City Council Minutes 05-11-1981MINUTES
May 11, 1981 - 7:30 P. M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus,
Phil White.
Members Absent: None
1. Report on Pager System - Monticello Fire Department.
Previously, the City Council was made aware of a problem that the
Fire Department was having with their pager system and recommended
that the Fire Department form a Communication's Committee that could
study the problems the Fire Department was having with the pagers
and report back to the City Council.
Mr. Ted Farnum, a member of the Fire Department's Communication
Committee, reported to the Council that Wright County is currently
in the process of moving their antenna used for sending signals from
the Court House in Buffalo, out along Hwy 25 to their new Public Works
Building. This new location at the Public Works Building should
provide better sending capabilities since it is in a higher location
and therefore, the reception of the pagers by the firemen should be
greater. Mr. Farnum also indicated that he had consulted with other
communities in the area that are also using pager systems and indicated
that they are also having trouble in receiving the signals. He in-
dicated that by purchasing new equipment such as Motorola versus the
Reach pagers that the Monticello Fire Department now has would not
necessarily solve the problem as other communities have Motorola
equipment and still have problems. The Department's recommendation
was that no action be taken on acquiring different equipment until
after the county makes their antenna change to see if this will help
in the pager's reception.
Mr. Lee Trunnell, joint fire department representative from the Fire
Department, indicated that a few of the firemen looked at some used
vehicles that could be used for a new tank truck for the Fire Depart-
ment. Mr. Trunnell indicated that most of the used vehicles available
may not be in much better shape than the city's present equipment and
recommended that a new vehicle be purchased for the tank truck.
A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously
carried to authorize the Fire Department to draw up plans and speci-
fications for a new tank truck and report back to the Council. In
addition, the Fire Department was authorized to approach the Monticello
Township Board to get their feelings on the purchase of a new truck as
part of the joint fire agreement with Monticello Township and the City.
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Council Minutes - 5/11/81
2. Consideration of Award of Contract on Commuter Parking Lot Bitumi-
nous Surfacing and Curbing Bids.
On May 11, 1981, at 2:00 P. M., bids were opened for bituminous sur-
facing and curbing at the new Commuter Parking Lot.
Five bids were received from area black -topping firms with the low
bid coming from Hardrive's Inc., of Minnneapolis, in the amount of
There was a recommendation of the Public Works Director, John Simola,
that the bid be awarded to Hardrives.
Motion was made by White, seconded by Maus, and unanimously carried
to award a contract for bituminous surfacing and curbing for the
Commuter Parking Lot to Hardrives Inc. of Minneapolis in the amount
of $26,382-80.
NOTE: (See Supplement 5-11-81 #1)
3. Review of First Quarter Financial Statements for Liquor Store - 1981.
The Council reviewed with the liquor store manager, Mark Irmiter,
the first quarter financial statement for 1981. Mr. Irmiter explained
that, although sales have increased approximately 13 percent over the
previous first quarter of 1980, the gross profit has increased only
slightly because of a drop in the gross profit percentages. Mr. Irmiter
also indicated that historically the first quarter is not a good quarter
for making any money, but sales should improve during the next three
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried
to accept the first quarter financial statement as presented.
NOTE: (See Supplement 5-11-81 #2)
4. Consideration of Change Orders #7 and #8 on the Wastewater Treatment
Plant with Paul A. Laurence Company.
City Engineer, John Badalich, reviewed with the Council Change
Orders #7 and #8 for an additional $3,500.00 and $2,500.00 respec-
tively to cover the following changes:
- Revise floor drainage and collection system in sludge vehicle
garage and provide drainage trench sediment trap, etc. as detailed.
- To facilitate adequate flexibility for menthol gas collection and
distribution. Additional valves and piping adjustments are
required as detailed.
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Council Minutes - 5/11/81
Motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair to approve the Change
Orders #7 and #8 for a total of $6,000.00 on the Wastewater
Treatment Plant contract with Paul A. Laurence Company. Voting
in favor: Maus, Fair, White, and Grimsmo. Abstaining: Blonigen.
5. Development of the Oakwood Block.
As part of the future development and marketing of the former Oakwood
School block, it was recommended that the City Council give some direc-
tion as to what type of development they would expect to see occur on
this entire block.
The city's Consulting Planner, Howard Dahlgren & Associates, had pre-
viously prepared a report on the possible development of Oakwood
School block which included three different schematic phases or
schemes. Each of the three schemes proposed development of the block
into a combination retail, office, or restaurant. In addition, one of
the schemes also included the possibility of the city's new library
being incorporated into the block development plan.
Since the library is now being located in the adjacent block, it was
the concensus of the Council that they would like to see the Oakwood
block developed in such a manner that it would strengthen both Pine
Street and Walnut Street corridors by placing the buildings in this
block so they would front along both Hwy 25 and Walnut Street.
Motion was made by Maus, seconded by White and unanimously carried to
go on record favoring the Consulting Planner's Concept #3, which
would be the development of the block with future buildings facing
both Hwy 25 and Walnut Street, but noting that they would be recep-
tive to a developers proposal for other ideas.
In regard to future parking requirements for any development that
would occur on this block, motion was made by Maus, seconded by White
and unanimously carried to go on record requiring that all parking
requirements for this block be provided on site.
As part of the future marketing of this property, the motion was made
by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to authorize the
City Administrator to obtain two additional appraisals of the entire
Oakwood Block including appraised values for each of the lots separately.
As part of the report previously prepared by the Consulting Planners
regarding the development of Oakwood School block, a number of restric-
tive convenants were discussed as possibilities for future developments
such as:
- All structures should be of a similiar architectural style.
- No vehicles would be allowed to enter from Pine Street or
Walnut Street.
- Buildings should be of wood, masonary or concrete face with no
prefabricated metal buildings used.
- Efforts should be made to save the existing trees located on the
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Council Minutes - 5/11/81
The above restrictive design standards were discussed by the Council
and it was the general concensus of the Council to use these basic
design standards as a guideline for future development, although
each would be reviewed with a potential developer.
Although the property is currently zoned R -B (residential -business)
and future development will probably require rezoning of the property
to some type of commercial zoning, it was the concensus of the Council
that the zoning would be left as is until a developer or developers
presented their proposals.
After the two additional appraisals are obtained on the value of the
property, a decision will be made on how to proceed on marketing the
property for sale.
6. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Fair, seconded by White and unanimously carried to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held April 27, 1981, as
7. Discussion of Widening 7th Street Between Hwy 25 and Cedar Street.
The Council discussed the possibility of widening a one block section
of 7th Street between Hwy 25 and Cedar Street to match up with the
existing Lauring Lane. It was noted that with the increased traffic
potential due to the existing restaurants and apartment complex
located on Lauring Lane, and because 7th Street could be a major
thorough fare in the future, motion was made by Maus, seconded by
White and unanimously carried, to place this item on the next agenda
relative to cost of improving and widening this street.
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wolfsteer,
Administrative Assistant
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