City Council Minutes 02-09-1981MINUTES
February 9, 1981 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Members Absent: None
1. Public Hearing on the Adoption of the Assessment Rolls for the 1980-1 and
1980-2 Improvement Projects.
The 1980-1 Improvement Project included sewer, water and storm sewer improve-
ments to the Macarlund Plaza area, and the 1980-2 Improvement Project included
street improvements, water and sewer along Prairie Road to portions of
The Meadows and The Brothers Plats.
The proposed assessments for the following project areas were as follows:
1980-1 Macarlund Plaza Area
Macarlund Plaza $ 78,348.51
Curtis Hoglund 20,319.54
Maurice Hoglund 11,884.39
1980-2 Prairie Road Extension
Mel Wolters - The Meadows -
Lots 20-24, Block 4 $ 25,471.72
Lot 11, Block 2 2,951.20
Quintin Lanners - The Brothers 17,339.52
$ 45,762.44
No comments were heard from affected property owners during the Public
Hearing, and therefore, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken
Maus and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution certifying the assess-
ment rolls to the County Auditor for the 1980-1 and 1980-2 Improvement
Projects, as proposed. (See Resolution 1981 #7).
2. Consideration of a Resolution to Order Repair or Removal of Buildings.
Under Minnesota State Statutes, City Council, upon a proper finding,
may order the owner of a hazardous building to correct the hazardous condi-
tion or remove the structure. An order to that effect is normally issued
to the owner, and if it is not complied with, the municipality can apply to
the District Court for enforcement. The owner may contest the order, and
if so, a trial is held as soon as possible as which time the Court upholds
or dismisses the Council's order. If the order is not contested, the Court
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authorizes the municipality to proceed with the necessary repair or removal.
There is, however, a provision which allows the owner of the property to
sign a consent form giving the City the authority for the removal or repair.
Mr. Mike Reher, of Minnesota Growth Exchangers, the owner of the Joe Culp
property on the south edge of town, has received a notice and order for
the repair or removal of the dilapitated buildings located on this
property. Mr. Reher has indicated that he has no objection to removal
of the buildings, and has asked if the Monticello Fire Department would be
willing to burn the buildings. The Fire Department has indicated a willing-
ness to burn the buildings and has applied to the PCA for the necessary
burning permits.
In order for the City to receive consent from Mr. Reher to allow for these
buildings to be destroyed, a Council Resolution would be necessary that
merely confirms the agreement with the owner giving the City the consent
to remove the buildings.
A motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried
to adopt a resolution to order the removal of the buildings located on
Mr. Reher's property and confirming an agreement with Mr. Reher for doing
the same. (See Resolution 1981 #8)
3. Consideration of the Award of a Contract on the Demolition of the Oakwood
School Building.
On Monday afternoon, February 9, 1981, at 2:00 P.M., twenty-three (23) bids
were received from various contractors on the demolition and removal of the
Oakwood School Building.
The bids ranged in price from $24,400 from S & L Excavating from St. Cloud,
Minnesota, to a high of $125,351.50 from Ryem's Excavating.
Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the Council the references
provided by S & L Excavating, and recommended that the contract for demoli-
tion of the School Building be awarded to the low bidder, S & L Excavating.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried
to award the contract on the demolition and removal of the Oakwood School
Building to S & L Excavating in the amount of $24,400 contingent upon the
firm meeting all specifications.
4. Review of 1980 Liquor Store Financial Statements
Liquor Store Manager, Mark Irmiter, reviewed with the Council Members the
1980 Liquor Store Financial Statements. It was noted that sales increased
approximately 170 over 1979 figures with the operating income increasing
approximately 13.8% or up $11,268. The net income for the entire liquor
store operation rose over 35%, which was due largely to earnings from
investments, which showed a high rate of return for 1980.
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No action was taken by the Council other than review of the financial
statements as presented.
5. Consideration of the Adoption of a Resolution Approving Procedures for
Authorizing Change Orders in the Construction Contract for Updating the
Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Consideration of Three Change Orders with
Paul A. Laurence Company.
City Engineer, John Badalich, recommended to the Council that three change
orders be approved by the City Council in regards to the construction pro-
gram at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. These three change orders with the
Contractor, Paul A. Laurence Company, are as follows:
Change Order #1 - amount of $1,467.00 - Purpose: provide a new exterior
door in the north exterior wall of the existing control building, which
is required for access to the basement pump room from the outside.
Change Order #2 - amount of $5,200.00 - Purpose: temporary office/trailer
for the engineer's field personnel.
Change Order #3 - amount of $3,039.75 - Purpose: new residential domestic
well for Bob and Marion Jameson.
In regards to future change orders expected at the Wastewater Treatment
Plant, it was the recommendation of the City Engineer, John Badalich, and
City Administrator, Gary Wieber, that change orders of the above nature may
occur in the future, and it may become difficult to stop the entire project's
construction for the City Council to meet and approve each change order
separately. It was recommended that one possible way to proceed would be to
have the City Council approve all change orders in excess of $5,000 prior
to any actual work being commenced, and that change orders of less than $5,000
could be approved by the City's authorized representative on this project,
Arve Grimsmo, Mayor, along with the Engineer's approval. In this fashion,
minor change orders would be implemented immediately without delaying the
work with larger change orders being approved by the Council prior to the
actual work starting. In all cases, the Change Orders would be reviewed and
ratified by the City Council, even those of less than $5,000.
It was noted that this arrangement was reviewed with the legal counsel of
the State Auditor's Office, and in their opinion, such a process would be
Because it was anticipated that a project of this magnitude may incur future
change orders, and in an effort to insure that the work will proceed without
delays, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to adopt a resolution adopting procedures for authorizing change orders
to be approved by the authorized representative, Arve Grimsmo, along with the
City Engineer's approval, for all change orders of less than $5,000, and
also to approve the three change orders as presented by the City Engineer with
Paul A. Laurence Company previously submitted. (See Resolution 1981 #9)
(See Change Orders #1, 2 & 3).
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6. Consideration of Authorizing the Purchase and/or Solicitation of Bids or
Quotes for Equipment in the Public Works Department.
Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the City Council a list
of equipment purchases recommended for purchase during 1981.
The list of items requested were as follows:
Jet Machine - $22,000 (includes utilizing existing chassis on 172 Int'l. Truck)
Dump Truck - $16,000 (plow and wing from '72 Int'l. would be used)
Pickup Truck - $7,000
Hoist - $4,000
Picnic Shelter - Hillcrest Park - $2,600
Landscape Rake - $1,500
Water Valve Exerciser - $2,200
After review and discussion on each of the items requested, a motion was
made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to authorize
the purchase of an A -Frame Hoist from Skarnes, Inc. in the amount of $3,970.
Motion was also made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to purchase a landscape rake in an amount not to exceed $1,200.
In regards to the proposed picnic shelter in Hillcrest Park, it was the
consensus of the Council to table any action on this item until a program
is developed to determine which park areas will be developed in the future.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried
to authorize up to $3,500 for the purchase of a used pickup for the sewer
and water department.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried
to authorize the Public Works Director to prepare plans and specifications
and to advertise for bids for a new sewer jet machine and a new dump truck
chassis to replace the '72 International Truck. It was the consensus that
the present 172 International Truck chassis would be used with the new jet
machine with the dump body and plow attachments to be used on the new
dump truck when purchased.
It was the consensus of the Council to table any action at the present time
on the purchase of a water valve exerciser.
7. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried
to approve the regular council meeting minutes of January 26, 1981 as
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8. Review of Feasibility Report on 1981-1 and 1981-2 Improvement Projects.
John Badalich, City Engineer, presented the Council with a preliminary
feasibility report for the proposed improvements within The Meadows Subdivi-
sion and the extension of sewer and water to property owned by NSP along
West River Road.
By Council consensus, the City Engineer was directed to review the feasibility
report in detail at the next Council meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wolf stell fip
Administrative Assistant
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