City Council Minutes 01-11-1982MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL January 11, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Phil White, Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: None. 1. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bids for 1500 Gallon Tanker Truck for the Fire Department. Bids were received on December 31, 1981 from five (5) equipment manufacturers for a 1500 gallon tanker truck for the Monticello Fire Department. The bids that were received were as follows: Company Basic Bid A* B* C* Del. Time La Verne Fire Equip- $53,847 900.00 250.00 1,670 130 to ment, Inc. - 145 days Fire Safety Products, 53,528 1500.00 N/C No Bid 180 days Inc. Pierce Manufacturing 55,326 824.00 374.00 No Bid General Safety Equip- 57,676 590.00 590.00 3,500 ment, Inc. Mid -Central Fire, Inc. 45,865 400.00 300.00 10,000 *ALTERNATE A - Side Water Dump *ALTERNATE B - Jet Water Dump *ALTERNATE C- Stainless Steel Booster Tank 240 to 300 days 365 to 400 days 180 days After reviewing the bids that were received, the Monticello Fire De- partment recommended that all bids be rejected at this time because there were various inconsistencies in the specifications drawn up by the Fire Department that were brought to their attention by the various bidders. Fire Department Chief, Willard Farnick, and repre- sentative, Greg Dahlheimer, informed the Council that these incon- sistencies in the specifications would be changed and recommended that the 1500 gallon tanker truck be rebid and brought to the Council on February 8th, 1982. A motion was made by White, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to reject all bids for the 1500 gallon tanker truck and to authorize the Fire Department personnel to revise the specifications for re- bidding February 8th, 1982. - 1 - Council .Minutes -1/11/82 2. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Library Shelving. Bids were received on January 6, 1982 by the Library Board on shelving requirements for the new public library. Bids received were as follows: Library Board Chairman, Loren Klein, reviewed the bids received with the Council and recommended that the contract be awarded to Walters Cabinets in the amount of $18,414.59. In addition to the base price of $18,414.59, Mr. Klein and the Library Board Committee recommended that change orders be implemented with Walters Cabinets increasing the amount of the bid to $22,178.49 which would change the proposed shelving to be made out of solid wood rather than particle board and additional formica under tables in the bid. It was noted that even with the additional change order if the low bid was accepted, the $22,178.49 would still be lower than the other bids received for shelving. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by White and unanimously carried to award the contract on the library shelving including the charging desk and tables to Walters Cabinets in the amount of $18,414.59 with change orders also being added as recommended by the Library Board bringing the total to $22,178.49. 3. Consideration of Appointment of Committee Members and Various City Functions and Duties. A list of the present committee members, functions and duties was presented to the Council for review for consideration of annual reappointments to the various committees, etc. All appointments are on an annual basis with the exception of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Library Board which under State Statutes require membership to the HRA to be on a rotating five year basis and membership on the Library Board to be on a rotating three year basis. - 2 - Basic Charging Name Shelving Desk Tables Total DMO, Inc. of Mpls. 17,497.00 5,983.00 3,261.00 $26,741.00 Mid-America Busi- ness Systems 19,112.00 5,879.00 4,348.00 29,339.00 Alternate Bid for Mid-America Busi- 13,906.00 4,526.00 2,366.00 20,798.00 ness Systems Walters Cabinets 14,147.19 1,930.20 2,337.20 18,414.59 Library Board Chairman, Loren Klein, reviewed the bids received with the Council and recommended that the contract be awarded to Walters Cabinets in the amount of $18,414.59. In addition to the base price of $18,414.59, Mr. Klein and the Library Board Committee recommended that change orders be implemented with Walters Cabinets increasing the amount of the bid to $22,178.49 which would change the proposed shelving to be made out of solid wood rather than particle board and additional formica under tables in the bid. It was noted that even with the additional change order if the low bid was accepted, the $22,178.49 would still be lower than the other bids received for shelving. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by White and unanimously carried to award the contract on the library shelving including the charging desk and tables to Walters Cabinets in the amount of $18,414.59 with change orders also being added as recommended by the Library Board bringing the total to $22,178.49. 3. Consideration of Appointment of Committee Members and Various City Functions and Duties. A list of the present committee members, functions and duties was presented to the Council for review for consideration of annual reappointments to the various committees, etc. All appointments are on an annual basis with the exception of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Library Board which under State Statutes require membership to the HRA to be on a rotating five year basis and membership on the Library Board to be on a rotating three year basis. - 2 - Council Minutes - 1/11/82 The Planning Commission currently has one vacany due to the resig- nation of Dick Martie effective December 31, 1981 and it was rec- ommended that Joyce Dowling be appointed to this vacancy on the Planning Commission. A motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to appoint Joyce Dowling to the vacancy created on the Planning Commission by the resignation of Dick Martie and to re- appoint the present committee members to another one year term. The five year term of Bob Doty Authority expired December 31, Mr. Doty's term be renewed for on the Housing & Redevelopment 1981 and it was recommended that an additional five years. The Library Board Committee had two members expiring on December 31, 1981 and Dr. Joel Erickson and Mr. Irwin Kallin have indicated that they would not be interested in serving on the board for an addition- al term. The Council members recommended that the Library Board Committee seek applicants for the two vacancies created on the Library Board and submit a list of recommendations to the City Council for their consideration. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by White and unanimously carried to appoint the balance of the City of Monticello committee members, city official functions and duties as listed and reviewed. by the Council with the exception of the Library Board which will be con- sidered at a later date. See Exhibit 1/11/82 #1. 4. Consideration of Approval of Moving Expense for James E. Miller. A request was made by Mr. James E. Miller, the new Wastewater Treat- ment Plant Superintendent, to reduce his salary by $1,000 in 1982 with the reduction being applied towards his moving expense to Monti- cello. Mr. Miller's new position of Wastewater Treatment Plant Superinten- dent started on January 4, 1982 at a base salary of $21,300.00 a year without any moving expense allowance. M;_. Miller now is making a request that the city adjust his salary for 1982 by $1,000 in order that he may cover such expenses in his move from New Ulm, Minn- esota to Monticello. Mr. Miller also indicated that he would be agreeable to signing an agreement whereby he would pay back any unused portion of this $1,000 should his appointment with the City of Monti- cello be terminated prior to December 31, 1982. - 3 - Council Minutes - 1/11/82 The primary purpose for making the adjustment in his salary of $1,000 for moving expenses was that this would allow Mr. Miller immediate funds to absorb his costs of moving to Monticello and additionally, this expense reimbursement would not be taxable to Mr. Miller and also the City of Monticello would save some benefits by allowing the moving expense adjustment. Some concerns were expressed by Council members that this pro- cedure may set a precedent for future new employees of the city, but a motion was made by White, seconded by Fair to approve the agreement with Mr. Miller for the allocation of $1,000 for moving expenses and reducing his salary for 1982 by a similar amount. voting in favor was Maus, Fair and White. Opposed was Blonigen and Grimsmo. In addition it was noted that the legalities of this agreement will be checked with the city attorney. See Exhibit #2 5. Consideration of Rental of Kermit Lindberg Home to James E. Miller. The closing date for the City of Monticello to acquire the Kermit Lindberg property adjacent to the Wastewater Treatment Plant is scheduled for February 1st, 1982. Mr. James Miller, the new Waste- water Treatment Plant Superintendent, has indicated that he would like to rent this home from the City of Monticello. The proposed rent would be $350 a month plus utilities and would be payable a month in advance with 30 days notice required should Mr. Miller decide to move. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the renting of the Kermit Lindberg residence to Mr. James Miller effective February lst, 1982 at a monthly cost of $350 with the rent being paid one month in advance and 30 days notice required before moving. 6. Consideration of Transfer from Capital Outlay Revolving Fund to Sewer Fund for Cost Involved in Purchase of Kermit Lindberg Resi- dence. It was recommended by the City Administrator that the Council transfer the funds necessary to purchase the Kermit Lindberg property from the Capital Outlay Revolving Fund to the Sewer Fund in the amount of $100,000 plus other related costs expected not to exceed $1,000. A motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve the transfer of $100,000 and other related costs from the Capital Outlay Revolving Fund to the Sewer Fund for the acquisition of the Kermit Lindberg residence for future Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. - 4 - Council Minutes - 1/11/82 7. Adoption of Sewer User Charge Ordinance. As part of the EPA regulations in regard to the grant program for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction updating, the EPA requires that the City of Monticello enact a sewer user charge ordinance prior to 80o reimbursement from the Federal government. It appears at this time that a request for 800 reimbursement will occur on approximately February 1, 1982. A proposed ordinance has been drafted by Mr. Jerry Corrick with the consulting engineering firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron and Associates along with John Simola, Public Works Director, and the City Administrator that if adopted, would become effective January 1, 1983. With the adoption of the sewer user charge ordinance, the City of Monticello would switch from a declining block rate schedule to a straight line rate which in effect, charges the same fee per quantity used regardless of the actual quantity rather than charging less as additional water is used. Although the proposed ordinance does indicate how the charge for each residence, commercial and industrial user will be determined, the actual rates would not be adopted until later on in 1982 to be effective January 1, 1983. The greatest impact on any one user will more than likely affect Wrightco Products, Inc. the most, since they are not only based on useage but also on the strength and suspended solids of their wastes. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus and unanmiously carried to approve the adoption of a resolution enacting the proposed ordinance amendment for the sewer user charge ordinance as presented. See Ordinance Amendment 1/11/82#111, Resolution #34. B. Consideration of Approval of Change Order #22 With the Paul A. Laurence Compal on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction r'nntrar_t _ It was recommended that a change order be initiated with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction contract for an addition of a 25 foot by 9 foot concrete slab on grade at the sludge vehicle garage to protect against bituminous deterioration caused by spills at the fuel site. This concrete slab would replace the bituminous surfacing called for in the area. - 5 - Council Minutes - 1/11/82 Some concerns were expressed by some of the Council members over the price of the change order which was felt to be too high for the work being performed. The City Engineer, John Badalich, indicated that this price for the change order was negotiated with the contractor, but addition- al negotiations regarding the price could be pursued if desired. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to table consideration of change order #22 for the addition of a concrete slab to allow the city engineer to further negotiate with the Paul A. Laurence for a possible lower price. 9. Consideration of Renewing Contract with YMCA for Detached Worker. Previously, the City of Monticello had a contract with the YMCA for a detached worker program for the City of Monticello which expired December 31, 1981. The 1982 budget called for a projected increase of 10% over the previous annual figure of $2,825 to $3,100 annually. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the 1982 contract for the YMCA Detached Worker Program in the amount of $3,100. See 1/11/82 Exhibit #3. 10. Department Head Quarterly Meeting. The City Council reviewed and discussed various issues with the following department heads in attendance: Fire Chief - Willard Farnick Wright County Representatives - Buddy Gay and Don Hozempa YMCA Detached Worker - Mike Melstad Public Works Director - John Simola Building Inspector/Civil Defense Director - Loren Klein City Administrator - Gary Wieber Willard Farnick, Fire Chief, discussed with the Council the pos- sibility of increasing the current fire department wages from $7.00 an hour for the first hour and $5.00 thereafter to a straight $8.00 per hour. It was noted that it has been approxi- mately three years since an increase has been granted for the fire department salaries and the Council indicated that they would consider this item at a later meeting. It was also noted by Mr. Farnick that since the installation of a repeater antenna has been installed, the fire department pager system for notifi- cation of fire calls has improved and all members are now re- ceiving the signals. Council Minutes - 1/11/82 Sheriff"s Department representatives, Buddy Gay and Don Hozempa, reviewed with the Council the possibility of increasing the hours of coverage for police protection within Monticello. Mr. Hozempa noted that approximately 60 calls during the past 78 days has been received by the Sheriff's Department requiring patrol in Monticello during the hours not currently covered under contract. The Council noted that the possibility of increased coverage would be taken under advisement for possible consideration at a future date. Karen Hanson Senior Citizens Center Director, reviewed with the Council possible expansion plans to the Senior Citizens Center once Monticello Printing leaves for their new building. Currently, Monticello Printing is using a portion of the present Senior Citi- zens building for a printing shop and once they leave Karen would like to expand into this area for Senior Citizens Center use. Once more detailed plans are available, the Council will be review- ing the cost involved and also review the possible parking problems at the Senior Citizens Center. Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that the City is current- ly experimenting with using fly ash on some of the city streets rather than using sand and salt. Mr. Simola noted that some pro- blems have occurred with freezing of the fly ash but the experiment will continue. Civil Defense Director, Loren Klein, noted that a Civil Defense Exercise will take place on March 2, 1982 in regard to planning for a nuclear incident. In addition, Mr. Klein recommended that the City Council consider abandoning its present housing code since State Statutes and the building code currently cover items re- lating to housing deficiencies etc. City Administrator, Gary Wieber, informed the City Council that the cities of Monticello, Elk River and Big Lake have been re- viewing and discussing cable T.V. franchises for the area. Mr. Wieber noted that a microwave cable T.V. franchise would be able to serve an area approximately 12 miles in all directions, and therefore would cover quite a few towns in this area. It was suggested that maybe an invitation should be made to the State Cable Board to be present at a meeting of officials from area towns to discuss and determine what interest there may be from communities in pursuing a cable T.V. franchise. One possibility would be of setting up a joint agreement with neighboring com- munities to pursue a franchise area if sufficient interest is generated for a cable T.V. system. The City Administrator also reviewed with the Council the current status on the possibility of assessing the Edgar Klucas property for sewer and water improvements that were recently installed under the 81-1 Improvement Projects. - 7 - Council Minutes - 1/11/82 The City Administrator indicated that at a future meeting, a discussion and a decision will have to be made regarding whether the property should be assessed at all, considering the property is currently Green Acres and would be deferred anyway. 11. Consideration of an Approval of an Agreement for Use of the Mobile Relay System. The State of Minnesota, Division of Emergency Services, is cur- rently installing a radio communications system at the City Hall for use in coordinating emergency functions with the cities of Becker, Big Lake, Sherburne County and Wright County. As part of the installation of the equipment, the State of Minnesota is re- questing that the City of Monticello and Wright County sign an agreement indicating that the City of Monticello will use and operate the system only for emergency related incidences and that the control of the equipment will be maintained exclusively by the Department of Emergency Services. The agreement would be in effect for a period of five years with termination rights by the State of Minnesota or the City of Monti- cello within 90 days notice. It was recommended by the Civil Defense Director that since the City of Monticello is providing the property for the antenna and tower to be located on, that the city consider amending the agree- ment to indicate that the tower becomes the property of the city should the State decide to abandon the radio system. A motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to authorize the execution of an agreement with the Division of Emergency Services for the use of a mobile relay system in our radio communications system provided that the agreement is amended to indicate that the tower structure would remain city property should the State decide to abandon the radio system. See Exhibit 1/11/82 #4. 12. Approval of Bills for the Month of December, 1981 and approval of the Minutes. A motion was made by White, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to approve the remainder of the bills for the month of December as presented and the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 14, 1981. See Exhibit 1/11/82 4 5. Council Minutes - 1/11/82 13. Discussion on Resignation of City Administrator. r Gary Wieber, City Administrator, informed the Council that effective February 1, 1982, he will be resigning as City Administrator to take another position locally. Due to the resignation, a motion was made by White, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to advertise in the League of Cities magazine, the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, and the St. Paul Pioneer Dispatch for the position of City Administrator. A motion was also made by Fair, seconded by White and unanimously carried to name Rick Wolf steller as acting administrator effective February 1, 1982 until such time as an administrator is officially appointed to fill the position recently created by Gary Wieber's resignation. Meeting Adjourned. Rick Wolfstel er Assistant Administrator