City Council Minutes 04-13-1981MINUTES
April 13, 1981 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Members Absent: None
1. Consideration of Possible Sale of Municipal Liquor Store.
Mr. Mel Worth approached the City Council about the possibility of purchasing
the municipally owned off -sale liquor store. Mr. Worth indicated that if
the City Council was receptive to the idea, he would prepare an offer that
would be very commensurate with the appraisal done in September of 1978
with an allowance made for inflation since that time.
The City had previously considered the sale of the municipal liquor store,
but at that time, no action was taken, and now Mr. Worth was approaching
the Council to see what their reaction would be to the possible sale at
this time.
The general feeling of Councilmen White, Blonigen and Fair was that at the
present time, the liquor store operation was a money -making proposition for
the City, and unless the asking price of the liquor store was well above
the appraised amount, the City would be financially better off to continue
operating the store rather than selling it. Councilman Maus indicated
that he would be receptive to the possibility of selling the store if it
was shown that the City, over the long run, would not be financially behind
because of the sale. Mayor Grimsmo indicated that in his opinion the City
no longer needs to operate a liquor store to control the sale of liquor,
but could do this by the issuance of licenses, and felt that even though
the City may lose some money financially each year, this would be a small
amount compared to the total expenditures and budget of the City. He also
felt that the City would be eliminating a potential liability factor by
selling the store.
City Administrator, Gary Wieber, informed the Council that if the City were
to sell the liquor store operation for approximately $500,000, which is
the 1978 appraised value plus a built in inflation factor of 1% per month,
the City would still financially lose approximately $18,000 per year vs.
net income from the operation.
Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White to not consider at
the present time selling the municipal off -sale liquor store operation.
Voting in favor: Dan Blonigen, Phil White, Fran Fair. Opposed: Ken Maus
and Arve Grimsmo.
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2. Consideration of Acquisition of Kermit Lindberg Residence -Adjacent to
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Previously, Kermit Lindberg approached the City to see if they would be
interested in purchasing his home and approximately 4.2 acres of land
adjacent to the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Two appraisals have been received from Maxwell Realty and Realty Station
on the Kermit Lindberg residence and adjoining property, and are as follows:
Jack Maxwell 2/19/81
Realty Station 3/9/81
Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Lindberg felt that both appraisals, including their own
appraisal done by Realty Station, were low and their asking price was $120,000.
The Council discussed with the City Engineer, John Badalich, whether this
site would be a good acquisition for future expansion at the Wastewater
Treatment Plant, and it was the opinion of the engineer that this additional
land area would be adequate for future expansion even 20 years from now.
It was the consensus of the Council that since two appraisals have already
been received and range in price from $88,000 to $100,500, it would appear
that the value of this land is in this neighborhood and that the City should
pursue acquisition of the property using these appraised values.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to authorize the City Administrator to draw up a purchase agreement
for the purchase of the Lindberg's property with a price not to exceed
$100,000. This offer will be presented to Lindbergs and then presented
to the City Council for their approval.
3. Consideration of Authorizing Removal of Former Bob Dowling Home and Garage.
Previously, the Public Works Director was asked by the City Council to
accept proposals on the removal of the Bob Dowling home and garage which
will become the site of the parking lot for the new library.
To date, the following proposals have been received thus far:
A. Quotation from S & L Excavating to remove the house for $2,500 (a ver-
bal quotation was initially received for $3,000, and later on a written
quotation was submitted).
B. Quotation from Brenteson Construction to remove the house for $2,650.
C. Proposal has been received by another individual to remove both the
house and garage at no cost to the City, but requiring that the City
fill in the basement, haul the debris, provide insurance. As a result,
the City would incur costs for these items.
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D. Proposal was reviewed at the last Council meeting submitted by Mr.
Severson. Mr. Severson proposed either to relocate the home and
garage, or remove it similar to the proposal indicated above, that is,
the City would still be required to fill in the basement, haul the
debris, provide the insurance.
Mr. Dave Severson informed the Council that as of the present time, he was
having difficulty in finding a lot, and asked for a couple more weeks to
try and locate a suitable site to move the home to.
It was noted that the quotations received from S & L Excavating and from
Brenteson Construction Company to demolish and remove the home were about
to expire, and that some type of action should be taken soon if these
options were going to be exercised.
It appeared to the Council that a suitable site to move the Dowling house
to would not be found in the near future, and therefore, a motion was
made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to
accept the quotation from Brenteson Construction Company in the amount
of $2,650 for the removal of the Dowling building within 90 days, with
the City retaining the rights to the garage and various other items
in the house.
4. Consideration of Change Order #6 on the Wastewater Treatment Plant
Contract with Paul A. Laurence Company.
It was recommended by the City Engineer that Change Order #6 on the Waste-
water Treatment Plant contract for an additional $275 to replace erroneously
specified translucent fiberglass tank siding panels with corrosion resistent
opaque fiberglass panels be approved by the City.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried
to approve Change Order #6 in the amount of $275 with the Paul A. Laurence Co.
5. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance to Establish a Library Board.
Minnesota State laws require the appointment of a Library Board upon the
establishment of a library. One of the ways that this could be established
was through the adoption of an ordinance by the City of Monticello.
A proposed ordinance establishing a library board was drafted for the Council's
review, which was modeled after other library board ordinances received from
the League of Minnesota Cities.
According to State Law, the Library Board itself would have exclusive control
of the expenditure of all monies credited to the library fund. However, the
budget for the library board would be set by the City Council.
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In addition to the ordinance itself establishing the library board, the
Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, would appoint the number of
board members as specified in the ordinance.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen to adopt an ordinance
to establish a library board consisting of five members with up to one
member being from the City Council with all members of the board being
from within the City of Monticello.
Opposed: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Arve Grimsmo.
In Favor: Phil White, Dan Blonigen.
A new motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus to adopt an
ordinance establishing the library board consisting of five members, with
up to one member being from the City Council and requiring at least four
members of the five -member board to be residents of the City of Monticello.
Voting in favor: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Arve Grimsmo.
Opposed: Phil White, Dan Blonigen.
(See Ordinance Amendment 4/13/81 #96).
6. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance Regulating Peddlers, Solicitors,
and Transient Merchants.
The purpose of this item was to consider adoption of an ordinance that
would require a permit of solicitors, peddlers, hawkers and transient
merchants before they could do business within the City of Monticello.
The following is a definition of each category:
SOLICITOR - Individual who goes from door-to-door soliciting orders
or requests for merchandise to be delivered in the future.
PEDDLER OR HAWKER - Individual who travels from place -to -place with no
fixed place of business, carries with him merchandise he offers for sale,
sells merchandise at the time he offers it for sale, delivers his merchan-
dise at the time he consummates the sale, and sells to the ultimate con-
sumer, not to retail dealers.
TRANSIENT MERCHANT - Individual or firm who leases or uses a building,
structure, vacant lot or railroad boxcar for the exhibition and sale of mer-
chandise in the course of transacting a temporary and transient busi-
ness either in one locality from time -to -time, or in traveling about
from one place to another.
The primary reason for considering the adoption of this type of an ordinance
was due to the fact that presently some non-profit organizations have been
selling items such as fertilizer, etc. within the City of Monticello.
Technically, our present ordinance does not really allow an organization to
engage in a transient business, and as a result, an ordinance to that effect
should be considered if this type of activity is to be allowed in the future.
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Although one new ordinance could regulate all three categories such as
solicitor, peddler and transient merchant, it was recommended by the City
Staff that the City only adopt and try and regulate a transient merchant,
as a peddler or solicitor goes door-to-door giving each individual pro-
perty owner an opportunity to post no soliciting signs if they are not
interested. Currently, solicitors, peddlers and hawkers, etc., are not
in violation of any existing ordinance, and other cities have attempted
to restrict solicitation, etc., but these ordinances have been struck
down by the courts as an infringement upon their rights.
The proposed ordinance regulating only transient merchants would require
each individual to obtain a permit from the City and still require them
to comply with the proper zoning districts in conducting their business
even though they would not comply with other provisions of the zoning
ordinance such as landscaping, parking requirements, etc. In addition,
the ordinance would limit a transient merchant to a period of five days
which would discourage a transient merchant from competing on a permanent
basis with merchants who pay real estate taxes, etc.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White to adopt an ordinance
that would regulate transient merchants within the City of Monticello.
Voting in favor: Arve Grimsmo, Ken Maus, Phil White, Fran Fair.
Opposed: Dan Blonigen.
(See Ordinance Amendment 4/13/81 #97).
7. Quarterly Department Head Meeting.
A quarterly department head meeting was held with the Building Inspector,
Loren Klein, Senior Citizens Center Director, Karen Hanson, Fire Chief,
Paul Klein, and Wright County Sheriff's representatives, Buddy Gay and
Don Hozempa.
Loren Klein, Building Inspector, informed the Council that a developer may
be proposing an area in Country Club Manor for 4 -unit dwellings in the
near future, and also informed the Council that the Federal Government will
be planning future nuclear drill exercises, possibly in the fall of 1981
for the City of Monticello.
Karen Hanson, Senior Citizens Center Director, noted that May is Senior
Citizens Month, and that the Center will have an open house on May 7th.
Fire Chief, Paul Klein, discussed with the Council the current effectiveness
of the pager system used by the firemen and noted that the fire department
communications committee will be presenting a report to the Council on May
11th, as to their recommendations on whether the present system is adequate
or whether a new system should be pursued. In addition, the Council dis-
cussed with Mr. Klein the firefighting capabilities of the department
should any three-story buildings be built within Monticello. It was noted
by Mr. Klein that without a sprinkler system in a 3 -story or larger building,
the fire department's equipment would not be adequate to serve and fight
fires in any building over 2 -stories at the present time. In regards to this,
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it was recommended that possibly the Planning Commission should consider
a zoning ordinance amendment that would require buildings over 3 -stories
in height to have sprinklers installed. The Planning Commission will be
reviewing this possibility at a future meeting.
Sheriff's Department representatives discussed with the Council their
efforts to reduce the speed limit along Highway 25 near Oakwood Drive,
and informed the Council that the State of Minnesota at the present time
feels the present speed limit is adequate and no change is foreseen in
the near future.
City Administrator, Gary Wieber, discussed with the Council the possibility
of establishing a quarterly or semi-annual City newsletter to be sent to
Monticello residents. It was the consensus of the Council that a semi-annual
newsletter should be pursued as they felt this may be very informative to
the residents of Monticello.
8. Discussion on Easements for 1981 Improvement Projects.
The City Administrator and City Engineer explained to the Council the pre-
sent progress in obtaining the necessary easements through either The Meadows
Subdivision or Edgar Klucas property to facilitate the construction of the
1981-1 improvement project.
At the present time, Mr. Klucas has indicated that he would be willing to give
the easement if the City would defer any assessments against this property
indefinitely or until his property is developed, or the City pays an
amount equal to the estimated assessments.
Mel Wolters, developer of The Meadows Subdivision property, also indicated
he would give the necessary easement through his plat if - 1) the Klucas
property assessments are deferred; 2) a possible deferral of part of The
Meadows Subdivision assessments for one or two additional years; and 3)
he would be reimbursed a fair value for the easement he would be giving.
Northern States Power Company has indicated that they would be willing
to originally pick up any assessment that would apply to the Edgar Klucas
property for a set period of time with the expectation that they be repaid
once his property either develops or at the end of a given length of time.
They have indicated that they would not be receptive to picking up any
assessments for Mr. Klucas that did not have a set period of time involved.
The Council, in reviewing this matter, authorized the City Administrator
and City Engineer, to work with Mr. Mel Wolters of The Meadows Subdivision
in an attempt to obtain the easement from The Meadows Subdivision for a
fair value in return for the City installing any improvements in The
Meadows Subdivision. The possibility exists that if an easement cannot
be obtained, no improvements at all would be installed in The Meadows
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9. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting on March 17, 1981, and Regular
Meeting on March 23, 1981.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried
to approve the minutes of the special meeting held March 17, 1981, and
the regular meeting of March 23, 1981, as presented.
Meeting adjourned.
ick Wolfstefler.,
Administrative Assistant
RW/ ns