City Council Agenda Packet 02-12-2001 . SPEAKER SIGN-IN SHEET Monticello City Council Meeting Meeting Date: February 12.200t Please provide your name, address, and the number of the agenda item you wish to discuss with the City Council. Thank you. I NAME I ADDRESS ITEM # ! . ~. ~OY'(O ) ;; ; ;j /J"1 , . I' "' : . Dawn/Word/Forms """"""-. . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 12,2001 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst. Brian Stumpf. Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approve minutes ofJanuary 22, 2001 regular Council meeting. ., .) . I Consideration of adding items to the agenda. {~R.- (). P ~ f ~ .. '. f ( A. Pt44M/1-l( {vMWI (he __ ~~ I:> (A. .. - f( '1l . . -ro . ~lI\'o 'tJ of ( ~ULt.u ~d ","-1- IA-df!rc JM ~eff (f~~~) J-2]-O(! 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests. and complaints. s. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the Community Center and Liquor Store. B. Consideration of a development stage PUD and preliminary plat to permit the expansion of a bus service and sales facility. Applicant: Hoglund Bus Company. C. Consideration of approving the date for annual board of review. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of a request for modification of deferred assessment - Edgar Klucas property. 8. Consideration of US Filter (PSG) contract for operation of wastewater treatment plant. 9. Consideration of appointment to Cemetery Committee. 10. Approve payment of bills for February. 11. Adjourn 1U{ - ~~ M-n;., . 'A lSnOV\!INVNn CElI}llIV:) NOLI.OV\! 'NOLLOV\! ~~Hl o~aNOJ:JS NOS1{]V.) {nDOlI 'VClN::IDV IN:::ISNOJ 31 LL ~{AOlIddV 01 O::IAOV\! N3T:l11 LL ~':Df11I8 'pJ~p1UJp! SB JJ1U;lJ Al!UnUILlIo:) Jll1 JOJ SJ;lAOjdlll;l JllI!l-llud ;lq1 JO 71U!J!q Jq1 AJ!1B(l :uopl',puawwOJall 'JJ1UJ,1 Al!UnUlUlo,) Jlll JOJ SJJnl,mdJp pUP. SJJ!L[ M.JU 71u!Al)JddB JO uO!1U];:lP!suo.) '.) 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'NOLLO/l\1 ~"Lt CEICINC}.):e-/S .Ls~nl]IIINI1:) '}FELLNITIOA 'IVNOLLlOCIV :~NO NV (]NV TIIH J.JO,JS 'S}13A V(lJ )1,)1(1 3AU V IN:.IS:I(ld:e-/lI NOISSI/I\1/1\10:) S)I(lVd 'TIDN~r !)D]}ra '1N:iUN~lLNJ(r3d(lS )I(lVd 'V~IOJ;\JIS NI-I()r }IOL)3ma S)J}IO;\\ ,JrI8lld 'NOS"nrVJ }H~)(n:l }r]HV\l~IJ;\J-I[')N(10.J 'SlI:J8V\l3V\l XIS JO ~)NLLSISN(>:) :-:-ELLLIV\l/l\10J ),,([11.]/1\1],) ]CIIS}EIA[}[ V dll Le-/S CH CI]AOV\l N:e-/TIIH.L ]:)(1}18 '.1d1t1l PJpJI;:lS Jlj 01 UJZ!J!:" JJl{lOUB pUB ,PAnJ.L )[J!}1 plm 'PH 110JS ")lflu:J flib.la 'IWmI!S uqor 'uoslJn:) .lJ;10}1 : J;1ll! lULlIO:l ;1ql UO SJJq lUJlU X!S JAnl{ 01 pJsodO.ld S! 11 'UO!lB.I;1do ^JJ}dLU;1:l Jlp 01 ;1U!lBl;1J S,lnSS! ,\\,l!.\J.I 01 pJp;1;1U St] PJllI Pl'lOM JJl1!IUllIOJ dIll pUB ;1Jl1!IULlH\) ;1U!I:l,(:n(j ;:lq1 01 .lDl!LU!S uo!qsn./ t, U! 111;1lU1,llxba )p1'd Jlp U!lW\\ un ps Jlj [P,M J;111!IUlUO,)I\.lJl;)lUJ,) JIll T,;1ldlUlUO:l S! 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JdOClV OJ CI]AO/l\1 :ldV\l(US NVllIU ';111!.mJq J!lqnd Jl\l pJso[J UJl\l slmslJU ,1O^PJ;\J 'lU;:llUSSJSSP p:lsodo.lu Jl\llSU!P;1D.lO .10.1 J)[ods OqM lUJSJ.ld JUO ou SP"M J.lJlI.L "SJ!l!l!ln 1uJnbu!IJp .H~J 110.l1U:JUlSS;1SSD pJsodOJd :Jlp uo ;1U!.mJq Jqqnd dIll pJllddo seDslJH JO^PJ;\J 'A}uno:) OJ UO.l JUJLUSSaSsu jO UO!lt~;)~m.lJJ pUl~ smq AJ!mn JUJnbu!IJp .IOJ 110.1 JUJUlSSJSSI~ paso 0.1 nU!l( opu UO!JnIOSJ.I c.JO UOHIUJp!SUO~) - "!.Icall J~lqnd 'L ";)UON 'uo!SsnJS!p .I0j l~puanU lUJSUOJ Jill UlO.l.J pJAOlUJ.I SUlJ}!.JO uO!lC.lJP!SUO:) '9 . ... IO/ZUI - SJ1IlU!V\lP:lUt1O,) Council Minutcs - 1/22/0] . I) Adding all the puhlie parking lots in the downtown area to the category of being plowed by 8 a.m. on normal working days. The Council felt that it was a priority to the businesses in the downtown area to have thc parking lots cleared and recommended including the public parking lots in the downtown area in the category of being cleared by g a,m. John Simola indicated that to accompl ish this, personnel would be taken off sidewalks and pathways. 2) Pathways - The city had received a request to plow the pathway on the east side of TII 25 from Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park to Oakwood Drive and the pathway on the north side of School Boulevard from Scrvice Drive on the west side ofTI-I 25. There was also a request to plow the 6' wide pathway in the Meadow Oaks area. John Simola reviewcd with the Council the segments of pathway and sidewalk that the City currently clears, The consensus of the Council was that the segments of pathway on TH 25 and School Boulevard be included and as time permits the staff should be encouraged to open other pathways segments. 3) Parking lot hy lift station - Meadow Oaks Area - The City had received requests to have the parking lot by the lilt station and by Freeway Fields plowed for COll1muter use. The staff \vas hesitant to create additional COmll1utcr parking lots when there was an established lot on TII 25 r(lr that purpose, In addition there was concern ifconlll1uter parking use \vould interfere with the use of the park especially in the summer. There was also concern about people parking vehicles there that they were trying to sell. The City staff suggested that commuters may want to just park their vehicle on the street. . The Council generally discussed the snow plowing policies and the proposed changes. Brad Fyle spoke to the Council about the sidewalk in the area of St. Ilcnry" s Church on 3td and Maple Streets. He asked if the City would consider having the City lnaintain it or eliminate maintenance of it. There was some discussion on the amount of use the sidewalk gets. At the present time, those sidewalks not maintained by the City are maintained by the property owners The staJTwas concerned that eliminating any segments of sidewalk from the maintenance requiremcnts of the ordinance would set a precedent. A resident asked what would happen to their vehicles i I' they were parked on the street during the snow removal period. City ordinance restricts parking on any street between the hours of :2 a.m. and 6 a.n1. from November 151h through April 15th. Other than those times parking is allowed, however. if there is a snowfall 01'2" in accumulation, all vehicles are to be offcity streets in order for snow removal to take place. This requirenlent would pose a problem Jill' those commuters parking on the street. John Simola suggested that lnaybe the Parks Commission should make a determination on how much space they could allmv for commuter parking \vithout it interfering with park use. Clint Ilerbst suggested that the City could plow the lot tl.)r the balance of the winter and then look at this issue again. . BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO TilE CITY OF MONTICFLLO SNOW PLOWING/RFMOV AL POLICY AS OlJTLINED BY THE PlJBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND TO ADD THE FOLLOWING ITI.:MS: " .J . . . Council Minutes - 1/22/01 A. Switching the downtown area parking lots li"om heing plowed within 12 hours aner an event to be being plowed by 8 a.m. after a 2" accumulation of snow. H. Establishment of additional smaller commuter parking lot at the Meadow Oaks public parking lot for the balance ofthc winter scason with the Council to look at this issue again. C. Plowing ofthc pathway on the east side ofTH 25 from Kjellberg's East Mobile Home Park to Oakwood Drive by McDonald's and the pathway on the north side of School Boulevard from Service Drive on the west side of TH 25 and including the ISTEA pathway when that is completed. D. Plowing of the 6' wide pathway in Meadow Oak fronl Mcadow Oak A venue to Mcadow Oak Drive not to he included as part orthe snow removal policy but would be done it time permits. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. In additional discussion. Clint Herbst suggestcd that the sta/TIook at the sidewalks segrnents to be added or taken off the snow removal policy. If the sidC\valk is a vital pathway then may be it is something the City should he responsihle [()r keeping open. 10. Consideration of proposal from "DR for reuuest for proposal for design build of sludge thickener. The Council reviewed the proposal from IIDR noting the cost was not to exceed $19.733. I3RIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TilE PROPOSAL FROM J-1DR rOR TilE PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND PHYPARAIION OF IWSIGN BUILD DOCUMENTS FOR A GRA VITY BELT THICKENER AT TI-IE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $19,733 WITII THE WORK TO BE COMPLET'I:::D IN THIRTY DA YS AND TI--IE WORK TO CONFORM TO MINNESOTA STATF ST AfUTES FOR DESI(,N BUILD. BRlJCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSLY. Update - Scattered Housing: JelTCfNeillupdated the Council on what had taken placc with the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund as far as the scattcred housing rroposal. The HRA has been working on this and prepared a list of approximately 19 hOll1es that could eligible I()t" this program. The city is requesting Council approval to put an application in I(n grant approval. At this till1C the application is not completed and it may require a spccial mceting of the Council to rcview and approve the completed application. JdIO' Neill stated that the City. as part of the grant proposal. may w'aive trunk and hookup charges for the property affected. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED 'ro DELEGATI~ AUTHORITY T'O TIlE MA YOR TO REVIEW AND APPROVE THE GRANT APPLICATION INSOFAR AS WAIVING OF TRUNK AND 1l00KUP CIIARGES. IF UllIER ISSUES ARE INVOL VEl) IT MA Y NECESSITATE A SPECIAL 4 ~ J:JCPDdS fh,!pJOJd}1 -.-... , ' ... --- "A lSI10V\!INVNn CFII}(}IV,) NOnOV\! "NOI10W:11 LL CEIONCLEIS NOS"nlV,) }(:IDO}] "W"d O~:L IV Nlll10CClV 01 G:1^OV\! .:lelWI1JS NVI(l8 'U.lno!py 'n "A lSnOV\!INVNn CFJJ}I(lV:) NOLLOV\! 'NOIH)W 3H1 UJCIN():)3S lS~HI:H I .LNIl,) "AllVf1NVr 1l0:1 STIl8 clO J.N:..JV\!A Vel :1^O}lddV 01 CH^OW N:JT](J J.L :..J:)[l1l8 'A.mn UI~f .10.1 slI!<1 JO luam Aud JAo.ld<ly 'II 'A"ISnOWINVNn 0311111V,) NOllOW "N0I10V\! :..JIU O:JCINOJ:JS NOS"nIV,) ll]!)O}1 "lDNI10J AID :JHI:lO DNI1:J:JV\! to/ZZII - SdlllU!V\!l!JUllO,) . . . . . . Counci I Agenda - 2/12/0 I SA. Consideration of a Liuuor Store. (RW) ncw hircs and de artUl'Cs for the Community Center ~tnd A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Thc Council is asked to ratify the hiring or new enlployees that have occurred recently at the Monticello Community Center and Liquor Store. As you recall. it is recommended that the Council orticially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratit)! the hiring of the part-time and seasonal employees for the Community Center and Liquor Store identified on the attached list. C. SLJPPOI{TING DATA: I ,ists of new part-time enlpJoyecs. NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Daina Duerr Lifeguard MCC 12/29/00 PT Kate Broman Asst Director MCC 1/24/01 FT Michael Buennich Clerk Liquor Store 1/9/01 PT Steve Tomczyk Custodian MCC 1/14/01 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Leanora Porter Reason voluntary termination Department MCC Last Day 1/20/01 Class PT . . employee councillist.xls: 02/05/2001 I "~, . . . 5B. City Council Agenda -2112/01 Consideration of a Development Sta2:e PUD to permit the expansion of a bus service and sales facilitv. Apolicant: Hoglund Bus Company. (JO/NAC) A. REfERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Hoglund Bus has applied for a Development Stage PUD approval continuing their proposal for an expansion of their facilities hetween Oakwood Drive and Interstate 94. The site plan which has heen submitted proposes a 10,680 square foot building addition, with a significant amount of paving added to the site in the areas of traffic circulation and parking. Green areas arc designated on the site plan, and a number of trees are proposed along the west and southwest houndaries. A grassy hus staging area is located to the west of the building addition, and the bulk of the bus sales display area on the east portion of the site would remain grass and unchanged. The layout generally complies with discussions which staff has had with the property owners. A few details should be added to the plan to conll)fm to those discussions, as well as common PUD standards: 1. Additional tree planting would be advised throughout the property. Cl'here are a number of spaces marked "Green" which would henelit by planting in addition to lawn, and would discourage driving or other misuse. 2. The applicant is seeking a waiver of the City's general requirement f(x concrete curh surrounding all parking and driveway areas. In lieu of this requirement. staff and Planning Commission would recommend that the parking areas be supplied with movable concrete curb stops to help delineate parking spaces and avoid contact between vehicles and buildings. These curh stops can also he helpful in identifying driveway "intersection" locations and protecting buildings from other vehicle movements. Staff and Planning Commission also recommend construction of curb at Oakwood Drive access points. The curb should extend from Oakwood Drive right-of-way line to a distance 01'30'. This to enhance the aesthetics of the site. A sketch has he en provided hy stafr on the site plan illustrating proposed locations. 3. A drainage plan is provided to the City Engineer for review and comment. The applicant has identified a major drainage-way through the property from the motel to the freeway which will need to be accommodated with the improvements. 4. The applicant shows a large area of bus parking which is currently covered with grass. This grass should be mowed on a regular hasis. City Council Agcnda -2/12/01 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommcnd approval of thc PUD Devclopmcnt Stage Plan. subject to compliance with the requirements in this report noted under items 1-4 above. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the PUD Development Stage, based on a finding that the PUD zoning requires more extensive improvements than those proposed in this plan. 3. Motion to table action on the PUD Development Stage, subject to additional information. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of the Development Stage plan. with the comments made in this report. As noted in the previous Concept Stage approval by the Planning Commission and City Council, the City believes that the level of improvements on this site arc appropriate for the use. The amendments suggested in this report would enhance the utility of the current use with minimal additional cost and would also improve the aesthetics of the property. . D. SUPPORTINC; DATA Exhibit A - Site Plan with Staff Recommendations 1997 photo rc)r reference . 2 . . / / I .. .. . I >> 5 J\ --? . .. / / / / / / / / / ,,' /\ ,.. " , ...." ...... .." "\.. '" " "~,--'...'" '. ' , ' --...... I" / .... ,/ '.... .' , .' , I ,.' 0 " , -'_.1' . / <{, "\ / / "" .I~#. " ,," I, '" " , '. " .1"01,,. , , ,1' \,~ /,' It.." ," "'", "ll. iii".. / ~ ~ ./ I / . " i' ..- .I" ~". ,//' '... ~. ,,' .l:Q I t' l ......... ,:) a ~ VI ! ._ H", I /i I I / r ! ~ i / r .... ..... -...... _: I r --.~ ! ('" t"1 I" '>of "( '''' ....... ~'!!"t"'f'I'''' ~ - -"'-=~"=-""..::..-"""-'" Cl"~ ~. .Ail~ - - .; -..: :.: :. '.,: . .'. . . .&.It' -----...::.:.;.' ..: :..: .:....;... . .... ... tI..l1' ; ;::: - ':"'::"':",: -.. -... AII(A - - . 5D-~ Council Agenda - 2/12/01 . sc. Consideration of approvin~ the date for annual hoard of review. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Assessor's office has scheduled Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 7 p.m. as the date fiJr the Monticello annual Board of Review. If this date is not acceptable to the Council, we need to let the County Assessor know as soon as possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve setting Wednesday. May 9. 2001 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2001 Board of Review. 2. If this date is not acceptable, Council could suggest an alternate date or starting time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Letter from Wright County Assessor. . . . . V~TV ()~ C/O ..&...-\ ~~~ \- ! .." ..6y 1ea6 GERALD E. KRITZECK, SAMA Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 240 Buffalo, MN 55313-1183 Phone: (763) 682-7367/(763) 682-7368/1-800-367-3667 FAX: (763) 682-6178 February 6, 2001 Rick Wolfsteller Monticello City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: 2001 Local Board of Review Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: The 2001 City of Monticello Board of Review has been tentatively set for Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. If this date will not work for you please let me know before February 15,2001. If your supervisors would be interested in changing the board of review to a daytime meeting, please let me know. Currently, almost half ofthe townships in Wright County hold their boards starting at either 9:00 a.m. or 1 :00 p.m. If this is not practical and you are interested in beginning the board meeting earlier or later than your tentatively scheduled time, please contact me. Due to the length of some of the boards it may be worthwhile to consider a starting time of7:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m. or earli er. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ -;qfd Wright County Assessor GEK/rmt .sc . . . Council Agenda ~ 2/12/01 7. Consideration of a request for modification of deferred assessment - Edgar Klucas Propcrtv (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: [n 1981. sanitary sewer, water and street improvements were constructed along West River Street leading to the new NSP training l~lCility and the current NSP softball complex. Mr. Edgar Klucas was the owner of approximately 651 feet of frontage and was proposed to be assessed $37,206.32 f()r the improvements. Other property owners in the area included NSP Ii)]" their training f~lCility. the AI~Anon Society building and also the Llectro~ Industries property. During the assessment hearing. Mr. Klucas objected to the amount of the assessment as he was not ready to develop his property and the Council decided to defer the asseSSlnent until such time as the property developed with the assumption that the cost of the improvements would be increased annually by the construction price index each year. The idea was that Mr. Klucas would be responsible tt)r the cost of the improvements based on current construction cost at the time the property was developed. [n 19X9. Mr. Klueas had agreed to sell ofT a corner of his property /i'clllting on West River Street to the Meadows Devclopmentto al[ow Marvin Elwood Road to conneetto West River Street. Because part of the property being sold was affected by the improvements constructed in 19X 1. the City had calculated that the portion that applied to the property being sold \vas originally $6.179.92 and if increased by the construction price index It)r 7 Y2 years. the new amount \vOldd be $X.072.83. Mr. KJucas again objected to the amount of the assessment and his legal counsel. Metcalf and [.arson. IClt that the City did not have the right to increase the original cost of the assessment above the actual cost incurred back in 1981. Based on this objection. only the original amount of $6, 179.92 was applied to the portion being sold and the Council was advised by the City Attorney that we needed to assess the balancc of the deferred amount ($3\ J)26.31) as an official deferred assessment against the balance of Mr. Klucas's property. As a result of this recommendation. the amount of $31 J126.31 was set up as a deferred assessment with interest accruing at the rate of 130;;) annually until paid. rhe interest rate established tt)!" the deICrred assessment \\as the same arnount of interest rate that was charged to other properties that \vere assessed in 19X I tt)r this project and also was the same amount that was assessed to other projects such as the Lauring Hillside/Seventh Street area and any other projects that happened to be tinanced that year. The above background brings you up to the point today where Mr. Klucas is in the process of selling the approximate 16-18 acre parcel to a developer. but is requesting that the City consider reducing the amount of interest that has accumulated on this deferred assessment. The amount due as of February L 200 I would be $77.867.26 li)r the original deferred assessment as adopted. In addition to this amount. there is also a second deferred assessment that was levied in 1989 ti)r Mr. Klucas's share of the Marvin Road extension in the principal alnount of $3.226.3X that has accrued with 8 3/4 (Yt) interest to $6,341.83 as of February 1 '1. The total amount due for both assessments would be $84.209.09 as or February 1'1 with an additiomd $ll.X2 per day liJr each day after February I SI. Mr. Klucas is requesting that the Council . . B. hlo ~ "'\ ~ . Council Agenda ~ 2/12/01 consider a reduction in the interest that has accrued to a lower level than the 13();;). While it is unfortunate that the interest rate was at I 3 (Yo. this was the cost of borrowing the Inoney in that year and rdlects the amount of interest the City had to pay on the bonds \ve issued. Likewise. other property owners who were assessed over a ten year time frame vvere also charged 131/'() interest. In checking with the Wright County Auditor's oflice. I t(lUllLj out that the County charges 10% interest annually on any del i nquent taxes or special assessments and if the City was to adjust the accumulated interest to only be 10% from the date we paid olT our bonds (2-1 ~(2) until today, the amount owing could be reduced by $R.375. The basis fiJr this type of reduction could be that the City's bonded debt was paid off in February of 1992 and we not have been paying that high of an interest rate after that date. As an additional note. when the City Council did adopt the deferred assessment in 19X9. 7 1/2 years after the origi nal improvement was constructed. we did ordcr an appraisal of the property by St. Cloud Appraisal to support the deferred assessment. The appraisal indicated in MayoI' 1989 that the improvements assessed increased the val ue of the property by $61. 900. As you can sec. the market value of the property was supposedly increased by almost two limes the amount of the original assessment twelve years ago. While the accumulated interest may see like a large arnounl. I would have to think that the market value of the entire parcel today has still exceeded the deferred assessments and the question becomes should the City subsidize the dercrred assessments i r the market value increases that have occurred over the last 12 years exceed the dercrred assessments? ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The Council could deny the request for an interest rate adjustment on a deterrcd assessment. Under this alternative. the total amount due on the two deferred assessments would total $R4.209.09 as of February 1 \I. ! The Council could adjust the det'erred interest rate alter February I. 1992 to the same rate the County would have charged on delinquent taxes (10%). The total deferred asseSSlnents as of February 1 sl would be $75.R33.97. 3. Thc Council could adjust the dcferred assessment by some other basis. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: There arc a number of factors the Council eould consider in detennining this tinal assessment amount. First ofal\. the property owner has voluntarily removed the automobile parts and debris that had existed on the site for a number of years. The sale of this property to a developer will likely see new housing projects being proposed that will ultimately increase our tax hase. The Council also has to recognize the City has a few other deferred assessments on record and that if a reduction is made in this case. we may be seeing the samc type of request . . . Counci I ^genda - 2/12/0 1 from other property owners in the future. Recognizing that other property owners did have to pay the high interest rate in 19X I. there docs seem to be a basis f<.,r reducing the deterred interest rate down to I nOIl) alter f'ebruary I. 1992 which would result in over an $X.300 savings. This would coincide to what the County would have charged any other property owner if the taxes or assessments had been delinquent since 1992. Given the fact that the property owner was not charged any additional interest f()r the first 7 '/2 years. it is recommended that if an adjustment is to occur. option #2 would seem reasonable as it corresponds with the County"s delinquent interest rate. D. SUPPORTING nATA: Copy of original assessment breakdO\vn. Calculations at different interest rates. Copy of appraisal summary supporting original deferred assessment. .., .) . . . 1981-1 PROJECT ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT - EDGAR KLUCAS original Frontage Less: Marvin Elwood Rd. Assessable Frontage TOday 651.82' (60.00) , 591.821 Sanitary Sewer $10,100.38 - 591.821 = $17.0666 ft. Sewer Service $ 363.91 Water Main $ 9,441. 20 . 591.82' $15.9528 ft. - = Water Service $ 268.32 Street $17,032.51 . 591.82 ' $28.7798 ft. - "" . ORIGINAL TOTAL $37,206.32 Sanitary Sewer @ $17.0666 ft. Sewer Service @ $363.91 ea. Water Main @ $15.9528 ft. Water Service @ $268.32 Street @ $28.7798 ft. ORIGINAL ASMT WITHOUT 60' ROAD FRONTAGE Construction Price Index Increase - 7-1/2 yrs. proposed Assessment (491.82') _ Klucas $ 8,393.70 $ 363.91 $ 7,845.90 $ 268.32 $14,154.48 $31,026.31 X 130.63% $40,529.67 (100') Frie $1,706.66 -0- $1,595.28 -0- $2,877.98 $6,179.92 x 130.63% $8,072.83 -, ~ v....rr ~( ~c (,.J :.. J-m) 1 ." A srv't A------ --J{L:J -. - -p-- .~- --------------E _~___n____'____.______~_________._~~_______~~___~_.~._----..--- --.. --.----- -- -----.. - ~ 3, I 0 2-c;, ., I fLA-. , ~~~_..,~~~_~..... _ _..~~_,~_, .~,~_ ~.~.u~ '~.".U.~_.~~"~___'_'~_'_.__.____".______.. - ~-t-. [0, 5YJ- rlS" C? (J'l. (C -2/-f'1 7V .)-1-(2--) __~._~~__'_____,..'_....._-.------~__~.___~~___~__",~__~__ __~_~~~.._~,_,~_~_,~~_~~_,.~~_~~~.~___ _n_______.__.___._._.____ ____ _.~.__ ".".., __..___.. m___._____.._____,,_.__..L~~yi~_ 7-~ 13 (.3/ .__ (}}~_!!.r ____C?:f='"~_~.__~__~_=/___~{)...__. ~~______~~~ r f. 7 7 -+ - J97(;Jr-~;;Pe;;;.- ~--~--.----~.--~---------~-----------------......._--_.---"-~-~'~-i-"~/=--;;"I"-"'-'- ;;;1--;;--7 ~-- -.-------- -----.~~-------- --~sy..t\~ ..._______._______________...._...._.__..____..m__._...._.________--. -- ----- -----..-- ---"------ ------ .-.~---- --.---------------- --- ---~f~ ~~;~~T------------- - - - -- - _u -" -. - -- .. .----- .----;:---------1'.;-/ J-;~.v~==-~--------ca-f~J7;-~--..--(/~.i ~-7(}:/7J- _ 2 -/ -0/) _.____~..___.___.._____..___'"_____________.___;;;::,.....(-._--..-_.-..-.-..__~._.__. ,_~______"_'_'__~_________",,____,__,____.,,,__,._. ____..._._.... ____.t.__.. ___ _ __ _. - i==~~~=~==- ~n~~_ nn--=n--~~/~~(6~Jjfj~~n_ ==--=~f~~=~nni7 4 nitj~e~~:E-!-L2Ln--n...n...... =~-=~~=rk~~ _:~t;7__~_n~~t~==ni~~-;~~~i;;~Ei=Z::-f!~=. n._ .----- PROPOSED ASSESSMENT CALClJLATION EDGARKLUCASPROPERTY . 81-1 Re-Assessment Principal Interest Interest $31.026.31 10.542.15 27.923.68 * $69,492.14 @ 13% (6-21-89 to 2-1-92) ({:& 10% (2-1-92 to 2-1-01 ) + $8.50 interest per day after 2-1-01 (10% rate is the interest charged hy Wright County on delinquent assessments) 89-01 Assessment Principal Interest $3.226.38 3.1 15.45 $6.34] .83 @; 8 3/4% (1-8-90 to 2-1-01) + $.77 interest per day af1er 2-1-0 I. . II Total as of2-1-01 $75,833.97 II * NOTE: Iforiginal deferred assessment was calculated at 13% interest - Amount due as of2/1/01 would have heen $77,867.26 + $11.05 per day after 2111011<.)[ the 81-1 Assessment. ... I ST. CLOUD APPRAISAL, INC. . REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS SUITE 101, ROOSEVELT OffiCE PARK 606 SOUTH 25th AVENUE ST. CLOUD. MN 56301 PHONE (612) 253-4488 KEN ..JOHNSON, MAl VlCE-F'AE$IOENT MIKE AMO, RES PRESID!;:NT .. THOMAS W. MONTREUIl.. SRA ,6,5SOC1AlE ..JEF"F" ..JOHNSON A$~IAi't CHARLES R. GLASSING. MSA. AAR A$S,OCI.A."T"E June 7, 1989 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City Hall 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Appraisal of Edgar L. Klucas Property, Value Before and After Improvement Project 1981-1 of Sewer, water, Street Improvements, and Storm Sewer to River Street, Monticello, Wright County, MN . Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: In accordance with your request and authorization, I herewith submit my evaluation of the referenced property. I personally inspected the property on May 17, 1989. The purpose of this appraisal is to estimate the Before and After value of the pro- perty, as the result of installation of the improvements referenced. As a result of my analyses and conclusions contained in the attached report, I have arrived at a Before and After value of the subject property, as of May 17, 1989, of: . 1 1 I I. FAIR MARKET VALUE PRIOR TO UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENT INSTALLATION THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($33,768) FAIR MARKET VALUE AFTER UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENT INSTALLATION NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY DOLLARS ($95,670) DIFFERENCE IN VALUE AFTER UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENT INSTALLATION (ROUNDED) SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($61,900) If I may be of further assistance in this matter, please contact me. 4It Respectfully submitted, Q1 , AAR Charles R. Glassing, Associate Appraiser CRG:cmh I I " I 2 I . . . Council Agenda - 2/12/2001 8. Consideration of U.S. Filter (PSG) contract for operation of the wastewater treatment plant. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous Council Meeting the City Council approved entering into a new five-year contract with U.S. Filter/PSG for an annual amount of$521,026. The contract includes operations and repair and maintenance at the wastewater treatment plant. The contract also includes an escalator for an annual CPI increase of3.5% as long as the actual CPI is less than 5.5%. In actuality, in the past almost all of the CPI increases have been negotiated down or to less than the CPl. Because of the extensive effects of electrical and natural gas increases, those are in the budget but are left open in the contract. The contract does not include natural gas costs for running the Inproheat Class A pasteurization system as that is still in limbo. In negotiating the final contract we ran into a little bit of difficulty with U.S. Filter's standard contract language in regard to liability. U.S. Filter's standard contract language would limit the secondary liability from a standpoint it would only include gross negligence. City staffhas insisted upon keeping the existing PSG language which requires U.S. Filter to be liable for secondary causes attributable to just negligence. U.S. Filter has indicated that they would not wish to change their standard contract form but would allow this contract to remain under the PSG umbrella as many ofthe other current contracts such as government contracts are today. Years ago, in 1986, when we first entered into a contract PSG, the City Attorney advised us that a contract performance bond was not necessary due to the great depth and financial resources of PSG. We have asked U.S. FilterlPSG to provide us with a contract performance bond in the amount of the value of the annual contract renewable yearly. They indicated they have no problem in doing so. A copy of the fmal negotiated contract is enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the PSG contract with the additional language requiring a contract performance bond and authorize the mayor to sign the contract upon receipt of that performance bond. 2. The third alternative would be not to approve the new contract with PSG. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council opt for alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the new proposed contract with PSG. . . . ." AGREEMENT FOR OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE MONTICELLO W ASTEW A TER TREATMENT FACILITY THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into on the ]st day of January, 200], by and between: The City of Monticello, a municipal corporation with its principal address at 505 Walnut Street, Suite], Monticello, Minnesota 55362 (hereinafter referred to as '<CITY")~ and Professional Services Group, Inc., with its principal address at 14950 Heathrow Forest Parkway, Suite 200, Houston, Texas 77032-3842 (hereinafter referred to as "PSG"), WHEREAS, CITY owns and provides for the operation of the wastewater treatment plant~ (hereinafter referred to as "Project")~ the term "Project" is defined in Appendix A of this Agreement. WHEREAS, PSG is in the business of managing and operating similar projects. WHEREAS, CITY and PSG have previously contracted for the management and operation of the Project. WHEREAS, CITY and PSG desire to continue their relationship for the management and operation of the Project. WHEREAS, CITY and PSG desire to enter into a new agreement to replace the existing agreement for the management and operation of the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, CITY and PSG agree as follows: 1. GENERAL 1 , 1 All definitions of words or phrases used in this Agreement are contained in Appendix "A". 1.2 All grounds, facilities, equipment, and vehicles now owned by CITY or acquired by CITY shall remain the property of CITY. Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 1 of 23 '~ 1.3 This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State ofMINNESOT A. . 1.4 This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of each of the parties, but neither party will assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 1.5 All notices shall be in writing and transmitted by certified mail to the addresses stated above. 1.6 This Agreement, including Appendices "A" through "I", is the entire Agreement between the parties. This Agreement may be modified only by written agreement signed by both parties, Wherever used, the terms "PSG" and "CITY" shall include the respective officers, agents, directors, elected or appointed officials, and employees. 1. 7 If any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated. 1.8 It is understood that the relationship of PSG to CITY is that of independent contractor. . 1.9 Neither Party, one to the other shall be considered a consumer nor a merchant pursuant to any consumer or trade practices law or regulation, and the parties' specifically agree that the application of any such laws or regulations to the terms and conditions herein is inappropriate. 2 Scope of Services - PSG 2.1 Within the design capacity and capability of the Project, manage, operate and maintain the Project so that effluent discharged from the Project meets the requirements and conditions specified in Appendix "C". PSG may modify the process andlor facilities to achieve the objectives of this Agreement; provided, however, no modification shall be without CITY's prior written approval, if the complete modification Cost shall be in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). 2.2 Provide and document all Maintenance and Repairs for the Project, exclusive of PSG plant labor. The total amount for Maintenance and Repairs that PSG will be required to pay will not exceed the Maintenance and Repair Limit as specified in Article 4. 1. . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 2 of 23 . 2.3 PSG will provide CITY with an accounting of Maintenance and Repairs on a monthly basis. PSG will provide CITY with detailed invoices for Maintenance and Repairs over the Maintenance and Repair Limit. 2.4 Provide MAINfENANCE PAC, a computerized preventive maintenance program. Such program will document maintenance activities, as well as maintain historical information. All computer hardware located on site will become the property of CITY at the termination of service under this Agreement. MAINTENANCE PAC may be purchased by CITY at the termination of services under this Agreement for five thousand dollars ($5,000). This cost includes all fees and licenses for databases employed in the MAINTENANCE PAC program. Such sum to be paid to PSG in accordance with Article 5.2. 2.5 Develop repair or replacement guidelines for Capital Expenditures. Such guidelines will incorporate, among other items, notification to CITY of need to replace and a standard requisition for Capital Expenditures. 2.6 Provide OPERATIONS PAC, a computerized process control program. Such program will maintain accurate current records, as well as historical data and trends. OPERATIONS PAC may be purchased by CITY at the termination of services under this Agreement for five thousand dollars ($5,000). Such sum to be paid to PSG in accordance with Article 5.2. . 2.7 Maintain the present industrial waste sampling and laboratory analysis program as described in Appendix "D". Results of all industrial sampling and testing shall be reported to CITY in a timely manner. 2.8 Provide for all laboratory testing and sampling required by the plant performance portion of current NPDES Permit, process control and the current disposal program. Any changes in requirements by any authorized Agency, City, County, State or Federal Governments may increase or decrease the scope of this Agreement. 2.9 Prepare the required NPDES Permit plant performance reports and submit these to CITY for transmittal to the appropriate agencies. 2.10 PSG will staff the Project with a licensed State of Minnesota "A" WWTP operator per Minnesota requirements and a minimum of one (1) additional operator with a "c" WWTP operator license and the qualifications to write the "B" WWTP license unless otherwise agreed to in writing between PSG and the CITY. . 2.11 Staff the Project with employees who have met the certification requirements of the State of Minnesota. Meet the Department of Transportation Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 3 of 23 requirements for appropriate employees driving over the road sludge vehicles with annual drivers' licenses checks. 2.12 PSG will provide ongoing training and education for appropriate personnel in all necessary areas of modem water and/or wastewater process control, operations, maintenance, safety, and supervisory skills. 2.13 Provide adequate staff to properly operate and maintain the Facility to meet the regulatory agency and safety requirements eight (8) hours per day Monday through Friday, except for holidays. On weekends and holidays, staffwill be provided for two (2) hours each day. Standby on-call personnel will be available seven days per week, twenty-four (24) hours per day. 2.14 Cooperate with CITY to coordinate cost accounting and inventory control procedures. 2.15 Pay all cost incurred in normal Project operations. 2.16 Provide for the disposal of sludge to the permitted disposal sites none of which are further than ten (10) miles from Project. PSG will assist CITY to acquire additional permitted sludge disposal sites including an annual cost of $750 for outside laboratory services and excluding extraordinary costs. 2.17 Provide PSG's full-time safety program including an Emergency Response Plan and Hazardous Material Communication Program. PSG's Emergency Response Plan will interface with CITY's Emergency Response Plan. 2.18 PSG will implement and maintain an employee safety program in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations and make recommendations to CITY regarding the need, if any, for CITY to rehabilitate, expand or modify the Project to comply with governmental safety regulations applicable to PSG's operations hereunder and federal regulations promulgated pursuant to the Americans With Disability Act ("ADA"). Nothing herein shall be construed to place upon PSG a duty to find and report violations of either the safety laws or the ADA at the Facility. 2.19 Develop a sludge management program that will include land use and an appropriate record keeping system. 2.20 Assist CITY to enforce existing and new equipment warranties and guarantees. 2.21 Provide reasonable access to CITY's representative to audit PSG records of Direct Cost of Project. Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 4 of 23 . . . ..-.. ..... . . 2.22 Provide twenty-four (24) hour per day access to Project for CITY's personneL Visits may be made at any time by any of CITY's employees so designated by CITY's representative. Keys for Project shall be provided to CITY by PSG. All visitors to the Project shall comply with PSG's operating and safety procedures. 2.23 Provide an inventory of CITY owned equipment (i.e. vehicles, portable pumps, generators, etc., not permanently affixed to the property that is in use at the Project when PSG began service.) PSG agrees to comply with the CITY's Property Management Control Ordinance Number 125, dated 5/9/83 and updates as adopted. 2.24 Provide an inventory of existing supplies, parts and tools when PSG's services commences on January 1, 2001. In the event of termination of this agreement, the final supplies inventory shall be equal to the inventory at the commencement of PSG's service. 2.25 Provide CITY on a monthly basis, a report of Direct Cost similar to the format and in the level of detail shown in Appendix HE". 2.26 Coordinate and cooperate with CITY's engineer and contractor to facilitate the completion of any expansion or improvement to the Project. 2.27 Cooperate with CITY to acquire mutual aid agreements with CITY Departments. 2.28 Provide at CITY's request a performance bond to guarantee performance by PSG. CITY will pay the cost of such bond in accordance with Article 5.2. 2.29 Perform other related services to the Scope of Services as directed by CITY. Such services will be invoiced to CITY at PSG's Cost plus ten percent (10010). 2.30 Periodically update and maintain Project O&M Manual. 2.31 PSG shall not permit its employees to utilize any part of the Project for any personal use whatsoever. 2.32 PSG shall make best efforts to comply with relevant CITY policies. It is recognized that various CITY policies are inappropriate to PSG. 2.33 Provide adequate security at the Project to protect the property and the general public. 2.34 PSG shall operate the wastewater plant to minimize the generation of odors in the atmosphere through an on-going odor control program. Odor control Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 5 of 23 will have an equal priority to effluent quality. If odors identified are beyond . the capability of treatment at the plant, PSG will assist the CITY in identifying and providing alternatives to control odors excluding extraordinary costs. 2.35 PSG shall not make any unnecessary Project Manager changes. When a change occurs, PSG will use its best effort to employ a Project Manager compatible to the CITY. The CITY may interview PSG's potential Project Manager candidates and express their preferences to PSG, however, PSG has the responsibility of final hiring. 3 Scope of Service - CITY 3. 1 The CITY shall fund all necessary Capital Expenditures. Priority shall be given to safety and the ADA related expenses described in Section 2.18. 3.2 Maintain all existing Project warranties, guarantees, easements and licenses that have been granted to CITY. 3.3 The CITY shall pay all property, franchise, or other taxes associated with the Project. 3.4 Provide PSG, within a reasonable time after request and on an "as available" basis, with the temporary use of any piece of CITY's heavy equipment that is available so that PSG may discharge its obligations under this Agreement in the most cost-effective manner as stipulated in the Mutual Aid Agreement attached as Appendix "H". . 3.5 Provide all registrations and licenses for CITY's vehicles used in connection with the Project. 3.6 Provide for PSG's exclusive use of all vehicles and equipment presently in full-time use at the Project. 3.7 Provide hauling and disposal of grit, screenings, and trash from dumpsters provided at the Project by the CITY at no cost to PSG. 3.8 Provide potable water in reasonable quantities at no cost to PSG. 3.9 Provide permitted sludge disposal sites to PSG at no cost. PSG will pay disposal or associated costs exclusive of load disposal fees. 4 Compensation 4.1 PSG's compensation under this Agreement shall consist of an Annual Fee. For the first year of this Agreement, PSG's Annual Fee is $521,026. The . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 6 of 23 . 4.2 4.3 . 4.4 Maintenance and Repair Limit included in the Annual Fee is $32,880. The Natural Gas amount in the Annual Fee is $26,600. This is Natural Gas needed for the normal operations of the Project, LESS the operation of INPROHEAT. If actual Maintenance and Repair expenditures are less than the Maintenance and Repair Limit for any Agreement year, PSG will rebate the entire difference to CITY in accordance with Section 5.2. If actual Maintenance and Repair expenditures exceed the Maintenance and Repair Limit, CITY will pay the excess to PSG in accordance with Section 5.2. PSG will notify CITY when actual Maintenance and Repair expenditures equal fifty (50010) and eighty percent (80010) of Maintenance and Repair Limit. PSG non- Project labor may be used and charged to CITY where economic or other benefits to CITY appear likely but only with prior CITY approval. When the INPROHEA T process is run, Natural Gas used will be metered separately to assist PSG and the CITY in determining the operational costs. The parties agree on adjustments to the Natural Gas amount of $26,600 included in the Annual Fee and the maximum usage of 52,890 CCF per contract year. Until the INPROHEAT process becoming fully operational, the CITY agrees to pay PSG at cost (any dollars exceeding the natural gas budgeted amount) in accordance with Section 5.2. The Annual Fee shall be negotiated each year at least four (4) months prior to the anniversary of this Agreement's commencement date. Should CITY and PSG fail to agree, the Annual Fee will be determined by the application ofthe procedures in Appendix 1. 4.5 CITY will pay as additional compensation to PSG any increases in Electrical Cost or Natural Gas Cost that are the result of Average Electrical Rate or Average Natural Gas Rate increases that occur in any Agreement year. For Electrical Cost, the additional compensation will be calculated based upon actual usage up to a maximum of 1,886,000 KWH per contract year. For Natural Gas Cost, the additional compensation will be calculated based upon actual usage up to a maximum of 52,890 CCF's per contract year, and will only be paid for said rate increases if the Natural Gas budget established in the Annual Fee is also exceeded. This notwithstanding, PSG will reconcile and invoice on a quarterly basis, any increase to the Natural Gas Cost by comparing the actual amount expended for Natural Gas to the actual CCF usage multiplied by the Average Natural Gas Rate up to the maximum 52,890 CCF per contract year. In no event, however, shall the CITY be liable for rate increases in Natural Gas if the Natural Gas budget established in the Annual Fee is not exceeded. . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 7 pf 23 4.6 CITY will pay as additional compensation to PSG for laboratory testing for the Sunnyfresh Foods pre-treatment program. PSG will invoice at cost plus 10%. . 4.7 In the event that a change in the scope of services provided by PSG occurs, CITY and PSG will negotiate a commensurate adjustment in Annual Fee. 5 Payment of Compensation 5.1 One-twelfth (1/ 12) of the Annual Fee for the current year shall be due and payable on the first of the month for each month that services are provided. Invoices must be tendered by PSG to the CITY a minimum of five (5) days prior to the fourth (4th) Monday in the month preceding. 5.2 All other compensation to PSG is due five (5) days following the fourth (4th) Monday of each month when invoices have been presented to the CITY five (5) days prior to the fourth (4th) Monday of said month. 5.3 Any monies payable pursuant to Section 4.2,4.3 and 4.5 will be paid within sixty (60) calendar days after the end of each Agreement year. 5.4 CITY shall pay interest at an annual rate equal to the Wells Fargo Bank's prime rate plus one and one-half percent (1-1/2%), said rate of interest not to exceed any limitation provided by law, on payments not paid and received within fifteen (15) calendar days of the due date, such interest being calculated from the due date of the payment. In the event the charges hereunder might exceed any limitation provided by law, such charges shall be reduced to the highest rate or amount within such limitation. . 6 Indemnity, Liability, Insurance and Bonds 6.1 PSG hereby agrees to and shall hold CITY harmless from any liability or damages for bodily injury, including death, which may arise from PSG's negligence under this Agreement, whether such negligence be by PSG or subcontractors of PSG. 6.2 CITY agrees to and shall hold PSG harmless from any liability or damage for property damage or bodily injury, including death, which may arise from CITY's negligence under this Agreement whether such negligence by CTIY or by subcontractor of CITY. 6.3 PSG shall be liable for those fines or civil penalties imposed by a regulatory or enforcement agency for violations of the effluent quality requirements contained in Article 2.1 that are directly attributable to PSG's negligence. CITY will assist PSG to contest any such fines in administrative proceedings and/or in court prior to any payment by PSG. PSG shall pay the cost of . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 8 of 23 . . . contesting any such fines. These costs shall include but not be limited to the costs that the CITY may incur through their own professional representation. 6.4 PSG's liability to CITY under this Agreement specifically excludes any and all indirect or consequential damages arising form the operation, maintenance, and management of Project except for those directly attributable to PSG's negligence. 6.5 CITY shall be liable for those fines or civil penalties imposed by any regulatory or enforcement agencies on CITY and/or PSG that are not a result of PSG's negligence or are otherwise directly related to the ownership of the Project and shall indemnify and hold PSG harmless from the payment of any such fines and/or penalties. 6.6 Indemnity agreements provided for in this Agreement shall survive the termination of the Agreement. 6.7 Each party shall obtain and maintain insurance coverage of a ~ and in the amounts described in Appendix "F". Except for Workers' Compensation, each party shall name the other party as an additional insured on all insurance policies covering the Project. Furthermore, each party shall provide the other party with satisfactory proof of insurance. 6.8 PSG shall provide a performance bond equal to the full value of the Annual Fee for each year of this Agreement as security for faithful performance of all PSG's obligations under this Agreement. The bond shall be provided on an annual basis and the liability to the Surety for each period shall not be cumulative. The bond for each year shall be provided by a surety acceptable to the CITY whose acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7. Term, Termination and Default 7.1 The initial term of this Agreement shall be five (5) years commencing January 1, 2001. Thereafter, this Agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive terms of five (5) years each, unless canceled in writing by either party no less than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to expiration. 7.2 A party may terminate this Agreement only for a material breach of the Agreement by the other party; only after giving written notice of breach; and, except in case of a breach by CITY for non-payment of PSG's invoices, in which case termination may be immediate by PSG, only after allowing the other party thirty (30) days to cure or commence taking reasonable steps to cure the breach. Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 9 of 23 7.3 7.4 Upon notice of termination by CITY, PSG shall assist CITY in resuming operation of the Project. CITY may employ any and all employees assigned to the Project. . The CITY may terminate this agreement after one hundred twenty (120) days written notice for a serious performance related incident which occurs twice within any contiguous 60-day period. Such an incident is, but not limited to: failure to operate or maintain all existing odor or air scrubbing systems (this does not include breakdowns or shortage of parts or chemicals beyond the control of PSG); failure to provide test results or reports in a timely fashion; release of methane gas to the atmosphere when within the control of PSG; failure to perform required preventive maintenance on vehicles, piping, systems, equipment, and buildings; failure to maintain records of maintenance or repairs; failure to secure the facility and grounds; failure to maintain an inventory of available spare parts or supplies necessary for the uninterrupted operation of the plant; failure to repair equipment necessary for the uninterrupted operation of the plant when repair parts are available; and, failure to notify the CITY of a major breakdown of any equipment or a release of effluent out of permit specifications in a timely fashion. The CITY will notify PSG in writing within 15 days of the discovery of a perceived "serious" performance related incident. In the event that the CITY staff and PSG cannot reach an agreement that a "serious" performance related incident has occurred, the City Council shall make the final determination. . 7.5 Upon termination of this Agreement and all renewals and extensions of it, PSG will return the Project to CITY in the same condition as it was upon the effective date of this Agreement, ordinary wear and tear excepted. 8. Disputes and Force Majeure 8.1 In the event activities by CITY's employee groups or unions cause a disruption in PSG's ability to perform at the Project, CITY, with PSG's assistance or PSG at its own option, may seek appropriate injunctive court orders. During any such disruption, PSG shall operate the facilities on a best-efforts basis until any such disruptions cease. 8.2 If any litigation is necessary to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, which are directly attributed to such litigation in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled. 8.3 Neither party shall be liable for its failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement, if performance is made impractical, abnormally difficult, or abnormally costly, due to any Unforeseen Circumstances beyond its reasonable control or force majeure. However, this Section may not be used . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 10 of 23 ...... by either party to avoid, delay or otherwise affect any payments due to the other party. ..... 9. Mutual Aid Agreement 9.1 The Mutual Aid Agreement contained in Appendix "H" has been negotiated between the parties. The purpose of said Agreement is 1 ) to assist in events of civil emergency 2) to share equipment and personnel, and 3) for the benefit of both parties. Both parties indicate their approval of this Agreement by their signatures below, and each party warrants that all corporate or governmental actions necessary to bind the parties to the terms ofthis Agreement have been and will be taken. CITY OF MONTICELLO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GROUP, INC. By: By: Name: Name: . Title: Title: Date: Date: . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 11 of 23 APPENDIX A . DEFINITIONS AI" Adequate Nutrients" means plant influent nitrogen, phosphorus and iron contents proportional to BODs in the ratio of five (5) parts nitrogen, one (1) part phosphorus, and one-half (0.5) part iron for each one hundred (100) parts BODs. A2 "Annual Fee" means a predetermined, fixed sum for PSG's services. The Annual Fee includes Cost and profit. A3 "Average Electrical Rate" means the average cost per kilowatt hour as calculated by dividing the total kilowatt hours of energy consumed by the plant into the total dollars of plant electric cost for the twelve (12) month period ending three (3) months prior to the end of the current agreement year. The Average Electrical Rate Plant for the period September 15, 1999 to September 15, 2000 for the old meter is .03937 cents per KWH. The Average Electrical Rate Plant for the period September 15, 1999 to September 15, 2000 for the new meter is .04245 cents per KWH. A4 "Average Natural Gas Rate" means the average cost per CCF as calculated by dividing the CCF's of gas billed into the total dollars of gas cost for the twelve (12) month period ending three (3) months prior to the end of the current agreement year. The Average Gas Rate for the period October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000 is 0.54 dollars per CCF. . A5 "Biologically Toxic Substances" means any substance or combination of substances contained in the plant influent in sufficiently high concentration so as to interfere with the biological processes necessary for the removal of the organic and chemical constituents of the wastewater required to meet the discharge requirements of CITY's Certificate of Approval. Biologically toxic substances include, but are not limited to, heavy metals, phenols, cyanides, pesticides and herbicides. A6 "Capital Expenditures" means any expenditures for (1) the purchase of new equipment or facility items that cost more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000)~ or (2) major repairs which significantly extend equipment or facility service life and cost more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) or (3) expenditures that are planned, non-routine and budgeted by CITY. A 7 "Cost" means all Direct Cost and indirect cost determined on an accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. AS "Direct Cost" means the actual cost incurred for the direct benefit of the Project including, but not limited to, expenditures for project management and labor, employee benefits, chemicals, lab supplies, repairs, repair parts, maintenance parts, safety supplies, gasoline, oil, equipment rental, legal and professional services, . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 12 of 23 . A9 AIO All A12 AD . quality assurance, travel, office supplies, other supplies, uniforms, telephone, postage, utilities, tools, memberships and training supplies. "Electrical Cost" means the total electricity cost as calculated by multiplying the Average Electrical Rate by the actual Electrical usage to a maximum of 1,886,000 KWH. "Indirect Costs" means expenditures incurred by PSG for the indirect benefit of the Project. "Maintenance" means those routine and/or repetitive activities required or recommended by the equipment or facility manufacturer or by PSG to maximize the service life of the equipment, sewer, vehicles and facilities. The labor cost of personnel assigned full time to the project is excluded. "Maintenance and Repair Limit" means the total Maintenance and Repair expenditures that PSG has included in the Annual Fee. Such expenditures exclude any labor costs for PSG's staff assigned to the Project. "Natural Gas Cost" means the total natural gas cost as calculated by multiplying the Average Natural Gas Rate by the actual Natural Gas usage to a maximum of 52,890 CCF. A14 The "Project" means all equipment, vehicles, grounds, rights of way, sewers and facilities described in Appendix B and, where appropriate, the management, operations and maintenance of such. A15 "Repairs" means those non-routinelnon-repetitive activities required for operational continuity, safety and performance generally due to failure or to avert a failure of the equipment, sewer, vehicles or facilities or some component thereof A16 "Unforeseen Circumstances" shall mean any event or condition which has an effect on the rights or obligations of the parties under this Agreement, or upon the Project, which is beyond the reasonable control of the party relying thereon and constitutes a justification for a delay in or non-performance of action required by this Agreement, including but not limited to (i) an act of God, landslide, lightning, earthquake, tornado, fire, explosion, flood, failure to possess sufficient property rights, acts of the public enemy, war, blockade, sabotage, insurrection, riot or civil disturbance, (ii) preliminary or final order of any local, province, administrative agency or governmental body of competent jurisdiction, (iii) any change in law, regulation, rule, requirement, interpretation or statute adopted, promulgated, issued or otherwise specifically modified or changed by any local, province or governmental body, (iv) labor disputes, strikes, work slowdowns or work stoppages, but excluding labor disputes, strikes, work slowdowns or work stoppages by employees of PSG; and (v) loss of or inability to obtain service from a utility necessary to furnish power for the operation and maintenance of the Project. . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 13 of 23 APPENDIX B DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PSG agrees to provide the servIces necessary for the management, operation and maintenance of the following: a. All equipment, vehicles, grounds and facilities now eXlstmg within the present property boundaries of or being used to operate CITY's Wastewater Treatment Plant located at: 1401 Hart Boulevard Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 14 of 23 . . . ~ ~ . . APPENDIX C NPDES PERMIT AND PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS C.I PSG will operate so that effluent will meet the requirement of NPDES permit No. 0020567 Reissuance Date August 28. 1996. PSG shall be responsible for meeting the effiuent quality requirements of the Permit of unless one or more of the following occurs: (1) the Project influent does not contain Adequate Nutrients to support operation of Project biological processes and/or contains Biologically Toxic Substances which cannot be removed by the existing process and facilities; (2) dischargers into CITY's sewer system violate any or all regulations as stated in CITY's Industrial Water and Sewer Ordinance(s) or as required by law; (3) the flow or influent BODs and/or suspended solids exceeds the Project design parameters which are 2.07 million gallons of flow per day. 8.079 pounds of BODs per day. 6,456 pounds of suspended solids and a daily peaking factor of 1.5 times flow; (4) if the Project is inoperable or can operate only at a reduced capacity on account of construction activities. fire. flood. adverse weather conditions. labor disputes or other causes beyond PSG's control. C.2 In the event anyone of the Project influent characteristics. suspended solids. BODs or flow. exceeds the design parameters stated above. PSG shall return the plant effluent to the characteristics required by NPDES in accordance with the following schedule after Project influent characteristics return to within design parameters. Characteristics Exceeding Design Parameters By Recovery Period Maximum 10% or Less Above 100,10 Less than 200,10 20% and Above 5 days 10 days 30 days Notwithstanding the above schedule. if the failure to meet effiuent quality limitations is caused by the presence of Biologically Toxic Substances or the lack of Adequate Nutrients in the influent. then PSG will have a thirty (30) day recovery period after the influent is free from said substances or contains Adequate Nutrients. C.3 PSG shall not be responsible for fines or legal action as a result of discharge violations within the period (and any subsequent recovery period) that influent exceeds design parameters. does not contain Adequate Nutrients. contains Biologically Toxic Substances or is inoperable. Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 15 of 23 C.4 The Annual Fee for services under this Agreement is based upon the following: . (a) Project influent characteristics: Flow .878 million gallons per day BODs 3,769 pounds per day TSS 2,678 pounds per day The above characteristics are the actual twelve (12) months' average for the period ended October 2000. Any change of twenty percent (20%) for flow or fifteen percent (15%) for BOD or fifteen percent (15%) for TSS or more, based upon a twelve (12) month moving average, will constitute a change in scope. PSG and CITY shall negotiated an increase or decrease in PSG's compensation retroactive to the date the specific characteristic changed out of scope. If compensation for the change in scope cannot be agreed upon, an independent third part mutually agreeable to CITY and PSG shall evaluate actual costs and recommend compensation for the change in scope of services. The cost of independent third part shall be equally shared by CITY and PSG. Whenever PSG is excused from meeting the requirements of the NPDES permit, it will use its best efforts to meet those requirements. . . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 16 of23 . . . APPENDIX D INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGERS AND MONITORING PROGRAM Below is a listing of all industries discharging into the collection system and monitored under the current water and sewer use ordinance and pretreatment program Project No. C270855-03, dated 1/23/84. Sunnyfresh Foods (Cargill) Bondhus Corporation Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 17of23 Monticello Agreement February 2001 APPENDIX E . TYPICAL EXPENSE STATEMENT (TO BE ADDED) . . Page 18 of 23 ...-.. ~ . . APPENDIX F INSURANCE COVERAGE PSG SHALL MAINT AlN: 1. Statutory workers' compensation for all of PSG's employees at the Project as required by the State of Minnesota. 2. Comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limits for bodily injury and/or property damage. CITY SHALL MAINTAIN: 1. Statutory workers' compensation for all of CITY's employees associated with the Project as required by the State of Minnesota. 2. Property damage insurance for all property, including vehicles owned by CITY and operated by PSG under this Agreement. Any property, including vehicles, not properly or fully insured shall be the financial responsibility of the CITY. 3. Automobile liability insurance for collision, comprehensive, and bodily injury. PSG will provide at least thirty (30) days' notice ofthe cancellation of any policy it is required to maintain under this Agreement. PSG may self-insure reasonable deductible amounts under the policies it is required to maintain to the extent permitted by law. Each party shall name the other party as an additional insured on the coverages, excluding workers' compensation, required to be maintained hereby. Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 19 of23 APPENDIX G . NOT USED . . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 20 of 23 . . . APPENDEX H MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR LABOR AND EQUIPMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND PSG, CONTRACT OPERATOR OF THE MONTICELLO W ASTEW ATER TREATMENT FACILITY. This agreement is made on this 1 sf. day ofJanuary, 2001 between the CITY of Monticello whose address is 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 and Professional Services Group, Inc., with its principal address at 14950 Heathrow Forest Parkway, Suite 200, Houston, Texas 77032-3842. PSG agrees: Emergencies 1.1 To make a best effort to provide men and equipment immediately to assist during emergencies such as , but not limited to, lift station failure, sanitary sewer line failure, water main failure, water pumping station failure, water reservoir or tank failure, flood, fire, or flood, or civil emergency involving a portion ofthe community, or nuclear emergencies. 1.2 To provide labor and CITY owned equipment when requested by the Public Works Director to assist CITY workers in the routine aspects of public works when it will not disrupt the activities or operations at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. 1.3 Provide CITY owned equipment normally used in conjunction with the wastewater treatment operations to other departments within the CITY when it will not disrupt the operations of the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility. Such equipment provided is, but not limited to the IME sludge nurse unit, the !ME sludge applicator, the AgChem Terragator sludge applicator, Kawasaki Mule with plow, the Ford one (1) ton Pickup with hoist and plow, miscellaneous shop tools and equipment, testing equipment, and other pumps, etc. The CITY of Monticello agrees: 2.1 To make a best effort to furnish labor and CITY owned equipment immediately upon notification of an emergency verified by the Public Works Director at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. 2.2 Provide labor and CITY owned equipment for use at the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant facility for non-emergency use when its use will not disrupt other normal operations within the CITY of Monticello. Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 21 of23 2.3 Furnish CITY equipment only for use during normal operations at the Monticello . Wastewater Treatment Facility when it will not disrupt other operations of the departments within the CITY of Monticello. Such equipment shall be, but not limited to, dump trucks, large rubber tire loader, small rubber tire loader, 3-point machines, 6-inch centrifugal pump, 3-inch diaphragm pump, small portable generator, chain saw, concrete pipe saw, drill press, hydraulic press, miscellaneous hand tools, etc. 2.4 In the event of a major snowfall the CITY of Monticello shall plow the main driveway, the horseshoe driveway off of Hart Boulevard, and the lower parking lot utilizing the Public Works Department statfand equipment. The CITY shall also sand the hill in the main driveway and use the CITY loader and forces to push back snow banks within a reasonable time after request by PSG. PSG shall be responsible for snow removal in these areas under normal snow conditions, as well as for snow removal in the central area of the complex including walkways and around buildings, using a CITY provided pick-up truck with plow and walk behind snow blower. PSG shall be responsible for operation, Maintenance and Repairs costs of this equipment as provided for under PSG's normal scope of services. 2.5 The CITY may provide mowing services to the Wastewater Treatment Facility if Public Works staffing and work load permits and if requested by PSG. PSG agrees to reimburse the CITY for actual costs incurred for such requested mowing operations. The CITY of Monticello and PSG agree to: . 3.1 Keep track of all use of labor and equipment and to be responsible for equipment maintenance and operation costs when in use and to file with each other an annual report indicating amounts of labor and equipment used. . Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 22 of 23 . . . APPENDIX I ANNUAL FEE ADmSTMENT FORMULA Should the previous year's Consumer Price Index (CPI) percent change to that of the previous year be greater than or equal to 1.5% or less than or equal to 5.5%, an adjustment of3.5% to the Annual Fee will occur. If outside these limits an adjustment to Annual Fee will use the following procedure. In all cases under this appendix, adjustment excludes the Repair and Maintenance Limit, Natural Gas Limit and Electrical Limit. AAF = AFo (X + k ) Co where AFo Annual Fee specified in Article 4.1, and as adjusted annually AAF = Adjusted Annual Fee. Co = Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (US. City Average) as published by the US. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics in the CPI Detailed Report for the month fifteen (15) months prior to the period for which an adjustment to the Annual Fee is being calculated. C = Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (US. City Average) as published by the US. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics in the CPI Detailed Report for the month three (3) months prior to the period for which an adjustment to Annual Fee is being calculated. X = 1.0 Monticello Agreement February 2001 Page 23 of 23 ~. . . . FEB. 9.2001 2:48PM HO.Gf4 P.2/3 1':~'RSH-5UREr( 949 39'3 '58215 " . Irellf IAU Vlet President Manb. rusk &. luurantc Services 4695 MacAl.1burCourt Suite 700 Ne\\]lOrt Beach CA 92660 Pl.Ofle; 949 ~99 5934 F'p: 949 399 Sg(l5 Iran<'J.:'.u@roN~h. com California License No. 0437153 MARSH f'ebmary 9, 2001 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street. Suite One MarIti-cello. MN .5:5362 S..bjeet: Monticello WateWl'fUIC Treatmeflt J'adlity, MN project Dear Sirs, Professional S~icell Group, me (a. whully owned ,ubsidiary of United States Filter Corporation) is a valued surety client of Amencan Home Assurance COn'lpany, Our investiptions of the firm clearly il,dic~le a company thoroughly \'el"sed in the neld with gteat depth of experimced pcopl~ who have a rCIJutatiOA for ~J!lpleting projects en schedule and with excellent workmanship. American Home Assurauot:' Company continues to favorably consider our client's request to provide bid. petfOl1Tlanc~l and payment bonds. In the; p~;t, American Home A!ISllrance Company have considered and is,sued bond requ~sts for proj<:ct in l:...cess of :IH5.000,OOO, Bond approval and issualIce, however, are subject to the r'eview of an acceptable bond fonn. contract 1:;rms and confirmation of satisfactory project 5nancing by our c1i~nt and us. America.n Home Ass-uranoc COltlpany is rated "AAA" by the StaDdard &. poor's and "A++" by AM Best. Wo are listod m the Fod~ral Register, US Department, cfthe Treasury as an a.pproved surety in all SO staleS. Yours truly, ~h,^- Irene La.u , Attorney.in.Pact cc: AlO.LosAngeles An MMC Company D&t<lllllll~ FEE. S. 2001 2: 48PI'1 t1PRSH-SURE:TV 94:'l 399 53215 NO. 664 F=! . .3/' 3 I . .. .~meri.can Home Ass'urallce Company National Union Fire Insurante Company of Pittsburgh.. Pa. Principal Bor:d Office 7'0 Pine Street, New York, N.Y 1027J POWER OF ATTORNEY No, QS-B-.4jS3S KNOW ALL MENB)' THESE PRESENTS: . na: A.mer;~af1 Horne ..Il,ssu(!t!lce Compal'i}, a New Yeli( corporatiOl'l, Ill1d National UIHM Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., 11 PC\nnsylvllnia corporfltion, does each hereb)' appoint .-.Irene Lau,lUth)l R. MlIir, M~chclle Lukin: of NtWfiort Bellr-h, California... its true and illwflil AtlOmey(s)-in-?act,,'l'J!th full authority to l:XeC\lte on its behalfbonds. uncel'tilkings, recognizances llnd other contracts of indcntr.ity W'ld I'Ir/tlrlg! ob1i~l'.~Ory in the r,ature thercl;'f. il>Sued if! t~le cO'J:se of its l.m~int~s, -artd to bind the respective compari.y vletcby, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, American He'me A~$ur3J1~e Company and t'atbnal Unior. Fire Insuranoe Company ofPittsburg;h, Pa. have each executed these p[~Ael\ts this ~day of~"l20Q2, /~~- - ~'WtCl1ce W. Carlstrom, Senior Vice Preside.1I1 National Union Fire lr.suBl1ce Company ofPittsbllrgh PA. Vice President, American Home Msut6nce COmpM'iy ST"TE OF NEW \'OJU( l CotJNTY OF' NEW YORK }ss. On ,his ~~..t.n day of Mardl. 20QQ before me c~me :ne il.bov~ lUIl11ed offi.::et IJf Ametlcill1 HOI':IC Asaurllnce C(iIflPar.~' ~'1d Natiollll.l U~dOn fite 11lsuran,;e Comp'1l1Y of Piltsburgh, Pa" to rml pe~so\la!I)i known T.O b~ tne individlilll and officer deicrib~d herein, and ack!\owlec.:ged thaI ~.c c.."leclItcd the foreeoi:1g ;n..qruIr.(nt and affixed the seals of sl.Iid corporations thereto by lllltho::ty of' hi~ ",f'f,ee, . CERTiFICATE txcerp:s cf R<;so!~ti~rls ~dopMI by the BQflfd$ Or Dir<ettorn of American !bmc AS$llrMr.e Ccmpall)' ~nd NntiOl\1'I1 Union Fil'(l In$.Iran~C: Companj of P'lubllrgh, fa, ()(I Me)' Ill. 1~76: "RESOLVED, lh~l tllC Chairm~n Qrth(! Boord, the Fr~sid':"l, QI' :In> V[.;o Pr<:,itJIWl b~, nn~ h\1p:by IS, auihori/;eJ to ~PP()illt ^ttom~ls.ir,.FLcl iJ,) rcprll"'lv all.! at! for I\l\.:i on hc:htlf of the Company to eNeeull.l bond., Ill1den<1k!i1S~:, ~eocnizPl1ces line Otli-er eCl1(raets of indemnity ~n~ "'fjt;llB~ QbliSII\o"l' in the n:lIU'C ,hClreof, and to ~rl~;h UH!rnte, the r.orpotilte $teal of the C(>t!1PIJl1Y, in the IranSUU;OI'1 of il$ ~ure(y business; "RESQL Vim, I.hlll the siG:1atUl,\:;s llnd Iltte.tatiol'l5 of such oftlcers nnd the tCOI! or ,he Compo flY mny be Dfflxed 10 011)' $ueh Pllwer of Atton'!e~ Or to ll1~ oenitlcQte tellltii'\g 1111:re10 by fu<>s!:nile, and llllY SLICh J-'o~r of AltomII)' "r QCnificatc: bllaril1S 3uch fl\C'5ifl'lil~ siln:uures or fil';shnile s;al shall b.. )aiid and t,in~h& llr.;"ill.h~ Compa:,)' wh~n ~o offixed <.~il;l respect to allY (mnd, tlrdel1llkil1g, recognizanc~ ar .ather 1,:~llb'lI,e( or indemnity or writing obliglltCll"j1 in tllll natur~ ih;r~t.!: "RESOLVlm. tllal lllly mch Allomey.in.Facl delillerill~ ~ SllIlM"rial CIIrtjfjectlOll that ~l;~ i'cregoillg res oM ions slil1 be in cff~ct may insert III su.:!~ c:crtifk.accn ;l1e dale lhenQI~~Jid date to be no! later mOln Ih~ dull: of dcl.jvoT)' th..,rfofby .~uch ,-l.u~m~i.in.r~ot." i, 21i:tubetll tv., fliCk, St'elellJ~of American HQ<11ll' Assu!':\n.,~ ('ompMl Mel of NlItional Urlion Fir~ Ii'lS\lrllnr.e Complln;.-' of l>it'l.~bursh, Pu dg hmby c~njfy 'hal Hie forell()ins (1ICI'rplS cf R~soll;tiol1S ado:;lted !)y the Bo~:'d~ of DireMors of lI1ese IlOrporanons, lll'i(lllle PO\ll'erii or Atlorney i~s'Jed p"lrsl.i~m t~'erelo, il~e Ir:ICI ~l1d correct, Ql1clV,Ol' botlllbe Rescll1tiol'\~ and [he PO'.\Ui .:.r' AtlOI'lIIl)'lrc: in fun forre :J.nd et'l'et.t rN WaTNES::; WliEnEOl", II,/w\: hereunto Silt illY hand Jr,d ~ml(ed thm f.~imHe seal oflil;rc:i'! ~arpo~at.ion FEB - 9 2001 /tis ~_._~ day or , _ ~...Jl'" AS' 1 moJIlAJ ~ ~jl ~ ... -~._--------~~ EIi~beth M. fliCk, Secretary . 6~ I ~6 1,4199) . . . Counci I Agenda - 2/12/200] 9. Consideration of appointment to Riverside Cemeterv Committee. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous council meeting, the City Council established the Cellletery Conll11ittee members as follows: Council member Roger Carlson. Public Works Director John Simola, Park Superintendent Gregg Engle, Park Board Member Rick Traver, and resident Scott lIill. One additional member would be selected from volunteers applying from an ad placed in the Monticello Times. The fiJllowing is a list of the volunteers who applied: 1. Arlene McIntire. 1120 West River Street, P.O. Box 156, Monticello, MN Arlene's mother, father, and hushand are buried in Riverside Cemetery. 2. Karen DeBoer, 9803 Hall Avenue NE, Monticello, MN Karen's hushand is buried at Riverside Cemetery. " .J. Jo~, 9178 Amery Avenue NW, BufTalo, MN Mdvtl ller son is buried at Riverside Cemetery. I.isled above arc the only volunteers we received. It can be noted that two of the above volunteers arc not city of Monticello residents. However, this should not matter as the cemetery is an enterprise fund and serves the entire surrounding area, not just the city of Monticello. I have not questioned these individuals in detail or asked them about their backgrounds and their thoughts about the cerlletery, but certainly they all have an interested in seeing that the cemetery is well taken care of and managed as they have a loved one there. Many of the council members may know these people individually and could share their knowledge about the individual's past experience and such with the rest of the members. I would like to suggest that the committee start out meeting once per month and to be complete with their tasks within the next 12 months or sooner. Suggested meeting date is the third Wednesday of the month at :) p.m. at city hall. The first meeting would be February 2 L 200 I. All of the background inf'tlrmation would be provided to those members who don't already have it after the final approval of the Riverside Cemetery COlnmittee lllembership. B. AL T};~RNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to select a lllember fronl the volunteers to round out the committee and establish the committee for a period of no more than one year with a meeting time of the third Wednesday of the month at 3 p.m. at city hall. 2. The second alternative would be to establish some other type of membership or committee. 3. The third alternative would he not to establish a Riverside Cemetery Committee. . . . Council Agenda - 2/12/200 I c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recOll1mendation ofthc City Administrator and Puhlic Works director that the City Council opt fl.)!' alternative # I and select a member from the volunteers to round out the committee and establish the committee for a period of no more than one year with a meeting time of the third Wednesday of the month at 3 p.m. at city hall. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. ~ . . . MEMORANDUM Fehruary 12, 2001 To: City Council Fred Patch, Zoning Administrato~ From: Suhject: Mayor's Concerns Regarding Large Vehiclcs Parked on City Streets Obstructing Snow Removal On Wednesday of last week Mayor Bclsaas received complaints regarding a semi tractor truck, pick-up truck, snowmohile and trailer parked overnight for several nights on Fallon A vcnue hetween Washington and Th Streets, behind the apartment complex. Mayor Belsaas reported to me that the Wright County Sheriff's deputy he had spoken to stated that no action could be taken without a request for action fi'om city starr. Mayor Belsaas wanted this prohlem brought to the attention or City Council, suggesting that the current ordinances be reviewed and possihly be made Inore restrictive. After receiving Mayor Helsaas's call, I ohserved the subject vehieles and then reported the concern to a SheritT's deputy. The deputy agreed that the vehicles should have heen ticketed and said that he would put the strect on a watch list t<Jr future incidents. I Ie then left the offiee to ticket the vehicles. The present ordinance is attaehed. It appears to be sufficiently restrictive in that vehicles parked overnight Inay he ticketed and towed at the discretion of the Sheriff's deputy. Eaeh of the pertinent provisions or ordinance are highlighted in bold and underlined. .~ "; . SECTION: 9-1-1 : 9-1-2: 9-1-3: 9-1-4: 9-1-5: 9~ 1-6: 9-1-7: 9-1-8: 9-1-1 : TRAFI;IC Act Adopted, Penalties Parking and Stopping Removal of Vehicles Owner Protection and Preservation of City Streets Street Nall1eS Unreasonable Acceleration & Erratic Driving Parking in Regard to Snow Plowing and/or Removal ACT ADOPTED: PENALTIES: The regulatory provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 169, as amended are hereby adopted as a traffic ordinance regulating the use of highways, streets, and alleys within the city of Monticello and are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this ordinance as cornplcte as ifset out here in full. Anv violation of the statutes adopted bv reference in Section 9-1-1 is a violation of the ordinance when it occurs within the city of Monticello. Anv person thus violatinl! any provision of this ordinance shall be l!uiltv of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.1ltl) or bv imprisonment in the city or eountv iail for a neriod of not to exceed ninetv 90 da 's or hoth. If a minimum fine or im lrisonment is rescribed bv the State Hi hwa Traffic Act for the offense or if such offense be classified as a pettv misdemeanor, such penalty and/or classification shall applv to a person convicted of the same offense under this ordinance. . 9-1-2: PARKINCi AND STOPPING: It shall be unlawful for the owner and/or driver of a motor veh ic Ie to stop, stand, or park the said veh icle in any 0 f the following places, except when necessary to avoid contlict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or traffic control devices: (A) (8) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (1-1) (I) (.I ) . On a sidewalk or boulevard between sidewalk and roadway. On a crosswalk. Within an intersection. Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at any intersection. Within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant. Within thirty (30) feet of any arterial stop sign or sign indicating the direction for tra ve I. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street or highway. At any place where orllcial signs prohibit stopping, standing, or parking. In any manner on any street or highway so as to interfere with or interrupt the passage of other vehicles. Along the curb adjacent to any school property from eight o'clock (8:00) a.m. to [(HII' o'clock (4:00) p.m. on days when school is in session. #i .: ~ ,., . . U9 On anv street or roadway between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and six o'clock (6:00) a.m. from November 15 throue:h AnrillS, exeent nhvsitians on emerl!enCV calls. (L) On any city strcct for more than 72 consecutive hours_ (M) On any city street for more than the posted time limit as established by the City CounciL 9-1-3: REMOVAL OF VEHICLES: Whenever any police officer finds a motor vehicle has been parl,ed or stopped in violation of any ree:ulation contained herein, such officer is herehy authorized to move such vehicle, provide for the removal of such vehicle and the imnoundinl! of the same, or require the driver or other nerson in charl!e of the vehicle to move the same. Anv such removal and/or impoundinl! of the said vehicle shall be at the expense of the owner. 9-1-4: OWNER: For the purposes of this section_ the term "owner" shalllnean the person, firm, or corporation who holds legal title on the date of any alleged violation as evidenced hy the official records of the Minnesota Secretary of State. Copies of any of the files or records of the Secretary of State certified as heing true copies shall be received in evidence with the same force and effect as the originals, shall be adlnissible without further foundation, and shall be prima t:'lcie evidence as to the ownership of the said vehicle, but nothing herein contained shall exclude or prohibit the introduction of other evidence bearing on the issue of ownersh i p_ 9-1-5: PROTECTION AND PRLSLR V AnON OF CITY STREETS: (A) TRACTORS OR OTIIER TYPES OF VI':HICLl~S WITII LUGS: Tractors or other vehicles with lugs thereon or any other type of bnn machinery that is not equipped with rubber tires arc herehy prohibited from using said biturninous treated streets or parking lots in said city; and whoever drives such a veh icle upon said streets whereby said streets or parking lots shall be damaged shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (B) LOAD LIMITS ON CITY STREETS OR PARKING LOTS: It shall also be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to drive any vehicle over said streets or parking lots having an axle weight load in excess of five (5) tons during periods of the year when county road restrictions are not in effect. During periods of county road restriction or on streets designed for more than five tons, the current city street design map adopted hy the City Council shall take precedence over the five (5) ton limit and can he more or less restrictive. That any person_ firm or corporation wishing to drive such vehicles in excess of above mentioned weight over any of the streets of Monticello shall first apply to the City Administrator for his permission. That the City Council may designate certain streets to be used regularly by such persons, firm. or corporation in the operation of their business, outlining certain routes that said vehicles arc to follow and that no deviation from such routes will be permissible. (Q TRlICKS OPERATING ON REsmENTIAL STREETS: It will be unlawful for anv nerson or nersons, firms or corporations to onerate a truck of oyer 9,000 pounds e:ross weie:ht on residential streets excent those trucl,s that are actuallv enl!.ae:ed in makine: dcliveries or piclwps at residential dwelline:s. Further, they will utilize state hil!hways or desil!.nated trucl, routes wherever nossible when mal,ine: these deliveries or nickuns. All other truck traffic not makinl! deliveries or picl.:ups will utilize onlv state hi2hwavs or desie:nated truek routes. Trucks makine: dcliveries or nickuns on residential streets will adhere to the provisions of narae:raph 9-1-5 (Il). , ,. . . . @ PENALTY: Anv nerson or persons, firm or corporation who shall violate anv of the nrovisions of this ordinance shall he deemed 2uiltv or a misdemeanor and upon conviction the/'eor shall he nunished bv a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and cost of prosecution, or in default of payment of such fine, shall he imlH"isoned until the fine is paid not, however, to exceed thirty (30) days. 9-1-6: STRELT NAMES: Street names have been adopted according to the official city map on file at City Hall. 9-1-7: UNKEASONABU-: ACCELERATION, EKRATIC DRIVING. AND EXHIBITION DRIVING (A) Unreasonable acceleration by any motor vehicle upon any public highway. street, parking lot, alley. or other pu bl ic property with in the I im its of the city of Monticello. except when an emergency creates the necessity It)r such operation, is prohibited. Unreasonable acceleration ofa motor vehicle is hereby defined as acceleration which unnecessarily breaks traction between a tire or tires and the driving surface, thereby causing a squealing or screeching sound by the tire or tires or the unnecessary throwing of sand or gravel by the tire or tires or both. (B) Erratic Driving - No person shall drive a vehicle on a public highway. street. parking lot. alley, or other public property at erratic or irregular and changing speeds so as to create a hazard to himself or other persons or property or so interfere with other traffic in the area. (C) Exhibition Driving - No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle upon any public highway. street, parking lot. alley. or other public property within the limits of the city of Monticello which causes unnecessary engine noise or backfire. nor shall anyone between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.lll. parade a motor vehicle upon any public highway. street. parking lot, alley. or other public property within the limits of the city of Monticello. Parade a motor vehicle is hereby detined as driving or operating a motor vehicle up. down. or up and down. the same highway. street. parking lot, alley, or other public property Illore than three times within a thirty-minute period. (D) Penalties - Violation of this section shall be a petty misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $100. provided that any subsequent olTcnse cOlllmitted within twelve (12) months of a previous conviction under this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a tine of not more than $700 and imprisonment in the county jail not (nore than 90 days. 9-1-8: PARKING IN REGARD TO SNOW PLOWING AND/OR REMOV At: After a snowfall, all streets in the city of Monticello shall he cleared of all motor vehicles and narts thereof for the punlOses of snow nlowin!! and/or removal until all streets are nlowed. Anv motor vehicle or I)arts thereof left on any street or boulevard in the city of Monticello in such a way as to impede the performance of the city and/or state snowplow shall be dealt with under the Penaltv Code No. 1-4-1. . . . ~,.l f.' (,..! _J ,r., ILl '-~ 1I T ~~~ r;:; In [T] () :::cI ,] ~ I,U t-< i" (l"~ (1", C.) C:l I.,") ,(\ ~ ~ ~':' -.] -.-J I F1 ~.n (') '.:! ['-.,.' ('.J U. 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