City Council Minutes 12-14-1981MINUTES
December 14, 1981 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve A. Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Phil White, Ken Maus,
Dan Blonigen.
Members Absent: None.
1. Consideration of Resolution Granting Final Approval for Commercial
Development Revenue Bonds for Medical Facilities Company.
Previously, the City Council had approved a preliminary resolution
for the issuance of Commerical Development Revenue Bonds for the
Medical Facilities Company on April 27, 1981. Later the prelimi-
nary resolution was amended on August 3, 1981 to allow for the
public offering of the bonds as opposed to a sale to an insti-
tutional investor as a tax-exempt mortgage.
The request for final approval for the Commercial Development
Revenue Bonds would provide a bond sale in the amount of $1,300,000
for the purpose of building the medical clinic next to the Monticello -
Big Lake Hospital. Along with the bond proceeds of $1,300,000, part-
nership contributions in the amount of $250,000 would also be used,
making the total cost of the project approximately $1,550,000.
After noting that all papers had been reviewed by the City Attorney,
a motion was made by White and seconded by Fair and unanimously
carried to adopt a resolution approving the issuance of $1,300,000
in Commercial Development Revenue Bonds for the Medical Facilities
Company. (See Resolution 1981 - 34).
2. Consideration of Amending Ordinance on Licensing of Fire Ranges.
At the council's November 23, 1981 meeting, a provision regulating
the licensing of fire ranges was tabled until contact could be
made with representatives of the Rod & Gun Club concerning setting
up provisions that would be in accordance with what they are now
After discussing a possible ordinance regulating the Monticello
Rod & Gun Club with Mr. Robb Klein of the Rod & Gun Club, the
following provisions were recommended:
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Council Minutes - 12/14/81
- Regulating hours between 10:00 A.M. in the morning and
10:00 P.M. in the evening.
- Prohibiting fire ranges to be open from October 16th thru
March 31st. (Currently, the Rod & Gun Club opens approxi-
mately April 1st through October 15th, at the latest).
- $15.00 proposed fee annually.
The council members discussed whether prohibiting the fire range
to be open from October 16th through March 31st was necessary as
some people do use the range for siting in their deer rifles even
though scheduled club activities are not actually held during those
Since use of the fire range has not been a problem in the past
during the winter months, a motion was made by White, seconded by
Blonigen and unanimously carried to adopt an ordinance amendment
changing the current fee from $5.00 annually to $15.00 annually
and to regulate the shooting from 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. with no
restrictions on dates. (See Ordinance Amendment #110).
3. Consideration of Approval of Change Order #21 with the Paul A. Lau-
rence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract.
As part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project, the
city's Public Works Director, John Simola, recommended that additional
laboratory equipment required for process control at the Wastewater
Treatment Plant be purchased in the amount of $8,525.
Initially, the only laboratory equipment specified was that which was
needed to meet the permit requirements for the PCA and EPA, however,
the Pollution Control Agency does recognize -that additional laboratory
equipment is necessary and has already given their preliminary approval
to this change order.
A motion was made by White, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to
approve change order #21 for an additional $8,525 with the Paul A. Lau-
rence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract.
(See Exhibit 12/14/81 #1).
4. Consideration of Purchase of Kermit and Ann Lindberg Property.
Recently, Kermit and Ann Lindberg have indicated to the City that they would
be receptive to selling their property to the City of Monticello.
The Lindbergs home and approximately 5 acres is situated directly east
of the present Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the City of Monticello
would use this acquisition for future expansion of the Wastewater
Treatment Plant facilities.
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The City of Monticello obtained an appraisal on the Lindberg's
property in the amount of $87,000 from Jack Maxwell and an appraisal
that the Lindbergs had done from Realty Station totalled $100,000.00.
At the City Council's April 13, 1981 meeting, authorization was
given to draw up the necessary papers for the acquisition of the
property for a total price of $100,000.00.
Since the original offer by the City was made in April of 1981, the
Lindbergs have now agreed to sell their property in the amount of
$100,000, if the City would assume the outstanding assessments
against the property totalling $10,820.19.
At a meeting held between the Lindberg's attorney and the City
Attorney, Gary Pringle, one item that came up during the discussions
was the alleged damage that had been done to the trout pond on the
Lindberg property. This alleged damage came about as a result of
the easement that the City of Monticello obtained on the 1976 Improve-
ment Project through eminent domain procedures. Mr. Lindberg's attor-
ney recommended that the City of Monticello purchase the property for
$90,000 and award $10,000 for the damage done to the trout pond making
the total price $100,000 as previously agreed upon. As part of the
purchase agreement, a stipulation agreement on the trout pond damage
would be released by the Lindbergs, agreeing to waive any future
liabilities from the City for damage to the trout pond.
A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously
carried to authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to execute a
purchase agreement for the Lindberg residence and property for a
$90,000 purchase price with the City of Monticello to assume all
outstanding assessments. The motion also included that the City of
Monticello would pay $10,000 to the Lindbergs for a stipulation agree-
ment relative to the trout pond damage. (See Exhibit 12/14/81 #2)
5. Consideration of Approval of Purchase Order for Library Carpeting.
As discussed at the special meeting on December 7, 1981, Loren Klein,
Library Chairman, presented three quotations to the Council for the
purchase of carpeting for the library.
Of the three quotations received for the carpeting, the lowest quote
so far would total $8,100, but the three individuals would be con-
tacted regarding firm prices.
A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried
to approve the library board to enter into a purchase order for car-
peting for the Monticello Public Library for an amount not to exceed
$8,100 with authorization for the Library Board to negotiate for a
better price.
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6. Consideration of Method to Seek New Member for the Planning Com-
Mr. Dick Martie has recently resigned from the Planning Commission
and the commission would like council authorization to put a notice
in the paper announcing an opening. Persons interested in serving
on the Planning Commission would submit an application to the current
Planning Commission members who would then review and recommend to
the City Council an individual for appointment.
A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried
to authorize the Planning Commission to seek applicants for the
vacant Planning Commission position and to submit their top three
choices for the position to the Council for council consideration.
7. Consideration of Appointment of Wastewater Treatment Plant Superin-
The City Council met in a special session prior to the December 14th
meeting at 5:30 P.M. for the purpose of interviewing applicants
for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent position. This
newly created position would be responsible for the management and
operation of the new Wastewater Treatment Plant facility when com-
A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously
carried to offer the position of Wastewater Treatment Plant Superin-
tendent to Mr. James Miller at an annual salary of $21,300 effective
as soon as possible. Mr. Miller is currently a resident of New Ulm,
Minnesota and currently is employed with Minnesota Valley Testing,
B. Consideration of approval of City Administrator to Attend Seminar on
Accountability for EPA Funds.
Previously, the City Council authorized the City Administrator to
attend a seminar on accountability of EPA funds contingent upon EPA
and PCA approval.
This grant amendment request was reviewed by the PCA and they indi-
cated that they would approve of the registration fee of $450, but
the remaining cost would have to be absorbed by the City of Monticello.
The reason for only approving the registration fee was the fact that
the City of Monticello had Jerry Corrick of OSM attend the course
along with the fact that a cut back in funding has occurred for the
PCA. With the PCA approval for the registration fee of $450, the
city's cost would be 100 of the $450 plus the remaining cost which
would be approximately $360 for a total estimated city cost of $400.
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A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried
to authorize the City Administrator to attend the EPA Seminar in
Kansas City on May 20th and 21st of 1982 with the EPA funding the
registration fee only in the amount of $450 with the city's share
to be loo plus the remaining travel expense.
9. Approval of Minutes and Bills for December.
In reviewing the special meeting minutes of December 7, 1981, it
was noted that two motions were made in setting the administrative
salaries and clerical personnel salaries, rather than one motion
as indicated in the minutes. An additional motion was made by
Blonigen, seconded by Fair, setting the office clerical personnel
salaries which was unanimously carried.
A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by White and unanimously
carried to approve the bills for the month of December as presented
along with the regular meeting minutes of the Council for Novem-
ber 23, 1981 and the minutes of the special meeting held Decem-
ber 7th with the minutes of December 7th being changed to indicate
that two separate motions were made on setting the salaries.
10. Supreme Court Decision - Assessment Appeal.
The City Council members were informed by City Administrator, Gary
Wieber, that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the City on all
counts regarding two (2) assessment appeals sought by Monticello
Ford and Larry Flake.
The appeals were in regard to a $15,559 assessment on the 78-1
Improvement Project which provided sewer and water services to
the present Monticello Ford site, and to the reviewal of the
assessments for the 74-1 Parking Lot Improvements in the downtown
In regard to the 78-1 Project, the Supreme Court ruled that the
City has a right to set various methods of payment for assessments,
in this case 10 years rather than 20 years as Mr. Flake had request-
ed. In addition, the Supreme Court ruled that the City can periodi-
cally review the assessments and make changes in regard to the
downtown parking lot assessments.
�g adjourned.
Rick Wolf st ler
Assistant Mministrator
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