City Council Minutes 04-12-1982MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL April 12, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: Phil White, Arve Grimsmo. 1. Consideration of Appointing New City Administrator as Official Monticello Deputy Registrar. As part of the agreement for the City of Monticello receiving a deputy registrar office in 1978, the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, required that the Wright County Auditor appoint an official in each community receiving a deputy registrar office to be the responsible authority. Mr. Dave Douglas, the Wright County Auditor, established a policy that the city clerks in the City of Monticello, Annan- dale and Delano would be declared the official deputy regis- trar. As a result of this action, the former City Administrator was previously, officially the deputy registrar for the City of Monticello although this person was not actually involved in the day to day operations. Since the City of Monticello has officially appointed Mr. Tom Eidem as the new City Administra- tor effective April 19th, 1982, the Wright County Auditor's office requested that the City officially appoint Mr. Eidem to the position of deputy registrar. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to officially appoint and recommend that Mr. Tom Eidem be the official deputy registrar for the City of Monti- cello. 2. _Consideration of Approval of Change Orders #28, #29, #30 and #31 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treat- ment Plant Construction Contract. Mr. John Badalich of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Con- sulting Engineers, reviewed with the Council the Change Orders #28 through #31 with the Paul A. Laurence Company for an ad- ditional amount totalling $1588.00 for the following: #28 - Changing the type of surge tank control valve and addition of insulation for the hot water storage tank, a deduct of $400.00. - 1 - Council Minutes - 4/12/82 #29 - Deletion of the methane gas line from the Digester Building to the Control Building to allow for future use of natural gas for fueling the burners in the laboratory, deduct of $360.00. #30 - Replacement of the existing sump pump in the dry well because of inadequacy of the pump to handle the required loads, addition of $985.00. #31 - The addition of a chlorine emergency repair kit in order to minimize health hazards in case of chlorine accidents, addition of $1,363.00. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve change orders #28 through #31 for a total additional amount of $1588.00 as indicated above. 3. Consideration of Authorizing Administrative Assistant to Attend Seminar on Accountability for EPA Funds. Previously, the City Council authorized the former City Adminis- trator, Gary Wieber, to attend a seminar on the accountability of EPA funds contingent upon EPA and PCA approval. A grant amendment request has been reviewed by the PCA and they have indicated that they would approve the registration fee of $450 but the remaining cost would have to be absorbed by the City of Monticello, such as travel expenses, etc. The reason for only approving the registration fee was because the City previously had authorized Jerry Corrick with OSM to attend the course along with a cut back in funding for the PCA. The PCA does feel that it is a very worthwhile course and would recommend sending a city official to attend this seminar. The City of Monticello is currently awaiting approval on the grant amendment from the EPA which originally misplaced the request in their office. Mr. Corrick of OSM indicated that there should not be any problem with this amendment request. The seminar on accountability for EPA funds will be held in a number of cities in the coming months and if approval is not obtained from the EPA in the near future, the first choice of dates, May 20th and 21st, in Kansas City could be changed to later in the summer at another location. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to authorize the administrative assistant, Rick Wolf Steller, to attend the seminar on accountability for EPA funds contingent upon final approval on the registration fee by the EPA. - 2 - Council Minutes - 4/12/82 4. Review of the Monticello Youth Hockey Association on Updating the 4th Street Park Warming House. At the last Council meeting, representatives from the Monticello Youth Hockey Association requested approval from the City to allow them to locate a storage building near their hockey rink in the 4th St. Park. The original intent of the storage build- ing was to be able to store their small garden tractor and sweeper along with miscellaneous items near the hockey rink. The Hockey Association after reviewing possible alternatives, suggested to the City Council that possibly an addition could be added to the warming house to match the present construction that would provide for a storage facility for their needs and also provide for rest room facilities which are not now avail- able. It was noted by the group that problems are occurring with the large amount of youths using the hockey rink and general skating area with no bathroom facilities in the park. During the discussion by the Council, the possibility was raised that maybe the City should be providing restroom facilities in this park and that possibly, as part of this project, a storage facility could be attached to the warming house and rent the storage facility back to the hockey group for their needs. By Council concensus, Loren Klein, Building Official,and Council Member, Ken Maus, were appointed to work with the Monticello Youth Hockey Association to check further into the cost of such an improvement project and report back to the full Council with more details. 5. Department Head Quarterly Meeting. The following department heads were in attendance at Monday night's meeting to review issues and topics with the City Council. Fire Chief Wright County Sheriff's repre- sentative YMCA Detached Worker Public Works Director Building Inspector/Civil Defense Director Acting Administrator - 3 - Willard Farnick Buddy Gay and Don Hozempa Mike Melstad John Simola Loren Klein Rick Wolf Steller Council Minutes - 4/12/82 Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that plans and speci- fications for the new pole shed storage facility at the main- tenance building site have been completed and sent out to all perspective bidders. Bids will be opened on April 26th, 1982 at 2;00 P.M. and a recommendation should be available for the April 26th Council meeting. Mr. Simola also informed the Council that the City has recently been experiencing high PH values at the Wastewater Treatment Plant over the past few months. A high PH values have caused problems in treating the sewage at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Mr. Simola recommended that the City Council authorize the purchase of a portable PH monitoring meter for monitoring and recording levels at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and other selected areas. Since this item was budgeted for in 1982, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve the purchase of a portable PH monitor from Great Lakes Instru- ments for the quoted price of $1,170.00. The Building Inspector, Loren Klein, noted that the new library is almost complete and the library will be moving to its new location during April 28th through the 30th. The new library is expected to open May 3rd, 1982. 6. Approval of Minutes. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by carried to approve the minutes of the March 22, 1982 as presented. Meeting Adjourned. Rick Wolfsteller/_/ Acting Administrator - 4 - Maus and unanimously regular meeting held on