ .~<,::': '~., '. . . . ~. ;,... .. -~',. . ..1, .'; " , . .,~.: ,::, .... . r., 'T'l,' . .!, '. ' J \. .'-,-.; , ~: ~ ".,'" -, ',-;~.. .:. '", .' .. . .'. iI '.,~. . ./ .... _ '1,'_ .;. ,; .' ~ ..'~ .. '. , .. t~ .'~ .', ,; '. " ~' t' ',. ,i. .. ,--. ..' .' '. \ ~. ". ~.'1'-. J, .',.' .,- :. t.... . .-' . ~ , " ~',' '../. - '-:. -.' ',~ . ., ': ~ ",- ~ , : '. ) ~ ,-1..' '... - ,.,-,','.-' .... .\' ~ ,', ':~ .. ..,>: , ." "'1, .'; ", ~ :. . ; "~"", '~:' , .. , '. .', :: '.';'" " ' ",. .. ., ',:. " 1 ., . ",.' ' .. ~ " '" ....' i ..' , . , ' ",' .:' , ....,~.;( , " , \ , :';,:"':./~ :-?:~~\?i::i;~:: ~;~~~i;~;~:~; -, - - ,,- .. " ....... :. i : ','.. ,,' . ,\' '1 , ' City COllllcil Ag.cnda -3112/01 8~,. Consideratio.n of an amendmenL!!t the Zoni~ Ordinance estahlishing huilding materialtl standan~s in the Business l)istrjds,_~Jll2Jicant: (itvJ!1" MilllJict;\lQ., (NAC) A. RITERI<:NCI:: ANI) BACKeJROIIND: lhe Planning Commission previously recommended adoption or ,In amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which establishes building r11<lterials standards in the Business Districts or the City. This amendment would not arfect the Industrial I)istricts. The intent or the amendment is to create a set 0 robjecti ve slandmds ror deve lopment 0 I' new commereial areas inlhe community. including the "1~emmc1c" site and. particularly. the West Chelsca Road arca. The Planning Commission elected to exempt the Industrial Districts rrom this proposal. based on prev ious discussions a bout I nd ustri al bu i ldi ng standmds and to avoid con rusi ng thi s issue bct\veen the t\VO general land uses. It is believed that the business districts arc more like I y to see hi gher bu i ld i ng investments. and th is ord i nance protects those invcstments rrom low-cost buildings being put up on nearby commcrcial parcels. It is also thought that the higher building standards arc best applied to commercial property \\ihich is more likely to be near to residential. or serve as a gatC\\ay to residential traffic. Where the City has allowed industrial and residential land uses to abut one another. there has been an eUort to ensure that traffic did not mix. Traffic is more likely to mix between residential nnd business districts. The materials proposed in the attached ordinanee arc primarily focused on masonry construction and exterior coverings. Pre-engineered metal buildings eould be constructed. and metal may used as a material. but only in limited amounts where ,i','.' exterior venecr covers most of the metal exposures. It is also noted that the Planning Commission' s intent is not to instituk a design review proccss ror the Business Districts. Rather. this amendment sets an objective swndard l~)r exterior materinls which can be reviewed by stafr \vith a building permit application. B. AL,lERNAlIVF ACTIONS 1. Motinn tn appro\'e thc amendmcnt. based on the rL'col11mcmlation or the Planning Co mm i ss i on. / j'v10tion to den\' the amendmcnt. based on atindim~ that the matcrials ordinance in nol " ~. necessary to manage development quality in the commercial arcas. " -) . Motion to table action on the amendment. subject 10 additional information. . City COllncil ^gcnda -3112/01 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval or the amendment as t(Hwarded hy the Planning Cmnrnission. Mostcommercial developments will have little trouhle \vith the regulations. The an1endment would help to protect the investments made by those businesses from low-quality development in the area. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Draft Ordinance . . . . . City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 2, OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO BUILDING MATERIALS IN THE "B", BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 3, Section 2 is amended by adding the following: [0] BUILDING MATERIALS: In the "B-1 ", "B-2", "B-3", and "B-4" Zoning Districts, the following building materials standards shall apply. The purpose of this regulation is to enhance the quality and longevity of buildings in the business districts of the City, and to protect the investment in property value of those businesses already made by ensuring complementary building style, construction, and appearance. 1. No galvanize or unfinished steel, galvalum, or unfinished aluminum buildings, except those specifically designed to have a corrosive designed finish such as "corten" steel, shall be permitted in the districts listed herein. 2. Buildings in these zoning districts shall maintain a high standard of architectural and aesthetic compatibility with conforming surrounding properties to ensure that they will not adversely impact the property values of the abutting properties and shall have a positive impact on the public health, safety, and general welfare, insofar as practicable. 3. Exterior building finishes in the districts subject to this Section shall consist of materials compatible in grade and quality to the following: (a) Brick (b) Natural stone. (c) Decorative concrete block. (d) Cast-in-place concrete or pre-cast concrete panels. ~A . . . (e) Wood, provided that the surfaces are finished for exterior use and wood of proven exterior durability is used, such as cedar, redwood, or cypress. (f) Glass. (g) Exterior Insulated Finish Systems, where said system is manufactured to replicate the look of one of the approved building materials in this section. (h) Stucco. 4. Metal exterior finishes shall be permitted only where coordinated into the overall architectural design of the structure, such as in window and door frames, mansard roofs or parapets, and other similar features, and in no case shall constitute more that 15% of the total exterior finish of the building. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. / /s/ / . . . City Council Agenda -3/12/01 9. Consideration of a Dcvelopment Sta2:c Planned Unit Development for a Townhouse Dcvelopment in Klein Farms Estate 211(1 Addition, Applicant: Ea21e Crest. (NAC) A. RLH-=:RENCE AND 13ACKGROUND: ^t its last Ineeting. the Planning COlnmission recommended approval of the Development Stage PlJt) for ~:ag1c Crest. The applicants had Inet with staff and made a nurnber of changes to the site plan based on stalland Planning Conllnission comments. The discussion at the Planning Commissionmecting focused on two main issues. The first is the need fl.lr enhanced landscaping as noted in the Commission stair report. Those comments rellected a need to enhance landscape treatments along Farmstead Drive and around the individual buildings. and ensure that the bulTeryard plantings were in compliance with staff and Ordinance requirements. The applicants indicated that they would work with stair toward this end. rhe second issue \vas a layout concern noted in the original stall reports. and was also the subject of stall discussion with the developer. The plan shows three driveways serving units in the west half of the project which do not extend through to connect with other streets. leaving a "dead-end" pattern/clr these units. Staffhas originally sought a through pattern JCll' these driveways due to concerns over Inail delivery. trash collection and truck movements. and the lack of turn-around ability at the drivev,iay ends. Two of these driveways serve eight units each. and the westernmost driveway serves fi.Jur units. I n a Ineeting with stafr. the applicants stated that many ofthcir tenants would prefer the dead- end arrangement even though it meant that they would have to haul trash and recycling containers to a common remote location. Although starf \vas concerned about this mrangemenL it was agreed to support the proposal based on the appl icant" s request. The Planning Commission also debated this issue. There was some split of opinion as to whether the through circulation should be enforced. or the dead-end arrangement would provide a more secure neighborhood. The Commission agreed to recommend the project as designed. with the condition that the landscaping be enhanced to meet stall approval. B. ^LTERNATIVE ^CTIONS Decision 1: I. Motion to approve Eagle Crest Development Stage PLJD. subject to the recommendation of the Planning Commission li.)r enhanced landscaping accordi ng to the staff report fi)r March 6. 2000. - I - City COllncil Agcnda -3112/01 . 7 Motion to approve the Eagle Crest Development Stage PUD, subject to the recommendation of the Planning Commission ror enhanced landscaping, and a revision to the site plan which requires through driveway connections 1'01' all units. 3. Motion to deny the Ea,glc (.'rest [)cvelopnlent Stage Pt.JI)~ bc.1scd on (l finding t.hat the proposed design docs not rise to the level required ror PUD llexibility. 4. Motion to table action on the ['~agle Crest Development Stage PUD. subject to additional information. Perhaps table and send to Planning ConHnission for further lTVle\v. Dccision 2: I. Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat for Eagle Crest based on the Development Stage PUD layout as approved in Decision 1. 7 Motion to deny the Prelirninary Plat ror Eagle Crest consistent with the denial of the PUD in Decision I. based on the linding that without PUO approval. the plat does not cornply with the City's zoning regulations. . .., .) . ['vlotion to table action on the Preliminary Plat subject to additional information. c. STAn;' RFCOMMENDATION Stall recornmends approval of the Development Stage PUD and the Preliminary Plat as submitted, with the condition that the developer revise the landscape plan to signilicantly enhance landscaping along the farmstead frontage and around the individual buildings. As staffhas noted previously. PUD is intended to result in projects that have superior design and amenities as the trade-off for permitting the applicant to vary zoning standards. such as public street frontage and resulting project density. and other llexibledesign details. Without the enhanced bndscaping for this project stall does not believe that the PUD threshold I()J' higher design would be met. With regard to the driveway design issue. stafr was generally persuaded that the dead-end arrangemcnt \vould be acceptable. based on a requirement that the applicant would provide comrnon trash receptacle locations for pick-up. that mailbox areas would be combined in accordance \vith post oftice recommendations. and that the developer would notify new buyers 0 r the trash-handl i ng req ui rements. Th i s \vas an issue 0 f much debate. both at stair and Planning Commission level. and it is t~lir to say that there \vas no overwhclrning consensus. . -2- .. . . 5)). City Council ^gcndn - 03112/0 1 Consideration of acccptin!! final plan of the l{ivcr Mill 6th Addition. (.10) ^- REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider approving the final plat of the River Mill 61h Addition which consists of threc lots and a pathway. This plat would encOlnpass an outlot that was originally intended to be given to the City for park and pathway purposes. City stall strongly supports the adoption of the plat because the grade of the property makes it difficult to maintain and worthless for park purposes, the new plat maintains a pathway alignment per the original plan and because the park dedication requirement for the development has been met. Also, the plat creates new lots where none existed bel(lre. Finally. extension of a slnall storm sewer segment vvith this plat will allow correction of a problem with run-ofl crossing into the adjoining property to the north. Aner the latest version of the plat submitted it has been suggested that the plat be amended slightly by creating outlots of a size and shape that match the adjacent River forest lots. By doing this. the City would have the option ofsclling or giving portions of the outlot not needed J(lr park purposes. T'he property owners would then be responsible for maintaining their share of the wooded area outside of the pathway casement. It is not being proposed that this property be translerred at this timc. however by platting small out]ots that rnatch adjoining parcels. the transfer could be easily done at some timc in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the final plat and development agreement f<Jr River Mill 61h Addition. Motion contingent on creation of outlots matching adjoining River Forest parcels as described above. Approval of development agreement subject to final review by the City Attorney. ! Motion to deny approval of the final plat and development agreement for River Mill 61h Addition. C. STAFF RECOMMI~NDArION The City Adlninistrator reeOlnmends alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Plat - (Development Agreelnent available fl.)!' review if desired) I.etter from Andrew BrotzleL WSB -1- ,'- / ! I <Z o ....F 0- ~g ~< o -7 4.~"::- O....C) k" w::f t::i Z:i-- ':,j. :::J L ""' ....e:::1 - 0 ~~-c.~ 5 we::: ...J Vl Cj <( j I J!l M..SO,1006SS OL'OS o '" .t- O> N Cj -7 4_ C'~ I I r-- ~ I I I I I ~- (/) LIJ 0:::: C) LI_ ""/ LJ~ LIJ > 0:::: -/. 1-" :'\ b f(t. SO'S fr ~ +., t..../// '<./() vOt.... " 00'001' 3.6~.sl088N ~/ / ~O! , , ! -..1../0" l..tf:-' -,t..I\....J' _"'j I '4 V I ~ ~ r-i~ !'q i:; I ~~"'~ i-."'~ '" I i-.!Ol~ ~ -J ~~::;!:l ~ I ~'" &.; za I i:i..~~ ~ I O~~i:; I ~!'ilo.~ ! ~L__J ~t!~ttj ~ tsl~~ ~ --:r- l ~!ol~~ I I !!j~~~ ~ I t~~~ I ~&.; !Ol ~ ul JO;",;S~ :;J -1 ~I~~ ~ I ~ ~ I III Q If ,g f=. 1; "''J ...:; It...., '<. V 1 '<.. \"""\ I.....' 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City Council Agenda -3/12/01 I), SUPPORTING D^TA I. ! Site Plans Planning Commission Staff Report -3- . . . Planning Commission Agenda -3/06/01 5. Consideration of a Development Stage Planned Unit Development for a townhouse proiect in Klein Farms Estates 2"'1 Addition. and consideration of approval of preliminary plat. Applicant: Eagle Crest. (NAC) A. RI':FERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission tabled action on Eaglc Cresfs Dcvelopment Stage PUD at its February mccti ng. due to a number of out stand i ng design issues. and the appl icanf s i nabi I ity to revicw staffcolnments. Since that time. the applicant has submitted a revised plan which mccts many of staWs recommendations. The previoLls comments. and the applieanfs responsc, are sumlnariz.cd below: The easterly access road should be Inoved to the east boundary and loop around the end units. In this way. the entirc eastern halfofthe project could be served by a continuous loop road without the dead end section. 'fhis is an issue for City trash removal service, as well as f()l' general circulation. This change should not result in a loss of units, since units 45-47 could be shifted west slightly. 1. The easterly access road should be moved to the east boundary and loop around the end uni ts. This has heen done to stafl's sat isj'acl ion The redesign has led to a slight increase in unit count, and the souther~v townhouses in the east halj' of the project /0 he grouped into eight-unit hui/dings. instead of the prel'ious/hllr-lInit clllsters. 2. The wcstern-nlOst driveway should be continued around to loop back and connect with the westerly access road. nle a/)jJlieant 's have requested that this change not he re(/lIired. and hal'e agreed to re(juire trash pick-up and f11ailhoxes to he located along the loop road. .','/aff agreed to support this design, with the condition tlwt residents are lIwde {{I1'(I!'e oj' this requirerllent. The de)'e/oper argu('(/ that residents in the lIester/J' units \\'ould prefer a . 'dead-end .. dril'nwy ll'ith less cOl71'enient senice locations. rather than the loop dri)'(!, .., _L The two dead-end interior driveways in the quad-unit area should be continued to intersect with Farmstead Drive. The spacing of buildings in this area should be a minimunl of 60 fect from f~lCe of garage to f~lce of garage. The driveway widths of I g feet would be adequate in this arrangement to permit backing and restricted access to the residents and service vehicles. . ". ! , -1- err, . Planning Commission Agenda -3/06/01 The "de(f(l-end" arrangcrnent is retained as ~I'ith Note I, under Ihe swne condilions. ,\/)(fcing and driwll'({)! ~l'idlhs appew' 10 {neellhe requiretnents lisled ahove. 4. All driveways and roads in the project must be paved and curbed. The only exception to curbing is for the 20 to 22 foot long driveways which lead directly into the garages from the access driveways. Except l(w the 18 foot wide driveways speei fieally mentioned above, all other private streets and drives must he a minimum of 24 feet in width. face of curb to Lice of curb. This requiretHenl appears 10 have IJCen {net in Ihe nell' plans. 5. Provide additional visitor parking spaced throughout the development at a minimum ratio of one space per three units, a total extra parking supply of at least 21 spaces. Visilor pa{'king appears 10 he udell/Ulle us {'edesigned. 6. Provide a 5 f()ot wide concrete sidewalk along Farmstead as shown on the plan from the trai I connection on the east to the west boundary of the property at Edmonson A venue. . This {'equiretnenl H'ill he met {IS requesled 7. Significantly enhance landscaping within the f()Undation planting areas around the buildings. The current plan shows a per-unit planting of only four shrubs around the entry sidewalk. Much more planting around the building is suggested whe.l'" none is now proposed. This rccomrnendation has not heen me I. ThefiJUndution plantings continue 10 he spa{'se al hest. A pun requires Ihul in exchangefhr Ihe signijicanlvarialions/i'orn ('ode minin/wHs, design und wnenity enhancenlcnts a{'e included Il'hich {'esull in a superior projcct randsCll/Jing is onc oj'the mosl hasic enhwlccmenls, and should he extensive. The Cily has enfhrced this approach ~I'ith all olher fJ(/Us. including Klein Fanns Eslales. adjacem 10 this project to the casl. X. Enhance planting along the Farmstead Drive exposure with a buller planting similar to that provided by Staff as an exhibit to this report. This buffer is designed to provide an "open" screen for the rear yard spaces which face the public roadway. Slaflh(f(f f)J'Ol'ided a sketch exwnple (~lenhanced opcn screcning along Farrnstead and in a rneet ing, had explained that this treal/nent. or sonICI hing cornfJaruhle, H'ould . 2 Planning Commission Agenda -3/06/0 I he anticipated along the lenglh of the Farmsteudfj'ontage due to the signijicant a/IlOunt of rear yard exposure. The applicant has included {{jell' such enhuncernents, hilI u suhstuntiul increuse Il'ollld he neces,\wJ' to meet the expeclutionsf()J' pun designut ion. 9. Enhance planting in the bufferyard area along the north boundary. One of the considerations for the private street encroaching into the required buffer area is additional butTer and screen plantings in that area. The proposal relies entirely on existing plantings and should be strengthened. For the portion of the bufferyard where the road encroaches. an additional eight deciduous trees and 50 large shrubs would help to increase the buffer density. The hllllelJ'ard lane/H'uping lI'ill Ineet Ordinance re(jllirenlents, and the reco/Ilmendat il!l1s olSta/l 10. Provide increased plant sizes over the east portion of the bufferyard. The grading plan shows a swale in this area which is about 3 feet in depth. The plants should be increased in size to accommodate the require buffering effect. 'fhe zoning ordinance currently requires :2 1; inch caliper deciduous trees; 6 (()ot high evergreen species; and at least 15% of all deciduous trees to be at least 3 IS inch caliper in size. Staff would recommend that all deciduous species in the bufferyard be at least 3 Y2 caliper inches and all evergreen species to be 8 feet in height to make up for the swale. This area of the hllltel}'urd Il'ill also meet re(juirements. 11. Finally, cluster mail box locations and identiiy trash receptacle locations consistent with postal and trash-removal requirements. The applicant has agreed to this requirClnent, und is It'orking H'ith sta/lwulthe j)ost olliceliJl' uppropriate locol ions. f'or the Il'estern side oft he project, on urea olong the northern loop drivCll'U)' II'ilj he set osidefor this jJ/1rpose. This areu should he improved similar 10 u sidell'olk hehind Ihe curh/iN' euse o!snoH' remOl'ol und u ht/rd sur/llcefhr trush receptacles und rn:vcling containers u1\'(liting pick-lip. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend approval of the Development Stage PUD and approval of preliminary pIaL subject to conditions mentioned in this report and recommendations of the City Engineer and Public Works staff. -3- Ci C-- Planning Comlnission Agenda -3/06/0 I 2. Motion to recommend denial of the PUD, based on a finding that the proposed improvements do not qualify the project for PlJO consideration. 3. Motion to table action on the PUD. subject to additional information. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StalTrecommends approval. but only with additional plan improvements noted in this report. As we have stated in this and other PUD reviews, PUO is a zoning technique intended to increase the quality of development design. Without the improvements which make for a clear finding of higher quality, PUD should not be used. and development should be made to comply with all 7.Oning requirements. including public street frontage for all units and other basic zoning regulations. D. SUPPORTIN(] DATA 1. Development Plan 2. Landscape Plan -4- ,.......,,....1 Ave. ~HVI~" E f f [ ~ .. . r-,. .... \!' ~ ......:l.-:.)~ ~~i::IG ~;i ~HK ~~i~ 'r[ t' S':t.,~ ~_ ~~ ,J-! ~~.~ ~~l~f uI ~ ~.". ~ t~ l! ~ t ~H ~ v; f ::; ~ ~ 'V ~ ~ r ::t j r- ~ '" IV '" t. ~ HUr . : \1: .: :' : ,~ ~:~ : I~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ l~: l:! ~ ... z n l!l 0 li ~ ;~ 8 2\- ~ ~ ~: ~ B ' '. 9 'it J'l f . r; , ... ~f T -n !" ~ .. 3 !"b !. ~ ::Iii l\' I /'i" ! ~t I t .:: :~ i -s ~ ill: li U ~ I ~~ ~ l:l ~ti !j! " "ill Ii w ~~ ... - ill ... ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ n '" ~ ' " ., \ \ _ -l ---- I < !n ,z a- ~: ... ... ;s: ~-- ;u ,IU, 'b' --",,1.- .~ "~i ~) ," I~ ~~:~ "n.n) J~""-;;' = ~'N"ci ~~ f -.. .. -I l' . ..FDRIVE ~ Z. '0 I ,-, 1)1 I -I I I I 11 "' :u I I I lJ :::0 f'1 r 3:: z )> :::u -< a:: o Z .., (=) ~ Z r _\ -0 oo~ r- ~'"z]ttJ )> ..... n --I Z ..... ~ ~ ~ fJl o .., ~ r G') :c --I z G) lJ r )> Z . . . l!1 City Council Agcnda -3/12/0 I Consideration of an Amendment to the Zonin2 Ordinance Increasint!: the Si2n Area and Height for Pvlon Si2ns in the B-3 District. Anplicant: Monticello Dod2e. (NAC) A. REFERFNCE AND BACKCiROUND: Monticello Dodge has rcquested the City's consideration of an amendment to the sign ordinance which would significantly increase the allowable area /()f "pylon"" signs in the B-3 District. including the allowances f()r electronic display. The proposed sign the applicant requests is 40 feet high. and provides fl.)r up to 750 square feet of sign area. nbout one third of which would be a digital electronic display similar to those /"ound at sports arenas. The applicant estimates the cost of this sign at over $7(lO.OOO. Current regulations limit pylon signs in the freewny corridor to 32 feet in height nnd 200 square feet in area. an increased size based on freevvay exposure. The Planning Commission. alier some discussion on the merits of the proposal. recommended 3-1 against the amendment. Various issues were raised, including the removal of an existing billboard on the site. the likelihood of other similar signs being erected in the freeway area, nnd the recent approval of the electronic message provisions I(Jr Monticello Ford limiting this type of display to 70 square reet in area, and the decision not to arnend the area limitations \vhen the Ford dealership requested. Two primary concerns are raised in this regard. The existence of the billboard should be only a temporary issue unrelnted to the erection ofa new ell1-site sign. The Conditional Use Permit which wns approved for Monticello Dodge was tied to a site plan which did not include the billboard, nor propose its continuation or relocation. The applicant would be in violation of its Conditional Use Permit if the billboard is not removed prior to occupancy. Because billboards are non-conf(mning structures under the Zoning Ordinance, they may not be moved to another location when the site is improved in accordance with the ordinance. The second issue is possible proliferation of signs of this size in the freeway district. The City has its Inost discretion in regulating land use when it has different standards !()r di ffcrent loning districts. The B-3 Distriet is the lowest current threshold !()r adopting an amendment of this type. It may be possible to change the code to make automohi Ie dealerships a sepnrate zoning district with greater signage allowances. although the Planning Comrnission J()llI1d this to be an unnatural distinction. A rational basis would be necessary for the adoption of this type of amendment. Under the current loning ordinance, several B-3 uses may be interested in increasing signage. Planning Stalfhas seen signilicantly larger sign requests made by McDonalds and SuperAmerica in other areas. Gould's Chevrolet would likely be compelled to COll1pete with - 1- . City COllllcil Agenda -3/12/01 Dodge. and Monticello Ford, although only recently approved, would probably look for the opportunity to keep up with its competitors. There are numerOLlS other national chain retailers in the area, and the proliferation of very large signs. in planning stares opinion, is more likely than not. B. ALTERNAIIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the sign mnendment to accommodate the sign proposal or Monticello I)odge. based on rindings that the increased sign size will be benct~cial to the cornmercial development of the area. ! Motion to deny the sign mnendmenL based on a finding that it would lead to e1utter or the City's commercial district and freeway exposure, and \vould not be in keeping with the aesthetic and livability objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. J. Motion to table action on the sign amendment pending additional infi:mnation. Perhaps Council will support a smaller. lower sign that vvould allow this type of sign in a conti ned district. . C. S'IA,,",," RECOMMENDATION Stall does not recommend the amendment. As noted. such a sign would not appear to be consistent with the City's COlnpn..::hensive Plan goals. Instead of the signillcant arnounts to be spent on signage in the freeway corridor. staff would recomrnend building and site enhancements which add to the attraction of the architecture and to the attraction of Monticcllo as a livable cOlnmunity. If Council is interested in allowing this type of sign, the it is recommended that the height and size be reduced and that an attempt is made to establish a district where such signs arc acceptable. D. SUPPORTlNCi DATA 1. ! Proposed Sign Illustration Planning Commission Stall Report . -2- MAR-01-2001 10:56 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/02 t I ( I I 1-----I.J -- -- - ~ L___J 1- t~ . r - - --l 1--'---- , t---- ~ .......... --.... -....-.... { ... U\ r\\ . .. ~ ~ (:) a ,D J I ~ ~ Ii g s: ... ,... -~ ~ '" ? ~ I" ~ . ~ ~ ~ TOTAL P.02 . . . Planning Commission Agenda -3/06/0 I 6. Consideration of an amendment to the Zonin2; Ordinance to permit increased size for freestanding and electronic signs. Applicant: Monticello Dodge. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello Dodge has submitted a request which would allow for increased sign height. area, and electronic display size for freestanding signs. The proposed sign is approximately 750 square feet in area, 40 feet in height and includes an electronic display that is approximately three times that 01" the current area allowance. The current regulations were adopted to accommodate the electronic sign recently installed by Monticello Ford last year. That Ordinance required that electronic displays could he a part of a pylon sign to a maximum of 5()l% of the sign display. hut no more than 70 square feet. Pylon signs for properties such as Monticello Dodge are currently permitted to he 200 square feet in area, and 32 feet in height. This is an increased size for properties adjacent to freeway areas. The sign features a digital display that is capable of showing "te]evision~like" images. The proposed Monticello Dodge sign is flu in excess of the City's current regulations, which already include a "honus" size provision for freeway Ii'ontage. It rivals the size of billboards which have heen long restricted. Moreover. planning staff is unaware of comparable sign allowances in other areas. The City's 200 square foot and 32 foot height standards arc in line with many other metropolitan area communities. and exceed the allowances of several. Finally, Monticello Ford installed a sign based on the new regulations adopted by the City just one year ago. ^ change to the regulation could be read to have an unequal impact on similar husinesses in the same area and zoning district. The proposed sign will replace an existing billboard. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recornmend approval of an amendment to the sign regulations to accommodatc the proposed freestanding sign for Monticello Dodge. Motion based on the finding that a fi'ee-standing sign of this magnitude is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. Motion to reconllnend denial of an amendment to the sign regulations. and require compliance with the current standards. ,., ., . Motion to tahle action on the amendment pending additional in!()I"mation. -1- lbD . Planning Commission Agenda -3/06/0 I c. ST'At.'!,' RECOMMENDA'('(ON Staff does not recommend an amendment to the regulations. The current language was adopted just one year ago to provide a consistent basis f()r regulating and allovving electronic signs. The overall sign size has been appl ied to many businesses in the area, and no unusual circumstances would appear to apply to this site that would compel a change. Finally, planning staff helieves that increasing the size to accomlllodate signs of this size would eventually result in a serious aesthetic problem, as well as cluttering competition f(lr sign size and location as more businesses adapted to the new standards. This result would not seem to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and other land use planning which have made community livability and attractiveness in1portant objectives. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Proposed Sign Drawing . . -2- . 11 . . City Council Agenda - 03/12/0 I Consideration of ^ccepting Feasibility Studv and call1i.)r a public hearing on CCD district sidewalk and pathway improvements. (JO) ^- RIJ.,\.:RENCE ^ND BACKGROUND The feasibility study on the CCD sidewalk project is now complete and ready for City Council review. As you recall, the feasibility study was ordered some months ago in response to a petition from the Towne Centre developers and in conjunction with the expansion of Sunny Fresh Foods. Also. the HRA was on record as willing to use '1'1 F funds to pay for pathway imprOVell1ents along the Fifth Street right-of-way. In response to these Ii.lctors. the City Council authorized completion of a feasibility study to identify costs associated with installation of sidewalk. pathway. brick paver pedestrian crossings and strectlighting. The feasibility study is now complete and available Ii.))' review. The cost estimate for this project is $273.520. Please note that the Public Works Deparllnent and the Design ^dvisory Team have been providing input through the design process. The property owners affected by this project will be provided infi.Hlnation and given the opportunity for providing feedback now that cost and design data is available. Please review the feasibility study for detail. Following is information worth emphasizing. some of which is also included in the report. . The assessment program for the sidewalk sections calls J'i.)r the City paying 75% and the property owners paying 25% which is consistent with the City policy. Brick pavers between curb and sidewalk are proposed in areas where there is head-in parking and much pedestrian traffic. This includes the areas along Walnut Street between Marquette Bank/Edina Realty parcels and the rail road tracks. The full cost of pavers are proposed to be assessed to benefitting property owners. OveralL given the contribution by all property owners benefitting from the project. 471Yo of the cost will be assessed and 53% paid by the City/HRA. The cost to the City for these improvenlents can be funded with proceeds from existing funds to be repaid via future levy or through bond proceeds. Rick has noted that the City may bond 1(.)1' other projects in the near future and that the funds needed for this project could be included. Authorization to proceed with plans and speciJications \vill be requested at such time that completion of the Towne Centre project is assured. Final touches on the closing documents/plans are being prepared and a closing date has been set fl)r Friday. March 30111. It is proposed to design the bid spec to ask I'i.lr bids on both the pressed concrete and brick paver which will give Council a choice at the time the project is ordered. The developer will be installing brick pavers at the Towne Centre site. . - 1- . City Council Agenda - 03/12/01 B. ALTFRNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion accepting feasibility study and call for a public hearing scheduled for April 23.200 I. ! Motion to deny accepting feasibility study. c. SOtOOAFF RECOMMI':NI)Aol'ION The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. ofhe project is relatively simple and provides for necessary ilnprovements to the sidewalk system. The "extras'. associated with the paver crossings and ornamental street lighting come at the request by the Towne Centre Developer who is paying a large share ($6CUlOO) of the cost. D. StJPPORTING DATA . Copy of feasibility study . -2- . . . 12. City Council ^gcncla -3/12/0 I Considenltionofan amendment to the Zoning Ordinance revisinl! the reuuirements for accessory buildinl!s in sin1!le family residential areas. AJlIllicant: City of Monticello. (N^C) ^- REFERENCE AND BACKCiROlJND: Planninl..', Cornmission discussion had l..',enerated a review of the Citv.s accessorv buildin!2 L L. ....,.1 L,... size requirements. Previous residential projects had raised an issue as to the appropriate size fix such buildings in relation to the storage of residential equipment (especially vehicles and recreational equipment) and the trade-olTbetween principal building and accessory building si/.e. The recommended amendment is the result or that discussion. It retains the City"s current thresholds of lOll'll or rear yard and 1.000 square fcet but adds some additional I ang uage. ^s currently written. detached buildings may be built within the above limitations. IloweveL there is no provision for considering more accessory space. and there is no limitation on attached accessory space. Therefore. it is conceivable that a single li.lmily home may have more accessory building on the site than principal building. raising an issue as to the real principal use. for most newly platted lots. the size restrictions work to limit outrageous building sizes. but many Cities have seen situations where it appcars to be more appropriate to approve larger accessory buildings where the lot si/.e can accommodate it and allow the enclosure of what would otherwise be outdoor storage. The Planning Commission report and proposed ordinance are attached. The amendment includes language which calculates the combined size ofattaehed and detached accessory space subject to the 1.000 square foot maximum. as well as a circuit breaker provision to allcnv up to 1.500 square feet by CUP. giving the City the ability to approve the larger building upon a positive review. B. ^LTFRNAI'I VE ACTI<JNS 1. Motion to approve the amendment to the loning Ordinance. based on a finding that the provision yvmlld better address accessory use needs in the single bmily areas. ! Motion to deny the amendment. based on a finding that the current regulations are adequate without amendment. , .,. Motion to table action on the amendment. subject to additional information. - 1- . City Council Agenda -3/12/01 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StatTn:commcnds thc amcndment approved by the Planning COll1mission. While the new language would add somc limitation by including attached garage spacc in the calculation, the provision j<Jr largcr buildings by CUP gives the City the authority to approve more aecessary space when justified after City review. I). SUPPORTING DAf^ ]. Planning Comrnission Report ! Proposed Ordinance . . -2- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/02/01 6. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance rel!;ardinl!; accessory buildings in residential districts. Armlieant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittman provided the staff report noting that staff and Planning Commission recently discussed the consideration of amenchnents to the City's accessory building size regulations. A draft ordinance which would replace the section of the zoning ordinance which currently states as follows was provided: 4. No detached accessory building shall exceed ten percent (1 Oill)) of the rear yard or one thousand (1.000) square feet in floor area, whichever is less. The amendment would include both attachcd and detached accessory space within the 10% / 1.000 square f()otmaximum. add a requirelnent that the accessory space may not be larger than the building f()otprint of the principal use. and create a CUP process for having larger accessory space than the limits. As noted previously. the current regulations address detached space only. but have no "circuit breaker" to allow larger buildings. and creates an absolute cap of 1.500 square feet. In some instances. larger buildings may be appropriate. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. IIearing no response, the hearing was closed. It was felt by the majority of the members that 1.000 sq. ft. was too small and this may create an over-abundance of conditional use pennit applications for larger units. They also stated they would prefer to be more generous regarding space rather than have storage/parking along sides of garages and houses. They discussed the possibility of 1.200 sq. ft. which Grittman stated it is difficult to get more than 1,000 sq. ft. on a single t~lmily lot and if someone were to build a two car size unit in the rear yard it would consume approximately 1/3 of the yard. Grittman also advised that most neighborhoods have rear yards tacing each other and it would be more pleasing to see green space versus buildings. Fred Patch stated that in reality, the demand for garages larger than 1.000 sq. ft. happen approximately one every other year. The members agreed to changing the ordinance to 1.200 square feet. A MO'flON WAS MADE BY ROD DRACiSTEN AND SECONDI-]) BY RICHARD CARLSON TO RECOMMEND APPROVAl. ()F TI IE PROPOSED ORDINANCf.: AMENDMENT WITH CHANGES AS STATED ABOVE. MOTION BASED ON TIIF FINDINCi TIIAT TilE PROJECT IS CONSISTL.:NT WITI-I THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Motion carried unanimously. -4- ) z- Ft . . . City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-2 [0], OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO ACCESSORY BUILDINGS ON SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. THE CITY COUNCil OF THECITY OF MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOllOWS: Section 1. Chapter 3, Section 3-2 [D) 4. is amended to read as follows: 4. Except by Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to Section 3-2 [D) 5., for single family residential uses, no detached accessory building shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the rear yard of the parcel on which it is located, nor shall any combination of attached garage and detached accessory building exceed the following maximum area, whichever is less: (a) 1,000 square feet; or (b) The gross square footage of the building footprint of the principal use. Section 2. Chapter 3, Section 3-2 [D) 5. and Chapter 3, Section 3-2 [D) 6. are amended to renumber said Sections as Section 3-2 [D) 6. and Section 3-2 [D) 7., respectively. Section 3. Chapter 3, Section 3-2 [D) is amended to add Section 3-2 [D) 5. as follows: 5. The size limitations for detached and attached accessory building area listed in Section 3-2 [0] 4. may be increased, up to a maximum square footage of 1,500 square feet, by the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit when the following conditions are found to exist: (a) Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. IZ~ 6 . . . (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. (c) The accessory buildings will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. / /s/ / . . . OW .....1 \...9 ..,,1 -< 00" u~ ~ ~~ zo OU '" u t.L.O C '" ~o t :-~ uU)~ 00 0 L,n ..,. o en eO eO l') t.') ",co Wu f-< .. U]'" ;-'-'0 U] .. co ,~~ ........ <': H UH ';2;0 .~ 0 Z'" H .....~. Ll, a) N V1 .~~. UN <':0 III ..., "., .c< '" H 0 '" H U III .' '" " '" 0 eO H " '" Z eO ;:0 '" '" '" U " W IT) UJ '" "" U UJ oj '" C' ..., , 0 Z ," '" '" '" '-' co " '" [.< .c< Z '" 00 '" :.: [.< '" Z E 0 00 '" u :.: 0 '" '" 0 U III H '" c <': .C< H oj f-< 0.0 N <': 0 N 0 .. U " - ", 0 H " .C< co 0 p '" .C< '" " p ~, .' ~ '" H " " H 0 :0 " Q' 0 C ,:; IT) tr; '" 00 '" <!J [9 '" '" '" ,., .;; N :: (T z N H"," .., ;;; ~ f-< c' 0 <': ., (j)' 0 '" .' '" '" -...,.--.----- "-' o (l) ~, :0 'C '" .r: " U] . 0 '" '"' ,., '" ," ,., '" ", e- .". 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Per the Contract, the contract is def~lUlt if the facility no longer operates as a manufacturing facility. I've received Knut Flakk e-mail in Norway and will be preparing a letter to address the Contract. The last day of employment is March 16 and which will begin the 30-day notice from the HRA. The Contract can be assigned to a new manu[1cturing company if sold with legal costs assumed by other than the HRA. The amount of tax increment remaining in the District account is between $35,000 to $40,000 depending on use of audit report or the finance report. The property is listed by a Minneapolis real estate firm and appears on the DTED web site. Employees have been referred to the Monticello Work Force. The project generated about $69,000 in taxes annually. Property taxes are current. The biggest impact to the City of Monticello is the lose of wages, $886,000 annual per survey of June 2000. The business has been purchased by investors from Wisconsin (their distributors). The Norway shareholders will be a minority owner. A facility has been purchased in Ashland. WI, and machine and equipment is being transported. Vector Tool - Interest continues on the Vector Tool site to construct an additional 15,000 sq ft building. This a PUD amendment. Space to be leased by three businesses. Red Wing Foods - This distributor of gourmet foods did make an offer on the H- Window building contingent on the I-{- Window leasing back 20,000 sq ft. Needless to say the oner was not accepted. Red Wing Foods had requested to be on the HRA agenda in March but withdrew in order for the company to internally decide on size of building they need. If tenant can to found, they along with other investors would consider construction of a larger building. Red Wing Foods customers are Lunds, Byerly, 'farget Greatland, etc. Redevelopment Some interest in redevelopment of house at the Maple and West Broadway. House for sale along river. Block 62. Corner of rront Street and Linn Street. NORTH ANCHOR O'Neill, Lahr, Koropchak, and a local developer met on March 2 to discuss some potential development ideas for Block 52. It was decided that first thing needed was a survey of the block City Council Agenda - 3/7/01 to identify the boundary lines and elevations. The survey is for Block 52 including adjoining Walnut Street. River Street, and Pine Street. The HRA Chair authorizcd order ofthc survey and the HRA authorized payment of the survey on March 7. It was felt a survey was necessary in order to consider redevelopment of Block 52 whether in hold or in part. Redevelopment of the North Anchor is within the City's Comprehensive Plan. The HRA extended the effective date of the Preliminary Development Agreement with Barry Fluth to April 4 relative to redevelopment of the Amoco site plus surrounding sites. The project if constructed would he in two phases. First being the Amoco site. "l"he issue of parking requirements and WAC/SAC fees associated with restaurants was the topic of the evening. The Planning Department plans to place this on the March 26 Council meeting. Assuming the Purchase Agreement is executed by the Carlson, Mr. Helvey will then be directed to proceed with the counter-offers of the HRA to O'Connor and Bostic. The Im.A tenant in the Schlief House on Walnut and Front Street gave his 30-day notice to terminate effective Mareh 31,2001. 2