City Council Minutes 07-13-1981MINUTES REGULAR MEETING -- MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 13, 1981 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Kenneth Maus. Members Absent: Dan Blonigen, Phil White. 1. Public Hearing on the Consideration of a Resolution Approving Tax - Exempt Mortgage Revenue Bonds for Monticello Associates. Monticello Associates, a general partnership consisting of Leon Martin and Joseph LaFromboise, requested that the city approve a resolution for the issuance of $575,000.00 in tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds to cover most of the cost of a proposed office and warehouse complex planned at the intersection of Washington Street and Lauring Lane. A proposed building would consist of 25,140 square feet of office and warehouse space that would be leased to tenants during Phase I of their proposed two step development plan. The proposed break down on the project cost is as follows: ITEM AMOUNT Land Acquisition and Site Development $ 75,000.00 Construction Contracts 474,000.00 Architectural and Engineering Fees 10,000.00 Legal Fees 20,000.00 Interest During Construction 35,000.00 Contingencies 12,000.00 Financing Fees 20,000.00 $646,000.00 It was noted that as with past issues of this nature, the tax- exempt revenue bonds do not become a liability of the city should. the particular company not be able to make their payments. Hearing no opposition, motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution approving the issuance of $575,000.00 in tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds for Monticello Associates. (See Resolution 1981-26) 2. Quarterly Department Head Meeting. A quarterly department head meeting was held by the council with the following department heads in attendance: - 1 - Council Minutes 7/13/81 Public Works Director - John Simola Building official/Civil Defense Director - Loren Klein Senior Citizens Director - Karen Hansen Fire Chief - Willard Farnick Wright County Sheriff Representative - Buddy Gay YMCA Detached Worker - Mike Melstad City Administrator - Gary Wieber Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that during the first week of tagging of Dutch elm disease trees, approximately 60 trees were tagged to be cut. In regard to the Commuter Parking Lot at the intersection of Hwy 25 and I-94, Mr. Simola will be checking into the possibility of installing a weather shelter and possible telephone at the commuter lot. In addition, Mr. Simola was requested to check into the possibility of erecting some kind of community bulletin board that could be located also within the commuter lot compound. Building Inspector, Loren Klein, noted that a recent survey has been completed concerning areas of blight within the city such as weeds, unregistered vehicles, vacant houses, etc., where the property owners will be requested to clean up their properties, etc. Senior Citizens Director, Karen Hansen, noted that now with the Infor- mation Center being housed in the Historical Building, that her signs should be erected possibly a block or so before the Information Center to give vacationers and interested people advance notice that an Infor- mation Center is located within Monticello. Fire Department Chief, Willard Farnick, and joint board member, Lee Trunnell, said the fire department's pager system is still not working correctly in that many of the fire department members are not getting notified in case of fires, etc. Previously, Wright County,which owns the antenna sending units, moved the antenna to a new location but this has not solved the problem. It was suggested by council members that possibly a meeting be set up with the county board and the city administrator along with fire department representatives in an effort to solve the pager problem. Wright County Sheriff representative, Deputy Buddy Gay, YMCA Youth Coordinator, Mike Melstad, and City Administrator, Gary Wieber, also discussed problem areas with the council. - 2 - Council Minutes 7/13/81 3. Consideration of Appointment of Committee and Attorney for Union Negotiations. The purpose of this item was to consider appointing a union nego- tiating committee and an attorney for union negotiations relative to employees within the Public Works Department who are represented by Local 49 International Union of Operating Engineers. The union contract with the city is currently effective until April 1, 1982, but union representatives have already presented detailed demands for the next two year contract. It was noted that although discussions on the union's wage demands, etc.,would probably not take place until the first part of 1982, it was recommended that the negotiating committee members be appointed along with the authorization to use Mr. Mike O'Connor as the city's attorney in any future union negotiations. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Grimsmo and unanimously carried to appoint council members, Phil White and Ken Maus, to represent the City of Monticello in the union negotiating committee and authorize the use of attorney, Mike O'Connor, during the union negotiations as needed. 4. Consideration of Amending Monticello Ordinance Relative to Building Permit Fees. In the past it has been Monticello's policy to recover the cost of its building inspection program through fees charged for building permits. During the last two and a half years, the revenue in the building in- spection department has fallen approximately 35 percent short of the expenditures. As a result, it was recommended that the building per- mit fees be increased approximately 35 percent in an effort to make the department self sufficient. Monticello has adopted the Uniform Building Code and while this code contains a permit fee schedule, the city is allowed to adopt it's own fee schedule. The proposed new fee schedule for the City of Monticello which includes a 35 percent increase would fall in between the present city fee sche- dule and the recommended State fee schedule. For example, based on a $50,000.00 value home, the city's current fee schedule requires a permit fee of $187.00 compared to a proposed new schedule fee of $252.45. However, if the State's suggested fee schedule were used, the fee would be $283.00 plus a plan checking fee of 65 percent for a total of $466.95. In addition, Loren Klein, Building Official, recommended that the City of Monticello charge a nominal amount for the actual permit itself, for example, $1.00 and the rest of the fee involved could be called a land use fee similar to that used by Wright County's schedule. - 3 - Council Minutes 7/13/81 In this way, an applicant would not have to pay a surcharge fee of $.50 per thousand but would only be required to pay a surcharge fee of a flat $.50 per permit. Motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to adopt the new proposed fee schedule for building permits as recommended with the actual ;wilding permit fee to be $1.00 plus the balance of the proposed schedule to be called a use fee to be effective September 1, 1981. In addition, Ordinance Section 4-1-4 relating to permits and inspection fees shall be amended to indicate that all fees shall be established by the City Council rather than spelled out in the ordinance. (See Ordinance Amendment 7-13-81 #104 and supplement 7-13-81 #1) 5. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held June 22, 1981 and the special meetings held June 13 and June 29, 1981. 6. Change of Council Meeting Date. Due to the possibility of not obtaining a quorum at the next regular scheduled council meeting to be held July 27, 1981, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to set Monday, August 3rd, 1981, as the next regular scheduled council meeting date which would combine and reschedule the July 27, and August 10th, meeting into the August 3rd, 1981 date. In addition, a special meeting was tentatively set for July 27, 1981, to possibly award a contract for seal coating. Meeting adjourned. Rick Wolfstel r Assistant Administrator - 4 -