City Council Minutes 02-22-1982MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL February 22, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus, Phil White, Fran Fair. Members Absent: None. 1. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bids for 1500 Gallon Tanker Truck and Truck Chassis for the Fire Department. At the previous council meeting, action on the possible purchase of the truck chassis and 1500 gallon pumper apparatus was tabled to allow for representatives of the companies bidding to be present to answer questions regarding whether or not they met specifications of the Fire Department. The bids that were re- ceived on February 1, 1982 were as follows: Alternate #1 Com2any Basic Bid (Side Water Dump) Laverne Fire Equip. Inc. $32,473.00 $750.00 General Safety Equip. Co. 36,960.00 590.00 Pierce Manufacturing Co. 45,680.00 980.00 The bids received for the fire truck chassis were as follows: Company Bid Monticello Ford $16,166.71 Gould Brothers 17,730.00 Laverne Fire Equipment, Inc. 18,655.00 Pierce Manufacturing 20,575.00 Although the base bid from Laverne Fire Equipment Company ap- peared to be the low bidder on the pump apparatus, questions were raised by the fire department members as to whether the specifications were met in regard to the pump capacity. Mr. Todd Rusk of Laverne Fire Equipment Company indicated that their pump would be a 375 gallon per minute pump and although the specifica- tions pecifica-tions required the pump to be 475 gallons per minute capacity, he felt this pump would be capable of providing for 475 GPM's. In addition, Mr. Rusk noted that their bid did state they would pro- vide a half oval shaped tank whereas the specifications required a T shaped tank because they felt the half oval tank would last, have a lower center of gravity, resulting in less stress on the tank. - 1 - Council Minutes - 2/22/82 Mr. Rusk did indicate that his company would build a T shaped tank at the same price if the fire department so desired. The fire department members also noted that the specifications called for the pump bearings to be lubricated on both sides of the pump shaft, which the pump being supplied by Laverne would only have lubricated bearings on one side of the pump. In addition, a concern of the fire department was that with an oval shape tank, the side cabinets to be provided on the truck would not be as deep and useful as with a T shaped design. Based on the facts that the pump being supplied by Laverne Fire Equipment Company did not meet the rating specified in the speci- fications and that the pump bearings would not be lubricated on both ends, the fire department recommended that the pump apparatus be awarded to General Safety Equipment Company in the amount of $36,960.00 plus alternate #1 for a side water dump in the amount of $590.00 plus optional items totalling $890.00 for a grand total base bid of $38,440.00. A motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to award a contract on the 1500 gallon tanker pumper apparatus to General Safety Equipment in the amount of $38,440.00 which included alternate #1 and additional optional items totalling $890.00 A motion was also made White, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to award a contract on the truck chassis to the low bidder, Monticello Ford, in the amount $16,230.71 which included a longer wheel base truck of 120 inches. The awarding of both contracts would be contingent upon approval by the Monticello Township Board as required in the Joint Fire Department Agreement. 2. Consideration of Rezoning Request and Conditional Use Permit Request - John Bondhus Residence. John Bondhus requested that the property upon which his residence is located be rezoned from R-1 (Single family residential to R -B (Residential business) and requested that a conditional use permit be granted to develop his present home into an office building. Mr. Bondhus had indicated at a public hearing held by the Planning Commission on February 16th, 1982 that his family is planning on mov- ing into a new home in the near future and he anticipated that his property could be used as a corporate office space for his business. As a result, Mr. Bondhus requested that his property be rezoned to residential business to allow for the anticipated use. No objections or comments from the abutting property owners were heard at the public hearing and the Planning Commission recommended that the property be rezoned and that a conditional use permit be granted contingent upon off street parking, etc., being developed as part of the project. The Planning Commission felt that the Council Minutes - 2/22/82 present location would be ideally situated for this type of use due to its proximity to the hospital and medical clinic property and also being adjacent to the present Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mr. Bondhus indicated that when his residence is converted to office space, no major changes would be planned in the building and the building would remain a residential looking type office structure. In addition, the Planning Commission discussed with Mr. Bondhus the present driveway problem that had existed in the past with Mr. Bondhus using his access to his home over city property. Mr. Bondhus noted that he certainly would like to continue to have access to his property through the Wastewater Treatment Plant site for using his garage, but he did realize that if the City did close off the access to his property from the east, he would be agreeable and would continue to use Hart Blvd. as his main access to his residence. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to rezone the John Bondhus residence and property to residential business from single family residential. A motion was also made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve the issuance of a conditional use per- mit for the purpose of converting his residential home into ad- ditional office space contingent upon his meeting all require- ments of the Monticello ordinances including off street parking, etc., and contingent upon Mr. Bondhus agreeing in writing to terminate the use of access across the city's Wastewater Treat- ment Plant property to his building. (See Ordinance Amendment 2/22/82 #113). 3. Review of Emergency Services Planning Expenses - State of Minn- esota. Mr. Ken Parsch, director of Emergency Services for the State of Minnesota, explained to the Council the past history of the de- velopment of Emergency Planning for dealing with nuclear acci- dents in Minnesota. As part of his presentation, Mr. Parsch noted that a first year budget for 1981 was developed by the State which authorized $500,000 levy from Northern States Power Company for the purpose of providing and planning for emergency situations dealing with nuclear power plant accidents. Mr. Parsch noted that the City of Monticello and surrounding areas received $80,000 to $90,000 in funding for such items as sirens and radio communication equipment and training exercises. - 3 - Council Minutes - 2/22/82 The City of Red Wing and that surrounding area also received similar funds for sirens and radio communications, etc. The balance of the funds available were used by the State Health Department and Department of Emergency Services for providing equipment and man power to develop the planning. Mr. Parsch also noted that approximately $187,000 has been allocated for 1982 for the purpose of maintaining planning and conducting exercises at three plant locations in Minnesota. At the present, the Department of Emergency Services is trying to establish a priority list of all requests by communities hosting power plants for such items as exercise costs including man power cost and additional equipment necessary. Once the total funding requests have been determined, the department will determine which items could possibly be funded through the $187,000 appropriation for conducting exercises. Of concern to the Council was the fact that the City of Monticello does incur expenses related to conducting annual exercises and questioned Mr. Parsch on whether the City will ever be reimbursed for our expenses. Mr. Parsch noted that even other State agencies such as the highway patrol who participate in exercises have not been reimbursed for their lost time and cost and that these items will be considered in the future if funding is available. No action was taken by the Council other than to review and dis- cuss with Mr. Parsch the present function of the Department of Emergency Services in nuclear accident planning. 4. Consideration of Apj2roval of Change Orders #23 through #27 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract. The following change orders relating to the Wastewater Treatment Plant construction project were recommended for approval by the Public Works Department and consulting engineer. 423 An addition of $550.00 for the purpose of changing 17 door locks from automatic locking to manual lock- ing to better facilitate their operations. #24 A deduction of $287.00 for the purpose of converting proposed propane gas heating of the sludge vehicle garage to natural gas. #25 An addition of $1,575.00 for the installation of corner shaped grout in the final clarifier tanks. #26 An additional cost of $2,463.00 for the purpose of modifying the methane fueled engine (Powering the blower to have the duel capability of burning natural gas along with methane gas) . Council Minutes - 2/22/82 #27 An additional cost of $3,255.00 for the renovation of the two existing trickling filter recirculation pumps which were deliberately excluded from the con- tractor's bid per specifications. A motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve change orders #23 through #27 for an addi- tional $7,556.00 to the Paul A. Laurence Company as part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant construction contract, 5. Consideration of Authorizing City Engineer to Update the City of Monticello's Mats. Approximately two or three years ago, the City of Monticello had all of its base maps updated to include all new platted areas and also had its utility maps updated to include the latest improvement projects. Since the last updating of the base maps, subdivisions such as Sandberg Riverside Second Addition,River Terrace Second Addition, Macarlund Plaza, Commercial Court, the Meadows and the Brothers Plats have been approved and are not included in our base maps. The utility maps for storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water system maps have also not been updated since the 1977 Improvement Projects. Improvement Projects completed since the last updating include the 78-1, 79, 80 and 81 Improvement Projects. John Badalich, consulting engineer, has indicated that the estimated cost of updating all utility and plat maps to be approximately $2,790.00. In reviewing the estimated cost and quantities, it was determined that approximately 100 city plat maps would be printed with 3 sets of large utility maps plus one additional large water map plus 25 sets of the reduced size utility maps could be provided at an approximate cost of $2,400.00. It was also recommended by the City Staff that in the future an additional engineering charge be assessed to all subdivision plats and also included in improvement project engineering costs for the purpose of providing money for updating all base maps in the future. In this fashion, funds would be available immediately to authorize the City Engineer to continually update the utility base maps when projects or subdivisions are completed and approved. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried, to authorize the City Engineer to update the city's base plat and utility maps at an approximate cost of $2,400.00 and to implement the policy that future subdivision plats and improvements projects be assessed an additional engineering fee to cover the cost of updating all future utility and base maps. - 5 - Council Minutes - 2/22/82 6. Approval of Minutes and Bills for the Month of February._ A motion was made by Maus, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 8th, 1982 and the bills for the month of Feburary with the notation that Check #15459 to Cates Construction Company for the library project, will be paid as soon as Cates Construction Company removes their equipment from the library site. (See Exhibit 2/22/82 #1). 7. Discussion on Monticello High School Trip to Rose'Bo wl Parade. Council members discussed the possibility of making a contribution to the local Monticello High School Band to help defray some of the cost associated with sending the band to the Rose Bowl Parade on January 1, 1983. Because of the national exposure that the local band will provide for the community and the City of Monticello, it was suggested that the City consider expending approximately $1,100 to the Band Booster's Club for the purpose of promoting and advertising the City of Monticello. Although there were concerns that the expenditure of public funds uould be for a few individuals, the majority of the Council felt that the advertising and promotional exposure provided by the local high school band is a once in a life time opportunity for a community such as Monticello. As a result, a motion was made by Fair, seconded by White to authorize an expenditure of $1,100.00 to the Monticello High School band for the purpose of attending the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena on January 1, 1983 for the purpose of promoting and advertising the community of Monticello. Voting in favor was Fair, White, Grimsmo and Maus. Opposed: Blonigen. 8. Consideration of Setting Date for Interviewing for the Position of City Administrator. Council members discussed the recent advertising for the position of City Administrator and noted that applications will be taken until the end of February, 1982. Applications will be reviewed by the City Council and a special meeting was scheduled for March 17, 1982 at 6:30 P.M. for the purpose of interviewing 3 to 4 applicants for the position. 9. Consideration of Authorizing Expenditures - Library Construction Project. The Library Board Chairman, Loren Klein, seeked authorization from the City Council for approval of the following expenditures relating to construction of the new library. - 6 - Council Minutes - 2/22/82 1. Draperies for $6,133.00. 2. Additional furniture for $5,375.10. 3. Kitchen appliances (A deduct from original contract for $1,224.00) 4. Landscaping for $2,615.00. 5. Lighting for parking lot area for $4,520.00. 6. Additional shelving for $13,178.49. 7. Tables and chairs for the community room for $1,350.00. The total of these items is $34,395.59. Mr. Klein noted that the above items included in the original budget have been negotiated with suppliers and requested council approval to expend up to these amounts for the items listed. In addition, Mr. Klein noted that $20,000.00 is still payable to Cates Construc- tion Company on the original contract amount which would complete the project per contract. It was also noted that an additional $9,344.56, at the present time, would be available out of the origi- nal budgeted items to complete such items as the sprinkler system, etc., and these funds, if needed, will be requested from the Council at a later date. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by White and unanimously carried to authorize the Library Board to expend $34,395.59 for the above items listed plus an additional $20,000.00 as final payment once a final punch list has been completed by the contractor on the new library. Meeting Adjourned. Rick Wolfste er Acting Administrator - 7 -