City Council Minutes 08-23-1982MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL August 23, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen, Phil White. Members Absent: Ken Maus. 2. Approval of the Minutes for the Meeting Held on August 9th, 1982. A motion was made by White, seconded by Fair to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 9th, 1982. Voting in favor were Fair, White, Blonigen with Grimsmo abstaining due to his ab- sence from that meeting. 4. Consideration of an Appointment of Additional Election Judges. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by White and unanimously carried to appoint the following people as additional election judges for the upcoming primary and general election for 1982: Adeline Pierce, Mrs. Keith Kjellberg, and Merilee Sonju. 5. Consideration of an Application for a Traveling Show Permit. Mr. Roger Hedtke, co-chairman of the St. Henry's Catholic Parish Fall Festival, requested a permit to allow the church to operate small carnival rides during their fall festival. According to city ordinances, carnival and traveling shows are allowed provided complete liability insurance is provided and a $100 per day fee is paid. The $100 fee can be waived for non- profit organizations at the descretion of the Council. A motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of a one day carnival show permit for the St. Henry's Catholic Fall Festival provided that a proper certificate of insurance for liability is submitted. In addition, a motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to waive the $100 fee requirement because of the non profit status of the charitable organization. 6. Consideration of Possible Contract Renegotiation with Corrow CZan i fiat i nn Recently, an inquiry was made by Corrow Sanitation on the possibility of renegotiating future years onto the present garbage contract that the City of Monticello has with Corrow Sanitation. - 1 - Council Minutes - 8/23/82 The current contract will expire August 1, 1983, but it appears that it may be in the best interest of both Corrow Sanitation and the City of Monticello to have discussions in regard to the possible extensions of the contract at the present time. It was the consensus of the City Council that the City Staff contact Corrow Sanitation for the purpose of possible contract extensions and renegotiation of the pricing. 7. Consideration of Change Orders #50, #51, #52 and #53 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. The following change orders were reviewed with City Council by the Public Works Director and City Engineer regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project. Change Order #50 would amount to a $2,699.00 credit for the de- letion of a variable flow/return activated sludge. Change Order #51 would amount to an additional $5,818.00 for additional maintenance equipment and special spark resistant tools Change Order #52 amounts to an additional cost of $1081.00 for the relocation of piping for the blower airline in the equali- zation tank. Change Order #53 amounted to an additional $1096.00 for ad- ditional fittings necessary to connect the transfer pumps in the equalization tanks. A motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimous- ly carried to approve change orders numbers 50 through 53 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project for an additional amount of $5,296.00. 8. Consideration of Attendance at the League of Minnesota Cities Regional Meetings. Council Members were advised that the League of Minnesota Cities will be holding its regional meetings of which Monticello is a :art of on Wednesday, September lst, at the Crow River Country Club in Hutchinson, Minnesota. It was noted by Council consensus that the City Staff should participate at the regional meeting representing the City of Monticello, but that none of the Council Members would be attending. - 2 - Council Minutes - 8/23/82 9. Consideration of Applying for Amendments to the EPA/PCA Waste- water Treatment Plant Grant Program. Recently, John Badalich, City Engineer, informed the Council that additional monies may be available from the EPA/PCA Grant Program for the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. Mr. Jerry Corrick, Project Engineer on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction, reviewed with the Council three grant amend- ments applications proposed. The first grant amendment requested an extension of the grant budget period to July 31st, 1983, based upon the anticipated time required for resolution of the June 29th, 1981 contract claim and subsequent law suit file filed against the City of Monticello by the contractor, Paul A. Laurence Company. The second grant amendment proposed requested an additional $26,411.00 to cover the cost of the legal fees and engineering fees associated with the above mentioned law suit filed by the contractor. The third grant amendment proposal would request additional construction funds valued $232,500 for various construction items and equipment. Part of the total $232,500 consisted of spare equipment and parts that would be necessary to have in inventory at the Treatment Plant totalling $39,900.00. A second part of the total included approximately $7500 for additional security fencing around the entire plant area. Approximately $113,000 out of the $232,500 was tentatively ear marked for a proposed personnel services and storage building addition at the Treatment Plant. The additional structure would contain lab equipment storage and storage for small parts along with a shower, lavatory and lunch/ meeting rooms. Concerns were expressed by the Council whether such an Elaborate facility is actually necessary at the present time considering there are currently only three or four employees at the location. It was noted that the City does currently own a home next to the plant that could be used for storage or meeting facilities and felt that the $113,000 expenditure for this additional building could be eliminated at this time. As a result, a motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to authorize the City Engineer to apply for a grant amendment for the extension of the budget period to July 31, 1983 and to apply for the additional funds for legal costs associated with defending the law suit in the amount of $26,411.00. - 3 - Council Minutes r 8/23/82 Also, a motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unani- mously carried to authorize the City Engineer to apply for a grant amendment for additional construction fund contingencies in the amount of $119,500.00 per OSM's letter dated August 17, 1982. The construction cost summary prepared by the engineer included $113,000 for the personnel storage and office building which will be eliminated from the grant request. 10. Consideration of Installing Additional Water Line on Hart Blvd. John Simola, Public Works Director, requested authorization from the Council to proceed with the installation of approximately 230 feet of water main extension along Hart Blvd. by the Waste- water Treatment Plant. The additional 230 feet would add an additional hydrant location for safety purposes at the plant and would be installed using salvaged 6 inch water main pipe that the City has on hand. The total cost was estimated at approximately $1750.00 for labor by Hayes Contractor's with an additional $500 in fittings and parts. It was noted by the project engineer, Jerry Corrick of OSM, that possibly the City could apply for funding of this project as part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant with a grant amend- ment. A motion was made Fair, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve the installation of the 230 feet of water line along Hart Blvd. at an estimated cost of $2300 and authorized the City Engineer to apply for a grant amendment in this amount as part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project. 11. Approval of Bills for Month of August. A motion was made by White, seconded by Blonigen and unanimous- ly carried to approve the bills for the month of August as pre- sented. (See Exhibit 8/23/82 #1). Meeting Adjourned. a2 �e_ l-, Oid � M � Rick Wolf stel er Assistant Administrator - 4 -