City Council Agenda Packet 01-08-2001 I . . , AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COt/NCIL Monday, .January 8, lOO) - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint llcrbst. Brian Stumpe Roger Carlson. Bruce Thielen I. Call to order. 2. Approve minutes of December 11.2000 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. j:1J"} wIC" - f]/JtuA4 iJ.1-(" F rn.O, PfttlK1^-J (.. r rt' ~1U,,"fiA., B. c. 4. Citizens comments/petitions. requests. and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures I()J' the Community CenteL Parks Department and Liquor Store. B. Consideration of approving Change Order NO.4 and final payment f()J" Project No. 98-08C Chelsea I~oad East and Project No. 98~ 13C Walnut Street Improvement. C. Consideration of approving final payment for Project No. 2000~02C Walnut Street Parking Improvements. D. Consideration of approving Change Orders No.2. No.5 and No.6 for Project No. 98~ 17C CSAH 75 Improvements. E. Consideration of appointments l()r 200 I. f. Consideration of ordinance amendment revising penalty provision. G. Consideration of approving final payment Wildwood Ridge Area Booster Plllnp. Project No. 98-24C - Moorhead Construction. H. Consideration of approval of concept stage of planned unit development for a town home developnlenl. Applicant: Eagle Crest Northwest. Inc. I. Consideration of adopting a joint resolution supporting annexation of the water tower/park site. J. Consideration of adopting ajnint resolution supporting annexation f()l' Phase II ofthc Groveland Development - Oeello. LLC. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council January 8, 2001 Page Two ~1 C(~ @ 6. Consideration of authorizing estahlishment of a full-time liquor store clerk/stock person position. ~Q~H /lJ &.0. c.,... '"'. tt.e.e Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda 1(:)1' discussion. 7. Puhlic Hearing - Vacation of Easements 90th Street Addition. 8. Review of draft agreement with Sunny Fresh Foods f(x expansion of wastewater treatment plant. 9. Approve payment of bills for January. ~C/ C, ~ 10. Adjourn . . . MINIJTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 11,2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Ilerbst Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approve minutes of November 27,2000 f"egular council meeting. BRUCE TIIIELFN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES or "1'1 IE NOVEMBER 27, 2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH TilE CORRECTION THAT TfIE APPRAISER Sl-:J .ECTED TO CONDUCT THE APPRAISAl. ON THI:: ('SAIl 75 PROJECT WOULD BE MUTUALL Y AGREED UPON BY TIII~ CITY AND KEAN PROPERTIES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED "fIlE MOTl()N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of December 6, 2000 special council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TilE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 6.2000 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SI::CONDED TI IE MOTION. MCHIC)N CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin2 items to the a2CI1(Ja. Ollie Koropchak added to the consent agenda a resolution amending the contract f(Jr private development between the City. the HRA and Twin City Die Castings Company to extend the construction date deadline. CLINT HFRBST MOVED TO ADD AGENDA ITEM #9 (HEARTLAND BUS CONTRACT) AND AGENDA ITEM Iii I (PLANNED lJNIT DEVELOPMENT-HOGLUND BUS COMPANY) TO THI:: CONSENT AGENDA ROGI':R CARLSON SECONDI::D TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Citizcn comments/pctitions, requcsts and compJaints. None. 5. Conscnt Agenda A. Consideration of approving Land Surveyor's Certification ofCorreetion for the plat or Klein Farms Sixth Addition. Recommcndation: Adopt resolution correcting easement dimensions identified in the key of the Klein Farms Sixth Addition. d . . . Council Minutes - 12/11/00 B. Considcration of approving new hires and departures for the Community Center. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of new employees as identilied. C Consideration of salary schcdule adjustment for 2001. Recommendation: The Council establish a cost of living adjustment for the wage scalcs that would apply to non-union employees that is in line with the Minneapolis/St. Paul CPI. D. Consideration of fund transfers for 2000. Recommendation: Approve the translcrs as recommended. E. Consideration of adopting increases to the development fee structure. Rccommcndation: Adopt proposed changes to the development fees as recommended on Exhibit A F. Consideration of accepting pctition and call ing for hearing on balance of vacation of utility easements for Lots 1.2 and 3. Block 1,90111 Street Addition. Recommendation: Accept petition and call for a public hearing on the vacation of utility easements. City Adlninistrator. Rick Wollstellcr noted a correction in Item SE l()r the \vater access charge. The access charge increase approved in September was to take ctTect January I. 200 I so the agenda itenl should not have shown any additional increase. Clintllerbst asked that Item 5C be pulled I'rolll the consent agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TilE CONSl~NT A(il~NDA WITII TIlE ADDITIONS OF TIlE TWIN CITY DIE CAST'INGS Rl':SOLlrIION. 1-ll:ARTLAND BUS CONTRACT AND PLANNFD UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 1-IOClI.UND BUS COMPANY ANI) REMOVAl. OF ITEM 5C. CLINT IIERBST SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI,Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from thc consent agenda for discussion. Item 5C. Consideration of salary schedule adjustment for 200 I \vas pulled because Clint Herbst questioned the difference between the 4.2(!(l Minneapolis/St. Paul Consumer Price Index and the 3%-3.5% increases approved by neighboring communities. Bruce Thielen suggested adopting a :J!Yo increase now and discussing the remaining 1.2% difference when the Personnel Committee 111eet5. Clint Herbst asked about doing a comparable worth study since one had not been done since 1991. I Ie felt that a comparable Vvorth study should be something that the Personnel Committee addresses when they meet. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT A 3% COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT WITII Till': UNDERSTANDING THAT TI liS WILL Bi': CONSIDERED BY TI IE PERSONNEl. COMMITTEE AFTER THE FIRST OF 'filE YEAR. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TIlL MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOLJSL Y. 2 2 . . . Council Minutes - 12/11/00 7. Puhlic Hearin!! - Consideration of vacation of utilitv casement within Lot 2, Block I, 90th Strcet Addition. JelT O'Neill explained the reason for the vacation of the easement noting that the cable line has been relocated and the casement is no longer needed. Vacating the casement \vhich is no longer necessary will allow the building to be constructed as proposed. In addition when the revised final plat is submitted. it will include easements for utilities. Mayor Helsaas opened the public hearing. No one spoke f()r or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Helsaas closed the public hearing. Cl.lNT IIERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMI.:NTS WITHIN LOl2. BLOCK I OF THE 90111 Snn:LT ADDITION INCLUDINC, GRANTING A LICENSE '1'0 CONSTRUCT A BlJlLDING ON THE EASEMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Adoption Hearin!! - Consideration of adoption of 200 I Bud!!et and Tax Levy. City Administrator. Rick Wolfsteller provided background int~)rmation on the proposed budget and levy noting that thl~ hearing tonight is a requirement of the Truth in TaX<ltion process. He also stated thnt the proposed final budget did not increase fronlthe amount of the prelinlinary budget certified to the county on September 15.2000. The proposed levy of$5.067.342 is an increase of approximately 6.9% over the dollars collected in 2000. Assuming there is no increase in a property's market value it would be only a 2.4(l(l increase in taxes. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposed budget and tax levy. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE TilE RESOLUTION ADOPTING 'fIIL~ 2001 BUDC,ET AND SETTING TIlE TAX LEVY AT $5J)67.342. BRUCE '1'1 [IELEN SECONDI]) TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. RES. No. 2000-90. 9. Considenltion of award of Heartland Bus contract. Approved as part of consent agenda. In. Consideration of an a!!reement with Sunny Fresh Foods for wastewater discharge numit increase and cost sharing a!!reement for exn~,"sion of wastewater treatment plant. Public Works Director. John Simola subnlitted a report prepared by US Filter on the sludge thickening proposal for the wastewater treatment plant. The City has received a request from Sunny Fresh Foods to increase the terms of their wastewater discharge pennit with the City. Initially Sunny Fresh felt a 25<% increase would be sufficient but they are now requesting an increase from 3.000 Ibs BOD to 4.500 Ibs BOD which would be a 50% increase. If the City approves the concept of increasing the limits of the wastewater discharge permit, the City "l -) L . . . Council Minutes -12/11/00 would have to look at making improvements to the wastewater treatment plant in the f()llowing areas: I) Sludge thickening: 2) Sludge storage and 3) Constructing an additional SBR (Sequence Batch Reactor) tank. John Simola stated that the sludge thickening process and the sludge storage issues were itell1s the City would have to deal with in the near ['uture. The construction of the SBR tank would happen earlier than 15-20 years scheduled but it would probably not he needed yet for 6-8 years. The Council discussed the costs of the proposed improvements and Sunny Fresh's cost participation. Sunny Fresh was in agreement to pay 600;{)-100(10 of the cost of the sludge thickener and the sludge storage and 37 1/2(!/rj of the cost of the SBR tank plus interest expense costs to be determined. There was some discussion on the amount of capacity that would ultimately be needed by Sunny Fresh and their operation. Tim Sirocco and Dennis Darnell from Sunny Fresh were present and indicated that another plant has been constructed and some of the production and subsequent waste has been diverted to that site. I Ie noted though that the product being produced at the Monticello site is more processed vvhich impacts the amount and strength of waste produced. Il0weveL he did not feel there would be any radical changes in product that would skewer the flows generated by thc Monticello t~1Cility. It is proposed that the cost figures as wcll as capacity needs would be relIned and this itell1 would corne back to the Council in January. BRtJCF TIIIELEN MOVED TO APPRC)VE TO CONCEPTUALLY ENTI~R INTO AN AGRU~MI~NT WITII SUNNY FIU~SII FOODS TO EXP ANDfHE WASTEWATER TRI~AI'MENT' PLANT PROVIDU) SUNNY I.'RESH PAYS THEIR SIIARE OF TilE PROPOSL!) INCREASE AND UP FRONTS TI-IE C()ST OF V ARIOLJS PIFCI~S OF CONSTRtJCTION UNTIL TilE CITY'S ORICIINAI. NEEDS DATE IIAD ARRIVED AND '1'111,: CITY AGRI':I.:S TO GRANT SIJNNY I.'RESI-I AN INTERIM PERM)")" CAPACITY INCRI.:ASE UPON APPROVAl. 01; AN AC;RI~EMENT BETWEEN SUNNY FRI':SII FOODS AND TIII~ CITY FOR COST SHARINCJ ON CONSTRUCTION AND A FINAL PI~RMrr INCRI.:ASE UI?ON COMPLCl'ION OF CONSTRUCTION WITI-IINFORMA TION ON FINAl. C'OSTS AND NEEDS TO COME BACK TO TI-IF COUNCIL FOR CONSIDFRATION IN JANUARY. CLINT I-IERBST SECONDED TI-II': MOTION. MOTIC)N CARRIED UNANIMCHJSI.Y. It. Consideration of an ~lInendment to the zoning mall to estahlish a Planned Unit Development District and consideration of an ~lplllication for a concept sta1!c planned unit devclopment to expand business. Aplllicant: Hoelund Bus Company. Approved with consent agenda. 4 2 . . . Council Minutes - 12/11/00 12. Consideration of an ordinance amcndint!: the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 3-5, Inl 7, bv adding subsections (a) and (b), establishing regulations for commercial vehicles in residential dish"icts. Almlicant: City of Monticello. Fred Patch provided background inf()rmation on the proposed ordinance amendment. The City had received complaints about commercial vehicles parked in residential area. The Sheriffs Department indicated that the present wording or the City's ordinance made it difficult to enl()I"(e. "rhe proposed amendment was an attempt to clarify what type of vehicle could not be parked in residential areas thus making this portion of the ordinance ent()I"Ceable. Brian Stumpf asked if staff had checked out what other communities had bd()I"e coming up with this proposed language. Fred Patch indicated they had not but the staff did subrnit this to the Sheri ITs Department to determine if they felt it was en1()reeable. There was considerable discussion on the ordinance amendment. Brian Stumpf questioned \vhether the amendment was too restrictive and it was s1l!2J!ested that instead or eliminating "- "- "- commercial vehicles they should be limited, such as allowing one cOlmnercial vehicle not exceeding one ton. The discussion 1()Cused on the one ton vehicle and whether that should be restricted. .uricH. :SlLllllpffelt that since most orthe complaints dealt with larger vehicles that should be the type ofvehiclc targeted by the ordinance amendment. The Planning COllunission had conducted two public hearings on the proposed amendment. Roy PopileL a Planning Commission membeL indicated that there \VLIS no one in attendance at the public hearings who spoke I()!" or against the proposed ordinance amendment. The Planning Commission felt the proposed amendment would protect the residential areas li'om the presence of large commCl'cial vehicles. Clint Ilerbst asked if the Planning Commission had a concern about one ton trucks. Roy Popilek stated the Planning COlllmission didn't specifically address size when they reviewed this issue. Bruce "l'hielen expressed his concern that creating a document that was ambiguous might be worse than doing nothing at all and the Council did not feel the matter should be sent back to the Planning C'ommission again since they had already reviewed it twice. BRUCE TIIII~LEN MOVI.:n TO DENY THE AMENDMENT TO MONTICT~:LLO /ONINCi ORDINANCL CI-IAPTI':R 3. ESTABLISHING RUiULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLI':S IN RESIDI':NTIAL DISTRICTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. Roger Carlson voiced his opposition stating that a lot of work had gone into the ordinance amendment. There was further discussion by the Council on the ordinance amendment. Bruce Thielen withdrC\v his motion to deny the ordinance amendment. BRUCE TIIII':L,EN MOVH) TO TABU,: THIS ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND IIA VE STAFF DO rTJRTIII~R RESEARCII TO RESOLVI.: THE ISSUE OF VEHICLE SUI':. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH 1<()tiER CARLSON VC)TING IN OPPOSITION. 5 2 . . . Council Minutes - 12/11100 13. Consideration of granting: financial assistance to the Mielke commercial development. JelT O'Neill slllnmarized the staff report emphasi7ing the request for improvelnents to Cedar Street and also the request tlW linancial assistance th1l11 the City. The developer is requesting City assistance f()r relocation orthe water main, cbnolition of structures on the property, and I()f'giveness of trunk utility asseSSlnents. The developer had proposed that a tax abatelnent program be employed to fund this request. It was noted that the development will generate approximately $28.000 through the abatement program. The recommendation of the City stall was that ir tax abatement is utili7ed as a development tool. the City should have in place guidelines and procedures for its use prior to it being implclnented. The Council discussed the relocation of the water main, which John Simola, Public Works Director estimated would run approximately $20,000, possibly more if the sidewalk is disrupted. At this time Bret Weiss or WSB & Associates provided design inflmnation rrom the feasibility study being done on Cedar Street. WSB was asking li]r feedback li'om the Council on the options. Design Option #- 1 would allow I()r the II' or right-of-\vay to be vacated as requested by the developcr and that was the option the Council felt should be pursued rurther. Dennis Zylla representing the Mielkes spoke to the Council stating the 1()llowing: 1. The cost or demolition of the houses at $().2S0 was the bid amount not an estimate. 2. -l'he trunk utility fees were not being t()rgiven as stated by city stafr but Vvould in I~lct be repaid. J. The amount of the recaptured value was not calculated wjth the consultant's soJhvare. At the present time the market value is $400,000. Irlhe project proceeds the market value would be in excess of $1,000,000. 4. They didn't object to the five lane street design as long as the right-of-way vacated \vas a minimum or II' as they were vcry much concerned about the overlapping or curb into The public right-or-way. Mr. Zylla stated that what they are requesting are eligible costs if this would be a tax inerement district but he indicated a willingness to work with the City in this area. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO HAVE THE CITY PICK UP 'n IE COST OF Till.: RELOCATION OF THE WATER MAIN WITI-I MIELKE PROVIDING ADDITIONAL EASI.:MENT IF NEEDED. AND MIELKE TO WORK wrnl TIlE rIRE DEPARTMENT ON TI IE DEMOLITION Of THE STRUCTlJRES BUT NO FlJRTI-IER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WOULD I1E PROVIDr~D BY TIIF CITY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED -n IE MOTION. MOTION CARRII.:D UNANIMOUSLY. Roger Belsaas directed Rick Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak to go back to the I-IRA and work out guidelines and policies for a tax abatement program. 6 2- . . . IS. Council Minutes - 12/11/00 14. Approve payment of bills for December. BRUCE Il11 J:::L EN MOVED TO APPROV/~ P^ YMENT OF I1ILLS FOR DECEMBER. BRI^N STUMPF S/.:CONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lIN^NIMOUSLY. Adjourn. ROGER C^RLSON MOV/.:D TO ADJOURN AT R:50 P.M. BRUCL on IIELEN SEe'ONDED TI Ir: MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJN^NIMOllSL Y. -..." --- - ,,- - --. '--.'_".u_ Recording Secretary 7 2- . . . SA. Council Agcnda - I ISIO 1 Consideration of approYing new hircs and dcpartures for the Community Ccntcr. Parks. and Liuuor Store. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is askcd to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently at the Monticello Community Center, liquor store and the Parks Department. As you recall. it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employces including part- time and seasonal workcrs. B. AL TERNA TIVF, ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the parHime and seasonal employees f()r the Community Center, Parks Department and liquor store identified on the attached lists. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-tinlc cmployecs. NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Kimberly A Nordin Clerk Liquor Store 12/4/00 PT James Greeley Rink Attendant Parks 12/4/00 Seasonal Andrea J Nei Rink Attendant Parks 12/4/00 Seasonal Pamela J Weston Rink Attendant Parks 11/30/00 Seasonal Dennis A West Rink Attendant Parks 11/30/00 Seasonal Candi L Merry Rink Attendant Parks 11/30/00 Seasonal TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Karin Meyer Rae Modesitt Lindsey Klein Reason voluntary voluntary voluntary Department MCC MCC MCC Last Day 12/7/00 12/15/00 11/9/00 Class FT PT PT . . employee cc list. xis: 12/19/2000 SA NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Patrick Rogers Rink Attendant Parks 12/1/00 Seasonal Dwight Filipek Rink Attendant Parks 12/13/00 Seasonal . . employee cc list xis 01/03/2001 TERMINA T1NG EMPLOYEES Reason involuntary voluntary voluntary Department Liquor MCC MCC Last Day 12/22/00 12/29/00 12/27/00 Class PT FT PT s~ . . . c. D. Council Agenda - 1/8/01 58. Consideration of approving Change Order No.4 and final pavrnent for Project No. 98-08C (Chelsea Road East) and Project No. 98-13C(Walnut Street). (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Attached to the agenda item is a copy of Change Order No.4 to Project No. 98-0C which covers the installation of 410 lineal feet of conduit ftJr future utility installation under the roadway at a cost of $3,382.50. The City Engineer is also recommending that linal payment to BUmllo Bituminous be approved in the amount of $35,562.28. All lien waivers, state withholding /twms and surety consent documents have been received by the City. The City assessed these projects in 2000. B. ALTERNATIVI~ ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order NO.4 to Project No. 98-08C, Chelsea Road Fast and approve final payment to Buffalo Bituminous It)r Projects No. 98-08C, Chelsea Road East and Project No. 98-13(', Walnut Street Improvements in the amount of $35,562.28. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and City Engineer that Change Order NO.4 and the final payment to Buft:110 Bituminous be approved. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order No.4 r.;=-=,:::::,"<=-"~ ._..,~_." Chelsea Road East & Walnut Street Improvements Monticello, Minnesota ity Project No. 98.08C & 98-13C S8 Project No. 1103.00 & 1010.90 CIHAN(lEOROER NO.4 '~~.~,..........:....._.~._.,_.w_..~..~ Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: 11/28/00 Contractor Buffalo Bituminous Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents description: CHELSEA ROAD EAST 98-08C ADD: 410 IF. OF CONDUIT FOR FUTURE UTILITY INSTAllATION UNDER ROADWAY. See attached schedule of changes for quantities and costs Attachments: SEE ATTACHED SHEETS CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Price: $694,301.50 Original Contract Time: 11/15/99 & 6/1/00 $-13,854.91 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: 14 Days Previous Change Orders No. ~_._ to No. 3 Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: Net Increase of This Change Order: ntract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $680,446.59 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: 6/15/00 $ 3,382.50 Net Increase of Change Order: 0 $683,829.09 Contract Time With Approved Change Orde s: 6/15/00 ~' ~ ., "~-'--"'_.""-"- .__ __VVSB_& Associate~~_c--,---_.___._ Engineer -._ __BUffa!Qj3ituminoutln~__ ____ Contractor Approved By: Approved By: Date of City Council Action: .--- -. --.,..- "'.-....-- - '--'--. City Engineer _..._~._--.-...._...~_..._...._- City Administrator _'n_.__"..__ __'_ .___"'. . SB F:II IIUOOIPAY EI'TIMAIf:\'I('HANGL ()jlliD? NO. -i.l)(!(' Change Order No.4 Walnut Street & Chelsea Road East Improvement Projects City of Monticello Project No. 98-13C & 98-08C Wright County, Minensota WSB Project No.1 01 0.91 & 1103.00 Date: 11/24/2000 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. PO Box 337 Buffalo,MN 55313 Chelsea Road Construction - City Project No. 98-08C Line Item No. Number Description Unit Esitmated Quantity Unit Price Amount Increase or Decrease ---1-- -- -------- - ------ --- ____ -ut- -_______ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ i !'-DDI_____ -------______ _u___ ______ ________ _L____ ____ ___ __u_______ I ADDITIONAL SIGNAG~ TO DI.RECT TRAFFIC TO LOCAL BUSINESS ! .,:-[--_-~ ""-R1"'~COi'Jjjj'_-_-= - - ... -:-_-____ __-=..1-__"",-__ ..: 41.~oi i$~25-~ -=.:-_$3~82;so I I I Total Addtions to Proj. No. 9B-OBC = II $3,382.501 Total Amount Change Order No.4 = I $3,3B2.501 . 5B . . . sc. Council Agenda - 1/810 1 Consideration of approving final payment for Proiect No. lOOO-OlC Walnut Street Parkinc Improvements.. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Engineer is recommending that final payment to Buffalo Bituminous on the above project be approved in the anlOunt 01"$3,793.76. All lien waivers, state withholding forms and surety consent documents have been received by the City. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve Ilnal payment to Buffalo I3ituminous for Projects No. 2000-02e Walnut Street Parking Improven1ents in the amount 01'$3,793.76. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and City I:ngineer that the final payment to But"hlo Bituminous be approved. SUPPORTING DATA: Final Payment Request Dec 20 00 12:12p DEC-20-00 WED 12:59 ~SB & Associates, BUFFALO BITUMINOUS Inc. 320-252-3100 p.4 FAX NO. 612 682 6522 P.03 --" - ESTlI\IA TE VOUCHER NUMBER: WSB PROJECT NUMIIE~: CONaTRllCl'IoNPAY VOUCHER 2 & finll OAT!: Octobllt 25,2000 e PftOJidt: t 201""'00 PERIOD I!NDING: '~WALNJt'~Tflt~ J' pNlKING IMP"Rcmr:Urs . -..,. ".. CITY PROJECT NO. 2QOO.02C MONTICELLO. MINNfSOTA BUFFALO BITUMINOUS 2852 COUNl'Y ROAD NOATH, PO 80X 337 BUFFALO. UN 55313 Odobet 11. 2000 CONTRACTOR: ---l CONTRACT OA Tli!: AprU 25, 2000 WORK STARTED: May 22. 2000 COMPLEtiON DATE: JUlie 1~. 2~ WORK COMPLETED: JUlWl 26. 2000 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 137.000.00 TOTAL ADDITIONS 0.00 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 0.00 TOTALFUNDa!NCUMIE~!D $37.000.00 TOTAL WORK CERTIFIED TO DATE $44.0'8.25 LI!SS RETAlN!D PERC!NTAGI! 0% so. 00 lESS P"!VIOua PAYMENTS 40,2911.48 TOTAL PAYMENT$ INCL. THIS VOUCHER '.....086.25 BALANCE CARRI!D FORWARD 000 APPROVIiD FOR PAYMEiNT THIS VOUCHER $2.ft3.1I APPROVALS ewss.. ASSOCIATES,INC, 111 accotdallCAt with field obselllacion. as performed ill llCCOtOance with indUIlry sllndlra.. end baed 011 our profealianal opinion, IlIe materl8ls Inltllted Ire Sa/islldory and lhe worIr llIope1ly P8lfor,"~ in aCC4tdaM6 with m. pl.atl$ and ,jNCifICallQllll. The tOUl worll is eSlilnaled 10 be...uH!... % compleWd as of September 1, 2000. We hereby recommend payment Of tIIis WIUCher. . <'J? ' Signed: EtiYiiibhn&tad. City of MO"tl~"III..co"lItructlon ObMrv., Signed: rl.!.a~{::~------- ~ BUFFALO 8lTUMIHOU5. INC. Tl\. II to certify thai 10 tile best of my knOWledge. informaliOn, and belief. the quantitIeS and vIII the period covered by IhiS~ :~<tOr. - _- /Ih/o-o ::-' fair allOrOllimate estim.te for I CITY OF MONTICELLO Checkld by: ApprOV6cl tor payment: Autlloriud R.pq....ativ. D;lIC: ---~-.-........._._.--......_- Dar.! : e { I , f:U(lI 1.IOIl\lOAY 1i51IMA ",$\r.W VOlJCHlik 1\10. 1 Ill)!.; f 5C Dee 20 00 12:12p UtG-20-~O WED 12:59 \ I . ,.-oj C'\S C . ..... ~ ~ N . o Z (I.) ~ .~ ' rnt ~ ~ ~ ~ ) f~ .~ ~ ~ ,... ;z: 8~~~ .:. " ~ 0" 8~cg~ .A:SO::l -l:Qc..a) .= = lP E ~ >CJ f:!: =-8 E= -N 0.00 .5 Z . e ~l':1S. "'G... Ill-I: l jIIL, 0 U . ..... .. I:; - ~.... 2 "; 0 ~ . 4i = ~ CI &.. e ~. 2; ....=a.. CI'} a :2 ~ ~ ~ 8 'e- ="'-Q" _e~ S l':-.r eJ ~.... ~ ~SB & AS50ci~tes, Inc. 320-252-3100 p.3 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS FAX NO. 612 BB2 6522 P. 02 g 0 g I Q I g g 2 0 0 ~ g ~ g g 0 I gIg ~ Iri - g ~ ;:::; ~ 'Ie 2 0;;; c' N d d ::i;:i ;;:L... ci N ~. d ci aD '0 oti '~ 0 aO 00 -i ~ B ..... '^ - V\, 0 "I f'oo 00 r-o ~,~ N ("00 c-.., f'oo 10 0 00 ~ 0110 00 0. .,." 1 t! ~ -:. - 100 10:. ""!. "'l I.C!., ""!. '"ll ~ ~ ~ -:.! -:. "... ~ .. .. 5- ~ 'I:"o~.; - ~ ,- r-. .... I - ! - - r-. N U"'\ V") N ,f N: '.:_' ..,.. .....-... ! I j: I I :~, ~ :;~;>._ ; ; ; ;/;- :. ~ ; : : ; ; : ; ; ; ;m'; ; ~ D n " II · .....It}. ''''~,.''l..... ._au....O_"'CI 0\ ..... 0. N:VI r- 0 lI"l 00 <:> 0 N ..... ~ N N ~ 0.... ~ - .... ..... 4l 11'_ iij15 I I N I:-~...,..I NN~~ ~i~i~j~ I I Q" II II: ~ .. ~ "'" "";"'t M/tIt "':ttI;CA:liI'litl},cn~"" 1;')/'" I;')'''''I'''''IM "'" f :- j! ! i ~ ~ t- I ! I r ~o I j = s c3 i E ~ ~ .S 0 C! \0 ~ IC! C! 0 j~ 10 - -0 0 i.,.j ~ l;! <::! 11'\ IQ C? 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'"" 0 ..., 0 010 0 000 - ~ '<I'1'^ N C"'\ ....,. ....,. o-------M~....MVI~~V'I I ~:I:PI::I:: :1:i:-:I:i:~I:i:: ~ !!'~ .~ 'S. .~ u Q U lP! 0 ::iZ 5C . . . 51). Council Agenda - 1/08/0 I Consideration of approving Chan!!c Orde."s No.2. No.5 and No.6 for Proiect No. 98-17C CSA" 75 Improvements. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Engineer has submitted Change Orders No.2. No.5 and NO.6 on Project No. 98-17C (CSAH 75 Improvements) Ic)!' Council approval. Change Order No.2 deletes 35 lineal feet of60" reinforced concrete pipe and one apron with trash guard and replaces it with XX lineal reet of reinforced concrete arch pipe with one apron and trash guard resulting in a net increase in the contract of $11.067.00. Change Order No.5 relates to removal of unsuitable soils and placing granular borrow which resulted in an increase of $18.096.08 to the contract. Change Order No.6 deletes 4' sidewalk, and some curb and gutter which results in a decrease to the contract 01'$11,679.90. 'The contract price with all change orders amounts to $1.958,185.22. The City assessed this project in 2000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: C. 1. Approve Change Orders No. 2. NO.5 and No.6 to Project No. 98-17C (CSAI I 75 Improvements) resulting in an overall contract price or $1.958,1 X5.22. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of the City Achninistrator and City Engineer that Change Orders No.2, No.5 and No.6 to Project No. 9X-17C (CSAH 75 hnprovements) be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Change Order No.2 . Change Order NO.5 . Change Order NO.6 CSAH 75, S.A.P. 86-675-12 MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 98-17C WSB PROJECT NO. 1109.10 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: 5/2/00 Contractor: RL Larson Excavating, Inc Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document's description: Materials and labor necessary to install 48"X 73" RC Arch Pipe and appurtenances in place of the 60" RC Pipe, Design 3006, CL II and increase the pipe length from 35 L.F. to 88 L.F. See attached schedule of changes for quantities and costs Attachments: SEE ATTACHED SHEETS CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: None Original Contract Price: P. ious Change Orders: No. _.Lto No. _1 $1,856,518.88 Original Contract Time: 11/15/99 & 6/1/00 Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $20,140.59 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None $1,876,659.47 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: None $11,067.00 Net Increase of Change Order: None $1,887,726.47 Contract Time With Approved Change N/A Orders: Net Increase of This Change Order: Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: Recom ~ ~_'._."~--,-,~-,..,-.- -'_.~"._.'._'-~'- _.___WSB & Associate~lnc,---___ Engineer ___,_.~L Larsol1~?<cavatinJhJ~_______ Contractor Approved By: A~..... dB.Y: / . C./ -X. City Administrator Date of City Council Action: City Engineer ._-'-'~_._--~'_."'------'-._,-----.~ Approved By: --~--~ -"~~'-"-'~'~.~-~,----------..~.,- District Sate Aid Engineer 1'.-11 fOY.11IPAY 1,STiMA7EI'ICHAN0E ()jWD1 NO. 2./)OC 5v "",:..,.~..:....":::.,._;..,o;..-::"',,'" CSAH 75, S.A.P. 86-675-12 MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 98-HC WSB PROJECT NO. 1109.10 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: 4/25/00 Contractor: RL Larson Excavating, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents description: Excavate unsuitable soils as common excavation and place granular borrow. See attached schedule of changes for quantities and costs Attachments: SEE ATTACHED CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: None Original Contract Price: Previous Change Orders: No. ~to No. 3. $1,856,518.88 Original Contract Time: 11/15/99 & 6/1/00 $94,967.44 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None ract Price Prior to This Change Order: $1,951,486.32 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: None Net Increase of this Change Order: $18,09608 Net Increase of Change Order: None Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $1,969,582.40 Contract Time With Approved Change N/A Orders: R .... WS~& AS_$ociate~~._.__~__ Engineer _"~_RL LarsQ.n Excgvatinq, '-~__ Contractor Approved By: City Engineer ."..._--"'~-,--~"""~._,,,- ilk^- Date of City Council Action: ~-'~'-_._'._-~"'--'."- Approved By: ~"'""-"'--._.~""._-",._.~._.- District Sate Aid Engineer . F.'IIIWIIII'AY u:;nMAnSICIIANCEO!IIJER NO. 5./J()C 5D CSAH 75, S.A.P. 86-675-12 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA .y PROJECT NO. 98-17C B PROJECT NO. 1109.10 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: 5/18/2000 Contractor: RL Larson Excavating, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents description: See attached schedule of changes for quantities and costs Attachments: SEE ATTACHED CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: None Original Contract Price: Previous Change Orders: No 1 to No. 5 $1,856,518.88 Original Contract Time: 11/15/99 & 6/1/00 Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $94,967.44 Net Change from Previous Change Orders None $1,951,486.32 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: None $-11,679.90 Net Increase of Change Order: None $1,958,185.22 Contract Time With Approved Change NIA Orders: Net Increase of this Change Order: Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: By: \ ~. ;7 . V _/Zdt#.~ ~~ Mi hael J. Nielso '. .. APprov~ /,--- __V\JSB & f-:ssociates, Inc~_"_ Engineer RL Larson Excay~.~c. Contractor Approved By: t;:J;; By City Administra r Approved By: -~ ~ Date of City Council Action: .. - City Engineer District Sate Aid Engineer . I'-.I/IUY. j IV'A Y j-;SlllviAl'EI'ICHAN(jE ORJ)/'.Ji NU 6.!JOC 5D . SE. . . Council Agenda ~ 1/8/01 Consideration of annual appointments for 2001. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each year, certain appointments be made. Attached you will find a list of the required appointments that rnay be approved in one single motion unless the Council chooses to consider some appointrnents separately. a. City Depositories. The City utilizes one bank to provide banking services for the City which is Marquette Bank of Monticello, In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239. the Chief financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other official depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion includes the authorization for the Chief Financial Onieer to designate other depositories when necessary JlW investment purposes only. b. Official Newspaper. Monticello Times. e. Health Oft-icer. It is suggested that we simply appoint the River Place Physician Clinic as the health officer position since the City has used this clinic for new employee physicals and also it is the clinic used Iln our drug testing program. d. Acting Mayor. Past practice has been to choose the senior Councilmernber to fill in as the Acting Mayor when needed. Clint Herbst has heen appointed to this position for the past several years. e. Representatives to Other Multi-Jurisdictional Hodies. Three appointrnents are necessary for selecting the City representatives to serve on each of the il)lIowing hodies: Community Education Advisory Board, Joint Fire Board. and the MOAA Hoard. The joint resolution establishing the new rnakeup of the MOAA Hoard indicated that one individual would serve a (me-year term. and the second City representative would be a two-year term. Roger Belsaas and Clint Herbst were appointed to the MOAA Board. In regard to the Joint fire Board. Councilmember Brian Stumpf and the City Administrator were the two City representatives on this hoard. The other members of the Joint Fire Board include two fire departrnent representatives and two Township supervisors, those currently being Ken Scadden and Ted J-Jolker. r. JIousing and Redevelopment Authoritv. Annually. one appointment is required for the Ilousing and Redevelopment Authority. The term currently occupied by Mr. Darrin Lahr is the one that expired December 31. The II.R.A. committee has recommended that Mr. Lahr be reappointed by the Council to an additional 5-year term. . . . Council Agenda - 1/8/0 I 1. City Attorney. Over the past years, the firm of Olson, Usset, & Weingarden has served as our official City Attorney. During the past few years, Mr. Dennis Dalen of this firm has assUllled the prilllary role as City Attorney. This relationship has worked t~lirly well with Mr. Dalen providing general legal counsel and working on such items development agreements and other miscellaneous legal issues, and it is reconll11ended that we continue this arrangement at this time provided the City Council is acceptable to consideri ng the use 0 f addi tional outside legal services, when necessary. It has become apparent in recent years that the City must adequately prepare f<Jr defense of various lawsuits and other legal issue which may require the use of an individual or law firm more specialized in those areas. Operating under this arrangement would allow the City to utilize Mr. Dalen as City Attorney for general issues and the Council could be requested to hire additional legal services as needed, based on recommendations from staff or other consultants. '1 City Auditor. Historically, Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates has been the City's auditor. As they have become very f~lmiliar with our accounting practices, I do not have any problem with the City continuing our relationship with this firm as our official auditor. ,., .J. Consulting Engineer. Currently, the consulting engineering firm of WSB & Associates and, in particular, Mr. Bret Weiss, has been appointed as the City's primary City Engineer. For general engineering services, it is recommended that we continue our arrangement with Mr. Bret Weiss as the rrilllary City Engineer with the firm of WSB & Associates, but also look at adding another engineering firm as the secondary engineer that could be utilized by the City for various services and projects. As the City continues to grow, there appears to be merit in having an additional full service engineering firm available that could be utilized when necessary to relieve wsn of some of the work load when it becomes excessive and it would also allow the City to have available a firm that may have additional areas of expertise that WSB is not currently staffed to handle. A second engineering firm would also allow the City the ability to offer developers a choice of engineering firms if a preference is noted and also would allow one of the consultants to prepare reports such as FA W's on developments without being in conflict with reviewing their own work. With Council authorization, the stall would proceed with a recommendation for Council consideration in the near future. 4. Citv Planner. For the past number of years. Mr. Steve CJrittlnan of Northwest Associated Consultants has been the City Planner. It is recommended that our relationship with Mr. Cirittman and Northwest Associated Consultants continue on an as-needed basis. Council Agenda ~ 1/8/0 1 . g. Planning Commission. 'The Planning Commission is made up of five members serving one-year appointments. In 1999 the Council looked at establishing three year staggered terms but the ordinance was not adopted until the year 2000. The one year term of Robbie Slnith expired in December 2000 and Mr. Smith is agreeable to continuing on the Planning Commission fl.)r another term which would a full three year term. h. Librarv Board. The Library Board by ordinance requires a Mayoral appointment with Council ratification. The terms of Gordy Jacohson and Jim Maus expired in 2000 and I believe these individuals are willing to serve an additional term if appointed. 1. Recycling Committee. Currently, Councilmemher Bruce Thielen has been the Council representative on this committee. 1. Economic Development Authority. The Economic Development Authority is composed currently of seven members appointed hy the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. According to our ordinance that established the EDA, two members of the committee shall be members of the City Council, and those two positions are currently held by Councilmembers Roger Carlson and Clint Herbst. Member of the EDA serve a 6 year term and no members terms expired in 2000. . k. Police Advisory Cornmission (3-year staggered terms). The Police Advisory Commission is composed of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed hy the City CounciL one of which is a Co unci I member. For the past few years, Coullcilmember Brian Stumpf has served in that capacity. The positions currently held hy Dick Slais and David Gerads expired Decemher 31,2000. I. Parks Commission. lhe position currently held by rran Fair expired December. 2000. m. DAT (Design Advisory Team). The hoard was omitted froln the appointment list that was approved by the Council last January. The terms of Pam CampbelL Susie Wojchouski and Dennis Sullivan expired Decemher 2000. With the resignation of Amanda Gaetz as the MCP Director, there will be a recommendation made /(Jr a replacement in the near future. n. MC:C Advisorv Board: This board was established in September 01'2000 with board members being appointed in October. No tcrms will expire until December 2001. However. the board members and their terms arc listed here. . The f()lIowing appointments arc not required to be made annually by statute. hut each of them performs services on an as-needed basis IIJr the City. The consulting scrvices and/or individuals arc listed as Collows and can he individually discussed by the Council if desired. . . . Counci I Agenda - 1/8/01 5. Financial Consultants. for a nlHnber of years, thc City had utilizcd thc scrvices of Springstcd, Inc., as the City's financial advisor fcn' preparing documents relating to bond sales and other financial matters or the City. During the past few ycars, the H.R.A. and also the City have utilized the services of Ehlers & Associates to likewise provide financial consultation relating to establishment of tax increment financing districts, along with bond sales for both the II.R.A.'s financing needs and the City's financing. While the City had utilized Springsted's services for approximately 20 years, Ehlers & Associates has more recently been used on some of our newest bond sales. While the City Council doesn't have to appoint a specific financial advisor at the beginning of each year. I wanted to make the Council awarc that the City has utilized the services of both firms. One downf~lillo constantly changing financial advisors fl)r different bond sales is that you have to continually keep both firms up to date on specific financial conditions of the City and this results in dupl ication of efforts not only by our staff but also by each consultant. As a result I would prefer that the City utilize onc financial advisor and I believe our working relationship presently has been satisf~lctory with Mark Ruff and Rusty fifefield of Ehlers and Associatcs. As I noted, Springsted, Inc. has adequately served the City liJr a number of years but it is very diffIcult to continue trying to split the workload between two consultants and I would recommend that the City simply continue with Ehlers and Associates and look at other consultants in the future if we reel our needs are not being met. In addition to the annual appointments, individual Councillnembers ror the past few years have been appointed as liaison members with various cOlnmittees and commissions orthe City. A list of these commission or committee assignments is enclosed with the agenda for Council review. If the Council would like to continue with having individual liaison members. the Mayor and Council members Inay want to discuss whether any commission or committee assignments need to be changed. The attached sheet as supporting data lists all of the members of the various commissions and appropriate appointments. both required and discretionary. that the Council can consider for 2001. The underlined names are the ones that are in need of appointment Ii)!' Council review. B, ALTERNATIVE ACTION: I. II' the Council is in agreement with all or the recommendations Ii)!' annual appointments. a single motion is all that is needed to cover the vacancies underlinecL or individual appointments can be made separately as needed. . . . Council Agenda - 1/8/0 I c. SUPPOI{TING DATA: · [.ist of current appointments needed and current office holders. . . . 2001 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Official Depositories: Newspaper: Housing & Redevelopment Authority: (5-year staggered terms) Planning Commission: (Assuming 3-year staggered terms) Health Officer': (I year) Acting Mayor: (I year) Joint Commissions: Community Education Fire Board MOAA Lihrary Board: (3-year staggered) Attorney: Planner: Auditor: Marquette Bank Monticello Chief Financial Oflicer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Monticello Times I. Bob Murray 12/200 I 2. Steve Andrews 12/2002 " Dan Frie 12/2003 ." 4. Brad Barger 12/2004 5. Darrin Lahr 12/2005 I. Robbie Smith 12/2003 2. Richard Carlson 12/200 I " Roy Popilek 12/200 I ~. 4. Rod Dragsten 12/2002 5. Dick rrie 12/2002 River Place Physician Clinic Clint Herbst Ro!.!er Belsaas Rick Wolfsteller and Brian Stumpf Roger Belsaas and Clint Herbst I. 2. Tom Parker Gordy Jacobson Jeanette Lukowski Jim Malls Diane Herbst 12/2002 12/2003 12/2002 12/2003 12/2001 " .) . 4. 5. Dennis Dalen of Olson, Usset & Weingarden Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve GriUman) Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates 5E . . . Recycling Committee: Economic Development Authority: (6-year staggered terms) Engineer: Police Advisory Commission: (3-year staggered terms) Parks Commission: (3- year staggered terms) DA T (Design Advisory Team) (2-year staggered terms) MCC Advisory Board (3-year staggered terms) MCC established 9/11/00 and members appointed 10/9/00. Bruce Thielen 1. ') Roger CarlsOILCouncil Clint J lerbst. Council Ken Maus Darrin Lahr Barb Sehwientek Bill Demeules Ron Iloglund "' -, . 4. 5. 6. 7. WSB & Associates I. Brian Stumpf: Council 2. Dick Slais "' David Gerads _1. 4. Brad f."ylc 5. Liz DeMarais 1. Earl Smith 2. Larry Nolan "' Fran Fair " . 4. Nancy McCaffrey 5. Rick Traver I. Pam Campbell ') Susie Woichouski "' Dennis Sullivan -'- 4. Carl Sorenson 5. Ron }-loglund 6. Mike Cyr 7. Vacant I. Harvey Kendall ') Bob Murray "' Wanda Kraemer -, . 4. Roger Belsaas 5. Idella Ziegler Council liaison (ex-officio) appointments to City committees: HRi\ Planning Commission: Parks Commission: Police Commission: Library Hoard: MCP: Brian Stumpf Clint lIerbst Roger Carlson Brian Stumpf Bruce Thiclen Bruce Thiclen 12/2006 12/2002 12/2002 12/2003 12/2004 12/2005 12/200 I 12/2002 12/2003 12/2003 12/200 ] 12/2002 12/2001 12/2002 12/2003 12/2002 12/2001 12/2002 12/2002 12/2002 12/2001 12/2001 12/2001 12/2001 12/2003 12/2003 12/2002 12/2002 12/2001 5E .' . . Council Agenda - 1/08/01 SF. Consideration of ordinance amendment revising penaltv provisions. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the end of November, the City received a letter from the Wright County Attorney's office informing the City of a change in the maximunl fines for misdemeanor and petty misdemeanor offenses. Minnesota Statutes Section. 609J>332 and 609.034 allows for a maximum fine of $300 f(Jr a petty misdemeanor and $1,000 for a misdemeanor. In review of the city ordinances it was noted that the penalty provisions varied greatly. setting forth fines anywhere from $100 to $700. In order few the penalty provision to he consistent in all the ordinances, an ordinance amendment was prepared that specifics the penalty imposed hy the City is the maximum allowed by state law. By not specifying a dollar amount, if the fine amount changes again at some futurc time, it will not be necessary to amend thc ordinance again. Sincc the City has not had lllany prosecutions and convictions for ordinance violations, the change in the nlaximum amount of fines will have littlc financial impact. Howcver, it is recommendcd that the City's ordinanccs reJlect current statutes. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: C. 1. Approve the ordinance amendment to reJlect that the City will impose the maximum lines allowed by state statute. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Whilc the change in the amount ofthc maximunl fines flJr Illisdemeanors and petty misdemeanors will have no financial impact on the City, it is recommended by the County Attorney's OHice and the City Administrator that the Council approvc the ordinance amcndment as it will assure that thc City's ordinance reflects current statutes. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed Ordi nance Amendment. . . ~ ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 358 City of Monticello Wri~ht County, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMF.NDING PENALTY AMOUNTS LEVH~D UNDER CITY ORDINANCES PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED The City Council of the City orMontieello does hereby ordain: Section 1. Title L Chapter 3, Section 1-3-1 Title I. Chapter 4, Section] -4- 1 Title II L Chapter 8, Section 3- 18- 15 Title III, Chapter 10, Section 3- 1 0-14 Title III, Chapter 1 L Section 3- 1 1-] 3 Title III, Chapter 14, Section 3- 1 4- 13 Title IV, Chapter I, Section 4-1-6 Title V, Chapter L Section 5-1-9(A) Title V, Chapter 4, Section 5-4-8 Title VI, Chapter I, Section 6-1-10(B.4) and (C.2) Title VI, Chapter 2, Section 6-2-26(K) Title VI. Chapter 5, Section 6-5-8 Title VII, Chapter I, Section 7-1-3(^),(B) and Section 7-1-4(B) 'ritle VII. Chapter 6, Section 7-6-1 0(B.3) "ritlc VII. Chapter 8, Section 7-8-4 Title VIlL Chapter 10, Section 8-10-4 Title I X, Chapter L Section 9-1- L Section 9-1-5(D) and Section 9-1-7(D) Title XI, Chapter 1 L Section I ] -11-4 Title XII, Chapter 6, Section 12-6-1 (A) Title XIV, Chapter 6, Section 14-6-4(A),(B) and (D) are hereby amended to delete language referencing 111aximum fees and penalty amounts and adding the following: Any person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished not l110re than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by state law. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective Ii'om and after its passage and publication. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this of ,2001. ^"ITLST: Roger Belsaas. Mayor -.. -- Rick WolfstclleL City Adl11inistrator S~ . . . c. D. Council Agenda - 1/08/0 I 5G. Consideration of approving final pavment Wildwood Rid2:e Area Water Booster Pump Project No. 98-24C - Moorhead Construction. (.IS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The water booster station on County R.oad 18 near thc Wildwood Ridge area has been complete for some time. This is merely a housekeeping mattcr as $1,000 was being withheld until the finallicn waivers were received from the contractor. We have received those at this time liOln Moorhead Construction. Consequently we would like the City Council to authorize final paynlent in thc amount of $1,000 to Moorhead Construction for this project. H. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to authorize final payment to Moorhead Construction, Project No. 98-24C in the all10unt of $1,000. 2. The second alternative would be not to issue final payment to Moorhead Construction. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, Public Works Director and City Administrator that the City Council authorizc final payment to Moorhead Construction in the amount of $1.000 as outlined in Alternative # I. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of final pay voucher for Project 98-24C'. Letter of recommendation from City Engineer. . . . 01/04/2001 THlT l!l: 37 FAX 7632877180 ~B TRANSPORTATION . ., ,,>,:::~~~~tjr:'~Y!;~~#~': ... ,..,..., ,. , Date: III 003 4.Jan-01 Vouch.r No: PrQjtct: Project No's: 7 SOUth'~8t Booster Station City Project No. 98-24C WSB Project No. 1129.01 Period Ending: 4-Jan-01 Contractor: Contract Date: Completion Dat.~ Work Started: Work Completed: i } $~44.100.00 1$7.286.99 I $251.386.99 I Original Contract Amount T ate I Additions Total Deductions Total Funds Encumbered Total Work Certified to Oate Less Retained Percent8ge Less PreviOuS Peyments Total payments IneL This Voucher Balance Carried Forward Approved for Payment This Voucher $251,386.99 $0.00 $250,386.99 $261,386.99 0.00% $0.00 $1,000.00 Approval $ WSB & Auociates, Inc. In accordance with field obselVatlon. as performed In accordance with industry standardS, and based on our professional opinion. the materials installed are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and sp@cifications. I The total work estimat~d to be completed as of January 4, 2001 is as indicated herein and we hereby recommend ~ 100% payment of this voucher. Signed: Signed: construction Observer Moorhead construction Co., Inc. This is to certify that to the bast of my knowledge. informallctt, and bellet. the quantIties and values of work certified herein is a fair apprOXimate estimate for the period covered by this vouch~r. Contractor: Signed: Dale: TItle: City of Monticello ~proved for Payment: Checked by: Authorized Representative Date: Date: T:\2006.04\voucher 5G-1 01/04/2001 THU 15:36 FAX 7632877180 '!ff"fl}~:~"~' ~ iF':WSB d;,,4.uociates, ll'lc, . X\i\m~H ~~t~!~H ; ; ';!'. ~ t,': :3:, ~I:, ~:. ..' ~;: ~:i' "::: '. I.,' :,', ~. "". ":1;, .oj . I .i. ':I, "."\ , !! ~'~:'~, j . .:,: .~i' ;':" _i'.':: "1':;1' :'.'.t.-:-_:,. ,.'~ ;~. ':.: - . {.:I~ :~ .~; ", .....; i'..:,i_::. ':k "~.:';'~,i > ..':~ .,'r', <i",'-;';'.{:::r:: .::i';::~: ';~, '..,:~: ',,':~,: .', ;, r;;~,;,,;, !' 415o'bM~:'" W$B TRANSPORTATION January 17,2000 Honorable Mayor and City COWieil City ofMonticeHo P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 , Re: Final Construction Pay Voucher ~o. 7 Southeast Booster Station ' City Project No. 98-24C WSB Project No. 1129.01 Dear Mayor and COWlcil Members: J Ellclosed are three (3) copies of the F~lal Construction Pay Voucher No.7 for the referenced project reflecting eliminatioq of the retah1age fee. We recommend .final payment of the retainage in the amount of$l,OOO.OO. I Please process the necessary disbursernent:docwnentation to the City for signature and then make payment in this amount to Moorheacf Construction, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, file. /!2J( /Z-1Z-4 (". 'J~hn R. Bradford. p .E.! Project Manager f Enclosures c: j Rick WoJfsteller, City of Mont ice po Jolm Simola, City of Monticello ' Moorhead Construction Co_, Inc. ; I nrn ~)I WPWINlJ J:I'J.UI 0>.>-7-jIIl Il,,';pd Minneapolis. St. Cloud, Equal Opportunity Employ..r 5G-~ III 002 . . . City COline i I Agenda - 0 1/08/0 I SIr. Consideration of approval of concept stage planned unit development for a town home development. Applicant: Eagle Crest Northwest. Inc. (.10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Attached is a report provided to the Planning Commission with modifications regarding the proposed development. The Planning Commission reviewed the concept plan and recommended approval. However, in the recommendation the Commission requested that certain modifications he made to the concept to address issues identiIied in the Planner's rep0l1 and to address comments made at the puhlic hearing. These requested modifications are identified in bold type under alternative 1 and in hand written notations on the concept plan. Please note that one resident appeared at the public hearing and the City received one letter outlining items to address. Concerns voiced by these residents were incorporated into the Planning Commission's recommendation noted in Alternative 1. AL TERNA TIVE ACTION 1. Motion adopting Planning Commission recommendation to approve concept plan as identified in alternative I of the report tot he Planning Commission. Motion hased on the finding that the concept plan with modi1ications as requested is consistent with the neighborhood, will not result in a depreciation of land values and is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Under this alternative, the developer will modify plan and bring back to the Planning Commission with additional detail at the development stage of the PUD process. In discussing the project with the Planning Commission. the developer supported the changes suggested hy the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to deny concept plan approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Report to Planning Commission with specific comments made by the Planning Commission in bold. Draft minutes from Planning Commission meeting of 1/2/01 - 1- . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 0 I /02/0 I ~. Consideration of a Concept Staec PlJD for a 77 unit townhouse project in Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. Applicant: Eaele Crest Northwest. (NAC) A REFERENCE AND BACKCJROUND: Eagle Crest is seeking concept stage approval of a proposed townhouse development in Klein Farms Estates 2"d Addition, north of farmstead Drive and south oUhe Industrial Park which abuts the project's northern boundary. The site is zoned Residential Planned Unit Development and accommodates a medium density residential project. The site appears to be approximately ten acres in size, which would accommodate a maximum of around 80 townhouse units. The proposed layout is divided into two basic areas. The eastern portion contains 31 units of side-by-side townhouse units in 8 building clusters - 7 clusters of 4 units each and one three unit building. A central private street serves all of the units which are arranged in a linear pattern flanking both sides of the private street. The unit styles would be one level rall1blers with front loaded double garages. Each building cluster includes two garages side by side which creates a driveway "curb cut" on the private access street of about 45 feet in width. These driveway cuts are separated by landscaped areas which vary from 40 to 60 feet in width. The western portion of the project would contain 36 units in nine "quadraminiwl1" buildings. A perimeter private street provides access to this development. from which a series of 16 foot wide driveway spurs serve the individual units. The units in this half of the project are proposed to be two level buildings which double garages in a "tuck~under" arrangement. Similar curb~cut widths are proposed for the side by side double garages, although landscaped separations are somewhat wider - 55 to 65 feet fl.)!' the bulk of the buildings. The western-most buildings show a narrower landscaped area. however, the building spacings appear to be just 12 to 22 feet. below the required separation in a PUD - equal to the height of the buildings. For these units, a building height of 24 feet would require building separation of the sanle dimension. I3ecause of the restricted area. one ofthese western-most buildings will not fit as designed. The west side also has a conflict with the buffer yard requirenlents for residential areas adjacent to existing industrial developtl1ent. A 50 foot wide bufferyard is required. at least 40 feet of \vhich nlust be a landscaped area. While the setback to the buildings in approximately 60 feet. a 24 foot private street occupies a portion of the required landscape area, leaving the green space at a width of just 20 feet. The street must be shifted at least 20 feet to the south, or a different arrangement for the units tl1ust be considered. One option would be to place the private street between the pairs ofbuilclings (similar to the east side), - I - ~H-l Planning Commission Agenda - OJ/02/01 . with driveway spurs on both sides providing access to four units each. Such a layout would make the 16 foot driveway dimension a more acceptable concept. An additional consideration forthe project should be the inclusion of sIn all clusters of visitor parking throughout the development. With narrow private streets, there would be severely limited opportunity for non-residents to park when visiting the neighborhood. Apart from these layout issues, the project would require landscaping and amemtles consistent with the intent of the PUD ordinance. Essentially, this ordinance states that PUD is a zoning technique which is appropriate to allow flexibility in application of the basic regulations (such as internal setbacks and public street frontage) when the design and amenities of the project show superior quality and, on balance, substantively exceed the mininllull standards of the City's zoning regulations. For the townhouse project adjacent to the east boundary, a substantial amount of front-yard landscaping was required, including both t()lJl1dation plantings and in common areas. The submitted preliminary landscape plan shows only a few shrubs at the unit entrances and about one tree per unit outside of the require buffer plantings. The buildings elevations illustrate aluminum lap siding with a limited amount of brick hlscia on the garage fi'onts. . For a project which is designed with straight private streets and linear building locations, site amenities should be greatly increased to mitigate the relatively monotonous sight lines. Front yard landscaping should be intensified significantly. Other elements could also be considered, including fencing or other structural items, and consideration for pedestrian access, such as a sidewalk along the private street. The garage front design of the rambler units makes the streetscape views an issue. Also, the public's view of this project will be of the backs of most of the units from Farmstead Drive. Special attention should be given to the design of this area, such as perimeter shrub planting and other elements. Because this will be rear yard space for the residents, a design which provides a feeling of private open space, but avoids a continuous six-foot fence along the street should be considered. Finally, none of the units are shown with porch additions or patio spaces, however, these elements are often sought by residents either in the initial construction phase or later. The project designers should show how these spaces wi II be addressed, with attention to the public views of the site, the private use of the space, and the purpose of PUD design. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the concept PU f) plan, with direction to the developer to incorporate the comments of staff and the Planning Commission into its Development Stage PUD plans. . -2- 5t\-~ . F. C ..w. H. . I. Plann ing C0I11I11 ission ^genda - 0 I /02/0 I Specific Comments from the Planning Commission made on 1/2/0 I include: A. Remove one unit at northwest corner to allow service road to swing south, thus increasing buffer yard area to create opportunity for greater separation between buildings as noted in the Phmner's report. B. Provide landscaping equal to or greater than the example set by Klein Farms Estates I sf and 2nd Additions. C. Combine herm and additional plantings in areas where the service drive encroaches in the buffer yard along the northern boundary. D. Provide for cluster mailboxes. E. Install boulevard sidewalk along southern boundary along with walks connecting boulevard sidewalk to drive areas. Install subdued ornamental street lighting as necessary. Install visitor parking spaces on site at a rate of one stall per every three units. Develop an ornamental fence/landscaping pattern ere~lting a visual separation between Farmstead Drive and the patios facing the drive. Increase drive width to 24' where drive serves more than four units and require curh and gutter. For drives that serve four units or less, width shall be 20' without curb and gutter. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the concept flU D plan, based on a finding that the proposall~ll1s short of the City"s expectation for PUD development. 3. Motion to table action 011 the concept PUD plan, pending submission of additional infi.1rmation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission selected Alternative I. . ~3- 5+\- ~ Planning Commission Agenda - 01/02/0 I . Staff would recommend approval of the concept plan only with attention to the issues raised in this report and an enhanced design consistent with these comments. As noted in other PUD applications, it is not the purpose of the PUD ordinance to merely drop standards and maximize raw land density. Instead. it is the purrose ofPlJD to significantly increase design and development quality. The proposed concept plan shows a neighborhood which would have the bare minimunl of visual and site amenities, while maximizing the number of units that a 10 acre parcel can suprort. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Site I,ocation 2. Site/I ,andscape Plan 3. Building Elevations for Ramhler Units 4. Building Elevations for Quad Units . . -/1- 5 Ii-~ . .-J [ ,..,..-".- ---- I :o- J ! I I I I ; i I I i i ! . I 1-----. , !l i i I t --"...". ~ \ I. . . " l I I l i FH~ , J j , I f I _. \ I RQAD / 1 / I ,.. J/ ,.......... ......... ' '" , I . " I :r or I II ~tttIIIIIIIIttI~.. DUNDAS ~ 'ROAq ! \ , \ :3 I I ~ -~'l I r G: I. e 1 \ t I 1 I , I I I l I I \ .; &1C* ~TlON. ,),.............. {f "'''" II 1"/" S -..............,.-;'" .-- ....,. /' ! l, "t-i I " '-..!.. I \ l.........l.. ~ ---l I "----~ . j 1 ~~ ..._...._...._ ' . I ~ :a._.."'_'""'-.J..... . . ..=-..:J~..I. . 1 I j l I i j I . ! Q <[ o a: L-___ >- ~ u ~ _ Sm: Lou.nOr.( MAt ~ . --, I ~,~~5 DEC-28-2000 11:43 ~ . NAC '~~H 1 .J $~~.. 11 " 1.1 . . ... '.l J~tJ~ ~ ~.ifJJ 612 595 9837 P.03/05 ll: It ~ , . i J ill) 1~~~~!ljJjJ~1jJ , ~~i~I~~~~~lJ~l .o:t:.JJ.aJ:;lJ~~",=<,..:l .~ :. ~ ~. .. .. - ~';:i"l':'';'''.~-';'>~:''ioir.. ...t4t4~.....~\i Ift~"""""'~""'-'.!t ~l:;~!::l"':::a"l"'''''tO'!~~ ~ ~ 'C II",.) ~ ....., ~I... -e ~ ""' '- -.( -.1 '::. \A :::::: <;:""0 ~~ ~ <s-4:! -~~~ ~ (" " -- c oJ ~ ~ .... 1.t... ........ ~ c c ..... () 1 ~ s q,;: j . .Y_ " .-. "-..' " .~ ~~J(\"" t"Q'Sf'/aWQ.J' 3"N ~ ~ ...r '" 6;"~ rj ~1 ~~~ 1:i::::: VI . - i <S \/h.o( V ~ l-i~~ ..i , ji '2 It Ii .... ' ~ I !~ J~;H 1 ~J!"'~~ _ .J"t.";... ':! . ~"' - ...2. i:,t ~ ~ N " .., "Z f J~ ~~:~ J i Jh~ ~ Ii J ~ ~s ::l -!. oS .. ... ".;_ .. 1 ! I.: . " , ~f.I~ I! . " V\ ....... ( J fV'\ "$ ~ "'-. -b- lj, - ...., ..... 4 4 V'l V' - c' ~ ../l (" 1\1 J <:> d ~ ( VI - -;- b .ra I; <:: --+J . -i-- \fI "- ~ --- ?mi !LPNr:1. - I , J , DEC-28-2000 11:43 \ NAC j t" 1 ii l- s ~ ~ ''-. B D J ~ If. f j J ,j ~ . g ~ ') - '",. 1 ,1 ~ u .. ~ ~ ' w~ ~,~ "X\l :J' " '~'~ '~ ~, ~,;i. :9 ,II ~ <t "> ~ uJ \.. 612 595 9837 P.04/05 ! ' i i 1 ", .~ '=-' , '2. :3", i .,('\ " fJ. ~,~ . \l""',.'~ 0:.$ . 'lA' i~, '. -~. " .' aJlt..DfM& ~. ~r1~ UtJITS 5' ~-: I I r , DEC-28-2000 11:43 NAC B. ~ ;...J ,'- .,~. \ , . \.) ..l. 1\ I ~, "1\ ~ rL \ll J ~ -, ji iiI ~. -.!l &:. u... ~\- IJ..'l. {('Il. . -&:~ p'lS! ~~ !h.'i .~., ....!,H ;1)' ~ lUll' ....., ~.=. , R~ ' . ~~ 612 595 9837 P.05/05 , ; r .>Jr, i : I ~ J .'n.... , .;,{. .J ~ .., :J ~, o . ":,0,,,. . :-,. . ~, , ~\ ' ; C', III :.i"1' 'y, ~ ev \ LDlNb- afJI; ~~D UNrrs' ' -......, ... . ' 5 ~-B TOTAL P.05" . . :t . vrc1 t{ Planning C:ollHnission Minutes - 01/02/01 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICI;~LLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - January 2, 2001 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Absent: Staff: Dick Frie, Rohbic Smith, Roy Popilek, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten Council Liaison Clint 1-1erhst Jell' O'NeilL Fred Patch, Steve Grittman and Lori Kraenler 1. Call to order. 2. .., ., . Chair j.'rie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., noting the absence of Council Liaison Herhst for the second consecutive meeting. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held Decemher 5, 2000. A MO'J'ION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILj~K AND SECONDED BY ROBI1IE SMITH TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TIlE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 5.2000. WrITI THE CORRECTION -ro THE OMISSION OF RICIIARD CARLSON SECONDING TIlE MOTION ON ITEM SIX. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of adding items to the af2:enda. Rod Dragsten wished to add discussion regarding Mep. This was placed as item 9. along with an update by JctT(YNeill from the Design Advisory Team. 4. Citizens comments. None 5. Consideration of a Concept Stagc PUD for a 77 unit townhouse project in Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. Applicant: f':a!!le Crest Northwest. Steve Grittman. City Planner. provided the staff report regarding this proposed townhouse project. The proposed layout contains 31 units of side-hy-side townhouse units in 8 huilding clusters - 7 clusters of 4 units each and one three unit building. A central private street serves all of the units. The unit styles would be one level ramblers with front loaded douhle garages. Each building cluster includes two garages side hy side which creates a driveway "curb cut" on the private access street of ahout 45 feet in width. These driveway cuts arc separated by landscaped areas. -1- 5 H-q Planning COlllmission Minutes ~ 01/02/01 . The western portion of the project would contain 36 units in nine "quadraminium" buildings. A perimeter private street provides access to this development from which a series of 16 fl)ot wide driveway spurs serve the individual units. The units in this half of the project arc proposed to be two level buildings which double garages in a "tuck-under" arrangement. Because of the restricted area. one of these western-most buildings will not jit as designed. The west side also has a conn iet with the buffer yard requirements for residential areas adjacent to existing industrial development. A 50 foot wide bufferyard is required. at least 40 feet of which must be a landscaped area. The street must be shined at least 20 feet to the south. or a different arrangement fix the units must be considered. Steve discussed some options which were similar to the cast side. Grittman also stated an additional consideration j<Jr the project should be the inclusion of small clusters of visitor parking throughout the development. With narrow private streets, there would be severely limited opportunity for non-residents to park when visiting the neighborhood. . The project would require landscaping and amenities consistent with the intent of the PUD ordinance. Grittman advised of the substantial amount of front-yard landscaping required ji)!' the townhouse project adjacent to the east. including both foundation plantings and in common areas. The sublnitted preliminary landscape plan shows only a few shrubs at the unit entrances and about one tree per unit outside of the require buffer plantings. The buildings elevations illustrate aluminum lap siding with a limited mnount of brick j~lscia on the garage fronts. For a project which is designed with straight private streets and linear building locations, site amenities should be greatly increased to mitigate the relatively monotonous sight lines. Front yard landscaping should be intensified significantly. Other elements could also be considered, including fencing or other structural items, and consideration for pedestrian access, such as a sidewalk along the private street. The garage II-ont design of the ralnbler units makes the streetscape views an issue. Also, the public's view of this project will be of the backs of most of the units from Farmstead Drive. Special attention should be given to the design of this area, such as perimeter shrub planting and other clements. Because this will be rear yard space for the residents. a design which provides a feeling of private open space, but avoids a continuous six-li)ot knee along the street should be considered. Cirittman also noted that none of the units were shovvn with porch additions or patio spaces, however. these clements arc onen sought by residents either in the initial construction phase or later. The project designers should shO\v how these spaces will be addressed, with <lttention to the public views of the site, the private use of the space, and the purpose of PLJ D design. . :2 S-}\-\l) Planning COlllmission Minutes - 01/02/01 . Chair Frie opened the Public Hearing. Bill G]eason and John Gleason, 3031 rernbrook Lane, Plymouth, of Eagle Crest Northwest addressed the melnbers advising that all houses do have patios on the back and stated that they are also in the process of building similar units across the street/i'om this project in Klein Farms Estates 3rd Addition. Patios are a standard fix them and are typically 11 x 10, slab on grades, no step, making them handicapped accessible. Gleasons also advised that there would have to be some type of privacy fence where units are adjacent to each other. They also clarified that there are li'ont porches on the townhomes and front porches continuing down the sides on the quads. Bill Gleason noted the biggest issue would be to eliminate a portion of the buildings, which they arc receptive to but running into a problem with the road being too tight. They pointed out that there was only a problem with one unit where they could not maintain the 40' green space. They advised that they initially just put in the minimums for landscaping according to the requirenlents given them. G]easons stated they insta]1 16' drives to give more green spacc. They also noted that the quads are designed more for seniors, the other area is a ]ittle larger two-story which is more of a starter family home. All homes are f()f-sale property. . Sharlenne Brinkman of 4672 Farmstead Drive, \vhich is directly across the street hOll1 this project, addressed the members and the Gleasons regarding some concerns she has in terms of aesthetics and the possibility of increased traffic. Bill G]eason stated that it has been their impression that traffic would actually be less than with single I:uni]y homes. Brinkman also asked the price range of these units which they stated to be approximately $145,000 f()J" the two bedrooms and $149,<)00 for the three bedroom. It was also advised that screened patios would be facing Farmstead Drive. Gleason also pointed out the 30' setbacks which actually makes thelll approxinlately 45' li'om the road. G]eason also stated that iffencing were installed it would be decorative versus privacy fencing. These units would be part of an association which would Illaintain them. Brinkman's concern was that these units would turn into rentals and then not be taken care of which in turn would decrease the value of her home. Gleason stated that although they do not restrict buyers li'om purchasing and then renting out the price is significant enough to deter them Ii-om that and they have not had any problems previously. . Fred Patch, Building Official, advised that he had a call from a rcsident on Eagle Court with concerns such as width of the streets f(Jr emergencv vehicles, house numbers that are visible to the road. sufficient street lighting on the main boulevard, sufficient off-street parking and landscaping that had not yet been completed which Patch assured him that there is a bond in place for landscaping. This development is also one of Eagle Crest Nortl1\vest's. John Gleason addressed these concerns and Fred Patch stated they are all in compliance. It was also noted that house numbers were not requested by the City but they \vould like to put them in anyway. Mailboxes were also discussed which Eagle Crest noted they go directly to the post office in the City to get the requirements. ~ -,)- 5 \-\- \\ . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/02/01 Chair Frie closed the public hearing. There was further discussion among the members regarding play/park areas (which O'Neill stated this area was includcd with Pioneer Park), suClicient parking, more extensive landscaping, streetscapes, snow removal, buffer between the industrial park area such as burms and plantings which Grittman stated burms arc acceptable but density of plantings would be more desirable. O'Neill also stated a desire fl)J' possibly a pathway/Sidewalk along the north side of Farmstead Drive to get people off the street and onto the path to the parkways and schools. Eagle Crest Northwest stated a desired time frame for this project would be by this spring and that this would all depend on how much time it will take to re-do their plans and meet wi th starr. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TilE CONCEPT PUD PLAN. WITH DIRECTION TO TI-IE DEVELOPER TO INCORPORATE THE COMMENTS OF STAFF AND THE PL,ANNING COMMISSION INTO THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLANS. Motion carried unanimously. . . 6. Consideration of an amendment to the zoninf,!, ordinance ref,!,ardil1l!. accessory buildings in residential districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grillman provided the staff report noting that stall and Planning Commission recently discussed the consideration of amendments to the City's accessory bui Id i ng size regulations. A draft ordinance which would replace the section of the zoning ordinance which currently states as f(Jllows was provided: 4. No detached accessory bui Iding shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the rear yard or one thousand (1,000) square feet in noor area, whichever is less. The amendment would include both attached and detached accessory space within the 10% / 1,000 square foot maxinlul11, add a requirement that the accessory space may not be larger than the building J()otprint of the principal lise, and create a CUP process 1'01' having larger accessory space than the lilnits. As noted previously, the current regulations address detached space only, hut have no "circuit breaker" to allow larger buildings. and creates an absolute cap of 1.500 square feet. In some instances, larger buildings may be appropriate. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Ilearing no response, the hearing was closed. It was felt by the lnajority or the members that 1,000 sq. ft. was too small and this nlay create an over-abundance or conditional use/variance applications l(x larger units. They -4- 5l~ - \ Z-- . . . City COllnci I Agenda - 0 I /08/0 I 51. Consideration of adopting a ioint resolution supporting annexation of the water tower/park site. (.10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider adopting ajoint resolution supporting annexation of the water tower and associated park properties. Staff is requesting that Council consider adopting this resolution and then send it to the Township without first going to the MOAA at the advice of MOAA Administrator, Tom Salkowski. Under the agreement with the Township, according to Tom Salkowski. "Considering that the lands wiJ1 be used for a public purpose, it might be wise. and simpler to pursue annexation through a joint resolution with the Township pursuant to paragraph 7 of the Joint Resolution for orderly annexation (98-7)". Salkowski also noted that because of the unique history and because these are publicly owned lands being annexed for a public purpose, 1 would recommend that the City approach the Town Board to see if they will agree to ajoint resolution for annexation. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Motion to adopt joint resolution supporting annexation of water tower site and adjoining land purchased for park purposes based on paragraph 7 of the .loint Resolution for Orderly Annexation. In the event the Township requests MOAA input prior to considering the joint resolution, staff is authorized to present the annexation request to the MOAA. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the joint resolution supporting annexation of water tower site and adjoining land purchased fen park purposes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the input from Tom Salkowski above and based on the language contained in paragraph 7 oUhe joint resolution, the City Administrator recommends approval of the joint resolution. SUPPORTING DATA Me1110 from Salkowski Joint Resolution Survey Data Paragraph 7 of Joint Resolution for Orderly Annexation. - 1 - . . . interoffice M E M 0 RAN 0 U M --. ..-- .-.. ..-., -.., -- --. ._-" "".-., .-.., .-. ,,--- to: Jeff O'Neill from: Tom Salkowski subject: water tower site date: December 5, 2000 I have reviewed your partial (all reference numbers are left out) copy of surveys of the water tower site and the additional 4 acres that the City has purchased (will purchase ?) from Mr. Schultz. I do not believe it is necessary to go through a formal subdivision process for these sites, especially since they are to be annexed into the City. Mr. Schultz has no residential entitlements left on his property in the Township anyway, so any further development of his land will require annexation or rezoning and a hearing before the Joint Planning Board. In general, when an annexation results in a subdivision, this office has recognized the division because the annexation is approved by the state. The impact on the land left in the Township depends on the situation. The MOAA Land Use Plan does designate the lands in question as public, undoubtedly in anticipation ofthis very request. Considering that the lands will be used for a public purpose, it might be wise, and simpler to pursue annexation through a joint resolution with the Township pursuant to paragraph 7 ofthe Joint Resolution for orderly annexation (98-7). If the Town Board is willing to agree to this for the water tower and park, it would save everyone a few steps and a meeting ofthe Joint Planning Board. I would not suggest this procedure except that the water tower is already there, and it should be no surprise to anyone that the City wants to annex it and the adjoining parkland. In summary, because of the unique history and because these are publicly owned lands being annexed for a public purpose, I would recommend that the City approach the Town Board to see if they will agree to a joint resolution for annexation. cc. Frank Denn P. Sawatzke WC'-~T~ D YJ ~ n I 5:C-l . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2001-02 IN THE MATTER OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ORDERL Y ANNEXATION BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 414.0325, SUBD. 1 TO: Minnesota State Planning Agency Municipal Boundary Adjustments 300 Centennial Building 685 Cedar Street S1. PauL NfN 55155 The Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello hereby jointly agree that the joint resolution between the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello designating an area for orderly annexation dated March 6. 1998, be amended to include the following: Both the Town and the City agree that no alteration of the stated boundaries of this agreement is appropriate. Furthermore, both parties agree that no consideration by the Board is necessary. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Municipal Board may review and comment but shalL within 30 days, order the annexation of the following described property in accordance with the terms of the joint resolution: Water Tower Site: The South 500 feet of the East 435 Yz feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4), Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, containing 5 acres more or less. The easterly 66.0 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 of SE 1/"') of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies northerly of the southerly 500.0 feet thereof and lies southerly of Wright County Highway #118. Said description contains 38,808 square feet, more or less. Park Site: The South 500 feet of the SE 1M of the SE 1/'" of Section 13, Township 121, R:.mge 25. Wright County, Minnesota lying east of the 'Vest ...95 feet of said SE 1/'" of the SE 1/'" and lying west of the East "'35.5 feet of sl.lid SE 1/'" of the SE 1/.... S1--~ . . . Approved by the City of Monticello this 8th day of January, 2001. City Administrator Mayor Approved by the Town of Monticello this _ day of January, 2001. Town Chair Town Clerk 51-;) " OF THE ...... -------..... '~I....... '-........:. ~~, "- ~'-<~'-'-~ I ~....; ~ " '- .... .... -+./" &\;:........ ~ I ~; 0..... .... .... .... ~ '" "- .... ..,.... ........... I ~~6> ~ .... '-...t." .... , I il.II~'.t1:X~'I".1 I....\~C\\' , . .1 l.1 I ;1 I II I I I 1 I I' , '"'1A' - - - -- 369.50 -- - - - - -10' __~}..', ~ ~ - - -- ...;8], _ I REFERENCE TLS. NO. 97078 . t" (: I .~ ~ I "_ II I: I I I ~ ..... I I I ~ ( '59- E 35'.66 N 88-39 qO '--..I I I I I I , , I t>~ I ..'.,' ~.~ -....r< t': (.r?"1~" I , I . ,(,) 2 ...,J I I I I 1 ______" ..' __' 435 50- ---- ~ \ ----- I - - ------ I I I I I c.'~: 1//1 The Qu it i Mini Quai 4V) co ,.., MAR, -13' 98(FRI) 11:57 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN p, L, L, P TEL:612 925 5879 p, UU4 of the land use plan must be consistent with the Southwest Area Concept Plan, where applicable. Contiguous shall mean that the properties have a conunon. overlapping boundary of at least 66 feet. Said boundaIy shall be considered common if said overlapping would othCIWise touch along the length of said common area but for the presence of an intervening roadway or railroad. Areas which the City serves with sanitary sewer service pursuant to a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency eIMPCAn) order to serve said properties need not meet the definition of contiguous set out in this paragraph. 6. At least 50% of each plU"cel of property annexed by the City must be served with sanitary sewer service and municipal water service within three years of annexation to the City . Wetlands which remain unfilled shall be excluded from said 50% service requirement. If any annexed property is not so served within 3 years of the date of annexation, no future annexations of any property from the Township to the City lDay {- occur until said sanitary sewer service and municipal water service are extended to 50% of said annexed property r The restrictions of this paragraph shall not apply to any property meeting any of thet'ollowing conditions: . . * i' . A. Extension of sanitary sewer service or municipal water service to a particular parcel of property is rendered impossible due to a regulatory impossibility outside of the City's control. (e.g. MPCA will not allow the annexed property to be scwercd within 3 yr, time period). B. The cost of installing sanitary sewer or municipal water service exceeds 150% of the City Engineer's good faith estimate of the cast of installing sanitary sewer service and mwricipaI water service to said property (being the same estimate as that used for determining the amount of letter of credit or other surety required of developer). C. Cemeteries and parcels used primarilY for water towers or wastewater trea1ment plants. ( p.:.,l;t 50 no t SO-'"a ('Pen k:: II ) D. Kjellberg's mobile home park (property PIDs #213100-154402 and 213100- 154401). provided it is first served with sanitary sewer service over 50%1 of the property, in which case no municipal water service requirement shall apply. All property annexed from the OAA ~all be annexed only in accordance with the procedures detailed in the paragraph(~ess the Township waives the requirements of this paragraph via a separate ioint resolution for the orderly annexation of a particular parcel of property_ TIle procedures below are listed in the chronological order in which they must occur~ A. One hundred percent of the landowners of the parcel to be annexed shall first submit an annexation petition to the City (said petition shall detail the intended use 3 5I-Y . . . 5." Counci I Agenda - 1 /08/0 1 Consideration of adoJltin~ a joint resolution supportinf! annexation for Groveland Development, Annexation Request #4. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: . The City Council is heing asked to consider supporting annexation ofthe property that will comprise the next phase of the Groveland Developll1ent as shown on the attached map. Previously the MOAA Board approved the annexation of the entire Groveland development which includes this area. With that approval in place the MOAA does not need to review each individual request for annexation as the development proceeds. The annexation agreement provides that 50(1<) of each parcel annexed into the city must be served with utilities within 3 years of annexation. If this requirement is not met no further annexations throughout the entire MOAA area will be allowed under our agreement with the township. It has not been the city's policy to require Emmerich to have in place security deposits to insure that the development occurs within the time frame required by the orderly annexation agreement. This is hecause we are familiar with Emmerich and trust that the area annexed will he developed in a timely manner. If the Council is comfortahle with processing the annexation request and forwarding it to the State Planning Agency without having securities in place, the City Council can approve the resolution. The resolution will then be submitted to the township for their signature and then will be forwarded to the State Planning Agency. Otherwise the Council could approve the resolution at this time, and the City could delay suhmitting it to the State Planning Agency until such time as the securities are in place. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: l. Motion to adopt the joint resolution supporting annexation request #4 for the Groveland Development and submit to township and State Planning Agency. Annexation allowed to proceed without securities in place due to proven track record. Please note that securities will be required prior to final platting. 2, Motion to adopt the joint resolution supporting annexation request #4 for the Grovcland Development and delay submitting the resolution to the State Planning Agency until the City obtains the necessary securities from the developer. 3. Do not approve a resolution supporting annexation. c. STAFF RECOMMI<:NDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select Alternative #1. If this alternative is selected, the resolution will he forwarded to the township lor their consideration. . . . Council Agenda - 1108/0 I D. SlJPPORTING DATA: . Map Resolution . . - IS II ~I' ~~I C. . i II' !~i 5 ~~ W ~,,'I -- 0 .... . 1..:..... ~~ JI I'B I- C'o.I l',."; z-,; ~I !ili . Z M .1:.: u, .... \,')- !I . I t~~ ilillf - C> c;.< ax <::: w/<) ... . ~ Ii" a! Z ,....g c .1 .. I lj;!i~ a.. ~ za;, Ii! ;.." .. I Lf-- !I ~ ill Iii! .. - ! ~; ~i;i -= 'E'" s i i:~ Oli . ;. .". .... ) 0( ot I / I ~ '1,'1/" , I / rIll '" I I I '/1 _.._" ,. \ - .-..-J"-r"-'Ihr r ~ I' Ill':!I . ~ 1/:1 fI/ly ! ~ I. .. I ~ / .. JI" I I; ~ i. I I. t'f.fJ i; IIi '!I \ " I t.~~ l.. jl .. I I I 1 r I , ,j " 1'1;'1 I~I I ~ .. . I I:: I I IiI; \', ~ I I I II, I ,,=, /11 : i . I 1:/. /1/ ! ~ 1 /:,..11, . .., I I : / /1../ -4 , I~I ~ . I I I .' I I !C. 51 . -Ik i~ .. .If l Ib>> .. ) J , : ,i~' 1,.//. , " l ~ ~~ 5~~ F-~~ j,- 53-1 . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2001-1 IN THE MATTER OF THI<~ AMENDMENT TO THE .JOINT RI~:SOLtJTION FOR ORDERLY ANNEXATION BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATtJTES 414.0325, SllBD. I l'O: Minnesota State Planning Agency Municipal Boundary Adjustments 300 Centennial Building 685 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55155 The Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello hereby jointly agree that the joint resolution between the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello designating an area for orderly annexation dated March 6, 1998, be amended to include the following: 80th the Town and the City agree that no alteration of the stated boundaries of this agreement is appropriate. Furthermore, both parties agree that no consideration by the Board is necessary. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Municipal Board may review and comment but shalL within 30 days, order the annexation of the following described property in accordance with the terms of the joint resolution: Property known as: Groveland Subdivision (portion of Phase II) (SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION, EXHIBIT A) Approved by the City of Monticello this 8lh day of January, 2001. -,.-...-..-..-.,.-,...--...-."-.-.-.--- .-..---.,-...-.".--....-.'---.-..- Mayor City Administrator Approved by the Town of Monticel1o this ___ day of_________, 2001. -,._""-".,_.-.-,-,._'~.,._.,- .-...-."- ..-.-..-..-.--..-.,,- -"-_..-- Town Clerk Town Chair 5j'-d- EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2001- 1 Page 1 Annexation Description That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10 and that part of the Northeast Quarter of Section IS, all in Township 121 North, Range 25 West. Wright County, Minnesota described together as follows: . . . Beginning at the northwest comer of said Northeast Quarter of Section 15; thence South o degrees OS minutes S4 seconds West a distanCe of 30.01 feet along the west line of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 88 degrees 26 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 360.14 feet, parallel with the north line of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 05 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 137.24 feet; thence South 49 degrees 35 minutes 12.scconds East a distance of 326.40 fect; thence South 02 degrees 16 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of294.19 feet; thence South 16 degrees 24 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 165,15 feet; thence South 36 degrees 57 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 61.86 feet; thence South 22 degrees 52 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 150.00 fect; thence North 67 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of212.20 feet; thence North 75 degrees SO minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 226.64 feet; thence North 00 degrees 34 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 159.81 -feet; thence easterly a distance of 127.64 feet along a nontangential curve concave to the south. having a centtal angle of 12 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds, a radius of 570.00 feet. a chord bearing of North 84 degrees 29 minutes 57 seconds East and a chord of 127.38 feet; thence South 89 degrees 05 minuteS 08 seconds East a distance of244.12 feel; thence South 00 degrees S4 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 193.98 fcet; thence South 44 degrees 14 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 166.98 feet; thence South 06 degrees 15 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 172.75 feet; thence South 30 degrees 07 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 49.51 feet; thence South 22 degrees 16 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 168.89 feet; thence South 68 degrees 26 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of93.3S feet; thence South 46 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of233.57 feet; thence South 48 degrees 22 minutes 31 seconds East a distance of 60.04 feet; thence South 46 degrees 11 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 150.00 feet; thence North 48 degrees 04 minutes 59 seconds East a distAnce of71.25 feet; thence North S3 degrees 34 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 281.25 feet; thence North 50 degrees 28 minuteS 46 seconds West a distance of 159.90 feet; thence North 45 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 150.11 feet to the most southerly comer of Groveland Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, also being the most southerly comer ofI...ot 24, Block 5, said Groveland Addition; thence North 84 degrees 43 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 78.81 feet along the boundary line of said Groveland Addition; thence North 49 degrees 54 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of240.11 feet along said boundary line; thence North 63 degrees 56 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 128.23 feet. continuing along said boundary line; thence North 0 degrees 54 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 221.02 feet, continuing along said bOundary line; thence South 88 degrees 29 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 80.07. feet continuing along said boundarY line; thence North 0 degrees 54 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 158.14 feet continuing along said boundary line; thence North 13 degrees 42 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 62.01 feet along said boundary line; thence North 0 degrees 54 minutes 52 seconds East a SJ-d ) EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2001- 1 Page 2 . distance of 145.60 feet, continuing along said bo\.Ul.dary line; thenc.e South 89 degrees OS minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 65.62 feet continuing along said boundarY line; thence North 30 degrees 40 minuteS S9 seconds West a distance of 96.77 feet continuing along said bOundaxy line; thence North 20 degrees 41 minutes 36 seconds West a distance: of323.56 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North 69 degrees 15 minutes 56 seconds East a distance of 60.00 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North 20 degrees 38 minutes S9 seconds west a distance of 203.00 feet, continuing along said bOundary line; thenc.e South 69 degrees 15 minutes S6 seconds West a distance of 20.21 feet continuing along said boundary line; thence North 20 degrees 44 minutes 04 seconds West a distanCe of 119.32 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence South 69 degrees 15 minutes S6 seconds West a distanee of 54.07 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North 7S degrees 24 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 327.29 feet continuing along said bounda%Y line; thence North S4 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 119.12 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence South 86 degrees 00 minuteS 18 seconds West a distance of78.77 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North 49 degrees 35 minuteS 12 seconds West a distance of 150.00 feet, continuing along said boundaxy line; thence South 40 degrees 24 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 122.87 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North S5 degrees 01 minutes 01 seconds West a distanCe of 458.93 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North 29 degrees 34 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 56.65 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North 50 degrees 03 minutes 37 seconds West a distanc.e of 125.11 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence northeasterly a distance of 62.19 feet along a nontangcntial curve, concave northwesterly, having a central angle of 6 degrees 43 minutes 22 seconds, a radius of 530.00 feet, a chord bearing of North 36 degrees 34 minutes 41 seconds East and a chord of 62.15 feet, continuing along said bou.ndaIY line~ thence North 33 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds East, tangent to said curve, a distance of3S.86 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North 58 degrees 05 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 60.02 feet, continuing along said boundary line; thence North SS degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds West a distanCe of 22.19 feet, continuing along said. boundary line; thence northwesterly a distance of 111.92 feet along a tangential curve, concave northeasterly, having a central angle of 12 degrees 49 minutes 31 seconds and a radius of 500.00 feet, continuing along said bOundary line; thence North 43 degrees 06 minutes 48 seconds West, tangent to said curve, a distance of 179.82 feet, continuing along said boundary line, to the centerline of 90th Street Northeast; thence South 45 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, along said centerline to the west line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 10; thence South 00 degrees 20 minutes 16 seconds East, along said west line, a distance of 645 .00 feet. to the point of beginning. . $:\m;1in:\Enlm11673 :\p1aU~ne:ciesc 1-3 . s- =r ~ d ) Council Agenda - 1/08/0 1 5K. Consideration of authorizin establishment of a full-time Ii uor store clerk/stock erson position. (R W) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJNO: Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman, has requested Council approval to advertise for a full-time liquor store clerk/stock person position to replace the part-time category we have been using for years. Part-time persons have been used for a number of years to cover the clerk cashier positions and stock persons. A number of part-time positions cover duties during the afternoons and weekends and finding individuals to fill the positions has been difficult, if not impossible with the recent economy and job market. Mr. Hartman has expressed concerns for many years over finding reliable help with our part-time classification and pay structure and is faced with constant turnover of these individuals. It seems like many employees that arc hired are only here for a few months and as a result of our business continuing to grow in volume, it is itnperative that the liquor store operation has some reliable employees that can cover all hours of operation, including evenings and weekends. . The Council is asked to approve creating a full-time position as a clerk/stock person to cover afternoons. evenings and weekends. This full-time individual would be working with the night/weekend supervisor who is also full-time to cover these time frames while the manager and assistant manager would be the responsible parties during normal day time activities. When one looks at the salary range being proposed of$10.56/hr. to $13.20/hr. for the position productivity would likely be enhanced over the usage of part-time individuals who are not as reliable. With the volwne of the operation now exceeding $2.500,000 in sales, and with the expected expansion of the retail operation in the near future, it is the recomrnendation of Mr. Ilartman and the City Administrator that a full-time individual be obtained for this position. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the establishment of a full-time liquor store clerk/stock person position to cover the afternoons and weekends. The position would currently be at grade two with a salary range of $1 0.56/hr. to $13.20/hr depending on experience. 2. Do not authorize full-time position. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Liquor Store Manager that this position be established. Constant turnover and difficulty in attracting rcliable individuals has been causing problems at the liquor store for years and with our expanding business, this full~time position is needed, especially for afternoon and weekend reliability. . O. SlJPPORTING OAT A: Copy of job description. . . . Liquor Store Clerk/Stock Person City of Monticello Title of Class: Effective Date: Revised: Liquor Store Clerk/Stock Person June 5, 1995 January 6, 2001 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs retail sales work assisting customers locate store merchandise; and performs related duties as required. Supelvision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Liquor Store Manager or Night Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. Must be self motivated and knows what to do. Checks patrons IO's and verifies data on checks; refuses service when needed. Stocks coolers and shelves with liquor, wine and beer; stocks cigarettes makes six packs. Answers phones, provides information and assistance to callers, and takes messages for Manager. Makes changes to displays or signs as directed by Manager or Assistant Manager. Assists customers by locating merchandise, recommending purchases if requested, ringing up purchases on the cash register, collecting money and making change. Assists the customer in carrying merchandise to their vehicles as needed. Recommends purchases including type, quantity, and brand when requested by patrons; may recommend orders for assigned section. Assists the Manager with ordering by recording requests for items not in stock and noting items that are running low; may recommend beer when patrons have special requests. Stocks and may mark liquor with correct price mark-up; rotates stock. Assists Manager in conducting inventories of stock. Should recommend price changes to Manager. . . . Liquor Store Clerk/Stock Person City of Monticello Assists with cleaning the store, including cleaning backroom, washing glass doors, cleaning windows, vacuuming, cleaning coolers and bathrooms, dusting shelves and merchandise. Takes out the garbage; shovels snow. May review invoices and verify accuracy of merchandise deliveries. May participate in quarterly physical inventory as needed. Reports liquor-related violations to Manager or appropriate law enforcement agency. Assists the Manager with balancing cash against cash register tape and total receipts; records sales by category on daily reports; runs pre-categorized list of sales from previous day; prepares deposit slips as directed by Manager. May enter product information into computer; change prices, and add new items as needed. May close out cash register if closing up at night, put money in the safe, and lock doors. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of how to operate a cash register and make correct change. Working knowledge of merchandise locations. Working skill in the use of a computer, cash register and calculator. Considerable ability to deal courteously with the public. Working ability to lift and carry objects weighing up to 60 pounds, and to bend, stoop, reach, and stretch. Working ability to use judgment and discretion in sales based on age, state of inebriation, and/or possibility of bad checks. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year retail or six months liquor store (Off-Sale) work experience. . . . City COllncil Agenda - 01/08/01 7. Public Ilearing - Vacation of Eascments in the 90th Street Addition. (JO) REfEREN(~E AND BACKGROUND 'I'his is a housekeeping matter pertaining to the recording of the revised 901h Street Addition plat recently approved by the City Council. In order for the revised plat to be recorded, the easements associated with the original plat need to be vacated. As you recal L the original plat had to be revised in order to accommodate a revised site plan for the Dodge/Chrysler Dealership. The revised plat contains necessary casements. ALTERNA TIVI': ACTIONS 1. ~t~ ~V Motion to vacate easements contained within the original 90th Street Addition plat. 2. Motion to deny vacation of casements contained within the original 90th Street Addition plat. STAfF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of 901h Street Addition plat showing easement areas to be vacated. - 1- ------ 1:::, ............... Ii :::, 959 --...... C :::, 13.,,;22 B 40'O".J' Re :::'~6/8" 68. :. ~_ .,;,0' ~_.e~ J,,, --_~~.6~., € --j5:S,--_~: ""-..... '\ \ 575. ........-:,,- -~-.-- ~~ ~O'( - - - - -, 01 ':, ::ll I / S6.~ - - -, , I - - - - ~. '-1$. I 'I:: ~... ... ~O"'ii ..... - - ~ ,.... - , \'.... .? Go <5l!. ,.....y I " "'. ,..,..-(,...'5 r.... () I I ~CV . ., : Jo-LP '-'. VIVJ.) I "'... loi)>F(~~~oJ' I , ., :N':- ,"'-"'- , , , , , , , I , I , , , , , I , I ... I ' I " I i ,__ I I : I \ ........ I .....__ .......... "L :!'o.. -.......-..... : '/......../ , 4 ..., 1 - I I, " I ' b:::' 9'0 - - - /0 , IT ... 1 J. . IJ / 1: :', '. ',C 8"" 8'0 .36 -- .... !-J -. SOUTH LINE ,'lie '000055" -------------------~--J..i../ OF LOT A ',~ $68. J] --------------------~--~ -- -- :g~-'i-- -- .."- ..... . _ \ 0 ..' ~ .. - if ~o-G ~, ..... . ".-: f<V .....co \ OCO fo'" - ~ ~foo ~ 0) 2 ( 1,>4 ","'&./ (' '" % i' 4pc""e 0./. ... s,,'/V '15-. "" '6'., ,......... :S... \. , ~6'''' '\ '\ (' , , , , , \ , , , , " , ,:'. -r \-1. ;:-. r:\ I 11 I I NSS' 3S' 21"W I ,- - NE COR OUTLOT B ___ 655.41 ---- I GROVEL AND ADDITION ... - OUTLOT 6 ... " " .: GRQVELAHO ADDITION "~' - , '\ I '"1"-=--------- -- ___ 313.08 - ~ 4" 2J. ---~- '0.9 ~:;..... L "J 51'51' --~ ''0 .....c: II.OJ -_~" ?::l ,,- - SE COR OF '\~ ~ ,,,' OUTLOT B ,.. -...- .... l = 13.45 - - -..- b.~15.35'14" --- R ~ 210.00 C 8IlG S39"27'070( l ~ 84.57 -:: ::;" b. ~ 14"25'17" R = 336.00 C 8IlG S38" 31 '170( 3 "[ A A -- , II"""'?' ,,-" II I , I , I ___--- .'\+---- /" '1_ All IF lOTS 2 8. 3. /' BlOCK 2 DRAINAG( NIl UTILI TY (ASUENT L == 6 3.11oA"~" I -'\2 "0" " == 5 CD _,./I", 0 . ~ AE) 1 -"l- 6 04'08' fI. == ., . - .06 - I - ' ----I-- I -...., '.-', . ~- :; [; / I ... :. :.. ;'4 D '". ". ....--- f loP " (J -,rJ' 2- "t ~G . r .lU~ I L S ()./ I I tL e-..-' A; \J~(..P- to-~~ ;V' . zoo I DRAINACE AND UTILITY EASENENTS ARE SI-IOIf'N THUS "1" I I '--- 6 \ \ 'I A I I , , o 100 ~ SCALE IN FEET . nr4.rnrf;'<< I1lnlVPTpp~"nW~mNTmrlNlJ .L ------ ..... --------. ..... ----.. o ~ t-N CI)~ "'-. o o Vl . . . Council Agenda - 1/08/0 1 8. Consideration of agreement with Sunny Fresh Foods. Inc. for wastewater discharee permit increase and cost sharing for expansion of the City's wastewater facility. (.IS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff has been working with Sunny Fresh Foods, US Filter and our engineer, IlDR, to formulate a draft: agreement for granting Sunny Fresh Foods a 5(YYrJ permit increase for the discharge of BOD and total suspended solids (TSS) to our wastewater treatment plant. We have investigated the cost sharing for the three phases, the sludge thickening, the sludge storage and the additional SBR tank and they are as follows: I. Slude:e thickenine:: "rhe estimated cost of sludge thickening is $638,000. It is proposed that Sunny Fresh Foods covers 7SCYo of the cost of this project or $478,500 and the first years interest cost of the entire project. This first phase would be started and completed in the year 2001. 2. 650.000 Gallon Sludge Storae:c Tank: The estimated cost of this project is $928,000. It is proposed that Sunny Fresh Foods would pay 50% of this cost or $464,000 and three years interest of the entire cost of the project for accelerating it from 2005 to the year 2002. 3. Fourth SBR Tank: The estimated cost of the fourth SBR tank is $1,600,000. It is proposed that Sunny Fresh Foods would pay 37% of the cost of the fourth SBR tank or $592,000 and ten years interest on the entire project cost fiJr moving the construction of the SBR tank from the year 2015 to 2005. Upon acceptance of the agreement, Sunny Fresh Foods would be granted a permit increase. They would he responsihle fiJr the cost of drying and land filling any sludge between now and when the sludge thickening facility is online. It is proposed that each project be financed through an assessment process. Once assessed for each phase of the project, assessments would not be removed. Should Sunny Fresh Foods fail to provide the financial guarantees as outlined, or i~lil to enter into a succeeding phase when needed, the permit increase will he removed but an assessment placed on a phase already under construction or completed will not. Enclosed is a copy ofthc draft: agreement and the addendum for financing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the draft agreement and authorize the City to enter into an agreement with Sunny Fresh Foods to begin the sludge thickening project at an estimated cost of $638,000. We will work with HUR to bring together a proposal fen doing a request f(n proposals for a design built projcct. Further information about this type of project delivery will he provided at the next Councilllleeting. .____m..i..-_ . . . Council Agenda - J /08/0 J 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the draft agreemcnt with Sunny Fresh Foods. J. The third alternative would be to make changes as rcquested by the City Council to the draft: agrccment to furthcr protect the City's interest. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommcndation of thc City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council look at approval of the draft agreement as outlined in Alternative #1 or /13. We havc been working with the City Attorncy to address his concerns with the agreement and Sunny Fresh Foods' concerns with the agrccmcnt. D, SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of draft agreement. Copy of addendum #J for financing. DRAFT AGREEMENT CITY OF MONTICELLO WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT INCREASE FOR SUNNY FRESH FOODS, INC. . This agreement dated January ,2001, between the City of Monticello ("City") and Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. ("Sunny Fresh"), is for an increase in the wastewater discharge permit for Sunny Fresh and funding of wastewater treatment plant expansion to accommodate a permit increase. WHEREAS, Sunny Fresh has requested a pennit increase for discharge of additional wastewater to the City of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant; and WIIEREAS, the City has determined that the wastewater treatment plant has temporary or intermediate capacity in the SBR tanks, but very limited intermediate capacity fix sludge storage; and WHEREAS, the City had not planned an expansion of the wastewater treatment plant for the next fifteen (15) to twenty (20) years based upon proposed allocations to Sunny Fresh and the expected growth of the community; and WHEREAS, only additional sludge storage was expected to be needed in the year 2005; and would now be needed immediately; and sludge thickening was expected to be needed in 2002 and would now be needed immediately; and WHEREAS, the City docs not wish to re-allocate the existing capacity at the wastewater treattnent . plant which intended ror planned and expected growth of the community nor docs the City wish to tax the current property owners and residents of Monticello unnecessarily for unneeded capacity. The City would, therefixe, only grant an increase in wastewater discharge permit limitations with conditions and limitations to Sunny Fresh as follows: A. Flow 1. 2. ., -'- The maximum total discharge rate shall not exceed 300 gallons per lninute. The maxinmm total discharge per day shall not exceed 156,000 gallons hased on a consecutive 7 day average. '['he maximum total discharge in any given 24 hour period shall not exceed 183,000 gallons. B. BODs 1. "l'he total number of pounds of BODj discharged in a 24 hour period shall not exceed 4,500 pounds. c. 'rss 1. peri od The total number of pounds or total suspended solids discharged in any 24 hour shall not exceed 2,250 pounds. . '6~-\ 'rhe permit limitations as stated above shall be granted through a new modified permit upon signing this contract and acceptance by the City of the financial guarantees provided by Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. . FURTHERMORE. the funding for the increased permit capacity in addition to the normal charges flH' flow, HOD and total suspended solids, shall be as follows: 1.) Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. shall pay 7YX) of the cost of sludge thickening estimated at $638,000. ($478,500) and the cost of acceleration fi.om Year 2 to Year 1. (1 years interest on 100% of project cost). 2.) Sunny Fresh Foods. Inc. shall pay 50%) ofthc 650,000 gallon sludge storage tank costs estimated at $928,000. ($464.000) and the cost of acceleration from Year 5 to Year 2. (3 years interest on I OO{Yo of the project cost). 3.) Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. shall pay 37% of the cost for SBR tank #4 estimated at $1,600,000, ($592,000) and the cost of acceleration from Year 15 to Year 5. (10 years interest on 100% of the project cost). Cost to be adjusted at completion of feasibility study phase and again at conclusion of each project 1.) Sludge thickcning, and 2.) Storage, and 3.) SBR tank #4 addition. Payment shall be as outlined in the attached Addendum # I . _ Should the city find the need to dewater and landfill sludge prior to completion of the sludge . thickening project. Sunny Fresh foods, Inc. shall pay 100% of the cost of doing so. Failure by Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. to fulfill the financial obligations for each phase when needed contained within this agreement shall render the permit increase null and void. Any discharges above and beyond this interim permit shall be handled in accordance with the City Ordinance Title 14 "Sanitary Sewer Discharge Contro]s." Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. City of Monticello by: by: _ Roger Helsaas The Honorab]e Mayor by:____ John Simola Public Works Director . 2 8 A- \ eM . . ADDENDlJM NO.1 INTERIM WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT - SUNNY FRESH FOODS FUNDING PROVISIONS 1. Sunny Fresh Foods agrees to petition the Monticello City Council for construction of each of the improvements as outlined in the agreelnent and agrees to waive its right to notice and publ ic hearing on the improvement along with consenting to the assessment of the cost of the project. 2. Sunny Fresh Foods shall provide a Jetter of credit or other acceptable security. that equals 20% (twenty percent) of the estimated project cost of the improvement(s) outlined in Items # I, #2 and #3, prior to each phase being constructed. <> -), The letter of credit shall be annually renewable during the term of the assessment. The amount of the letter of credit can be reduced or eliminated, at the discretion of the City Administrator prior to the termination of the assessments. 4. Sunny Fresh Foods agrees to pay a percent of the project costs, as outlined in the agreement. over a maximum period or fifteen years with an interest rate to be determined by the City Council that is equal to the City's cost of borrowing funds plus 1 Yz (Yo. The cost of funds shall bc determined separately for each phase at thc time the projects arc commenced. Sunny Fresh Foods expressly waives objection to any irregularities with regards to set improvement assessments and any claim that the amount thereof levied against owner' s property is excessive. together with all rights to appeal in courts. Sunny Fresh Foods acknowledges that once an assessment has been levicd for an irnprovement. the assessment will rcmain an obligation of Sunny Fresh Foods until paid in fulL regardless ofwhcther or not additional project phases arc constructed and shall continue to be an obligation of Sunny Fresh I,'oods even if the Wastewater Discharge Permit increases are rescinded because of a dcf~lult of the Discharge Permit Agreement by Sunny Fresh. 5. For the purposes of this agreement. the cost of acceleration shall mean that Sunny Fresh Foods agrees to pay the entire interest cost incurred by the City for construction of the improvements prior to the date the City would havc had to construct the project had the permit increase not been granted. The acceleration date shall be detenTlined at the sole discretion of the City CounciL but shall bc based on operational data and capacity loads at the wastewater treatment plant. I )atcd: - .,-_. - - - -- -- ---.,"- - -----.-.-..-- -,--'" ._",_.'. --. .-..,"'- -.,.'- -. - "'-- -...".-....-...,- -. .--. Sunny Fresh Food City of Monticello <3~-~ . '" I'". c, C1 (I >- ytJ"H ,0 ~ "' \JJ IT (1) M ~ ~ (D (""t t.., I'. () :0 "' n- o '-.' '(j I..... I.'. CD In oj o C1 g "' I') ," 'Ij ~ (,.I r1 CD ~ . . z ~~ e' CL 1f:J "' [j,l Ui n CD I' 0"\ l'1:J '" t' c! ~,. m:J ,." CD Uj Cl 1.1 ~d OI-l tJ I" ~'.) I' oj::. ~,.J co ,-! () .., '.l) ..j " to,) "" n "' 10 :2 [I; n i.. ,] :r.< " ,,[ I , " I tJ u ;cJ ~.' n ~:5 t;i ';.:-': ""' '" c: z c...-~ '" n c: " e' I.' I' "" Cl o ("J ~~ tr~1 <'. rl " I.' I" "" rl "' ~;::: u) '" CD CO ;':. r< f-' ~. r-.j () .~ [fJ I..,) "!j "-...1.1 :=~ ;~ CJ (") " ~_. ;::") tl Ii:, V.! ~: I,) U) .c-:j I L tr~ i'.J 2.~ u;, CD " CD () () ~. g ", (j :0- (l' 0., ~-:-: m 'I '" 1.0 I~ ~ 'JI L,! C.l \.. t'l l;1 ~ . ) .):'" I-n C) (":l (\") (fJ n , H '... >-::i (~; .....:: ,." c) nlT1 o . 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