City Council Minutes 03-28-2011MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 28, 2011— 7 p.m. Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: Clint Herbst 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes — March 14, 2011 Regular Meeting LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 14, 2011 REGULAR MEETING AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0 (GLEN POSUSTA ABSTAINED FROM VOTING). 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda The following items were added to the regular agenda: a) MCC Warehouse remodeling. Jeff O'Neill asked to have the staff update on Housing Status and Trends moved to the end of the meeting. 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements, and staff updates a. Citizen Comments: none b. Public Service Announcements: 1) SWPPP Annual Meeting (4/6) — Bruce Westby reported on the upcoming 4th annual Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) meeting on April 6th. This will be an opportunity to provide updates and take comments from the public. 2) "Flapjacks for Bertram" (4/9) — Angela Schumann invited the public to attend a Flapjack fundraiser at Applebees on April 9th. Tickets are $5 and available at city hall or community center. 3) Spring Leaf Pickup (5/7) — Bob Paschke explained process for leaf pickup on May 7 with pickup starting at 7 a.m. Residents should have bagged leaves at curbside. C. Staff Updates: 1) Housing status and trends — (moved to end of meeting) 5. Consent Agenda: City Council Minutes — March 28, 2011 Page 1 A. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify terminations for Parks and MCC. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -18 approving contribution from Tom Perrault for the General Fund. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -18 accepting contribution of $250 from Tom Perrault. D. Consideration of approving an application for temporary on -sale liquor licenses for the Monticello Lions Club for Riverfest events on July 9 -10, 2011. Recommendation: Approve the application for temporary on -sale liquor license for the Monticello Lions Club for Riverfest events on July 9 (MCC parking lot) and July 9 -10 (Ellison Park). E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 42011 -19 approving contribution from Xcel Energy for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Family Fun Day. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution 42011 -19 accepting contribution of $1500 from Xcel Energy for the Family Fun Day on June 11, 2011 at Bertram Chain of Lakes Park. F. Consideration of authorizing Execution of Settlement Documents in City's claim against surety bond posted by Bridgewater Telephone Company. Recommendation: Approve execution of the Settlement Agreement and Release by the Acting Mayor and City Administrator and approve execution of the Mediated Settlement Agreement, Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice, and Stipulation to Vacate Surety Bond Order by the City's counsel of record (John Baker). GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM A. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion #5A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for March 28'x' Lloyd Hilgart questioned a payment to MFRA wondering if this was for services beyond the contract for zoning code work. Tom Kelly explained it was probably related to the Downtown Study, beyond the scope of the contract. Glen Posusta asked about a payment to Cutting Edge Communications. It was explained that this was consultant work and the cost should be reimbursed. Glen Posusta asked about cost of ballast work paid to Olson & Sons Electric. Bob Paschke explained there was specialized work done on one of the wells. The charge is question was for work on the lighting at Hi Way Liquors. City Council Minutes — March 28, 2011 Page 2 TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS FOR MARCH 28""-'. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0 TO PAY THE BILL REGISTERS TOTALING $543,982.17. Consideration of accepting quotes and awarding contract for mowing services for city properties, boulevard rights -of -way, and nuisance properties Tom Pawelk reviewed the previous mowing contract and the process for soliciting quotes on mowing services for a new contract. After advertising and receiving proposals from local contractors, he received three quotes. The quote from Hellman Outdoor Services appears to create some savings over the previous contract with Carefree Lawn. The savings is estimated at $1380 annually. Library, DMV, Fire Hall, Prairie Center and Liquor Store would be included in this 3 -year contract with option for 1 -year extension. Brian Stumpf commented that, based on a meeting held at Public Works about a month ago, he thought staff was going to compare costs of contracting for ditch mowing versus purchasing a new piece of equipment. He was wondering how that would affect the cost of this contract. Tom Pawelk explained that this contract does not include the services for ditch and pond mowing. Glen Posusta noted some of the services covered by this mowing contract and felt it was a good idea that the City had gone out for new proposals. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE ALTERNATIVE #1 ACCEPTING QUOTES AND AWARDING A THREE YEAR CONTRACT WITH POSSIBLE ONE YEAR EXTENSION TO HELLMAN OUTDOOR SERVICES BASED ON THEIR 2010 PROPOSAL. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Brian Stumpf expressed a thank you to Carefree Lawn for their services over the past years. Tom Perrault asked what would happen if there were problems with the new contractor. Tom Pawelk noted that the contract would be negated if the contractor does not provide the service he has proposed. 8. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -20 approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing bids for CSAH 75 pedestrian underpass and pathway improvements Bruce Westby first explained that items 48 and #9 refer to the same project, with #8 focusing on the plans for the project itself and #9 focusing on the funding for the project. Bruce Westby summarized the project consisting of a pedestrian underpass and pathway improvements that could be completed in conjunction with the County's CSAH 75 reconstruction. By coordinating this project, the City could realize a savings in installation of the pedestrian underpass culvert and a storm water pond. After Council approved the preparation of plans and specs for this project, the City met with the County and Xcel Energy several times to discuss the project and look at possible cost sharing options. City Council Minutes — March 28, 2011 Page 3 Although the Wright County Engineer and Parks Director could not offer any funding sources, they did tell the City that we could approach the County Board for funding. Xcel Energy may be willing to assist in funding, such as in development of the storm water pond and towards the pathway connection. Staff will continue discussing funding with Xcel if Council approves bidding the project. Bruce Westby explained the various components of the project. The pedestrian underpass would consist of a box culvert that would be dropped into place when the roadway is being reconstructed. The ponding to be developed would help keep the culvert dry and also provide a regional storm pond that eventually needs to be placed in this area. The pathway segments would provide links to Montissippi Park trails, to the existing ballfields and Xcel existing trail, and to the city pathway along CSAH 75, and a future segment could eventually connect to a regional trail. Bruce Westby reviewed the funding options that he put into a spreadsheet. In Scenario 1, without DNR grants, costs would be funded through state aid funds, storm trunk fees, general fund, and some cost sharing with Xcel. In Scenario 2, with DNR grants, the funding would include storm trunk fees, general fund, and some cost sharing with Xcel. Brian Stumpf commented that it appears that the City would save money by not seeking grants and using Scenario 1. Bruce Westby went on to explain that the City could seek to combine the scenarios and utilize state aid for the allowable portions and seek DNR grants for the pathway segments that would not be eligible for state aid. Xcel would still be a partner in providing land for the ponding and some easements for the pathway segments. Jeff O'Neill spoke in favor of this project as a relatively cost - effective means of adding an underpass and pathways to the city's trail system. Angela Schumann pointed out that the park and trail survey that was recently completed received over 200 replies. The top choice of participants was to expand the trail system. Glen Posusta expressed his doubts of the feasibility of the pedestrian underpass as he does not feel it would be well used. He also expressed concern over the overall cost of the project ranging from $201,000 to $356,000. Glen also questioned the need for developing ponding based on future development in the area and where the development would be located at that site. Bruce Westby explained that the ponding could serve a large part of the City that is expected to develop south of the freeway eventually. All storm water will have to drain to the river and this area would most likely serve part of that use. Glen Posusta stated that it appears that it would be more feasible to move the underpass further to the west where the grade is higher and there would not be such a need for ponding to keep the underpass dry. Bruce Westby explained that they looked at possible locations along with Wright County and felt this would best serve the public in this spot since it is closer to existing development and is adjacent to Montissippi Park. Tom Perrault asked why the path segments were sited as shown on the map, especially the location of Segment 3 leading to the ballfields. Bruce Westby explained that they worked with Xcel to locate the path with minimal impact on their undeveloped property. City Council Minutes —March 28, 2011 Page 4 Bruce also noted that Xcel is comfortable with use of their existing pathway located on the north side of CSAH 75. Lloyd Hilgart asked what cost would be involved in bidding the project. Bruce Westby explained that would be minimal, basically the cost of sending the plans to the County and paying for the advertisement for bids. He figures it would amount to $100 4200. Lloyd Hilgart also asked if this was an appropriate project to receive state aid funds. He was wondering how the formula worked in figuring out how state aid dollars are earned and whether this would affect the funds available for roads. He also asked about the potential of losing some of the state aids that should be coming to the City. Bruce Westby noted that this project does qualify for state aid funds; at this time it appears that the Legislature will not decrease state aid funding for out -state areas. Glen Posusta stated that he does not feel comfortable moving ahead with the project without knowing whether the County would participate financially. Lloyd Hilgart feels that the City should go ahead with the bidding process so they know what the potential project would look like. Council indicated they would like to get a list of projects that could qualify for use of state aid funds. Tom Perrault asked about the life of the culvert. Bruce Westby said he anticipates that it would last at least 50 years if not longer. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE ALTERNATIVE #1 ADOPTING RESOLUTION #2011 -20 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING BIDS FOR CSAH 75 PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS AND PATHWAY IMPROVEMENTS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Brian Stumpf stated that he expects City staff to talk to Wright County about funding participation as part of this process. 9. Consideration of adopting Resolutions 42011 -21, 2011 -22, and 2011 -23 authorizing applications for DNR trail connection grants for the CSAH 75 pedestrian underpass and pathway improvements as related to Wright County's CSAH 75 improvement rp oiect Bruce Westby reviewed the intentions of the City to apply for DNR grants to offset the costs of the pathway segments with a 50% match from the City and, hopefully, some other funding partners such as Xcel Energy, Wright County, and Cargill. Bruce Westby did note that, if the City uses state aid funds, they could not use grant funds on the same portion of the project. City staff has broken the project into components that could be constructed with either state aid funds or grant funds, with city funds and other sources making up the balance of the costs. Brian Stumpf asked if the City would be able to utilize the grant funds by the deadline if they were awarded grants for all three pathway segments. Bruce Westby noted that city staff feels that the timeline for this project can be completed in the time frame required by the grants. Tom Perrault asked if the City would have the option of rejecting the grant if City Council. Minutes— March 28, 2011 Page 5 they were not satisfied with the conditions of the grant. Bruce Westby indicated that would be up to the City to decide whether to accept the grant awards. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE ALTERNATIVE #1 ADOPTING RESOLUTIONS #2011-21,42011-22 AND 92011 -23 AUTHORIZING APPLICATIONS FOR DNR TRAIL CONNECTION GRANTS FOR THE CSAH 75 PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS AND PATHWAY IMPROVEMENTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 10. Consideration of design options for 2011 Street Lighting Improvements, City Pro iect No. 11C002 Bruce Westby summarized the proposed project for the 2011 Street Lighting Improvements along East 7 t Street. The proposed system would be similar to the School Boulevard project, consisting of pedestrian and street lights using the city's standard spacing criteria. The project would involve the area between the street lights already installed at Union Crossings and following East 7`h Street to Cedar Street. Staff desires to send out an RFP for LED lighting based on positive results from the lighting on School Boulevard. Glen Posusta spoke in favor of the LED lights as being most cost efficient. Glen Posusta did question why the lighting only followed one side of the road as he felt that it might be worthwhile alternating lights along the undeveloped property on the south side of 7th Street across from the apartment buildings. Bruce Westby said staff is proposing most of the lights on the north side of 7th Street since the south side is still largely undeveloped and the lights may therefore need to be moved when the properties develop. Glen Posusta asked if there would be any concern about the placement of the lights in the area where Fallon Avenue could be realigned to connect with a future overpass and Washington Street. Bruce Westby noted that they do not think there would be an issue, but a light fixture could be moved if needed. Brian Stumpf asked about the cost difference between the different types of fixtures: shoe box versus ornamental. Bruce Westby thought it might be $100 to $200 per fixture. Jeff O'Neill explained the effects of the lighting fixtures tend to produce more glare with the ornamental where the shoe box lights are more downcast. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE ALTERNATIVE 91 DIRECTING STAFF TO DESIGN THE 2011 STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT USING LED TYPE LIGHTING, RECTILINEAR (SHOE BOX) STYLE FIXTURES AND MAST ARMS, AND STANDARD LIGHTING LEVELS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Tom Perrault asked about the funding source from franchise fees and whether there are sufficient funds. That was verified by Tom Kelly. Tom Perrault also asked if there were any other companies other than Wright Hennepin that could provide proposals. Bruce Westby indicated that there were no others that provide installation and maintenance that he is aware of at this time. City Council Minutes — March 28, 2011 Page 6 11. Added items a) Warehouse Remodeling -Glen Posusta commented that he thought that Council did a good job on reviewing the proposals and awarding contracts. Although he would prefer to contract locally, the quotes that came in made it necessary to accept some quotes from outside the City. Staff Update: Housing status & trends - Angela Schumann presented a review of the housing status for the City. Each year, city staff looks at land use and housing stock in conjunction with the annual review of the Comprehensive Plan. Total number of Housing Units is at 5,352 (including single family, duplex, apartments). The majority of the housing stock is single family residential. About 72% is owner occupied, while the national average is 57 %. Rental units - 1213, vacant units - 365, for sale units - 102. As of Nov, 2010 there were 78 foreclosure units. It is expected that number will increase during this year as the banks catch up on their paperwork. Home values - median value is $192,500 which is above the US median value. Looking at building permits for new single family homes, 2005 was the high year. Last year the city issued 2 permits. In comparison, neighboring cities were slightly higher in permits issued. The city's rental program has 1213 licensed rental units in 595 rental properties. There are 36 multi unit complexes (4+ units). The total number of final platted (buildable) lots is 4,451 with over 400 vacant lots. There are 498 buildable lots that have not been final platted. It is anticipated that this provides enough inventory through the year 2018. Lot inventory was broken down by zoning type. Housing future: Monticello's vision of the comprehensive plan is to seek quality over quantity and reserve areas with high amenities for "move up" housing types. City planning should focus on unique amenities such as Bertram Chain of Lakes and FiberNet. Consider development pressure - do you want growth at any cost? Also consider affect on housing choices as the baby boomer generation retires. American Community Survey contains basic 2010 census data. Full data is still coming and will be provided to Council when available. 12. Adiournment TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:37 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman Approved: April 11, 2011 Attest: QW— /dli- V Ci inistrator City Council Minutes — March 28, 2011 Page 7