City Council Minutes 03-17-1981 SpecialMINUTES
March 17, 1981 - 5:00 P.M.
Council Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus,
Phil White.
Library Project Members Present: Loren Klein, Caroline Ellison, Marge Bauer,
Bud Schrupp.
Also in Attendance: Bob Kilgore and Merrill Birch, Architects, Tedine Roos,
Mona Carmack, Margeurite Pringle, Gary Wieber.
Purpose of this meeting was to review the plans and specifications for the pro-
posed new library in Monticello.
Merrill Birch discussed the following items:
1. Garden wall area - this was an area adjacent to Walnut Street which would
have a wall around it approximately 2'4" to 2'6" high. Purpose of this
semi -enclosed area would be to discourage parking on Walnut Street and
encourage use of the parking lot to the south of the building itself.
An exposed concrete surface is being considered for this area, and the
remaining portion of the sidewalk would be smooth concrete.
2. Blacktop vs. concrete parking lot - Merrill Birch indicated he would be
surprised if blacktop did not prove to be more economical than concrete.
However, there was a feeling among Council members that the parking lot
should be bid with a blacktop surface, but providing concrete surfacing
as an alternate. Furthermore, it was decided to separate the parking lot
from the prime contract. This additional contract would then involve the
parking lot along with the sidewalk up to the exposed concrete within the
so-called garden area.
3. Vestibule - Merrill Birch indicated a rubber floor was being proposed.
He furthermore indicated that maintenance can be accomplished through the
use of a damp mop and it was not a big item.
4. Activity Room - Plans currently provide up to accommodating 60 people.
5. Additional electrical recepticles - Both Loren Klein and a representative of
the Great River Regional Library indicated additional electrical recepticles
are necessary. Additional areas for consideration were given to Merrill Birch.
6. Telephone jack in vestibule - It was decided it would be a good idea to pro-
vide a telephone jack in the vestibule. Details of whether this would be a
pay telephone or other system could be worked out later.
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Special Council Meeting Minutes - 3/17/81
7. Sprinkler System - It was decided that it would be a good idea to incorporate
underground sprinkler system. It was decided that this could be a part of
the landscaping contract which would be separate from the prime contract.
8. Oversized waterheater - Currently- 40 gallons, and Merrill Birch will look
into the possibility of reducing this size.
9. Water softener or iron filter - Both items were discussed for the water
system, but no definitive decision was reached.
10. Signs - Merrill Birch indicated no signs were included with the prime con-
tract. He indicated this could be reviewed with the Council at the time
the general prime contract bids were received. At this time, he would have
information relative to separate contracts for the remaining portion of
the building including landscaping, furnishings, etc.
11. Damage Clause for Trees - This was mentioned as a possibility by Loren
12. Water-cooled vs. Air-cooled heating system - This was mentioned as a possi-
ble energy saving device, and it was felt that it could be included as an
Schedule calls for final approval of plans and specifications at the City Council's
March 23, 1981 meeting, at which time the architects will bring information rela-
tive to energy computations to arrive at the "R" values.
Meeting adjourned.
Gr WieboLof , Secretary
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