City Council Minutes 06-08-1981MINUTES
June 8, 1981 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus,
Phil White
Members Absent: None
Citizens Comments.
Mr. Earl Lindenfelser, owner of Monticello Liquors, asked the council
why the annual liquor license fees have been increased $500.00 to
$3,000.00 annually. Mr. Lindenfelser felt that the $500.00 increase
was quite large at one time and should be increased more often than
waiting five or six years between increases. In addition, Mr. Linden-
felser along with other license holders in Monticello, felt that there
was an unfair competition by allowing such places as the V.F.W. Club
and the Legion Club to sell liquor basically, to the public under the
Club License Law when their fees are only $200.00 annually.
The holders of the non -intoxicating and intoxicating liquor license
present at the meeting requested that the council either try to
restrict clubs like the V.F.W. and Legion Club to allow only members
in their establishments or to require these places to have similar
license fees.
It was explained to Mr. Lindenfelser that the current State Statutes
limit the fees that cities can charge for club licenses to $200.00
annually. In addition, it was pointed out that it is very difficult
to police the club licenses restricting their customers to members
only and that the city would try talking to the V.F.W. and Legion
Club in an effort to receive voluntary compliance. In addition, the
council will review possible increases in the license fees annually
rather than over a longer period of time.
1. Consideration of an Approval of Monticello Firemen's Relief Associa-
tion By -Laws Amendments.
The Monticello Firemen's Relief Association Board requested that the
council consider amending the associations's by-laws that would
allow for a change in the vesting procedures where as, pension vest-
ing would occur after ten years of service and fifty years of age.
In addition, the Relief Association requested that the retirement
benefits be increased from $300.00 annually to $600.00 per year
for each year of active service.
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Council Minutes - 6/8/81
Currently, there is no vesting provided in the by-laws of the
Relief Association and if amended as requested, a member who would
retire with at least ten years of service in the fire department
would receive a proportionate share of the normal retirement upon
reaching the age of fifty. A fireman with ten years of service
would have a sixty percent vested interest and any member serving
more than ten years would pick up an additional four percent for
each year until fully vested after twenty years.
The current Relief Association retirement benefit is $300.00 per
year of service and the Relief Association requested that this be
increased to $600.00 per year of service. At $300.00 per year of
service, there is presently sufficient revenue from State Aid and
interest earnings on investments to support the retirement fund,
however, if the retirement benefits were increased to the requested
$600.00 per year amount, the City of Monticello would have to levy
an additional $9,014.00 in 1982 to make the Relief Association's
retirement fund actuarially sound. It was noted that the retirement
benefit would be sound without requiring a city levy if the benefits
were increased to approximately $450.00 per year.
A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously
carried to approve the by-law amendment for the Monticello Firemen's
Relief Association that would allow vesting in the pensions after
reaching ten years of service and fifty years of age.
Motion was also made by Phil White, seconded by Fair to approve an
increase in the yearly retirement benefits from $300.00 to $600.00
a year of active service requiring an approximate levy of $9,014.00
from the city for 1982. Voting in favor was White and Fair Opposed:
Blonigen, Maus and Grimsmo.
Motion was then made by Maus, seconded by Blonigen to increase the
yearly retirement benefits for the Relief Association to $500.00 for
each year of active service with annual reviews thereafter. Voting
in favor: Maus, Blonigen, Grimsmo and Fair. Opposed: Phil White.
2. Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specifications for 1981-1
Improvement Projects.
At a previous meeting, the City Council approved the plans and
specifications for the 1981-1 Improvement Project consisting of
sewer, water, storm -water drainage and street improvements to a
portion of the Meadows Subdivision plat and a portion of West
River Street.
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John Badalich, consulting city engineer, reviewed the final plans
and specifications with the council which included a change in the
size of the water main to a 12 inch main to serve for future expan-
sion in the western portions of Monticello.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried
to adopt a resolution approving the final plans and specifications for
the 1981-1 Improvement Project.
It was noted that the bid letting will be held on June 19, at 2:00 P.M.
with the award of a contract scheduled for the City Council's regular
meeting on June 22, 1981. (See Resolution 1981 #21).
3. Consideration of Authorization of Preparation of Plans and Specifi-
cations and Advertising of Bids for Seal Coating.
Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the council the
areas in Monticello that are currently planned for seal coating
projects during 1981. The specific areas are as follows:
Anders Wilhelm Estates
Balboul Estates
All streets north of the freeway to the railroad tracks
west of Pine to Elm Street.
South Cedar Street by the Silver Fox Motel.
Previously, a plan had been submitted to the council for seal coating
projects from 1981 through 1986 showing areas within the city that
would be completed on an annual basis.
Motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to
authorize the Public Works Director, John Simola, to prepare plans
and specifications for the 1981 street maintenance seal coating
program for the above four areas recommended and to advertise for
4. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment Relative to Water Service Line
Currently, the City of Monticello has an ordinance that reads that
the property owner shall be liable for all repairs required to any
water line on the owners premises or any sanitary or storm -sewer
lines from the street main to the property owners home. This ordin-
ance conflicts with another ordinance which reads that the city shall
not be liable at any time for any failure in the supply of water to
the customer.
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The previous policy the council established in February of 1978,
indicated that the property owner would be responsible for all
repairs to a water service line including repairs necessary when
the water line froze which would be the responsibility of the
property owner.
In order to solve the apparent conflict in the two ordinances,
it was suggested that Ordinance Section 7-2-12 be amended to
read that liability for repairs after the initial connection has
been made to the sewer, sanitary sewer or water line be the
responsibility of the property owner from their home all the way
out to the street main including street repairs. This amendment
would clarify the orignal intent of the city policy established
in February of 1978 that all repairs would be the responsibility
of the property owner.
As in the past, the city would still review cases where the apparent
problem in the service connections may be the result of a city
problem or negligence on the part of the city. If any failure in
the service line was deemed to be the problem of the city, the city
would,as in the past, be receptive to reimbursement for cost involved.
Motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried
to approve amending the Ordinance Section 7-2-12 to clarify lia-
bility for repairs on water service lines. (See Ordinance Amend-
ment 6/8/81 #101)
5. Consideration of Change Orders #9 and #10 on the Wastewater Treat-
ment Contract with Paul A. Laurence Company.
John Badalich, city engineer, reviewed with the council two change
orders for an additional $2,801.82 and $1,550 respectively, to
cover the following changes in the contract:
Installation of 266.84 tons of crushed rock foundation
material for interceptor sewer excavation stabilization.
Removal of existing sludge drying beds to facilitate re-
location of existing maintenance garage and provide necessary
excavation backfill and compaction to grade.
Motion was made by White, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried
to approve change orders #9 and #10 for a total of $4,351.82 with
the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant
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6. Approval of Minutes for Meeting of May 26, 1981.
A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried
to approve the minutes of the regular Council Meeting held on
May 26, 1981 as presented.
7. Discussion on Heating System - Library.
Loren Klein, Building Inspector, informed the council that Merrill
Birch of the architectural firm on the new library, recently com-
pleted a feasibility analysis of the cost savings that the city
could incur by changing the heating system from an electrical
heat pump system to a natural gas furnace. Mr. Birch indicated
that the change order to convert from the electric furnace to
natural gas could range from an additional cost of $ -0- up to
approximately $1,000.00 but, that the city would realize savings
of approximately $1,200.00 to $1,500.00 annually in heating costs
by going to a gas furnace.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously
carried to have the City Administrator pursue obtaining a change
order with the contractor for the installation of a gas furnace
for heating the library versus the heat pump system if the extra
cost of the change order could be recouped in two years or less.
8. Consideration of Final Payment on 1980-1 & 2 Projects - Hayes
Contractors, Inc.
John Badalich, City Engineer, informed the council that the 1980-1
and 1980-2 Improvement Projects have been recently completed by
Hayes Contractors, Inc. and recommended that a final payment in the
amount of $2,347.37 be approved for payment.
Mr. Badalich indicated that the total contract amounted to $117,368.65
including the final recommended payment amount.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried
to approve the final payment for the 1980-1 and 1980-2 Improvement
Projects to Hayes Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $2,347.37.
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wolfsttinistrattor
Assistant A
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